TiVo Case
TiVo Case
TiVo Case
• TiVo Inc. introduced a Digital Video Recorder in 1999 known as TiVo that provided a variety of facilities.
• Features like fast forwarding, recording and providing feedback was enabled in TiVo.
• Major shift of power was in the hands of the customers who were able to decide what to watch and when to watch.
• The company partnered with Sony and Philips for the distribution of the setup box.
• The company had the biggest advantage of being early adaptors and had market penetration of 0.4% with an
● Lack of awareness about the product and brand both, even after collaborating with Sony and Phillips.
● Promotional activities restricted to PR and website promotions and they did very limited mass media campaigning.
● They followed theory of Early Adopters, as they did not want to waste money on unlikely prospects.
● Ultimate marketing challenge was to change the 50-year-old consumer consumptions habit of watching TV.
● Prices were very high for TiVo box, $999 for best quality box and apart from this they also charge additional
monthly fees.
● TiVo’s data showed, customers were skipping 90% of ads, this was upsetting advertisers and networks.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
1.Data about individual viewing 1. People find TiVo confusing, 1. First mover’s advantage 1. Resistance towards change
patterns and the interface hard to use 2. One step ahead of DVRs as due to cheaper alternatives
2. Partnership for distribution and understand. they provide the ability to 2. Imitation by big players like
with Sony and Phillips 2. The high turnover rate of pause, rewind and fast-forward Microsoft and Replay TV and
3. The company has a dedicated salesmen also is not helpful for 3. Allows advertisers to receive making their own
design team that came up with TiVo feedback on their improvements
this innovative product that 3. TiVo is also rather expensive advertisements which helps 3. Threat of new entrants and
includes features no one has compared to somewhat similar them develop more relevant fast changing technologies
ever seen before. products. content.
4. The TiVo switches the balance 4. Company’s ineffective 4. Provides more specific future
of power from the network marketing strategy estimates to networks, helping
programmers to the viewers them market their ad slots
themselves. more accurately
Trend Analysis:
Net Loss Analysis
● TiVo is an expensive product that amounts $999. The price of the product should be reduced to ensure that it
● Apart from Sony and Philips TiVo should enter into partnership with other distributors as well.
● The company can take the help of print media to explain the working of the Tivo.