Chapter 9 - Med Physio (GP)
Chapter 9 - Med Physio (GP)
Chapter 9 - Med Physio (GP)
Cardiac Muscle; The Heart as a Pump and
Function of the Heart Valves
The heart, shown in Figure 9-1, is actually two separate again. Note that cardiac muscle is striated in the same
pumps, a right heart that pumps blood through the lungs manner as in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, cardiac mus-
and a left heart that pumps blood through the systemic cle has typical myofibrils that contain actin and myosin
circulation that provides blood flow to the other organs filaments almost identical to those found in skeletal mus-
and tissues of the body. Each of these is a pulsatile, two- cle; these filaments lie side by side and slide during con-
chamber pump composed of an atrium and a ventricle. traction in the same manner as occurs in skeletal muscle
Each atrium is a weak primer pump for the ventricle, (see Chapter 6). In other ways, however, cardiac muscle is
helping to move blood into the ventricle. The ventricles quite different from skeletal muscle, as we shall see.
then supply the main pumping force that propels the
Left Ventricular Rotation (Twist) Aids Left Ventricular
blood either (1) through the pulmonary circulation by the
Ejection and Relaxation. The left ventricle is organized
right ventricle or (2) through the systemic circulation by
into complex muscle fiber layers that run in different di-
the left ventricle. The heart is surrounded by a two-layer
rections and allow the heart to contract in a twisting mo-
sac called the pericardium, which protects the heart and
tion during systole. The subepicardial (outer) layer spirals
holds it in place.
in a leftward direction, and the subendocardial (inner)
Special mechanisms in the heart cause a continuing
layer spirals in the opposite direction (rightward), causing
succession of contractions called cardiac rhythmicity,
clockwise rotation of the apex of the heart and counter-
transmitting action potentials throughout the cardiac
clockwise rotation of the base of the left ventricle (Figure
muscle to cause the heart’s rhythmical beat. This rhyth-
9-3). This causes a wringing motion of the left ventricle,
mical control system is discussed in Chapter 10. In this
pulling the base downward toward the apex during sys-
chapter, we explain how the heart operates as a pump,
tole (contraction). At the end of systole, the left ventricle
beginning with the special features of cardiac muscle
is similar to a loaded spring and recoils or untwists during
(Video 9-1).
diastole (relaxation) to allow blood to enter the pumping
chambers rapidly.
Cardiac Muscle Is a Syncytium. The dark areas crossing
The heart is composed of three major types of cardiac the cardiac muscle fibers in Figure 9-2 are called interca-
muscle—atrial muscle, ventricular muscle, and special- lated discs; they are actually cell membranes that separate
ized excitatory and conductive muscle fibers. The atrial individual cardiac muscle cells from one another. That is,
and ventricular types of muscle contract in much the cardiac muscle fibers are made up of many individual cells
same way as skeletal muscle, except that the duration of connected in series and in parallel with one another.
contraction is much longer. The specialized excitatory At each intercalated disc, the cell membranes fuse with
and conductive fibers of the heart, however, contract fee- one another to form permeable communicating junctions
bly because they contain few contractile fibrils; instead, (gap junctions) that allow rapid diffusion of ions. There-
they exhibit automatic rhythmical electrical discharge in fore, from a functional point of view, ions move with ease
the form of action potentials or conduction of the action in the intracellular fluid along the longitudinal axes of the
potentials through the heart, providing an excitatory sys- cardiac muscle fibers so that action potentials travel easily
tem that controls the rhythmical beating of the heart. from one cardiac muscle cell to the next, past the interca-
lated discs. Thus, cardiac muscle is a syncytium of many
heart muscle cells in which the cardiac cells are so inter-
connected that when one cell becomes excited, the action
Figure 9-2 shows the cardiac muscle histology, demon- potential rapidly spreads to all of them.
strating cardiac muscle fibers arranged in a latticework, The heart actually is composed of two syncytia; the
with the fibers dividing, recombining, and then spreading atrial syncytium, which constitutes the walls of the two
UNIT III The Heart
Pulmonary artery
vena cava
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 9-4. Rhythmical action potentials (in millivolts) from a Purkin-
je fiber and from a ventricular muscle fiber, recorded by microelec-
Intercalated discs
Chapter 9 Cardiac Muscle: The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
Cardiac Muscle? At least two major differences between -20
the membrane properties of cardiac and skeletal muscle ac-
count for the prolonged action potential and the plateau in -40 0 3
cardiac muscle. First, the action potential of skeletal muscle
is caused almost entirely by the sudden opening of large -60
UNIT III The Heart
contraction muscle contraction.
Early premature
contraction As is true for skeletal muscle, when an action poten-
tial passes over the cardiac muscle membrane, the action
potential spreads to the interior of the cardiac muscle
fiber along the membranes of the transverse (T) tubules.
The T tubule action potentials then act on the membranes
of the longitudinal sarcoplasmic tubules to cause release
of calcium ions into the muscle sarcoplasm from the sar-
0 1 2 3
coplasmic reticulum. In another few thousandths of a
second, these calcium ions diffuse into the myofibrils and
Figure 9-6. Force of ventricular heart muscle contraction, showing catalyze the chemical reactions that promote sliding of
also the duration of the refractory period and relative refractory pe-
riod, plus the effect of premature contraction. Note that premature
the actin and myosin filaments along one another, which
contractions do not cause wave summation, as occurs in skeletal produces the muscle contraction.
muscle. Thus far, this mechanism of excitation- contraction
coupling is the same as that for skeletal muscle, but there
Phase 4 (Resting Membrane Potential):. This averages is a second effect that is quite different. In addition to
about−80 to −90 millivolts. the calcium ions that are released into the sarcoplasm
from the cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, cal-
Velocity of Signal Conduction in Cardiac Muscle. The cium ions also diffuse into the sarcoplasm from the T
velocity of conduction of the excitatory action potential tubules at the time of the action potential, which opens
signal along both atrial and ventricular muscle fibers is voltage-dependent calcium channels in the membrane of
about 0.3 to 0.5 m/sec, or about 1/250 the velocity in very the T tubule (Figure 9-7). Calcium entering the cell then
large nerve fibers and about 1/10 the velocity in skeletal activates calcium release channels, also called ryanodine
muscle fibers. The velocity of conduction in the special- receptor channels, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum mem-
ized heart conductive system—in the Purkinje fibers—is brane, triggering the release of calcium into the sarco-
as high as 4 m/sec in most parts of the system, allowing plasm. Calcium ions in the sarcoplasm then interact with
rapid conduction of the excitatory signal to the different troponin to initiate cross-bridge formation and contrac-
parts of the heart, as explained in Chapter 10. tion by the same basic mechanism as that described for
skeletal muscle in Chapter 6.
Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle. Cardiac muscle, Without the calcium from the T tubules, the
like all excitable tissue, is refractory to restimulation dur- strength of cardiac muscle contraction would be
ing the action potential. Therefore, the refractory period reduced considerably because the sarcoplasmic reticu-
of the heart is the interval of time, as shown to the left in lum of cardiac muscle is less well developed than that
Figure 9-6, during which a normal cardiac impulse can- of skeletal muscle and does not store enough calcium
not re-excite an already excited area of cardiac muscle. to provide full contraction. The T tubules of cardiac
The normal refractory period of the ventricle is 0.25 to muscle, however, have a diameter five times as great
0.30 second, which is about the duration of the prolonged as that of the skeletal muscle tubules, which means a
plateau action potential. There is an additional relative volume 25 times as great. Also, inside the T tubules is
refractory period of about 0.05 second during which the a large quantity of mucopolysaccharides that are elec-
muscle is more difficult to excite than normal but can be tronegatively charged and bind an abundant store of
excited by a very strong excitatory signal, as demonstrated calcium ions, keeping them available for diffusion to
by the early premature contraction in the second example the interior of the cardiac muscle fiber when a T tubule
of Figure 9-6. The refractory period of atrial muscle is action potential appears.
much shorter than that for the ventricles (about 0.15 sec- The strength of contraction of cardiac muscle depends
ond for the atria compared with 0.25 to 0.30 second for to a great extent on the concentration of calcium ions in
the ventricles). the extracellular fluids. In fact, a heart placed in a calcium-
free solution will quickly stop beating. The reason for this
response is that the openings of the T tubules pass directly
through the cardiac muscle cell membrane into the extra-
cellular spaces surrounding the cells, allowing the same
extracellular fluid that is in the cardiac muscle intersti-
The term excitation-contraction coupling refers to the tium to percolate through the T tubules. Consequently,
mechanism whereby the action potential causes the the quantity of calcium ions in the T tubule system (i.e.,
myofibrils of muscle to contract. This mechanism was the availability of calcium ions to cause cardiac muscle
Chapter 9 Cardiac Muscle: The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
Ca2+ Na+ K+
Ca2+ Na+
Sarcoplasmic Sarcoplasmic
reticulum L-type reticulum
Ca2+ Ca2+
channel Ca2+
RyR stores
Contraction relaxation
Figure 9-7. Mechanisms of excitation-contraction coupling and relaxation in cardiac muscle. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate. RyR, ryanodine
receptor Ca2+ release channel; SERCA, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
contraction) depends to a great extent on the extracellular and continues to contract until a few milliseconds af-
fluid calcium ion concentration. ter the action potential ends. Therefore, the duration of
In contrast, the strength of skeletal muscle contrac- contraction of cardiac muscle is mainly a function of the
tion is hardly affected by moderate changes in extracel- duration of the action potential, including the plateau—
lular fluid calcium concentration. This is because skeletal about 0.2 second in atrial muscle and 0.3 second in ven-
muscle contraction is caused almost entirely by calcium tricular muscle.
ions released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum inside the
skeletal muscle fiber.
At the end of the plateau of the cardiac action poten-
tial, the influx of calcium ions to the interior of the muscle The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of
fiber is suddenly cut off, and calcium ions in the sarco- one heartbeat to the beginning of the next are called the
plasm are rapidly pumped back out of the muscle fibers cardiac cycle. Each cycle is initiated by the spontane-
into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and T tubule–extra- ous generation of an action potential in the sinus node,
cellular fluid space. Transport of calcium back into the as explained in Chapter 10. This node is located in the
sarcoplasmic reticulum is achieved with the help of a superior lateral wall of the right atrium near the open-
calcium–adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pump (the ing of the superior vena cava, and the action potential
sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase, travels from here rapidly through both atria and then
SERCA2; see Figure 9-7). Calcium ions are also removed through the A-V bundle into the ventricles. Because of
from the cell by a sodium-calcium exchanger. The sodium this special arrangement of the conducting system from
that enters the cell during this exchange is then trans- the atria into the ventricles, there is a delay of more than
ported out of the cell by the sodium-potassium ATPase 0.1 second during passage of the cardiac impulse from
pump. As a result, the contraction ceases until a new the atria into the ventricles. This delay allows the atria
action potential comes along. to contract ahead of ventricular contraction, thereby
pumping blood into the ventricles before the strong ven-
Duration of Contraction. Cardiac muscle begins to con- tricular contraction begins. Thus, the atria act as primer
tract a few milliseconds after the action potential begins pumps for the ventricles, and the ventricles in turn
UNIT III The Heart
Rapid inflow Atrial systole
Isovolumic Ejection
20 Atrial pressure
a c v
0 Ventricular pressure
Volume (ml)
Ventricular volume
Figure 9-8. Events of the cardiac 50
cycle for left ventricular function, T Electrocardiogram
showing changes in left atrial pres- Q
1st 2nd 3rd S
sure, left ventricular pressure, aortic
pressure, ventricular volume, the Phonocardiogram
electrocardiogram, and the phono-
cardiogram. A-V, Atrioventricular. Systole Diastole Systole
provide the major source of power for moving blood Relationship of the Electrocardiogram to
through the body’s vascular system. the Cardiac Cycle
The electrocardiogram in Figure 9-8 shows the P, Q, R, S,
Diastole and Systole and T waves, discussed in Chapters 11 and 12. These are
The total duration of the cardiac cycle, including systole electrical voltages generated by the heart and recorded
and diastole, is the reciprocal of the heart rate. For exam- by the electrocardiogram from the surface of the body.
ple, if the heart rate is 72 beats/min, the duration of the The P wave is caused by the spread of depolarization
cardiac cycle is 1/72 min/beat—about 0.0139 min/beat, or through the atria and is followed by atrial contraction,
0.833 sec/beat. which causes a slight rise in the atrial pressure curve
Figure 9-8 shows the different events during the car- immediately after the electrocardiographic P wave.
diac cycle for the left side of the heart. The top three About 0.16 second after the onset of the P wave, the
curves show the pressure changes in the aorta, left ventri- QRS waves appear as a result of electrical depolarization
cle, and left atrium, respectively. The fourth curve depicts of the ventricles, which initiates contraction of the ven-
the changes in left ventricular volume, the fifth depicts tricles and causes the ventricular pressure to begin ris-
the electrocardiogram, and the sixth depicts a phonocar- ing. Therefore, the QRS complex begins slightly before the
diogram, which is a recording of the sounds produced by onset of ventricular systole.
the heart—mainly by the heart valves—as it pumps. It is Finally, the ventricular T wave represents the stage
especially important that the reader study this figure in of repolarization of the ventricles when the ventricular
detail and understand the causes of all the events shown. muscle fibers begin to relax. Therefore, the T wave occurs
slightly before the end of ventricular contraction.
Increasing Heart Rate Decreases Duration of Cardiac
Cycle. When heart rate increases, the duration of each The Atria Function as Primer Pumps for
cardiac cycle decreases, including the contraction and the Ventricles
relaxation phases. The duration of the action potential Blood normally flows continually from the great veins
and systole also decrease, but not by as great a percent- into the atria; about 80% of the blood flows directly
age as diastole. At a normal heart rate of 72 beats/min, through the atria into the ventricles, even before the
systole comprises about 0.4 of the entire cardiac cycle. At atria contract. Then, atrial contraction usually causes
three times the normal heart rate, systole is about 0.65 of an additional 20% filling of the ventricles. Therefore, the
the entire cardiac cycle. This means that the heart beat- atria function as primer pumps that increase the ventric-
ing very rapidly does not remain relaxed long enough to ular pumping effectiveness as much as 20%. However,
allow complete filling of the cardiac chambers before the the heart can continue to operate under most condi-
next contraction. tions even without this extra 20% effectiveness because
Chapter 9 Cardiac Muscle: The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
it normally has the capability of pumping 300% to 400% Outflow of Blood from the Ventricles
more blood than is required by the resting body. There- During Systole
fore, when the atria fail to function, the difference is Period of Isovolumic (Isometric) Contraction. Immedi-
unlikely to be noticed unless a person exercises; then, ately after ventricular contraction begins, the ventricular
symptoms of heart failure occasionally develop, espe- pressure rises abruptly, as shown in Figure 9-8, causing
cially shortness of breath. the A-V valves to close. Then, an additional 0.02 to 0.03
second is required for the ventricle to build up sufficient
Pressure Changes in the Atria—a, c, and v Waves. In the pressure to push the semilunar (aortic and pulmonary)
atrial pressure curve of Figure 9-8, three minor pressure el- valves open against the pressures in the aorta and pulmo-
evations, called a, c, and v atrial pressure waves, are shown. nary artery. Therefore, during this period, contraction is
The a wave is caused by atrial contraction. Ordinarily,
occurring in the ventricles, but no emptying occurs. This
the right atrial pressure increases 4 to 6 mm Hg during atri-
al contraction, and the left atrial pressure increases about 7
period is called the period of isovolumic or isometric con-
to 8 mm Hg. traction, meaning that cardiac muscle tension is increas-
The c wave occurs when the ventricles begin to contract; ing but little or no shortening of the muscle fibers is oc-
it is caused partly by slight backflow of blood into the atria curring.
at the onset of ventricular contraction, but mainly by bulg-
ing of the A-V valves backward toward the atria because of Period of Ejection. When the left ventricular pressure
increasing pressure in the ventricles. rises slightly above 80 mm Hg (and the right ventricular
The v wave occurs toward the end of ventricular con- pressure rises slightly above 8 mm Hg), the ventricular
traction; it results from slow flow of blood into the atria pressures push the semilunar valves open. Immediately,
from the veins while the A-V valves are closed during ven- blood is ejected out of the ventricles into the aorta and
tricular contraction. Then, when ventricular contraction is
pulmonary artery. Approximately 60% of the blood in the
over, the A-V valves open, allowing this stored atrial blood
to flow rapidly into the ventricles, causing the v wave to
ventricles at the end of diastole is ejected during systole;
disappear. about 70% of this portion flows out during the first third
of the ejection period, with the remaining 30% emptying
during the next two thirds. Therefore, the first third is
called the period of rapid ejection, and the last two thirds
is called the period of slow ejection.
The Ventricles Fill with Blood During Diastole.
During ventricular systole, large amounts of blood Period of Isovolumic (Isometric) Relaxation. At the
accumulate in the right and left atria because of the end of systole, ventricular relaxation begins suddenly, al-
closed A-V valves. Therefore, as soon as systole is lowing both the right and left intraventricular pressures to
over, and the ventricular pressures fall again to their decrease rapidly. The elevated pressures in the distended
low diastolic values, the moderately increased pres- large arteries that have just been filled with blood from
sures that have developed in the atria during ven- the contracted ventricles immediately push blood back
tricular systole immediately push the A-V valves open toward the ventricles, which snaps the aortic and pulmo-
and allow blood to flow rapidly into the ventricles, as nary valves closed. For another 0.03 to 0.06 second, the
shown by the rise of the left ventricular volume curve ventricular muscle continues to relax, even though the
in Figure 9-8. This period is called the period of rapid ventricular volume does not change, giving rise to the pe-
filling of the ventricles. riod of isovolumic or isometric relaxation. During this pe-
In a healthy heart, the period of rapid filling lasts for riod, the intraventricular pressures rapidly decrease back
about the first third of diastole. During the middle third of to their low diastolic levels. Then, the A-V valves open to
diastole, only a small amount of blood normally flows into begin a new cycle of ventricular pumping.
the ventricles. This is blood that continues to empty into the
atria from the veins and passes through the atria directly End-
Diastolic Volume, End-Systolic Volume, and
into the ventricles. During the last third of diastole, the atria Stroke Volume Output. During diastole, normal filling
contract and give an additional thrust to the inflow of blood of the ventricles increases the volume of each ventricle
into the ventricles. This mechanism accounts for about 20% to about 110 to 120 ml. This volume is called the end-
of the filling of the ventricles during each heart cycle. diastolic volume. Then, as the ventricles empty during sys-
The ventricles stiffen with aging or diseases that tole, the volume decreases by about 70 ml, which is called
cause cardiac fibrosis such as high blood pressure or the stroke volume output. The remaining volume in each
diabetes mellitus. This causes less blood to fill the ventricle, about 40 to 50 ml, is called the end-systolic vol-
ventricles in the early portion of diastole and requires ume. The fraction of the end-diastolic volume that is eject-
more volume (preload; discussed later) or more filling ed is called the ejection fraction, usually equal to about 0.6
from the later atrial contraction to maintain adequate (or 60%). The ejection fraction percentage is often used
cardiac output. clinically to assess cardiac systolic (pumping) capability.
UNIT III The Heart
vibrate under the influence of sudden pressure changes, giving
Period of ejection
off sound that travels in all directions through the chest. 150
When the ventricles contract, one first hears a sound
III Isovolumic
caused by closure of the A-V valves. The vibration pitch is 100 contraction
low and relatively long-lasting and is known as the first heart EW
sound (S1). When the aortic and pulmonary valves close at 50 IV
II Diastolic
the end of systole, one hears a rapid snap because these valves PE pressure
close rapidly, and the surroundings vibrate for a short period. 0
This sound is called the second heart sound (S2). The precise 0 50 100 150 200 250
causes of the heart sounds are discussed more fully in Chapter Period of filling Left ventricular volume (ml)
23 in relation to listening to the sounds with the stethoscope.
Figure 9-10. Relationship between left ventricular volume and intra-
Work Output of the Heart ventricular pressure during diastole and systole. Also shown by the
red lines is the “volume-pressure diagram,” demonstrating changes
The stroke work output of the heart is the amount of energy in intraventricular volume and pressure during the normal cardiac cy-
that the heart converts to work during each heartbeat while cle. EW, Net external work; PE, potential energy.
pumping blood into the arteries. Work output of the heart
is in two forms. First, the major proportion is used to move
Until the volume of the noncontracting ventricle
the blood from the low-pressure veins to the high-pressure
arteries. This is called volume-pressure work or external
rises above about 150 ml, the diastolic pressure does
work. Second, a minor proportion of the energy is used to not increase much. Therefore, up to this volume, blood
accelerate the blood to its velocity of ejection through the can flow easily into the ventricle from the atrium. Above
aortic and pulmonary valves, which is the kinetic energy of 150 ml, the ventricular diastolic pressure increases rap-
blood flow component of the work output. idly, partly because of fibrous tissue in the heart that will
Right ventricular external work output is normally stretch no more, and partly because the pericardium that
about one-sixth the work output of the left ventricle be- surrounds the heart becomes filled nearly to its limit.
cause of the sixfold difference in systolic pressures pumped During ventricular contraction, the systolic pressure
by the two ventricles. The additional work output of each increases, even at low ventricular volumes, and reaches a
ventricle required to create kinetic energy of blood flow is maximum at a ventricular volume of 150 to 170 ml. Then,
proportional to the mass of blood ejected times the square
as the volume increases further, the systolic pressure actu-
of velocity of ejection.
Ordinarily, the work output of the left ventricle required
ally decreases under some conditions, as demonstrated
to create kinetic energy of blood flow is only about 1% of by the falling systolic pressure curve in Figure 9-10. This
the total work output of the ventricle and therefore is ig- occurs because at these great volumes, the actin and myo-
nored in the calculation of the total stroke work output. In sin filaments of the cardiac muscle fibers are pulled apart
certain abnormal conditions, however, such as aortic ste- far enough that the strength of each cardiac fiber contrac-
nosis, in which blood flows with great velocity through the tion becomes less than optimal.
stenosed valve, more than 50% of the total work output may Note especially in the figure that the maximum sys-
be required to create kinetic energy of blood flow. tolic pressure for the normal left ventricle is between 250
and 300 mm Hg, but this varies widely with each person’s
heart strength and degree of heart stimulation by cardiac
GRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF VENTRICULAR nerves. For the normal right ventricle, the maximum sys-
PUMPING tolic pressure is between 60 and 80 mm Hg.
Figure 9-10 shows a diagram that is especially useful in
explaining the pumping mechanics of the left ventricle. Volume-Pressure Diagram During the Cardiac Cycle;
The most important components of the diagram are the Cardiac Work Output. The red lines in Figure 9-10 form
two curves labeled “diastolic pressure” and “systolic pres- a loop called the volume-pressure diagram of the cardiac
sure.” These curves are volume-pressure curves. cycle for normal function of the left ventricle. A more de-
The diastolic pressure curve is determined by filling tailed version of this loop is shown in Figure 9-11. It is
the heart with progressively greater volumes of blood and divided into four phases.
then measuring the diastolic pressure immediately before Phase I: Period of Filling. Phase I in the volume-
ventricular contraction occurs, which is the end-diastolic pressure diagram begins at a ventricular volume of about
pressure of the ventricle. 50 ml and a diastolic pressure of 2 to 3 mm Hg. The
The systolic pressure curve is determined by recording amount of blood that remains in the ventricle after the
the systolic pressure achieved during ventricular contrac- previous heartbeat, 50 ml, is called the end-systolic vol-
tion at each volume of filling. ume. As venous blood flows into the ventricle from the
UNIT III The Heart
Period of ejection
Aortic valve
100 closes
20 End-systolic End-diastolic
Figure 9-11. The volume-pressure diagram dem- volume Period of volume B
onstrating changes in intraventricular volume and Mitral valve filling Mitral valve
opens A
pressure during a single cardiac cycle (red line). closes
The shaded area represents the net external work 0
(EW) output by the left ventricle during the cardiac 0 50 70 90 110 130
cycle. Left ventricular volume (ml)
left atrium, the ventricular volume normally increases to contraction, this diagram is used for calculating cardiac
about 120 ml, called the end-diastolic volume, an increase work output.
of 70 ml. Therefore, the volume-pressure diagram during When the heart pumps large quantities of blood, the
phase I extends along the line in Figure 9-10 labeled “I” area of the work diagram becomes much larger. That is,
and from point A to point B in Figure 9-11, with the vol- it extends far to the right because the ventricle fills with
ume increasing to 120 ml and the diastolic pressure rising more blood during diastole, it rises much higher because
to about 5 to 7 mm Hg. the ventricle contracts with greater pressure, and it usu-
Phase II: Period of Isovolumic Contraction. During ally extends farther to the left because the ventricle con-
isovolumic contraction, the volume of the ventricle does tracts to a smaller volume—especially if the ventricle is
not change because all valves are closed. However, the stimulated to increased activity by the sympathetic ner-
pressure inside the ventricle increases to equal the pres- vous system.
sure in the aorta, at a pressure value of about 80 mm Hg,
as depicted by point C (see Figure 9-11). Concepts of Preload and Afterload. In assessing the
Phase III: Period of Ejection. During ejection, the contractile properties of muscle, it is important to specify
systolic pressure rises even higher because of still more the degree of tension on the muscle when it begins to con-
contraction of the ventricle. At the same time, the volume tract, called the preload, and to specify the load against
of the ventricle decreases because the aortic valve has which the muscle exerts its contractile force, called the
now opened, and blood flows out of the ventricle into the afterload.
aorta. Therefore, in Figure 9-10, the curve labeled “III,” For cardiac contraction, the preload is usually con-
or “period of ejection,” traces the changes in volume and sidered to be the end-diastolic pressure when the ven-
systolic pressure during this period of ejection. tricle has become filled. The afterload of the ventricle
Phase IV: Period of Isovolumic Relaxation. At the end is the pressure in the aorta leading from the ventricle.
of the period of ejection (point D, Figure 9-11), the aortic In Figure 9-10, this corresponds to the systolic pressure
valve closes, and the ventricular pressure falls back to the described by the phase III curve of the volume-pressure
diastolic pressure level. The line labeled “IV” (Figure 9- diagram. (Sometimes the afterload is loosely considered
10) traces this decrease in intraventricular pressure with- to be the resistance in the circulation rather than the
out any change in volume. Thus, the ventricle returns to pressure.)
its starting point, with about 50 ml of blood left in the The importance of the concepts of preload and after-
ventricle at an atrial pressure of 2 to 3 mm Hg. load is that in many abnormal functional states of the
The area subtended by this functional volume- heart or circulation, the pressure during filling of the ven-
pressure diagram (the shaded area, labeled “EW”) repre- tricle (the preload), the arterial pressure against which the
sents the net external work output of the ventricle during ventricle must contract (the afterload), or both are altered
its contraction cycle. In experimental studies of cardiac from normal to a severe degree.
Chapter 9 Cardiac Muscle: The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
Chemical Energy Required for Cardiac Contraction: (2) control of heart rate and heart strength by the auto-
Oxygen Utilization by the Heart nomic nervous system.
Heart muscle, like skeletal muscle, uses chemical energy
to provide the work of contraction. Approximately 70%
to 90% of this energy is normally derived from oxidative
metabolism of fatty acids, with about 10% to 30% com-
ing from other nutrients, especially glucose and lactate. MECHANISM
Therefore, the rate of oxygen consumption by the heart In Chapter 20, we will learn that under most conditions,
is an excellent measure of the chemical energy liberated
the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute is
while the heart performs its work. The different chemi-
normally determined almost entirely by the rate of blood
cal reactions that liberate this energy are discussed in
Chapters 68 and 69. flow into the heart from the veins, which is called venous
Experimental studies have shown that oxygen consump- return. That is, each peripheral tissue of the body controls
tion of the heart and the chemical energy expended during its own local blood flow, and all the local tissue flows com-
contraction are directly related to the total shaded area in bine and return by way of the veins to the right atrium.
Figure 9-10. This shaded portion consists of the external The heart, in turn, automatically pumps this incoming
work (EW), as explained earlier, and an additional portion blood into the arteries so that it can flow around the cir-
called the potential energy, labeled “PE.” The potential ener- cuit again.
gy represents additional work that could be accomplished by This intrinsic ability of the heart to adapt to increasing
contraction of the ventricle if the ventricle could completely volumes of inflowing blood is called the Frank-Starling
empty all the blood in its chamber with each contraction.
mechanism of the heart, named in honor of Otto Frank
Oxygen consumption has also been shown to be nearly
and Ernest Starling, two great physiologists. Basically, the
proportional to the tension that occurs in the heart mus-
cle during contraction multiplied by the duration of time Frank-Starling mechanism means that the more the heart
that the contraction persists; this is called the tension-time muscle is stretched during filling, the greater is the force
index. According to the law of Laplace, ventricular wall ten- of contraction, and the greater is the quantity of blood
sion (T) is related to the left ventricular pressure (P) and the pumped into the aorta. Or, stated another way—within
radius (r): T = P × r. physiological limits, the heart pumps all the blood that
Because tension is high when systolic pressure (and returns to it by way of the veins.
therefore left ventricular pressure) is high, correspondingly
more oxygen is used. When systolic pressure is chroni- What Is the Explanation of the Frank-Starling Mech-
cally elevated, wall stress and cardiac workload are also in- anism? When an extra amount of blood flows into the
creased, inducing thickening of the left ventricular walls,
ventricles, the cardiac muscle is stretched to a greater
which can reduce the ventricular chamber radius (concen-
length. This stretching causes the muscle to contract with
tric hypertrophy) and at least partially relieve the increased
wall tension. Also, much more chemical energy is expend- increased force because the actin and myosin filaments
ed, even at normal systolic pressures, when the ventricle are brought to a more nearly optimal degree of overlap
is abnormally dilated (eccentric hypertrophy) because the for force generation. Therefore, the ventricle, because of
heart muscle tension during contraction is proportional to its increased pumping, automatically pumps the extra
pressure times the radius of the ventricle. This becomes es- blood into the arteries. This ability of stretched muscle,
pecially important in heart failure when the heart ventricle up to an optimal length, to contract with increased work
is dilated and, paradoxically, the amount of chemical en- output is characteristic of all striated muscle, as explained
ergy required for a given amount of work output is greater in Chapter 6, and is not simply a characteristic of cardiac
than normal, even though the heart is already failing. muscle.
Cardiac Efficiency. During heart muscle contraction, In addition to the important effect of lengthening the
most of the expended chemical energy is converted into heat,
heart muscle, another factor increases heart pumping
and a much smaller portion is converted into work output.
when its volume is increased. Stretch of the right atrial
Cardiac efficiency is the ratio of work output to total chemi-
cal energy used to perform the work. Maximum efficiency of wall directly increases the heart rate by 10% to 20%, which
the normal heart is between 20% and 25%. In persons with also helps increase the amount of blood pumped each
heart failure, this efficiency can decrease to as low as 5%. minute, although its contribution is much less than that
of the Frank-Starling mechanism. As discussed in Chapter
18, stretch of the atrium also activates stretch receptors
and a nervous reflex, the Bainbridge reflex, that is trans-
mitted by the vagus nerve and may increase heart rate an
When a person is at rest, the heart pumps only 4 to 6 additional 40% to 60%.
liters of blood each minute. During strenuous exercise,
the heart may pump four to seven times this amount. The Ventricular Function Curves
basic mechanisms for regulating heart pumping are as fol- One of the best ways to express the functional ability of
lows: (1) intrinsic cardiac pumping regulation in response the ventricles to pump blood is by ventricular function
to changes in volume of blood flowing into the heart; and curves. Figure 9-12 shows a type of ventricular function
UNIT III The Heart
Sympathetic nerves
Ventricular output (L/min)
Right ventricle Figure 9-14. Cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. (The
vagus nerves to the heart are parasympathetic nerves.) A-V, Atrioven-
10 tricular; S-A, sinoatrial.
Left ventricle
Chapter 9 Cardiac Muscle: The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
Maximum sympathetic ions in the extracellular fluids have important effects on
stimulation cardiac pumping.
flaccid and also slows the heart rate. Large quantities of
Cardiac output (L/min)
Normal sympathetic potassium also can block conduction of the cardiac im-
stimulation pulse from the atria to the ventricles through the A-V
bundle. Elevation of potassium concentration to only 8
Zero sympathetic
to 12 mEq/L—two to three times the normal value—can
10 stimulation cause severe weakness of the heart, abnormal rhythm,
(Parasympathetic and death.
stimulation) These effects result partially from the fact that a
high potassium concentration in the extracellular fluids
decreases the resting membrane potential in the car-
diac muscle fibers, as explained in Chapter 5. That is, a
–4 0 +4 +8
high extracellular fluid potassium concentration partially
Right atrial pressure (mm Hg)
depolarizes the cell membrane, causing the membrane
potential to be less negative. As the membrane poten-
Figure 9-15. Effect on the cardiac output curve of different degrees
of sympathetic or parasympathetic stimulation.
tial decreases, the intensity of the action potential also
decreases, which makes contraction of the heart progres-
sively weaker.
The vagal fibers are distributed mainly to the atria and
not much to the ventricles, where the power contrac- Effect of Calcium Ions. Excess calcium ions cause effects
tion of the heart occurs. This distribution explains why almost exactly opposite to those of potassium ions, caus-
the effect of vagal stimulation is mainly to decrease the ing the heart to move toward spastic contraction. This ef-
heart rate rather than to decrease greatly the strength fect is caused by a direct effect of calcium ions to initiate
of heart contraction. Nevertheless, the great decrease in the cardiac contractile process, as explained earlier in this
heart rate, combined with a slight decrease in heart con- chapter.
traction strength, can decrease ventricular pumping by Conversely, deficiency of calcium ions causes cardiac
50% or more. weakness, similar to the effect of high potassium. For-
tunately, calcium ion levels in the blood normally are
Effect of Sympathetic or Parasympathetic Stimula- regulated within a very narrow range. Therefore, cardiac
tion on the Cardiac Function Curve. Figure 9-15 shows effects of abnormal calcium concentrations are seldom of
four cardiac function curves. These curves are similar to clinical concern.
the ventricular function curves of Figure 9-13. However,
they represent function of the entire heart rather than
that of a single ventricle. They show the relationship be-
tween right atrial pressure at the input of the right heart
and cardiac output from the left ventricle into the aorta. Increased body temperature, such as that which occurs
The curves of Figure 9-15 demonstrate that at any during fever, greatly increases the heart rate, sometimes
given right atrial pressure, the cardiac output increases to double the normal rate. Decreased temperature greatly
during increased sympathetic stimulation and decreases decreases the heart rate, which may fall to as low as a
during increased parasympathetic stimulation. These few beats per minute when a person is near death from
changes in output caused by autonomic nervous system hypothermia in the body temperature range of 60° to 70°F
stimulation result from changes in heart rate and from (15.5°–21°C). These effects presumably result from the
changes in contractile strength of the heart. fact that heat increases the permeability of the cardiac
muscle membrane to ions that control heart rate, result-
ing in acceleration of the self-excitation process.
Contractile strength of the heart often is enhanced
temporarily by a moderate increase in temperature, such
In our discussion of membrane potentials in Chapter 5, as that which occurs during body exercise, but prolonged
we pointed out that potassium ions have a marked effect temperature elevation exhausts the metabolic systems of
on membrane potentials, and in Chapter 6 we noted that the heart and eventually causes weakness. Therefore, opti-
calcium ions play an especially important role in activat- mal heart function depends greatly on proper control of
ing the muscle contractile process. Therefore, it is not body temperature by the control mechanisms explained
surprising that the concentrations of each of these two in Chapter 74.
UNIT III The Heart
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