Datasheet S212 en 1121
Datasheet S212 en 1121
Datasheet S212 en 1121
With over 1.5 million electronic smart meter delivered in EMEA every year, Sagemcom is an undisputed world leader
in smart metering. It is the only manufacturer combining in its genes energy & telecoms know how, the only one able
to deploy all standardized PLC technologies for all standards recognized by Open Meter, i.e. OFDM Prime, OFDM G3,
Meters & More.
It’s expertise of the communication chain upstream and downstream meters and its capacity of innovation (IPv6 in-
tegration mesh, radio, cellular) provides solutions to DSO new challenges, modernization programs and investment
optimization targets (for water, gas and electricity). Its solutions, based on open standards coupled with more than
20 years of experience, ensure reliable solutions, ease of deployment, consumers data security and efficiency of multi
energies systems
Technical features
All rights reserved. The information and specifications included are subject to change without prior notice. Sagemcom Energy & Telecom tries to ensure that all information in this
document is correct, but does not accept liability for error or omission. Non contractual document. All trademarks are registered by their respective owners. Simplified joint stock company
Capital 36 626 034,60 Euros - 518 250 337 RCS Nanterre. 11/2021