Hexing HXE 130
Hexing HXE 130
Hexing HXE 130
Single Phase
Smart Keypad
Prepayment Meter
HXE130 is a new generation of single phase smart
keypad prepayment/postpayment meter which
migrating STS/CTS with AMI functions. It provides
local and remote credit charging. The meter is
supported by Hexing’s AMI and vending system
software. The meter can be designed by integrated
type or split type.
Main functionalities
Storage - 40 ° C to +70 ° C
AC voltage 4KV
IEC62053-23 IEC62055-41
IEC62055-51 IEC62056-46
IEC62056-47 IEC62056-53
IEC62056-61 IEC62056-62
BATTERY Exchangeable
Terminal drawing
Connection Diagram