Summary of The Lecture On Lesson 21
Summary of The Lecture On Lesson 21
Summary of The Lecture On Lesson 21
Main characteristics of special danger infections: special safety regime for laboratories.
The regime is very strict: strict control of following the safety rules is comprehensive for ever y-
body, strict control of permission of the personal to the laboratory and its sanitary decontamina-
tions after the termination of the working day before leaving of the laboratory.
Vibrio cholerae: the diagnostic sera used for complete serological identification.
Five diagnostic sera are necessary for complete serological diagnostics of vibrios producing chol-
era: О1-serum, RO-serum, type-specific serum Ogawa, type-specific serum Inaba and О139-
Cholera: the source of the infections and the mechanism (ways) of its transmission.
The source of the infections in the case of cholera is ill individual. If the disease is caused by V.
cholerae, var. eltor the carriers can also be the sources of the infection. The mechanism of its
transmission is faecal-oral and the main way is the water-born.
Cholera: specific features of the 7th pandemics.
This pandemics was the last one listed in the history of this disease. The 7th pandemics has started
in the 60-s of the ХХ century and it was not in India (like it was before) but in Indonesia. This
pandemics is still continuing.
Cholera: immunity.
Naturally acquired (post-infectious) immunity is strong and prolonged but the possibility of new
infection is not completely excluded.
Brucellosis: the source of the infections and the mechanism (ways) of its transmission.
The sources of the brucellosis are domestic animals and the mechanism of its transmission is fae-
Tularaemia: the source of the infections and the mechanism (ways) of its transmission.
The sources of tularaemia are small rodents. The main the way (the route) of its transmission in
nature in the populations of animals is vector-born (transmissive) one. The humans are getting in-
fected by contact, alimentary, air born routes and very rarely the vector-born route is involved.
Tularaemia: immunity.
Post-infectious immunity is developed in tularaemia based on appearance of T lymphocytes and
phagocytes. The phagocytosis in the individuals having specific immunity to tularaemia is com-
pleted and the immunity is strong and prolonged. Specific allergic reaction as a response to the
antigens of the pathogen producing tularaemia continues for whole life of the individual and can
be revealed by the skin test.
Plague: the source of the infections and the mechanism (ways) of its transmission.
Plague is zoonotic infection but in the case of pneumonic plague humans can be the sources of the
infection. The pathogen is transmitted from the rodents to humans by the bites of fleas (the vector-
born or transmissive route). In the case of pneumonic plague the air born route is involved into
Plague: immunity.
Post-infectious immunity developed in plague is strong and prolonged. The immune defense is
based on the phagocytosis which is completed in the individuals which possess specific immunity
to plague.
Anthrax: the source of the infections and the mechanism (ways) of its transmission.
The sources of infection in the case of anthrax are animals and the main route of transmission of
the infection to humans is contact. The alimentary and air born routes are also could be involved.
The spores of this pathogen could be used by bioterrorists.
Anthrax: immunity.
Post-infectious immunity developed in anthrax is strong and is based on the phagocytosis, the de-
fensive effect of antibodies and infectious allergy.
Bacillus cereus: the comparative characteristics in comparison to the pathogen causing anthrax.
Unlike the pathogen causing anthrax and like other saprophytic bacteria Bacillus cereus doesn’t
produce capsule and these bacteria are not pathogenic for the laboratory animals. The anthrax spe-
cific bacteriophage never causes lysis of Bacillus cereus.
Training algorithm of practical skills to be mastered at the lesson