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Learning Episode I in Participation and Teaching Assistantship

(Classroom-based Action Research: Tool in Mitigating Teaching-Learning Learning

Problems and Difficulties)

Field Study Student : Robin DR. Salonga Program/Major: BSEd

Cooperating School: ONHS Main Date and Time of Visit:

Nov, 20-22 2023

Resource Teacher (RT): Marie Buena B. RT’s Signature:


Congratulations because you are about to complete your program. One of the
highlights of the program curriculum is the provision for students to be exposed to
actual teaching learning situations where you can observe, reflect, verify and apply
major concepts, theories, and principles that you have learned in the past.

Before you continue your journey with this module, it is important to understand that
there are different teaching-learning components that you will be exploring. Your
extensive understanding of the nature and processes of teaching and learning will
provide you the direction to create quality experiences and reflection. This module will
allow you to participate and assist, in limited manner, in various aspects of teacher’s
roles – as classroom managers of time, resource and men; as classroom innovators of
instructional materials, as classroom planners of various exemplars; as classroom
assessors of learning and as classroom researcher as well.

This module, in particular, will introduce to you the role of classroom-based researches
as tools in mitigating problems in teaching and learning.
With this, at the end of this learning episode, you will be required to: a. analyze the role
of classroom-based researches in solving basic problems in teaching and in learning.

In order for you to hit the target, you will work your way through these steps:

Accomplish this KW in this KWLH chart by identifying what you Know and what you
still what to know about the role classroom-based researches have in mitigating
teaching learning problems.

What I Know?
I know problems can be resolved by
integrating intervention and formulating
activities that can help solve problems or

What I Want to Know more?

I want to know more about how action

research helps teachers solve problems
in the classroom. This practical training
supports participants to improve teaching
and learning through classroom-based

What I Learned?
How I Learned It?

Lesson Proper

Research has always been considered as a significant endeavor in the existence of man.
Activities like nomadic searching for food of the primitive men, innovating various
devices and medicine, managing information and other related acts require research
process. With this, our practice, including in the field of education, in sustaining better
lives necessitates the clear understanding of the nature and processes of research so as
to embrace the challenges and changes that the fast-paced society might provide us.

Classroom-based researches (CBARS) offer a lot in enhancing teaching and learning. It

is through the conduct of CBARS where we bridge the gap between theories and
practices. The Department of Education encourages educators to conduct CBARS with
the common purpose of enhancing quality education.

CBARs: Nature, Processes and Models

Clark et al (2020) described action research as an arm of educational research with the
intention of examining and ultimately improving teachers’ educational pedagogies and
practices. The authors also presented action research in education as an extension of the
reflection and critical self-reflection that an educator employs on a daily basis in their
classroom. With this, it can be concluded that classroom-based researches are
conducted to scientifically solve teaching learning problems arising in a day-to-day
experience of teachers in the academe. CBARS, with its purpose of enabling and
supporting educators to pursue effective pedagogical practices by transforming the
quality of teaching decisions and actions to improve student learning, should have the
following characteristics (Clark,
-it is a process to gather evidence to implement change in practices;
-it is participative and collaborative
-it develops reflection practices based on the interpretations of the participants
-knowledge is created through actions and applications
-it is iterative

· Activity.
1. Let us conduct critical reading activities!
The following would lead to some readings pertaining to the processes and models of
action research:

a. Action Research by Clark, et al. (2020)
b. What is action research? By Koshy (sage publications)
c. Deped Memo Order No. 16, s. 2017
Processing of the Activity.
Read three (3) examples of action research conducted in the Philippines. Cite here the
title and the author.

Action Title Author (Year)

1 Action Research and Reflective Approach Gina M. Alvarado (2015)
to Teaching: Bases for Improvement of

2 An Action Research on Developing Evariza G. Almirol (2019)

Students Interests in Classroom
Participation in Filipino 10 in Caanawan
National High School

3 Increasing the Awareness in Global Ryan C. Sulivas

Warming of Grade 5 Pupils of Anas
Elementary School Through the Use of
“Present-Engage-Build Infographic
Utilization Technique”

1. Summarize, by accomplishing this table, details of their action researches

Action Model Clear Research Methodology Salient Findings

Research Adopted gap Being Utilized

(Problem Source)
1 Not Qualitative
Reflective Approach
available/Not experimental
The respondents have
shown in the research realized the importance
text of conducting action
research and using the
reflective approach

2 Factors that affected Students Qualitative

the interest of the became experimental
responsive in research Students showed
participation on
every interest in participation
class discussion
during their Filipino
Subject after the
asked by the intervention

3 Present-Engage- Increasing the The researcher

Build Infographic Pupils utilized the
Utilization There was a significant
awareness in descriptive - improvement in the
global comparative spelling skills of grade 5
pupils because of the
warming method
remarkable increased of
the mean
2. Why do teachers conduct action research? (answer to this question must be based
on the nature of the action researches that you have reviewed)
- Teachers engage in action research to enhance their teaching methods, improve
student learning outcomes and tackle classroom challenges. This process
involves reflection, where educators systematically explore and implement
evidence based changes. Ultimately it contributes to their growth and the overall
enhancement of teaching practices.


Yes, you made it! Great job!

By now, you are heading to the wrapping-up activity. As your closure task, you are
going to answer the question – “So What “.

What takeaways from this learning episode will be significant for you to know four
years from now? Why?

As a student teacher it's really important to understand the

significance of learning action research. It offers a method,
for self reflection. Enhancing your teaching practices. By
taking this approach you become more proactive in
identifying and addressing challenges within your
classroom. Moreover engaging in action research helps
foster a mindset that values improvement, which's crucial
for adapting to the ever changing educational landscape
and ensuring effective teaching strategies. It also
encourages evidence based decision making empowering
you to make an impact, on students learning experiences.
Based on your previous field study visits (FS1: Observation), identify possible three (3)
problems that you can be resolved through the conduct of action research. Propose a
title for your potential CBARs.

Problem Problem Description Proposed Title


Students Penmanship/Writing Skills Enhancing Grade 9 Students’ Penmanship

through Innovative Writing Strategies: An
Action Research Study

Non active Participation in Discussion Increasing Student Engagement in

Classroom Discussions: An Action
Research Approach to Addressing Non-
Active Participation

No Permanent Seating Arrangement Exploring the Impact of Flexible Seating

Arrangements on Student Learning: An
Action Research Investigation

Then answer the following key questions:

Key Questions Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3

1. SOURCE: How did you I identify the problem I identify the I identify the problem
identify the problem? during checking of their problem during before and during
quizzes which is an Essay class discussions. I class discussion. I
quiz. I noticed that almost observed that noticed that they will
all of them have problem students are not seat wherever they
in writing skills or willing to answer want and it will cause
penmanship which is the teacher’s a class disturbance
unreadable. questions. because of the noise.

2. Do the CBAR titles imply the Yes because I put the word As you can see from Seating arrangement is
problem(s) to be solved? “Enhancing” and I assure the title. You can read important in a classroom
Provide short justification. that the problems be solved the word “Increasing” setting which help you
by enhancing their so I also assure that to teach easy, so I put
penmanship or writing
the problems be the word “Exploring” in
solved by helping the the title to assure that
class to Increase the the problem be solved
Student’s active after exploring the
participation. impact of flexible seating

3. What is your intention in My intention in As a future teacher, I As a future teacher,

conducting the said CBAR? conducting this CBAR is want my class to be Seating Arrangement
to help students to alive so it means I want every section will do
my students to be because I want them to
improve their
active in my focus on listening to me
penmanship or writing
discussions that’s why and also to avoid
skills to better I’m conducting this hindrance in my
understand their lecture CBAR. discussion.
and other writing

Preparatory Activity for My Next Visit (Instructional Strategies)

This week, identify clearly the instructional strategies/ activities your Resource Teacher (RT)
utilized. You can request a copy of the lesson exemplar from your RT or conduct an interview
with your RT to gather information about it. Complete this matrix for your answers.

Topic Discussed: Understanding Unchanging Values in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex,
Ambiguous) World
Date and Time Taught: 6:40-7:30 AM
Section: 9-STE Gold
Instructional Objective Instructional When it was How it was done?
Strategy/Activities? used?
Example: Example: Application
- Students were grouped in pairs
Nasusuri ang bahaging My Friend, my - Student A (the narrator) and Student B
ginagampanan ng Graphics (illustrators)
industriya tulad ng - Student A discussed to Student B the economic
pagmimina tungo sa isang benefit of mining industry to one’s community.
masiglang ekonomiya Student B, in return, illustrated thoughts provided
by Student A
- Some pair of students were called to discuss their
Discuss the unchanging Define unchanging Unlocking
values that Filipinos have values difficulties - Students will group into two groups then
despite the VUCA World brainstorming to define the unchanging values
- Leader of the group will be the one will report in

Enumerate the macro Differentiate Application - Student A discussed the relationship cluster
clusters of values relationship cluster, - Student B discussed the social cluster
possessed by Filipinos social cluster, - Student C discussed the livelihood cluster
livelihood cluster, - Student D discussed the inwardness cluster
inwardness cluster, - Student E discussed the optimism cluster
and optimism

Understanding the 10 Different situation/s Evaluation - Students will choose one Filipino values then
Filipino Values in VUCA in applying the 10 explain why this Filipino value is important to
World Filipino values in possessed more in facing challenges in VUCA
VUCA World world.

My Participation. 1. Assist your Resource Teacher by participating in designing instructional strategies

to be utilized next week. Consult your Resource Teacher regarding the learning targets and contents for
the said week. You may ask your Resource Teacher for a copy of the week’s budget work, if necessary.
You may think of your own strategy (Be creative!)
Content: The Seven Ages of Man poem of William
Date and Time to Nov, 30, 2023
Section: 9-STE Gold

Instructional When it will be done? How it will be done?

Reader’s theatre Application - Students will be divided into five groups
then will make a theatre by reading the

Reading out loud Presentation of the lesson - Each column will read the poem aloud
- The loudest group to read the poem will
have extra points
- Reading aloud rubric is provided

Discuss the poem entitled “The Lesson Proper - Each line in the poem students will give
Seven Ages of Man” their understanding in each line that I
will read and discuss

Yoyoyoyo Dance Challenge Generalization - Students will stand and will form a circle
- The viral tiktok song “Yoyoyoyo” will
played and the students should dance
and while dancing or playing the song
they will pass the mystery box to each
other and when the song stops whoever
hold the mystery box he or she is the one
who will pick a random questions and
please answer it.
- The random questions are all about the
poem “The Seven Ages of Man”.

Reporter’s Notebook Application - The class will be divided into three

- They will write their interpretation about
the poem in the notebook
- They will integrate their answer
- They will choose their representative to
report their answer that they write in the

Summary me! Evaluation - Students will summary the poem entitled

The Seven Ages of Man
2. Discuss your instructional strategies to Resource Teacher for his/her impressions and potential
revisions. Propose to your Resource Teacher your instructional strategies for possible adoption.
(Post here a short narrative report (provide pictures) of your consultation and discussion with your
Resource Teacher)
- No Pictures being provided because my Resource Teacher is busy in upcoming culminating
activity. But I consulted my activities through messenger.
- My Resource Teacher first help me to brainstorm or think of an activity to help students easily
learn or know the theme of the poem and understand it’s each line. My first consultation is
approved because I focused in student centered learning and applied the different macro skills.
My Resource Teacher also amazed on my activities and she said that these activities are great and
possible to adopt in upcoming new topic or lesson. She also added that this helps the students to
be active in class discussion because that is one of her problem the non-active participation of

3. Of the instructional strategies/ activities you have planned, which will be part of your RT’s
instructional plan?
- Based from her she wants the “Yoyoyoyo Dance Challenge’ which will be done at Generalization.
Because she never did this to her class so possible that this part will be her instructional plan.
4. Have a test of teaching-learning next week. Request permission from your RT for you to
facilitate a particular instructional strategy / activity to the class. What specific strategy will you
facilitate in class next week?
- Maybe I will facilitate the Yoyoyoyo Dance Challenge and other different strategy to provide
more learnings to the students and also to help my Resource Teacher to lessen her work and let
me facilitate some of the instructional strategy or activity to the class.

Resource Teacher’s Consent

I am allowing Mr./Ms. __Robin DR, Salonga_______, Field study II

student major in _English__ to facilitate the conduct of _”Yoyoyoyo”
Challenge_ (strategy/ activity) in my class on _Dec, 4-5 2023_ at
_6:40-7:30 am___ among _9-STE Gold_ (section) students.

Marie Buena B. Teleron

Resource Teacher
(Signature over printed name)

Date Signed: Nov, 30 2023_

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