Beam Power Tube

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Power Tube
Beam Power Tube
• CERMOLOX® Beam Power Tube
Full Input to 400 MHz
• 17.6 kW Peak Sync Output
13 dB Gain
• Single Sideband
15 kW PEP
20 dB Gain
• FM Broadcast Service
20 kW Output
20 dB Gain

The BURLE-8807 is designed specifically for use in operation, less equipment downtime and fewer tube
high gain, high linearity equipments for VHF-TV and handling accidents. For copies of these publications,
FM service. specific information or application assistance, contact
your nearest BURLE Representative or write BURLE
In VHF-TV service at 220 MHz, the 8807 will deliver a INDUSTRIES, INC., 1000 New Holland Ave.,
full 17.6 kW peak sync output with 6.3 MHz bandwidth Lancaster, PA 17601-5688.
and 13 dB gain. In FM broadcast service, the 8807 will
deliver 20 kilowatts with a gain of 20 dB. General Data
Rated for full input to 400 MHz, the 8807 is easily All voltages referenced to cathode, unless otherwise
circuited to this frequency. The terminals are coaxial specified.
for operation in the TEM mode and the radiator
location avoids restricting the resonant cavity circuits in Filamentary Cathode, Thoriated-Tungsten Mesh Type:
VHF operation. The 8807 assures high gain-bandwidth Voltage1 (ac or dc)…………… 9.5 typ. V
products for the full VHF-TV band. 10.0 max. V
Caution: For long-life expectancy, the filament
Its sturdy, coaxial CERMOLOX tube construction and voltage must be adjusted initially and throughout life
thoriated tungsten mesh filament minimize tube as described in the procedure under “Operating
inductances and feed-thru capacitances. They make Considerations", “Filament Voltage Adjustment”.
possible the use of simple, economical, broadband
circuit techniques in VHF operation. Current:
Typical value at 9.0 volts2… 140 A
Additional information of a general nature applicable to
Maximum. value for starting,
tubes of this type is given in the following publications: even, momentarily3……….. 300 A
Cold resistance……………… 0.01 ohm
TP-122 Screen-Grid Current, Loading and Bleeder
Considerations Recommended heating time4 2 to 15 min.
Mu-Factor , (Grid No.2 to grid No.1) 12
TP-117 Handling and Operating Considerations when Direct Interelectrode Capacitances:
Using BURLE Tetrodes
Grid No.1 to plate6………….. 0.36 max. pF
TP-118 Application Guide for Forced Air Cooling Grid No.1 to filament……….. 85 pF
BURLE Power Tubes 6
Plate to filament ……………. 0.09 max. pF
Close attention to the instructions contained in these Grid No.1 to grid No. 2……... 75 pF
publications will assure longer tube life, safer Grid No.2 to plate…………… 18 pF
Grid No.2 to filament7………. 3.5 max. pF
General Data (cont’d) Driver Power Output (Approx.) …………… Return
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Mechanical Output Circuit Efficiency …………………. 95 %
Operating Attitude…………………... Vertical, either end up Useful Power Output………………………… 20 kW
Overall Length (Max.)………………. 170.18 mm (6.700 in) 14
Greatest Diameter………………….. 180.59mm
(7.110 in) RF Power Amplifier-Class B Television Service
Socket……………….…………… CD89-085 8 or equivalent Synchronizing-level conditions per tube unless otherwise specified.
Chimney……………….……………….. 8824 or equivalent
Radiator……………….………………... Integral part of tube Maximum CCS Ratings, Absolute-Maximum Values
Weight (approx.) ……………….…………... 5.5 kg (12 Ibs) DC Plate Voltage …………………………. 10,000 V
Thermal DC Grid-No.2 Voltage ……………………. 1650 V
Seal Temperature ………………………. 250 max. °C DC Grid-No.1 Voltage …………………… -600 V
(Plate, Grid No.2, Grid No.1, DC Plate Current…………………………… 6 A
9, 10
Cathode-Filament, and Filament) Plate Dissipation ……………………….. 15,000 W
9, 10
Plate-Core Temperature …………….. 250 max. Grid-No.2 Input……………………………… 250 W
Characteristic Range Values Grid-No.1 Input……………………………… 150 W
Parameter Min. Max. Units Typical CCS Operation
Filament Current ………………… 135 160 A In a cathode-drive circuit at 216 MHz and bandwidth of 6.3 MHz22
Direct Interelectrode Capacities:
G1 to plate ……………………….. - 0.36 pF DC Plate Voltage…………………………….. 7500 V
G1 to filament……………………. 80 94 pF DC Grid-No.2 Voltage………………………. 1500 V
6 20
Plate to filament ………………. - 0.09 pF DCGrid-No.1 Voltage ……………………… -220 V
G1 toG2…………………………… 72 82 pF Zero-Signal DC Plate Current……………… 500 mA
G2 to plate……………………….. 17.0 19.0 pF DC Plate Current:
G2 to filament …………………… - 3.5 pF Synchronizing level………………………... 4.40 A
11, 12
Zero-Bias Plate Current ……… 11.0 - A Blanking level………………………………. 3.30 A
11, 13
Grid No. 1 Voltage ……………. 100 160 V DC Grid-No.2 Current:
14 Synchronizing level………………………... 62 mA
RF Power Amplifier & Osc. - Class AB Telegraphy Blanking level………………………………. 45 mA
and RF Power Amplifier - Class AB FM Telephony DC Grid-No.1 Current:
Maximum CCS Ratings, Absolute-Maximum Values Synchronizing level……………………….. 70 mA
Up to 400 MHz Blanking level……………………………… 55 mA
DC Plate Voltage ………………………... 10,000 V Driver Power Output:
DC Grid-No.2 Voltage …………………... 1650 V
18 Synchronizing level……………………….. 770 W
DC Grid-No.1 Voltage …………………... -500 V
Blanking level……………………………… 435 W
DC Plate Current………………….………. 5.0 A
Output Circuit Efficiency (Approx.)……….. 90 %
DC Grid-No.1 Current………………….…. 300 mA
Grid-No.1 Input………………….………… 150 W Useful Power Output:
Grid-No. 2 Input………………….………… 250 W Synchronizing level………………………... 17,600 W
Plate Dissipation
19, 10
………………….…. 15.0 kW Blanking level……………………………… 9850 W
Loaded Q…………………...……………… 30 Typical Linearity , at 8kW (Approx.)……… -52 dB
Power Gain, Including Circuit Losses……… 13 dB
Maximum Circuit Values
Grid-No. 1-Circuit Resistance Under AnyConditions: Linear RF Power Amplifier,
With fixed bias………………………………… 1000 ohms Class AB or Class B Telephony
With cathode bias ………………………. Not recommended Carrier conditions for use with a maximum modulation factor of 1.0.

Typical, Grid Driven, Class AB, CCS Operation Maximum CCS Ratings, Absolute-Maximum Values
At 7.0 MHz DC Plate Voltage …………………………. 10,000 V
DC Plate Voltage…………………………….. 7500 V DC Grid-No.2 Voltage ……………………. 1650 V
DC Grid-No.2 Voltage………………………. 1000 V DC Plate Current…………………………… 3 A
DC Grid-No.1 Voltage …………………….. -145 V Grid-No.2 Input…………………………….. 300 W
Zero-Signal DC Plate Current……………… 500 mA Plate Dissipation
9, 10
………………………. 15,000 W
DC Plate Current…………………………….. 3.7 A
DC Grid-No.2 Current……………………….. 115 mA Loaded Q…………………………………… 30
DC Grid-No.1 Current……………………….. 250 mA Typical Class CCS Operation as a Class B TV Aural
Driver Power Output (Approx.) …………… 125 W Amplifier
Grid Loading Resistance……………………. 1000 ohms
14 In a cathode drive circuit at 216 MHz
Output Circuit Efficiency (Approx.) ……… 95 %
Useful Power Output………………………… 20 kW DC Plate Voltage…………………… 7000 7500 V
DC Grid-No.2 Voltage……………… 1000 1000 V
Calculated CCS Operation
DC Grid-No.1 Voltage……………… -145 -145 V
In a Grid-Drive Circuit at 108 MHz
Zero-Signal DC Plate Current…….. 500 500 mA
DC Plate Voltage…………………………….. 7500 V
DC Plate Current……………………. 1.92 2.72 A
DC Grid-No.2 Voltage………………………. 1000 V
20 DC Grid-No.2 Current……………… 10 60 mA
DC Grid-No.1 Voltage …………………….. -145 V
DC Grid-No.1 Current……………… 5 25 mA
Zero-Signal DC Plate Current………………. 500 mA 21
Driver Power Output ……………… 230 380 W
DC Plate Current……………………………. 3.7 A 14
Output Circuit Efficiency (Approx.).. 90 90 %
DC Grid-No.2 Current……………………… 115 mA Useful Power Output……………… 6500 12,000 W
DC Grid-No.1 Current………………………. 250 mA
1. Measured at the tube terminals. For accurate data the ac current limiting resistors or fault-protectionReturn
Tosuch as spark
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filament voltage should be measured using an accurate RMS gaps and electronic "crow bars." This is especially important
type meter such as the iron-vane or the thermocouple type where high, stored energy and large capacitors are used. In
meter. The dc voltage should be measured using a high input typical 15 kW TV transmitters, the series resistors used are:
impedance type meter. Plate - Thirty ohm minimum is required in high capacitance
For high-current, low-voltage filaments such as are used in the power supplies for video service.
8807, it is recommended that the filament current be monitored Grid No.2 - Fifty ohms minimum.
since very small changes in resistance can produce misleading
changes in voltage. For maximum life, the filament power should Grid No.1 - Fifty ohms.
be regulated at the lowest value that will give stable For additional information see TP-105, “Application Guide for
performance. For those applications where hum is a critical BURLE Large Power Tubes."
consideration, dc filament or hum-bucking circuits are 17. See TP-105 and TP-122. Protection devices such as spark gaps
recommended. See also Application Note TP-117. should be used.
2. It is recommended that an additional seven amperes be available 18. See TP-105. Protection devices such as spark gaps or positive
to allow for the normal reduction of filament resistance with life. clamping diodes should be used.
Thus the filament supply adjustment should be designed for a
capability of 167 amperes at 9.5 volts. A minimum setting is 8.85 19. Permitted plate dissipation is a function of cooling. For specific
volts. ratings see Forced Air Cooling information in this data sheet.
3. To limit filament surge current, a series resistor is recommended: 20. Adjusted for specified zero-signal dc plate current.
the resistor can then be shorted after 15 seconds. 21. Driver power output represents circuit losses in the driver output
4. Recommended standard procedure for maximum stability and circuit and the grid input circuit in addition to the power necessary
longest life. Heating time may be shortened under special to drive the tube.
circumstances if the following precautions are observed: 22. The bandwidth of 6.3 MHz is calculated at the -0.72 dB power
a Filament heating time of 15 to 90 seconds followed by grid- points of a doubled-tuned output circuit using, two times the tube
No.1, plate, grid-No.2, and RF drive. output capacity and a damping factor of √1.5 as illustrated in
b Emergency filament heating time of 4 seconds followed by Figure 2.
grid-No1, plate, grid-No.2, and RF drive. In addition, grid-
No.1 voltage and RF drive must be changed proportionally to 23. Third order IM with three-tone input signal which includes the
reduce plate current to 75% of its normal value for the first 15 aural carrier at -10 dB, the color sub-carrier at -17 dB and the
seconds to prevent tripping plate overcurrent devices. visual carrier at -8 dB below the reference peak power level.
5. For plate voltage = 2000 V, grid-No.2 voltage = 1250 V, and
plate current = 14 A.
6. With external flat metal shield 200 mm (8-inches) in diameter
having a center hole 76 mm (3-inches) in diameter. Shield is
located in plane of the grid-No.2 terminal, perpendicular to the
tube axis, and is connected to grid. No.2.
7. With external flat metal shield 200 mm (8-inches) in diameter
having a center hold 60 mm (2-3/8-inches) in diameter. Shield is
located in plane of the grid-No.1 terminal, perpendicular to the
tube axis, and is connected to grid No.1.
8. As manufactured by:
Jettron Products Inc., 56 Route Ten, Hanover, NJ 07936
9. See Dimensional Outline for Temperature Measurement Points.
For good contact-finger life, a maximum temperature of 180°C at
the terminal is recommended when using commercially-available
beryllium-copper socket contacts.
10. The value of 250 °C is the average of three readings taken 120°
apart around the anode core. No one reading may exceed
300 °C.
11. With 9.5 VAC applied to the filament.
12. With dc-plate voltage = 2,000 V, dc grid-No.2 voltage = 1,500 V, Figure 1 - Maximum DC Voltage with Respect to Altitude
and grid-No.1 voltage pulsed to zero V.
13. With dc plate voltage = 8000 V. dc grid-No.2 voltage 1000 V,
and the dc grid-No.1 voltage adjusted for a dc plate
current = 0.5 A.
14. See TP-105. At the 3dB points, the maximum recommended
Q is 30.
15. In accordance with the Absolute Maximum rating system as
defined by the Electronic Industries Association Standard
RS-239A, formulated by the JEDEC Electron Tube Council.
16. See TP-105.
The maximum voltage ratings must be modified for operation at
altitudes higher than sea level and for temperatures in excess of
20 °C in accordance with the curves of Figure 1. For altitude
derating of the plate voltage, use the voltage difference between
plate and grid No.2.
The maximum fault energy that can be dissipated within the tube
is approximately 100 joules. Therefore, the energy available for a
high-voltage arc or fault must be limited to this value by means of Figure 2 - Bandwidth Characteristics
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Operating Considerations possibly come in contact with any high-potential point in the
Safety Precautions electrical system. The interlock devices should function to
Protection circuits serve a threefold purpose: safety of break the primary circuit of the high-voltage supplies and
personnel, protection of the tube in the event of abnormal discharge high-voltage capacitors when any gate or door on
circuit operation, and protection of the tube circuits in the the protective housing is opened, and should prevent the
event of abnormal tube operation. closing of this primary circuit until the door is again locked.

Power tubes require mechanical protective devices such as The screen circuit requires special attention because the
interlocks, relays, and circuit breakers. Circuit breakers heating power of the current and voltage on this electrode is
alone may not provide adequate protection in certain power- not the algebraic product of the current and voltage elements
tube circuits when the power-supply filter, modulator, or as observed at the terminal. For analysis of the circuit, review
pulse-forming network stores much energy. Additional
TP-122. A time-delay relay should be provided in the grid-
protection may be achieved by the use of high-speed
electronic circuits to bypass the fault current until mechanical No.1 supply circuit to delay application of this voltage until
circuit breakers are opened. These circuits may employ a the filament has reached normal operating temperature.
controlled gas tube, such as a thyratron or ignitron, An interlocking relay system should be provided to prevent
depending on the amount of energy to be handled. application of plate voltage prior to the application of
sufficient bias voltage otherwise, with insufficient bias, the
Great care should be taken during the adjustment of circuits. resultant high plate current may cause excessive plate
The tube and its associated apparatus, especially all parts dissipation with consequent damage to the tube. RF load
which may be at high potential above ground, should be shorts or other causes of high output VSWR may also cause
housed in a protective enclosure. The protective housing high dissipations, excessive
should be designed with interlocks so that personnel can not

Figure 3 - Typical Constant Current Characteristics Figure 4 - Typical Constant Current Characteristics
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voltage gradients, or insulator flashover. The load VSWR flow and pressure requirements of a system sufficient to limit
should be monitored and the detected signal used to actuate the core temperature to specific values for various levels of
the interlock system to remove the plate voltage in less than plate dissipation.
10 milliseconds after the fault occurs. Because the cooling capacity of air varies with its density,
Filament-Voltage Adjustment factors must be applied to the air flow to compensate for
The life of the filament can be conserved by adjusting to the operation at altitude or in high temperature environments.
lowest filament supply voltage that will give the desired During Standby Operation -- Cooling air is required when
performance. Follow the filament voltage adjustment only the filament voltage is applied to the tube.
procedure below. For further information on forced air cooling, see TP-105 and
Regulated Filament Supplies: also TP-118, “Application Guide for Forced Air Cooling of
1. Before the application of any other voltages to a new BURLE Power Tubes."
tube, the filament voltage should be adjusted to 9.5 volts Mounting
at the tube socket. A true RMS voltmeter should be used See the preferred mounting arrangement shown in Figure 7.
for accurate measurement. It may be more convenient to For other arrangements, cavity-type mounting for multiple-
make the measurement at other contacts in the ring terminal-type tubes may be constructed by using either
equipment, but the value will be higher because of fixed or adjustable contact rings of finger contact strips in the
increased impedance such as wire loss or contact transverse plane.
Tube Removal from Socket (Suggested Method)
2. Apply voltages and adjust tuning controls as necessary
It is recommended that the tube be removed from the socket
for proper operation as described in the appropriate with an assembly similar to that shown in Figure 10. The
instruction manual. extractor plate should be constructed as shown in Figure 12.
3. Reduce the filament voltage in 0.1 -volt increments -- The tube should not be removed from the socket by rocking
repeating the procedures in Steps 1 and 2 --until the tubeback and forth. This motion crushes the contact
performance degradation is noted. Then increase the fingers and applies undue force to the internal structure of
heater voltage 0.1 volt above this point. Typically the tube.
depending upon the application, this voltage will be in the
range of 9.0 to 9.3 volts.
Unregulated Filament Supplies:
1. If an unregulated filament supply is used, the above
procedure for regulated supplies should be performed
during low-line conditions to assure adequate tube
performance during these periods. Then check during
high-line conditions to assure that the 10.0 volt maximum
is not exceeded.
During life when evidence is observed that a tube is
becoming emission limited, increasing the filament voltage
may extend the useful life of the tube. However, never
increase filament voltage to compensate for a decrease in
other circuit parameters such as RF drive or video
modulating voltage!
Forced Air Cooling
Cooling air flow is necessary to limit the anode-core and
terminal-seal temperatures to values that will assure long
reliable life. A sufficient quantity of air should be directed
past each of these terminals so that its temperature does not
approach the absolute-maximum limit. The absolute-
maximum temperature rating for this tube is 250 °C. It is
recommended that a safety factor of 25° to 50° be applied, to
compensate for all probable system and component
variations throughout life.
The cooling air must be delivered by the blower through the
radiator and at the terminal seals during the application of
power and for a minimum of three minutes after the power
has been removed.
To Cathode-Filament and Filament Terminals -- A sufficient
quantity of air should be blown directly at these terminals so
that their temperature does not approach the absolute-
maximum limit of 250 °C. A value of at least 60 cfm is
The Cooling Characteristic Curve, Figure 5, indicates the air Figure 5 - Air Flow Characteristics
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Tabulated Dimensions
Dimension Millimeters Inches Note Note 1 - The diameter of each terminal is maintained only
A Dia. 179.20 ± .76 7.055 ± .030 1 over the indicated minimum length of its contact
B Dia. 82.30 ± .25 3.240 ± .010 1 surface.
Note 2 - Keep all stippled regions clear. In general, do not
C Dia. 76.91 ± .36 3.028 ± 0.14 1
allow contacts to protrude into these annular
D Dia. 58.90 ± .30 2.319 ± .012 1
regions. If special connectors are required which
E Dia. 46.99 ± .25 1.850 ± .010 1 may intrude on these regions contact BURLE Power
F Dia. 30.48 ± .25 1.200 ± .010 1 Tube Applications Engineering, Lancaster, PA.
H Dia. 15.67 ± .08 0.617 ± .003 1 Note 3 - Tapped 1/4-20 NC x 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) deep.
J 170.18 max. 6.700 max. Note 4 - With the plate terminal and the cathode-filament
K 139.95 max. 5.655 max. terminals used as reference, the other terminals will
M 50.80 ± 1.0 2.000 ± .040 measure less than 1.02 mm (0.040 inch) total
N 35.56 ± .8 1.400 ± .030 indicator run-out (TIR).
P 8.26 ref. 0.325 ref.
Q 5.08 ± .63 0.200 ± .025
S 12.7 ± .8 0.50 ± .030
T 18.42 ± 1.01 0.725 ± .040
U 25.4 ± 1.3 1.00 ± .05
V 6.35 min. 0.250 min.
W 9.52 min. 0.375 min.
X 5.59 min. 0.220 min.
Y 4.06 min. 0.160 min.
Z 31.80 min. 1.250 min.

Figure 6 - Dimensional Outline

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Note 1 - The tolerance for the indicated dimension is:

plus 0.25 mm (0.010 inch)
minus 00 mm (00 inch)
Note 2 - The tolerance for the indicated dimension is:
plus 00 mm (00 inch)
minus 0.05 mm (0.002 inch)
Note 3 - The tolerance for the indicated dimension is:
plus 0.05 mm (0.002 inch)
minus 00 mm (00 inch)
Note 4- Finger stock is No.97-i 35A, as made by:
Instrument Specialties Company
Little Falls, N.J. 07424
Note 5 - Socketsand chimneys are available and may be
obtained limited quantities from BURLE and in
production quantities from: Jettron Products Inc., 56
Route Ten, Hanover, N.J. 07936

Supplier Socket No. Chimney No.

Jettron CD 89-085 8824

Tabulated Dimensions
Dimension Millimeters Inches Notes
C Dia. 81.79 3.220 Note 1 Figure 8 - Terminal Diagram
D Dia. 63.75 2.510 Note 1
E Dia. 51.82 2.040 Note 1
F 5.46 0.215
G 10.92 0.430
H 12.07 0.475
J 0.38 0.015
K 20.32 0.800
M Dia. 15.24 0.600 Note 2
N 3.18 0.125
P 25.40 min. 1.000 min.
S Dia. 21.59 0.850
T Dia. 19.43 0.765
U Dia. 31.11 1.225 Note 3
V 3.18 0.125
W 25.40 min. 1.000 min.
X Dia. 26.92 1.060
Y Dia. 24.77 0.975

Figure 7 - Preferred Mounting Arrangement

Figure 9 - BURLE Tube Type 8807 Being Removed

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Tabulated Dimensions
Dimension Millimeters Inches
A 47.8 1.87
B 95.3 3.75
C 28.4 1.12
D 168.1 6.62
E 84.1 3.31
F 101.6 4.00
G 50.8 2.00
H 12.7 0.50
J 25.4 1.00
K 63.5 2.50
M 127.0 5.00
N Dia. 0.66 0.26
P Radius 41.1 1.62
R Radius 12.7 0.50

Figure 10 – Extractor Plate

Warning - Personal Safety Hazards Maximum rated frequency is 400 MHz. Note solid line of
tuning curves to 400 MHz. However, the tube is capable of
Electrical Shock - Operating voltages applied to this amplification to beyond 2 GHz. And care must be taken by
device present a shock hazard. the circuit designer to prevent parasitic oscillations at high
frequencies. Dashed line of tuning curves above 400 MHz
RF Radiation - This device in operation produces RF radia- are provided for circuit design assistance to prevent
tion which may be harmful to personnel. oscillation in the TE11 mode.

Figure 11 – Electrode Cavity Tuning


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