SPE - ME-15104 - Updated
SPE - ME-15104 - Updated
SPE - ME-15104 - Updated
To impart knowledge about:
1. Power generation, Basic components in steam power plants, steam power plant cycles, Methods to
improve the Rankine cycle and Cogeneration cycle.
2. The concept of steam flow through nozzles and diffusers along with their design analysis.
3. Classification and working of different steam turbines and governing methods.
4. Steam condensing plant, analysis of condenser, the environmental impacts of therma l power plant,
method to reduce pollution from thermal power plant and cooling tower.
5. Understanding various types of steam generators, mountings and accessories and their performance
S.N. Outcomes BT Level BT
CO1 Identify the different components and their working principles that 2 Understand
comprise a steam power plant.
CO2 Understand the concepts of steam flow through nozzles and diffusers 2 Understand
and steam turbine, working of steam generator , condenser and
cooling tower.
CO3 Evaluate the performance parameters of the different components of 3 Apply
steam power plant.
CO4 Analyse the working cycle of the steam power plant to improve its 4 Analyse
efficiency. To get familiar with the latest technologies been used in
the power plant sector.
CO-PO-PSO Mapping
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 3 3 1 - - - - - - - 1 2 3
CO2 3 3 3 1 - - - - - - - 1 3 2
CO3 3 3 3 1 1 - - - 1 - - 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 3
Course Outcomes (CO), Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
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1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High), If there is no correlation, “-”.
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Module Content Lectures
1 Vapour power cycle: Review of Carnot and Rankine cycle , E ffect of operating 08
conditions on thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle, Principle methods of increasing
thermal efficiency, Deviation of actual cycle from theoretical cycle, Efficiencies,
Requirement of idea l working fluid, Binary vapour cycle, Regenerati ve feed heating
cycles, Calculation of mass of bled steam, Optimum feed water temperature,
temperature distribution in feed heaters, Deaerators, Effect of flow of wet. Steam in
nozzles and blades, Erosion and corrosion of blades and its prevention, Reheati ng and
regenerative cycles, Practical feed heating systems.
2 Flow through nozzles and diffusers: Classification of nozzles and diffusers. Steady 06
flow energy equation through nozzles, momentum equation. Nozzle and diffuser
efficiencies, mass flow rate through nozzle under isentropic flow condition, critical in
nozzle flow, physical explanation of critical pressure for a given initial velocity under
isentropic and actual flow conditions, general relationsh ip, between area, velocity and
pressure in nozzl es and d iffuser, design of nozzles and diffusers, supersaturated flow
through nozzles, effect of variation of back pressure in nozzle.
3 Steam turbines: Principles of working of steam turbines, classifica tion comparison, and 12
velocity diagram for impuls e a nd re action turbines. Power output, axial thrust diagram
efficiency; energy lost by impulse and reaction turbines. Optimum value of blade -speed
ration in impulse and reaction turbines, losses in steam turb ines, state point locus and
reheat factor, need of gover ning, throttle governing, nozzle governing and by pass
governing speeder and anticipatory gear, governing of reheat turbines, direct digital
control, governing characteristics, steam turbine auxiliary systems.
4 Condensers and Cooling Towers: Func tion of condenser, condensing system, surface 04
and jet condensers, mass of circulating water, condenser and vacuum efficiency,
Cooling tower: construction details and analysis.
5 Steam generator: Functi on of boilers, Classification of boilers, modern boilers , heat 10
absorption in water tube boilers, circulation in down comer -riser circuits and their
sizing, steam drum and internal, mountings and accessories, Ash loading system, feed
water treatment, Fuel h andling systems, Fuel burning equipment. Fluidiz ed bed b oilers,
steam generator control, draught, performance
Text Books:
1. Power Plant Engineering by P.K. Nag.
2. Theory of Steam Turbine by W.J. Kearton
1. Power Plant Technology by M.M. El -Waki l, McGraw Hill, Internal Edition.
2. Power Plant E ngineeri ng by Domkundwar and Arora, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
3. Steam & Gas turbines and Power Plant Engineering, VII ed., 2004, Central Publishing House
4. Power Plant system Design by K.W. Li and B. P. P riddy, John Wiley, 1985.
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