Flex Master

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Endodontic Topics 2005, 10, 183–186 Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard

All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2005


FlexMaster: a universal system


FlexMasters NiTi files have been in successful application for some years, not only in Germany but also worldwide,
and their use is becoming increasingly widespread. The cutting blade design of K-type files provides for efficient
working and effective removal of dentinal debris. Due to their convex cross-sectional profile, these instruments are
moreover equipped with a more solid instrument core which reduces the risk of fractures and deformations.
FlexMasters instruments are among the most comprehensively investigated rotary NiTi instruments. Very good
results have been reported both in numerous in vitro studies and in an in vivo setting. The present article elucidates
and assesses both the scientific setting and the clinical aspects of the system.

Background are 21, 25 and 31 mm (Table 1). For individual length

marking, all instruments are supplied by the manufac-
FlexMaster (FM) nickel–titanium (NiTi) files (VDW, turer with a rubber stop. Calibration on radiographs is
Munich, Germany) have been used in Europe success- assisted by additional depth markings at 18, 19, 20 and
fully for some time. The present article describes the 22 mm on the instruments.
scientific evidence supporting their uptake as well as As with almost all rotary root canal preparation
various clinical aspects of the system. systems, the canal is prepared in the crowndown
technique. Preparation commences with the IntroFile,
which has a conicity of 11% and a 9 mm long, active
Geometry and design of FM files
working section. This permits rapid tapered prepara-
The cutting blades of FM instruments have no radial tion of the canal entrances as well as shaping of the
lands to provide efficient and effective removal of coronal third of the canal. Preparation of the middle
dentine. Because of their convex cross-sectional profile third of the canal is completed with one of three simple
(Fig. 1), the instruments have a more substantial core sequences for large canals (blue sequence), medium
that reduces the risk of instrument fracture and canals (red sequence) or narrow canals (yellow
deformation. This geometry means that the alloy core sequence). Apical preparation is performed on com-
is exposed to less stress during torsional loading than pletion of the crowndown phase using files with
instruments with a more slender core. For example, increasing diameters (green sequence).
Hübscher et al. (2003), reported that FM instruments Instrument management can be simplified by using
generated low torque scores and were highly resistant the System Box, on which the sequences are illustrated
to cyclic fatigue. (Fig. 2). Additional holes are provided in the Box to
FM instruments have a non-cutting rounded guiding hold other instruments that may be required.
tip that has the potential to reduce the creation of zip The sequence, in which the files are used, can be
and elbows. With all NiTi systems the risk of fracture varied according to the personal preference of the
declines with decreasing rotational speed, as the practitioner. The apex of wide canals can generally be
instrument is exposed to torsional and bending stresses approached without difficulty with instruments having
with each revolution in curved canals. A low rotational a large taper. When using the instruments in an
speed of 280 r.p.m. is therefore recommended for FM. individually selected sequence, care must always be
The files are available in ISO sizes 15–70. The taper of taken to ensure that the instruments are not subjected
2%, 4% and 6%, respectively, is marked with milled rings to excessive stress. It is therefore important to observe
on the shank of the instrument. The available lengths the generic guidelines used for all other NiTi systems.


Fig. 1. Cross-sectional profile of a triangular FlexMaster

file with convex external profile (courtesy of PD Dr
Schwarze, Hanover, Germany).

Fig. 2. FlexMaster System box with sequences for root

Table 1. Available FlexMaster instruments in dif- canals of different widths.
ferent lengths, conicities and ISO sizes

Taper (%) Marking ISO size Length (mm)

2 One ring 15–70 21, 25, 31

4 Two rings 15–40 21, 25, 31

6 Three rings 15–40 21, 25

Torque-controlled rotary motion

Motors with torque control make a notable contribu-
tion to increased safety during rotary root canal
preparation with NiTi instruments.
For FM instruments, the ‘Endo IT professionell’
low-torque-controlled motor with instrument-indivi-
dualized torque is available (Fig. 3). This motor is
highly versatile as it provides the optional settings for Fig. 3. ‘Endo IT professionell’ torque-controlled motor
NiTi systems from other manufacturers. In addition to with angled handpiece.
the established systems Profile, GT Rotary, Lightspeed
and Hero, settings for more recent systems (ProTaper
and K3) have been included in the programming This setting facility may partially offset typical errors
options. An interface permits an update for new file created by beginners, e.g. inadequate application of
systems or modified parameters within 30 s. The motor lubricant, leaving the instrument too long in the root
offers two operating levels: canal, etc. On the other hand, it gives the experienced
Level I: for ‘NiTi novices’ (low-torque values). practitioner the opportunity to reuse instruments at
Level II: for ‘experienced users’ (higher torque low-torque ratings to provide an added degree of safety.
values). An acoustic signal when a file reaches 75% of the set


have been reported both in numerous ex vivo studies

and in a clinical setting (Figs 4 and 5).
Use of FM files was reported to save 20–50% of the
time invested in manual preparation. Correct prepara-
tion lengths were also achieved significantly more often
than with manual preparation.
Several studies have confirmed the retention of the
original shape of the root canal and have concluded that
the risk of canal transportation when preparing curved
root canals was greater than with Lightspeed instru-
Contradictory findings are also reported in SEM
studies on smear layer removal with FM instruments
Fig. 4. These two maxillary molars were prepared with and flexible stainless-steel files. Whereas Chanteaux
FlexMaster files and filled with gutta-percha points and et al. (2001) reported better smear layer removal with
sealer in the lateral condensation technique by second- FM instruments, flexible stainless-steel instruments
year students. proved more efficient for this purpose in a study by
Schäfer & Lohmann (2002b).
FM instrument fractures occur only occasionally
during preparation. A comparison with results of
studies of other NiTi systems shows that the safety
and reliability of FM instruments are good.
These and other findings have resulted in mechanical
root canal preparation with the FM system becoming
an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum at
numerous German universities.

Curved root canals can be prepared without difficulty
with FM NiTi instruments by both experienced
Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 4. practitioners and by novices. In particular the positive
results of numerous studies with inexperienced opera-
torque limit provides adequate warning before wed- tors demonstrate that this system is simple and user-
ging in the canal occurs. As a result, the automatic friendly.
reverse function with acoustic signal on reaching the
programmed resistance value is only seldom required. Further Reading
Both features are helpful in avoiding fractures and
enhance the safety of an instrument considerably. 1. Barthel CR, Gruber S, Roulet JF. A new method to assess
In addition to the preprogrammed file sequences for the results of instrumentation techniques in the root
large, medium and narrow canals, the motor offers canal. J Endod 1999: 25: 535–538.
individually programmable sequences with instruments 2. Chanteaux M, Baumann-Giedziella UA, Hellmich M,
Baumann MA. Cleaning and shaping efficiency of
from different manufacturers. FlexMasters evaluated by SEM. Int Endod J 2001: 35:
99 (abstract R 60).
3. Hübscher W, Barbakow F, Peters OA. Root canal
preparation with FlexMaster: assessment of torque and
Recent findings with FM force in relation to canal anatomy. Int Endod J 2003: 36:
FM instruments are among the most comprehensively 4. Hübscher W, Barbakow F, Peters OA. Root-canal
investigated rotary NiTi instruments. Very good results preparation with FlexMaster: canal shapes analysed by


micro-computed tomography. Int Endod J 2003: 36: 9. Sonntag D, Delschen S, Stachniss V. Root-canal shaping
740–747. with manual and rotary Ni–Ti files performed by
5. Hülsmann M, Gressmann G, Schäfers F. A comparative students. Int Endod J 2003: 36: 715–723.
study of root canal preparation using FlexMaster and 10. Sonntag D, Guntermann A, Kim SK, Stachniss V. Root
HERO 642 rotary Ni–Ti instruments. Int Endod J 2003: canal shaping with manual stainless steel files and rotary
36: 358–366. Ni–Ti files performed by students. Int Endod J 2003: 36:
6. Schäfer E, Lohmann D. Efficiency of rotary nickel– 246–255.
titanium FlexMaster instruments compared with stainless 11. Sonntag D, Kook K, Hannig M, Stachniss V. Clinical
steel hand K-Flexofile – Part 2. Cleaning effectiveness and study of root canal preparation during undergraduate
instrumentation results in severely curved root canals of dental training 2005, in press.
extracted teeth. Int Endod J 2002: 35: 514–521. 12. Turpin YL, Chagneau F, Vulcain JM. Impact of two
7. Schäfer E, Lohmann D. Efficiency of rotary nickel- theoretical cross-sections on torsional and bending
titanium FlexMaster instruments compared with stainless stresses of nickel–titanium root canal instrument models.
steel hand K-Flexofile – Part 1. Shaping ability in J Endod 2000: 26: 414–417.
simulated curved canals. Int Endod J 2002: 35: 505–513. 13. Weiger R, Bruckner M, ElAyouti A, Löst C. Preparation
8. Schäfer E, Schulz-Bongert U, Tulus G. Comparison of of curved root canals with rotary FlexMaster instruments
hand stainless steel and nickel titanium rotary instru- compared to Lightspeed instruments and NiTi hand
mentation: a clinical study. J Endod 2004: 30: 432–435. files. Int Endod J 2003: 36: 483–490.


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