Schrader 1999
Schrader 1999
Schrader 1999
312 International Endodontic Journal, 32, 312±320, 1999 q 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd
Schrader et al. ProFile technique
technique using Flex-R-Files (Union Broach, Ennisville, direction and efficiency of the rotary instruments
PA, USA) to reduce apical transportation. negatively, are removed.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, significantly Pulp chambers are usually opened whilst preparing
modified endodontic instruments were designed, tested access cavities, and when a cylindrical diamond drops
and marketed. At that time Walia et al. (1988) through the pulp chamber roof, no further cutting
described the first highly flexible nickel-titanium files. should be allowed to occur apically. The aim is to have
New geometric designs were described for cutting a direct view to the canal orifices without overextend-
heads and non-cutting shafts (Canal Master, Brasseler, ing the access cavity. Subsequently, any obstructions,
Savannah, GA, USA; and Lightspeed, Lightspeed Inc, other foreign materials and vital or necrotic pulp
San Antonio, TX, USA) (Wildey & Senia 1989). The tissues are removed from the pulp chamber before
latter have short cutting heads with three geometric entering the canals.
patterns depending on the instrument size, non-cutting When using ProFile instruments, the canal orifices
pilot tips and broad radial lands. Other instruments are enlarged and, after preparing the canals coronally,
with broad radial lands and non-cutting pilots, but the working lengths are determined. Canal orifices and
with long cutting surfaces, include the ProFile .04 the initial 2±4 mm of the canals are enlarged using
(Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and the Gates-Glidden burs (GGB). The procedure ensures that
Quantec (Tycom, Irvine, CA, USA) instruments. The larger volumes of disinfecting irrigants reach the canal
tapers of ProFile .04, Lightspeed and Quantec walls. Simultaneously, the vital or necrotic pulp tissue,
instruments do not conform to those stipulated by spe- with or without infecting microorganisms, is removed
cification no. 28 and the corresponding instruments before preparing the apical portion. More importantly,
have larger and/or variable tapers. clinicians have a better tactile awareness in the apical
Depending on the preferred technique, ProFile .04 third after removing all dentine constrictions from the
instruments can be used in varying sequences. This coronal part of the canal.
paper describes, step-by-step, a method to prepare an
apical stop using ProFile .04 instruments. Radiographs
Step-by-step description
taken buccolingually (clinical) and mesiodistally
(mesial) detail the steps during the canal preparation The two canals in the extracted maxillary premolar
in an extracted premolar with two canals. The had both primary and secondary curvatures and both
technique is visualized using schematic diagrams to were prepared using only ProFile .04 instruments.
clarify distances between the radiographic apex of the After preparing a standard access, the canal orifices
root and the selected working length of the root canal. were located and enlarged using GGBs whose
Although both canals were cleaned and shaped, diameters were slightly larger than the diameters of
instruments were only placed in one canal when the orifices. The pulp chamber was flooded with 5.25%
taking the radiographs. sodium hypochlorite, and initially a size 110 GGB was
used in a slow-speed handpiece (10E, Micro-Mega,
Geneva, Switzerland). The GGB progressed only 1 mm
into the canal and was immediately backed out
Successful root canal treatment is influenced by (Fig. 1a). Subsequently, GGBs (sizes 090 and 070)
cleaning and shaping, disinfection and obturation. The were used, each preparing an additional 1 mm so that
access cavity affects cleaning and shaping so much the coronal 3±4 mm of the canals was shaped by GGBs
that predictable, repeatedly successful root canal (Fig. 1b). These procedures facilitate subsequent use of
therapy begins with good access cavity preparations. the ProFile instruments. After using each GGB, the
Time spent on the access cavities minimizes the time canal was irrigated with 2 mL 5.25% sodium hypo-
required for the subsequent treatment and optimizes chlorite to help flush out the accumulated debris.
the quality of canal preparation. Access cavity Before determining the working lengths of the root
preparation is all the more important when using canals, a crown-down-like technique was performed
engine-driven rotary instruments, irrespective of the using ProFile .04 instruments in an `r.p.m.-reducing'
technique. Rotary instruments can fracture and the dental handpiece. ProFile .04 instruments rotate
risk increases if the access cavity is inadequate. A good clockwise, progressing apically with a pecking motion,
access cavity ensures that dentine and enamel with distinct forward and backward movements. The
overhangs, which may influence the cutting force, backward movement takes place as soon as resistance
q 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 32, 312±320, 1999 313
ProFile technique Schrader et al.
Figure 1 Radiographs showing Gates-Glidden burs no. 110 (a) and no. 090 (b) in the buccal canal of an extracted lower
premolar taken buccolingually (left) and mesiodistally (right), detailing a step-down procedure with each bur progressing about
1 mm further into the canal than the previous bur.
is felt whilst moving the rotating instrument forwards. In the current example, the first ProFile .04
The force applied with ProFile instruments, irrespective instrument used was the size 60. This instrument, in
of their size, is no more than that required to snap a the buccal canal, attained the length shown in
sharp lead pencil point. Ignoring this simple yet basic Fig. 2(a) and it was removed from the canal as soon as
rule will unnecessarily increase the risk of instrument resistance was felt whilst the instrument was rotating
fracture. The pecking motion is crucial whilst using continually. It is important that ProFile instruments
ProFile instruments and must be continued until the enter the canals rotating constantly at their optimal
desired penetration into the canal for that particular speed (150±300 r.p.m.), remain rotating whilst in the
instrument is attained. canals, and only stop rotating once they are
Figure 2 Radiographs showing ProFile .04 instruments, sizes 60 (a) and 45 (b), in the buccal canal of an extracted lower
premolar taken buccolingually (left) and mesiodistally (right); the first two stages of the crown-down procedure are seen. Each
instrument was progressed apically until resistance was felt and then the next smaller ProFile instrument was used.
314 International Endodontic Journal, 32, 312±320, 1999 q 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd
Schrader et al. ProFile technique
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ProFile technique Schrader et al.
Figure 5 Schematic flow chart detailing the sequence in which the ProFile.04 instruments were used during the crown-down
procedure. Initially, sizes 60, 45, 40 and 35 were used, and then the working length was set using a size 15 hand K-File. Finally,
the next four ProFile instruments (sizes 30, 25, 20 and 15) were used, progressing apically until the required working length was
reached. The horizontal lines indicate the approximate depths attained by each instrument during the crown-down procedure.
Figure 6 Radiographs showing ProFile .04 instruments, sizes 20 (a) and 40 (b), in the buccal canal of the extracted lower
premolar taken buccolingually (left) and mesiodistally (right), detailing the preparation of the apical stop. Sizes 20±40 were used
at the working length, increasing the diameter of the apical stop. The last instrument used to prepare the apical is termed the
master apical rotary (MAR). The curvature on the size 40 ProFile instrument follows the primary and secondary canal curves.
larger ProFile .04 instrument after the MAR, namely In summary, the suggested technique for using
size 45, was stepped-back by 1 mm (Fig. 8a). Succes- ProFile .04 instruments is as follows:
sively larger instruments were used sequentially
without skipping a single size. During this stage each 1 Establish good access and locate canal orifices.
instrument was advanced only until a distinct 2 Prepare initial 2±4 mm of the canal using Gates-
resistance was felt and then the instrument was Glidden burs.
withdrawn from the canal (Figs 8 and 9). The last 3 Prepare coronal two-thirds using sizes 60-35
step-back ProFile instrument was size 60. Finally, the ProFile .04 instruments (crown-down).
canals were recapitulated with the MAR to ensure that 4 Determine the canal's optimal working length
the selected working lengths were maintained. using size 15 K-Flexofile.
316 International Endodontic Journal, 32, 312±320, 1999 q 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd
Schrader et al. ProFile technique
Figure 7 Schematic flow chart detailing the preparation of the apical stop using five ProFile instruments: sizes (from left to right)
20, 25, 30, 35 and 40. The horizontal lines indicate that the instruments were sequentially used to the same working length.
Figure 8 Radiographs showing ProFile .04 instruments, sizes 45 (a) and 60 (b), used in a step-back procedure in the buccal
canal of the extracted lower premolar taken buccolingually (left) and mesiodistally (right).
5 Prepare apical part using sizes 30±15 ProFile .04 pulpitis. After taking diagnostic radiographs, standar-
instruments. dized access cavities were prepared, the canal orifices
6 Prepare apical stop using sizes 15±40 ProFile .04 were located and the canals stepped-down using GGBs,
instruments, each to working length. sizes 110, 090 and 070, as described. Subsequently,
7 Flare the canal, stepping-back with ProFile .04 ProFile .04 instruments, sizes 60, 45, 40 and 35, were
instruments, sizes 45±60. used in a crown-down fashion. The canals were
irrigated after each instrument with 2 mL 3% NaOCl
and 17% EDTA using a 27 gauge needle. Radiographs
Case reports
were taken to confirm the selected working lengths and
Three clinical cases, treated by MA, are presented as the crown-down technique was continued with sequen-
examples in which the canals were prepared with apical tially smaller ProFile .04 instruments. The first ProFile
stops as described and then obturated using laterally instrument to reach working length in all the canals in
condensed cold gutta-percha. The three teeth had the three teeth was the size 15. Apical stops were
severe caries and were diagnosed as having irreversible prepared by sequentially using ProFile .04 instruments,
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ProFile technique Schrader et al.
Figure 9 Schematic flow chart detailing, from left to right, the three ProFile instruments, sizes 45, 60 and 90, used in a step-
back procedure. The fourth ProFile instrument (size 40) is used last to recapitulate the prepared canal. The horizontal lines
indicate the approximate depths attained by each instrument during the step-back procedure Note that the size 90 ProFile
instrument was not used for this extracted tooth as the preparation by the size 60 ProFile instrument merged into the canal
shaped by the Gates-Glidden burs.
Figure 10 (a) Radiograph showing the cone fit in each of the three canals in a maxillary first and second molar in which the
master apical rotaries (MARs) for the buccal and palatal canals were shaped to sizes 35 and 45, respectively. (b) Radiograph
detailing the laterally condensed canals in the maxillary first and second molars shown in Fig. 10(a).
sizes 15±45. Figures 10(a) and (b) show, respectively, in a second maxillary molar. ProFile instrument sizes
the cone fit and final radiographs after obturating the 35 and 45 were designated as MARs for the buccal
three canals in each of the first and second maxillary and palatal canals, respectively, and the canals were
molars. The canals were laterally condensed using AH also laterally condensed.
Plus (Dentsply, De Trey, Konstanz, Germany) and
gutta-percha cones (Roeko, Langenau, Germany).
ProFile instrument sizes 35 and 45 were designated as
MARs for the buccal and palatal canals, respectively. Se- Procedural errors (zipping, apical transportation,
quentially larger ProFile instruments were then used, elbow, etc.) are the consequences of preparing curved
each stepped back 1 mm per instrument or until a canals with files and reamers with limited flexibility.
resistance was felt, until size 60, to produce a tapered However, the use of nickel-titanium hand files has
canal. improved the quality of canal preparations in curved
Figures 11(a) and (b) show, respectively, the cone fit canals. Furthermore, the flexibility of nickel±titanium
and final radiographs after obturating the four canals enables newly designed engine-driven rotary
318 International Endodontic Journal, 32, 312±320, 1999 q 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd
Schrader et al. ProFile technique
Figure 11 (a) Radiograph showing the cone fit in the four canals in a maxillary second molar in which the master apical
rotaries (MARs) for the buccal and palatal canals were shaped to sizes 35 and 45, respectively. (b) Radiograph detailing the
laterally condensed canals in the maxillary second molar shown in (a).
instruments to optimize the preparation of curved root 1998). Fractures of rotary instruments occur when
canals (Glosson et al. 1995, Peters et al. 1997, Short principles of the specific technique are neglected, parti-
et al. 1997). Such rotary instruments prepare curved cularly when too much pressure is used. Other reasons
canals with less transportation in the apical third and for fracture include unexpectedly complex canal
with less dentine removal coronally (Short et al. 1997). anatomy in the final 2±3 mm of the canals or insuffi-
ProFile instruments are also available in a .06 taper, ciently frequent replacement of the instruments.
and recently Kavanagh & Lumley (1998) showed that The taper of conventional instruments favours the
no significant differences were found in canal transpor- extrusion of pulpal tissue through the apical foramen
tation when using the .04 or .06 ProFile instruments. during root canal treatment. Subjectively, clinicians
The size 90 ProFile instrument was not used as the report that they suspect that greater amounts of tissue
final rotary in the case described because the step- are transported coronally when using ProFile .04
down technique using GGBs adequately prepared the instruments. Supporting this theory, Reddy & Hicks
coronal part of the canals. (1998) demonstrated that engine-driven rotary nickel±
During the last year an engine-driven rotary titanium instruments caused less debris to be extruded
system has been marketed in Europe by Dentsply apically than a manual push-pull or filing action. In
Maillefer. The European ProFile instruments have the that study, only the balanced force technique yielded
typical .04 taper, but are sized differently from those similar amounts of apically extruded debris to the
manufactured in the USA. Because of the European engine-driven rotary techniques. Beeson et al. (1998)
specifications, diameters of the apical stops are more showed that coronal flaring resulted in less apical
readily prepared to the conventional ISO sizes (35, extrusion of debris by reducing the amount of dentine
40 and 45). Sufficient scientific proof is available available to push apically. In addition, the distance of
which indicates that canals in most teeth should at the apical stop from the apical foramen influences the
least be prepared to size 35 or 40 instruments amount of extruded debris. Finally, the engine-driven
(Kerekes & Tronstad 1977, Miyashita et al. 1997). In NiTi instruments not only facilitate cleaning and
support of this, a study has shown that increased shaping of root canals, but also reduce the time
master apical file sizes improved the cleaning of root required to prepare canals compared with manual
canals (Wu & Wesselink 1995). filing techniques (Short et al. 1997).
Irrespective of the technique or the alloy used, any
rotary instrument can fracture when the modulus of
elasticity of the metal is exceeded. The frequency of References
instrument fracture has been documented for some, Barbakow F, Lutz F (1997) The Lightspeed preparation
but not all, rotary techniques, whilst wear of technique evaluated by Swiss clinicians after attending
Lightspeed instruments has been documented. (Zuolo continuing education courses. International Endodontic
et al. 1992, Barbakow & Lutz 1997, Marending et al. Journal 30, 46±50.
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