Grade 11 Math Pre Calculus
Grade 11 Math Pre Calculus
Grade 11 Math Pre Calculus
Mathematics (30S)
A Course for Independent Study
2013, 2019
M a ni t o b a E d u c a t i o n
Manitoba Education Cataloguing in Publication Data
ISBN: 978-0-7711-5530-7
Manitoba Education
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Every effort has been made to acknowledge original sources and to comply
with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please
notify Manitoba Education. Errors or omissions will be corrected in a future
edition. Sincere thanks to the authors, artists, and publishers who allowed
their original material to be used.
All images found in this resource are copyright protected and should not
be extracted, accessed, or reproduced for any purpose other than for their
intended educational use in this resource.
Any websites referenced in this resource are subject to change without notice.
Disponible en français.
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Overview 3
What Will You Learn in This Course? 3
How Is This Course Organized? 3
What Resources Will You Need For This Course? 5
Who Can Help You with This Course? 6
How Will You Know How Well You Are Learning? 7
How Much Time Will You Need to Complete This Course? 11
When and How Will You Submit Completed Assignments? 13
What Are the Guide Graphics For? 16
Math Goals 17
Cover Sheets 19
Contents iii
Module 2: Factoring and Rational Expressions 1
Module 2 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Factoring Review 5
Lesson 2: Quadratic Patterns; Is a Binomial a Factor of a Polynomial? 17
Lesson 3: Equivalent Rational Expressions 37
Lesson 4: Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions 53
Lesson 5: Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions 69
Module 2 Summary 93
Module 2 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Module 7: Trigonometry 1
Module 7 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: The Trigonometric Ratios of Angles 0° £ q £ 360° 5
Lesson 2: Reference Angles and Solving Trigonometric
Equations in Linear Form 19
Lesson 3: Patterns in the Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Ratios 51
Lesson 4: The Sine Law 67
Lesson 5: The Cosine Law 85
Lesson 6: The Ambiguous Case 95
Module 7 Summary 115
Lesson 7 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Contents v
Module 8: Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions 1
Module 8 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Absolute Value of a Number 7
Lesson 2: Graphing Absolute Value Functions 19
Lesson 3: Solving Absolute Value Equations 37
Lesson 4: Graphing Reciprocal Functions: Part 1 53
Lesson 5: Graphing Reciprocal Functions: Part 2 85
Module 8 Summary 105
Lesson 8 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Acknowledgements vii
G r a de 11 P r e- C a lc u lu s
M at hem at ic s (30S)
Introduction 3
Each module in this course consists of several lessons, which contain the
following components:
n Lesson Focus: The Lesson Focus at the beginning of each lesson identifies
one or more specific learning outcomes (SLOs) that are addressed in
the lesson. The SLOs identify the knowledge and skills you should have
achieved by the end of the lesson.
n Introduction: Each lesson begins by outlining what you will be learning in
that lesson.
n Lesson: The main body of the lesson consists of the content and processes
that you need to learn. It contains information, explanations, diagrams, and
completed examples.
n Learning Activities: Each lesson has a learning activity that focuses on the
lesson content. Your responses to the questions in the learning activities will
help you to practise or review what you have just learned. Once you have
completed a learning activity, check your responses with those provided
in the Learning Activity Answer Key found at the end of the applicable
module. Do not send your learning activities to the Distance Learning Unit
for assessment.
n Assignments: Assignments are found throughout each module within this
course. At the end of each module, you will mail or electronically submit
all your completed assignments from that module to the Distance Learning
Unit for assessment. All assignments combined will be worth a total of
55 percent of your final mark in this course.
n Summary: Each lesson ends with a brief review of what you just learned.
There are two online resources for this course.
Q Glossary
Q Graph Paper
The online resources can be found in the learning management system (LMS).
If you do not have access to the Internet, contact the Distance Learning Unit at
1-800-465-9915 to get a copy of these online resources.
You do not need a textbook for this course. All of the content is provided
directly within the course.
Required Resources
The only required resources for this course are a scientific calculator and
graph paper. Graph paper is available as one of the online resources found in
the learning management system (LMS).
You will also require access to an email account if you plan to
Q communicate with your tutor/marker by email
Q use the learning management system (LMS) to submit your completed
Optional Resources
It would be helpful if you had access to the following resources:
Q A graphing calculator, a freeware graphing program, or a graphing
calculator app: None of these are required when writing either your
midterm or final examination.
Q A computer with spreadsheet and graphing capabilities: Access to a
computer with spreadsheet software and graphing capabilities may be
helpful to you for exploration and checking your understanding. However,
none of these are required or allowed when writing either your midterm or
final examination.
Q A computer with Internet access: Use of the Internet may be suggested as a
resource in some places, but if you do not have access to an online computer
you can still complete the related learning activities and assignments
without it.
Q A photocopier: With access to a photocopier/scanner, you could make a
copy of your assignments before submitting them so that if your tutor/
marker wants to discuss an assignment with you over the phone, each of
you will have a copy. It would also allow you to continue studying or to
complete further lessons while your original work is with the tutor/marker.
Photocopying or scanning your assignments will also ensure that you keep
a copy in case the originals are lost.
Introduction 5
Who Can Help You with This Course?
Your Tutor/Marker
Tutor/markers are experienced educators who tutor Independent Study
Option (ISO) students and mark assignments and examinations. When you
are having difficulty with something in this course, contact your tutor/
marker, who is there to help you. Your tutor/marker’s name and contact
information were sent to you with this course. You can also obtain this
information in the learning management system (LMS).
You will know how well you are learning in this course by how well you
complete the learning activities, assignments, and examinations.
Learning Activities
The learning activities in this course will help you to review and practise
what you have learned in the lessons. You will not submit the completed
learning activities to the Distance Learning Unit. Instead, you will complete
the learning activities and compare your responses to those provided in the
Learning Activity Answer Key found at the end of each module.
Each learning activity has two parts—Part A has BrainPower questions and
Part B has questions related to the content in the lesson.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for you before
trying the other questions. Each question should be completed quickly and
without using a calculator, and most should be completed without using
pencil and paper to write out the steps. Some of the questions will relate
directly to content of the course. Some of the questions will review content
from previous courses—content that you need to be able to answer efficiently.
Being able to do these questions in a few minutes will be helpful to you as
you continue with your studies in mathematics. If you are finding it is taking
you longer to do the questions, you can try one of the following:
n work with your learning partner to find more efficient strategies for
completing the questions
n ask your tutor/marker for help with the questions
n search online for websites that help you practice the computations so you
can become more efficient at completing the questions
None of the assignment questions or examination questions will require you
to do the calculations quickly or without a calculator. However, it is for your
benefit to complete the questions as they will help you in the course. Also,
being able to successfully complete the BrainPower exercises will help build
your confidence in mathematics. BrainPower questions are like a warm-up
you would do before competing in a sporting event.
Introduction 7
Part B: Course Content Questions
One of the easiest and fastest ways to find out how much you have learned is
to complete Part B of the learning activities. These have been designed to let
you assess yourself by comparing your answers with the answer keys at the
end of each module. There is at least one learning activity in each lesson. You
will need a notebook or loose-leaf pages to write your answers.
Make sure you complete the learning activities. Doing so will not only help
you to practise what you have learned, but will also prepare you to complete
your assignments and the examinations successfully. Many of the questions
on the examinations will be similar to the questions in the learning activities.
Remember that you will not submit learning activities to the Distance
Learning Unit.
Lesson assignments are located throughout the modules, and include
questions similar to the questions in the learning activities of previous
lessons. The assignments have space provided for you to write your answers
on the question sheets. You need to show all your steps as you work out
your solutions, and make sure your answers are clear (include units, where
Once you have completed all the assignments in a module, you will submit
them to the Distance Learning Unit for assessment. The assignments are
worth a total of 55 percent of your final course mark. You must complete each
assignment in order to receive a final mark in this course. You will mail or
electronically submit these assignments to the Distance Learning Unit
along with the appropriate cover page once you complete each module.
The tutor/marker will mark your assignments and return them to you.
Remember to keep all marked assignments until you have finished the course
so that you can use them to study for your examinations.
Resource Sheet
When you write your midterm and final examinations, you will be allowed
to take an Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination.
This sheet will be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your
handwriting or typewritten. It is to be submitted with your examination. The
Examination Resource Sheet is not worth any marks.
Introduction 9
Practice Examinations and Answer Keys
To help you succeed in your examinations, you will have an opportunity to
complete a Midterm Practice Examination and a Final Practice Examination.
These examinations, along with the answer keys, are found in the learning
management system (LMS). If you do not have access to the Internet, contact
the Distance Learning Unit at 1-800-465-9915 to obtain a copy of the practice
These practice examinations are similar to the actual examinations you will
be writing. The answer keys enable you to check your answers. This will give
you the confidence you need to do well on your examinations.
Chart A: Semester 1
If you want to start this course in September and complete it in January, you
can follow the timeline suggested below.
Introduction 11
Chart B: Semester 2
If you want to start the course in February and complete it in May, you can
follow the timeline suggested below.
Submission of Assignments
Submission Assignments You Will Submit
Introduction 13
Submission of Assignments (continued)
Submission Assignments You Will Submit
5 Module 5: Radicals
Module 5 Cover Sheet
Assignment 5.1: Simplifying Radical Expressions
Assignment 5.2: Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions
Assignment 5.3: Solving Radical Equations
6 Module 6: Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Module 6 Cover Sheet
Assignment 6.1: Solving Systems of Equations
Assignment 6.2: Solving Linear Inequalities in Two Variables and
Quadratic Inequalities in One Variable
Assignment 6.3: Solving Quadratic Inequalities in Two Variables
7 Module 7: Trigonometry
Module 7 Cover Sheet
Assignment 7.1: Trigonometric Ratios, Reference Angles, and
Trigonometric Equations
Assignment 7.2: Patterns in Trigonometric Ratios and the Sine Law
Assignment 7.3: The Cosine Law and the Ambiguous Case
8 Module 8: Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions
Module 8 Cover Sheet
Assignment 8.1: Absolute Value
Assignment 8.2: Absolute Value Equations and Graphing Reciprocal
Functions: Part 1
Assignment 8.3: Reciprocal Functions: Part 2
Introduction 15
What Are the Guide Graphics For?
Guide graphics are used throughout this course to identify and guide you in
specific tasks. Each graphic has a specific purpose, as described below.
Lesson Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for the lesson. It
may draw upon prior knowledge or briefly describe the organization
of the lesson. It also lists the learning outcomes for the lesson. Learning
outcomes describe what you will learn.
Learning Partner: Ask your learning partner to help you with this task.
Getting Started
Take some time right now to skim through the course material, locate your
cover sheets, and familiarize yourself with how the course is organized. Get
ready to learn!
Remember: If you have questions or need help at any point during this
course, contact your tutor/marker or ask your learning partner for help.
Good luck with the course!
Goals can be long term or short term, but they are the pathway that takes you
from where you were/are, closer to where you want to go.
Introduction 17
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
q Assignment 7.3: The Cosine Law and the Ambiguous Case /41 /41
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
School Name:____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.
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Imprimé au Canada
G r a de 11 P r e- C a lc u lu s
M at hem at ic s (30S)
Module 1
Sequences and Series
M o d u l e 1:
Sequences and Series
In previous math courses, you have dealt with patterns in the context of
graphs. In this module, you will be dealing with patterns a little differently.
Patterns show up all around you in the natural world. The petals in flowers
very often appear in a pattern. Pine cones form according to a pattern called a
Fibonacci sequence.
Patterns also appear in lists of numbers. Whenever a pattern appears in a
list of numbers, it is called a sequence. Sequences have many applications. An
automobile will depreciate in value according to a sequence. Real estate and
other investments will earn interest or gain in value according to a specific
sequence. Loans will be paid according to a predetermined sequence. In this
module, you will study two different types of sequences: arithmetic and
geometric. You will also study two different types of series: arithmetic and
geometric. Series are used when you are trying to find the sum of a large,
even infinite, list of numbers. In this module you will learn when it is possible
to find the sum of different types of series.
Assignments in Module 1
When you have completed the assignments for Module 1, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 3
Resource Sheet
When you write your midterm examination, you are encouraged to take
a Midterm Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination.
This sheet will be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your
handwriting or typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but
you do not receive any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions provided below to help you with
preparing your resource sheet for the material in Module 1. On this sheet, you
should record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a
list of places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special
areas that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 to prepare your Midterm Examination
Resource Sheet. The midterm examination for this course is based on
Modules 1 to 4.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
When you were younger, you were probably asked to count by ones from one
to increasingly larger numbers. You were also probably asked to count by odd
numbers, by even numbers, by fives, by tens, or by other values. These are all
examples of arithmetic sequences.
Arithmetic sequences appear often in real-life situations. Hockey games
and the formation of pyramids are another two examples where arithmetic
sequences occur. Throughout this lesson, you will learn all about arithmetic
sequences and their many applications.
Arithmetic Sequences
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 5
Include all definitions on your resource sheet.
Example 1
Which of these sequences are arithmetic sequences?
a) 2, 5, 8, 11, . . .
b) 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, . . .
c) 7, 3, -1, -5, . . .
d) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, . . .
a) In this sequence, if you add ‘3’ to the first term, you will get the second
term. This works for any pair of consecutive terms (or terms that follow
each other) in this sequence. Therefore, this is an arithmetic sequence.
b) In this sequence, if you add ‘1’ to the first term, you will get the second
term. However, to get to the third term, you need to add ‘2’ to the second
term. This is not an arithmetic sequence because you are not adding the
same value to each term to get the next term.
c) In this sequence, if you add ‘-4’ or subtract ‘4’ from each term, you will
get the next term. Therefore, this is an arithmetic sequence.
d) In this sequence, the first terms are the same. The rest of the terms are the
sum of the previous two terms. However, the same number is not added
to every term to get the next term. Therefore, this is not an arithmetic
sequence. It is the Fibonaci sequence.
In an arithmetic sequence, the number that is added to each term to get the
next term is called the common difference. Include this definition on your
resource sheet.
Example 2
Find the common difference for each of these arithmetic sequences.
a) 5, 9, 13, 17, . . .
b) 1, 0, -1, -2, . . .
c) 2, 4, 6, 8, . . .
a) The number that is added to each term to get the next term is ‘4’. Therefore,
the common difference of this arithmetic sequence is 4.
b) The number that is added to each term to get the next term is ‘-1’.
Therefore, the common difference of this arithmetic sequence is -1.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 7
You can denote the arithmetic sequence 7, 10, 13, 16, . . . by
t1 = 7
tn = tn−1 + 3 , n ≥ 2
Also note that it is important to distinguish between the term number and
the value of the term.
Example 3
Write the first five terms of the arithmetic sequence defined by
t1 = 4
tn = tn−1 + 5 , n ≥ 2
Evaluating the formula can easily be organized by using a chart. The term
number, n, is recorded in the first column; the value of the term is calculated
in the second column.
t1 = 4
tn = tn−1 + 5 , n ≥ 2
Example 4
Write a recursive formula for the arithmetic sequence 7, 11, 15, 19, . . ., and
graph it using both graph paper and a graphing calculator (if you have one).
t1 = 7
Since each term is 4 more than the previous term, it follows that the common
difference is 4 and t2 = t1 + 4, t3 = t2 + 4, . . . . Therefore, the recursive formula
t1 = 7
tn = tn−1 + 4 , n ≥ 2
The points on the graph will be the set of ordered pairs where the first
coordinates are the term numbers and the second coordinates are the
corresponding term values. The coordinates are (1, 7), (2, 11), (3, 15), (4, 19), . . .
The graph is shown below. Notice that the points are not joined. The data is
discrete, not continuous. Also note that there is no easy way to indicate the
pattern of dots, which continues indefinitely. The arrow attached to (4, 19)
points in only one direction.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 9
On a graphing calculator, use the sequence mode to graph the sequence using
the recursion formula:
t1 = 7
tn = tn−1 + 4 , n ≥ 2
If you need instruction on how to use your graphing calculator for sequences,
you might try searching the Internet for help. One useful site is
Example 5
Find t7 and t100 of the arithmetic sequence 50, 42, 34, 26, . . . .
The common difference is -8 and the recursive definition is:
t1 = 50
tn = tn−1 − 8 , n ≥ 2
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 11
Example 6
Which of the following rules defines a linear function? Graph the linear
a) y =
b) y = 3x + 5
c) y = x − 1
d) y = x 2 + 1
e) y = 4 − x
The only rules that produce straight line graphs are y = 3x + 5 and y = –x + 4.
Hence (b) and (e) are linear functions. The graphs of the two linear functions
are shown below. Notice their domains are the real numbers and the points
are connected.
b) y = 3x + 5
slope = 3
Example 7
Write the first five terms and find the common difference for each arithmetic
sequence defined by the given function whose domain is the natural
a) f(x) = 2x + 5
b) g(x) = -3x + 10
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 13
Since the domain of an arithmetic sequence is the set of natural numbers,
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, . . .}, the first five terms are as follows.
a) f(x) = 2x + 5
x f(x)
1 f(1) = 2(1) + 5 = 2 + 5 = 7
2 f(2) = 2(2) + 5 = 4 + 5 = 9
3 f(3) = 2(3) + 5 = 6 + 5 = 11
4 f(4) = 2(4) + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13
5 f(5) = 2(5) + 5 = 10 + 5 = 15
The first five terms are 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.
The common difference is 2.
b) g(x) = -3x + 10
x g(x)
1 g(1) = -3(1) + 10 = -3 + 10 = 7
2 g(2) = -3(2) + 10 = -6 + 10 = 4
3 g(3) = -3(3) + 10 = -9 + 10 = 1
4 g(4) = -3(4) + 10 = -12 + 10 = -2
5 g(5) = -3(5) + 10 = -15 + 10 = -5
The first five terms are 7, 4, 1, -2, -5.
The common difference is -3.
If you compare the common difference of each arithmetic sequence to its
defining linear function, you may notice that the common difference has the
same value as the slope. In other words, the slope of the line is the increase in
term value as you proceed from one term to the next.
Note: It will be very helpful for you to remember that common difference =
slope in an arithmetic sequence.
The equation for a line given its slope, m, and a point, (x1, y1), on the line is:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
You can use any two points on the line to find its slope and equation.
If you use the first two points on the line, (1, 50) and (2, 42), then the slope is:
y 2 − y1 42 − 50 −8
= = = −8
x 2 − x1 2−1 1
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 15
Now, it is easier to find t100. To find this value, replace x with 100.
f(100) = -8(100) + 58
f(100) = -800 + 58
f(100) = -742
Therefore, t100 = -742.
From this example, you can see that f(x) represents the term value whereas x
represents the number of the term.
Example 8
What is the defining linear function that produces the following first four
terms of an arithmetic sequence?
a) f(x): 1, 3, 5, 7, . . .
b) g(x): 2, 4, 6, 8, . . .
a) Since the domain of the function is the set of natural numbers, the ordered
pairs of the function are (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7), . . .
As each set of points belongs to a straight line, use the slope to find its
y 2 − y1
Using m = and y − y1 = m ( x − x1 ) , then, m = 3 − 1 = 2 = 2.
x 2 − x1 2−1 1
The equation is: y - 1 = 2(x - 1)
y = 2x - 2 + 1
y = 2x - 1
The defining function is f(x) = 2x - 1.
b) The ordered pairs are (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6), (4, 8), . . .
4−2 2
m= = =2
2−1 1
The equation is: y - 2 = 2(x - 1)
y = 2x - 2 + 2
y = 2x
The defining function is g(x) = 2x.
Example 10
How many terms are in the arithmetic sequence 26, 28, 30, . . ., 1062?
Using the general term formula, tn = t1 + (n - 1)d, you have tn = 1062, t1 = 26,
and d = 2. Now substitute these values into the formula and solve for n.
1062 = 26 + (n - 1)(2)
1062 = 26 + 2n - 2
1062 = 24 + 2n
1038 = 2n
519 = n
Therefore, 1062 = t519. Hence, there are 519 terms in the sequence.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 17
You could also solve Example 10 by finding the defining linear function,
using the points (1, 26) and (2, 28).
28 − 26
m= =2
y - 26 = 2(x - 1)
y = 2x - 2 + 26
y = 2x + 24 or
f(x) = 2x + 24
Since you know the value of the term to be 1062, you know f(x). Just substitute
and solve for x, its corresponding term number.
Therefore, 1062 = 2x + 24
1038 = 2x
519 = x
Hence, 519 terms are in the sequence.
Make sure you complete the following learning activity to practice what you
have just learned in this lesson. Recall that learning activities have two parts.
The first part is a BrainPower section that is intended as a warm-up activity to
prepare your mental muscles for Part B. Part B contains questions that allow
you to practice the material you have just learned in the lesson. Learning
activities do not need to be handed in. However, completing every learning
activity will give you an idea of what types of questions will be asked on
upcoming assignments and the exams.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity
answer keys found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. At the end of a poker game, Alysha had $62. During the game she had
won $250, lost $175, won $35, and lost $55. How much money did Alysha
have at the start, in dollars?
2. Complete the pattern: 1, 2, 5, 10, 17, , ,
3. Evaluate when z = -1: (3z + 1)(z - 5)
4. Evaluate: (12 )
5. A clothing store is selling shirts for $30.00. They decided to raise the
price of the shirt by 20%. A few days later they decided to raise the price
another 20%. What is the new price of the shirt, in dollars?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify your answer.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 19
Learning Activity 1.1 (continued)
Part B: Arithmetic Sequences
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Which of the following sequences are arithmetic?
a) 2, 5, 8, 11, . . .
b) –5, –1, 3, 7, . . .
c) 2, 5, 7, 10, . . .
1 1
d) 2 , 2 , 1, 1 , 0 , . . .
2 2
t1 = 10
tn = tn−1 − 2 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 3.7
tn = tn−1 + 1.3 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 1
d) t2 = 1
tn = tn−1 + tn−2 , n ≥ 3
4. Write the first three terms of the arithmetic sequence defined by the linear
a) f(x) = 2x + 4
b) g(x) = 5x - 2
c) h(x) = -3x + 2
d) m(x) = x - 5
5. Three terms of an arithmetic sequence (not necessarily the first three
terms) are 27, 30, 33. Write two different linear functions that may have
produced this sequence. The domain is the set of natural numbers.
6. Find an equation of the linear function that produces the following first
three terms of an arithmetic sequence.
a) 5 , 8 , 11, . . .
b) 6 , 6 , 7 , . . .
c) 10 , 8 , 6 , . . .
1 1
d) 2 , 2 , 2 ,...
10 5
8. The fifth term of an arithmetic sequence is -15 and the ninth term is -3.
Find the value of the hundredth term.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 21
Learning Activity 1.1 (continued)
9. A pile of bricks is arranged in rows. The numbers of bricks in the rows
form an arithmetic sequence. One such pile of bricks with 3 rows is shown
In another pile of bricks, there are 45 bricks in the fifth row and 33 bricks
in the eleventh row.
a) How many bricks are in the first row?
b) How many bricks are in the nth row?
c) What is the maximum number of rows of bricks possible?
10. Find which term of the sequence 20, 23, 26, . . . is the value 245,
a) by using the general term formula
b) by using the defining linear function
11. Find the term indicated in each arithmetic sequence by using the general
term formula.
a) 5, 3, 1, . . . t20
b) 8, 11, 14, . . . t21
c) 6, 3, 0, -3, . . . t57
d) 18, 17, 16, 15, . . . t132
e) 7, 8.3, 9.6, 10.9, . . . t172
12. Joe bought a painting for $1800. After seven years, this painting sold for
$10,550. If the painting appreciated arithmetically, determine the annual
amount of appreciation.
13. For the arithmetic sequence 7, 11, 15, 19, . . ., find t29.
14. Give an example of an arithmetic sequence, and then
a) prove your sequence is an arithmetic sequence
b) write the defining linear function of your sequence
c) write your arithmetic sequence using the general term formula
15. Graph the arithmetic sequence 7, 4, 1, -2, . . ., for the first six terms
a) on graph paper (A reproducible copy of a sheet of graph paper is
included in Appendix B found on the downloads page.)
b) on the graphing calculator
This learning activity is the only one that doesn’t include a BrainPower
section, although it still has two parts.
Part A: Contacting Your Tutor/Marker
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 23
Learning Activity 1.2 (continued)
2. What I like about math and can do mathematically is (include favourite
topic, skill, where you use math, etc.):
4. Previous math experiences that influence the way I feel about math are:
During your phone conversation, jot down a sentence or two about what you
and your tutor/marker talk about, in the spaces above. For example, if you
are taking this course because it doesn’t fit into your schedule at school or
because you travel with your basketball team and would miss a large number
of classes, state that in the space below question 1.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 25
Learning Activity 1.2 (continued)
Part B: Your Math Pathway
Use the answers to the questions from the conversation with your tutor/
marker as a starting point to fill in the following diagram. In the Math
History box, jot down point-form notes about your prior experience and
knowledge about math (questions 2, 3, and 4). In the Math Destination box,
jot down what completing this course will help you accomplish in the future
(questions 5 and 6).
In the Pathway box, write down what you will need to do to move along the
pathway from your History to your Destination.
For example, your destination might be receiving at least 75% in this course
so you feel confident going into Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Mathematics so that
you can take nursing after you graduate. Your destination could also be
that you need to learn how to solve equations, and are trying to determine
what will help you accomplish this. It may mean figuring out how you best
learn and study math. It may mean setting up a schedule so you complete
the assignments on time. You may need to find your calculator manual and
figure out how to use it, set up regular appointments with your learning
partner, research a topic on the Internet, or read a textbook about a certain
math concept or skill. Your pathway is unique to you.
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned about arithmetic sequences and how they are
formed. You also looked at how arithmetic sequences are related to linear
functions. From these linear functions, you noticed that the slope of a linear
function was equal to the common difference of an arithmetic sequence.
In the next lesson, you will be building your knowledge about arithmetic
sequences and learning about arithmetic series.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 27
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Last lesson you learned about arithmetic sequences. Arithmetic sequences are
similar to arithmetic series, which you will be learning about in this lesson.
To understand the difference between arithmetic sequences and arithmetic
series, you need to understand the difference between sequences and series.
Last lesson you saw that sequences were ordered lists of numbers. Series
are sums of these ordered lists of numbers. Sums of large lists of numbers
are useful when you are trying to count objects that have patterns, such as
the number of seats in a stadium or the number of boxes in a store display.
In this lesson, you will learn more about the differences between arithmetic
sequences and series and why arithmetic series are useful in situations where
arithmetic sequences are not.
Arithmetic Series
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 29
The First Term and the Common Difference of an Arithmetic Series
Finding the first term and the common difference of an arithmetic series is
similar to finding the first term and the common difference of an arithmetic
sequence. Consider the following example.
Example 1
Find the first term and the common difference of each of the following
arithmetic series.
a) 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + . . .
b) -5 + (–10) + (-15) + (-20) + . . .
a) The first term of an arithmetic series is the first term in the addition.
Therefore, the first term of this arithmetic series is 3. The common
difference in an arithmetic series is the difference between each term, just
like in an arithmetic sequence. The common difference in this arithmetic
series is 2.
b) The first term of this arithmetic series is -5. The common difference in
this arithmetic series is -5.
10 + 10 + 10
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 31
A diagram of this idea is shown below.
Q 14 is 6 more than 8.
Q 2 is 6 less than 8.
Q If you transfer the additional 6 (from the 14) to 2, you can look at
2 + 8 + 14 as 8 + 8 + 8.
2 + 8 + 14
+6 −6
Example 3
Find the sum of 7 + 15 + 23 + 31 + 39 + 47 + 55.
Sum = (middle term)(number of terms) = 31(7) = 217
Example 4
Develop a formula for the sum of 2 + 6 + 10 + 14.
There are an even number of terms in the series. This series has no middle
term as one of its terms. Therefore, the sum formula developed previously
will not work.
However, the mean of the series can be found: 2 + 6 + 10 + 14 = 32 and
= 8. Hence, 8 is the middle value between 6 and 10, or the mean of 6
and 10.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 33
Recall that the mean is the value obtained when the sum of the terms in a
set is divided by the total number of terms in a set. Also note the following
6 + 10
The mean of 6 and 10 = = 8.
2 + 14
The mean of 2 and 14 = = 8.
As you can see, the means of terms that are an equal distance away from the
centre of the series are equal. Consider the following diagram.
Note that 6 and 10 are both the same distance away from the centre of the
series. Also, 2 and 14 are the same distance away from the centre of the series.
Therefore, the means of these two sets of numbers 6 and 10, 2 and 14 are
The new formula for finding the sum of any arithmetic series
t1 + t2 + t3 + . . . + tn is:
Sn = (mean)(number of terms)
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
t1 = 2
tn = 14
2 + 14
S4 = ( 4 )
S4 = ( 4 )
S4 = (8)( 4 )
S4 = 32
Example 5
Find the sum of the following arithmetic series using the formula for Sn.
a) 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + 14
b) 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . ++ 50 + 51
t + tn
Using Sn = 1 (n) ,
2 + 14 16
a) S5 = ( 5) = ( 5) = (8)( 5) = 40
2 2
1 + 51 52
b) S51 = ( 51) = ( 51) = ( 26 )( 51) = 1326
2 2
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 35
Example 6
Find the sum of all multiples of 7 between 50 and 300.
The first multiple of 7 greater than 50 is 56. The greatest multiple of 7 smaller
than 300 is 294. Thus, the series is 56 + 63 + 70 + . . . + 294.
Before you use the sum of an arithmetic series formula, you first need to find
how many terms are in the series.
Using the formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d,
294 = 56 + (n - 1)7
294 = 56 + 7n - 7
245 = 7n
35 = n
Therefore, 35 terms are in the series.
t + tn
Using Sn = 1 (n)
56 + 294
Sn = ( 35) = 6125
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity
answer keys found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Continue the pattern: 0.125, 0.250, 0.375, ,
2. Andrew bought an mp3 player for $156.88. He gave the cashier eight $20
bills. The store was out of toonies and all they had were loonies, quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies. What was the smallest number of coins he
could have received as change?
3. If 4x - 3x + 8x + 2x = 121, then 6x - 2 = ?
4. A recipe calls for two tablespoons of sugar for every quarter cup of flour.
If Santana wants to use 18 tablespoons of sugar, how many cups of flour
does she need to make the recipe?
5 2
5. Calculate: −
3 14
6. Simplify: 28 ¸ 26
7. Determine the distance between the following two points: (2, 6) and
(-7, -4).
8. List the factors of 164.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 37
Learning Activity 1.3 (continued)
Part B: Arithmetic Series
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the indicated sum of each arithmetic series.
a) 7 + 12 + 17 + . . ., S20
b) -5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - . . ., S20
c) 40 + 35 + 30 + . . ., S100
2. Find the sum of the first:
a) 10 odd integers.
b) 20 odd integers.
c) 100 odd integers.
d) n odd integers.
3. Find the sum of all multiples of 3 between 99 and 1000.
4. Find S100 of 1 + 4 + 7 + . . . .
5. How many terms are in the series 3 + 8 + 13 + . . . + 248 if the sum is
6. In an arithmetic sequence, t2 = -1 and t12 = 19, find S13.
7. An auditorium has 20 seats in the first row, and each row has two more
seats than the row immediately in front of it. There are 26 rows in the
auditorium. How many seats are there in the last row? What is the seating
capacity of the auditorium?
8. Mary’s annual salary ranges from $26,785 in the first year to $34,825 in the
seventh year.
a) If the salary range is an arithmetic sequence with seven terms,
determine the raise Mary received each year.
b) What was her salary in the fifth year?
c) What is the first annual salary in this range that is greater than
d) What was the total amount Mary earned in the seven years?
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you built on your knowledge about arithmetic sequences and
learned about arithmetic series. You learned how arithmetic series are the
addition of terms in arithmetic sequences. You also learned how to find the
sum of different kinds of arithmetic series. In the next lesson, you will be
learning about geometric sequences.
Your next task is to complete a hand-in assignment found on the following
pages. Keep all your Module 1 assignments until you finish the module and
then send them to the Distance Learning Unit. Instructions for submitting
your assignments can be found in the module summary located at the end of
this module.
Before you begin, have you completed a resource sheet to use with your
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 39
Total: 40 marks
1. How many multiples of 7 are there between 75 and 352? (3 marks)
2. Which term of the arithmetic sequence 45, 49, 53, . . . is the number 97? (3 marks)
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 41
Assignment 1.1: Arithmetic Sequences and Series
3. In an arithmetic sequence t10 = 29 and t14 = 41, find the first term and the common
difference. (3 marks)
6. How many terms are in the series 2 + 11 + 20 + . . . + 1116 if the sum is 69 316?
(2 marks)
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 43
Assignment 1.1: Arithmetic Sequences and Series
7. One section of the MTS Centre has 10 seats in the first row. Each row has four more
seats than the row immediately in front of it. There are 25 rows in this section of the
MTS Centre.
a) How many seats are there in the last row? (2 marks)
b) What is the seating capacity of this section of the MTS Centre? (2 marks)
b) 3, 1, -1, . . . (2 marks)
10. Classify each of the following sequences as arithmetic or not arithmetic sequences.
Identify the common difference of all the sequences you classify as arithmetic
sequences. (1.5 marks each, for a total of 6 marks)
a) 3, 6, 3, 6, 3
c) 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
d) 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 45
Assignment 1.1: Arithmetic Sequences and Series
11. Write the recursive formula for the arithmetic sequences you found in Question 10.
(4 marks)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 47
Doubling Adding
Day Salary Day Salary
1 $0.01 1 $100
2 $0.02 2 $200
3 $0.04 3 $300
4 $0.08 4 $400
5 $0.16 5 $500
6 $0.32 6 $600
7 $0.64 7 $700
8 $1.28 8 $800
9 $2.56 9 $900
10 $5.12 10 $1000
11 $10.24 11 $1,100
12 $20.48 12 $1,200
13 $40.96 13 $1,300
14 $81.92 14 $1,400
15 $163.84 15 $1,500
16 $327.68 16 $1,600
17 $655.36 17 $1,700
18 $1,310.72 18 $1,800
19 $2,621.44 19 $1,900
20 $5,242.88 20 $2,000
21 $10,485.76 21 $2,100
22 $20,971.52 22 $2,200
23 $41,943.04 23 $2,300
24 $83,886.08 24 $2,400
25 $167,772.16 25 $2,500
26 $335,544.32 26 $2,600
27 $671,088.64 27 $2,700
28 $1,342,177.28 28 $2,800
29 $2,684,354.56 29 $2,900
30 $5,368,709.12 30 $3,000
Many people’s first instinct is to choose the salary that starts at $100.
However, after one month, the salary beginning at $0.01 will be much larger.
Are you surprised?
The salary starting at $100 is an example of an arithmetic sequence. The
salary starting at $0.01 is an example of a geometric sequence. As you can see,
geometric sequences grow larger faster than arithmetic sequences do. This is
one of the main differences between the two types of sequences.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 49
6 18 54
a) 3 ; 3; 3
2 6 18
This sequence is geometric because the ratios of consecutive terms are
equal. The common ratio is 3.
−6 18 −54
b) = −3 ; = −3 ; = −3
2 −6 18
This sequence is geometric. The common ratio is -3.
44 25
c) ≈ 0.698 ; ≈ 0.568 Note that » is the symbol for
63 44 “approximately.”
44 25
Thus, ≠ .
63 44
This sequence is not geometric because the ratios of consecutive terms are
not equal.
32 1 16 1 8 1
d) ;
64 2 32 2 16 2
This sequence is geometric. The common ratio is .
−1 1 −1
e) = −1; = −1; = −1
1 −1 1
This sequence is geometric. The common ratio is -1.
4 6 3
f) = 2; =
2 4 2
Thus, 2 ≠ .
This sequence is not geometric because the ratios of consecutive terms are
not equal.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 51
Example 2
Write the first five terms of the geometric sequences defined by
t1 = 3
tn = 5tn−1 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 20
b) 1
tn = tn−1 , n ≥ 2
a) n tn
1 t1 = 3
2 t2 = 5 (t2−1 ) = 5t1 = 5 ( 3) = 15
Therefore, the first five terms of this geometric sequence are 3, 15, 75, 375,
and 1875.
b) n tn
1 t1 = 20
1 1 1
2 t2 = t2−1 = t1 = ( 20 ) = 10
2 2 2
1 1 1
3 t3 = t3−1 = t2 = (10 ) = 5
2 2 2
4 1 1 1
t4 = t 4−1 = t3 = ( 5) = 2.5
2 2 2
1 1 1
5 t5 = t5−1 = t 4 = ( 2.5) = 1.25
2 2 2
Therefore, the first five terms of this geometric sequence are 20, 10, 5, 2.5, and
a) The first term is 27. After that, each term is being multiplied by to get
the following term. Therefore, the recursive formula is:
t1 = 27
tn = tn−1 , n ≥ 2
b) The first term is 2. After that, each term is being multiplied by 4 to get the
following term. Therefore, the recursive formula is:
t1 = 2
tn = 4tn−1 , n ≥ 2
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 53
In this function, b represents the base. In all exponential functions, the
independent variable appears as an exponent. The coefficient of bx is a. It may
be helpful for you to recall the basic form of a power.
To develop a new method for finding the nth term of a geometric sequence,
consider the following pattern. Remember each term is found by multiplying
the previous term by the common ratio, r.
t2 = (t1)(r) = t1r
t3 = (t1 r)(r) = t1r2
t4 = (t1 r2)(r) = t1r3
In general, tn = t1rn–1, because the exponent on r in any term is always one less
than the term number.
This formula, tn = t1rn-1 is called the defining exponential function for a geometric
sequence where r ¹ 0, t1 is the first term in the geometric sequence, n is the
number of terms in the sequence, and r is the common ratio of the geometric
sequence. This formula is called the general term formula. The value of n is a
natural number.
Include this formula on your resource sheet.
Example 4
Identify the first term and the common ratio in each of the following
geometric sequences.
1 n−1
a) tn = 4
b) tn = 3 ( 5)
n tn
1 1−1 1 0
1 t1 = 4 = 4 = 4 (1) = 4
2 2
1 2−1 1 1 1
2 t2 = 4 = 4 = 4 = 2
2 2 2
2 1
Thus, t1 = 4 and r .
4 2
Now compare these answers with the numbers in the formula. The
coefficient, 4, is the value for t1, the base, , is the value for r, and the
exponent of r is n - 1.
b) tn = 3 ( 5)
Example 5
Write the first three terms of the geometric sequence generated by each of the
following defining exponential functions.
a) f ( x ) = 3 ( 5)
−1 x−1
b) g( x ) = 8
The domain of the exponential function that yields a geometric sequence is
the set of natural numbers N = {1, 2, 3, . . .}. Therefore, these are the values that
you must substitute for x in order to find the first few terms of a geometric
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 55
a) x f(x) = 3(5)x–1
1 f(1) = 3(5)1-1 = 3(5)0 = 3(1) = 3
2 f(2) = 3(5)2-1 = 3(5)1 = 3(5) = 15
3 f(3) = 3(5)3-1 = 3(5)2 = 3(25) = 75
The first three terms are 3, 15, and 75.
b) −1 x−1
x g ( x ) = 8
Example 6
1 n−1
Which term of the geometric sequence defined by h (n) = ( 3) is 81 ?
In the formula, we are given the term value, h(n), and are to solve for the term
number, n. Substitute h(n) = 81 to get:
1 n−1
81 = ( 3)
(81)(9 ) = (9 ) ⋅ ( 3)n−1 Multiply both sides of the equation by 9
729 = 3n−1 Simplify
Change 729 to 36 by using your calculator to
36 = 3n−1 guess and check
If bases are the same, you can equate the
6 = n−1
7=n Solve for n
Therefore, 81 is the seventh term, or t7 = 81.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 57
Using the Defining Exponential Function
Given a defining exponential function, you can find any required information
about a geometric sequence. Reversing the problem, given some information
about a geometric sequence, you should be able to develop the defining
exponential function.
Example 7
Write a defining exponential function that generates each of the following
geometric sequences.
a) 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, . . .
b) 81, 27, 9, 3, 1, . . .
Using the defining exponential function (also called the general term
formula): tn = t1rn-1, r ¹ 0.
a) t1 = 4 and the common ratio, r = 2. Therefore, the function is tn = 4(2)n-1.
27 1
b) t1 = 81 and the common ratio, r = . Therefore, the function is
81 3
1 n−1
tn = 81 .
Example 8
Write an expression for the 50th term of the geometric sequence 5, 10, 20, 40,
80, . . .
2 and t1 5
= 125 Cancel t1
r 5−2 = 125 Exponent rule for division
r 3 = 125 Simplify
r=5 Cube root
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 59
Substitution Method
The two equations are
t1r5 = 6250
t1r2 = 50
Isolating for t1 in the first equation gives: t1
Substituting this value in for t1 in the second equation gives
6250 2
⋅ r = 50
= 50 Simplify
6250 = 50r 3 Multiply by r3
= r3 Divide by 50
125 = r 3 Simplify
Example 10
Consider the example from the introduction to this lesson. The first salary
option consists of the following sequence of numbers:
0.01, 0.02, 0.04, . . .
The second salary option consists of the following sequence of numbers:
100, 200, 300, . . .
a) Write the defining linear function for the arithmetic sequence.
b) Write the defining exponential function for the geometric sequence.
c) Find the 30th term of the arithmetic sequence algebraically.
d) Find the 30th term of the geometric sequence algebraically.
e) Is the 30th term larger in the geometric sequence or in the arithmetic
sequence? Explain.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 61
a) The arithmetic sequence for the second option is: 100, 200, 300, . . .
The function consists of the following ordered pairs: (1, 100), (2, 200),
(3, 300), . . . . Therefore, you can use the slope to find the defining linear
200 − 100
m= = 100
The equation is: y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - 100 = 100(x - 1)
y = 100x - 100 + 100
y = 100x
The defining function is f(x) = 100x, where x represents how many days on
the job and f(x) represents your salary for that day.
b) The geometric sequence for the first option is: 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, . . .
t1 = 0.01
r 2
Defining exponential function: tn = t1rn-1
tn = (0.01)(2)n-1
where n represents the number of days on the job and tn represents the
salary for that day.
c) f(x) = 100x
f(30) = (100)(30) = $3000
Therefore, the 30th term of the arithmetic sequence is $3000. In other
words, your salary on the 30th day would be $3000 if you chose this
d) tn = (0.01)(2)n-1
t30 = (0.01)(2)30-1
t30 = (0.01)(2)29
t30 = 5,368,709.12
Therefore, the 30th term of the geometric sequence is $5,368,709.12. In
other words, your salary on the 30th day would be $5,368,709.12 if you
chose this option.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the Learning Activity
Answer Keys found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. On the first day of your marathon training, you run 1 km. If you double
that distance every day, on which day will you run over 20 km?
2. Complete the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 7, , ,
3. You and two friends want to go to a movie but you are arguing over the
seating arrangements. If you all sit beside each other in a row, how many
different ways can you be seated?
4. State the common difference of the following arithmetic sequence:
7, 5, 3, 1, -1, ...
5. Estimate the answer: 204 ´ 712
6. How many inches are in 6.5 feet?
7. Determine the volume of a rectangular prism with base dimensions of
12 cm by 10 cm and a height of 6 cm.
8. Write this decimal as a percent: 0.0091
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 63
Learning Activity 1.4 (continued)
Part B: Geometric Sequences
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. For each sequence below, indicate whether it is geometric, arithmetic, or
neither. If it is geometric, state the value of r, the common ratio; if it is
arithmetic, state the value of d, the common difference.
a) 4, 6, 8, 10, . . .
b) 3, 6, 12, 24, . . .
c) 18, 15, 12, 9, . . .
d) 80, 40, 20, 10, . . .
e) 1, -5, 25, -125, . . .
2. Write the first four terms of each sequence. If it is geometric, state the
value of r, the common ratio; if it is arithmetic, state the value of d, the
common difference.
t1 = 2
tn = 2tn−1 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 2
tn = tn−1 + 2 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 2
tn = 2tn−1 + 2 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 2
d) 2
tn = (tn−1 ) , n ≥ 2
t1 = 5
e) n
tn = (−1) tn−1 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 4
tn = tn−1 − 5 , n ≥ 2
5. Write an expression for t20 of the sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, . . . . Do not simplify.
6. Which term of the geometric sequence 4, 2, 1, . . . has the value ?
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 65
Learning Activity 1.4 (continued)
11. A geometric sequence is defined by the exponential function tn = 5(2)n-1
a) What is the first term?
b) What is the common ratio?
c) What is the value of the 10th term?
d) What is the value of t7?
e) What position in the sequence has the value 163 840?
f) Is the number 4100 a member of this geometric sequence? Justify your
g) Graph the sequence using graph paper or your graphing calculator.
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned about geometric sequences. You learned how
geometric sequences grow larger faster than arithmetic sequences. Also,
geometric sequences have a common ratio while arithmetic sequences have
a common difference. Just as arithmetic sequences have corresponding
arithmetic series, geometric sequences have corresponding geometric series.
In the next lesson, you will be learning about geometric series.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 67
Geometric Series
Sigma Notation
When you were finding the sum of an arithmetic series, you used “Sn” to
represent the sum of n terms of a series. The Greek capital letter S, read as
sigma, can also be used as a symbol for sum.
The sum of the first n terms of the sequence t1, t2, t3, . . ., tn is written as
Sn = ∑ ti = t1 + t2 + t3 + ... + tn
The symbol ∑ ti is referred to as sigma notation.
and indicates that the series is to start with i = 1 and end with i = 4. The
symbol i is called the index.
2. The index can begin and end at any term. It does not have to start at the
value 1.
3. The letter used for the index is arbitrary. The most commonly used letters
for the index are i and k.
a) i i2
1 (1)2 = 1
2 (2)2 = 4
3 (3)2 = 9
4 (4)2 = 16
∑ i 2 = 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 = 30
b) i 3(2)i–1
1 3(2)1-1 = 3(2)0 = 3(1) = 3
2 3(2)2-1 = 3(2)1 = 3(2) = 6
3 3(2)3-1 = 3(2)2 = 3(4) = 12
∑ 3 (2 )i−1 = 3 + 6 + 12 = 21
c) i 2i + 3
4 2(4) + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11
5 2(5) + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13
6 2(6) + 3 = 12 + 3 = 15
∑ (2i + 3) = 11 + 13 + 15 = 39
i= 4
Reversing the notation has more steps and requires you to generate a defining
formula for the sequence.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 69
Example 2
Write the sum using sigma notation. Find the first term and the common
a) 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32
b) 2 + 6 + 18 + 54
a) t1 = 2
Using the formula for the general term, tn = t1rn-1,
tn = 2(2)n-1 = 21 × 2n–1 = 21+n-1 = 2n.
Now use the formula and the sigma notation for 5 terms:
5 5
∑2 k
or ∑ (2 ) (2 k−1 )
k=1 k=1
b) t1 = 2
Use the general term formula, tn = 2(3)n-1, to write the sigma notation for
4 terms.
∑ (2 ) (3k−1 )
Note: When you write a geometric series in sigma notation and the exponent
is in the form “k - 1” or “i - 1,” it is easy to recognize the first term and the
common ratio of the geometric series.
In (a), the geometric series written in sigma notation was ∑ (2 ) 2 k−1 . In this
form, the coefficient is the first term and is the value being multiplied by
the power. Also, the common ratio is the base of the exponent. Consider the
following diagram.
∑ (2 ) 2 k−1
t1 r
form, the first term, 2, is the value being multiplied by the power. Also, the
common ratio, 3, is the base of the exponent.
Note: When the exponent is just “k” or “i,” you may notice that the same
analysis won’t work. The common ratio, r, will always be the base of the
exponent. However, t1 will be harder to find when the exponent is “k” instead
of “k - 1” or “i” instead of “i - 1.”
S5 = 93 Divide by (–1).
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 71
Formula for Finding the Sum of a Finite Geometric Series
The sum of the first n terms of a geometric series is
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Sn = , provided r ≠ 1
Sn = t1 + t2 + t3 + . . . + tn Geometric series
Sn = t1 + t1r + t1r 2 + . . . + t1r n−2 + t1r n−1 Write each term with only
t1 and r
rSn = t1r + t1r 2 + t1r 3 + . . . + t1r n−1 + t1r n Multiply by r
Sn − rSn = t1 − t1 r n Subtract
Sn (1 − r ) = t1 (1 − r n ) Factor
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Sn = , where r ≠ 1 Divide
(1 − r )
Example 3
Use the formula to find the sum of the following geometric series.
a) 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 + 48
b) ∑ 3 ( 4 )k
3 1 − (2)
) 3 (−31)
a) Sn = = = 93 ,
1−2 −1
which agrees with the answer in the previous example.
b) From the sigma notation ∑ 3 ( 4)k , you notice that the common ratio is 4,
as it is the base being raised to the exponent “k” in this sigma notation. If
you did not recognize 4 as the common ratio, it is also possible to find two
terms of the series and find their common ratio.
t1 = 3 ( 4 ) = 12
t2 = 3 ( 4 ) = 3 (16 ) = 48
r= =4
Therefore, the common ratio is 4.
n = 50
t1 ( 1 − r n ) 12 (1 − 4 50 )
∴ S50 = = ≈ 5.07 × 10 30
1−r 1− 4
This is a very large positive number!
However, you were able to find the sum quickly with the use of a formula.
Example 4
Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the geometric series
3 - 6 + 12 - 24 + . . . .
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Using the formula Sn = , you get
3 1 − (−2 )
) 3 (1 − 1024 )
S10 = = = −1023
1 − (−2 ) 3
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 73
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Using the formula Sn = , it is possible to solve for any of the values
for Sn, t1, r, and n when given enough information. Consider the following
Example 5
The sum of a geometric series with t1 = 5 is 635. If r = 2, how many terms are
in this geometric series?
You have the following information:
Sn = 635
t1 = 5
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Using the formula Sn = , it is possible to solve for n, the number of
terms in this series.
5 (1 − 2 n )
635 =
5 (1 − 2 n )
635 =
−635 = 5 (1 − 2 n )
−635 5 (1 − 2 )
5 5
−127 = 1 − 2 n
−127 − 1 = −2 n
−128 = −2 n
(−1) (−128) = (−1) (−2 n )
128 = 2 n
27 = 2 n
Therefore, there are 7 terms in this series.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity
answer keys found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1 7
1. For Josh’s workout, he runs of the football field, sprints of the field,
9 9
and then jogs the rest of the way. What fraction of the field does Josh jog?
2. What is the sum of the digits from 1 to 10?
3. Calculate the perimeter of a square garden with an area of 25 m2.
4. Express as a decimal.
5. Find the common difference in the following pattern: -2, -9, -16, -23, . . .
6. Estimate: 96
7. Simplify: (24)(32)
8. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation, 3y - 2x + 7 = 0.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 75
Learning Activity 1.5 (continued)
Part B: Sums of Geometric Series
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. a) Give an example of a geometric sequence.
b) Write the corresponding geometric series.
2. Write in expanded form and find the sum.
4 4
a) ∑ k3 b) ∑ 3k
k=1 k=1
3 4
c) ∑ 3k d) ∑ 3k−1
k=1 k=1
4 4
e) ∑3 k+1
f) ∑ 5 ⋅ 3k−1
k=2 k=2
5 6
g) ∑ ( 2 k − 5) h) ∑ 2(−3)k−1
k=2 k=3
6. In a geometric sequence, t 4 , and t11 = 32. Calculate S11. Express your
answer as an exact value.
7. The sum of a geometric series with t1 = 7 is 889. If r = 2, how many terms
are in this geometric series?
8. The sum of a geometric series is 98 301. If there are 15 terms in this
sequence and the common ratio is 2, what is the value for t1?
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how geometric series are related to geometric
sequences. You also learned how to find the sum of a finite geometric series.
What happens if you want to find the sum of an infinite geometric series? In
the next lesson, you will learn when infinite geometric series have a sum and
how to find that sum.
Your next task is to complete a hand-in assignment found on the following
pages. Keep all your Module 1 assignments until you finish the module and
then send them to the Distance Learning Unit. Instructions for submitting
your assignments can be found in the module summary located at the end of
this module.
Before you begin, have you completed a resource sheet to use with your
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 77
Total: 54 marks
1. Write the first five terms of each of these geometric sequences. State the common
ratio for each geometric sequence. (3 marks each, for a total of 9 marks)
a) f(x) = 3x
b) tn = 4(2)n-1
t1 = 7
tn = 3tn−1 , n ≥ 2
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 79
Assignment 1.2: Geometric Sequences and Series (continued)
2. Write the recursive formula and the defining exponential formula for each geometric
sequence. (2 marks each, for a total of 8 marks)
a) 3, 6, 12, 24, . . .
b) 2, 4, 8, 16, . . .
d) 8, -4, 2, -1, . . .
3. Find the value of t7 in each of the geometric sequences in question 2, using the
exponential function formula. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
e) What position in the sequence is occupied by the value ? (2 marks)
f) Is the number a member of this geometric sequence? Justify your answer.
(2 marks)
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 81
Assignment 1.2: Geometric Sequences and Series (continued)
5. Write an expression for t25 for each of the following geometric sequences. Simplify
your answers and write as an exact value using exponents. (2 marks each, for a total of
8 marks)
1 1 1 1 1
a) , , , , ,...
4 8 16 32 64
4 4
b) 100 , 20 , 4 , , ,...
5 25
9 3 2 4
c) , , 1, , , . . .
4 2 3 9
4 -8 16
d) 3 , - 2 , , , ,...
3 9 27
1 k
b) ∑ 2
7. Use sigma notation to write each geometric sum. State the values of t1 and r.
(3 marks each, for a total of 6 marks)
1 1
a) + +1+2
4 2
1 1 1
b) 9 + 3 + + +
3 9 27
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 83
Assignment 1.2: Geometric Sequences and Series (continued)
8. Consider the geometric sequence with t1 = 1000 and r = 1.05.
a) Write the first three terms. (1 mark)
b) Find the sum of the first 20 terms correct to two decimal places. (2 marks)
9. Albert sent a chain email to five of his friends. Each of them sent a copy of the email
to five different friends. These friends repeated the process. If no person receives
more than one email, how many different people have been contacted after seven
levels of mailings, counting Albert’s own email as the first? (3 marks)
10. The sum of a geometric series is 1 398 101. If there are 11 terms in this sequence and
the common ratio is 4, what is the value for t1? (3 marks)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to find the sum of finite geometric series.
It is also possible to find the sum of infinite geometric series. Consider one
of Zeno’s paradoxes. In this paradox, a man is trying to catch a bus that is
stopped at the bus stop. The man realizes he must run the whole distance
between where he is standing and the bus. If so, then to catch this bus, the
man must also run halfway there. In order to run halfway to the bus, the
man must also run a quarter of the way to the bus. In order to run a quarter
of the way to the bus, the man must run an eighth of a way to the bus, and so
on. Therefore, this man must complete an infinite number of tasks in order
to catch the bus. Zeno believed that this was an impossibility. What do you
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 85
Infinite Geometric Series
In previous lessons, you have found the sums of various arithmetic series and
geometric series. These series all had a last term. Therefore, you were finding
the sums of finite series. Infinite series are series that go on forever and do
not end. They have an unlimited number of terms.
1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + 100 is a finite series. This series has a last term of 100.
1 + 2 + 3 + . . . is an infinite series. This series does not have a last term.
Include these definitions and examples on your resource sheet.
Consider Zeno’s infinite series:
1 1 1 1 1
+ + + + +. . .
2 4 8 16 32
As you keep adding additional terms, the partial sums will form a pattern.
1 3 7 15 31 2n - 1
, , , , , . . ., , . . . where n is the power of 2
2 4 8 16 32 2n
In this pattern, the denominator is always one more than the numerator.
Therefore, each term in the pattern gets closer and closer to the number
1. Since the series is infinite, we say “as the number of terms approaches
infinity, the limit of this series converges to the number 1” and we write
∞ k−1
1 1
∑ 2 2 = 1,
Divergent Series
However, not all infinite geometric series converge. For example, the partial
sums of the series
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + . . . are
2, 6, 14, 30, . . .
and are not getting closer and closer to any number.
The series 2 + 4 + 8 + . . . is said to diverge and cannot be represented by
any number. A divergent series is a series with an infinite number of terms
in which its sequence of its partial sums does not approach a fixed value. In
other words, a divergent series is a series with an infinite number of terms
where S or S¥ does not exist. All series that are not convergent are divergent.
Example 1
Classify these series as convergent or divergent series.
a) 1 + (−1) + 1 + (−1) + 1 . . .
1 1 1 1
b) 1 + + + + +. . .
3 9 27 81
c) 2 + 6 + 18 + 54 + . . .
1 1
d) 9 + 3 + 1 + + +. . .
3 9
Convergent series are series where their partial sums get closer and closer to
a specific value. Divergent series are series where their partial sums do not
get closer and closer to a specific value.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 87
a) Consider the partial sums of this series:
S1 = 1
S2 = 1 - 1 = 0
S3 = 1 - 1 + 1 = 1
S4 = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 = 0
The sequence of partial sums (1, 0, 1, 0, . . .) is not getting closer to any
value. Therefore, the series, 1 + (-1) + 1 + (-1) + 1 + . . ., is a divergent
b) Consider the partial sums of this series rounded to 5 decimal places:
S1 = 1
1 4
S2 = 1 + =
3 3
1 1 13
S3 = 1 + + = ≈ 1.44444
3 9 9
1 1 1 40
S4 = 1 + + + = ≈ 1.448148
3 9 27 27
1 1 1 1 121
S5 = 1 + + + + = ≈ 1.49383
3 9 27 81 81
4 13 40 121
It appears as if the sequence of partial sums, 1, , , , , . . ., is
3 9 27 81
1 1 1
getting closer and closer to 1.5. Therefore, the series 1 + + + +. . .
3 9 27
is a convergent series.
c) Consider the partial sums of this series:
S1 = 2
S2 = 2 + 6 = 8
S3 = 2 + 6 + 18 = 26
S4 = 2 + 6 + 18 + 54 = 80
The sequence of partial sums, 2, 8, 26, 80, . . ., is not getting closer to any
particular value. Therefore, the series, 2 + 6 + 18 + 54 + . . ., is a divergent
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Sn =
and write it in the following fashion by first distributing and then separating
into two fractions.
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Sn =
t1 − t1 r n
t1 t rn
= − 1
1−r 1−r
Assume -1 < r < 1. Consider rn as n gets larger and larger. As n, the exponent,
gets larger, the value of rn will get smaller and much, much smaller, until it
becomes virtually zero.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 89
You can try this on your calculator by taking higher and higher powers of an
r-value which is a proper fraction, say, -0.25.
Consider the following example when r = -0.25.
n rn
1 (-0.25)1 = -0.25
2 (-0.25)2 = 0.0625
5 (-0.25)5 = -0.000 976 562 5
10 (-0.25)10 = 0.000 000 953 674 316 4
t1 r n
For values of n = one million, or one billion, the entire term will
t1 ( 0 )
become or zero and can be ignored. Therefore, the sum gets closer and
closer to the number when n gets larger and larger, or as n approaches
infinity (¥).
a) r
Therefore, r satisfies the condition of -1 < r < 1.
Therefore, S = = 8.
1 − 0.5
1 1
b) r = − and − 1 < − < 1
3 3
1 3
Therefore, S = = .
1 4
1 −−
36 4
c) r = = and r > 1
27 3
The series diverges. Note that if you use the formula, you get an answer,
but it just won’t be the correct answer.
S∞ =
S∞ = −81
The answer doesn’t make sense. The terms of the series are all positive.
Their sums cannot be negative.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 91
2 2
d) r = and − 1 < < 1
3 3
Therefore, S = = 9.
1 −
Example 3
Find the values of x for which the following infinite geometric series
2 3
1 + ( x − 1) + ( x − 1) + ( x − 1) + ...
For a geometric series to converge, the value of r is restricted to numbers
t x−1
between –1 and 1. The value for r is 2 = = x − 1. Thus,
t1 1
Since DABC is equilateral, the angles in all the triangles will be equal, and
all triangles will be equilateral. By making a chart, you can develop a pattern
and the formula for the sum of the perimeters.
The first triangle, DABC, has a perimeter of 12 cm, so each side length is 4.
The second triangle has three equal sides, RP, PQ, and RQ. Since RP is half of
BC, then RP = 2 and the perimeter is 2 + 2 + 2 = 6. In each successive triangle,
both the side length and the perimeter are half as much as the previous
amount. The chart below summarizes this information.
Therefore, the perimeters of these triangles form the infinite geometric series:
12 + 6 + 3 + 1.5 + . . .
6 1 t 12
Since , it follows that S = 1 = = 24 cm.
12 2 1−r 1 − 0.5
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 93
The pattern developed in this example can be generalized for all triangles as
The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is one-half
the length of the third side. It follows that the perimeter of each newly
formed triangle is one-half the perimeter of its “parent” triangle.
Make sure you complete the following learning activity. This learning activity
focuses on finding sums of infinite geometric series and will prepare you for
the assignment.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity
answer keys found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Find the common ratio in the following pattern: 189, 63, 21, 7, . . .
2. Which of these values would come next in this pattern:
One, four, three, eleven, fifteen, thirteen, . . .
3. If your favourite television show starts at 7 pm and your mom tells you
that your show is still 48 minutes away, what time is it now?
4. Your school ordered 56 boxes of cookies that each contain 25 cookies. If
there are 700 students at your school, will you have enough cookies to give
each student two cookies?
3 2
5. Calculate: +
16 4
If you haven’t already, you may want to go back and include all important
definitions, terms, or examples that you have found more challenging on your
resource sheet.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the sum of each of the following infinite geometric series. Express
your answers as exact values.
8 8 8
a) 8 + + + +. . .
3 9 27
3 3
b) 6 − 3 + − +. . .
2 4
8 16
c) 6 + 4 + + +. . .
3 9
1 1 1
d) 1 − + − +. . .
2 4 8
e) ∑ 2 k
f) ∑ 3k
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 95
Learning Activity 1.6 (continued)
3. The sum to infinity of an infinite geometric series is 12. If the common
ratio is 0.25, what is the first term of this series?
4. A 4-by-4 square is divided into four congruent squares, as shown in
the diagram. The bottom left square is shaded. The top right square is
subdivided into four congruent squares again, and the bottom left square
is shaded. This process is repeated indefinitely. What is the total shaded
5. A ball is dropped from a height of two metres. Each time it strikes the
ground, it rebounds three-quarters of the distance it has fallen.
a) How far does it rise after it strikes the ground the third time?
b) How far does it travel before it comes to rest?
6. What is the value of x if the geometric series 1 + 3x + 9x2 + 27x3 + . . .
converges to 4?
7. Recall Zeno’s paradox from the introduction to this lesson. Zeno’s
paradox stated that there is no sum to the infinite geometric series
1 1 1
+ + + . . . . Prove that Zeno is incorrect.
2 4 8
In this lesson, you learned how to find the sum of an infinite geometric series.
You also learned that in some cases it is impossible to find the sum of an
infinite geometric series. However, in the case of Zeno’s paradox, it is possible
to find the sum of an infinite geometric series.
Be sure to complete the final assignment in this module before you continue
on to the next module.
Your next task is to complete a hand-in assignment found on the following
pages. Keep all your Module 1 assignments until you finish the module and
then send them to the Distance Learning Unit. Instructions for submitting
your assignments can be found in the module summary located at the end of
this module.
Before you begin, have you completed a resource sheet to use with your
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 97
Total: 18 marks
1. Consider the series 4 + 2 + 1 + +. . .
a) Find the sixth term. Express your answer as an exact value. (2 marks)
b) Use the formula to find the sum of six terms. Express your answer as an exact
value. (1 mark)
d) Find the infinite sum. Express your answer as an exact value. (2 marks)
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 99
Assignment 1.3: Finding the Sums of Infinite Geometric Series
2. The sum to infinity of an infinite geometric series is -24. If possible, find the
common ratio if the first term of this series is 20. (2 marks)
3. For what values of x does the following infinite geometric series converge (i.e., find
the interval of convergence)? (2 marks each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) 1 + (x + 1) + (x + 1)2 + (x + 1)3 + . . .
b) 1 + (x - 2) + (x - 2)2 + (x - 2)3 + . . .
b) 12 − 6 + 3 − +. . .
32 128
c) 10 + 8 + + +. . .
5 25
1 1 1
d) 1 + + + +. . .
2 4 8
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 101
Assignment 1.3: Finding the Sums of Infinite Geometric Series
e) ∑ 3k
f) ∑ 4 k
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 1.1 to 1.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 1 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 1 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 1.1: Arithmetic Sequences and Series
q Assignment 1.2: Geometric Sequences and Series
q Assignment 1.3: Finding the Sums of Infinite Geometric Series
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
M o d ul e 1: S e q u e n c e s a n d S e r i e s 103
Module 1
Sequences and Series
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. At the end of a poker game, Alysha had $62. During the game she had
won $250, lost $175, won $35, and lost $55. How much money did Alysha
have at the start, in dollars?
2. Complete the pattern: 1, 2, 5, 10, 17, , ,
3. Evaluate when z = -1: (3z + 1)(z - 5
4. Evaluate: (12 )
5. A clothing store is selling shirts for $30.00. They decided to raise the
price of the shirt by 20%. A few days later they decided to raise the price
another 20%. What is the new price of the shirt, in dollars?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify your answer.
5. $43.20
(10% of $30 = $3
20% of $30 = $6
Therefore, after the first increase, the price of the shirt is $36.
10% of $36 = $3.60
20% of $36 = $7.20
The new price of the shirt is $36.00 + $7.20 = $43.20.)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Which of the following sequences are arithmetic?
a) 2, 5, 8, 11, . . .
b) -5, -1, 3, 7, . . .
c) 2, 5, 7, 10, . . .
1 1
d) 2 , 2 , 1, 1 , 0 , . . .
2 2
a) 5 - 2 = 3, 8 - 5 = 3, 11 - 8 = 3; arithmetic sequence
b) -1 - (-5) = 4, 3 - (-1) = 4, 7 - 3 = 4; arithmetic sequence
c) 5 - 2 = 3, 7 - 5 = 2; not an arithmetic sequence, 3 ¹ 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
d) 2 − 2 = , 1 − 2 = −1 ; not an arithmetic sequence, − 1 ≠
2 2 2 2 2 2
t1 = 3
tn = −2tn−1 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 5
tn = 3tn−1 , n ≥ 2
n tn = tn-1 + 5
1 t1 = 3
2 t2 = t2-1 + 5 = t1 + 5 = 3 + 5 = 8
3 t3 = t3-1 + 5 = t2 + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13
4 t4 = t4-1 + 5 = t3 + 5 = 13 + 5 = 18
t1 = 10
tn = tn−1 − 2 , n ≥ 2
n tn = tn-1 - 2
1 t1 = 10
2 t2 = t2-1 - 2 = t1 - 2 = 10 - 2 = 8
3 t3 = t3-1 - 2 = t2 - 2 = 8 - 2 = 6
4 t4 = t4-1 - 2 = t3 - 2 = 6 - 2 = 4
n tn = tn-1 + 1.3
1 t1 = 3.7
2 t2 = t2-1 + 1.3 = t1 + 1.3 = 3.7 + 1.3 = 5
3 t3 = t3-1 + 1.3 = t2 + 1.3 = 5 + 1.3 = 6.3
4 t4 = t4-1 + 1.3 = t3 + 1.3 = 6.3 + 1.3 = 7.6
t1 = 1
d) t2 = 1
tn = tn−1 + tn−2 , n ≥ 3
n tn = tn-1 + 1.3
1 t1 = 1
2 t2 = 1
3 t3 = t3-1 + t3-2 = t2 + t1 = 1 + 1 = 2
4 t4 = t4-1 + t4-2 = t3 + t2 = 2 + 1 = 3
t1 = 3
e) t2 = −1
tn = tn−1 + tn−2 , n ≥ 3
n tn = tn-1 + 1.3
1 t1 = 3
2 t2 = -1
3 t3 = t3-1 + t3-2 = t2 + t1 = -1 + 3 = 2
4 t4 = t4-1 + t4-2 = t3 + t2 = 2 + (-1) = 1
b) g(x) = 5x - 2
g(1) = 5(1) - 2 = 5 - 2 = 3
g(2) = 5(2) - 2 = 10 - 2 = 8
g(3) = 5(3) - 2 = 15 - 2 = 13
Therefore, the first three terms are 3, 8, and 13.
c) h(x) = -3x + 2
h(1) = -3(1) + 2 = -3 + 2 = -1
h(2) = -3(2) + 2 = -6 + 2 = -4
h(3) = -3(3) + 2 = -9 + 2 = -7
Therefore, the first three terms are -1, -4, and -7.
d) m(x) = x - 5
m(1) = 1 - 5 = -4
m(2) = 2 - 5 = -3
m(3) = 3 - 5 = -2
Therefore, the first three terms are -4, -3, and -2.
6. Find an equation of the linear function that produces the following first
three terms of an arithmetic sequence.
a) 5, 8, 11, . . .
The common difference in this sequence is three. Therefore, the slope
of the line, m, is 3. A point on the line is (1, 5), or (2, 8), or (3, 11).
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - 5 = 3(x - 1)
y = 3x - 3 + 5
y = 3x + 2
b) 6 , 6 , 7 , . . .
The common difference in this sequence is . Therefore, the slope of
1 1
the line, m, is . A point on the line is (1, 6 ) , or 2 , 6 , or (3 , 7 ) .
2 2
y − y 1 = m ( x − x1 )
y−6 = ( x − 1)
1 1
y= x− +6
2 2
1 1
y= x+5
2 2
1 1
d) 2 , 2 , 2 ,...
10 5
The common difference in this sequence is . Therefore, the slope of
1 1 1
the line, m, is . A point on the line is (1, 2 ) , or 2 , 2 , or 3 , 2 .
10 10 5
y − y 1 = m ( x − x1 )
y−2 = ( x − 1)
1 1
y = x − +2
10 10
1 9
y = x + 1
10 100
1 1
c) h( x ): 4 , 5 , 5 , . . .
2 2
1 1
y−4 = ( x − 1)
2 2
1 1 1
y= x− +4
2 2 2
y= x+4
∴ h( x ) = x+4
and h ( 50 ) = ( 50 ) + 4
= 25 + 4
= 29
In another pile of bricks, there are 45 bricks in the fifth row and 33 bricks
in the eleventh row.
a) How many bricks are in the first row?
Let x represent the row number and let f(x) represent the number of
bricks in the row.
The linear function contains the points with coordinates (5, 45) and
(11, 33).
33 − 45 −12
m= = = −2
11 − 5 6
y - 45 = -2(x - 5)
y = -2x + 10 + 45
y = -2x + 55 or
f(x) = -2x + 55 is the defining linear function
Now find the first term.
f(1) = -2(1) + 55 = 53
There are 53 bricks in the first row.
10. Find which term of the sequence 20, 23, 26, . . ., is the value 245,
a) by using the general term formula
Using the formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d, you have
245 = 20 + (n - 1)3
245 = 20 + 3n - 3
245 = 3n + 17
245 - 17 = 3n
228 = 3n
76 = n
Therefore, 245 = t76.
Hence, the 76th term of the sequence has a value of 245.
11. Find the term indicated in each arithmetic sequence by using the general
term formula.
a) 5, 3, 1, . . . t20
d = 3 - 5 = -2
t1 = 5
n = 20
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t20 = 5 + (20 - 1)(–2)
t20 = -33
13. For the arithmetic sequence 7, 11, 15, 19, . . ., find t29.
d = 11 - 7 = 4
t1 = 7
n = 29
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t29 = 7 + (29 - 1)4
t29 = 119
15. Graph the arithmetic sequence 7, 4, 1, -2, . . ., for the first six terms
a) on graph paper (A reproducible copy of a sheet of graph paper is
included in Appendix B found on the downloads page.)
The points are (1, 7), (2, 4), (3, 1), (4, -2), (5, -5), (6, -8). The graph is
shown below.
Press GRAPH.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Continue the pattern: 0.125, 0.250, 0.375, ,
2. Andrew bought an mp3 player for $156.88. He gave the cashier eight $20
bills. The store was out of toonies and all they had were loonies, quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies. What was the smallest number of coins he
could have received as change?
3. If 4x - 3x + 8x + 2x = 121, then 6x - 2 =
4. A recipe calls for two tablespoons of sugar for every quarter cup of flour.
If Santana wants to use 18 tablespoons of sugar, how many cups of flour
does she need to make the recipe?
5 2
5. Calculate: −
3 14
6. Simplify: 28 ¸ 26
7. Determine the distance between the following two points: (2, 6) and
(-7, -4).
8. List the factors of 164.
1. 0.5, 0.625
2. 3 loonies, 1 dime, and 2 pennies for a total of 6 coins (8 ´ $20 = $160;
$160 - $156.88 = $3.12; Remember, the store was out of toonies.)
3. 64 (11x = 121, so x = 11; 6(11) - 2 = 66 - 2 = 64)
1 1 9
4. 2 Santana increased the recipe by a factor of nine; 9 × =
4 4 4
32 5 1 35 3
5. − = −
21 3 7 21 21
8 28
6. 4 2 ÷ 2 = 6 = 2 2 = 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the indicated sum of each arithmetic series.
a) 7 + 12 + 17 + . . ., S20
The common difference = 5
Use the formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d to find tn
t20 = 7 + ( 20 − 1)( 5)
t20 = 102
7 + 102
S20 = ( 20 )
S20 = 1090
b) -5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - . . ., S20
The common difference = -2
t20 = −5 + ( 20 − 1) (−2 )
t20 = −43
−5 + (−43)
S20 = ( 20 )
S20 = −480
4. Find S100 of 1 + 4 + 7 + . . . .
The series is 1 + 4 + 7 + . . . n = 100, and d = 3.
To find the sum of 100 terms, the last term, t100, needs to be calculated
using the general term formula and d = 3.
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t100 = 1 + (100 - 1)(3)
t100 = 298
The sum of 100 terms is
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
1 + 298
S100 = (100 )
S100 = 14 950
7. An auditorium has 20 seats in the first row, and each row has two more
seats than the row immediately in front of it. There are 26 rows in the
auditorium. How many seats are there in the last row? What is the seating
capacity of the auditorium?
The arithmetic sequence is 20, 22, 24, . . . t26. To calculate t26, use the
general term formula.
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t26 = 20 + (26 - 1)(2)
t26 = 70
There are 70 seats in the last row.
To find the seating capacity means to find how many seats there are
altogether. The series is
20 + 22 + 24 + . . . + 70
and n = 26
The sum is
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
20 + 70
S26 = ( 26 )
S26 = 1170
c) What is the first annual salary in this range that is greater than
From part (b), we know t5 = $32,145.
Thus, t4 = 32 145 - d
= 32 145 - 1340
= $30,805
and t3 = 30 805 - 1340
= $29,465
In the fourth year, Mary’s salary is over $30,000.
9. a) Show that the sum of n terms of an arithmetic series can be found using
the formula Sn = 2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t + tn
Use the formula: Sn = 1 (n)
Rearrange to get: t + tn
Sn =
2 1
Use the general term formula to replace tn and simplify.
t n = t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t + ( t 1 + ( n − 1) d )
∴ Sn =
2 1
Sn =
2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
Note: You now can use either formula to find the sum of an arithmetic
Sn =
2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. On the first day of your marathon training, you run 1 km. If you double
that distance every day, on which day will you run over 20 km?
2. Complete the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 7, , ,
3. You and two friends want to go to a movie but you are arguing over the
seating arrangements. If you all sit beside each other in a row, how many
different ways can you be seated?
4. State the common difference of the following arithmetic sequence:
7, 5, 3, 1, -1, . . .
5. Estimate the answer: 204 ´ 712
6. How many inches are in 6.5 feet?
7. Determine the volume of a rectangular prism with base dimensions of
12 cm by 10 cm and a height of 6 cm.
8. Write this decimal as a percent: 0.0091
1. Day 6 (Day 1 = 1 km; Day 2 = 2 km; Day 3 = 4 km; Day 4 = 8 km;
Day 5 = 16; km; Day 6 = 32 km)
2. 11, 16, 22 (add 1, add 2, add 3 is the pattern, so add 4, then 5, then 6 to get
the next three terms)
3. 6 ways (3 choices for the frist seat, 2 choices for the second, and 1 choice for
the last seat means 3 ´ 2 ´ 1 = 6 ways)
4. -2 (5 - 7)
5. 140 000 (a good estimate is 200 ´ 700 = 140 000)
6. 78 inches (There are 12 inches in 1 foot and 6.5 ´ 12 = 78 inches.)
7. 720 cm3 (The formula for the volume of a rectangular prism is V = (area of
the base)(height); V = (12 ´ 10) ´ 6 = 120 ´ 6 = 720 cm3)
8. 0.91% (multiply by 100)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. For each sequence below, indicate whether it is geometric, arithmetic, or
neither. If it is geometric, state the value of r, the common ratio; if it is
arithmetic, state the value of d, the common difference.
a) 4, 6, 8, 10, . . .
6 - 4 = 2; 8 - 6 = 2; 10 - 8 = 2
Therefore, the sequence is arithmetic with d = 2.
b) 3, 6, 12, 24, . . .
6 12 24
2 ; 2 ; 2
3 6 12
Therefore, the sequence is geometric with r = 2.
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = 2t2-1 = 2t1 = 2(2) = 4
3 t3 = 2t3-1 = 2t2 = 2(4) = 8
4 t4 = 2t4-1 = 2t3 = 2(8) = 16
\ geometric, with r = 2
t1 = 2
tn = tn−1 + 2 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = t2-1 + 2 = t1 + 2 = 2 + 2 = 4
3 t3 = t3-1 + 2 = t2 + 2 = 4 + 2 = 6
4 t4 = t4-1 + 2 = t3 + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8
\ arithmetic, with d = 2
t1 = 2
tn = 2tn−1 + 2 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = 2t2-1 + 2 = 2t1 + 2 = 2(2) + 2 = 4 + 2 = 6
3 t3 = 2t3-1 + 2 = 2t2 + 2 = 2(6) + 2 = 12 + 2 = 14
4 t4 = 2t4-1 + 2 = 2t3 + 2 = 2(14) + 2 = 28 + 2 = 30
\ neither
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = (t2-1)2 = (t1)2 = 22 = 4
3 t3 = (t3-1)2 = (t2)2 = 42 = 16
4 t4 = (t4-1)2 = (t3)2 = 162 = 256
\ neither
t1 = 5
e) n
tn = (−1) tn−1 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 5
2 t2 = (-1)2t2-1 = (-1)2t1 = (1)(5) = 5
3 t3 = (-1)3t3-1 = (-1)3t2 = (-1)(5) = -5
4 t4 = (-1)4t4-1 = (-1)4t3 = (1)(-5) = -5
\ neither
t1 = 4
tn = tn−1 − 5 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 4
2 t2 = t2-1 - 5 = t1 - 5 = 4 - 5 = -1
3 t3 = t3-1 - 5 = t2 - 5 = -1 - 5 = -6
4 t4 = t4-1 - 5 = t3 - 5 = -6 - 5 = -11
\ arithmetic, with d = -5
n tn = 2 x
1 21 = 2
2 22 = 4
3 23 = 8
b) tn = 4n-1
n tn = 4n-1
1 40 = 1
2 41 = 4
3 42 = 16
c) f(x) = 2(3x)
x f(x)
1 2(31) = 6
2 2(32) = 18
3 2(33) = 54
n f(x)
1 16 = 8
1 2 1
2 16 = 16 = 4
2 4
1 3 1
3 16 = 16 = 2
2 8
t1 = 40
Recursive formula: 1
tn = (tn−1 ) , n ≥ 2
1 n−1
Exponential function: tn = 40
5. Write an expression for t20 of the sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, . . . . Do not simplify.
The defining exponential function is tn = 3(2)n-1. Therefore,
t20 = 3(2)20-1 = 3(2)19.
6. Which term of the geometric sequence 4, 2, 1, . . . has the value ?
2 1
4 2
1 n−1
The defining exponential function is tn = 4 .
1 1 n−1
Hence, = 4
1024 2
1 2 1
= 2
2 10 2
1 1 n−1
2 10 2 2 2
1 12 1 n−1
2 2
n − 1 = 12
n = 13
Therefore, is the 13th term.
3x − 2 5x + 2
x+2 3x − 2
( 3x − 2 ) ( 3x − 2 ) = ( x + 2 ) ( 5x + 2 ) (cross-multiply)
9 x 2 − 12 x + 4 = 5x 2 + 12 x + 4
4 x 2 − 24 x = 0
4x ( x − 6) = 0
x = 6 or x = 0
If you are interested in seeing the sequences, substitute the values of x into
the terms.
When x = 6, the sequence is 8, 16, 32.
When x = 0, the sequence is 2, -2, 2.
Both are geometric sequences with common ratio 2 and -1, respectively.
10. A store is conducting a Dutch auction. It will take 10% off the cost of an
item at the end of each day the item doesn’t sell. If an item originally costs
$150, find its cost for each of the next five days.
If the cost of the item is being reduced by 10%, then the sale price is
100% - 10% or 90% of the original price. Thus, the cost of the item at the
end of the next five days is calculated as follows.
first day: ($150.00)(0.90) = $135.00
second day: ($135.00)(0.90) = $121.50
third day: ($121.50)(0.90) = $109.35
fourth day: ($109.35)(0.90) = $98.42
fifth day: ($98.42)(0.90) = $88.58
Note that if you use the formula t6 = 150(0.9)6-1 to find your answer for the
end of the fifth day, you get $88.57. Since the deductions are made daily,
the correct answer is one cent different and is $88.58.
Powers of 2 are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, . . ., and 820 is not
one of them. Thus, 4100 is not a term of the sequence.
The shape is a curve and not a straight line. The points are not joined
because the domain is the set of natural numbers.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1 7
1. For Josh’s workout, he runs of the football field, sprints of the field,
9 9
and then jogs the rest of the way. What fraction of the field does Josh jog?
2. What is the sum of the digits from 1 to 10?
3. Calculate the perimeter of a square garden with an area of 25 m2.
4. Express as a decimal.
5. Find the common difference in the following pattern: -2, -9, -16, -23, . . .
6. Estimate: 96
7. Simplify: (24)(32)
8. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation, 3y - 2x + 7 = 0.
1 1 7 9 8 1
1. 1 − + = − =
9 9 9 9 9 9
5. -7
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. a) Give an example of a geometric sequence.
Answers will vary. Be sure every term is a multiple of the term before.
b) Write the corresponding geometric series.
Answers will vary. Answers must be an addition of the terms in the
corresponding geometric sequence.
Check with your learning partner or review examples in the lesson to check
your work.
3 4
c) ∑ 3k d) ∑ 3k−1
k=1 k=1
4 4
e) ∑ 3k+1 f) ∑ 5 ⋅ 3k−1
k=2 k=2
5 6
g) ∑ ( 2 k − 5) h) ∑ 2(−3)k−1
k=2 k=3
a) ∑ k 3 = (1)3 + (2 )3 + (3)3 + ( 4)3 = 1 + 8 + 27 + 64 = 100
b) ∑ 3k = 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 = 3 + 9 + 27 + 81 = 120
c) ∑ 3k = 3 (1) + 3 ( 2 ) + 3 ( 3) = 3 + 6 + 9 = 18
= 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 = 40
e) ∑ 3k+1 = 32+1 + 33+1 + 34+1 = 33 + 34 + 35 = 27 + 81 + 243 = 351
f) ∑ 5 ⋅ 3k−1 = 5 ⋅ 32−1 + 5 ⋅ 33−1 + 5 ⋅ 34−1 = 5 ⋅ 31 + 5 ⋅ 32 + 5 ⋅ 33
= 15 + 45 + 135 = 195
g) ∑ ( 2 k − 5) = ( 2 ( 2 ) − 5) + ( 2 ( 3) − 5) + ( 2 ( 4 ) − 5) + ( 2 ( 5) − 5)
= −1 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 8
h) ∑ 2(−3)k−1 = 2 (−3)3−1 + 2 (−3)4−1 + 2 (−3)5−1 + 2 (−3)6−1
2 3 4 5
= 2 (−3) + 2 (−3) + 2 (−3) + 2 (−3)
= 2 (9 ) + 2 (−27 ) + 2 (81) + 2 (−243)
= 18 − 54 + 162 − 486 = −360
c) 2 + 4 + 8 + . . . + 1024
t1 = 2
n = 10, since 210 = 1024
10 10
∑ 2 (2) or ∑ 2k
k=1 k=1
b) Find the sum of the first eight terms, using the sum formula.
t1 ( 1 − r n ) (
3 1 − (2)
) 3 (−255)
Using Sn = , S8 = = = 765.
1−r 1−2 −1
b) 8 + 12 + 18 + 27 + . . .
t1 ( 1 − r n ) 12 3 8 1 − (1.5) ( 10
Using Sn = and r = = = 1.5 , S10 = = 906.64.
1−r 8 2 1 − 1.5
c) 128 - 64 + 32 - 16 + . . .
t1 ( 1 − r n ) (
128 1 − (−0.5)
Using Sn = , S10 = = 85.25.
1−r 1 − (−0.5)
8 8
d) 24 + 8 + + +. . .
3 9
1 10
1 −
t1 ( 1 − r n ) 3
Using Sn = , S10 = = 36.00.
1−r 1
e) x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + . . .
Using Sn =
t1 ( 1 − r n )
, S10 =
x2 1 − (x2 )
) = x (1 − x 2 20
1−r 1 − x2 1 − x2
t1 ( 1 − r n ) (
1 1 − (0.5)
Using Sn = , S10 = = 2.00.
1−r 1 − 0.5
6. In a geometric sequence, t 4 , and t11 = 32. Calculate S11. Express your
answer as an exact value.
Use the general term formula to write two equations. Then solve using
division method.
t4 = = t1 r 3 equation (a )
t11 = 32 = t1r 10 equation ( b)
32 t r 10
1 3
1 t1 r
128 r 7
Now substitute r = 2 into equation (a) and solve for t1.
= t1 2 3
= t1 ( 8 )
4 = t1 ( 8 )
8 8
= t1
Note that you can use the a b c button on your scientific calculator or
Math Frac on your graphing calculator to find the exact answers when
using fractions.
889 −7 ( 1 − 2 )
−7 −7
−127 = 1 − 2 n
−127 − 1 = −2 n
−128 = −2 n
128 = 2 n
27 = 2 n
Therefore, there are 7 terms in this series.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Find the common ratio in the following pattern: 189, 63, 21, 7, . . .
2. Which of these values would come next in this pattern:
One, four, three, eleven, fifteen, thirteen, . . .
3. If your favourite television show starts at 7 pm and your mom tells you
that your show is still 48 minutes away, what time is it now?
4. Your school ordered 56 boxes of cookies that each contain 25 cookies. If
there are 700 students at your school, will you have enough cookies to give
each student two cookies?
3 2
5. Calculate: +
16 4
6. Solve the inequality 5x - 2 < 0.
7. Simplify: (2x2 + 3x - 5) - (9x2 - 4x + 6)
8. Simplify the following fraction:
2. Seventeen (Each number has one more letter in the spelling of the word
than the previous number.)
3. 6:12 pm.
4. You will have exactly enough cookies. (56 ´ 25 = 50 ´ 25 + 6 ´ 25 =
1250 + 150 = 1400 = 700 ´ 2)
If you haven’t already, you may want to go back and include all important
definitions, terms, or examples that you have found more challenging on your
resource sheet.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the sum of each of the following infinite geometric series. Express
your answers as exact values.
8 8 8
a) 8 + + + +. . .
3 9 27
Answer :
1 t 8
r= , S= 1 = = 12
3 1−r 1
3 3
b) 6 − 3 + − +. . .
2 4
Answer :
1 t 6
r =− , S = 1 = =4
2 1−r 1
1 −−
1 1 1
d) 1 − + − +. . .
2 4 8
Answer :
1 t 1 2
r =− , S = 1 = =
2 1−r 1 3
1 −−
e) ∑ 2 k
Answer :
16 16 16 16
∑ 2 k = 21 + 2 2 + 2 3 + . . .
= 8+ 4 +2 +. . .
1 t 8
r= , S= 1 = = 16
2 1−r 1
f) ∑ 3k
Answer :
18 18 18 18
∑ 3k = 32 + 33 + 34 + . . .
18 18 18
= + + +. . .
9 27 81
2 2
=2+ + +. . .
3 9
1 t 2
r= , S= 1 = =3
3 1−r 1
1 −
r 2 = 0.625
r = ±0.79
b) Find ∑ tk . State your answer rounded to two decimal places.
Substitute the values for r into either equation to find t1.
16 = t1r 2
16 = t1 (±0.79 )
16 = t1 (0.625)
t1 =
t1 = 25.6
Note that both values for r meet the restriction: |r| < 1.
Case 1: Case 2:
r = 0.79 r = −0.79
t1 t1
S∞ = S∞ =
1−r 1−r
25.6 25.6
S∞ = S∞ =
1 − 0.79 1 − (−0.79 )
S∞ = 121.90 or 122.24 S∞ = 14.30
Note the answer for S¥ can be obtained using the calculator answer
for r before rounding. If you used r = 0.79, S¥ = 121.90, for r = -0.79,
S¥ = 14.30. Both 121.90 and 122.24 would be considered correct.
1 2 1
2 2 , 12 , , . . . or 4 , 1, , . . .
2 4
t1 4 4 4 16
S= = = = 4× =
1−r 1 3 3 3
4 4
3 3 3 3 9
First bounce = 2 = ; second bounce = = ;
4 2 2 4 8
9 3 27
third bounce = = .
8 4 32
Module 1
Sequences and Series
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. At the end of a poker game, Alysha had $62. During the game she had
won $250, lost $175, won $35, and lost $55. How much money did Alysha
have at the start, in dollars?
2. Complete the pattern: 1, 2, 5, 10, 17, , ,
3. Evaluate when z = -1: (3z + 1)(z - 5
4. Evaluate: (12 )
5. A clothing store is selling shirts for $30.00. They decided to raise the
price of the shirt by 20%. A few days later they decided to raise the price
another 20%. What is the new price of the shirt, in dollars?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify your answer.
5. $43.20
(10% of $30 = $3
20% of $30 = $6
Therefore, after the first increase, the price of the shirt is $36.
10% of $36 = $3.60
20% of $36 = $7.20
The new price of the shirt is $36.00 + $7.20 = $43.20.)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Which of the following sequences are arithmetic?
a) 2, 5, 8, 11, . . .
b) -5, -1, 3, 7, . . .
c) 2, 5, 7, 10, . . .
1 1
d) 2 , 2 , 1, 1 , 0 , . . .
2 2
a) 5 - 2 = 3, 8 - 5 = 3, 11 - 8 = 3; arithmetic sequence
b) -1 - (-5) = 4, 3 - (-1) = 4, 7 - 3 = 4; arithmetic sequence
c) 5 - 2 = 3, 7 - 5 = 2; not an arithmetic sequence, 3 ¹ 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
d) 2 − 2 = , 1 − 2 = −1 ; not an arithmetic sequence, − 1 ≠
2 2 2 2 2 2
t1 = 3
tn = −2tn−1 , n ≥ 2
t1 = 5
tn = 3tn−1 , n ≥ 2
n tn = tn-1 + 5
1 t1 = 3
2 t2 = t2-1 + 5 = t1 + 5 = 3 + 5 = 8
3 t3 = t3-1 + 5 = t2 + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13
4 t4 = t4-1 + 5 = t3 + 5 = 13 + 5 = 18
t1 = 10
tn = tn−1 − 2 , n ≥ 2
n tn = tn-1 - 2
1 t1 = 10
2 t2 = t2-1 - 2 = t1 - 2 = 10 - 2 = 8
3 t3 = t3-1 - 2 = t2 - 2 = 8 - 2 = 6
4 t4 = t4-1 - 2 = t3 - 2 = 6 - 2 = 4
n tn = tn-1 + 1.3
1 t1 = 3.7
2 t2 = t2-1 + 1.3 = t1 + 1.3 = 3.7 + 1.3 = 5
3 t3 = t3-1 + 1.3 = t2 + 1.3 = 5 + 1.3 = 6.3
4 t4 = t4-1 + 1.3 = t3 + 1.3 = 6.3 + 1.3 = 7.6
t1 = 1
d) t2 = 1
tn = tn−1 + tn−2 , n ≥ 3
n tn = tn-1 + 1.3
1 t1 = 1
2 t2 = 1
3 t3 = t3-1 + t3-2 = t2 + t1 = 1 + 1 = 2
4 t4 = t4-1 + t4-2 = t3 + t2 = 2 + 1 = 3
t1 = 3
e) t2 = −1
tn = tn−1 + tn−2 , n ≥ 3
n tn = tn-1 + 1.3
1 t1 = 3
2 t2 = -1
3 t3 = t3-1 + t3-2 = t2 + t1 = -1 + 3 = 2
4 t4 = t4-1 + t4-2 = t3 + t2 = 2 + (-1) = 1
b) g(x) = 5x - 2
g(1) = 5(1) - 2 = 5 - 2 = 3
g(2) = 5(2) - 2 = 10 - 2 = 8
g(3) = 5(3) - 2 = 15 - 2 = 13
Therefore, the first three terms are 3, 8, and 13.
c) h(x) = -3x + 2
h(1) = -3(1) + 2 = -3 + 2 = -1
h(2) = -3(2) + 2 = -6 + 2 = -4
h(3) = -3(3) + 2 = -9 + 2 = -7
Therefore, the first three terms are -1, -4, and -7.
d) m(x) = x - 5
m(1) = 1 - 5 = -4
m(2) = 2 - 5 = -3
m(3) = 3 - 5 = -2
Therefore, the first three terms are -4, -3, and -2.
6. Find an equation of the linear function that produces the following first
three terms of an arithmetic sequence.
a) 5, 8, 11, . . .
The common difference in this sequence is three. Therefore, the slope
of the line, m, is 3. A point on the line is (1, 5), or (2, 8), or (3, 11).
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - 5 = 3(x - 1)
y = 3x - 3 + 5
y = 3x + 2
b) 6 , 6 , 7 , . . .
The common difference in this sequence is . Therefore, the slope of
1 1
the line, m, is . A point on the line is (1, 6 ) , or 2 , 6 , or (3 , 7 ) .
2 2
y − y 1 = m ( x − x1 )
y−6 = ( x − 1)
1 1
y= x− +6
2 2
1 1
y= x+5
2 2
1 1
d) 2 , 2 , 2 ,...
10 5
The common difference in this sequence is . Therefore, the slope of
1 1 1
the line, m, is . A point on the line is (1, 2 ) , or 2 , 2 , or 3 , 2 .
10 10 5
y − y 1 = m ( x − x1 )
y−2 = ( x − 1)
1 1
y = x − +2
10 10
1 9
y = x + 1
10 100
1 1
c) h( x ): 4 , 5 , 5 , . . .
2 2
1 1
y−4 = ( x − 1)
2 2
1 1 1
y= x− +4
2 2 2
y= x+4
∴ h( x ) = x+4
and h ( 50 ) = ( 50 ) + 4
= 25 + 4
= 29
In another pile of bricks, there are 45 bricks in the fifth row and 33 bricks
in the eleventh row.
a) How many bricks are in the first row?
Let x represent the row number and let f(x) represent the number of
bricks in the row.
The linear function contains the points with coordinates (5, 45) and
(11, 33).
33 − 45 −12
m= = = −2
11 − 5 6
y - 45 = -2(x - 5)
y = -2x + 10 + 45
y = -2x + 55 or
f(x) = -2x + 55 is the defining linear function
Now find the first term.
f(1) = -2(1) + 55 = 53
There are 53 bricks in the first row.
10. Find which term of the sequence 20, 23, 26, . . ., is the value 245,
a) by using the general term formula
Using the formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d, you have
245 = 20 + (n - 1)3
245 = 20 + 3n - 3
245 = 3n + 17
245 - 17 = 3n
228 = 3n
76 = n
Therefore, 245 = t76.
Hence, the 76th term of the sequence has a value of 245.
11. Find the term indicated in each arithmetic sequence by using the general
term formula.
a) 5, 3, 1, . . . t20
d = 3 - 5 = -2
t1 = 5
n = 20
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t20 = 5 + (20 - 1)(–2)
t20 = -33
13. For the arithmetic sequence 7, 11, 15, 19, . . ., find t29.
d = 11 - 7 = 4
t1 = 7
n = 29
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t29 = 7 + (29 - 1)4
t29 = 119
15. Graph the arithmetic sequence 7, 4, 1, -2, . . ., for the first six terms
a) on graph paper (A reproducible copy of a sheet of graph paper is
included in Appendix B found on the downloads page.)
The points are (1, 7), (2, 4), (3, 1), (4, -2), (5, -5), (6, -8). The graph is
shown below.
Press GRAPH.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Continue the pattern: 0.125, 0.250, 0.375, ,
2. Andrew bought an mp3 player for $156.88. He gave the cashier eight $20
bills. The store was out of toonies and all they had were loonies, quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies. What was the smallest number of coins he
could have received as change?
3. If 4x - 3x + 8x + 2x = 121, then 6x - 2 =
4. A recipe calls for two tablespoons of sugar for every quarter cup of flour.
If Santana wants to use 18 tablespoons of sugar, how many cups of flour
does she need to make the recipe?
5 2
5. Calculate: −
3 14
6. Simplify: 28 ¸ 26
7. Determine the distance between the following two points: (2, 6) and
(-7, -4).
8. List the factors of 164.
1. 0.5, 0.625
2. 3 loonies, 1 dime, and 2 pennies for a total of 6 coins (8 ´ $20 = $160;
$160 - $156.88 = $3.12; Remember, the store was out of toonies.)
3. 64 (11x = 121, so x = 11; 6(11) - 2 = 66 - 2 = 64)
1 1 9
4. 2 Santana increased the recipe by a factor of nine; 9 × =
4 4 4
32 5 1 35 3
5. − = −
21 3 7 21 21
8 28
6. 4 2 ÷ 2 = 6 = 2 2 = 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the indicated sum of each arithmetic series.
a) 7 + 12 + 17 + . . ., S20
The common difference = 5
Use the formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d to find tn
t20 = 7 + ( 20 − 1)( 5)
t20 = 102
7 + 102
S20 = ( 20 )
S20 = 1090
b) -5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - . . ., S20
The common difference = -2
t20 = −5 + ( 20 − 1) (−2 )
t20 = −43
−5 + (−43)
S20 = ( 20 )
S20 = −480
4. Find S100 of 1 + 4 + 7 + . . . .
The series is 1 + 4 + 7 + . . . n = 100, and d = 3.
To find the sum of 100 terms, the last term, t100, needs to be calculated
using the general term formula and d = 3.
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t100 = 1 + (100 - 1)(3)
t100 = 298
The sum of 100 terms is
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
1 + 298
S100 = (100 )
S100 = 14 950
7. An auditorium has 20 seats in the first row, and each row has two more
seats than the row immediately in front of it. There are 26 rows in the
auditorium. How many seats are there in the last row? What is the seating
capacity of the auditorium?
The arithmetic sequence is 20, 22, 24, . . . t26. To calculate t26, use the
general term formula.
tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
t26 = 20 + (26 - 1)(2)
t26 = 70
There are 70 seats in the last row.
To find the seating capacity means to find how many seats there are
altogether. The series is
20 + 22 + 24 + . . . + 70
and n = 26
The sum is
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
20 + 70
S26 = ( 26 )
S26 = 1170
c) What is the first annual salary in this range that is greater than
From part (b), we know t5 = $32,145.
Thus, t4 = 32 145 - d
= 32 145 - 1340
= $30,805
and t3 = 30 805 - 1340
= $29,465
In the fourth year, Mary’s salary is over $30,000.
9. a) Show that the sum of n terms of an arithmetic series can be found using
the formula Sn = 2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t + tn
Use the formula: Sn = 1 (n)
Rearrange to get: t + tn
Sn =
2 1
Use the general term formula to replace tn and simplify.
t n = t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t + ( t 1 + ( n − 1) d )
∴ Sn =
2 1
Sn =
2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
Note: You now can use either formula to find the sum of an arithmetic
Sn =
2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t + tn
Sn = 1 (n)
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. On the first day of your marathon training, you run 1 km. If you double
that distance every day, on which day will you run over 20 km?
2. Complete the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 7, , ,
3. You and two friends want to go to a movie but you are arguing over the
seating arrangements. If you all sit beside each other in a row, how many
different ways can you be seated?
4. State the common difference of the following arithmetic sequence:
7, 5, 3, 1, -1, . . .
5. Estimate the answer: 204 ´ 712
6. How many inches are in 6.5 feet?
7. Determine the volume of a rectangular prism with base dimensions of
12 cm by 10 cm and a height of 6 cm.
8. Write this decimal as a percent: 0.0091
1. Day 6 (Day 1 = 1 km; Day 2 = 2 km; Day 3 = 4 km; Day 4 = 8 km;
Day 5 = 16; km; Day 6 = 32 km)
2. 11, 16, 22 (add 1, add 2, add 3 is the pattern, so add 4, then 5, then 6 to get
the next three terms)
3. 6 ways (3 choices for the frist seat, 2 choices for the second, and 1 choice for
the last seat means 3 ´ 2 ´ 1 = 6 ways)
4. -2 (5 - 7)
5. 140 000 (a good estimate is 200 ´ 700 = 140 000)
6. 78 inches (There are 12 inches in 1 foot and 6.5 ´ 12 = 78 inches.)
7. 720 cm3 (The formula for the volume of a rectangular prism is V = (area of
the base)(height); V = (12 ´ 10) ´ 6 = 120 ´ 6 = 720 cm3)
8. 0.91% (multiply by 100)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. For each sequence below, indicate whether it is geometric, arithmetic, or
neither. If it is geometric, state the value of r, the common ratio; if it is
arithmetic, state the value of d, the common difference.
a) 4, 6, 8, 10, . . .
6 - 4 = 2; 8 - 6 = 2; 10 - 8 = 2
Therefore, the sequence is arithmetic with d = 2.
b) 3, 6, 12, 24, . . .
6 12 24
2 ; 2 ; 2
3 6 12
Therefore, the sequence is geometric with r = 2.
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = 2t2-1 = 2t1 = 2(2) = 4
3 t3 = 2t3-1 = 2t2 = 2(4) = 8
4 t4 = 2t4-1 = 2t3 = 2(8) = 16
\ geometric, with r = 2
t1 = 2
tn = tn−1 + 2 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = t2-1 + 2 = t1 + 2 = 2 + 2 = 4
3 t3 = t3-1 + 2 = t2 + 2 = 4 + 2 = 6
4 t4 = t4-1 + 2 = t3 + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8
\ arithmetic, with d = 2
t1 = 2
tn = 2tn−1 + 2 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = 2t2-1 + 2 = 2t1 + 2 = 2(2) + 2 = 4 + 2 = 6
3 t3 = 2t3-1 + 2 = 2t2 + 2 = 2(6) + 2 = 12 + 2 = 14
4 t4 = 2t4-1 + 2 = 2t3 + 2 = 2(14) + 2 = 28 + 2 = 30
\ neither
n tn
1 t1 = 2
2 t2 = (t2-1)2 = (t1)2 = 22 = 4
3 t3 = (t3-1)2 = (t2)2 = 42 = 16
4 t4 = (t4-1)2 = (t3)2 = 162 = 256
\ neither
t1 = 5
e) n
tn = (−1) tn−1 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 5
2 t2 = (-1)2t2-1 = (-1)2t1 = (1)(5) = 5
3 t3 = (-1)3t3-1 = (-1)3t2 = (-1)(5) = -5
4 t4 = (-1)4t4-1 = (-1)4t3 = (1)(-5) = -5
\ neither
t1 = 4
tn = tn−1 − 5 , n ≥ 2
n tn
1 t1 = 4
2 t2 = t2-1 - 5 = t1 - 5 = 4 - 5 = -1
3 t3 = t3-1 - 5 = t2 - 5 = -1 - 5 = -6
4 t4 = t4-1 - 5 = t3 - 5 = -6 - 5 = -11
\ arithmetic, with d = -5
n tn = 2 x
1 21 = 2
2 22 = 4
3 23 = 8
b) tn = 4n-1
n tn = 4n-1
1 40 = 1
2 41 = 4
3 42 = 16
c) f(x) = 2(3x)
x f(x)
1 2(31) = 6
2 2(32) = 18
3 2(33) = 54
n f(x)
1 16 = 8
1 2 1
2 16 = 16 = 4
2 4
1 3 1
3 16 = 16 = 2
2 8
t1 = 40
Recursive formula: 1
tn = (tn−1 ) , n ≥ 2
1 n−1
Exponential function: tn = 40
5. Write an expression for t20 of the sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, . . . . Do not simplify.
The defining exponential function is tn = 3(2)n-1. Therefore,
t20 = 3(2)20-1 = 3(2)19.
6. Which term of the geometric sequence 4, 2, 1, . . . has the value ?
2 1
4 2
1 n−1
The defining exponential function is tn = 4 .
1 1 n−1
Hence, = 4
1024 2
1 2 1
= 2
2 10 2
1 1 n−1
2 10 2 2 2
1 12 1 n−1
2 2
n − 1 = 12
n = 13
Therefore, is the 13th term.
3x − 2 5x + 2
x+2 3x − 2
( 3x − 2 ) ( 3x − 2 ) = ( x + 2 ) ( 5x + 2 ) (cross-multiply)
9 x 2 − 12 x + 4 = 5x 2 + 12 x + 4
4 x 2 − 24 x = 0
4x ( x − 6) = 0
x = 6 or x = 0
If you are interested in seeing the sequences, substitute the values of x into
the terms.
When x = 6, the sequence is 8, 16, 32.
When x = 0, the sequence is 2, -2, 2.
Both are geometric sequences with common ratio 2 and -1, respectively.
10. A store is conducting a Dutch auction. It will take 10% off the cost of an
item at the end of each day the item doesn’t sell. If an item originally costs
$150, find its cost for each of the next five days.
If the cost of the item is being reduced by 10%, then the sale price is
100% - 10% or 90% of the original price. Thus, the cost of the item at the
end of the next five days is calculated as follows.
first day: ($150.00)(0.90) = $135.00
second day: ($135.00)(0.90) = $121.50
third day: ($121.50)(0.90) = $109.35
fourth day: ($109.35)(0.90) = $98.42
fifth day: ($98.42)(0.90) = $88.58
Note that if you use the formula t6 = 150(0.9)6-1 to find your answer for the
end of the fifth day, you get $88.57. Since the deductions are made daily,
the correct answer is one cent different and is $88.58.
Powers of 2 are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, . . ., and 820 is not
one of them. Thus, 4100 is not a term of the sequence.
The shape is a curve and not a straight line. The points are not joined
because the domain is the set of natural numbers.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1 7
1. For Josh’s workout, he runs of the football field, sprints of the field,
9 9
and then jogs the rest of the way. What fraction of the field does Josh jog?
2. What is the sum of the digits from 1 to 10?
3. Calculate the perimeter of a square garden with an area of 25 m2.
4. Express as a decimal.
5. Find the common difference in the following pattern: -2, -9, -16, -23, . . .
6. Estimate: 96
7. Simplify: (24)(32)
8. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation, 3y - 2x + 7 = 0.
1 1 7 9 8 1
1. 1 − + = − =
9 9 9 9 9 9
5. -7
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. a) Give an example of a geometric sequence.
Answers will vary. Be sure every term is a multiple of the term before.
b) Write the corresponding geometric series.
Answers will vary. Answers must be an addition of the terms in the
corresponding geometric sequence.
Check with your learning partner or review examples in the lesson to check
your work.
3 4
c) ∑ 3k d) ∑ 3k−1
k=1 k=1
4 4
e) ∑ 3k+1 f) ∑ 5 ⋅ 3k−1
k=2 k=2
5 6
g) ∑ ( 2 k − 5) h) ∑ 2(−3)k−1
k=2 k=3
a) ∑ k 3 = (1)3 + (2 )3 + (3)3 + ( 4)3 = 1 + 8 + 27 + 64 = 100
b) ∑ 3k = 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 = 3 + 9 + 27 + 81 = 120
c) ∑ 3k = 3 (1) + 3 ( 2 ) + 3 ( 3) = 3 + 6 + 9 = 18
= 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 = 40
e) ∑ 3k+1 = 32+1 + 33+1 + 34+1 = 33 + 34 + 35 = 27 + 81 + 243 = 351
f) ∑ 5 ⋅ 3k−1 = 5 ⋅ 32−1 + 5 ⋅ 33−1 + 5 ⋅ 34−1 = 5 ⋅ 31 + 5 ⋅ 32 + 5 ⋅ 33
= 15 + 45 + 135 = 195
g) ∑ ( 2 k − 5) = ( 2 ( 2 ) − 5) + ( 2 ( 3) − 5) + ( 2 ( 4 ) − 5) + ( 2 ( 5) − 5)
= −1 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 8
h) ∑ 2(−3)k−1 = 2 (−3)3−1 + 2 (−3)4−1 + 2 (−3)5−1 + 2 (−3)6−1
2 3 4 5
= 2 (−3) + 2 (−3) + 2 (−3) + 2 (−3)
= 2 (9 ) + 2 (−27 ) + 2 (81) + 2 (−243)
= 18 − 54 + 162 − 486 = −360
c) 2 + 4 + 8 + . . . + 1024
t1 = 2
n = 10, since 210 = 1024
10 10
∑ 2 (2) or ∑ 2k
k=1 k=1
b) Find the sum of the first eight terms, using the sum formula.
t1 ( 1 − r n ) (
3 1 − (2)
) 3 (−255)
Using Sn = , S8 = = = 765.
1−r 1−2 −1
b) 8 + 12 + 18 + 27 + . . .
t1 ( 1 − r n ) 12 3 8 1 − (1.5) ( 10
Using Sn = and r = = = 1.5 , S10 = = 906.64.
1−r 8 2 1 − 1.5
c) 128 - 64 + 32 - 16 + . . .
t1 ( 1 − r n ) (
128 1 − (−0.5)
Using Sn = , S10 = = 85.25.
1−r 1 − (−0.5)
8 8
d) 24 + 8 + + +. . .
3 9
1 10
1 −
t1 ( 1 − r n ) 3
Using Sn = , S10 = = 36.00.
1−r 1
e) x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + . . .
Using Sn =
t1 ( 1 − r n )
, S10 =
x2 1 − (x2 )
) = x (1 − x 2 20
1−r 1 − x2 1 − x2
t1 ( 1 − r n ) (
1 1 − (0.5)
Using Sn = , S10 = = 2.00.
1−r 1 − 0.5
6. In a geometric sequence, t 4 , and t11 = 32. Calculate S11. Express your
answer as an exact value.
Use the general term formula to write two equations. Then solve using
division method.
t4 = = t1 r 3 equation (a )
t11 = 32 = t1r 10 equation ( b)
32 t r 10
1 3
1 t1 r
128 r 7
Now substitute r = 2 into equation (a) and solve for t1.
= t1 2 3
= t1 ( 8 )
4 = t1 ( 8 )
8 8
= t1
Note that you can use the a b c button on your scientific calculator or
Math Frac on your graphing calculator to find the exact answers when
using fractions.
889 −7 ( 1 − 2 )
−7 −7
−127 = 1 − 2 n
−127 − 1 = −2 n
−128 = −2 n
128 = 2 n
27 = 2 n
Therefore, there are 7 terms in this series.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Find the common ratio in the following pattern: 189, 63, 21, 7, . . .
2. Which of these values would come next in this pattern:
One, four, three, eleven, fifteen, thirteen, . . .
3. If your favourite television show starts at 7 pm and your mom tells you
that your show is still 48 minutes away, what time is it now?
4. Your school ordered 56 boxes of cookies that each contain 25 cookies. If
there are 700 students at your school, will you have enough cookies to give
each student two cookies?
3 2
5. Calculate: +
16 4
6. Solve the inequality 5x - 2 < 0.
7. Simplify: (2x2 + 3x - 5) - (9x2 - 4x + 6)
8. Simplify the following fraction:
2. Seventeen (Each number has one more letter in the spelling of the word
than the previous number.)
3. 6:12 pm.
4. You will have exactly enough cookies. (56 ´ 25 = 50 ´ 25 + 6 ´ 25 =
1250 + 150 = 1400 = 700 ´ 2)
If you haven’t already, you may want to go back and include all important
definitions, terms, or examples that you have found more challenging on your
resource sheet.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the sum of each of the following infinite geometric series. Express
your answers as exact values.
8 8 8
a) 8 + + + +. . .
3 9 27
Answer :
1 t 8
r= , S= 1 = = 12
3 1−r 1
3 3
b) 6 − 3 + − +. . .
2 4
Answer :
1 t 6
r =− , S = 1 = =4
2 1−r 1
1 −−
1 1 1
d) 1 − + − +. . .
2 4 8
Answer :
1 t 1 2
r =− , S = 1 = =
2 1−r 1 3
1 −−
e) ∑ 2 k
Answer :
16 16 16 16
∑ 2 k = 21 + 2 2 + 2 3 + . . .
= 8+ 4 +2 +. . .
1 t 8
r= , S= 1 = = 16
2 1−r 1
f) ∑ 3k
Answer :
18 18 18 18
∑ 3k = 32 + 33 + 34 + . . .
18 18 18
= + + +. . .
9 27 81
2 2
=2+ + +. . .
3 9
1 t 2
r= , S= 1 = =3
3 1−r 1
1 −
r 2 = 0.625
r = ±0.79
b) Find ∑ tk . State your answer rounded to two decimal places.
Substitute the values for r into either equation to find t1.
16 = t1r 2
16 = t1 (±0.79 )
16 = t1 (0.625)
t1 =
t1 = 25.6
Note that both values for r meet the restriction: |r| < 1.
Case 1: Case 2:
r = 0.79 r = −0.79
t1 t1
S∞ = S∞ =
1−r 1−r
25.6 25.6
S∞ = S∞ =
1 − 0.79 1 − (−0.79 )
S∞ = 121.90 or 122.24 S∞ = 14.30
Note the answer for S¥ can be obtained using the calculator answer
for r before rounding. If you used r = 0.79, S¥ = 121.90, for r = -0.79,
S¥ = 14.30. Both 121.90 and 122.24 would be considered correct.
1 2 1
2 2 , 12 , , . . . or 4 , 1, , . . .
2 4
t1 4 4 4 16
S= = = = 4× =
1−r 1 3 3 3
4 4
3 3 3 3 9
First bounce = 2 = ; second bounce = = ;
4 2 2 4 8
9 3 27
third bounce = = .
8 4 32
Module 2
Factoring and Rational Expressions
Module 2:
Fac tor ing a nd R at ion a l E xpr e s sion s
Assignments in Module 2
When you have completed the assignments for Module 2, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
When you write your midterm examination, you are encouraged to take
a Midterm Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination.
This sheet will be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your
handwriting or typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but
you do not receive any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions provided below to help you with
preparing your resource sheet for the material in Module 2. On this sheet, you
should record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a
list of places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special
areas that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 to prepare your Midterm Examination
Resource Sheet. The midterm examination for this course is based on
Modules 1 to 4.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
x 4
area = (x)(x2) area = 4(x2)
= x3 = 4x2
area = x(x) area = 4(x)
= x2 = 4x
area = (x)(-1) area = 4(-1)
= -x = -4
a) 6x2 + x - 2
The product of “a” and “c” is (6)(-2) = -12. The value of b is 1.
Therefore, you need to find two numbers whose sum is 1 and whose
product is -12. The factors of -12 are:
1, -12
-1, 12
2, 6
-2, 6
3, -4
-3, 4
Out of these factors, the two numbers that sum to 1 are -3 and 4. Now,
instead of writing the factored form of this trinomial as before, you need
to break up the original trinomial and then factor by grouping.
6x2 + x - 2
The original middle term, x, is separated into two terms using the factors
-3 and 4. We write 1x as -3x + 4x or as 4x - 3x, the order doesn’t matter.
The polynomial now has four terms instead of three. We write
6x2 - 3x + 4x - 2
Consider just the first two terms of the polynomial and determine if they
have a common factor. If they do, factor it out.
6x2 - 3x + 4x - 2 = 3x(2x - 1) + 4x - 2
Now, consider just the last two terms of the polynomial. Determine if they
have a common factor and, if they do, factor it out.
3x(2x - 1) + 4x - 2 = 3x(2x - 1) + 2(2x - 1)
You now have only two terms.
The expression in the brackets is the same in each term. It is a common
factor and therefore you can factor it out.
3x(2x - 1) + 2(2x - 1) = (2x - 1)(3x + 2)
Difference of Squares
What happens if the polynomial has only two terms? Is it still possible to
factor this polynomial?
Yes. It may be possible to factor this polynomial, but only if the polynomial is
a difference of squares. The polynomial must be in the form A2 - B2 in order
to be a difference of squares.
The factors of the difference of squares are:
A2 - B2 = (A - B)(A + B)
When you check the answer by multiplying, the sum of the inner product and
the outer product is -AB + (AB) and, when simplified, is zero. Only the first
and last terms are left as shown below:
(A - B)(A + B)
= A(A + B) - B(A + B)
= A2 + AB - AB - B2
= A2 - B2
Example 5
Factor each difference of squares.
a) x2 - 9
b) 4x2 - 25
c) 16x2 - 9
Each polynomial has two terms subtracted, and each term is a perfect square.
Thus, they can be factored as a difference of squares.
a) Compare x2 - 9 with the form A2 - B2. In this example, A = x and B = 3.
Therefore, you can factor the difference of squares using the form
(A - B)(A + B). This gives (x - 3)(x + 3) as the factored form of x2 - 9.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Carla has a shoe addiction. She owns 13 pairs of boots, 18 pairs of
sneakers, 23 pairs of high heels, and 19 pairs of sandals. How many pairs
of shoes does she have in total?
2. What are two numbers that sum to 11 and multiply to 30?
3. Multiply: (2x + 1)(x - 5)
4. Evaluate: 21
5. Factor: x2 + 7x + 12
6. How many metres are in 2.3 km?
7. Simplify: (2x2 - 6x + 11) - (-14x2 - 2x + 4)
8. Is xy2 the greatest common factor of 6x2y2 + 8xy3?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Factor out the greatest common factor.
a) 5x + 20
b) 5x3 + 20x2
c) 30x2y - 24xy3
d) x3 + x2
2. Factor each trinomial completely.
a) x2 + 7x - 8
b) x2 - 2x - 8
c) x2 - 11x + 28
d) 3x3 + 30x2 + 63x
e) 2x2 + 7x - 15
f) 4x2 - 12x + 9
2 2
g) x − 4x + 6
Now that you have reviewed some basic factoring techniques, it will be
easier to factor more complicated expressions. In the next lesson, you will be
learning how to factor more difficult polynomials using the same techniques
you reviewed in this lesson.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In Lesson 1, you reviewed your knowledge about factoring. You may notice
that different patterns are used when factoring polynomials. For example,
there are patterns or rules to follow when factoring a difference of squares
and when factoring trinomials where a = 1. You can also use these patterns to
factor more difficult expressions, like those with a quadratic pattern.
a) Compare 64x2 - 81y2 to the form [a(f(x))]2 - [b(g(y))]2.
64x2 - 81y2
= (8x)2 - (9y)2
Therefore, a(f(x)) = 8x and b(g(y)) = 9y.
Using the formula a2(f(x))2 - b2(g(y))2 = [a(f(x)) - b(g(y))][a(f(x)) + b(g(y))],
64x2 - 81y2 = (8x - 9y)(8x + 9y)
Now check your work by multiplying the factors together to get the
original polynomial.
Recall that when an exponent is being raised to a power, you can multiply
the exponent by the power: (x2)2 = x(2)(2) = x4. Therefore (5y - 7)4 is the
same as ((5y - 7)2)2.
1 1 2
a ( f ( x )) = ( 2 x − 9 ) and b ( g ( y )) = (5 y − 7 )
10 5
1 1 4
( 2 x − 9 ) − (5 y − 7 )
100 25
1 1 2 1 1 2
= ( 2 x − 9 ) − ( 5y − 7 ) ( 2 x − 9 ) + (5 y − 7 )
10 5 10 5
2 9 1 2 9 1
x− − ( 25 y 2 − 70 y + 49 ) x − + ( 25 y 2 − 70 y + 49 )
10 10 5 10 10 5
2 9 49 2 9 49
= x − − 5 y 2 + 14 y − x − + 5y 2 −14 y +
10 10 5 10 10 5
1 107 1 89
= x − 5 y 2 + 14 y − x + 5 y 2 −14 y +
5 10 5 10
Example 3
Determine whether (x + 5) is a factor of the following polynomials.
a) x2 + 6x + 5
b) 2x2 - 6x + 7
c) 3x2 - 4x + 1
Step 1 Equate the binomial to zero and solve for the variable.
x = -5
Step 2: Substitute x = -5 into each polynomial.
a) x2 + 6x + 5
= (-5)2 + 6(-5) + 5
= 25 - 30 + 5
b) 2x2 - 6x + 7
= 2(-5)2 - 6(-5) + 7
= 50 + 30 + 7
= 87
c) 3x2 - 4x + 1
= 3(-5)2 - 4(-5) + 1
= 75 + 20 + 1
= 96
Step 3: Check to see if the evaluated polynomial equals zero.
The evaluated polynomial in (a) equals zero. Therefore, (x + 5) is a
factor of the polynomial in (a).
The evaluated polynomials in (b) and (c) do not equal zero. Therefore,
(x + 5) is not a factor of the polynomials in (b) and (c).
a) 2 x 2 − x − 10
5 2 5
= 2 − − 10
2 2
25 5
= − − 10
2 2
b) 4 x 2 − x + 7
5 2 5
= 4 − + 7
2 2
= 25 − +7
= 29.5
c) 4 x 2 − 20 x + 25
5 2 5
= 4 − 20 + 25
2 2
= 25 − 50 + 25
The evaluated polynomials in (a) and (c) both equal zero. Therefore, (2x - 5) is
a factor of the polynomials in (a) and (c).
The evaluated polynomial in (b) does not equal zero. Therefore, (2x - 5) is not
a factor of the polynomial in (b).
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. There are a group of 80 people in a shareholder’s meeting making a
decision about whether or not to acquire a new company. The decision
needs to pass with an 80% majority. How many people must agree in
order for the decision to pass?
2. Evaluate: 5 ´ 17 ´ 20
3. Katrina is flying from Winnipeg to Belize. She leaves Winnipeg at 7:00 am
and takes a 3-hour flight to Minneapolis where she has a two and a half
hour layover. From Minneapolis, she takes a direct flight to Belize that
lasts for 7.25 hours. What time does Katrina arrive in Belize?
4. What is the greatest common factor of 48 and 144?
5. Convert 6.3 kilometres to metres.
6. Simplify:
7. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line, -2 = 4x + 6y.
8. Determine the total surface area of a cube with a volume of 8 cm3.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Add to the factoring graphic organizer you completed in the last learning
activity (Learning Activity 2.1). Include all of the new techniques you
learned about factoring in this lesson.
Lesson Summary
Total: 37 marks
1. Factor the following expressions completely.
a) 4x2 + 13x + 9 (2 marks)
c) x2 - y2 (1 mark)
e) x2 - 6x - 27 (1 mark)
f) 25 - x2 (1 mark)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the first two lessons of this module, you reviewed some basic factoring
techniques and used these techniques to factor more complex polynomials.
Factoring is very useful when dealing with rational expressions. Rational
expressions are similar to fractions. However, rational expressions contain
polynomials in the numerator and the denominator. In this lesson, you will
discover how factoring and fractions are related to rational expressions.
Rational Expressions
You have studied fractions, which can also be called rational numbers, in
previous mathematics courses. You know how to add, subtract, multiply, and
divide rational numbers. Furthermore, you know how to reduce fractions to
their lowest form.
In the next few lessons, you will learn how to perform these operations with
the algebraic equivalents of rational numbers, called rational expressions.
n is a rational number if a and b are integers and b ¹ 0.
is a rational expression if p and q are polynomials and q ¹ 0, and q
contains a variable.
Include all of the previous definitions and examples on your resource sheet.
Non-Permissible Values
In all fractions, the denominator cannot equal zero. This is because there
is no answer when dividing by zero. Also, in all rational expressions, the
denominator cannot equal zero.
The domain of a rational expression is the set of all real numbers for which
the denominator of the rational expression is not zero. The numbers excluded
from the domain of a rational expression are called the non-permissible
values of the expression.
Example 1
Find the domain and the non-permissible values of the following rational
x2 − 1
d) 2
x − 2x + 1
x2 - 1
In this rational expression, the denominator equals zero when x = 7.
Therefore, the non-permissible value of this rational expression is x = 7.
The domain is all real numbers except x = 7.
D: {x|x ¹ 7, x Î Â}
d) 2
x − 2x + 1
In this rational expression, the way to discover when the denominator
equals zero is to first factor the denominator. You will revisit this method
in more detail in Modules 3 and 4.
x2 - 2x + 1 = (x - 1)(x - 1)
Now, you have to equate each factor of the denominator to zero. As
both factors of this polynomial are the same, you only have one non-
permissible value.
4 2 (2) 2
= =
6 2 ( 3) 3
4 2
Thus, and are equivalent fractions.
6 3
x 2 − 1 ( x − 1) ( x + 1) x−1
= =
x +x x ( x + 1) x
x2 − 1 x−1
The rational expressions 2
and are said to be equivalent.
x +1 x
x2 − 1
Consider the following table of values which compares 2 with its
x +x
reduced form x for various values of x.
3 −3
= =
2 −2
The expression is an indeterminate form that is studied in more detail in
calculus. You know that any number over itself is 1, so you might think is 1.
However, you also know that 0 in the numerator of any fraction is zero, so you
might think is zero. Finally, you know that any number divided by a very
small number is infinitely large, so you might think approaches infinity. The
reason that is called indeterminate is because its value cannot be determined.
If you were to graph y = x2 − 1 , the graph would be identical to y = ,
x +x x
except there would be a “hole” in the graph where x = 1 and y = 2.
0 x2 − 1 0−1 x−1 0−1
= =
x +x 0+0 x 0
−1 −1
= =
0 0
= no answer = no answer
2 x2 − 1 22 − 1 x−1 2−1
= =
x2 + x 22 + 2 x 2
3 1
= =
6 2
Example 2
Simplify each rational expression. State the non-permissible values.
x2 − 9
a) 2
x −x−6
x 2 − 3x
6 x 2 + 3x
3x 2
125x 3 y 4
5x 5 y 2
x 2 - 3x
The non-permissible value is 0. Now factor.
x ( x − 3)
= x−3
Thus, the answer is x - 3, x ¹ 0.
6 x 2 + 3x
3x 2
3 x ( 2 x + 1)
3x ( x )
125x 3 y 4
5x 5 y 2
Example 3
x 2 + x − 12
Is the domain of all real numbers except x = -3?
x2 − 9
x 2 + x − 12 ( x + 4 ) ( x − 3) x + 4
= =
x2 − 9 ( x − 3) ( x + 3) x + 3
x = -3 is a non-permissible value of this rational expression. However, in
order to find all non-permissible values of a rational expression, you need to
find the values at which the denominator of the original expression equals
Therefore, the non-permissible values of this expression are x = 3 and x = -3.
The domain of this rational expression is all real numbers except 3 and -3.
x + 3 ( x + 3 ) ( x + 1) x 2 + 4 x + 3
= = 2
x − 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) x −x−2
x+3 x 2 + 4x + 3
and 2 are equivalent fractions for x ≠ 2 and x ≠ −1,
x−2 x −x−2
and you multiplied by 1 in the form .
a) To create an equivalent rational expression for , you can multiply
the numerator and denominator by any polynomial, say (x + 8).
x + 6 ( x + 6 ) ( x + 8) x 2 + 14 x + 48
= =
x + 2 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 8) x 2 + 10 x + 16
The non-permissible values of this new rational expression are determined
where its denominator equals zero.
x+2=0 x+8=0
x = -2 x = -8
Therefore, the non-permissible values of the rational expression are -2
and -8.
There are other possible answers as well.
x2 + 3
b) To create an equivalent rational expression equal to, , you can
multiply the numerator and denominator by any polynomial, say (x2 + 1).
x 2 + 3 ( x + 3 ) ( x + 1)
2 2
x 4 + 4x 2 + 3
= =
x−7 ( x − 7 ) ( x 2 + 1) x3 − 7x2 + x − 7
a) It is only possible to cancel out factors of a rational expression. The value
“8” is not a factor of the rational expression as it only occurs in one term
in the numerator. Therefore, it is not possible to cancel out this value.
However, it is possible to first factor the numerator and denominator and
then cancel out common factors.
4 − 8x 4 (1 − 2 x ) 1 − 2 x
= =
8 4 (2) 2
The following learning activity will allow you to practice factoring and
simplifying rational expressions. Be sure to complete this learning activity,
as it will allow you to know whether or not you have learned the material. If
you check your answers in the answer key and discover you have answered
many questions incorrectly, you should go back and relearn the material in
the lesson.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Factor: x2 - 5x - 6
2. Find the common ratio in the following pattern: 8, 16, 32, 64, . . .
3. The air you breathe is a mixture of different gases including nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, oxygen, and argon. If the air is 78.1% nitrogen, 0.1% carbon
dioxide, 20.9% oxygen, and 0.7% argon, what percentage of the air is
composed of other gases?
4. State the reciprocal of .
5. Your grandma is making a turkey dinner for the family and needs you to
figure out when to start putting everything in the oven. If the turkey takes
five hours to cook, the ham takes three hours to cook, and the meatballs
take one hour to cook (they cannot go in the oven at the same time), what
time does your grandma need to start putting food in the oven to have
dinner ready by 2:00 pm?
For questions 6, 7, and 8, consider the following values:
3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17.
6. Find the mode.
7. Find the mean.
8. Find the median.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State the domain and the non-permissible values of each rational
( x + 3) ( x − 2 )
(x + 2)(x − 2)
x ( x − 1)
(x + 2)
x (x − 2)
( x + 3) ( x − 3)
x ( x − 1) ( x + 2 )
( x − 1) ( x + 1) ( x + 2 )
x ( x − 1)
( x − 1) x
A x
4. Write the polynomial A if 2
reduced to .
x -9 x-3
5. Explain why 7 may not be the only non-permissible value for the following
rational expression: .
6. Create a rational expression that has two non-permissible values: x = -1
and x = 5.
7. The distance, d, can be found using the formula d = rt, where r is the speed
and t is the time.
a) If the distance is represented by 2x2 + 3x - 2 and the speed is
represented by 4x + 8, what is an expression for the time? Simplify
your answer.
b) State any non-permissible values of the expression in part (a) above.
8. Create equivalent rational expressions for each of the following rational
expressions by multiplying by a form of 1. State the non-permissible
values for each rational expression.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to simplify rational expressions. This
knowledge becomes very useful when you are asked to multiply and divide
rational expressions. These expressions can sometimes become very complex.
However, knowing how to simplify these expressions makes multiplication
and division much easier.
Just as simplifying rational expressions is related to simplifying fractions,
multiplying and dividing rational expressions is similar to multiplying and
dividing fractions. In this lesson, you will learn about these similarities. These
similarities make multiplying and dividing rational expressions similar to
calculations you have completed before.
Remember, multiplying or dividing fractions does not require finding a
common denominator.
x 2 − 4 x 2 + 6x + 9
a) ×
x+3 x+2
( x − 2 ) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3) ( x + 3)
= ×
( x + 3) (x + 2)
The non-permissible values are x = -3 and x = -2.
Cancelling out like terms:
(x − 2) (x + 2) ( x + 3) ( x + 3)
= ×
( x + 3) (x + 2)
3x 2 10 y 3 (x) (x) 2 ( 5) ( y ) 2
b) 3
× 2
= × = 2
5y 9x 5 ( y )( y ) ( y ) 3 ( 3) ( x ) ( x ) 3y
4 6 4 5 2 (2) 5 2 ( 5) 10
÷ = × = × = =
3 5 3 6 3 2 ( 3) 3 ( 3) 9
x 2 − 36
d) 2 x − 49
x − 12 x + 36
x 2 + 14 x + 49
x2 − 4 x+2
a) ÷ 2
x+3 x −9
Multiplying by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
x2 − 4 x2 − 9
x+3 x+2
( x − 2 ) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 3) ( x + 3)
( x + 3) (x + 2)
The non-permissible values are x = -3, 3, and -2.
Cancelling out common factors:
(x − 2) (x + 2) ( x − 3) ( x + 3)
( x + 3) (x + 2)
x + y x2 − y 2 x+y 4x x+y 4x 4
b) 2
÷ = 2
× 2 2
= × =
x 4x x x −y ( x ) ( x ) (x − y ) (x + y ) x (x − y )
x 2 + 3x x2 − 2x
c) 2 ÷
x +x−6 x−4
x 2 + 3x x−4 x ( x + 3) x−4 x−4
= 2
× 2
= × =
x + x − 6 x − 2x ( x + 3) ( x − 2 ) x ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 )
( x − 2 )2
x 2 − 36
2 x 2 − 36 x 2 − 12 x + 36
d) 2 x − 49 = 2 ÷
x − 12 x + 36 x − 49 x 2 + 14 x + 49
x 2 + 14 x + 49
x 2 − 36 x 2 + 14 x + 49
= 2 ×
x − 49 x 2 − 12 x + 36
(x − 6) (x + 6) (x + 7 ) (x + 7 )
= ×
(x − 7 ) (x + 7 ) (x − 6) (x − 6)
(x + 6) (x + 7 )
(x − 7 ) (x − 6)
The non-permissible values are x = 7, -7, and 6.
x 2 x + 10 5x
× ÷
x − 25 x+2 x−8
x 2 ( x + 5) x−8 2 ( x − 8)
= × × =
( x − 5) ( x + 5) x+2 5x 5 ( x − 5) ( x + 2 )
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon if one side measures 4 cm?
2. You and your friends want to drive to the beach but you want to know
how far away it is. The map you are using has a scale of 1 cm = 100 km.
On the map, if the beach is 1.4 cm away from your house, how many
kilometres are you from the beach?
8 1
3. Calculate: -
9 5
4. Factor: 2x + 4xy
5. Simplify: (42)2
6. Solve the inequality 10x + 4 £ 3x - 1.
7. List the factors of 180.
8. What is the sum of the reciprocals of the factors of 4?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Perform the indicated operation. Identify any non-permissible values.
x+1 x2 x2 x
a) × 2 g) ÷ 2
x x −1 y y
x−2 x+2 x2 − 9 x2 + 4
b) ÷ 2 h) ×
x x 3x 2 + 12 x+3
x2 + 2x + 1 x 2 − 25 x4 − y 4 x2 − x − 6
c) × 2 i) ÷
5−x x + 6x + 5 x2 − y 2 x+2
3x 2 + 10 x + 3 3x + 1 2 x − 6 3x − 9
d) ÷ j) ÷
x2 − 9 x−3 x2 y xy
e) x 2 + 2 x − 8 x 2 − 8x + 16
2 k) × 2
x x 2 − 16 x − 6x + 8
2x + 6 5a − a2 a2 − 5a + 4 a2 − 7 a
l) 2 × ÷
x+1 a − 4 a + 3 a2 − 9 a + 20 a2 − 10 a + 21
m2 − m − 20 m2 + 2 m − 8 m2 + 5m + 4
x2 − 1 m) ÷ 2 ÷
m2 − 25 m −m−2 m2 + 5m
2 x 2 + x − 10 x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x
If V1 = , V2 = , and T2 = , find T1 .
x2 + x − 6 x2 − 1 2 x 2 − x − 15
Express your answer in simplest form.
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how you can multiply and divide rational
expressions using similar rules to those you use to multiply and divide
fractions. You also used your factoring skills to simplify these new
expressions. It is also possible to add and subtract rational expressions, which
you will be learning about in the next lesson.
Total: 51 marks
1. Simplify the following rational expressions. State the non-permissible values.
(3 marks each, for a total of 18 marks)
( x + 2 ) ( x − 3)
x ( x + 5) ( x − 5)
(5 − x)(5 + x)
x2 − 4
x 2 + 4x + 4
1 - x2
e) 2
x -1
x 2 − 6x − 7
x 2 − 9 x + 14
b) =1
3. Create equivalent rational expressions for each of the following expressions. Your
answer may be left in factored form. (1 mark each, for a total of 2 marks)
x2 + 5
(x + 7 )(x − 2)
x 2 − 7 x + 10 x 2 − 25 x + 2
b) 2 × 2 × (6 marks)
x − 2 x − 15 x −4 x+5
x 2 − 5x − 14 x 2 + 7 x
d) × (3 marks)
x 2 − 49 5
x2 x
e) ÷ 2 (3 marks)
x − 3 x − 4x + 3
x − x2 x2 − 2x + 1
10 x + 8 5x 2 + 4 x
x − x2 5x 2 + 4 x
= ×
10 x + 8 x 2 − 2 x + 1
x (1 − x ) x ( 5x + 4 )
= ×
2 ( 5 x + 4 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 1)
(−x ) ( x − 1) x ( 5x + 4 )
= ×
2 ( 5x + 4 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 1)
−x 2
2 ( x − 1)
The non-permissible values are x = 1, .
Is Jeremiah’s work correct? Explain why or why not. If Jeremiah’s work is incorrect,
find the correct answer. (2 marks)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to multiply and divide rational
expressions. In this lesson, you will learn how to add and subtract rational
expressions. Adding and subtracting rational expressions is similar to adding
and subtracting fractions. As with fractions, you need to have the same
denominator before you can add or subtract rational expressions. This makes
adding and subtracting rational expressions more complicated than just
multiplying or dividing them.
When you are adding and subtracting fractions, there are two situations that
can occur. The first situation involves fractions with the same denominator.
If this occurs, you can just add or subtract the numerators and keep the
denominator the same. The second situation involves fractions with different
denominators. In this situation you need to first find a common denominator
before you add or subtract. The same is true for adding and subtracting
rational expressions.
If the rational expressions contain the same denominator, you can add or
subtract the numerators the same way you would if you were dealing with
fractions. Consider the steps for adding or subtracting rational expressions
that have a common denominator.
Steps for adding or subtracting rational expressions that have a common
1. Add or subtract the terms in the numerators.
2. Keep the denominator the same.
3. Reduce the resulting expression, if possible, by factoring.
Include these steps on your resource sheet.
Example 1
Perform the operation and simplify your answer. From now on, you do not
need to write the non-permissible values unless you are asked to do so.
x+3 x+1
a) +
2 2
x+3 x+1
b) −
2 2
x − 1 3x + 1
c) +
x+1 x+1
x 2 + 6 x − 7 3x − 8
d) −
x2 x2
x+3 x+1
a) +
2 2
( x + 3 ) + ( x + 1) x + 3 + x + 1 2x + 4 2 (x + 2)
= = = = = x+2
2 2 2 2
x − 1 3x + 1
c) +
x+1 x+1
( x − 1) + ( 3 x + 1) x − 1 + 3x + 1 4x
= = =
x+1 x+1 x+1
x 2 + 6 x − 7 3x − 8
d) −
x2 x2
( x 2 + 6 x − 7 ) − ( 3x − 8 ) x 2 + 6 x − 7 − 3x + 8 x 2 + 3x + 1
= = =
x2 x2 x2
a) First, you need to factor each denominator completely.
4 = (2)(2)
12 = (3)(2)(2)
To find the least common multiple, you need to find the greatest number
of times each factor appears in a denominator. “2” appears twice in both
denominators and “3” appears once in one denominator. Therefore, the
least common multiple of these factors is (2)(2)(3) = 12. This means that
12 is the smallest value that can be used for the denominator in order to
5 7
make equivalent fractions for and and 12 is called the LCD.
4 12
Therefore, each fraction needs to have a denominator of 12.
Now, for each fraction, you need to find the factors that do not occur in the
original denominator but appear in the LCD.
Consider .
The factor that does not occur in 4 but occurs in the LCD of 12 is 3.
5 3
Therefore, needs to be multiplied by .
4 3
5 3 ( 5)( 3) 15
× = =
4 3 ( 4 )( 3) 12
15 7
Now, equivalent fractions having the same LCD of 12 are and .
12 12
a) The first step is to factor each denominator completely. This is already
completed. Now you can form the least common multiple of these factors.
The least common multiple = (x - 1)(x + 1)(x - 2). This is the LCD for the
set of fractions.
Note: (x - 1) only appears once in the LCD because it only occurs once in
each denominator.
Now write equivalent fractions using the LCD.
Consider. .
( x − 1) ( x + 1)
The factor that does not occur in (x - 1)(x + 1) but appears in the LCD is
x+1 x-2
(x - 2). Therefore, needs to be multiplied by .
( x − 1) ( x + 1) x-2
x+1 x−2 ( x + 1) ( x − 2 )
× =
( x − 1) ( x + 1) x − 2 ( x − 1) ( x + 1) ( x − 2 )
Consider ( .
x − 2 ) ( x − 1)
The factor that does not occur in (x - 2)(x - 1) but appears in the LCD is
(x + 1). Therefore, needs to be multiplied by x + 1 .
( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) x+1
x x+1 ( x ) ( x + 1)
× =
( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) x + 1 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 1)
Thus, equivalent fractions having the same denominator are
( x + 1) ( x − 2 ) ( x ) ( x + 1)
and .
( x − 1) ( x + 1) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 1)
Now that you know how to change rational expressions into equivalent
fractions having a common denominator, you can learn how to add or
subtract rational expressions that do not have a common denominator.
Steps for adding or subtracting rational expressions that do not have a
common denominator:
1. Factor each denominator.
2. Find the lowest common denominator (LCD).
3. Find equivalent rational expressions all having the same LCD.
4. Add or subtract the numerators.
5. Keep the denominator the same.
6. Reduce the resulting expression, if possible, by factoring.
Include these steps on your resource sheet.
Example 5
Perform the operation and simplify your answer. Indicate the non-permissible
values for each solution.
2 5
a) +
3x 2 x
2 3
b) 2
+ 2
x −x x −1
3 2 4x
c) + − 2
x+3 x−3 x −9
2 1
d) +
x − 4 2x − x2
2 1
= +
(x − 2)(x + 2) −x ( x − 2 )
2 1
= −
(x − 2)(x + 2) x (x − 2)
∴ LCD = ( x − 2 ) ( x + 2 ) x
2 1
x − 4 2x − x2
2 x 1 x+2
= ⋅
− ⋅
(x − 2)(x + 2) x x (x − 2) x + 2
2x − (x + 2)
x (x − 2)(x + 2)
2x − x − 2
x (x − 2)(x + 2)
x (x − 2) (x + 2)
x (x + 2)
The non-permissible values are x = 0, 2, and -2.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. What are two numbers that sum to 8 and multiply to -65?
2. Camille has $200 to buy a new outfit. She wants to buy a sweater for
$55.95, a shirt for $44.99, jeans for $49.99, and new shoes for $54.99.
Ignoring tax, does Camille have enough money to buy her outfit?
3 14
3. Evaluate: ×
7 6
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Add and subtract as indicated.
x 5x
a) +
4 4
5x x
b) −
2 2
5a 5b
c) +
a+b a+b
3d d
d) −
c+d c+d
2 a2 + 4 a + 17 a2 − 4 a + 2
e) −
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3) ( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2. Find the lowest common denominator for each of the following sets of
rational expressions.
4 3x 4x
a) , ,
x − 8 2 x − 16 x + 1
x+1 x−1
b) ,
( x + 2 ) ( x − 3) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 6 ) ( x − 3)2
y −4 y −7 y+8
e) − + 2
y − 3 y + 8 y + 5 y − 24
7 5 y + 18
f) − + 2
y+2 2−y y −4
2x 2 − 3x x+2
g) + 2 −
x−2 x −x−2 x+1
x x−3 x2 − 9
c) + 2 ÷
2 x − 4 x − 3x + 2 x−1
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to add and subtract rational expressions with
the same denominator and with different denominators. As with fractions,
rational expressions need to have the same denominator before you can add
or subtract them. Therefore, you learned how to find the lowest common
denominator for rational expressions.
The following Assignment 2.3 will test your knowledge of material covered
in this lesson. Make sure you complete the preceding learning activity and
check your answers in the Module 2 Answer Key before you complete this
assignment. This is the last assignment in Module 2.
2 x 2 − x − 10
x2 4
4 ( x − 1)
x2 x 2
−x ( 4x + 33)
x2 + 2x − 3
(x + 7 )(x + 2)
( x − 3 ) ( x + 1)
x 5x
4x 2 − 7 x + 3 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 1) 2 ( x − 6 ) + 10 ( x − 6 ) − 48 x 7 x 2
4 x 2 − 25
x 2 36 ( 4 x − 3 ) ( x − 1) x 2 3x 2 ( 3x + 2 y + 3 ) ( 3x − 2 y + 5 )
2x 5
x 2 + 6x − 6
4 x + 1)
( x − 3) ( x + 4 )
3 x 2 ( 2 x + 1)
a2 bc abc 2
x−3 x+4
( 4 x + 3 ) ( x + 1)
5x 2 + 13x + 18
x 2 + 5x + 6 x+3 3 x
2 ÷ 2
( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3 )
6 ( 3x − 4 ) − 21 ( 3x − 4 ) + 15 x2 + x − 2 x −1 25x 2 20 x 4 x 2
1 100 x 2 ( 2 x + 9 ) (6x + 13) ( x + 5) ( x − 5) 100 x 2 1
I J x3 K L
× 2
x − 10
x 2 4x
x (x − 2)
6 x 3 3x 2
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1)
x 2 7 x 12 x
x −1
x 5 4 x x
x − 1 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3)
(10x − 1) (10x + 1) 2 x x1 2 4
x1 x3 3x ( 5x + 2 )2
x 4
x2 4
( x + 1)
(x + 2)
x 2 25
x x2
6 xy 2 2 y
2 y (3xy − 1)
x +7 x +2
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1)
2 2
( x + 3)2 − 6 ( x + 3) − 16 (x − 6) ( x + 6) ( 3x + 4 )2 − (2 y − 1) 3 ( 2 x + 5) + 10 ( 2 x + 5) − 8
Assignment 2.3
Total: 30 marks
1. Add and subtract as indicated. Identify the non-permissible values. (3 marks each, for
a total of 12 marks)
2 3
a) − 2
x−1 x +x−2
2 3
b) 2
+ 2
x − 4 x + 3x − 10
2x2 −5x + 3
d) −
x−5 5−x
2x + 1 2
b) 2
, 2
x + 6 x + 8 x − x − 20
x x 2 + 3x − 40 x 2 + 3x − 18
b) + 2
x + 7 x + 2 x − 35 x 2 + 2 x − 48
In this module, you studied factoring and rational expressions. You reviewed
your previous knowledge of factoring and extended this knowledge to factor
more complex polynomials. You then related factoring to rational expressions.
You learned how rational expressions are similar to fractions. You can add,
subtract, multiply, divide, and simplify rational expressions in similar ways to
those you would use to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and simplify fractions.
Having this knowledge of factoring and rational expressions will be very
useful in Module 3, where you will be learning about quadratic functions.
Quadratic equations can sometimes be solved by factoring. You will learn
how to do this in Module 4. However, before you learn how to solve quadratic
equations by factoring, you need to understand what a quadratic function is
and the patterns these functions follow.
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 2.1 to 2.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 2 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 2 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 2.1: Factoring
q Assignment 2.2: Multiplying, Dividing, and Simplifying Rational
q Assignment 2.3: Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
Module 2
Factoring and Rational Expressions
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Carla has a shoe addiction. She owns 13 pairs of boots, 18 pairs of
sneakers, 23 pairs of high heels, and 19 pairs of sandals. How many pairs
of shoes does she have in total?
2. What are two numbers that sum to 11 and multiply to 30?
3. Multiply: (2x + 1)(x - 5)
4. Evaluate: 21
5. Factor: x2 + 7x + 12
6. How many metres are in 2.3 km?
7. Simplify: (2x2 - 6x + 11) - (-14x2 - 2x + 4)
8. Is xy2 the greatest common factor of 6x2y2 + 8xy3?
1. 73 (13 + 18 + 23 + 19)
2. 5 and 6
3. 2x2 - 9x - 5
9 63 3 21 63
4. 9 21 =
= =
3 21 3 7 1 7
5. (x + 3)(x + 4)
6. 2300 metres (2.3 ´ 1000)
7. 16x2 - 4x + 7 (2x2 - 6x + 11 + 14x2 + 2x - 4)
8. No, the greatest common factor is 2xy2. (6x2y2 + 8xy3 = 2xy2(3x + 4y))
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Factor out the greatest common factor.
a) 5x + 20
b) 5x3 + 20x2
c) 30x2y - 24xy3
d) x3 + x2
a) 5(x + 4)
b) 5x2(x + 4)
c) 6xy(5x - 4y2)
d) x2(x + 1)
Step 1:
Greatest Common Factor
1. Find the GCF.
2. Write the GCF multiplied by the “leftovers”
in parentheses (GCF)(leftovers).
Step 2: Step 2:
Trinomials Difference of Squares
ax + bx + c
A2 – B2
Factors of (A – B)(A + B)
if a = 1 if a ¹ 1
1. Find factors of “c” 1. Find factors of “ac”
that sum to “b.” that sum to “b.”
2. Factor 2. Split the middle term.
3. Factor by grouping.
Step 3:
Check to see if any of the factors can be
factored further.
Step 4:
Check your work by multiplying the factors
to get the original polynomial.
Step 5:
Write your answer.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. There are a group of 80 people in a shareholder’s meeting making a
decision about whether or not to acquire a new company. The decision
needs to pass with an 80% majority. How many people must agree in
order for the decision to pass?
2. Evaluate: 5 ´ 17 ´ 20
3. Katrina is flying from Winnipeg to Belize. She leaves Winnipeg at 7:00 am
and takes a 3-hour flight to Minneapolis where she has a two and a half
hour layover. From Minneapolis, she takes a direct flight to Belize that
lasts for 7.25 hours. What time does Katrina arrive in Belize?
4. What is the greatest common factor of 48 and 144?
5. Convert 6.3 kilometres to metres.
6. Simplify: 2
7. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line, -2 = 4x + 6y.
8. Determine the total surface area of a cube with a volume of 8 cm3.
1. 64 people (50% of 80 = 40; 10% of 80 = 8; 80% of 80 = 40 + 8 + 8 + 8)
2. 1700 (5 ´ 17 ´ 20 = 5 ´ 20 ´ 17 = 100 ´ 17)
3. 7:45 pm (7 am + 3 hours = 10 am; 10 am + 2.5 hours = 12:30; 12:30 +
7.25 hours = 7:45 pm)
4. 48
5. 6300 metres (There are 1000 metres in 1 kilometre, so 6.3 ´ 1000)
2 28 4
6. 16 = 4 =2
2 2 2
( 2 )
2 2 1 4 2
7. − y = − x − 6 y = −4 x − 2 ; y = − x −
3 3 3 6 6
Recall: Parallel lines have the same slope.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Add to the factoring graphic organizer you completed in the last learning
activity (Learning Activity 2.1). Include all of the new techniques you
learned about factoring in this lesson.
Quadratic Patterns
d) (x - 1)2 + 4(x - 1) - 32
Replace (x - 1) by w:
w2 + 4w - 32
(w + 8)(w - 4)
Replace w with (x - 1):
(x - 1 + 8)(x - 1 - 4)
(x + 7)(x - 5)
b) 25x2 - 4y2
25x2 - 4y2
= (5x)2 - (2y)2
a(f(x)) = 5x
b(g(y)) = 2y
= (5x - 2y)(5x + 2y)
6 2 6
= 7 + 22 − 24
7 7
36 132
= + − 24
7 7
168 168
= −
7 7
This evaluated polynomial equals zero. Therefore, (7x – 6) is a factor of
this polynomial.
6 2 6
= 35 − 58 + 24
7 7
This evaluated polynomial equals zero. Therefore, (7x - 6) is a factor of
this polynomial.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Factor: x2 - 5x - 6
2. Find the common ratio in the following pattern: 8, 16, 32, 64, . . .
3. The air you breathe is a mixture of different gases including nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, oxygen, and argon. If the air is 78.1% nitrogen, 0.1%
carbon dioxide, 20.9% oxygen, and 0.7% argon, what percentage of the air
is composed of other gases?
4. State the reciprocal of .
5. Your grandma is making a turkey dinner for the family and needs you to
figure out when to start putting everything in the oven. If the turkey takes
five hours to cook, the ham takes three hours to cook, and the meatballs
take one hour to cook (they cannot go in the oven at the same time), what
time does your grandma need to start putting food in the oven to have
dinner ready by 2:00 pm?
For questions 6, 7, and 8, consider the following values:
3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17.
6. Find the mode.
7. Find the mean.
8. Find the median.
1. (x - 6)(x + 1)
2. 2
3. 0.2% (100% - (78.1% + 0.1% + 20.9% + 0.7%) = 100% - 99.8%)
5. 5:00 am (You need to use the oven for 9 hours; 9 hours before 2 pm is
5 am.)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State the domain and the non-permissible values of each rational
( x + 3) ( x − 2 )
(x + 2)(x − 2)
The non-permissible values are x = -2 and x = 2.
The domain is {x|x ¹ ±2, x Î Â}.
x ( x − 1)
(x + 2 )
The non-permissible value is x = -2.
The domain is {x|x ¹ -2, x Î Â}.
x (x − 2)
( x + 3) ( x − 3)
The non-permissible values are x = -3 and x = 3.
The domain is {x|x ¹ ±3, x Î Â}.
x ( x − 1)
( x − 1) x
The non-permissible values are x = 1 and x = 0.
The domain is {x|x ¹ 1, 0, x Î Â}.
x 3 - 2 x 2 - 15x
x 3 - 25x
x ( x 2 − 2 x − 15) x ( x − 5) ( x + 3) x + 3
= =
x ( x 2 − 25) x ( x − 5) ( x + 5) x + 5
3x + 6
x2 − 4
3 (x + 2) 3
(x − 2)(x + 2) x − 2
The non-permissible values are x = -2 and x = 2.
2x - 2
2 ( x − 1)
= −2
−( x − 1)
The non-permissible value is x = 1.
100 x 3 y 2
25x 3 y 3
100 x 3 y 2 ( 25) ( 4 ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( y ) ( y ) 4
3 3
= =
25x y ( 25) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( y ) ( y ) ( y ) y
6 x 3 − 24 x
b) = x 3 − 24
No. The value “6” is a factor of the numerator. However, you would
also have to factor out a 6 from 24 before you cancel the factor “6” from
the numerator and denominator. Again, x is a factor of the numerator
and the denominator. However, you would have to factor out an x from
6x3 before you are able to cancel the factor “x” from both the numerator
6x ( x 2 − 4)
and the denominator. The correct answer is = x 2 − 4.
5 + 10 x 5 (1 + 2 x ) 1 + 2 x
c) = =
5x ( 5)( x ) x
Yes. This is a correct reduction as 5 is a factor of both the numerator
and denominator and thus can be eliminated from the rational
A x
If 2 reduces to , it follows that the rational expressions are
x -9 x-3
A x
x −9 x−3
A x
( x − 3) ( x + 3) x−3
Now solve for A.
x ( x − 3) ( x + 3)
A= = x ( x + 3) , x ≠ ±3
( x − 3)
5. Explain why 7 may not be the only non-permissible value for the following
rational expression: .
This rational expression may be the simplified form of another rational
expression. Therefore, another non-permissible value from the original
rational expression may have been factored out. For example, the original
x x+3 x ( x + 3)
expression may have been ⋅ = , in which case
x − 7 x + 3 ( x − 7 ) ( x + 3)
x = -3 is also a non-permissible value. Thus, x = 7 may not be the only
non-permissible value of this rational expression.
Answers will vary. An example is:
x − 7 ( x − 7 ) ( x − 5) x 2 − 12 x + 35
= =
x2 x 2 ( x − 5) x 3 − 5x 2
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon if one side measures 4 cm?
2. You and your friends want to drive to the beach but you want to know
how far away it is. The map you are using has a scale of 1 cm = 100 km.
On the map, if the beach is 1.4 cm away from your house, how many
kilometres are you from the beach?
8 1
3. Calculate: -
9 5
4. Factor: 2x + 4xy
5. Simplify: (42)2
6. Solve the inequality 10x + 4 £ 3x - 1.
7. List the factors of 180.
8. What is the sum of the reciprocals of the factors of 4?
1. 24 cm (6 ´ 4; a hexagon has 6 sides)
2. The beach is 140 km away (1.4 ´ 100 = 140 km).
31 40 9
3. −
45 45 45
4. 2x(1 + 2y)
5. 256 [(42)2 = 44 = 256 or 162 = 256]
6. x ≤ − (7 x ≤ −5)
7. The factors of 180 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 36, 45, 60, 90, and
1 1
The factors of 4 are 1, 2 , and 4. Their reciprocals are 1, , and .
7 2 4
4 1 1 4 2 1 7
The sum is 1 + + = + + = .
2 4 4 4 4 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Perform the indicated operation. Identify any non-permissible values.
x+1 x2
a) × 2
x x −1
x+1 x2 x
⋅ =
x ( x − 1) ( x + 1) x − 1
x ≠ 0 , 1, −1
x−2 x+2
b) ÷ 2
x x
x−2 x2 (x − 2) x
⋅ =
x x+2 x+2
x ≠ 0 , −2
x2 + 2x + 1 x 2 − 25
c) × 2
5−x x + 6x + 5
( x + 1) ( x + 1) ( x − 5 ) ( x + 5 )
(−1) ( x − 5) ( x + 5) ( x + 1)
= −( x + 1) or −x − 1
x ≠ 5 , −5 , −1
x 3x
= 3⋅ =
2 2
2x + 6
f) x+1
x2 − 1
2x + 6 x+3
÷ 2
x+1 x −1
2 ( x + 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 1)
= ⋅ = 2 ( x − 1)
x+1 x+3
x ≠ −1, 1, −3
x2 y 2
⋅ = xy
y x
x ≠ 0, y ≠ 0
x2 − 9 x2 + 4
h) ×
3x 2 + 12 x+3
( x − 3) ( x + 3) x 2 + 4 x−3
⋅ =
3 (x 2 + 4) x+3 3
x ≠ −3
x4 − y 4 x2 − x − 6
i) ÷
x2 − y 2 x+2
(x2 − y 2 )(x2 + y 2 ) x+2
2 2
x −y ( x − 3) ( x + 2 )
x2 + y2
x ≠ 3 , −2 ; x ≠ ±y
2 x − 6 3x − 9
j) ÷
x2 y xy
2 ( x − 3) xy 2
⋅ =
x y 3 ( x − 3) 3x
x ≠ 0 , 3; y ≠ 0
5a − a2 a2 − 5a + 4 a2 − 7 a
l) × ÷
a2 − 4 a + 3 a2 − 9 a + 20 a2 − 10 a + 21
(−a) ( a − 5) ( a − 4 ) ( a − 1) ( a − 3) ( a − 7 )
⋅ ⋅ = −1
( a − 3 ) ( a − 1) ( a − 5 ) ( a − 4 ) a (a − 7)
a ≠ 3 , 1, 5 , 4 , 0 , 7
m2 − m − 20 m2 + 2 m − 8 m2 + 5m + 4
m) ÷ 2 ÷
m2 − 25 m −m−2 m2 + 5m
( m − 5 ) ( m + 4 ) ( m − 2 ) ( m + 1) m ( m + 5) m
⋅ ⋅ =
( m − 5 ) ( m + 5 ) ( m + 4 ) ( m − 2 ) ( m + 4 ) ( m + 1) m + 4
m ≠ 5 , −5 , −4 , 2 , −1, 0
4 ( 4)
3 ( 5)( x )
= , x ≠ 0 , −4
2 x 2 + x − 10 x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x
If V1 = , V2 = , and T2 = , find T1 .
x2 + x − 6 x2 − 1 2 x 2 − x − 15
Express your answer in simplest form.
2 x 2 + x − 10
x2 + x − 6 = T1
x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x
x −1 2 x 2 − x − 15 Multiply both sides by
2 x 2 + x − 10 x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x x 3 - 9x
T1 = ÷ × .
x2 + x − 6 x2 − 1 2 x 2 − x − 15 2 x 2 - x - 15
2 x 2 + x − 10 x2 − 1 x 3 − 9x
T1 = 2 × ×
x +x−6 x ( x − 1) 2 x 2 − x − 15
( 2 x + 5 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 1) x ( x − 3 ) ( x + 3 )
T1 = × ×
( x + 3) ( x − 2 ) x ( x − 1) ( 2 x + 5) ( x − 3)
T1 = x + 1, x ≠ −3 , 2 , 0 , 1, − , 3 , −1
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. What are two numbers that sum to 8 and multiply to –65?
2. Camille has $200 to buy a new outfit. She wants to buy a sweater for
$55.95, a shirt for $44.99, jeans for $49.99, and new shoes for $54.99.
Ignoring tax, does Camille have enough money to buy her outfit?
3 14
3. Evaluate: ×
7 6
1. 13 and -5
2. No ($200 - ($55.95 + $44.99 + $49.99 + $54.99) = $200 - $205.92
or 200 - (56 + 45 + 50 + 55) = 200 - 206)
1 2
3 14 2
3. 1 =
7 6 2
4. 39 mm (5 mm + 13 mm + 4 mm + 17 mm)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Add and subtract as indicated.
x 5x
a) +
4 4
x + 5x 6 x 3x
= =
4 4 2
5x x
b) -
2 2
5x − x 4x
= = 2x
2 2
5a 5b
c) +
a+b a+b
5 a + 5b 5 ( a + b)
= =5
a+b a+b
2 a2 + 4 a + 17 a2 − 4 a + 2
e) −
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3) ( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2 a2 + 4 a + 17 − ( a2 − 4 a + 2 )
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2 a 2 + 4 a + 17 − a 2 + 4 a − 2
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
a2 + 8 a + 15
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
( a + 5) ( a + 3)
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2. Find the lowest common denominator for each of the following sets of
rational expressions.
4 3x 4x
a) , ,
x − 8 2 x − 16 x + 1
4 3x 4x
Factor the denominator: , ,
x − 8 2 ( x − 8) x + 1
\ LCD = 2(x - 8)(x + 1)
x+1 x−1
b) ,
( x + 2 ) ( x − 3) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 6 ) ( x − 3)2
LCD: (x + 2)(x - 3)2(x - 2)(x - 6)
3 4
b) 2
+ 2
x − 4 x + 3 x − 5x + 6
3 4
+ LCD = ( x − 3) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 )
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 3)
3 x−2 4 x−1
= ⋅ + ⋅
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) x − 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 3 ) x − 1
3x − 6 + 4 x − 4
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 )
7 x − 10
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 )
Non-permissible values: x = 3, 1, and 2.
2x 3 3
− + LCD = ( x − 7 ) ( x + 1)
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1) ( x + 1) x − 7
2x 3 x−7 3 x+1
= − ⋅ + ⋅
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1) x + 1 x − 7 x − 7 x + 1
2 x − 3x + 21 + 3x + 3
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1)
2 x + 24
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1)
Non-permissible values: x = 7 and -1.
2x x
d) − 2
x + 5xy x + 8xy + 15 y 2
2x x
x (x + 5y ) (x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
2 x
= − LCD = (x + 3 y ) (x + 5 y )
x + 5y (x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
2 x + 3y x
= ⋅ −
x + 5y x + 3y (x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
2x + 6y − x
(x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
x + 6y
(x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
Non-permissible values: x = 0, -5y, and -3y.
y −4 y −7 y+8
− + LCD = ( y − 3) ( y + 8)
y − 3 y + 8 ( y + 8) ( y − 3)
y −4 y +8 y −7 y −3 y+8
= ⋅ − ⋅ +
y − 3 y + 8 y + 8 y − 3 ( y + 8) ( y − 3)
y 2 + 4 y − 32 − ( y 2 − 10 y + 21) + y + 8
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
y 2 + 4 y − 32 − y 2 + 10 y − 21 + y + 8
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
15 y − 45
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
15 ( y − 3)
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
7 5 y + 18
− +
y + 2 (−1) ( y − 2 ) ( y − 2 ) ( y + 2 )
7 5 y + 18
= + + LCD = ( y + 2 ) ( y − 2 )
y + 2 y − 2 (y − 2 )(y + 2 )
7 y−2 5 y+2 y + 18
= ⋅ + ⋅ +
y + 2 y − 2 y − 2 y + 2 (y − 2 )(y + 2 )
7 y − 14 + 5 y + 10 + y + 18
(y − 2 )(y + 2 )
13 y + 14
(y − 2 )(y + 2 )
Non-permissible values: y = -2 and 2.
2x 2 − 3x x+2
g) + 2 −
x−2 x −x−2 x+1
2x 2 − 3x x+2
+ −
x − 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) x + 1
2x x+1 2 − 3x x+2 x−2
= ⋅ + − ⋅ LCD = ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
x − 2 x + 1 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) x + 1 x − 2
2 x 2 + 2 x + 2 − 3x − ( x 2 − 4 )
( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
2x2 − x + 2 − x2 + 4
( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
x2 − x + 6
( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
Non-permissible values: x = 2 and -1.
2 ( x ) ( x 2 + x − 2 ) − 5x 5x − 5 + 7 x + 14
= ÷ Simplify the numerators
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
2 x 3 + 2 x 2 − 4 x − 5x 5x − 5 + 7 x + 14
= ÷ Simplify the numeerators
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
2 x 3 + 2 x 2 − 9x 12 x + 9
= ÷ Simplify the numerators
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
Multiply by the reciprocal and factor
x (2x 2 + 2 x − 9) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
= ×
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) 3 ( 4 x + 3)
x (2 x 2 + 2 x − 9) (x + 2 )
= Multiiply and cancel
30 ( 4 x + 3)
x x−3 x2 − 9
+ 2 ÷
2 x − 4 x − 3x + 2 x−1
x x−3 x−1
= + × Factor and multiply
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 3 ) ( x − 3 ) by the reciprocal
x 1
= + Cancel to reduce
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
LCD = 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
x ( x + 3) 2
= +
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3) 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
x 2 + 3x + 2 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 1)
= or
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3) 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
× 2
x2 4
x − 10
( x + 1)
(x + 2)
4 ( x − 1)
x (x − 2)
x x2
x2 x 2
( x − 3 ) ( x + 1)
x −1
4x 2 − 7 x + 3 (x − 6) ( x + 6) (10x − 1) (10x + 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 1)
( 4 x − 3 ) ( x − 1) x 2 36 100 x 2 1 x 2 3x 2
4 ( x + 1)
x−3 x+4
x 2 + 6x − 6
6 x 3 3x 2
a2 bc abc 2
3 x 2 ( 2 x + 1)
( x − 3) ( x + 4 )
( 4 x + 3 ) ( x + 1)
x 2 + 5x + 6 x+3 x x
÷ 2 2
x2 + x − 2 x −1 6 ( 3x − 4 ) − 21 ( 3x − 4 ) + 15 2 4 25x 2 20 x 4
x1 3 ( 3x − 5) (6 x − 13) 3x ( 5x + 2 )2
x2 4
x 2 25
6 xy 2 2 y
−x ( 4 x + 33)
x2 + 2x − 3
2 y (3xy − 1)
(x + 7 )(x + 2)
x +7 x +2
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1)
2 2
( x + 3)2 − 6 ( x + 3) − 16 2 ( x − 6 ) + 10 ( x − 6 ) − 48 ( 3x + 4 )2 − (2 y − 1) 3 ( 2 x + 5) + 10 ( 2 x + 5) − 8
( x + 5) ( x − 5) 2 (x + 2 ) (x − 9) ( 3x + 2 y + 3 ) ( 3x − 2 y + 5 ) ( 2 x + 9 ) (6x + 13)
2x 5
x 2 4x
x 2 7 x 12 x
5x 2 + 13x + 18
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1)
5 4 x 5x 3 x x
( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3 )
x − 1 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3)
x x1 x 7 x 2 x 2 2
4 x 2 − 25
Module 2
Factoring and Rational Expressions
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Carla has a shoe addiction. She owns 13 pairs of boots, 18 pairs of
sneakers, 23 pairs of high heels, and 19 pairs of sandals. How many pairs
of shoes does she have in total?
2. What are two numbers that sum to 11 and multiply to 30?
3. Multiply: (2x + 1)(x - 5)
4. Evaluate: 21
5. Factor: x2 + 7x + 12
6. How many metres are in 2.3 km?
7. Simplify: (2x2 - 6x + 11) - (-14x2 - 2x + 4)
8. Is xy2 the greatest common factor of 6x2y2 + 8xy3?
1. 73 (13 + 18 + 23 + 19)
2. 5 and 6
3. 2x2 - 9x - 5
9 63 3 21 63
4. 9 21 =
= =
3 21 3 7 1 7
5. (x + 3)(x + 4)
6. 2300 metres (2.3 ´ 1000)
7. 16x2 - 4x + 7 (2x2 - 6x + 11 + 14x2 + 2x - 4)
8. No, the greatest common factor is 2xy2. (6x2y2 + 8xy3 = 2xy2(3x + 4y))
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Factor out the greatest common factor.
a) 5x + 20
b) 5x3 + 20x2
c) 30x2y - 24xy3
d) x3 + x2
a) 5(x + 4)
b) 5x2(x + 4)
c) 6xy(5x - 4y2)
d) x2(x + 1)
Step 1:
Greatest Common Factor
1. Find the GCF.
2. Write the GCF multiplied by the “leftovers”
in parentheses (GCF)(leftovers).
Step 2: Step 2:
Trinomials Difference of Squares
ax + bx + c
A2 – B2
Factors of (A – B)(A + B)
if a = 1 if a ¹ 1
1. Find factors of “c” 1. Find factors of “ac”
that sum to “b.” that sum to “b.”
2. Factor 2. Split the middle term.
3. Factor by grouping.
Step 3:
Check to see if any of the factors can be
factored further.
Step 4:
Check your work by multiplying the factors
to get the original polynomial.
Step 5:
Write your answer.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. There are a group of 80 people in a shareholder’s meeting making a
decision about whether or not to acquire a new company. The decision
needs to pass with an 80% majority. How many people must agree in
order for the decision to pass?
2. Evaluate: 5 ´ 17 ´ 20
3. Katrina is flying from Winnipeg to Belize. She leaves Winnipeg at 7:00 am
and takes a 3-hour flight to Minneapolis where she has a two and a half
hour layover. From Minneapolis, she takes a direct flight to Belize that
lasts for 7.25 hours. What time does Katrina arrive in Belize?
4. What is the greatest common factor of 48 and 144?
5. Convert 6.3 kilometres to metres.
6. Simplify: 2
7. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line, -2 = 4x + 6y.
8. Determine the total surface area of a cube with a volume of 8 cm3.
1. 64 people (50% of 80 = 40; 10% of 80 = 8; 80% of 80 = 40 + 8 + 8 + 8)
2. 1700 (5 ´ 17 ´ 20 = 5 ´ 20 ´ 17 = 100 ´ 17)
3. 7:45 pm (7 am + 3 hours = 10 am; 10 am + 2.5 hours = 12:30; 12:30 +
7.25 hours = 7:45 pm)
4. 48
5. 6300 metres (There are 1000 metres in 1 kilometre, so 6.3 ´ 1000)
2 28 4
6. 16 = 4 =2
2 2 2
( 2 )
2 2 1 4 2
7. − y = − x − 6 y = −4 x − 2 ; y = − x −
3 3 3 6 6
Recall: Parallel lines have the same slope.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Add to the factoring graphic organizer you completed in the last learning
activity (Learning Activity 2.1). Include all of the new techniques you
learned about factoring in this lesson.
Quadratic Patterns
d) (x - 1)2 + 4(x - 1) - 32
Replace (x - 1) by w:
w2 + 4w - 32
(w + 8)(w - 4)
Replace w with (x - 1):
(x - 1 + 8)(x - 1 - 4)
(x + 7)(x - 5)
b) 25x2 - 4y2
25x2 - 4y2
= (5x)2 - (2y)2
a(f(x)) = 5x
b(g(y)) = 2y
= (5x - 2y)(5x + 2y)
6 2 6
= 7 + 22 − 24
7 7
36 132
= + − 24
7 7
168 168
= −
7 7
This evaluated polynomial equals zero. Therefore, (7x – 6) is a factor of
this polynomial.
6 2 6
= 35 − 58 + 24
7 7
This evaluated polynomial equals zero. Therefore, (7x - 6) is a factor of
this polynomial.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Factor: x2 - 5x - 6
2. Find the common ratio in the following pattern: 8, 16, 32, 64, . . .
3. The air you breathe is a mixture of different gases including nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, oxygen, and argon. If the air is 78.1% nitrogen, 0.1%
carbon dioxide, 20.9% oxygen, and 0.7% argon, what percentage of the air
is composed of other gases?
4. State the reciprocal of .
5. Your grandma is making a turkey dinner for the family and needs you to
figure out when to start putting everything in the oven. If the turkey takes
five hours to cook, the ham takes three hours to cook, and the meatballs
take one hour to cook (they cannot go in the oven at the same time), what
time does your grandma need to start putting food in the oven to have
dinner ready by 2:00 pm?
For questions 6, 7, and 8, consider the following values:
3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17.
6. Find the mode.
7. Find the mean.
8. Find the median.
1. (x - 6)(x + 1)
2. 2
3. 0.2% (100% - (78.1% + 0.1% + 20.9% + 0.7%) = 100% - 99.8%)
5. 5:00 am (You need to use the oven for 9 hours; 9 hours before 2 pm is
5 am.)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State the domain and the non-permissible values of each rational
( x + 3) ( x − 2 )
(x + 2)(x − 2)
The non-permissible values are x = -2 and x = 2.
The domain is {x|x ¹ ±2, x Î Â}.
x ( x − 1)
(x + 2 )
The non-permissible value is x = -2.
The domain is {x|x ¹ -2, x Î Â}.
x (x − 2)
( x + 3) ( x − 3)
The non-permissible values are x = -3 and x = 3.
The domain is {x|x ¹ ±3, x Î Â}.
x ( x − 1)
( x − 1) x
The non-permissible values are x = 1 and x = 0.
The domain is {x|x ¹ 1, 0, x Î Â}.
x 3 - 2 x 2 - 15x
x 3 - 25x
x ( x 2 − 2 x − 15) x ( x − 5) ( x + 3) x + 3
= =
x ( x 2 − 25) x ( x − 5) ( x + 5) x + 5
3x + 6
x2 − 4
3 (x + 2) 3
(x − 2)(x + 2) x − 2
The non-permissible values are x = -2 and x = 2.
2x - 2
2 ( x − 1)
= −2
−( x − 1)
The non-permissible value is x = 1.
100 x 3 y 2
25x 3 y 3
100 x 3 y 2 ( 25) ( 4 ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( y ) ( y ) 4
3 3
= =
25x y ( 25) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( y ) ( y ) ( y ) y
6 x 3 − 24 x
b) = x 3 − 24
No. The value “6” is a factor of the numerator. However, you would
also have to factor out a 6 from 24 before you cancel the factor “6” from
the numerator and denominator. Again, x is a factor of the numerator
and the denominator. However, you would have to factor out an x from
6x3 before you are able to cancel the factor “x” from both the numerator
6x ( x 2 − 4)
and the denominator. The correct answer is = x 2 − 4.
5 + 10 x 5 (1 + 2 x ) 1 + 2 x
c) = =
5x ( 5)( x ) x
Yes. This is a correct reduction as 5 is a factor of both the numerator
and denominator and thus can be eliminated from the rational
A x
If 2 reduces to , it follows that the rational expressions are
x -9 x-3
A x
x −9 x−3
A x
( x − 3) ( x + 3) x−3
Now solve for A.
x ( x − 3) ( x + 3)
A= = x ( x + 3) , x ≠ ±3
( x − 3)
5. Explain why 7 may not be the only non-permissible value for the following
rational expression: .
This rational expression may be the simplified form of another rational
expression. Therefore, another non-permissible value from the original
rational expression may have been factored out. For example, the original
x x+3 x ( x + 3)
expression may have been ⋅ = , in which case
x − 7 x + 3 ( x − 7 ) ( x + 3)
x = -3 is also a non-permissible value. Thus, x = 7 may not be the only
non-permissible value of this rational expression.
Answers will vary. An example is:
x − 7 ( x − 7 ) ( x − 5) x 2 − 12 x + 35
= =
x2 x 2 ( x − 5) x 3 − 5x 2
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon if one side measures 4 cm?
2. You and your friends want to drive to the beach but you want to know
how far away it is. The map you are using has a scale of 1 cm = 100 km.
On the map, if the beach is 1.4 cm away from your house, how many
kilometres are you from the beach?
8 1
3. Calculate: -
9 5
4. Factor: 2x + 4xy
5. Simplify: (42)2
6. Solve the inequality 10x + 4 £ 3x - 1.
7. List the factors of 180.
8. What is the sum of the reciprocals of the factors of 4?
1. 24 cm (6 ´ 4; a hexagon has 6 sides)
2. The beach is 140 km away (1.4 ´ 100 = 140 km).
31 40 9
3. −
45 45 45
4. 2x(1 + 2y)
5. 256 [(42)2 = 44 = 256 or 162 = 256]
6. x ≤ − (7 x ≤ −5)
7. The factors of 180 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 36, 45, 60, 90, and
1 1
The factors of 4 are 1, 2 , and 4. Their reciprocals are 1, , and .
7 2 4
4 1 1 4 2 1 7
The sum is 1 + + = + + = .
2 4 4 4 4 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Perform the indicated operation. Identify any non-permissible values.
x+1 x2
a) × 2
x x −1
x+1 x2 x
⋅ =
x ( x − 1) ( x + 1) x − 1
x ≠ 0 , 1, −1
x−2 x+2
b) ÷ 2
x x
x−2 x2 (x − 2) x
⋅ =
x x+2 x+2
x ≠ 0 , −2
x2 + 2x + 1 x 2 − 25
c) × 2
5−x x + 6x + 5
( x + 1) ( x + 1) ( x − 5 ) ( x + 5 )
(−1) ( x − 5) ( x + 5) ( x + 1)
= −( x + 1) or −x − 1
x ≠ 5 , −5 , −1
x 3x
= 3⋅ =
2 2
2x + 6
f) x+1
x2 − 1
2x + 6 x+3
÷ 2
x+1 x −1
2 ( x + 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 1)
= ⋅ = 2 ( x − 1)
x+1 x+3
x ≠ −1, 1, −3
x2 y 2
⋅ = xy
y x
x ≠ 0, y ≠ 0
x2 − 9 x2 + 4
h) ×
3x 2 + 12 x+3
( x − 3) ( x + 3) x 2 + 4 x−3
⋅ =
3 (x 2 + 4) x+3 3
x ≠ −3
x4 − y 4 x2 − x − 6
i) ÷
x2 − y 2 x+2
(x2 − y 2 )(x2 + y 2 ) x+2
2 2
x −y ( x − 3) ( x + 2 )
x2 + y2
x ≠ 3 , −2 ; x ≠ ±y
2 x − 6 3x − 9
j) ÷
x2 y xy
2 ( x − 3) xy 2
⋅ =
x y 3 ( x − 3) 3x
x ≠ 0 , 3; y ≠ 0
5a − a2 a2 − 5a + 4 a2 − 7 a
l) × ÷
a2 − 4 a + 3 a2 − 9 a + 20 a2 − 10 a + 21
(−a) ( a − 5) ( a − 4 ) ( a − 1) ( a − 3) ( a − 7 )
⋅ ⋅ = −1
( a − 3 ) ( a − 1) ( a − 5 ) ( a − 4 ) a (a − 7)
a ≠ 3 , 1, 5 , 4 , 0 , 7
m2 − m − 20 m2 + 2 m − 8 m2 + 5m + 4
m) ÷ 2 ÷
m2 − 25 m −m−2 m2 + 5m
( m − 5 ) ( m + 4 ) ( m − 2 ) ( m + 1) m ( m + 5) m
⋅ ⋅ =
( m − 5 ) ( m + 5 ) ( m + 4 ) ( m − 2 ) ( m + 4 ) ( m + 1) m + 4
m ≠ 5 , −5 , −4 , 2 , −1, 0
4 ( 4)
3 ( 5)( x )
= , x ≠ 0 , −4
2 x 2 + x − 10 x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x
If V1 = , V2 = , and T2 = , find T1 .
x2 + x − 6 x2 − 1 2 x 2 − x − 15
Express your answer in simplest form.
2 x 2 + x − 10
x2 + x − 6 = T1
x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x
x −1 2 x 2 − x − 15 Multiply both sides by
2 x 2 + x − 10 x ( x − 1) x 3 − 9x x 3 - 9x
T1 = ÷ × .
x2 + x − 6 x2 − 1 2 x 2 − x − 15 2 x 2 - x - 15
2 x 2 + x − 10 x2 − 1 x 3 − 9x
T1 = 2 × ×
x +x−6 x ( x − 1) 2 x 2 − x − 15
( 2 x + 5 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 1) x ( x − 3 ) ( x + 3 )
T1 = × ×
( x + 3) ( x − 2 ) x ( x − 1) ( 2 x + 5) ( x − 3)
T1 = x + 1, x ≠ −3 , 2 , 0 , 1, − , 3 , −1
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. What are two numbers that sum to 8 and multiply to –65?
2. Camille has $200 to buy a new outfit. She wants to buy a sweater for
$55.95, a shirt for $44.99, jeans for $49.99, and new shoes for $54.99.
Ignoring tax, does Camille have enough money to buy her outfit?
3 14
3. Evaluate: ×
7 6
1. 13 and -5
2. No ($200 - ($55.95 + $44.99 + $49.99 + $54.99) = $200 - $205.92
or 200 - (56 + 45 + 50 + 55) = 200 - 206)
1 2
3 14 2
3. 1 =
7 6 2
4. 39 mm (5 mm + 13 mm + 4 mm + 17 mm)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Add and subtract as indicated.
x 5x
a) +
4 4
x + 5x 6 x 3x
= =
4 4 2
5x x
b) -
2 2
5x − x 4x
= = 2x
2 2
5a 5b
c) +
a+b a+b
5 a + 5b 5 ( a + b)
= =5
a+b a+b
2 a2 + 4 a + 17 a2 − 4 a + 2
e) −
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3) ( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2 a2 + 4 a + 17 − ( a2 − 4 a + 2 )
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2 a 2 + 4 a + 17 − a 2 + 4 a − 2
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
a2 + 8 a + 15
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
( a + 5) ( a + 3)
( a + 2 ) ( a + 3)
2. Find the lowest common denominator for each of the following sets of
rational expressions.
4 3x 4x
a) , ,
x − 8 2 x − 16 x + 1
4 3x 4x
Factor the denominator: , ,
x − 8 2 ( x − 8) x + 1
\ LCD = 2(x - 8)(x + 1)
x+1 x−1
b) ,
( x + 2 ) ( x − 3) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 6 ) ( x − 3)2
LCD: (x + 2)(x - 3)2(x - 2)(x - 6)
3 4
b) 2
+ 2
x − 4 x + 3 x − 5x + 6
3 4
+ LCD = ( x − 3) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 )
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 3)
3 x−2 4 x−1
= ⋅ + ⋅
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) x − 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 3 ) x − 1
3x − 6 + 4 x − 4
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 )
7 x − 10
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1) ( x − 2 )
Non-permissible values: x = 3, 1, and 2.
2x 3 3
− + LCD = ( x − 7 ) ( x + 1)
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1) ( x + 1) x − 7
2x 3 x−7 3 x+1
= − ⋅ + ⋅
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1) x + 1 x − 7 x − 7 x + 1
2 x − 3x + 21 + 3x + 3
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1)
2 x + 24
( x − 7 ) ( x + 1)
Non-permissible values: x = 7 and -1.
2x x
d) − 2
x + 5xy x + 8xy + 15 y 2
2x x
x (x + 5y ) (x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
2 x
= − LCD = (x + 3 y ) (x + 5 y )
x + 5y (x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
2 x + 3y x
= ⋅ −
x + 5y x + 3y (x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
2x + 6y − x
(x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
x + 6y
(x + 3y ) (x + 5y )
Non-permissible values: x = 0, -5y, and -3y.
y −4 y −7 y+8
− + LCD = ( y − 3) ( y + 8)
y − 3 y + 8 ( y + 8) ( y − 3)
y −4 y +8 y −7 y −3 y+8
= ⋅ − ⋅ +
y − 3 y + 8 y + 8 y − 3 ( y + 8) ( y − 3)
y 2 + 4 y − 32 − ( y 2 − 10 y + 21) + y + 8
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
y 2 + 4 y − 32 − y 2 + 10 y − 21 + y + 8
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
15 y − 45
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
15 ( y − 3)
( y − 3) ( y + 8)
7 5 y + 18
− +
y + 2 (−1) ( y − 2 ) ( y − 2 ) ( y + 2 )
7 5 y + 18
= + + LCD = ( y + 2 ) ( y − 2 )
y + 2 y − 2 (y − 2 )(y + 2 )
7 y−2 5 y+2 y + 18
= ⋅ + ⋅ +
y + 2 y − 2 y − 2 y + 2 (y − 2 )(y + 2 )
7 y − 14 + 5 y + 10 + y + 18
(y − 2 )(y + 2 )
13 y + 14
(y − 2 )(y + 2 )
Non-permissible values: y = -2 and 2.
2x 2 − 3x x+2
g) + 2 −
x−2 x −x−2 x+1
2x 2 − 3x x+2
+ −
x − 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) x + 1
2x x+1 2 − 3x x+2 x−2
= ⋅ + − ⋅ LCD = ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
x − 2 x + 1 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) x + 1 x − 2
2 x 2 + 2 x + 2 − 3x − ( x 2 − 4 )
( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
2x2 − x + 2 − x2 + 4
( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
x2 − x + 6
( x − 2 ) ( x + 1)
Non-permissible values: x = 2 and -1.
2 ( x ) ( x 2 + x − 2 ) − 5x 5x − 5 + 7 x + 14
= ÷ Simplify the numerators
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
2 x 3 + 2 x 2 − 4 x − 5x 5x − 5 + 7 x + 14
= ÷ Simplify the numeerators
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
2 x 3 + 2 x 2 − 9x 12 x + 9
= ÷ Simplify the numerators
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
Multiply by the reciprocal and factor
x (2x 2 + 2 x − 9) ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
= ×
5 ( 2 ) ( x − 1) 3 ( 4 x + 3)
x (2 x 2 + 2 x − 9) (x + 2 )
= Multiiply and cancel
30 ( 4 x + 3)
x x−3 x2 − 9
+ 2 ÷
2 x − 4 x − 3x + 2 x−1
x x−3 x−1
= + × Factor and multiply
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 3 ) ( x − 3 ) by the reciprocal
x 1
= + Cancel to reduce
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
LCD = 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
x ( x + 3) 2
= +
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3) 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
x 2 + 3x + 2 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 1)
= or
2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3) 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 3)
× 2
x2 4
x − 10
( x + 1)
(x + 2)
4 ( x − 1)
x (x − 2)
x x2
x2 x 2
( x − 3 ) ( x + 1)
x −1
4x 2 − 7 x + 3 (x − 6) ( x + 6) (10x − 1) (10x + 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 1)
( 4 x − 3 ) ( x − 1) x 2 36 100 x 2 1 x 2 3x 2
4 ( x + 1)
x−3 x+4
x 2 + 6x − 6
6 x 3 3x 2
a2 bc abc 2
3 x 2 ( 2 x + 1)
( x − 3) ( x + 4 )
( 4 x + 3 ) ( x + 1)
x 2 + 5x + 6 x+3 x x
÷ 2 2
x2 + x − 2 x −1 6 ( 3x − 4 ) − 21 ( 3x − 4 ) + 15 2 4 25x 2 20 x 4
x1 3 ( 3x − 5) (6 x − 13) 3x ( 5x + 2 )2
x2 4
x 2 25
6 xy 2 2 y
−x ( 4 x + 33)
x2 + 2x − 3
2 y (3xy − 1)
(x + 7 )(x + 2)
x +7 x +2
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1)
2 2
( x + 3)2 − 6 ( x + 3) − 16 2 ( x − 6 ) + 10 ( x − 6 ) − 48 ( 3x + 4 )2 − (2 y − 1) 3 ( 2 x + 5) + 10 ( 2 x + 5) − 8
( x + 5) ( x − 5) 2 (x + 2 ) (x − 9) ( 3x + 2 y + 3 ) ( 3x − 2 y + 5 ) ( 2 x + 9 ) (6x + 13)
2x 5
x 2 4x
x 2 7 x 12 x
5x 2 + 13x + 18
( x − 3 ) ( x − 1)
5 4 x 5x 3 x x
( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3 )
x − 1 ( x + 2 ) ( x + 3)
x x1 x 7 x 2 x 2 2
4 x 2 − 25
Module 3
Quadratic Functions
M odu l e 3:
Q ua dr at ic Func t ion s
Assignments in Module 3
When you have completed the assignments for Module 3, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
When you write your midterm examination, you are encouraged to take
a Midterm Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination.
This sheet will be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your
handwriting or typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but
you do not receive any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions provided below to help you with
preparing your resource sheet for the material in Module 3. On this sheet, you
should record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a
list of places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special
areas that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 to prepare your Midterm Examination
Resource Sheet. The midterm examination for this course is based on
Modules 1 to 4.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Before you begin to look at quadratic functions, it will be helpful for you to
review your knowledge of linear functions.
Linear Functions
Recall the definition of a linear function. A linear function is a function
whose graph is a straight line. Its form is f(x) = mx + b. Remember that a
straight line equation is of the form y = mx + b.
This first section contains many definitions. These definitions should
be familiar to you from previous courses. However, you can copy these
definitions on your resource sheet if you need to.
The change in y-value of this line is 1. Also, the change in the x-value of this
rise 1
line is 1. Therefore, the slope of this line is 1.
run 1
The x-intercept is .
To find the y-intercept, let x = 0 since the x-coordinate is always zero for any
point on the y-axis. Then solve for y.
y = −2 x + 3
y = −2 (0 ) + 3
The y-intercept is 3.
Note that the x-intercept or the y-intercept is only one number and not the
coordinates of a point on the graph.
The graph would be:
1 2 x
When you are given the graph of a linear function, you should be able to
write its rule or equation.
0−2 −2
The slope of this line = = = 2. Its y-intercept is 2. You know this
−1 − 0 −1
because you are given the point (0, 2).
The equation of the linear function is f(x) = 2x + 2.
The graph of this linear function is shown below.
1 x
The equation is f(x) = 0x + 2. Therefore, f(x) = 2 or y = 2.
Every point on this horizontal line has a y-value of 2. The y-intercept of this
line is 2. There is no x-intercept. The domain is {x|x Î Â} and the range is {2}.
Example 4
A vertical straight line is said to have a slope that is undefined. The line has
rise rise
rise but no run. The slope formula becomes m no answer.
run 0
2 x
Quadratic Functions
Quadratic functions take the shape of a parabola when graphed. A parabola
is basically a ‘U’ shape. The shape of a parabola is created because the
quadratic functions contain a squared term (for example, y = x2 or y = 5x2).
Remember that if you multiply two linear functions together you get a
squared term.
For example, if f(x) = x and g(x) = x + 3, then [f(x)][g(x)] = x(x + 3) = x2 + 3x.
A quadratic function is a function that can be written in the general form
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are real numbers and a ¹ 0. Note that in
this course, a, b, and c will be rational numbers only.
Include all definitions from this section on your resource sheet.
Quadratic functions can be written in various forms:
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, a ¹ 0
f : x ® ax2 + bx + c, a ¹ 0
y = ax2 + bx + c, a ¹ 0
a) f : x → 2 x 2 + x + 1
b) f ( x ) = x 2
c) y = 3x 2 − 1
1 2
d) f ( x ) = 2 + x
e) g ( x ) = 7 x − x 2
f) y = x − x 2
a b c
a) 2 1 1
b) 1 0 0
c) 3 0 -1
d) 0 2
e) -1 7 0
f) -1 1 0
Example 6
Determine whether the following are quadratic functions.
a) f ( x ) = 3x 2
b) x 2 + y=2
c) y = 2 x + 5
d) y 2 = x
Example 7
Given the function f(x) = x2, draw the graph of f. Make a table of values for
-3 £ x £ 3.
f(x) = x2
-3 9
-2 4
-1 1 y
0 0
1 1
2 4 7
3 9 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
axis of
(0, 0) x
Example 8
Draw the graph of g(x) = -x2 + 6x - 5. Use a table of values for -1 £ x £ 7.
Write the domain, range, coordinates of the vertex, the equation of the axis of
symmetry, x-intercept(s), y-intercept, and zeros.
Table of values
x -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g(x) -12 -5 0 3 4 3 0 -5 -12
Note: You
can use any
x-values for the
table of values.
The table of
values above
used x-values
that were easy
to calculate and
easy to graph.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Evaluate for t = 5: 3t2 - 6t + 8
2. The daily recommended intake of water is around 2 litres. If Ashton
drinks 250 mL of water for breakfast, 550 mL of water for lunch, 620 mL
of water during basketball practice, and 300 mL during dinner, how much
water does he still need drink to reach the recommended amount?
7 x
3. Solve for x: +4=
8 8
4. Ms. Sparling’s class has 24 students. If there are 3 girls for every boy, how
many boys are in the class?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Draw the graph of the following functions:
a) y = 3x + 2
b) 2x - y + 1 = 0
c) Join these points with a smooth curve.
x -3 -2 0 2 3
y 10 5 1 5 10
2. Find the slope and intercepts for the linear functions in Question 1.
3. Which of the following describe a quadratic function?
a) f : x → 3x 2
b) g : x → 2 x 3 − 5
c) y = 2 x 2 − x + 1
d) f ( x ) = 3x −
5 5 x 5 5 x
5 5
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
b) y
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
6. Sketch the graphs of the following quadratic functions. Use a suitable table
of values. Find the domain, range, coordinates of vertex, equation of axis
of symmetry, zeros, x-intercept(s), y-intercept, and the maximum value or
minimum value.
a) f ( x ) = x 2 − 4 x − 5
b) f : x → −x 2 − 2 x + 8
7. Match the equation with its graph. Use a table of values to graph each
function if necessary.
a) y = x2 - 2
b) y = x2 + 4x - 1
c) y = -x2 - 4x - 3
d) y = x2 + 2
e) y = -x2 + 4x + 1
f) y = -x2 + 2
2 4
1 2
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
1 2
2 4
iii) y iv) y
4 4
2 2
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
2 2
4 4
v) y vi) y
4 2
2 1
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
2 1
4 2
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you first considered linear functions. Linear functions are
functions that produce a straight line when graphed. You then looked
at quadratic functions. Quadratic functions are functions that produce a
parabola when graphed. You learned how to find certain characteristics of
quadratic functions including the vertex and axis of symmetry. You also
learned how to graph quadratic functions using a table of values. In the next
lesson, you will begin to look at transformations of quadratic functions.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Quadratic Functions
5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 x
Observe that for f(x) = x2, if (x, y) is a point on the graph, (-x, y) is also. This is
because y = x2 and y = (-x)2 produce the same y-value. For the graph f(x) = x2,
the y-axis is the line of symmetry. The point (0, 0) is the minimum or lowest
point of the graph and is called the vertex.
Throughout this lesson and Lesson 3, you will see how a, p, and q in
the quadratic function f(x) = a(x - p)2 + q, determine the size of the
corresponding parabola and its placement on the coordinate plane. These
changes that occur in the placement and size of a function are called
a) f ( x ) = x 2
b) g ( x ) = 2 x 2
1 2
c) k ( x ) = x
x -3 -2 –1 0 1 2 3
a) f(x) 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
b) g(x) 18 8 2 0 2 8 18
9 1 1 9
c) k(x) 2 0 2
2 2 2 2
y = x2
4 y = x2
4 x
In each case, the y-values of y = 2x2 are double the y-values of y = x2.
Therefore, the graph of y = 2x2 increases more quickly than the graph of
y = x2. This results in a vertical stretch of the graph of y = x2 to obtain the
graph of y = 2x2. The graph of y = 2x2 is narrower than the graph of y = x2.
1 2
Now, let’s compare the y-values of y = x2 and y x .
1 2 1
y x (0, 0) 1, (2, 2)
2 2
1 2
In each case, the y-values of y x are half the y-values of y = x2. Therefore,
1 2
the graph of y x increases slower than the graph of y = x2. This results in
a vertical compression of the graph of y = x2 to obtain the graph of y x 2 .
The graph of y x 2 is wider than the graph of y = x2.
a) F ( x ) = −x 2
b) m ( x ) = −2 x 2
c) n ( x ) = − x 2
a) F(x) = -x2 (-3, -9) (-2, -4) (-1, -1) (0, 0) (1, -1) (2, -4) (3, -9)
b) m(x) = -2 x2 (-3, -18) (-2, -8) (-1, -2) (0, 0) (1, -2) (2, -8) (3, -18)
1 9 1 1 9
c) n ( x ) = − x 2 −3 , − (-2, -2) −1, − (0, 0) 1, − (2, -2) 3, −
2 2 2 2 2
y = 2x2
y = x2
y = x2
y = 2 x2
y = x2
y = 2x2
If you compare the graph of f(x) = x2 with the graph of F(x) = -x2, you can
note the change in the y-values. Each one has been changed to its opposite
value. If (x, y) is a point on f(x), then (x, -y) is a point on F(x). Therefore, F(x)
is the mirror reflection or mirror image of f(x) in the x-axis. The mapping
notation is (x, y) ® (x, -y).
x -3 -2 –1 0 1 2 3
x2 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
5x2 45 20 5 0 5 20 45
g(x) = -5x2 -45 -20 -5 0 -5 -20 -45
Notice that the scale on the y-axis has been changed. It is different than the
scale on the x-axis. The effect of narrowing the width of the curve is thereby
distorted. The graph of y = -x2 is shown as a dotted line.
3 2 1 1 2 3 x
y = x2
y = 5x2
Example 4
Write an equation in the form y = ax2 that contains the point (-2, 8).
Substitute x = -2 and y = 8 into y = ax2 and solve for a.
8 = a(-2)2
8 = a(4)
The equation is y = 2x2.
-2 -1 0 1 2
a) f(x) = x2 4 1 0 1 4
b) g(x) = x2 + 2 6 3 2 3 6
c) h(x) = x2 - 3 1 -2 -3 -2 1
g(x) = x2 + 2
f(x) = x2
h(x) = x2 3
3 5 x
Notice that if the graph of y = x2 is shifted up 2 units, you obtain the graph of
y = x2 + 2. If the graph of y = x2 is shifted down 3 units, you obtain the graph
of y = x2 - 3
From the graph, f(x) is the basic function y = x2.
Observe the graphs of g(x) and h(x):
Q The axis of symmetry is the y-axis.
Q The vertices for g(x) and h(x) are (0, 2) and (0, -3), respectively.
Q The minimum values of g(x) and h(x) are 2 and -3, respectively.
Q The size and shape of the resulting graph is same as for y = x2.
Notice that g(-2) = f(-2) + 2 and h(-2) = f(-2) - 3
In general, if f(x) = ax2 and g(x) = ax2 + q, then g(x) = f(x) + q for all x. Also,
notice that only the y-values are affected by the value of q. If (x, y) is a point
on f(x), then (x, y + q) is a point on g(x).
Example 6
Using your graphing calculator or a table of values, graph the following
a) K ( x ) = −x 2
b) L ( x ) = −x 2 + 2
c) M ( x ) = −x 2 − 1
-2 -1 0 1 2
a) K(x) -4 -1 0 -1 -4
b) L(x) -2 1 2 1 -2
c) M(x) -5 -2 -1 -2 -5
3 x
L(x) = x2 + 2
K(x) = x2
M(x) = x2 1
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Water is trickling out of a faucet at a speed of 3 mL per second. If Paula
holds up a cup to collect the water, how much water will she collect in
3 minutes?
2. Factor: x2 - 9
3. If x = -1 and y = 2, evaluate the expression: 3x3 - xy.
4. What is the lowest common multiple of 10 and 14?
5. At The Burger Palace, you have a choice between what type of bun and
what type of burger you want. If there are three types of buns (white,
whole wheat, and sesame) and three types of burgers (angus, chicken, and
lean), how many different combinations of burgers are there?
6. Determine the distance between the following two points: (26, -13) and
(25, -1).
7. Solve the inequality: -6x - 7 > 3x - 9.
8. Simplify. (9x2 - 7x + 5) - (2x2 - 6x - 3)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) x2 + y = 1 is a quadratic function.
b) t(x) = 1 - x is a quadratic function.
c) f(x) = 4x2 is a quadratic function.
d) The graph of r(x) = x2 + 1 is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.
1 2
e) The graph of y = x2 is a “wider” parabola than the graph of y x .
f) The graph of y = 5x2 is a “narrower” parabola than the graph of y = x2.
1 2
g) The graph of y x is a parabola that opens downward.
h) The graph of y = -2x2 is a parabola that opens downward.
i) The maximum value of the function y
pictured at the right is 4. 5
1 2
y x y x2 y = −3x 2
Equation of axis of
x-intercepts or zeros
Direction of opening
Maximum y-value
Minimum y-value
a) y = 4 x 2
1 2
b) y = x
c) y = −7 x 2
d) y = 6 x 2 x
6. Write an equation in the form y = ax2 if (1, -4) lies on the curve.
7. Write the equation of the graph. Then write the equation of its reflection in
the x-axis. Note each mark represents 1 unit on the graph.
(2, 6)
In this lesson, you discovered how a and q affect quadratic functions of the
form y = ax2 + q. You learned how a affects the basic quadratic function
y = x2 by a vertical stretch, vertical compression, or a reflection. You also
learned how q affects the basic quadratic function y = x2 by a vertical shift.
These are three of the four transformations of quadratic functions that you
will be learning about in this course. In the next lesson, you will be learning
about the last transformation of quadratic functions: the effect of p in the
quadratic function y = a(x - p)2.
Total: 58 marks
1. Which of the following describes a quadratic function?
(1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) f(x) = -x2 + 3x2 - 1
b) g(x) = x - 2
c) y
3 x
d) y
2 x
Coordinates of the Vertex:
2 2
Axis of Symmetry:
Maximum Value:
Minimum Value:
3. Sketch the graph of the following quadratic function. Fill in the table of values.
Find the coordinates of the vertex, the equation of the axis of symmetry, and the
maximum or minimum value. (5 marks)
y = -2x2 + 1
x -2 -1 0 1 2
y = -2x2 + 1
Axis of Symmetry:
Maximum or
Minimum Value:
3 3 x 3 3 x
iii) iv)
y y
2 2 x
2 2 x
Direction of opening
Maximum value
Minimum value
a) y = −3x 2 y
b) y = 3x 2
c) y = −x 2 2
1 2
d) y = x
2 1
b) f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 1
1 2
c) h ( x ) = x −1
d) −y + 3x 2 = 2
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned the effect a and q had on the quadratic function
y = ax2 + q. In this lesson, you will learn the effect p has on the quadratic
functions y = (x - p)2 and y = a(x - p)2. Once you learn this, quadratic
functions will be easier to graph. You will be able to put all your knowledge
of transformations of quadratic functions together to graph any quadratic
function in vertex form.
Quadratic Functions
In the last lesson, you learned about quadratic functions in the form
y = ax2 + q. Another type of quadratic function is one defined by an equation
of the form y = a(x - p)2. Just as a and q had certain effects on the graph of the
quadratic function, so does p.
Example 1
Use a table of values or a graphing calculator to graph the following functions
on the same coordinate plane.
a) f(x) = x2
b) g(x) = (x - 6)2
c) i(x) = (x + 6)2
Note: In this example, we let a have a fixed value of 1 to consider the effect of
changes in p.
The following tables of values give some ordered pairs that satisfy the above
x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 4 1 0 1 4
b) g(x) = (x – 6)2
x 4 5 6 7 8
y 4 1 0 1 4
x -8 -7 -6 -5 -4
y 4 1 0 1 4
i f g
6 0 6 x
Begin with the basic graph y = x2 and shift it 5 units to the right to get
y = (x - 5)2.
a) For k(x), stretch y = (x - 5)2 vertically by a factor of 4 to get y = 4(x - 5)2. Its
graph will be narrower than the graph of y = (x - 5)2.
b) For l(x), compress y = (x - 5)2 vertically by multiplying the y-coordinates
1 1 2
by to get y = ( x − 5) . Its graph will be wider than y = (x - 5)2.
4 4
c) For m(x), reflect y = (x - 5)2 over the x-axis to get y = -(x - 5)2. Its graph
will be the same shape as y = (x - 5)2.
In the figure below, the graphs of k(x), l(x), and m(x) are contrasted with the
graph of y = (x - 5)2 indicated by dashed marking.
y = (x 5)2
l(x) = (x 5)2
0 3 9 x
Example 3
The vertex of a given parabola is at (2, 0). Another point on the graph is
(-2, 8). Write its equation in the form y = a(x - p)2.
Since the vertex of y = x2 is shifted 2 units to the right, p = 2. Use the other
ordered pair to substitute y = 8 and x = -2 into the equation y = a(x - p)2.
y = a (x − p )
8 = a (−2 − 2 )
8 = a (−4 )
8 = 16 a
The equation is y = ( x − 2 )2 .
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Simplify: (a + b)2
1 2
2. Evaluate: +
5 3
3. If Mark’s meal comes to $16.27 with tax and he adds a tip of $1.50, how
much change should he get back if he pays with a $20 bill?
4. Samuel and Cassy weigh 333 pounds together. If Samuel weighs twice as
much as Cassy, how many pounds does Cassy weigh?
5. Factor: x2 - 3x - 28
55 × 57 3
6. Simplify: 2
2- 8
7. Rationalize the denominator:
10 7
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (2, -7) and (9, -14).
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) The graph of y = (x + 5)2 is the graph of y = x2 shifted 5 units to the left.
b) The graph of y = (x - 7)2 is the graph of y = x2 shifted 7 units to the left.
c) The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 1)2 is (1, 0).
d) The vertex of the graph of y = 2(x - 2)2 is (1, 0).
e) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = ( x − 3)2
is x .
1 2
f) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = − ( x + 3)
is y = –3.
1 2
g) The graph of y = − ( x − 2 ) is a narrower parabola than the graph of
y = -3(x - 2) .
1 2
h) The graph of y = − ( x + 4 ) opens downward.
1 2
i) The quadratic function y = ( x − 2 ) has 0 for its minimum value.
j) If g(x) = (x + 4)2, then g(x - 4) = g(-x - 4) for all x.
4 4
6 2
2 4 6 8 x
y y
iii) iv)
6 4 2 2 x
2 6
4 4
6 2
4 2 2 4 x
Equation of axis
of symmetry
Direction of opening
Maximum value
Minimum value
Lesson Summary
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the previous lessons, you explored the effects of the parameters a, p, and
q on the graphs of quadratic functions. In this lesson, you will combine the
effects of all of these parameters together to investigate graphs of quadratic
functions of the form f(x) = a(x - p)2 + q.
The vertex form of a quadratic function y = f(x) is f(x) = a(x - p)2 + q, where a,
p, and q are real numbers, and in this course they are rational numbers.
If you have not updated your resource sheet to include all of the above
information, now would be a good time to do so.
Example 1
Sketch the graph given by y = (x + 2)2 - 3.
1. Sketch the graph of y = x2.
Notice the key coordinates (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), and (3, 9). Others can be found
by reflection over the axis of symmetry.
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 x
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 x
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 x
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
Example 3
Write a sequence of transformations that will produce the graph of
y = -(x - 7)2 - 3 from y = x2.
Reflect y = x2 over the x-axis, shift 7 units to the right and 3 units downward.
Example 4
A graph has the following properties:
Q The vertex is at (1, -7)
Q The graph passes through the point (3, -23)
Write a quadratic function in the form y = a(x - p)2 + q that represents this
The vertex is (1, -7), which corresponds to the point (p, q). Therefore, p = 1
and q = -7.
y = a(x - 1)2 - 7
You also know the parabola passes through the point (3, -23). Substitute these
values into the above equation for x and y.
-23 = a(3 - 1)2 - 7
-23 = a(2)2 - 7
-23 = 4a - 7
-16 = 4a
-4 = a
Therefore, the quadratic function is y = -4(x - 1)2 - 7.
2 x
It is possible to find a quadratic function in vertex form for this graph using
two methods. Method #1 involves finding the coordinates of the vertex and
one other point. Method #2 involves comparing the graph with the graph of
y = x2.
Method #1: Algebraically
To use Method #1, you need to find the coordinates of the vertex and of one
other point. The coordinates of the vertex are (-2, -1), and of one other point
is (-1, -3).
In vertex form, the coordinates of the vertex are (p, q).
(p, q) = (-2, -1)
\ p = -2
q = -1
Substituting these values for p and q into the vertex form of the quadratic
y = a(x - (-2))2 - 1
y = a(x + 2)2 - 1
Consider the quadratic function in vertex form, y = a(x - p)2 + q. In both (a)
and (b) above, the value for a was greater than zero. Also, the value for q was
less than zero. Both of these graphs contained two x-intercepts. Therefore,
when a > 0 and q < 0, the graph of the quadratic function contains two
Example 8
Determine the number of x-intercepts for each quadratic function.
a) y = -x2 - 4
b) y = -2x2 - 5
a) y = x2 is reflected over the x-axis and y
shifted down 4 units to obtain
the graph of y = -x2 - 4. 2 1 x
Consider the quadratic function in vertex form, y = a(x - p)2 + q. In both (a)
and (b) above, the value for a was less than zero. Also, the value for q was less
than zero. Both of these graphs contained no x-intercepts. Therefore, when
a < 0 and q < 0, the graph of the quadratic function contains no x-intercepts.
The following chart displays the information you discovered in Examples 6,
7, and 8. Note that not all possible cases of a- and q-values are represented in
this chart. You may want to explore the other cases and see if you can find
any patterns.
a>0 q=0 y 1
This graph crosses the x-axis
once, as the vertex is on the
a<0 q<0 y 0
This graph does not cross the
x x-axis, as the vertex is below
the x-axis and the graph opens
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. You need to make 100 cupcakes for a bake sale. However, your recipe only
allows you to make cupcakes in multiples of 12. What is the least number
of cupcakes you can make to have enough cupcakes for the bake sale?
2. What is the area of a park that measures 13 km by 62 km?
3 1 1 5
3. Evaluate: − + +
4 2 6 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 4)2 + 2 is (-4, 2).
b) The vertex of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is (5, 2).
c) The vertex of the graph of y = 2x2 + 7 is (2, 7).
d) The vertex of the graph of y = -3x2 + 4 is (0, 4).
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
v) y vi) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
vii) y viii) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
Equation of axis of
Direction of opening
Maximum value
Minimum value
7. If 1, is a point on the quadratic function represented by
y = (x - 2)2 + q, what real number is the minimum value of the function?
Total: 65 marks
1. Match the equation with its graph. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) y = (x + 4)2
b) y = -(x - 4)2
c) y = -(x + 8)2
d) y = (x - 2)2
i) y ii) y
4 x
2 x
iii) y iv) y
8 x
4 x
1 2
y = -(x + 1)2 y = ( x − 5) y = 2(x + 3)2
Equation of axis of symmetry
Direction of opening
Maximum value
Minimum value
4. Match each equation with its graph. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
2 y
a) y = 3 ( x − 7 ) + 3
2 iv)
b) y + 2 = −( x − 2 )
1 i)
c) y = ( x + 2 )2 − 4
2 4
d) y + 3 = −2 ( x + 1)
2 2 7 x
Equation of axis of symmetry
Direction of opening
Maximum value
Minimum value
6. For each of the following parabolas, state the following: (1 mark each, for a total of
10 marks)
a) The direction of opening
b) The coordinates of the vertex
c) The equation of the axis of symmetry
d) Whether the given graph is narrower or wider than y = x2
e) The number of x-intercepts the graph has
1 2
i) y = − ( x + 5) − 3
ii) y = 2(x + 8)2 - 9
b) y = ( x − 3)2 + 4
9. Write a quadratic function in the form y = a(x - p)2 + q that represents the following
graph. (3 marks)
6 x
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
You have now learned how to graph quadratic functions when they are given
to you in vertex form. What happens if you are asked to graph a quadratic
function in general form? This can be difficult to do without creating a
table of values. Therefore, it is useful to transform quadratic functions from
general form into vertex form. You can do this by learning how to complete
the square. Completing the square is an important algebraic skill to master. It
involves factoring and algebraic manipulation so it is a good opportunity to
practise these skills. Are you up for the challenge?
b) Model x with a rectangular tile that is x units long and 1 unit wide. Its
area is (x)(1) = x.
c) Model a unit with a square tile that is 1 unit long on each side. Its area is
(1)(1) = 1.
d) Model a square that has 1 x2-tile, 4 x-tiles, and 4 unit tiles. The area of this
square is the sum of the tiles x2 + 4x + 4.
Since the length of a side of this square is x + 2, the area can be written as
(x + 2) (x + 2) = (x + 2)2.
This model of x2 + 4x + 4 forms a complete square. The quadratic expression
is a complete square and is called a perfect square trinomial.
Example 2
a) Write a quadratic expression modelled by these tiles.
b) Rearrange all the tiles and find the minimum number of additional unit
tiles needed to form a square.
c) Write the perfect square trinomial modelled by the completed square.
a) There are 1 x2-tile, 6 x-tiles, and 0 unit tiles. The expression is x2 + 6x.
b) Take of the x-tiles and move them to the bottom side of x2.
Now you will need 9 unit tiles to fill in the missing corner to complete the
c) By adding the tiles, the new square models the perfect square trinomial
x2 + 6x + 9.
From the above two examples a pattern emerges. In the perfect square
4 2
trinomial x + 4x + 4, the square of half the coefficient of x or is the
constant term 4.
In the perfect square trinomial x2 + 6x + 9, the square of half the coefficient
6 2
of x or is the constant term 9.
Example 3
Complete the square to find the vertex and the equation of the axis of
symmetry for the quadratic function y = x2 + 6x.
The number required to complete the square is the square of one-half the
coefficient of the x-term.
6 2 2
y = x + 6x =3 =9
y + 9 = x 2 + 6x + 9 Add 9 to each side
y + 9 = ( x + 3) Factor the perfect square trinomial
y = ( x + 3) − 9 Subtract 9 from each side
The vertex is (-3, -9). The vertex can also be denoted as V(-3, -9)
The equation of the axis of symmetry is x = -3.
Note: To know that you are completing the square correctly, you should be
able to multiply out all the terms at any point and get back to the equation
you started with. If you do not get back to the equation you started with, you
know you made a mistake.
Checking to ensure y = (x + 3)2 - 9 is equivalent to y = x2 + 6x.
y = (x + 3)2 - 9
y = (x + 3)(x + 3) - 9 Expand the square
y= x2 + 3x + 3x + 9 - 9 Distribute
y = x2 + 6x Combine like terms
Thus, the two forms are equivalent. Also, you could graph the quadratic
function in vertex form and general form to ensure you completed the square
correctly. Consider the following example.
4 x
(2, 1)
x y
0 3
1 0
2 -1
3 0
4 3
Now make a similar table of values using the general form and the same
x-values obtained from the graph.
General form: y = x2 - 4x + 3
Table of Values using the x-values 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
x y = x2 - 4x + 3
0 y = 02 - 4(0) + 3 = 3
1 y = 12 - 4(1) + 3 = 0
2 y = 22 - 4(2) + 3 = -1
3 y = 32 - 4(3) + 3 = 0
4 y = 42 - 4(4) + 3 = 3
Since the tables for each form are the same, the verification is complete.
Therefore, the quadratic function in vertex form represents the same function
as the corresponding quadratic function in general form.
f ( x ) = 3x 2 + 12 x + 16
f ( x ) − 16 = 3x 2 + 12 x Remove the constant term from the
right side of the equation.
f ( x ) − 16 3x 2 12 x Change the coefficient of x2 to 1 by
= +
3 3 3 dividing each term by 3.
f ( x ) − 16
= x 2 + 4x Simplify.
f ( x ) − 16 Complete the square and add 4 to each
+ 4 = x 2 + 4x + 4
3 side of the equation.
f ( x ) − 16 2
+ 4 = (x + 2) Factor.
f ( x ) − 16 2 Subtract 4 from both sides of the
= (x + 2) − 4
3 equation.
f ( x ) − 16 = 3 ( x + 2 ) − 12 Multiply each term by 3.
f (x) = 3 (x + 2) + 4 Add 16 to both sides of the equation.
V(-2, 4) Write the vertex.
The vertex is at (-2, 4) and the equation of the axis of symmetry is x = -2.
Now that you have completed a few examples of how to complete the square,
it may be helpful for you to write a description of the process on your
resource sheet. Feel free to include a completed example on your resource
sheet if you feel the example will help you remember how to complete the
Although this solution looks complicated, it allows us to isolate the perfect
square trinomial on the right side. Later on in this lesson, a few alternate
solutions to this question are provided. Compare this solution to the solutions
for Examples 11 and 12. You can use any of these methods when there is a
coefficient in front of the x2 term. Choose the one that you find easiest while
still consistently letting you find the right answer.
Since the parabola opens downward, the function has a maximum value at
4 . The corresponding x-value is -1.
Don’t be afraid of the fraction calculations. You could use the a b c button or
the Math:Frac program on your calculator to check your answers.
The error in this completion of the square occurs in the third line. When
dividing (-2) out each term, the -3 should turn into a positive instead of
staying as negative .
y = −2 x 2 − 3x − 7
y + 7 = −2 x 2 − 3x
y +7 3
= x2 + x
−2 2
y +7 9 3 9
+ = x2 + x +
−2 16 2 16
y +7 9 3
+ = x +
−2 16 2
y +7 3 9
= x + −
−2 2 16
3 9
y + 7 = −2 x + − (−2 )
2 16
3 9
y = −2 x + + − 7
2 8
3 47
y = −2 x + −
2 8
Note: A good way to ensure that you have completed the square correctly is
to multiply out the vertex form of the quadratic function that you found to see
if it simplifies to the general form of the quadratic function you were given in
the question.
Another way to check your work is to use a different process for completing
the square. Two alternate methods are shown below. You may find them
easier, but they require great concentration and understanding. Compare
Examples 11 and 12 with Example 5.
Example 11
Find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis of symmetry of
f(x) = 3x2 + 12x + 16.
Example 12
Complete the square to find the vertex for f(x) = 3x2 + 12x + 16.
f(x) = 3x2 + 12x + 16
f(x) = 3(x2 + 4x + ) + 16 Factor the coefficient of x2 out of the x2 and
x-terms. Leave one space and write the
constant term outside of the brackets.
f(x) = 3(x2 + 4x + 4) + 16 - 4(3) Complete by adding 4 inside the brackets
and subtracting away (4)(3) outside the
brackets. You notice that 3 is both the first
number and the last number on this line.
f(x) = 3(x + 4)2 + 16 - 12 Factor.
f(x) = 3(x + 4)2 + 4 Simplify.
V(-2, 4) Write the vertex.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Factor: x2 - 10x + 25
2. Your computer has a battery life of 12 hours. If you use your computer for
15 minutes in the morning to check the weather, 6 hours during school to
complete school work, 25 minutes during lunch to go on your favourite
social networking site, and 1.6 hours to watch a movie, how much battery
life do you have left on your laptop?
3. Evaluate for g = -2: 5g3 + g2 - 6g - 13
4. Continue the pattern: 2, 6, 18, 54, ,
5. You are at the store to buy your sister a birthday present. You have $50 to
spend and the item you want to purchase is $60 on sale for 25% off. Will
you have enough money to buy the item (ignoring tax)?
6. Simplify: (x2 - 4x + 1)(2x2)
7. Find the midpoint between the following two points: (2, 6) and (-7, -4)
8. What is the slope of a horizontal line?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Write a quadratic expression modelled by this set of tiles.
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to transform quadratic functions from general
form into vertex form by completing the square. As you know, quadratic
functions in vertex form are easier to graph by using transformations.
However, as you found out in the learning activity, it is possible to determine
important characteristics of quadratic functions in general form, such as the
vertex, without transforming them into vertex form first. In the next lesson,
you will learn more about how to determine characteristics of quadratic
functions in general form.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to complete the square in order to
transform quadratic functions in general form to vertex form. It is fairly easy
to find the vertex of a quadratic function in vertex form y = a(x - p)2 + q
by considering the values of p and q. However, it is also possible to find the
vertex of a quadratic function in general form y = ax2 + bx + c by considering
the values of a and b. You can also find the vertex of a quadratic function
in general form by first factoring and finding the x-intercepts. Overall, the
vertex can be considered to be one of the easier characteristics to find.
The zeros of a function, f, are the values of x that make f(x) = 0. Zeros are
another way to say x-intercepts. In order to find the x-intercepts of a quadratic
function written as the product of linear functions, you use the zero product
The x-intercepts are at the points (4, 0) and (-2, 0). Remember that these
points are on the x-axis, and the y-coordinate of these points is always 0.
Since you know a parabola is symmetric about its axis of symmetry, the axis
must lie halfway between the two x-intercepts. This average value will be the
x-coordinate of the vertex.
To find the x-coordinate of the vertex, find the average of the x-intercepts.
4 + (−2 ) 2
p = average of the x-intercepts = = =1
2 2
4 x
2 1
The axis of symmetry is the vertical line passing through the vertex—that is,
x = 1.
Example 2
Find the vertex of the function y = x2 - 8x + 12.
Factor y = x2 - 8x + 12 to get y = (x - 6)(x - 2).
Use the Zero Product Property to find the x-intercepts:
0 = (x - 6)(x - 2)
x - 6 = 0 or x - 2 = 0
x = 6, x = 2
The x-intercepts are 6 and 2.
6 + (+2 ) 8
Find the average of the x-intercepts: = =4
2 2
Therefore the vertex is at x = 4.
The x-coordinate can be derived quickly when the function is given in general
Example 3
Find the coordinates of the vertex and equation of axis of symmetry of
f(x) = x2 - 6x + 4.
This function is written in general form. Therefore, you can find the vertex by
using the following steps.
1. Find the x-coordinate of the vertex using x = − .
a = 1 b = −6
−(−6 ) 6
x= = =3
2 ( 1) 2
2. Find the y-coordinate of the vertex by substituting x = 3 into the original
y = x2 - 6x + 4
y = (3)2 - 6(3) + 4
y = 9 - 18 + 4
y = -5
The vertex is at (3, -5).
Note: If you are having trouble remembering x = , you could complete
the square to find the vertex.
110 Grade 11 Pr e- C alculus M a t h e m a ti c s
Set Corresponding Interval
Notation Line Graph Notation
(-¥, a)
a is excluded and the line
{x|x < a} continues infinitely to the left
of a
[a, a]
{a} There is only one point in the
Example 3
Find the domain and range of the following functions or relations using
interval notation. Note that domain is stated as (left bound, right bound) and
range is stated as (lower bound, upper bound).
a) y Solution
D: (-¥, ¥)
3 Â: (-¥, ¥)
No restrictions are placed on the
domain and range, as this line can
take on all x- and y-values.
2 x
b) y Solution
D: (-¥, ¥)
Â: {2}
2 The x-values are not restricted for
this line; this set notation indicates
the range is constant at 2 and is used
x when the interval contains a single
d) y Solution
D: (-¥, ¥)
4 Â: [0, ¥)
The x-values are not restricted for
this curve. The y-values include 0
as a lower bound and have no upper
2 2 x
e) y Solution
D: (-¥, ¥)
4 Â: [0, ¥)
3 Notice that the domain and range
2 are the same as in (d), even though
1 the function is different.
2 2 x
g) Solution
D: (-¥, ¥)
Â: [-4, ¥)
The x-values are not limited; the
1 2 x y-values have a minimum of -4 and
increase to infinitely large numbers.
h) y Solution
D: (-¥, ¥)
Â: (-¥, -1]
Because the parabola opens
downward, -1 is included, as well
4 2 x
1 as an infinite number of y-values
approaching negative infinity.
Example 4
For the function y = x2 + 6x + 5, state the following:
a) the coordinates of the vertex
b) equation of axis of symmetry
c) the y-intercept
d) domain and range using interval notation
a) The x-coordinate of the vertex is given by
a = 1, b = 6
x= = −3
2 ( 1)
b) The axis of symmetry is the vertical line passing through the vertex:
\ x = -3.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. There are 15 females and 12 males in your family. On average, each female
eats 2 pieces of pizza and each male eats 3 pieces of pizza. How many
pizzas will you have to buy in order for everyone to eat as much pizza as
they wish if each pizza is cut into 12 pieces?
2. Multiply: (3x + 4)(2x - 7)
3. Evaluate for n = 4: 4n2 + n - 9
4. Calculate 30% of 42 000.
5. What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 169 units?
6. Factor completely: 4x4 - 20x3 + 24x2
7. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation 7x + 3y - 4 = 0.
8. Multiply. (3x2 + 7)(8x - 4)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Given the following x-intercepts and a-value,
a) x = -1, x = 3, a = 1
b) x = -4, x = -2, a = -1
find the following and then sketch the graph:
i) vertex
ii) equation of axis of symmetry
iii) y-intercept
iv) direction of opening
v) maximum value
vi) minimum value
vii) domain and range (state in both notations)
2. For each of the following quadratic functions
a) y = x2 + 6x - 7
b) y = x2 - 4x - 60
c) y = 2x2 + 8x - 10
d) y = 3x2 + 24x + 21
find the following:
i) The coordinates of the vertex using p = − and substituting to
find q
ii) The equation of the axis of symmetry
iii) The y-intercept
iv) The direction of opening
v) The maximum or minimum value
vi) The domain and range in interval notation
In this lesson, you learned how to find the vertex of a quadratic function
in general form using two methods. You also reviewed your knowledge
from Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics, including
interval notation. You then wrote the domain and range of various functions,
including quadratic functions, and relations in interval notation. In the next
lesson, you will be learning about applications of quadratic functions.
Total: 38 marks
1. What value of k makes the expression a perfect square trinomial? Write each
expression as the square of a binomial. (1 mark each, for a total of 2 marks)
a) x2 + 9x + k
b) x2 - 7x + k
2. Find the values of a, p, and q for each of the following. (3 marks each, for a total of
6 marks)
a) x2 - 3x = a(x - p)2 + q
b) Find the coordinates of the vertex and equation of the axis of symmetry.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
You have learned about quadratic functions in vertex and general form,
including how to graph both forms of functions. You have learned how to
find important properties of quadratic functions, including their vertices.
You have also learned how to complete the square. In this lesson, you will
combine all of your knowledge on quadratic functions to solve problems
about applications of quadratic functions.
Quadratic functions have many applications including maximizing the area,
yield, height, or profit in different situations. Throughout this lesson, you will
see examples of these types of maximization problems.
w 25 – w w(25 - w)
You can generalize the pattern in the table.
Let w = width of the rectangle.
Let 25 - w = length
25 w
A = −( w 2 − 25 w )
25 2
2 25 2
A + (−1) = − w − 25 w +
2 2
625 25
A− = − w −
4 2
25 625
A = − w − +
2 4
25 625
The vertex is , .
2 4
25 625 2
This means a width of m gives a maximum area of m .
2 4
As both the length and the width of the rectangular area have the same
lengths, 12.5 m, the maximum area occurs when a square is formed from the
fencing materials.
Example 2
Tom is the owner of an apple orchard. He knows that he has 20 trees on
one acre of his land, and that each tree produces an average of 300 apples
each season. Another acre has 21 trees and each tree produces an average of
290 apples. Another acre has 24 trees and each tree produces an average of
260 apples in a season. Another acre is examined and he finds 29 trees, and
each tree produces an average of 210 apples. He proceeds to make a chart
from his data:
He concludes that having more trees per acre does not necessarily equate
with getting more apples per season from each acre of land. In fact, the
highest yields seem to be with 24 trees per acre. However, he also concludes
that due to crowding, competing for nutrients from the land, and whatever
other factors may come into play, there is probably a certain number of trees
per acre that will maximize the yield. He is interested in maximizing his
yield and, therefore, he decides to find out the best number of trees using
mathematics. Using the data from the above chart, and letting x be the
number of trees and y be the total number of apples produced, he generates
the points (x, y), (20, 6000), (21, 6090), (24, 6240), (29, 6090).
He plots the points as (x, y) on a graph and gets
Number of Apples
10 20 30 40 x
Number of Trees
Can you see the pattern of the numbers that are changing (the variables) and
those that remain the same (the constants)?
In the orchard with 20 trees, each tree produced 300 apples. When one more
tree was added to the orchard, each tree produced 10 fewer apples. Therefore,
there is a connection between the number of trees and how many apples
these trees produce, namely a factor of 10 per tree. When there are 24 trees
in the orchard, each tree produces 40 = 10(4) less apples than when there are
20 trees in the field. Therefore, these four additional trees contribute to each
tree producing 4(10) = 40 less apples.
You can now write statements to identify the variables:
Let n = number of additional trees
Let y = total yield
You can generalize the pattern and write:
Number of trees = 20 + n
Number of apples per tree = 300 - 10n
You now have a quadratic function that you can simplify, find its vertex, and
thus answer the farmer’s question.
V(n, y) = V(5, 6250). Therefore, the maximum yield occurs when the number of
trees per acre is 20 + n = 20 + 5 = 25 trees. This is the same answer as shown
on Tom’s graph.
An alternate method of finding the vertex is to use the formula:
n =− for y = −10n2 + 100n + 6000
2 (−10 )
This is the same value that you found when you used the method of
completing the square. You can then find the y-coordinate of the vertex by
substituting this value back into the equation.
Therefore, the coordinates of the vertex are V(5, 6250). This is the same point
as the one found using the previous method. Thus, it is possible to use either
the completing the square method or the formula method to find the vertex.
You will be using both of these methods in the upcoming learning activity.
Method 2:
The farmer also uses his graph of the quadratic function to find the
maximum yield:
Looking at the highest point of the curve, the vertex, he finds a maximum
number of 6250 apples reached when there are 25 trees per acre.
To maximize the yield, he should plant 25 trees per acre and expect to get
6250 apples.
Notice that the graph also indicates that no apples will be produced where
there are no trees and also where there are 50 trees. That is when x = 0 and
x = 50. These two x-values are the x-intercepts or zeros of the function.
Total Profit =
Number of Cars
Profit per Car (Profit per Car)
Sold per Week
(Number of Cars Sold)
20 (2400)(20)
(original amount)
2400 + 300(1) 20 - 1
[2400 + 300(1)](20 - 1)
(first increase) (one less car sold)
2400 + 300(2) 20 - 2
[2400 + 300(2)](20 - 2)
(second increase) (two less cars sold)
2400 + 300(n) 20 - n
(n is the number of (or n is the number of [2400 + 300(n)](20 - n)
increases in profit/car) decreases in cars sold)
Now you can make the “let” statements to identify the variables, write the
quadratic function, find the vertex, check to ensure a maximum occurs, and
answer the question.
Let n = number of increases in the profit per car
(or the number of decreases in cars sold)
Let P = total weekly profit
The quadratic function is P = (2400 + 300n)(20 - n).
Now you can simplify, and by completing the square or using the formula,
- , you can find the vertex. The method of completing the square is shown
Example 4
If 400 children attend an afternoon movie, the price of admission is $8 per
ticket. For each $1 added to the price of the admission, the attendance drops
by 40 children. How many increases of $1 should the theatre add to the price
in order to maximize income?
Approach 1: Using the Graphing Calculator
Choose some prices, and calculate the numbers of people expected to attend
and the income.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. You want to save up to buy a car worth $6000 in two years. How much
will you have to save per month to afford this car?
2. On your first three assignments in Canadian history, you received marks
of 82%, 63%, and 77%. What is your average assignment mark in Canadian
3. Factor: 2x(x - 4) + 3(x - 4)
4. What is the domain of the parabola y = 3x2 - 5x - 12?
30 75
5. Evaluate when y = 5: −
5 y
6. Estimate: 122
7. How many millimetres are in 6.3 metres?
8. What is the greatest common factor of 18x3y4z + 6x2y6z3?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
Each question can be solved by using either completing the square or by
using the formula for the vertex. Practice both methods! The solution method
given in the answer key is indicated in each question.
In this lesson, you applied your knowledge from the previous lessons to
solve applications problems involving quadratic functions. For example,
you learned how to find the maximum area, profit, and yield by finding the
vertex of a quadratic function. This is the last lesson in the module. However,
make sure you complete the last assignment in this module, Assignment 3.4,
before you continue on to Module 4.
Total: 19 marks
1. A projectile is shot straight up from a height of 6 metres with an initial velocity of
80 metres per second. Its height in metres above the ground after t seconds is given
by the equation h = 6 + 80t - 5t2. After how many seconds does the projectile reach
its maximum height, and what is this height? Use the formula method. (4 marks)
2. A rectangular parking lot is to be placed with one side along a straight street where
no fence is required. If 1000 metres of wire are available for fencing the other three
sides of the lot, what is the maximum area the lot may have, and what are the
dimensions of the lot of a maximum area? Use the formula method. (5 marks)
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 3.1 to 3.4 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 3 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 3 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 3.1: Quadratic Functions and Transformations
q Assignment 3.2: Graphing Quadratic Functions Using Transformations
q Assignment 3.3: Completing the Square and Finding the Vertex
q Assignment 3.4: Applications of Quadratic Functions
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
Module 3
Quadratic Functions
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Evaluate for t = 5: 3t2 - 6t + 8
2. The daily recommended intake of water is around 2 litres. If Ashton
drinks 250 mL of water for breakfast, 550 mL of water for lunch, 620 mL
of water during basketball practice, and 300 mL during dinner, how much
water does he still need drink to reach the recommended amount?
7 x
3. Solve for x: +4=
8 8
4. Ms. Sparling’s class has 24 students. If there are 3 girls for every boy, how
many boys are in the class?
5. What is the greatest common factor of 34 and 35?
6. Express as a radical: 16 3 . Do not simplify.
9 2
7. Rationalize the denominator:
4 5
8. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line 2x + y = 1.
1. 53 (3(25) - 30 + 8 = 75 - 30 + 8 = 45 + 8 = 53)
2. 280 mL (2000 mL - (250 mL + 550 mL + 620 mL + 300 mL) = 2000 mL -
1720 mL = 280 mL)
7 x
3. 39 8 + 4 = (8) ; 7 + 32 = x ; 39 = x
8 8
4. 6 (The ratio 3 girls : 1 boy implies you need 4 students in each group;
24 ¸ 4 = 6, so there are 6 boys in the class.)
5. 34
6. 16 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Draw the graph of the following functions:
a) y = 3x + 2
b) 2x - y + 1 = 0
c) Join these points with a smooth curve.
x -3 -2 0 2 3
y 10 5 1 5 10
a) y = 3x + 2 is the equation of a linear function with slope of and
y-intercept of 2.
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
c) y
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
b) 2x - y + 1 = 0
Let y = 0
2x − 0 + 1 = 0
2x + 1 = 0
−1 −1
2 x = −1
2 x −1
2 2
c) This function does not intersect the x-axis. There are no x-intercepts.
5 5 x 5 5 x
5 5
a) quadratic because it is in the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
b) not quadratic since it has the variable x raised to the third power
c) quadratic because it is of the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
d) not quadratic
e) linear, not quadratic
f) quadratic since its graph is a parabola, which opens up
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
5. For each of the following, write the domain, range, coordinates of the
vertex, equation of the axis of symmetry, y-intercept, and maximum or
minimum value.
a) y Answer:
D: {x|x Î Â}
4 R: {y|y £ 3, y Î Â}
3 Vertex coordinates: (0, 3)
2 Axis of symmetry
1 equation: x = 0
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x y-intercept: 3 is the
y-coordinate of the point
2 where the curve crosses
3 the y-axis
Maximum value at 3
Minimum value does not
D: {x|x Î Â}
5 R: {y|y ³ 2, y Î Â}
4 Vertex: (1, 2)
Axis of symmetry
2 equation: x = 1
y-intercept: 3
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x Maximum value does not
Minimum value is 2
c) y
D: {x|x Î Â}
4 R: {y|y ³ -5, y Î Â}
3 Vertex: (4, -5)
Axis of symmetry
1 equation: x = 4
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x y-intercept: 5
Maximum value: none
3 Minimum value: -5
a) x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 7 0 -5 -8 -9 -8 -5 0 7
Domain: {x|x Î Â}
Range: {y|y ³ -9, y Î Â}
Vertex: (2, -9)
Axis of symmetry equation: x = 2
Zeros: -1 and 5
x-intercepts: -1 and 5
y-intercept: -5
Maximum value does not exist
Minimum value is at -9
Domain: {x|x Î Â}
Range: {y|y £ 9, y Î Â}
Vertex: (-1, 9)
Axis of symmetry equation: x = -1
Zeros: -4 and 2
x-intercepts: -4 and 2
y-intercept: 8
Maximum value at 9
Minimum value does not exist
2 4
1 2
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
1 2
2 4
iii) y iv) y
4 4
2 2
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
2 2
4 4
4 2
2 1
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
2 1
4 2
a) and ii)
b) and vi)
c) and v)
d) and iii)
e) and i)
f) and iv)
(0, 3)
3 (4, 3)
2 2
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
b) A parabola has a vertex at (2, 3) and passes through the point P(-1, 6).
Find the coordinates of a third point on the parabola.
(-1, 6) is 3 units left of the axis of symmetry, so the reflection point
must be 3 units to the right of the axis. Thus, (5, 6) is the required
point reflection
(1, 6) 4 point
(5, 6)
V(2, 3)
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
3 axis of
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Water is trickling out of a faucet at a speed of 3 mL per second. If Paula
holds up a cup to collect the water, how much water will she collect in
3 minutes?
2. Factor: x2 - 9
3. If x = -1 and y = 2, evaluate the expression: 3x3 - xy.
4. What is the lowest common multiple of 10 and 14?
5. At The Burger Palace, you have a choice between what type of bun and
what type of burger you want. If there are three types of buns (white,
whole wheat, and sesame) and three types of burgers (angus, chicken, and
lean), how many different combinations of burgers are there?
6. Determine the distance between the following two points: (26, -13) and
(25, -1).
7. Solve the inequality: -6x - 7 > 3x - 9.
8. Simplify. (9x2 - 7x + 5) - (2x2 - 6x - 3)
1. 540 mL (There are 60 ´ 3 = 180 seconds in 3 minutes. 3 mL ´ 180 seconds
= 540 mL.)
2. (x - 3)(x + 3)
3. 3(-1)3 - (-1)(2) = -3 + 2 = -1
4. 70
5. 9 (3 choices of bun ´ 3 choices of burgers = 9 choices)
2 2 2 2
6. 145 d = ( 25 − 26 ) + (−1 − (−13)) = (−1) + (12 ) = 1 + 144 = 145
7. -9x > -2
(Recall: When you divide by a negative, you need to flip the inequality
−2 2
x< ;x<
−9 9
8. 9x2 - 7x + 5 - 2x2 + 6x + 3 = 7x2 - x + 8
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) x2 + y = 1 is a quadratic function.
b) t(x) = 1 - x is a quadratic function.
c) f(x) = 4x2 is a quadratic function.
d) The graph of r(x) = x2 + 1 is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.
1 2
e) The graph of y = x2 is a “wider” parabola than the graph of y x .
f) The graph of y = 5x2 is a “narrower” parabola than the graph of y = x2.
1 2
g) The graph of y x is a parabola that opens downward.
h) The graph of y = -2x2 is a parabola that opens downward.
i) The maximum value of the function y
pictured at the right is 4. 5
1 2
y x y x2 y = −3x 2
Vertex (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0)
Equation of axis of
x=0 x=0 x=0
Domain {x|x Î Â} {x|x Î Â} {x|x Î Â}
Range {y|y ³ 0} {y|y ³ 0} {y|y £ 0}
x-intercepts or zeros 0 0 0
Direction of opening upward upward downward
Maximum y-value none none 0
cannot be
Minimum y-value 0 0
y-intercept 0 0 0
a) y = x2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 4; each coordinate (x, y) on
the original curve becomes (x, 4y) on the new curve.
b) y = x2 is compressed vertically by multiplying each y-coordinate by .
c) y = x2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 7 and reflected over the
6. Write an equation in the form y = ax2 if (1, -4) lies on the curve.
Substitute in x = 1, y = -4 into y = ax2.
-4 = a(1)2
-4 = a
Therefore, the equation is y = -4x2.
7. Write the equation of the graph. Then write the equation of its reflection in
the x-axis. Note each mark represents 1 unit on the graph.
(2, 6)
2 1 1 2 x
x 2 1 0 -1 -2
y -11 -2 1 -2 -11
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Simplify: (a + b)2
1 2
2. Evaluate: +
5 3
3. If Mark’s meal comes to $16.27 with tax and he adds a tip of $1.50, how
much change should he get back if he pays with a $20 bill?
4. Samuel and Cassy weigh 333 pounds together. If Samuel weighs twice as
much as Cassy, how many pounds does Cassy weigh?
5. Factor: x2 - 3x - 28
55 × 57 3
6. Simplify: 2
2- 8
7. Rationalize the denominator:
10 7
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (2, -7) and (9, -14).
1. (a + b)(a + b) = a2 + 2ab + b2
3 10 13
2. + =
15 15 15
3. $2.23 ($16.27 + $1.50 = $17.77; $20.00 - $17.77 = $2.23)
4. 111
5. (x - 7)(x + 4)
5 3 3
5 × 57 512 10 3
6. 5 30
= = (5 ) = 5 30
52 52
2 7 − 2 14 7 − 14
or or
70 35
y − y1 −14 − (−7 ) 7
8. −1 m = 2 ;m= = − = −1
x 2 − x1 9−2 7
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) The graph of y = (x + 5)2 is the graph of y = x2 shifted 5 units to the left.
b) The graph of y = (x - 7)2 is the graph of y = x2 shifted 7 units to the left.
c) The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 1)2 is (1, 0).
d) The vertex of the graph of y = 2(x - 2)2 is (1, 0).
e) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = ( x − 3)2
is x .
1 2
f) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = − ( x + 3)
is y = -3.
1 2
g) The graph of y = − ( x − 2 ) is a narrower parabola than the graph of
y = -3(x - 2) .
1 2
h) The graph of y = − ( x + 4 ) opens downward.
1 2
i) The quadratic function y = ( x − 2 ) has 0 for its minimum value.
j) If g(x) = (x + 4)2, then g(x - 4) = g(-x - 4) for all x.
1 2
than the graph of y = − ( x − 2 ) .
h) True
i) True
j) True
g ( x − 4 ) = (( x − 4 ) + 4 )
= (x)
= x2
g (−x − 4 ) = ((−x − 4 ) + 4 )
= (−x )
= x2
Thus, g ( x − 4 ) = g (−x − 4 ) .
4 4
6 2
2 4 6 8 x
y y
iii) iv)
6 4 2 2 x
2 6
4 4
6 2
4 2 2 4 x
a) ii
b) iv
c) iii
d) i
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
f :x → ( x − 4 )2
Transformation: (x, y) → x + 4 , y
(0, 0) (4, 0)
(-1, 1) 3,
(-2, 4) (2, 2)
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
y = -2(x - 1)2
Transformation: (x, y) ® (x + 1, -2y)
Coordinates for Coordinates for
y = x2 f(x)
(2, 4) (3, -8)
(1, 1) (2, -2)
(0, 0) (1, 0)
(-1, 1) (0, -2)
(-2, 4) (-1, -8)
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
x-intercepts -2 1 3 -6
y-intercept* 4 1 18 48
Direction of opening up up up up
Minimum value 0 0 0 0
* Note:
To find the y-intercepts, let x = 0 in the equation and solve for y.
a) y = (x + 2)2 = (0 + 2)2 = 4
b) y = (x - 1)2 = (0 - 1)2 = 1
c) y = 2(x - 3)2 = 2(0 - 3)2 = 2(9) = 18
4 4 4
d) y = ( x + 6 )2 = (0 + 6 )2 = ( 36 ) = 48
3 3 3
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. You need to make 100 cupcakes for a bake sale. However, your recipe only
allows you to make cupcakes in multiples of 12. What is the least number
of cupcakes you can make to have enough cupcakes for the bake sale?
2. What is the area of a park that measures 13 km by 62 km?
3 1 1 5
3. Evaluate: − + +
4 2 6 3
1. 9 dozen (12 ´ 8 = 96; 12 ´ 9 = 108; If you make 8 dozen, you will only have
96 cupcakes. Therefore, you need to make 9 dozen to make sure you have
enough cupcakes.)
2. 806 (13 ´ 62 = 10 ´ 62 + 3 ´ 62 = 620 + 186 = 806)
25 9 6 2 20 3 22 25
3. − + + = + =
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
4. 2
5. Down (The a-value is negative.)
6. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, and 1000.
7. 0.0807
8. Prime number
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 4)2 + 2 is (-4, 2).
b) The vertex of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is (5, 2).
c) The vertex of the graph of y = 2x2 + 7 is (2, 7).
d) The vertex of the graph of y = -3x2 + 4 is (0, 4).
e) The vertex of the graph of y = -2(x - 3)2 is (-2, 3).
f) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of
y = -3(x - 6)2 + 1 is x = 1.
g) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = 3 x − + 4
is x .
h) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = (x + 2)2 + 1 is
x = -2.
i) The graph of y = 4(x - 3)2 - 1 opens downward.
j) The graph of y = 4(x + 2)2 - 3 opens upward.
k) The range of y = -2(x + 3)2 + 4 is {y|y £ 4}.
l) The maximum value of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is -2.
a) False. The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 4)2 + 2 is (4, 2) or the vertex of
the graph of y = (x + 4)2 + 2 is (-4, 2).
b) False. The vertex of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is (5, -2) or the vertex
of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 + 2 is (5, 2).
c) False. The vertex of the graph of y = 2x2 + 7 is (0, 7), or the vertex of the
graph of y = 2(x - 2)2 + 7 is (2, 7).
d) True.
e) False. The vertex of the graph of y = -2(x - 3)2 is (3, 0), or the vertex of
the graph of y = -2(x + 2)2 + 3 is (-2, 3).
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
v) y vi) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
vii) y viii) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
a) and iii) e) and i)
b) and v) f) and vii)
c) and viii) g) and vi)
d) and ii) h) and iv)
y-intercept* 3 -3 3 -3
a) Direction of opening: up
Vertex: (-1, 0)
Axis of Symmetry: x = -1
Narrower than y = x2
b) Direction of opening: down
Vertex: (1, 6)
Axis of Symmetry: x = 1
Wider than y = x2
c) Direction of opening: up
Vertex: (-6, -10)
Axis of Symmetry: x = -6
Narrower than y = x2
d) Direction of opening: up
Vertex: (1, 8)
Axis of Symmetry: x = 1
Narrower than y = x2
a) y = x2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 2 and shifted horizontally to
the left by 1 unit.
Vertex: (-1, 0) y
Axis of symmetry: x = -1 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 x
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
b) Minimum value at -2
Range: {y|y ³ -2}
y = 2(x + 4)2 - 2
let x = 0
y = 2(0 + 4)2 - 2
y = (2)(16) - 2
y = 30
The y-intercept is 30.
c) Maximum value at -1
Range: {y|y £ -1}
g(x) = -3(x - 2)2 - 1
let x = 0
g(0) = -3(0 - 2)2 - 1
g(0) = -3(4) - 1
g(0) = -13
The y-intercept is -13.
7. If 1, is a point on the quadratic function represented by
y = (x - 2)2 + q, what real number is the minimum value of the function?
y = (x - 2)2 + q
Substitute x = 1 and y = into the above equation.
3 2
= (1 − 2 ) + q
= 1+q
3 2
− =q
2 2
1 q represents the minimum value because the
2 parabola opens up.
Therefore, the minimum value is .
Method #1: Algebraically
To use Method #1, you need to find the coordinates of the vertex and one
other point. The coordinates of the vertex are (2, -6), and one other point
is (4, -4).
Now, in vertex form, the coordinates of the vertex are (p, q).
(p, q) = (2, -6)
\ p=2
q = -6
Substituting these values for p and q into the vertex form of the quadratic
y = a(x - 2)2 - 6
You also have another point on the curve, (4, -4). You can substitute these
values into the quadratic function for x and y.
-4 = a(4 - 2)2 - 6
-4 = a(2)2 - 6
-4 + 6 = 4a
2 = 4a
Therefore, the quadratic function representing this graph is y = ( x − 2 )2 − 6.
11. Redo question 10 above by considering the vertex (p, q) and the direction
of opening using the value of a. Make a quick sketch.
a) y = -2(x - 3)2 - 6
Vertex (3, -6) and a is negative
Opens down
\ no x-intercepts
c) y = 6x2
Vertex (0, 0) and a is positive
Opens up
\ one x-intercept
d) y = -(x + 1)2
Vertex (-1, 0) and a is negative
Opens down
\ one x-intercept
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Factor: x2 - 10x + 25
2. Your computer has a battery life of 12 hours. If you use your computer for
15 minutes in the morning to check the weather, 6 hours during school to
complete school work, 25 minutes during lunch to go on your favourite
social networking site, and 1.6 hours to watch a movie, how much battery
life do you have left on your laptop?
3. Evaluate for g = -2: 5g3 + g2 - 6g - 13
4. Continue the pattern: 2, 6, 18, 54, ,
5. You are at the store to buy your sister a birthday present. You have $50 to
spend and the item you want to purchase is $60 on sale for 25% off. Will
you have enough money to buy the item (ignoring tax)?
6. Simplify: (x2 – 4x + 1)(2x2)
7. Find the midpoint between the following two points: (2, 6) and (-7, -4)
8. What is the slope of a horizontal line?
1. (x - 5)(x - 5) or (x - 5)2
2. 3 hours and 44 minutes (You used your computer for 15 minutes +
6 hours + 25 minutes + 1 hour + 36 minutes = 7 hours and 76 minutes =
8 hours and 16 minutes. 12 hours - 8 hours and 16 minutes = 3 hours and
44 minutes.)
3. -37 (5(-8) + 4 + 12 - 13 = -40 + 16 - 13 = -53 + 16 = -37)
4. 162, 486
5. Yes (25% of $60 = $15; $60 - $15 = $45)
6. 2x4 - 8x3 + 2x2
5 x1 + x2 y1 + y 2 2 + (−7 ) 6 + (−4 ) 5 2 5
7. − , 1M = , = , =− , =− , 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8. 0
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Write a quadratic expression modelled by this set of tiles.
x2 + 5x + 4
x2 x x
x 1 1
8 2
k = = 16
x 2 + 8x + 16 = ( x + 4 )
−8 2
k = = 16
x 2 − 8x + 16 = ( x − 4 )
c) x 2 + 20 x + k
20 2
k = = 100
x 2 + 20 x + 100 = ( x + 10 )
d) x 2 − 2 x + k
−2 2
k = = 1
x 2 − 2 x + 1 = ( x − 1)
e) x 2 − 5x + k
−5 2 25
k = =
2 4
25 5
x 2 − 5x + = x −
4 2
f) x 2 + 7 x + k
7 2 49
k = =
2 4
49 7
x2 + 7x + = x +
4 2
let y = x 2 − 8x
y + 16 = x 2 − 8x + 16
y + 16 = ( x − 4 )
y = ( x − 4 ) − 16
let y = x 2 + 5x
25 25
y = x 2 + 5 x + −
4 4
5 25
y = x + −
2 4
5 25 2
Thus, x + − = a (x − p) + q
2 4
5 25
and a = 1, p = − , q = −
2 4
b) f : x ® 2x2 + 5x - 3
i) For convenience, replace f : x ® with y.
y = 2 x 2 + 5x − 3
5 Factor out 2 to make the
y = 2 x 2 + x − 3
2 coefficient of x2 equal to 1.
5 25 25
y = 2 x 2 + x + − 3 − ( 2 ) Complete the square.
2 16 16
5 25 Simplify.
y = 2 x + − 3 −
4 8
5 49
y = 2 x + −
4 8
5 49
f : x → 2 x + −
4 8
5 49 5
ii) V− , − ; equation of axis of symmetry: x = −
4 8 4
iii) Range: y | y ≥ −
iv) Minimum value of -
2 4 2 Complete the square and add -4
y − 4 = −
x + 4 x + to each side.
y = −(x + 2 ) + 4 Factor and add 4.
y − c = ax 2 + bx Subtract c
y−c ax 2 b Divide by a
= + x
a a a
y−c b Simplify
= x2 + x
a a
y−c b 2 b b 2
+ = x + x + Complete the square
a 2a a 2a
y−c b2 b
+ 2 = x + Factor
a 4a 2a
y−c b
b2 b2
= x + − 2 Subtract
a 2a 4a 4 a2
b b2
y − c = a x + − a ⋅ 2 Multiply by a
2a 4a
b b2
y = a x + − +c Add c and simplify
2a 4a
b 4 ac − b 2
y = a x + + Simplify
2a 4a
b 4 ac − b 2
V− , Write the vertex
2a 4a
7. Dominic was asked to complete the square. His work is shown below.
x2 + 8x + 10 = y
x2 + 8x = y - 10
x2 + 8x + 64 = y - 10 + 64
(x + 4)2 = y + 54
y = (x + 4)2 - 54
Identify, explain, and correct the error in his work. Verify your answer is
correct by completing the square using a different method.
When completing the square, Dominic forgot to divide eight by two before
squaring. Therefore, Dominic added 64 to both sides when he should have
added 16 to both sides. The correct completion of the square is:
x2 + 8x = y - 10
x2 + 8x + 16 = y - 10 + 16
(x + 4)2 = y + 6
y = (x + 4)2 - 6
x2 + 8x + 10 = y
(x2 + 8x ) + 10 = y
(x2 + 8x + 16) + 10 - 16 = y
(x + 4)2 - 6 = y
This is the same answer as the one obtained above.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. There are 15 females and 12 males in your family. On average, each female
eats 2 pieces of pizza and each male eats 3 pieces of pizza. How many
pizzas will you have to buy in order for everyone to eat as much pizza as
they wish if each pizza is cut into 12 pieces?
2. Multiply: (3x + 4)(2x - 7)
3. Evaluate for n = 4: 4n2 + n - 9
4. Calculate 30% of 42 000.
5. What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 169 units?
6. Factor completely: 4x4 - 20x3 + 24x2
7. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation 7x + 3y - 4 = 0.
8. Multiply. (3x2 + 7)(8x - 4)
1. 6 pizzas (15 ´ 2 = 30 pieces of pizza; 12 ´ 3 = 36 pieces of pizza;
30 + 36 = 66 pieces of pizza; 6 ´ 12 = 72, so you need 6 pizzas but will
have some left)
2. 6x2 - 13x - 28
3. 59 (4(16) + 4 - 9 = 64 + 4 - 9 = 59)
4. 12 600 (10% of 42,000 = 4200; 30% of 42,000 = 4200 ´ 3 = 12 600)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Given the following x-intercepts and a-value,
a) x = -1, x = 3, a = 1
b) x = -4, x = -2, a = -1
find the following and then sketch the graph:
i) vertex
ii) equation of axis of symmetry
iii) y-intercept
iv) direction of opening
v) maximum value
vi) minimum value
vii) domain and range (state in both notations)
a) i) The x-intercepts are -1 and 3.
The x-coordinate of the vertex is the average of the x-intercepts:
−1 + 3 2
= =1
2 2
The equation for the function is y = a(x - 1)2 + q.
The value for a is given as 1. One point on the curve is at an
x-intercept—say, x = 3. Using the point (3, 0), solve for q.
0 = 1(3 - 1)2 + q
0 = 4 + q
-4 = q
The function is y = (x - 1)2 - 4.
The vertex is V(1, -4).
ii) Axis of symmetry equation: x = 1
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. You want to save up to buy a car worth $6000 in two years. How much
will you have to save per month to afford this car?
2. On your first three assignments in Canadian history, you received marks
of 82%, 63%, and 77%. What is your average assignment mark in Canadian
3. Factor: 2x(x - 4) + 3(x - 4)
4. What is the domain of the parabola y = 3x2 - 5x - 12?
30 75
5. Evaluate when y = 5: −
5 y
6. Estimate: 122
7. How many millimetres are in 6.3 metres?
8. What is the greatest common factor of 18x3y4z + 6x2y6z3?
6000 3000 1500
1. $250 (Two years = 24 months; = = = $250
24 12 6
2. 74% 82 + 63 + 77 = 222 ; = 74
3. (2x + 3)(x - 4)
4. Domain: {x | x Î Â}
30 75
5. −9 − = 6 − 15 = −9
5 5
6. »11 (122 is between 121 and 144; therefore, 122 is between 11 and 12, but
closer to 11)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
Each question can be solved by using either completing the square or by
using the formula for the vertex. Practice both methods! The solution method
given in the answer key is indicated in each question.
1. The height, h, in metres, after the launching of a rocket at any time, t, in
seconds, is defined by the following equation.
h = −3t 2 + 9t +
Find the maximum height reached by the rocket and the time it takes to
reach this height. Use the completing-the-square method.
h (t ) = −3t 2 + 9t +
81 −3 2
2 −3 2
h (t ) − + (−3) = −3
t − 3t +
4 2 2
81 27 3
h (t ) − − = −3t −
4 4 2
3 108
h (t ) = −3t − +
2 4
h(t ) = −3t − + 27
The curve opens downward.
The maximum height of 27 m is reached in 1.5 seconds.
x x
620 2x
x = 5
Thus, 5 additional trees should be planted. There will be 70 trees
altogether in the orchard.
5. Honest John’s used car lot sells an average of 20 cars per week at an
average price of $6,400 each. Honest John would like to increase the
average price by $300; however, he knows that his sales would fall by one
car if he does. If the dealer’s cost per car is $4000, for what price should he
sell the cars to maximize profits? Use the formula method.
Number of Net Profit Total
Cars Sold per Car Net Profit
20 2400 20(2400)
20 - 1 2400 + 3000(1) (20 - 1)[2400 + 300(1)]
20 - 2 2400 + 3000(2) (20 - 2)[2400 + 300(2)]
20 - n 2400 + 3000(n) (20 - n)[2400 + 300(n)]
y = length
Total lengths = 2y
x x x x
Total widths = 4x
2y + 4x = 800
y = 400 - 2x Divide by two and solve for y.
Area = A
A = length ´ width
A = (400 - 2x)x
A = –2x2 + 400x
−b −400
Using x = = = 100 m.
2a 2 (−2 )
y = 400 - 2x = 400 - 2(100) = 200 m
The curve opens down; there is a maximum at the vertex.
The largest area occurs when the dimensions of the field are
100 m ´ 200 m.
Module 3
Quadratic Functions
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Evaluate for t = 5: 3t2 - 6t + 8
2. The daily recommended intake of water is around 2 litres. If Ashton
drinks 250 mL of water for breakfast, 550 mL of water for lunch, 620 mL
of water during basketball practice, and 300 mL during dinner, how much
water does he still need drink to reach the recommended amount?
7 x
3. Solve for x: +4=
8 8
4. Ms. Sparling’s class has 24 students. If there are 3 girls for every boy, how
many boys are in the class?
5. What is the greatest common factor of 34 and 35?
6. Express as a radical: 16 3 . Do not simplify.
9 2
7. Rationalize the denominator:
4 5
8. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line 2x + y = 1.
1. 53 (3(25) - 30 + 8 = 75 - 30 + 8 = 45 + 8 = 53)
2. 280 mL (2000 mL - (250 mL + 550 mL + 620 mL + 300 mL) = 2000 mL -
1720 mL = 280 mL)
7 x
3. 39 8 + 4 = (8) ; 7 + 32 = x ; 39 = x
8 8
4. 6 (The ratio 3 girls : 1 boy implies you need 4 students in each group;
24 ¸ 4 = 6, so there are 6 boys in the class.)
5. 34
6. 16 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Draw the graph of the following functions:
a) y = 3x + 2
b) 2x - y + 1 = 0
c) Join these points with a smooth curve.
x -3 -2 0 2 3
y 10 5 1 5 10
a) y = 3x + 2 is the equation of a linear function with slope of and
y-intercept of 2.
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
c) y
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
b) 2x - y + 1 = 0
Let y = 0
2x − 0 + 1 = 0
2x + 1 = 0
−1 −1
2 x = −1
2 x −1
2 2
c) This function does not intersect the x-axis. There are no x-intercepts.
5 5 x 5 5 x
5 5
a) quadratic because it is in the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
b) not quadratic since it has the variable x raised to the third power
c) quadratic because it is of the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
d) not quadratic
e) linear, not quadratic
f) quadratic since its graph is a parabola, which opens up
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
5. For each of the following, write the domain, range, coordinates of the
vertex, equation of the axis of symmetry, y-intercept, and maximum or
minimum value.
a) y Answer:
D: {x|x Î Â}
4 R: {y|y £ 3, y Î Â}
3 Vertex coordinates: (0, 3)
2 Axis of symmetry
1 equation: x = 0
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x y-intercept: 3 is the
y-coordinate of the point
2 where the curve crosses
3 the y-axis
Maximum value at 3
Minimum value does not
D: {x|x Î Â}
5 R: {y|y ³ 2, y Î Â}
4 Vertex: (1, 2)
Axis of symmetry
2 equation: x = 1
y-intercept: 3
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x Maximum value does not
Minimum value is 2
c) y
D: {x|x Î Â}
4 R: {y|y ³ -5, y Î Â}
3 Vertex: (4, -5)
Axis of symmetry
1 equation: x = 4
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x y-intercept: 5
Maximum value: none
3 Minimum value: -5
a) x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 7 0 -5 -8 -9 -8 -5 0 7
Domain: {x|x Î Â}
Range: {y|y ³ -9, y Î Â}
Vertex: (2, -9)
Axis of symmetry equation: x = 2
Zeros: -1 and 5
x-intercepts: -1 and 5
y-intercept: -5
Maximum value does not exist
Minimum value is at -9
Domain: {x|x Î Â}
Range: {y|y £ 9, y Î Â}
Vertex: (-1, 9)
Axis of symmetry equation: x = -1
Zeros: -4 and 2
x-intercepts: -4 and 2
y-intercept: 8
Maximum value at 9
Minimum value does not exist
2 4
1 2
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
1 2
2 4
iii) y iv) y
4 4
2 2
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
2 2
4 4
4 2
2 1
4 2 2 4 x 4 2 2 4 x
2 1
4 2
a) and ii)
b) and vi)
c) and v)
d) and iii)
e) and i)
f) and iv)
(0, 3)
3 (4, 3)
2 2
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
b) A parabola has a vertex at (2, 3) and passes through the point P(-1, 6).
Find the coordinates of a third point on the parabola.
(-1, 6) is 3 units left of the axis of symmetry, so the reflection point
must be 3 units to the right of the axis. Thus, (5, 6) is the required
point reflection
(1, 6) 4 point
(5, 6)
V(2, 3)
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
3 axis of
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Water is trickling out of a faucet at a speed of 3 mL per second. If Paula
holds up a cup to collect the water, how much water will she collect in
3 minutes?
2. Factor: x2 - 9
3. If x = -1 and y = 2, evaluate the expression: 3x3 - xy.
4. What is the lowest common multiple of 10 and 14?
5. At The Burger Palace, you have a choice between what type of bun and
what type of burger you want. If there are three types of buns (white,
whole wheat, and sesame) and three types of burgers (angus, chicken, and
lean), how many different combinations of burgers are there?
6. Determine the distance between the following two points: (26, -13) and
(25, -1).
7. Solve the inequality: -6x - 7 > 3x - 9.
8. Simplify. (9x2 - 7x + 5) - (2x2 - 6x - 3)
1. 540 mL (There are 60 ´ 3 = 180 seconds in 3 minutes. 3 mL ´ 180 seconds
= 540 mL.)
2. (x - 3)(x + 3)
3. 3(-1)3 - (-1)(2) = -3 + 2 = -1
4. 70
5. 9 (3 choices of bun ´ 3 choices of burgers = 9 choices)
2 2 2 2
6. 145 d = ( 25 − 26 ) + (−1 − (−13)) = (−1) + (12 ) = 1 + 144 = 145
7. -9x > -2
(Recall: When you divide by a negative, you need to flip the inequality
−2 2
x< ;x<
−9 9
8. 9x2 - 7x + 5 - 2x2 + 6x + 3 = 7x2 - x + 8
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) x2 + y = 1 is a quadratic function.
b) t(x) = 1 - x is a quadratic function.
c) f(x) = 4x2 is a quadratic function.
d) The graph of r(x) = x2 + 1 is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.
1 2
e) The graph of y = x2 is a “wider” parabola than the graph of y x .
f) The graph of y = 5x2 is a “narrower” parabola than the graph of y = x2.
1 2
g) The graph of y x is a parabola that opens downward.
h) The graph of y = -2x2 is a parabola that opens downward.
i) The maximum value of the function y
pictured at the right is 4. 5
1 2
y x y x2 y = −3x 2
Vertex (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0)
Equation of axis of
x=0 x=0 x=0
Domain {x|x Î Â} {x|x Î Â} {x|x Î Â}
Range {y|y ³ 0} {y|y ³ 0} {y|y £ 0}
x-intercepts or zeros 0 0 0
Direction of opening upward upward downward
Maximum y-value none none 0
cannot be
Minimum y-value 0 0
y-intercept 0 0 0
a) y = x2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 4; each coordinate (x, y) on
the original curve becomes (x, 4y) on the new curve.
b) y = x2 is compressed vertically by multiplying each y-coordinate by .
c) y = x2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 7 and reflected over the
6. Write an equation in the form y = ax2 if (1, -4) lies on the curve.
Substitute in x = 1, y = -4 into y = ax2.
-4 = a(1)2
-4 = a
Therefore, the equation is y = -4x2.
7. Write the equation of the graph. Then write the equation of its reflection in
the x-axis. Note each mark represents 1 unit on the graph.
(2, 6)
2 1 1 2 x
x 2 1 0 -1 -2
y -11 -2 1 -2 -11
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Simplify: (a + b)2
1 2
2. Evaluate: +
5 3
3. If Mark’s meal comes to $16.27 with tax and he adds a tip of $1.50, how
much change should he get back if he pays with a $20 bill?
4. Samuel and Cassy weigh 333 pounds together. If Samuel weighs twice as
much as Cassy, how many pounds does Cassy weigh?
5. Factor: x2 - 3x - 28
55 × 57 3
6. Simplify: 2
2- 8
7. Rationalize the denominator:
10 7
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (2, -7) and (9, -14).
1. (a + b)(a + b) = a2 + 2ab + b2
3 10 13
2. + =
15 15 15
3. $2.23 ($16.27 + $1.50 = $17.77; $20.00 - $17.77 = $2.23)
4. 111
5. (x - 7)(x + 4)
5 3 3
5 × 57 512 10 3
6. 5 30
= = (5 ) = 5 30
52 52
2 7 − 2 14 7 − 14
or or
70 35
y − y1 −14 − (−7 ) 7
8. −1 m = 2 ;m= = − = −1
x 2 − x1 9−2 7
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) The graph of y = (x + 5)2 is the graph of y = x2 shifted 5 units to the left.
b) The graph of y = (x - 7)2 is the graph of y = x2 shifted 7 units to the left.
c) The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 1)2 is (1, 0).
d) The vertex of the graph of y = 2(x - 2)2 is (1, 0).
e) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = ( x − 3)2
is x .
1 2
f) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = − ( x + 3)
is y = -3.
1 2
g) The graph of y = − ( x − 2 ) is a narrower parabola than the graph of
y = -3(x - 2) .
1 2
h) The graph of y = − ( x + 4 ) opens downward.
1 2
i) The quadratic function y = ( x − 2 ) has 0 for its minimum value.
j) If g(x) = (x + 4)2, then g(x - 4) = g(-x - 4) for all x.
1 2
than the graph of y = − ( x − 2 ) .
h) True
i) True
j) True
g ( x − 4 ) = (( x − 4 ) + 4 )
= (x)
= x2
g (−x − 4 ) = ((−x − 4 ) + 4 )
= (−x )
= x2
Thus, g ( x − 4 ) = g (−x − 4 ) .
4 4
6 2
2 4 6 8 x
y y
iii) iv)
6 4 2 2 x
2 6
4 4
6 2
4 2 2 4 x
a) ii
b) iv
c) iii
d) i
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
f :x → ( x − 4 )2
Transformation: (x, y) → x + 4 , y
(0, 0) (4, 0)
(-1, 1) 3,
(-2, 4) (2, 2)
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
y = -2(x - 1)2
Transformation: (x, y) ® (x + 1, -2y)
Coordinates for Coordinates for
y = x2 f(x)
(2, 4) (3, -8)
(1, 1) (2, -2)
(0, 0) (1, 0)
(-1, 1) (0, -2)
(-2, 4) (-1, -8)
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
x-intercepts -2 1 3 -6
y-intercept* 4 1 18 48
Direction of opening up up up up
Minimum value 0 0 0 0
* Note:
To find the y-intercepts, let x = 0 in the equation and solve for y.
a) y = (x + 2)2 = (0 + 2)2 = 4
b) y = (x - 1)2 = (0 - 1)2 = 1
c) y = 2(x - 3)2 = 2(0 - 3)2 = 2(9) = 18
4 4 4
d) y = ( x + 6 )2 = (0 + 6 )2 = ( 36 ) = 48
3 3 3
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. You need to make 100 cupcakes for a bake sale. However, your recipe only
allows you to make cupcakes in multiples of 12. What is the least number
of cupcakes you can make to have enough cupcakes for the bake sale?
2. What is the area of a park that measures 13 km by 62 km?
3 1 1 5
3. Evaluate: − + +
4 2 6 3
1. 9 dozen (12 ´ 8 = 96; 12 ´ 9 = 108; If you make 8 dozen, you will only have
96 cupcakes. Therefore, you need to make 9 dozen to make sure you have
enough cupcakes.)
2. 806 (13 ´ 62 = 10 ´ 62 + 3 ´ 62 = 620 + 186 = 806)
25 9 6 2 20 3 22 25
3. − + + = + =
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
4. 2
5. Down (The a-value is negative.)
6. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, and 1000.
7. 0.0807
8. Prime number
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 4)2 + 2 is (-4, 2).
b) The vertex of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is (5, 2).
c) The vertex of the graph of y = 2x2 + 7 is (2, 7).
d) The vertex of the graph of y = -3x2 + 4 is (0, 4).
e) The vertex of the graph of y = -2(x - 3)2 is (-2, 3).
f) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of
y = -3(x - 6)2 + 1 is x = 1.
g) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = 3 x − + 4
is x .
h) The equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph of y = (x + 2)2 + 1 is
x = -2.
i) The graph of y = 4(x - 3)2 - 1 opens downward.
j) The graph of y = 4(x + 2)2 - 3 opens upward.
k) The range of y = -2(x + 3)2 + 4 is {y|y £ 4}.
l) The maximum value of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is -2.
a) False. The vertex of the graph of y = (x - 4)2 + 2 is (4, 2) or the vertex of
the graph of y = (x + 4)2 + 2 is (-4, 2).
b) False. The vertex of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 - 2 is (5, -2) or the vertex
of the graph of y = 3(x - 5)2 + 2 is (5, 2).
c) False. The vertex of the graph of y = 2x2 + 7 is (0, 7), or the vertex of the
graph of y = 2(x - 2)2 + 7 is (2, 7).
d) True.
e) False. The vertex of the graph of y = -2(x - 3)2 is (3, 0), or the vertex of
the graph of y = -2(x + 2)2 + 3 is (-2, 3).
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
v) y vi) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
vii) y viii) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
6 4 2 2 4 6 x 6 4 2 2 4 6 x
2 2
4 4
6 6
a) and iii) e) and i)
b) and v) f) and vii)
c) and viii) g) and vi)
d) and ii) h) and iv)
y-intercept* 3 -3 3 -3
a) Direction of opening: up
Vertex: (-1, 0)
Axis of Symmetry: x = -1
Narrower than y = x2
b) Direction of opening: down
Vertex: (1, 6)
Axis of Symmetry: x = 1
Wider than y = x2
c) Direction of opening: up
Vertex: (-6, -10)
Axis of Symmetry: x = -6
Narrower than y = x2
d) Direction of opening: up
Vertex: (1, 8)
Axis of Symmetry: x = 1
Narrower than y = x2
a) y = x2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 2 and shifted horizontally to
the left by 1 unit.
Vertex: (-1, 0) y
Axis of symmetry: x = -1 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 x
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
b) Minimum value at -2
Range: {y|y ³ -2}
y = 2(x + 4)2 - 2
let x = 0
y = 2(0 + 4)2 - 2
y = (2)(16) - 2
y = 30
The y-intercept is 30.
c) Maximum value at -1
Range: {y|y £ -1}
g(x) = -3(x - 2)2 - 1
let x = 0
g(0) = -3(0 - 2)2 - 1
g(0) = -3(4) - 1
g(0) = -13
The y-intercept is -13.
7. If 1, is a point on the quadratic function represented by
y = (x - 2)2 + q, what real number is the minimum value of the function?
y = (x - 2)2 + q
Substitute x = 1 and y = into the above equation.
3 2
= (1 − 2 ) + q
= 1+q
3 2
− =q
2 2
1 q represents the minimum value because the
2 parabola opens up.
Therefore, the minimum value is .
Method #1: Algebraically
To use Method #1, you need to find the coordinates of the vertex and one
other point. The coordinates of the vertex are (2, -6), and one other point
is (4, -4).
Now, in vertex form, the coordinates of the vertex are (p, q).
(p, q) = (2, -6)
\ p=2
q = -6
Substituting these values for p and q into the vertex form of the quadratic
y = a(x - 2)2 - 6
You also have another point on the curve, (4, -4). You can substitute these
values into the quadratic function for x and y.
-4 = a(4 - 2)2 - 6
-4 = a(2)2 - 6
-4 + 6 = 4a
2 = 4a
Therefore, the quadratic function representing this graph is y = ( x − 2 )2 − 6.
11. Redo question 10 above by considering the vertex (p, q) and the direction
of opening using the value of a. Make a quick sketch.
a) y = -2(x - 3)2 - 6
Vertex (3, -6) and a is negative
Opens down
\ no x-intercepts
c) y = 6x2
Vertex (0, 0) and a is positive
Opens up
\ one x-intercept
d) y = -(x + 1)2
Vertex (-1, 0) and a is negative
Opens down
\ one x-intercept
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Factor: x2 - 10x + 25
2. Your computer has a battery life of 12 hours. If you use your computer for
15 minutes in the morning to check the weather, 6 hours during school to
complete school work, 25 minutes during lunch to go on your favourite
social networking site, and 1.6 hours to watch a movie, how much battery
life do you have left on your laptop?
3. Evaluate for g = -2: 5g3 + g2 - 6g - 13
4. Continue the pattern: 2, 6, 18, 54, ,
5. You are at the store to buy your sister a birthday present. You have $50 to
spend and the item you want to purchase is $60 on sale for 25% off. Will
you have enough money to buy the item (ignoring tax)?
6. Simplify: (x2 – 4x + 1)(2x2)
7. Find the midpoint between the following two points: (2, 6) and (-7, -4)
8. What is the slope of a horizontal line?
1. (x - 5)(x - 5) or (x - 5)2
2. 3 hours and 44 minutes (You used your computer for 15 minutes +
6 hours + 25 minutes + 1 hour + 36 minutes = 7 hours and 76 minutes =
8 hours and 16 minutes. 12 hours - 8 hours and 16 minutes = 3 hours and
44 minutes.)
3. -37 (5(-8) + 4 + 12 - 13 = -40 + 16 - 13 = -53 + 16 = -37)
4. 162, 486
5. Yes (25% of $60 = $15; $60 - $15 = $45)
6. 2x4 - 8x3 + 2x2
5 x1 + x2 y1 + y 2 2 + (−7 ) 6 + (−4 ) 5 2 5
7. − , 1M = , = , =− , =− , 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8. 0
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Write a quadratic expression modelled by this set of tiles.
x2 + 5x + 4
x2 x x
x 1 1
8 2
k = = 16
x 2 + 8x + 16 = ( x + 4 )
−8 2
k = = 16
x 2 − 8x + 16 = ( x − 4 )
c) x 2 + 20 x + k
20 2
k = = 100
x 2 + 20 x + 100 = ( x + 10 )
d) x 2 − 2 x + k
−2 2
k = = 1
x 2 − 2 x + 1 = ( x − 1)
e) x 2 − 5x + k
−5 2 25
k = =
2 4
25 5
x 2 − 5x + = x −
4 2
f) x 2 + 7 x + k
7 2 49
k = =
2 4
49 7
x2 + 7x + = x +
4 2
let y = x 2 − 8x
y + 16 = x 2 − 8x + 16
y + 16 = ( x − 4 )
y = ( x − 4 ) − 16
let y = x 2 + 5x
25 25
y = x 2 + 5 x + −
4 4
5 25
y = x + −
2 4
5 25 2
Thus, x + − = a (x − p) + q
2 4
5 25
and a = 1, p = − , q = −
2 4
b) f : x ® 2x2 + 5x - 3
i) For convenience, replace f : x ® with y.
y = 2 x 2 + 5x − 3
5 Factor out 2 to make the
y = 2 x 2 + x − 3
2 coefficient of x2 equal to 1.
5 25 25
y = 2 x 2 + x + − 3 − ( 2 ) Complete the square.
2 16 16
5 25 Simplify.
y = 2 x + − 3 −
4 8
5 49
y = 2 x + −
4 8
5 49
f : x → 2 x + −
4 8
5 49 5
ii) V− , − ; equation of axis of symmetry: x = −
4 8 4
iii) Range: y | y ≥ −
iv) Minimum value of -
2 4 2 Complete the square and add -4
y − 4 = −
x + 4 x + to each side.
y = −(x + 2 ) + 4 Factor and add 4.
y − c = ax 2 + bx Subtract c
y−c ax 2 b Divide by a
= + x
a a a
y−c b Simplify
= x2 + x
a a
y−c b 2 b b 2
+ = x + x + Complete the square
a 2a a 2a
y−c b2 b
+ 2 = x + Factor
a 4a 2a
y−c b
b2 b2
= x + − 2 Subtract
a 2a 4a 4 a2
b b2
y − c = a x + − a ⋅ 2 Multiply by a
2a 4a
b b2
y = a x + − +c Add c and simplify
2a 4a
b 4 ac − b 2
y = a x + + Simplify
2a 4a
b 4 ac − b 2
V− , Write the vertex
2a 4a
7. Dominic was asked to complete the square. His work is shown below.
x2 + 8x + 10 = y
x2 + 8x = y - 10
x2 + 8x + 64 = y - 10 + 64
(x + 4)2 = y + 54
y = (x + 4)2 - 54
Identify, explain, and correct the error in his work. Verify your answer is
correct by completing the square using a different method.
When completing the square, Dominic forgot to divide eight by two before
squaring. Therefore, Dominic added 64 to both sides when he should have
added 16 to both sides. The correct completion of the square is:
x2 + 8x = y - 10
x2 + 8x + 16 = y - 10 + 16
(x + 4)2 = y + 6
y = (x + 4)2 - 6
x2 + 8x + 10 = y
(x2 + 8x ) + 10 = y
(x2 + 8x + 16) + 10 - 16 = y
(x + 4)2 - 6 = y
This is the same answer as the one obtained above.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. There are 15 females and 12 males in your family. On average, each female
eats 2 pieces of pizza and each male eats 3 pieces of pizza. How many
pizzas will you have to buy in order for everyone to eat as much pizza as
they wish if each pizza is cut into 12 pieces?
2. Multiply: (3x + 4)(2x - 7)
3. Evaluate for n = 4: 4n2 + n - 9
4. Calculate 30% of 42 000.
5. What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 169 units?
6. Factor completely: 4x4 - 20x3 + 24x2
7. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation 7x + 3y - 4 = 0.
8. Multiply. (3x2 + 7)(8x - 4)
1. 6 pizzas (15 ´ 2 = 30 pieces of pizza; 12 ´ 3 = 36 pieces of pizza;
30 + 36 = 66 pieces of pizza; 6 ´ 12 = 72, so you need 6 pizzas but will
have some left)
2. 6x2 - 13x - 28
3. 59 (4(16) + 4 - 9 = 64 + 4 - 9 = 59)
4. 12 600 (10% of 42,000 = 4200; 30% of 42,000 = 4200 ´ 3 = 12 600)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Given the following x-intercepts and a-value,
a) x = -1, x = 3, a = 1
b) x = -4, x = -2, a = -1
find the following and then sketch the graph:
i) vertex
ii) equation of axis of symmetry
iii) y-intercept
iv) direction of opening
v) maximum value
vi) minimum value
vii) domain and range (state in both notations)
a) i) The x-intercepts are -1 and 3.
The x-coordinate of the vertex is the average of the x-intercepts:
−1 + 3 2
= =1
2 2
The equation for the function is y = a(x - 1)2 + q.
The value for a is given as 1. One point on the curve is at an
x-intercept—say, x = 3. Using the point (3, 0), solve for q.
0 = 1(3 - 1)2 + q
0 = 4 + q
-4 = q
The function is y = (x - 1)2 - 4.
The vertex is V(1, -4).
ii) Axis of symmetry equation: x = 1
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. You want to save up to buy a car worth $6000 in two years. How much
will you have to save per month to afford this car?
2. On your first three assignments in Canadian history, you received marks
of 82%, 63%, and 77%. What is your average assignment mark in Canadian
3. Factor: 2x(x - 4) + 3(x - 4)
4. What is the domain of the parabola y = 3x2 - 5x - 12?
30 75
5. Evaluate when y = 5: −
5 y
6. Estimate: 122
7. How many millimetres are in 6.3 metres?
8. What is the greatest common factor of 18x3y4z + 6x2y6z3?
6000 3000 1500
1. $250 (Two years = 24 months; = = = $250
24 12 6
2. 74% 82 + 63 + 77 = 222 ; = 74
3. (2x + 3)(x - 4)
4. Domain: {x | x Î Â}
30 75
5. −9 − = 6 − 15 = −9
5 5
6. »11 (122 is between 121 and 144; therefore, 122 is between 11 and 12, but
closer to 11)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
Each question can be solved by using either completing the square or by
using the formula for the vertex. Practice both methods! The solution method
given in the answer key is indicated in each question.
1. The height, h, in metres, after the launching of a rocket at any time, t, in
seconds, is defined by the following equation.
h = −3t 2 + 9t +
Find the maximum height reached by the rocket and the time it takes to
reach this height. Use the completing-the-square method.
h (t ) = −3t 2 + 9t +
81 −3 2
2 −3 2
h (t ) − + (−3) = −3
t − 3t +
4 2 2
81 27 3
h (t ) − − = −3t −
4 4 2
3 108
h (t ) = −3t − +
2 4
h(t ) = −3t − + 27
The curve opens downward.
The maximum height of 27 m is reached in 1.5 seconds.
x x
620 2x
x = 5
Thus, 5 additional trees should be planted. There will be 70 trees
altogether in the orchard.
5. Honest John’s used car lot sells an average of 20 cars per week at an
average price of $6,400 each. Honest John would like to increase the
average price by $300; however, he knows that his sales would fall by one
car if he does. If the dealer’s cost per car is $4000, for what price should he
sell the cars to maximize profits? Use the formula method.
Number of Net Profit Total
Cars Sold per Car Net Profit
20 2400 20(2400)
20 - 1 2400 + 3000(1) (20 - 1)[2400 + 300(1)]
20 - 2 2400 + 3000(2) (20 - 2)[2400 + 300(2)]
20 - n 2400 + 3000(n) (20 - n)[2400 + 300(n)]
y = length
Total lengths = 2y
x x x x
Total widths = 4x
2y + 4x = 800
y = 400 - 2x Divide by two and solve for y.
Area = A
A = length ´ width
A = (400 - 2x)x
A = –2x2 + 400x
−b −400
Using x = = = 100 m.
2a 2 (−2 )
y = 400 - 2x = 400 - 2(100) = 200 m
The curve opens down; there is a maximum at the vertex.
The largest area occurs when the dimensions of the field are
100 m ´ 200 m.
Module 4
Solving Quadratic and Rational Equations
M o d u l e 4:
S olv ing Q ua dr at ic a nd R at ion a l E quat ion s
In Module 3, you learned about quadratic functions. In this module, you will
learn how to solve quadratic equations. There are many different methods
used to solve quadratic equations including factoring, taking square roots,
using the quadratic formula, and even completing the square. In this module,
you will learn when it is best to use each method. You will learn how to
derive the quadratic formula and important properties of the discriminant (a
part of the quadratic formula). The last part of this module introduces rational
equations and presents some problems where, in order to solve them, you will
be required to use rational equations.
In Module 2, you learned how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational
expressions. This knowledge will be helpful when you learn how to solve
rational equations in this module. As mentioned in Module 2, it is possible
to solve application problems involving rational equations, such as motion
Assignments in Module 4
When you have completed the assignments for Module 4, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
When you write your midterm examination, you are encouraged to take
a Midterm Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination.
This sheet will be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your
handwriting or typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but
you do not receive any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions provided below to help you with
preparing your resource sheet for the material in Module 4. On this sheet, you
should record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a
list of places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special
areas that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 to prepare your Midterm Examination
Resource Sheet. The midterm examination for this course is based on
Modules 1 to 4.
You will write the midterm examination when you have completed Module 4
of this course. The midterm examination is based on Modules 1 to 4, and is
worth 20 percent of your final mark in the course. To do well on the midterm
examination, you should review all the work you complete in Modules 1 to
4, including all the learning activities and assignments. You will write the
midterm examination under supervision.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Quadratic equations and quadratic functions are not the same. Include the
following definitions on your resource sheet to help you distinguish between
the two.
Note: You should have a definition for a quadratic function on your resource
sheet for Module 3.
A quadratic equation is an equation that can be written in the general form
ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, and c are real numbers, and a ¹ 0. Note that a, b,
and c could be irrational. However, this course will not include any quadratic
equations with irrational coefficients.
Notice that a quadratic equation contains only one variable.
The number a is called the leading coefficient.
The solutions of a quadratic equation are called its roots. The roots of a
quadratic equation are also the zeros of the corresponding function or the
x-intercepts of the corresponding graph.
f ( x ) = x 2 + 8x + 7
= ( x 2 + 8x + 16 ) + 7 − 16
= (x + 4) − 9
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 x
The zeros are at the points where the graph intersects the x-axis. These
points are (-7, 0) and (-1, 0). The following connections should be made:
Q The zeros of the function are -7 and -1.
Q The x-intercepts are -7 and -1.
Q The solutions of the equation, x2 + 8x + 7 =0, are -7 and -1.
Q The roots of the equation, x2 + 8x + 7 = 0, are -7 and -1.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 x
The x-intercepts can be read from the graph. The x-intercepts are 1 and 3.
Thus, the roots are 1 and 3.
Example 2
Consider the quadratic function y = x2 + 2x - 24.
a) Graph the quadratic function y = x2 + 2x - 24 by completing the square
to find the vertex form and then find the x-intercepts from the graph.
b) Check your answer using a graphing calculator, if you have one. Having a
graphing calculator is not a necessity for this course.
c) Where does the graph intersect the x-axis?
d) What are the zeros of the function?
e) What are the roots of the equation?
f) Check each root is actually a solution to x2 + 2x - 24 = 0. (This is a good
idea since you are reading your answers from the graph rather than
solving for them.)
6 4 x
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Brooklyn can type 55 words per minute. If her essay took her an hour to
write, how many words are in her essay?
2. What is the greatest common factor of 3x5y3 and 6x2y8?
3. Find the vertex of the following parabola: y = -2x2 + 8x - 1
4. Solve for x: 6x + 5 = 7
5. How many centimetres are in one kilometre?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Rearrange each of the following into the general form of a quadratic
equation with the leading coefficient greater than 0.
a) −2 x 2 + 10 = −6
b) 3x ( x + 2 ) = 8
c) 5x 2 − 7 + 3x = 7
d) ( x + 3) = −4
e) ( x + 3) − 4 = 5
x2 − 4
f) =x
g) ( 2 x − 3) ( x + 2 ) = 0
y + 4 = −( x 2 − 5x )
25 25
y+4− = − x 2 − 5x +
4 4
16 25 5
y+ − = − x −
4 4 2
5 9
y = − x − +
2 4
1 1
22 x
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to solve quadratic equations by graphing.
However, sometimes finding roots by graphing a quadratic function can be
difficult because they are not integer values. Sometimes it is easier to solve
quadratic equations algebraically by determining square roots. It is possible
to solve quadratic equations in this way if there is no x-term in the quadratic
equation and when you complete the square, as seen in Lesson 4. Thus, you
will be able to solve quadratic equations by taking square roots in special
Before you learn how to solve quadratic equations by taking square roots, it
will be helpful for you to remember how to simplify square roots. In Grade 10
Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics, you learned how to
simplify radicals. A radical is another name for a root (such as a square root
or cube root), and the symbol may also be called the radical symbol.
b) 180
c) 75
a) 1224 can be written as the product of 36 and 34, where 36 is the largest
perfect square factor of 1224.
1224 = ( 36 )( 34 )
36 is a perfect square whose root is 6.
Thus, 6 34 is the simplified form of 1224 , as 34 cannot be simplified
any further. It does not contain any perfect square factors.
b) 180 can be written as the product of 36 and 5.
180 = ( 36 )( 5 )
Again, 36 is a perfect square whose root is 6.
Thus, 6 5 is the simplified form of 180.
Example 3
Solve the equation: 2x2 - 50 = 0.
2 x 2 − 50 = 0
2 x 2 = 50 Adding 50 to each side
x = ±5
Note that when you are finding the square root of a variable (x), you need to
include both the positive and the negative answers. Therefore, there are two
solutions for this equation. There is more discussion on this topic of square
roots in Module 5.
You could check your work for Example 3 by graphing the corresponding
function, y = 2x2 - 50, and then finding the zeros of the function at the points
(5, 0) and (-5, 0).
Example 4
Solve x2 = 0.
If x2 = 0, then x = 0. There is only one solution for this equation.
2 x
The following learning activity will allow you to practice the skills you
learned in this lesson. After completing this learning activity, make sure
you check your answers in the Module 4 Learning Activity Answer Keys to
ensure you are completing the questions correctly. This learning activity will
help prepare you for the upcoming assignment.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Cameron is packing his suitcase for Mexico. If his suitcase measures
110 cm by 40 cm by 60 cm, what is the volume of his suitcase?
2. You and your friend are going out for dinner and you want to split the bill
evenly. If the bill comes to $76.36 and you want to tip the waiter $4, how
much should you give the waiter?
3. Factor: 14m - 28
4. Does the parabola y = 3x2 + 2x - 1 open up or down?
5. Continue the pattern: A, E, F, H, I, K, L, M, ,
6. Find the midpoint between the two points (9, -24) and (4, 12).
7. Solve the inequality, 13x - 2 > x.
8. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 8x = 3y - 2.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the roots of the following equations.
a) x2 = 16
b) 3x2 - 18 = 0
c) x2 - 6 = -5
d) 6x2 + 3 = 2x2 + 7
x = ± 40
x = ±4 10
Identify, explain, and correct Jordon’s error.
Lesson Summary
Total: 33 marks
1. Use the graph of the related function to find the roots of each equation. (3 marks each,
for a total of 6 marks)
a) 0 = (x - 1)2 - 4
x= 4
4. Solve the following equations by taking square roots. Write your answers as exact
values in simplified form.
a) x2 = 76 (1 mark)
b) 7x2 - 21 = 0 (2 marks)
d) (x + 2)2 = 4 (3 marks)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
The Zero Product Property states that if ab = 0, at least one of a and b has to
equal zero. This is also true if a and b are factors of polynomials. Therefore,
if (x - 3)(x + 4) = 0, either (x - 3) has to equal zero, or (x + 4) has to equal
zero. It is thus possible to solve quadratic equations by factoring them, and
equating each factor to zero.
You can also use factoring to solve some equations of the type ax2 + bx = 0 or
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
Example 2
Solve equations of the form ax2 + bx = 0 by factoring.
a) 3x2 = 7x
3x2 - 7x = 0 Set up equation with one side equal to zero.
x(3x - 7) = 0 Factor out the common factor of x.
x = 0 or 3x - 7 = 0 Use the Zero Product Property.
3x = 7 Solve for x.
b) 2x2 - 16x = 0
2x(x - 8) = 0 Factor out common factor of 2x.
2x = 0 or x - 8 = 0
x = 0 or
b) x2 + 9 = 6x
x2 - 6x + 9 = 0
(x - 3)(x - 3) = 0
x-3=0 or x-3=0
x = 3 x=3
The answer is 3.
When the same number repeats as a root or a zero, it is called a double root
or double zero. Include this definition on your resource sheet.
3 x
w + 12
92 = w 2 + 20 w + 48
0 = w 2 + 20 w − 44
0 = ( w + 22 ) ( w − 2 )
w + 22 = 0 w-2=0
w = -22 w=2
Since width must be positive, the only solution is w = 2. The dimensions of the
prism are:
width = 2 cm
length = 2 + 12 = 14 cm
height = 4 cm
Example 5
A picture with dimensions 25 cm by 20 cm needs to be framed. The frame is
to have uniform width and the picture and its frame have an area 150% larger
than the area of the picture. Find the dimensions of the picture and its frame.
x 25 cm
20 cm
2x − 5 = 0 x + 25 = 0
5 x = −25
Since x must be positive, the only solution is x .
width = 20 + 2 x = 20 + 2 = 25 cm
Example 7
The zeros of a function are -6 and 2. The function passes through the point
(-4, 6). Write the function in factored form.
The factored form of a quadratic function is:
y = a(x - x1)(x - x2)
You are given the zeros, or x-intercepts, -6 and 2. The equation becomes:
y = a(x - (-6))(x - 2)
y = a(x + 6)(x - 2)
You know the function passes through the point (-4, 6). These values can be
substituted into the equation to solve for a.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Your mom bought 500 g of deli meat. If you put an average of 125 g of
meat on each sandwich you make, how many days will the deli meat last
for (assuming you only eat one sandwich a day)?
2. You are playing soccer on a co-ed team. You have 20 players on your team
and 3 of them are girls. You need at least 20% of your players to be female
according to the league. Do you have enough female players?
3. Simplify: (x + 5)2
4. Give a simplified quadratic function that has zeros of -1 and -5 and a = 1.
5. Simplify: 24 ´ 32
6. Express as a power: 15
2 4
7. Are these fractions equivalent, and ?
3 3
8. The x-intercepts of a parabola are -4 and 2, and the y-intercept is 10. Write
the quadratic function in factored form.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Solve these equations by factoring.
a) x2 - x - 12 = 0
b) x2 - x - 20 = 0
c) -x2 - 2x + 3 = 0
d) x2 + 9x + 18 = 0
e) 2x2 + 3x - 2 = 0
2. Rearrange each of the following equations and solve by factoring, if
a) 10x2 = 7x + 12
b) 5x2 + 21x = 54
c) 3x(x - 2) - x(x + 1) + 5 = 0
9 1
d) x 2 + x−2 =0
2 2
e) x2 + 9 = 0
f) 16x2 - 64 = 0
g) x2 + 12x - 28 = 0
3. One leg of a right triangle is 7 m longer than the other leg. The hypotenuse
is 17 m long. Find the length of each leg.
4. Two square checkerboards together have an area of 1300 cm2. One has
sides that are 10 cm longer than the other. Find the length of the sides of
each checkerboard.
5. Find 3 consecutive odd integers such that the product of the second and
the third is 63.
6. A rectangular piece of cardboard is 5 cm longer than it is wide. A 3 cm-by-
3 cm square is cut out of each corner, and the four flaps are folded up to
form a box with a volume of 450 cm3. What were the length and width of
the original piece of cardboard? (Volume = length ´ width ´ height)
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you used some of the knowledge you gained in Module 3 to
learn how to solve quadratic equations by factoring. You learned that you
needed to arrange the equation into general form, having one side equal to
zero, before you could factor the quadratic equation. Then, you equated each
factor of the quadratic equation to zero to solve the equation. This method
only works if you are able to factor the quadratic equation. In the next lesson,
you will be learning two new methods of solving quadratic equations. These
methods are useful when it may be difficult to graph the quadratic equation
and the equation is not easily factorable.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
( x − 2 )2 = −2 + 4 Factor.
( x − 2 )2 = 2 Add.
n 2 + 2 and 2 − 2 are the roots of the quadratic equation
3 23 7
+ ≈ 3.9
2 2 8
3 23
− ≈ −0.9 10
2 2
V(1.5, -11.5)
Using the graphing calculator, the graph of y = 2x2 - 6x - 7 has approximate
x-intercepts of 3.9 and -0.9.
15 + 305 ≈ 32.464
15 − 305 ≈ −2.464
Since distance travelled cannot be negative, as defined in the function by
d ³ 0, the only solution is 15 + 305 .
ax 2 + bx + c = 0 General form.
b c
x2 + x + = 0 Divide by a.
a a
b c Isolate terms with x onto one side.
x2 + x = −
a a
2 b b 2 c b
Complete the square by adding
x + x + = − +
a 2a a 2a 1 b 2
⋅ to each side.
2 2 a
b b2 c
x + = 2 − Factor and simplify.
2a 4a a
b b 2 − 4 ac
x + = Add the fractions.
2a 4 a2
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
The quadratic formula is x = and can be used to solve
equations of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ¹ 0.
b b 2 − 4 ac y b
x1 = − + x=
2a y = ax2 + bx + c
2a 2a
b b 2 − 4 ac
x2 = − −
2a 2a
b2 4ac
line of
b b
As you can see, x = − is the line of symmetry of the parabola and - is
2a 2a
the x-value of its vertex, as you learned in Module 3.
You can use the quadratic formula to solve any quadratic equation. When
using the quadratic formula, you must set up the equation in the general form
of ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ¹ 0, so that a, b, and c can be correctly identified.
−5 + 7 −5 − 7
x= or x=
4 4
2 −12
x= x=
4 4
x= x = −3
Note: This equation could also have been solved by factoring because the
radicand, 49, is a perfect square.
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
−3 ± 32 − 4 (1) (−9 )
2 ( 1)
−3 ± 9 + 36
−3 ± 45
−3 ± 3 5
−3 + 3 5 −3 − 3 5
x= or x =
2 2
1 −1
The answers are x = , , 2 , − 2.
2 2
2 − 2
If you rationalize the denominators, the answers are x = , , 2 , − 2.
2 2
Remember, you should always check your answers in the original equation,
in case you have made an error.
Check for the equation 2x4 - 5x2 + 2 = 0.
x= 2
4 2
LHS = 2 ( 2 ) − 5 ( 2 ) + 2
= 8 − 10 + 2
RHS = 0
∴ x = 2 is a solution
x = − 2 also works because the powers involved in this equation are even. A
negative value to an even power is always positive, as squaring eliminates the
negative sign.
∴x= is a solution
− 2
x= also works because the powers involved in this equation are even.
Example 7
2 2 2
Solve: 5 + 8 + 3 = 0
x − 3 x − 3
Note that x = 3 is a non-permissible value for x. If x = 3, the denominator will
have a value of zero, and division by zero is not possible.
This equation displays a quadratic pattern. If p = , you can rewrite the
equation and factor to solve it.
5p2 + 8p + 3 = 0
( 5 p + 3 ) ( p + 1) = 0
p= or p = −1
2 −3 2
= or = −1
x−3 5 x−3
−3 ( x − 3) = 10 −1 ( x − 3) = 2 Cross multiply.
−3x + 9 = 10 −x + 3 = 2
−3x = 1 −x = −1
1 x=1
x =−
Check to see that roots satisfy the original equation to ensure you have no
errors in your work and that your solution doesn’t contain a non-permissible
value for x.
2 2 2
Check solutions in the original equation 5 + 8 + 3 = 0.
x − 3 x − 3
Check: x = −
2 2 2
LHS = 5 + 8 + 3
x − 3 x − 3
2 2
= 5 + 8 + 3
− 1 − 9 − 1 − 9
3 3 3 3
2 2
= 5 + 8 + 3
−10 −10
3 3
2 −10 −3 −3
Note: = 2 ÷ = 2 × =
−10 3 10 5
Check: x = 1
2 2 2
LHS = 5 + 8 + 3
x − 3 x − 3
2 2 2
= 5 + 8 + 3
1 − 3 1 − 3
2 2 2
= 5 + 8 + 3
−2 −2
= 5 (−1) + 8 (−1) + 3
= 5−8+3
HS = 0
∴ x = 1 is a solution
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Evaluate: 115 + 27 + 76 + 25
2. Britney is making cookies. The recipe calls for of a cup of butter. If
Britney is tripling the recipe, how much butter does she need? Write your
answer as a mixed fraction.
3. Joanne makes $400 in a month. If Joanne needs to pay $66 for her phone
bill, $40 for gas to drive her parents’ car, and $120 for a haircut, will she
have enough to buy the $150 jeans she wants?
1 2 121
4. Factor: x -
3 3
5. Find the vertex of the following parabola: y = 3x2 + 6x - 5
6. Rationalize the denominator:
7. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line, 7x + 3y - 4 = 0.
8. The circumference of a circle is 92p centimetres. What is the radius of the
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. For each quadratic equation below, state the values of a, b, and c for the
general equation format.
a) x2 - 2x - 5 = 0
b) 3x2 - 2x + 5 = 0
c) 5x2 - 3x = 8
d) 2(x2 - 2x) - 1 = 0
e) 5x2 = 9x
f) 4 - 2x2 = 9x
2. Solve these equations by factoring or by using the quadratic formula. Be
sure to state the formula before substituting values into it, as this will help
you memorize it.
x2 15
a) +x− =0
2 2
b) 2w2 - 3w + 1 = 0
c) 7w2 - 3w = 0
d) 1 = 25x2
e) x2 - 0.1x - 0.06 = 0
f) -x2 - 7x - 1 = 0
3. Use the completing-the-square method to find the roots of each equation
a) 3x2 - 6x - 15 = 0
b) 2x2 - 4x - 1 = 0
c) 9x2 - 18x - 7 = 0
d) x2 - x - 3 = 0
4. Find the zeros of the function using the quadratic formula.
a) f(x) = 5x2 - x - 3
b) y = 2x2 + 6x - 1
Lesson Summary
Use when:
Square Roots
Use when:
Use when:
Use when:
Quadratic Formula
Use when:
Total: 49 marks
1. Solve these equations by factoring. (2 marks each, for a total of 12 marks)
a) x2 + 7x + 12 = 0
b) 4x2 + 4x - 3 = 0
x2 4
c) − x=7
3 3
b) x2 - 14x = 95
c) 10x2 - 4x = 32
b) 8x2 - 11x + 3 = 0
c) 3x2 + x - 11 = 0
b) 2x2 - 5x - 3 = 0
c) 6x2 - 28x + 15 = 0
d) x2 + 6x - 11 = 0
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the first four lessons of this module, you learned how to solve quadratic
equations using five different techniques. In Lesson 4, you learned how to
use the quadratic formula to solve quadratic equations. The discriminant is an
aspect of the quadratic formula that can allow you to determine how many
roots a quadratic equation has without solving for the roots. In this lesson,
you will consider the value of the discriminant of a given quadratic equation,
the roots of the quadratic equation, the number of the roots, the type of the
roots, and the graph of the corresponding quadratic function.
The Discriminant
You have found any quadratic equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 can be
solved using the quadratic formula:
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
The expression under the square root sign, b2 - 4ac, is called the discriminant
and it enables you to observe the nature of the roots without actually finding
the roots. The nature of the roots describes how many roots a quadratic
equation has and whether they are rational, irrational, or non-existent.
Include the above definition and any other information you deem to be
important on your resource sheet.
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
Roots of Quadratic: x=
−(−6 ) + 16 6 + 4 10
r1 = = = =5
2 2 2
−(−6 ) − 16 6−4 2
r2 = = = =1
2 2 2
y = (x2 - 6x + 9) + 5 - 9 x=3
y = (x - 3)2 -4
Vertex (3, -4)
zero = 5
1 2 3 4 5 x
zero = 1
−(−6 ) + 8 6+2 2
Roots of Quadratic: r1 = = = 3+ 2
2 ( 1) 2
−(−6 ) − 8 6−2 2
r2 = = = 3− 2
2 ( 1) 2
(3 + 2, 0)
(3 2, 0)
(3, 2)
−(−6 ) + 0 6+0
Roots of Quadratic: r1 = = =3
2 ( 1) 2
−(−6 ) − 0 6−0
r2 = = =3
2 ( 1) 2
(3, 0) x
Description of Zeros: There is one zero. The graph only touches the x-axis
at its vertex.
(3, 5)
Description of Zeros: There are no zeros since the graph does not cross or
touch the x-axis.
The following table displays the information you discovered in this lesson
about the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. Include this information
on your resource sheet.
a = 2 , b = 17 , c = −4 2
= 17 + 16 ( 2 )
= 17 + 32
= 49
The discriminant is a perfect square. The usual conclusion would be there are
two rational roots.
Now, you can find those roots to see if they are rational.
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
− 17 ± 49
2 2
− 17 ± 7
2 2
Example 2
Is the following statement true or false? If the statement is false, rewrite the
statement to make it true.
If 4 < 6, then (-1)4 < (-1)(6).
The first part of the statement, 4 < 6, is true, but if you simplify the second
part of the statement, you get -4 < -6, which is a false statement. Thus, the
correct statement should have the inequality sign reversed.
If 4 < 6, then (-1)4 > (-1)(6).
The following example gives you practice in solving a linear inequality in one
b) 3 ( 4 − x ) ≤ x − ( 3 − 5x )
12 − 3x ≤ x − 3 + 5x
12 − 3x ≤ 6 x − 3
12 + 3 ≤ 6 x + 3x
15 ≤ 9 x
The solution can be shown in interval notation as , ∞.
The value of m must be greater than -16 for the given equation to have real
and unequal roots.
Example 5
Write a quadratic equation that has two different, real solutions.
A quadratic equation in general form has two real number solutions when
b2 - 4ac > 0. Many solutions are possible.
One way to solve this problem is to choose any values of a and c, then find a
value of b that satisfies this inequality.
If a = 3, c = 11
b 2 − 4 ac > 0
b 2 − 4 ( 3)(11) > 0
b 2 − 132 > 0
b 2 > 132
A value of b could be 12 because 122 > 132. The equation is 3x2 + 12x + 11 = 0.
Note that Example 5 is a quadratic inequality that was solved by giving an
example that satisfies the conditions of the problem.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Janique is taking piano lessons and her teacher tells her she needs
to practice piano for at least 7 hours a week. If Janique practices for
45 minutes each day from Monday to Friday, 1.25 hours on Saturday, and
1.75 hours on Sunday, will Janique have practiced enough?
2. If you sleep for 9 hours a day, what fraction of the day are you awake (in
lowest terms)?
3. Evaluate for j = 3: 5j - 2j2 + 7
(2 3 )
4. Evaluate: 2
5. What is the area of a triangle with a base of 4 cm and a height of 8 cm?
6. Factor completely: 36x2 - 1
7. Two angles in an isosceles triangle measure 16° and 148°. What is the
measure of the third angle?
8. Express as a radical: 8 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) The discriminant of 2x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 is 23.
b) For each quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, if b2 - 4ac > 0, then the
equation has two real roots.
c) For each quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, if b2 - 4ac < 0, then the
equation has no real number solutions.
−6 + 32 −3 + 8 2
d) =
10 5
e) The equation x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 has two distinct real roots.
2. If the discriminant of a quadratic equation has the given value, state the
nature of the roots.
a) -15
b) 25
c) -9
d) 0
e) 50
3. How many times would the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c (with a, b, and c
as rational numbers and a ¹ 0) intersect the x-axis if the value of the
discriminant is
a) negative?
b) zero?
c) positive?
1 Real and
y = 25 x − none 1 25x2 - 10x + 1 = 0 -20
5 Irrational
No Real 1 7
3x2 + 8x - 35 = 0 484 0 -5 ,
Roots 5 3
Real and 1 Real and
2 y = 9 x + − 5 2 x2 - 4x + 4 = 0
Rational 3 Equal
−1 + 5 −1 − 5 4 121 Real and
, 9x2 + 6x - 4 = 0 0 y = 3 x + − 0
3 3 3 3 Equal
1 5
2 y = 2 x − + 1 y = (x - 2)2 2x2 - 2x + 3 = 0 180
2 2
In this lesson, you learned how the discriminant of the quadratic formula
can be used to determine the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation.
The roots of a quadratic equation can either be real and irrational, real and
rational, real and equal, or none.
You learned how to simplify, multiply, divide, add, and subtract rational
expressions in Module 2. In the next lesson, your focus will switch to dealing
with solving rational equations.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In Module 2, you learned how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and simplify
rational expressions. In this lesson, you will learn how to solve rational
equations. Solving rational equations is different than performing operations
or simplifying rational expressions. Therefore, in this lesson, you will learn
new techniques in order to solve rational equations. In order to not confuse
rational expressions with rational equations, examples throughout this lesson
outline their differences.
Rational Equations
b) Solve for x.
3 2
− =1
x−1 x+1
a) LCD = (x – 1)(x + 1)
3 2
x−1 x+1
3 x+1 2 x−1
= ⋅ − ⋅
x−1 x+1 x+1 x−1
3 ( x + 1) − 2 ( x − 1)
( x − 1) ( x + 1)
3x + 3 − 2 x + 2
( x − 1) ( x + 1)
= , x ≠ 1, − 1
( x − 1) ( x + 1)
Note: The denominator is still present in the answer.
3x + 3 − 2 x + 2 = x 2 + x − x − 1
x + 5 = x2 − 1
0 = x2 − x − 6
0 = ( x − 3) ( x + 2 )
x − 3 = 0 or x + 2 = 0
x = 3 or x = −2
Both of these answers are acceptable since the restrictions are x ¹ 1 and
x ¹ -1.
2 1
a) 2
x −1 x−1
2 1
−1= Factor denominator.
( x − 1) ( x + 1) x−1
LCD = ( x − 1) ( x + 1)
( x − 1) ( x + 1) − 1 ( x − 1) ( x + 1) Multiply by LCD.
( x − 1) ( x + 1)
= ( x − 1) ( x + 1)
2 − 1 ( x − 1) ( x + 1) = 1 ( x + 1) Cancel to remove the
2 − ( x 2 − 1) = x + 1
2−x +1= x+1
0 = x2 + x − 2
0 = ( x + 2 ) ( x − 1)
x + 2 = 0 or x − 1 = 0
x = −2 or x = 1
Example 3
2 1 3
Solve: + =
x 2 x
Method 1: Algebraic
2 1 3
+ =
x 2 x
LCD = 2 x
2 1 3
(2x) + (2x) = (2x)
x 2 x
4+x =6
x = 2, x ≠ 0
The x-intercepts of the graph are the solutions to the equation when it is set
equal to zero.
d 30
Skyler: = =t
r s + 40
5 30
s s + 40
LCD = (s)(s + 40)
5 30
(s ) (s + 40 ) = (s ) (s + 40 )
s s + 40
5 (s + 40 ) = 30s
5s + 200 = 30s
200 = 25s
s = 8 , s ≠ 0 , s ≠ − 40
Example 5
Mark can ride his bicycle 2 km/h faster than Tamara. They begin at the same
spot and at the same time, travelling in opposite directions. After travelling
for the same length of time, they stop and realize that Mark has travelled
27 km and Tamara has travelled 21 km. How fast was Mark travelling?
To get the entries for the “Time” column, fill in the rate and distance columns
first and then find the ratio of distance to rate.
This is the last learning activity in this module. Learning activities are
designed to help prepare you for the assignments and exams. Make sure you
complete this learning activity, as there is an assignment directly following it
that contains similar questions. Also, you will be preparing for your midterm
examination at the end of this module. All the learning activities you have
completed will help prepare you for this examination.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Multiply: (3x2)(4xy4)
2. Your dog can run at a speed of 10 m/s. If you are standing half a kilometre
away from your dog, how long will it take for your dog to run to you?
3. What are the x-intercepts of the function y = x2 + 3x + 2?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) If x ¹ 2, then ( x − 2 ) is equivalent to 4x.
6 x
b) If x ¹ 3, then 2 ( x − 3) + is equivalent to 6 + x.
x − 3 2
c) If x ¹ 0, then the equations x − = 0 and x2 - 1 = 0 are equivalent.
x−1 x−2
d) If x ¹ -3 and x ¹ -4, then = is equivalent to
x+3 x+4
(x - 1)(x + 4) = (x + 3)(x - 2).
3. The distance from Winnipeg to Minneapolis is about 600 km. You drove
from Winnipeg to Minneapolis 10 km/h faster than from Minneapolis to
Winnipeg. If the total driving time for the round trip was 22 hours, how
fast did you drive from Winnipeg to Minneapolis?
4. House painters, Gwen and Megan, want to know how long it will take
them if they work together to paint a house. Gwen, working alone, can
paint a house in 13 hours. Megan, working alone, can paint a house
in 11 hours. How long will it take them to paint a house if they work
together? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
5. Jeff is trying to fill his above-ground pool with water. He knows that one
of his hoses can fill the pool in 32 hours and another in 26 hours. If Jeff
uses both hoses to fill the pool, how long will it take to fill the pool with
water? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
In this lesson, you learned how to solve rational equations. You also learned
how to solve application problems involving rational equations. Make sure
you complete Assignment 4.3, which is the last assignment in this module
and the last assignment before your midterm examination.
Total: 47 marks
1. If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is the given value, state the nature of the
roots. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) 25
b) -4
c) 27
d) 0
2. Determine the nature of the roots of the following equations. (2 marks each, for a total
of 10 marks)
a) + 4x + 4 = 0
c) 2(x2 - 3) = 4x
d) 6x2 - x + 2 = 0
e) 4x2 - 12x + 9 = 0
4. Given the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c, state whether the discriminant is zero, positive,
or negative. (1 mark each, for a total of 3 marks)
a) y
5 x
5 5 x
c) y
5 x
1 x
b) =
x−2 10 − 5x
x + 1 2x + 1 −6 x − 39
d) − = 2
x+3 x−4 x − x − 12
Congratulations! You are halfway done this course! In this module, you
extended your knowledge of quadratic functions to learn how to solve
quadratic equations using different methods. It is possible to solve quadratic
equations by graphing, taking square roots, factoring, using the quadratic
formula, and completing the square. These methods are useful in different
situations, which you summarized in the organizational chart in Learning
Activity 4.4. You also extended your knowledge from Module 2 on rational
expressions to learn how to solve rational equations. Then, you learned how to
solve applications problems involving motion by analyzing rational equations.
Before you continue on to Module 5, it is time to take your midterm exam.
The following information will tell you how to apply and prepare for your
midterm examination. It is also a good idea to complete the midterm practice
examination, as it will let you know what areas you are struggling with, and
perhaps need to study further.
In Module 5, you are going to be studying radicals. You had a brief look at
radicals in Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics. You
also reviewed some of your knowledge on radicals in Lesson 2 in this module.
In Module 5, you will learn how to perform operations on radicals and also
solve radical equations.
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 4.1 to 4.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 4 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 4 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 4.1: Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing and Taking
Square Roots
q Assignment 4.2: Solving Quadratic Equations
q Assignment 4.3: The Discriminant and Solving Rational Equations
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
Examination Review
You are now ready to begin preparing for your midterm examination. Please
review the content, learning activities, and assignments from Modules 1 to 4.
The midterm practice examination is also an excellent study aid for reviewing
Modules 1 to 4.
You will learn what types of questions will appear on the examination
and what material will be assessed. Remember, your mark on the midterm
examination determines 20% of your final mark in this course and you will
have 2.5 hours to complete the examination.
Module 4
Solving Quadratic and Rational Equations
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Brooklyn can type 55 words per minute. If her essay took her an hour to
write, how many words are in her essay?
2. What is the greatest common factor of 3x5y3 and 6x2y8?
3. Find the vertex of the following parabola: y = -2x2 + 8x - 1
4. Solve for x: 6x + 5 = 7
5. How many centimetres are in one kilometre?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify your answers.
1 2 1
4. 6 x = 2 , x = or
3 6 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Rearrange each of the following into the general form of a quadratic
equation with the leading coefficient greater than 0.
a) −2 x 2 + 10 = −6
b) 3x ( x + 2 ) = 8
c) 5x 2 − 7 + 3x = 7
d) ( x + 3) = −4
e) ( x + 3) − 4 = 5
x2 − 4
f) =x
g) ( 2 x − 3) ( x + 2 ) = 0
b) 3x ( x + 2 ) = 8
3x 2 + 6 x = 8 Distribute 3x into the bracket.
3x 2 + 6 x − 8 = 0 Subtract 8 from each side.
c) 5x 2 − 7 + 3x = 7
5x 2 + 3x − 14 = 0 Subtract 7 from each side and rearrange.
d) ( x + 3)2 = −4
x 2 + 6 x + 9 = −4 Expand (x + 3)2.
x 2 + 6 x + 13 = 0 Add +4 to each side.
e) ( x + 3)2 − 4 = 5
x 2 + 6x + 9 − 4 = 5 Expand (x + 3)2.
x 2 + 6x + 5 = 5 Simplify.
x 2 + 6 x = 0 Subtract 5 from each side.
x2 − 4
f) =x
x 2 − 4 = 3x Multiply each side by 3.
x 2 − 3x − 4 = 0 Subtract 3x from each side.
g) ( 2 x − 3) ( x + 2 ) = 0
2 x 2 + 4 x − 3x − 6 = 0 Multiply.
2x2 + x − 6 = 0 Simplify.
b) 0 = x2 - 6x + 5
The function is y = x2 - 6x + 5.
First, complete the square to find the vertex and then graph the
y = x2 - 6x + 5 y
y= (x2 - 6x + 9) + 5 - 9
y = (x - 3)2 - 4 4
\ Vertex is (3, -4); the curve 3
opens up and is standard 2
size. 1
normal size. 2
The zeros are -4 and -2.
The solutions are -4 and -2.
Answers: x = 0 and 4
c) Press Y=
ENTER Y1 = x2 + 6x + 8
Use TRACE to approximate the zeros.
Answers: x = -2 or x = -4
3 1 x
c) x2 + 8x = -15
x2 + 8x + 15 = 0
Let y = x2 + 8x + 15
y = (x2 + 8x ) + 15
y = (x2 + 8x + 16) + 15 - 16
y = (x + 4)2 - 1
V(-4, -1)
10 8 6 4 2 x
4 2 2 4 x
e) 2x2 - 12x + 10 = 0
Let y = 2x2 - 12x + 10
y = 2(x2 - 6x ) + 10
y = 2(x2 - 6x + 9) + 10 - 9(2)
y = 2(x - 3)2 - 8
V(3, -8)
2 2 4 6 8 x
y + 4 = −( x 2 − 5x )
25 25
y+4− = − x 2 − 5x +
4 4
16 25 5
y+ − = − x −
4 4 2
5 9
y = − x − +
2 4
1 1
22 x
1 1 4 x
From this graph, the x-intercepts are 1 and 4. Therefore, the solutions to
the quadratic equation -x2 + 5x - 4 = 0 are 1 and 4.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Cameron is packing his suitcase for Mexico. If his suitcase measures
110 cm by 40 cm by 60 cm, what is the volume of his suitcase?
2. You and your friend are going out for dinner and you want to split the bill
evenly. If the bill comes to $76.36 and you want to tip the waiter $4, how
much should you give the waiter?
3. Factor: 14m - 28
4. Does the parabola y = 3x2 + 2x - 1 open up or down?
5. Continue the pattern: A, E, F, H, I, K, L, M, ,
6. Find the midpoint between the two points (9, -24) and (4, 12).
7. Solve the inequality, 13x - 2 > x.
8. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 8x = 3y - 2.
1. 264 000 cm3 (110 ´ 40 ´ 60 = 110 ´ 2400 = 264 000 cm3)
2. $42.18 + $4 = $38.18 + $4 = $42.18
3. 14(m - 2)
4. Up
5. N, T (The pattern is letters made from only straight lines.)
13 9 + 4 −24 + 12 13 12 13
6. , −6 M = , = , − = , −6
2 2 2 2 2 2
7. x > (12 x > 2 )
8 3y 8 2 8 2
8. 3 y = 8x + 2 ; = x+ ; y= x+
3 3 3 3 3 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the roots of the following equations.
Recall: Finding the roots of an equation is identical to solving an equation.
a) x2 = 16 b) 3x2 - 18 = 0
Answer: Answer:
x = ± 16 3x 2 = 18
x = ±4 x2 = 6
x =± 6
c) x2 - 6 = -5 d) 6x2 + 3 = 2x2 + 7
Answer: Answer:
x 2 = −5 + 6 4x 2 = 4
x2 = 1 x2 = 1
x =± 1 x =± 1
x = ±1 x = ±1
e) x2 = 6x2 - 1 f) 4x2 - 9 = -3
Answer: Answer:
1 = 5x 2 4x 2 = 6
1 3
x2 = x2 =
5 2
1 3
x =± x =±
5 2
1 3
x =± or x =± or
5 2
5 6
x =± x =±
5 2
Note: For (e), you can rationalize the
denominator or not. Either method of 1 5 5 5
⋅ = =
answering is acceptable. Remember, to 5 5 25 5
rationalize a monomial radical denominator,
multiply top and bottom of the fraction by the radical:
x = ± 20 x 2 = 12
x =± 4 5 x = ± 12
x = ±2 5 x =± 4 3
x = ±2 3
i) (x - 2)2 = 5
Note: This question does not exactly fit the pattern. You have a
binomial squared. However, you can still easily take the square root of
both sides to eliminate the square and then add 2 to both sides.
( x − 2 )2 = ± 5
x−2 =± 5
x=2± 5
Therefore, x = 2 − 5 or x = 2 + 5 .
2 2
j) x + 6 = 18
3 x 2 + 6 = 3 (18) Multiply both sides of the equation by 3.
2 x 2 + 18 = 54 Simplify.
x = ± 18
x =± 9 2
x = ±3 2
A 6 cm B BD 2 = AD 2 + AB 2
BD 2 = 6 2 + 6 2
BD = 36 + 36
6 cm
BD = 36 ⋅ 2
BD = 6 2
D C Radius =
(6 2 )
=3 2
Area of circle = π r 2
= π (3 2 )
= 18 π cm 2
x = ± 40
x = ±4 10
40 = ( 4 )( 10 ) = 2 10
Therefore, x = ±2 10 is the correct answer.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Your mom bought 500 g of deli meat. If you put an average of 125 g of
meat on each sandwich you make, how many days will the deli meat last
for (assuming you only eat one sandwich a day)?
2. You are playing soccer on a co-ed team. You have 20 players on your team
and 3 of them are girls. You need at least 20% of your players to be female
according to the league. Do you have enough female players?
3. Simplify: (x + 5)2
4. Give a simplified quadratic function that has zeros of -1 and -5 and a = 1.
5. Simplify: 24 ´ 32
6. Express as a power: 15
2 4
7. Are these fractions equivalent, and ?
3 3
8. The x-intercepts of a parabola are -5 and 2 and the y-intercept is 10. Write
the quadratic function in factored form.
1. 4 days = 4
3 15
2. No = = 15%
20 100
3. x2 + 10x + 25 [(x + 5)2 = (x + 5)(x + 5) = x2 + 5x + 5x + 25]
4. y = 1(x + 1)(x + 5) = x2 + 6x + 5
5. 144 (16 ´ 9)
6. 15 2
2 3 6 4
7. These fractions are not equivalent. ⋅ = , not
3 3 3 3
8. y = -(x + 5)(x - 2) (The factored form is y = a(x + 5)(x - 2). Since the
y-intercept is 10, 10 = a(0 + 5)(0 - 2) and the value of a is -1.)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Solve these equations by factoring.
a) x2 - x - 12 = 0
x 2 − x − 12 = 0
( x − 4 ) ( x + 3) = 0
x−4=0 or x+3=0
x=4 or x = −3
b) x2 - x - 20 = 0
x 2 − x − 20 = 0
( x − 5) ( x + 4 ) = 0
x−5=0 or x+4=0
x=5 or x = −4
c) -x2 - 2x + 3 = 0
−x 2 − 2 x + 3 = 0
x2 + 2x − 3 = 0 Multiply each side by (−1) .
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1) = 0
x+3=0 or x−1= 0
x = −3 or x=1
e) 2x2 + 3x - 2 = 0
2 x 2 + 3x − 2 = 0
( 2 x − 1) ( x + 2 ) = 0
2x − 1 = 0 or x+2 =0
x= or x = −2
b) 5x2 + 21x = 54
5x 2 + 21x − 54 = 0
( 5x − 9 ) ( x + 6 ) = 0
5x − 9 = 0 or x+6 = 0
x= or x = −6
2 9 1
d) x + x−2 =0
2 2
9 1
x2 + x−2 =0
2 2
9 5
x2 + x− =0
2 2
2 x 2 + 9x − 5 = 0 Multiply by 2.
( 2 x − 1) ( x + 5 ) = 0
2x − 1 = 0 or x+5=0
x= or x = −5
e) x2 + 9 = 0
x2 + 9 = 0
Does not factor .
Solve by using inverse operations.
x 2 = −9
x = ± −9
x = no real answer
16 ( x 2 − 4 ) = 0
16 (x − 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 0
(x − 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 0 Divide by 16.
x−2 =0 or x+2 =0
x=2 or x = −2
g) x2 + 12x - 28 = 0
x 2 + 12 x − 28 = 0
(x + 14)(x − 2 ) = 0
x + 14 = 0 or x−2 =0
x = −14 or x=2
3. One leg of a right triangle is 7 m longer than the other leg. The hypotenuse
is 17 m long. Find the length of each leg.
A Let x = shorter leg of the right triangle
x + 7 = larger leg of the right triangle
Because the triangle has a right angle,
a2 + b 2 = c 2
x+7 17 x 2 + ( x + 7 ) = 17 2
x 2 + x 2 + 14 x + 49 = 289
2 x 2 + 14x − 240 = 0
C x B 2 ( x 2 + 7 x − 120 ) = 0
x 2 + 7 x − 120 = 0
( x + 15) ( x − 8) = 0
4. Two square checkerboards together have an area of 1300 cm2. One has
sides that are 10 cm longer than the other. Find the length of the sides of
each checkerboard.
x + 10
x x + 10
2 ( x 2 + 10 x − 600 ) = 0
x 2 + 10 x − 600 = 0
( x − 20 ) ( x + 30 ) = 0
x = 20 or x = −30
x - 1 = length of box
3 3
x - 6 = width of box
3 3
150 = ( x − 1) ( x − 6 ) Divide by 3.
150 = x 2 − 7 x + 6
0 = x 2 − 7 x − 144
0 = ( x − 16 ) ( x + 9 )
x = 16 or x = −9
8. Write the quadratic function y = -4(x - 3)(x + 1) in vertex form using the
average of the x-intercepts.
For y = -4(x - 3)(x + 1), the x-intercepts are x = 3 and x = -1. The
3 + (−1)
x-coordinate of the vertex is = 1. The y-coordinate of the vertex
is x = -4(1 - 3)(1 + 1) = -4(-2)(2) = 16. The leading coefficient, a, is -4.
The function in vertex form is y = -4(x - 1)2 + 16.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Evaluate: 115 + 27 + 76 + 25
2. Britney is making cookies. The recipe calls for of a cup of butter. If
Britney is tripling the recipe, how much butter does she need? Write your
answer as a mixed fraction.
3. Joanne makes $400 in a month. If Joanne needs to pay $66 for her phone
bill, $40 for gas to drive her parents’ car, and $120 for a haircut, will she
have enough to buy the $150 jeans she wants?
1 2 121
4. Factor: x -
3 3
5. Find the vertex of the following parabola: y = 3x2 + 6x - 5
6. Rationalize the denominator:
7. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line, 7x + 3y - 4 = 0.
8. The circumference of a circle is 92p centimetres. What is the radius of the
1. 11 115 + 27 + 76 + 25 ; 115 + 27 + 76 + 5 ; 115 + 27 + 81 ;
6 2 6 2
6. 3 2
⋅ = = 3 2
2 2 2
3 7 4
7. 3 y = −7 x + 4 ; y = − x +
7 3 3
(Recall: Perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals.)
8. 46 cm (C = 2 π r ; C = 92 π ; ∴ 2 π r = 92 π ;
92 π 92
r= ;r= = 46 cm
2π 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. For each quadratic equation below, state the values of a, b, and c for the
general equation format.
a) x2 - 2x - 5 = 0
b) 3x2 - 2x + 5 = 0
c) 5x2 - 3x = 8
d) 2(x2 - 2x) - 1 = 0
e) 5x2 = 9x
f) 4 - 2x2 = 9x
a) x2 - 2x - 5 = 0 b) 3x2 - 2x + 5 = 0
a = 1, b = -2, c = -5 a = 3, b = -2, c = 5
c) 5x2 - 3x - 8 = 0 d) 2(x2 - 2x) - 1 = 0
a = 5, b = -3, c = -8 2x2 - 4x - 1 = 0
a = 2, b = -4, c = -1
e) 5x2 = 9x f) 4 - 2x2 = 9x
2 2
5x - 9x = 0 -2x - 9x + 4 = 0
a = 5, b = -9, c = 0 2x2 + 9x - 4 = 0
a = 2, b = 9, c = -4
1 1
( x + 5) ( x − 3) = 0 w= or w = 1
2 2
x + 5 = 0 or x − 3 = 0
x = −5 or x = 3
c) 7 w2 − 3w = 0 d) 1 = 25x 2
w (7 w − 3 ) = 0 0 = 25x 2 − 1
w = 0 or 7 w − 3 = 0 0 = ( 5 x − 1) ( 5 x + 1)
3 5x − 1 = 0 or 5x + 1 = 0
w = 0 or w =
1 1
x= or x = −
5 5
a) 3x 2 − 6 x − 15 = 0 b) 2 x 2 − 4x − 1 = 0
( x − 1)2 = 6 3
( x − 1)2 =
x−1 =± 6
x−1 =±
x = 1± 6 2
x =1±
2± 6
c) 9 x 2 − 18x − 7 = 0 d) x 2 − x − 3 = 0
9 (x2 − 2x )=7 1 1
x2 − x + = 3+
4 4
9 ( x 2 − 2 x + 1) = 7 + 9 ( 1) 2
1 13
2 x − =
9 ( x − 1) = 16 2 4
16 1 13
( x − 1)2 = x− =±
9 2 4
4 1 13
x−1 =± x= ±
3 2 2
4 1 ± 13
x = 1±
3 x=
4 4
x =1+ , 1−
3 3
7 1
x= ,−
3 3
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac −b ± b 2 − 4 ac
x= x=
2a 2a
2 2
+1 ± (−1) − 4 ( 5) (−3) −6 ± (6 ) − 4 ( 2 ) (−1)
x= x=
2 ( 5) 2 (2)
1 ± 1 + 60 −6 ± 36 + 8
x= x=
10 4
1 ± 61 −6 ± 44
x= x=
10 4
1 + 61 1 − 61 −6 ± 2 11
x= or x=
10 10 4
2 (−3 ± 11 )
2 (2)
−3 ± 11
−3 + 11 −3 − 11
x= or
2 2
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
−5 ± ( 5) − 4 (6 ) (−6 )
2 (6)
−5 ± 169
−5 ± 13 −5 + 13 −5 − 13 8 18
x= = , = ,−
12 12 12 12 12
2 3
x= or −
3 2
b) 6 x 2 + 5x − 6 = 0
( 2 x + 3) ( 3x − 2 ) = 0
2x + 3 = 0 3x − 2 = 0
2 x = −3 3x = 2
−3 2
x= x=
2 3
You may prefer either method. Perhaps you find factoring easier than
plugging values into a formula. Or, you may like the certainty of using a
formula. Both methods are important for future mathematics courses so you
should practise both.
c) y = x2 + 8x + 15 y
y = (x2 + 8x + 16) + 15 - 16
y = (x + 4)2 - 1 4
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 x
0 = ( x 2 + 8x + 16 ) + 15 − 16
0 = (x + 4) − 1
1 = (x + 4)
x + 4 = ±1
x = ±1 − 4
x = 1 − 4 , −1 − 4
x = −3 , − 5
You may prefer any of the above methods for a variety of reasons. It is a
good idea to practise them all—check your answers if you try more than
one method. Some questions may be easier to solve using one method
while others are easier to solve using a different method.
9. Is the quadratic formula always the most efficient way to solve quadratic
equations? Explain with examples.
No. In Question 6, the quadratic equation could easily be solved by
factoring. Therefore, the quadratic formula could sometimes make an
easy question unnecessarily hard.
−0.02 d 2 + 0.4 d + 1 = 0
d 2 − 20 d − 50 = 0 Dividing by -0.02.
d 2 − 20 d = 50 Add 50.
d = 10 ± 5 6
d = 10 − 5 6 ≈ −2.247
x =± 3 (x − 2)(x + 2) = 0
x = 2 or x = −2
x = −2 , − 3 , 3 , 2 }
Use when:
The quadratic equation is in vertex form with integer values for a, p, and q that can
easily fit on a graph.
Square Roots
Use when:
There is no x-term, when b = 0 in the general form of the quadratic equation, or when
the equation is presented as a binomial squared.
Use when:
Use when:
The x2 term has a coefficient of 1, and the coefficient of the x-term is even.
Quadratic Formula
Use when:
The equation cannot be factored easily or at all, or when completing the square would
involve fractions.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Janique is taking piano lessons and her teacher tells her she needs
to practice piano for at least 7 hours a week. If Janique practices for
45 minutes each day from Monday to Friday, 1.25 hours on Saturday, and
1.75 hours on Sunday, will Janique have practiced enough?
2. If you sleep for 9 hours a day, what fraction of the day are you awake (in
lowest terms)?
3. Evaluate for j = 3: 5j - 2j2 + 7
(2 3 )
4. Evaluate: 2
5. What is the area of a triangle with a base of 4 cm and a height of 8 cm?
6. Factor completely: 36x2 - 1
7. Two angles in an isosceles triangle measure 16° and 148°. What is the
measure of the third angle?
8. Express as a radical: 8 2
1. No [Janique will still need to practice for 0.25 hours, or 15 minutes.
(45 minutes = 0.75 hours; Total time = 0.75 ´ 5 + 1.25 + 1.75 =
3.75 + 1.25 + 1.75 = 6.75 hours)]
5 15 5
2. 24 − 9 = 15 ; =
8 24 8
3. 4 [5(3) - 2(9) + 7 = 15 - 18 + 7 = 4]
( 3
4. 256 2 2 = 2 8 = 256 )
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) The discriminant of 2x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 is 23.
b) For each quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, if b2 - 4ac > 0, then the
equation has two real roots.
c) For each quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, if b2 - 4ac < 0, then the
equation has no real number solutions.
−6 + 32 −3 + 8 2
d) =
10 5
e) The equation x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 has two distinct real roots.
a) False. The discriminant of 2x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 is b2 - 4ac = 52 - 4(2)(6) =
25 - 48 = -23.
b) True
c) True
−6 + 32 −6 + 4 2 −3 + 2 2
d) False. = =
10 10 5
e) False. The equation x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 has one real root since
b2 - 4ac = 22 - 4(1)(1) = 0.
4. Determine the nature of the roots by calculating the discriminant for each
a) x2 - 8x + 16 = 0
x2 - 8x + 16 = 0
a = 1, b = -8, c = 16
b2 - 4ac = (-8)2 - 4(1)(16)
= 64 - 64
Because b2 - 4ac = 0, there is one real root.
c) p2 - 16 = 0
p2 - 16 = 0
a = 1, b = 0, c = -16
b2 - 4ac = (0)2 - 4(1)(-16)
= 64
Because b2 - 4ac > 0 and equal to a perfect square, there are two real,
rational roots.
d) 2x2 + x = 5
2x2 + x = 5
2x2 + x - 5 = 0
a = 2, b = 1, c = -5
b2 - 4ac = (1)2 - 4(2)(-5)
= 1 + 40
= 41
Because b2 - 4ac > 0 and not equal to a perfect square, there are two
real, irrational roots.
b) x2 + (k - 8)x + 9 = 0
x2 + (k - 8)x + 9 = 0
If the roots are equal, b2 - 4ac = 0.
a = 1, b = k - 8, c = 9
Method 1:
( k − 8)2 − 4 (1)(9 ) = 0
k 2 − 16 k + 64 − 36 = 0
k 2 − 16 k + 28 = 0
( k − 2 ) ( k − 14 ) = 0
k = 2 or k = 14
Method 2:
( k − 8)2 − 4 (1)(9 ) = 0
( k − 8)2 − 36 = 0
( k − 8)2 = 36
k − 8 = ±6
k = 8 − 6 or k = 8 + 6
k = 2 or k = 14
(−2 )2 − 4 ( 3) k > 0
4 − 12 k > 0
−12 k > −4
−12 k −4
−12 −12
Remember that when dividing an inequality by a negative number, the
inequality sign reverses direction.
b) 18x2 - 35x + 12 = 0
18x2 - 35x + 12 = 0
a = 18, b = -35, c = 12
b2 - 4ac = (-35)2 - 4(18)(12)
= 361
= 192
The discriminant is a perfect square. The equation can be factored.
18x 2 − 35x + 12 = 0
18x 2 − 27 x − 8x + 12 = 0
9 x ( 2 x − 3) − 4 ( 2 x − 3) = 0
( 9 x − 4 ) ( 2 x − 3) = 0
4 3
x= ,
9 2
1 Real and −1 + 5 −1 − 5
9x2 + 6x - 4 = 0 y = 9 x + − 5 180 2 ,
3 Irrational 3 3
4 121 Real and 7
y = 3 x + − 484 2 -5 ,
3x2 + 8x - 35 = 0 3 3 Rational 3
Real and
x2 - 4x + 4 = 0 y = (x - 2)2 0 1 2
1 Real and 1
25x2 - 10x + 1 = 0 y = 25 x − 0 1
5 Equal 5
Learning Activity 4.6
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Multiply: (3x2)(4xy4)
2. Your dog can run at a speed of 10 m/s. If you are standing half a kilometre
away from your dog, how long will it take for your dog to run to you?
3. What are the x-intercepts of the function y = x2 + 3x + 2?
4. At a restaurant, Megan orders a meal advertised as containing
500 calories. She also orders a chocolate milkshake, which contains
490 calories. If Megan only eats 75% of her meal but drinks her entire
milkshake, how many calories did Megan consume?
1 5 2
5. Calculate: + +
5 6 15
6. Multiply: (x - y)(3x2 - 7x + 2)
7. State the independent and dependent variables for the following situation:
When the temperature changes, the height of the mercury in a
thermometer either rises or falls.
8. Express as an entire radical: 4x 2
1. 12x3y4
2. 50 seconds (half a kilometre = 500 metres; = 50
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) If x ¹ 2, then ( x − 2 ) is equivalent to 4x.
6 x
b) If x ¹ 3, then 2 ( x − 3) + is equivalent to 6 + x.
x − 3 2
c) If x ¹ 0, then the equations x − = 0 and x2 - 1 = 0 are equivalent.
x−1 x−2
d) If x ¹ -3 and x ¹ -4, then = is equivalent to
x+3 x+4
(x - 1)(x + 4) = (x + 3)(x - 2).
a) True
6 x
b) False. If x ¹ 3, then 2 ( x − 3) + is equivalent to 12 + x2 - 3x.
x − 3 2
c) True
d) True
Are any of the solutions the non-permissible value? No.
\ The solutions are x = 2 or x = 1, x ¹ 3.
2x − 9 x 5
b) + =
x−7 2 x−7
LCD = 2(x - 7) and x ¹ 7.
2x − 9 x 5
(2)(x − 7 ) + (2)(x − 7 ) = (2)(x − 7 )
x−7 2 x−7
2 (2x − 9) + x (x − 7 ) = 5 (2 )
4 x − 18 + x 2 − 7 x = 10
x 2 − 3x − 18 − 10 = 0
x 2 − 3x − 28 = 0
(x − 7 ) (x + 4) = 0
x = 7 , −4
It is not possible for x to be 7.
\ x = -4 is the only solution and x ¹ 7.
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
4 ± (−4 ) − 4 (1)(1)
2 ( 1)
4 ± 16 − 4
4 ± 12
4± 4 3
4±2 3
2 (2 ± 3 )
=2± 3
Non-permissible values are okay.
\ Solutions are x = 2 ± 3 and x ≠ 0.
2x 1 3x + 9
e) + + 2 =0
x − 3 2 x + 3 2 x − 3x − 9
2x 1 3x + 9
+ + =0
x − 3 2 x + 3 ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3)
∴ LCD = ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3) and x ≠ 3 , −
2x 1
( x − 3) ( 2 x + 3) + ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3) +
( x − 3) ( 2 x + 3)
( 3x + 9 )
( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3) = 0 ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3)
( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3)
x 2 + 12 7x
f) =
x−3 x−3
LCD = x - 3, x ¹ 3
x 2 + 12 7x
( x − 3) = ( x − 3)
x−3 x−3
x 2 + 12 = 7 x
x 2 − 7 x + 12 = 0
( x − 4 ) ( x − 3) = 0
x = 4, 3
It is not permissible for x to be 3.
\ The only solution is x = 4 and x ¹ 3.
Module 4
Solving Quadratic and Rational Equations
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Brooklyn can type 55 words per minute. If her essay took her an hour to
write, how many words are in her essay?
2. What is the greatest common factor of 3x5y3 and 6x2y8?
3. Find the vertex of the following parabola: y = -2x2 + 8x - 1
4. Solve for x: 6x + 5 = 7
5. How many centimetres are in one kilometre?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify your answers.
1 2 1
4. 6 x = 2 , x = or
3 6 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Rearrange each of the following into the general form of a quadratic
equation with the leading coefficient greater than 0.
a) −2 x 2 + 10 = −6
b) 3x ( x + 2 ) = 8
c) 5x 2 − 7 + 3x = 7
d) ( x + 3) = −4
e) ( x + 3) − 4 = 5
x2 − 4
f) =x
g) ( 2 x − 3) ( x + 2 ) = 0
b) 3x ( x + 2 ) = 8
3x 2 + 6 x = 8 Distribute 3x into the bracket.
3x 2 + 6 x − 8 = 0 Subtract 8 from each side.
c) 5x 2 − 7 + 3x = 7
5x 2 + 3x − 14 = 0 Subtract 7 from each side and rearrange.
d) ( x + 3)2 = −4
x 2 + 6 x + 9 = −4 Expand (x + 3)2.
x 2 + 6 x + 13 = 0 Add +4 to each side.
e) ( x + 3)2 − 4 = 5
x 2 + 6x + 9 − 4 = 5 Expand (x + 3)2.
x 2 + 6x + 5 = 5 Simplify.
x 2 + 6 x = 0 Subtract 5 from each side.
x2 − 4
f) =x
x 2 − 4 = 3x Multiply each side by 3.
x 2 − 3x − 4 = 0 Subtract 3x from each side.
g) ( 2 x − 3) ( x + 2 ) = 0
2 x 2 + 4 x − 3x − 6 = 0 Multiply.
2x2 + x − 6 = 0 Simplify.
b) 0 = x2 - 6x + 5
The function is y = x2 - 6x + 5.
First, complete the square to find the vertex and then graph the
y = x2 - 6x + 5 y
y= (x2 - 6x + 9) + 5 - 9
y = (x - 3)2 - 4 4
\ Vertex is (3, -4); the curve 3
opens up and is standard 2
size. 1
normal size. 2
The zeros are -4 and -2.
The solutions are -4 and -2.
Answers: x = 0 and 4
c) Press Y=
ENTER Y1 = x2 + 6x + 8
Use TRACE to approximate the zeros.
Answers: x = -2 or x = -4
3 1 x
c) x2 + 8x = -15
x2 + 8x + 15 = 0
Let y = x2 + 8x + 15
y = (x2 + 8x ) + 15
y = (x2 + 8x + 16) + 15 - 16
y = (x + 4)2 - 1
V(-4, -1)
10 8 6 4 2 x
4 2 2 4 x
e) 2x2 - 12x + 10 = 0
Let y = 2x2 - 12x + 10
y = 2(x2 - 6x ) + 10
y = 2(x2 - 6x + 9) + 10 - 9(2)
y = 2(x - 3)2 - 8
V(3, -8)
2 2 4 6 8 x
y + 4 = −( x 2 − 5x )
25 25
y+4− = − x 2 − 5x +
4 4
16 25 5
y+ − = − x −
4 4 2
5 9
y = − x − +
2 4
1 1
22 x
1 1 4 x
From this graph, the x-intercepts are 1 and 4. Therefore, the solutions to
the quadratic equation -x2 + 5x - 4 = 0 are 1 and 4.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Cameron is packing his suitcase for Mexico. If his suitcase measures
110 cm by 40 cm by 60 cm, what is the volume of his suitcase?
2. You and your friend are going out for dinner and you want to split the bill
evenly. If the bill comes to $76.36 and you want to tip the waiter $4, how
much should you give the waiter?
3. Factor: 14m - 28
4. Does the parabola y = 3x2 + 2x - 1 open up or down?
5. Continue the pattern: A, E, F, H, I, K, L, M, ,
6. Find the midpoint between the two points (9, -24) and (4, 12).
7. Solve the inequality, 13x - 2 > x.
8. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 8x = 3y - 2.
1. 264 000 cm3 (110 ´ 40 ´ 60 = 110 ´ 2400 = 264 000 cm3)
2. $42.18 + $4 = $38.18 + $4 = $42.18
3. 14(m - 2)
4. Up
5. N, T (The pattern is letters made from only straight lines.)
13 9 + 4 −24 + 12 13 12 13
6. , −6 M = , = , − = , −6
2 2 2 2 2 2
7. x > (12 x > 2 )
8 3y 8 2 8 2
8. 3 y = 8x + 2 ; = x+ ; y= x+
3 3 3 3 3 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Find the roots of the following equations.
Recall: Finding the roots of an equation is identical to solving an equation.
a) x2 = 16 b) 3x2 - 18 = 0
Answer: Answer:
x = ± 16 3x 2 = 18
x = ±4 x2 = 6
x =± 6
c) x2 - 6 = -5 d) 6x2 + 3 = 2x2 + 7
Answer: Answer:
x 2 = −5 + 6 4x 2 = 4
x2 = 1 x2 = 1
x =± 1 x =± 1
x = ±1 x = ±1
e) x2 = 6x2 - 1 f) 4x2 - 9 = -3
Answer: Answer:
1 = 5x 2 4x 2 = 6
1 3
x2 = x2 =
5 2
1 3
x =± x =±
5 2
1 3
x =± or x =± or
5 2
5 6
x =± x =±
5 2
Note: For (e), you can rationalize the
denominator or not. Either method of 1 5 5 5
⋅ = =
answering is acceptable. Remember, to 5 5 25 5
rationalize a monomial radical denominator,
multiply top and bottom of the fraction by the radical:
x = ± 20 x 2 = 12
x =± 4 5 x = ± 12
x = ±2 5 x =± 4 3
x = ±2 3
i) (x - 2)2 = 5
Note: This question does not exactly fit the pattern. You have a
binomial squared. However, you can still easily take the square root of
both sides to eliminate the square and then add 2 to both sides.
( x − 2 )2 = ± 5
x−2 =± 5
x=2± 5
Therefore, x = 2 − 5 or x = 2 + 5 .
2 2
j) x + 6 = 18
3 x 2 + 6 = 3 (18) Multiply both sides of the equation by 3.
2 x 2 + 18 = 54 Simplify.
x = ± 18
x =± 9 2
x = ±3 2
A 6 cm B BD 2 = AD 2 + AB 2
BD 2 = 6 2 + 6 2
BD = 36 + 36
6 cm
BD = 36 ⋅ 2
BD = 6 2
D C Radius =
(6 2 )
=3 2
Area of circle = π r 2
= π (3 2 )
= 18 π cm 2
x = ± 40
x = ±4 10
40 = ( 4 )( 10 ) = 2 10
Therefore, x = ±2 10 is the correct answer.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Your mom bought 500 g of deli meat. If you put an average of 125 g of
meat on each sandwich you make, how many days will the deli meat last
for (assuming you only eat one sandwich a day)?
2. You are playing soccer on a co-ed team. You have 20 players on your team
and 3 of them are girls. You need at least 20% of your players to be female
according to the league. Do you have enough female players?
3. Simplify: (x + 5)2
4. Give a simplified quadratic function that has zeros of -1 and -5 and a = 1.
5. Simplify: 24 ´ 32
6. Express as a power: 15
2 4
7. Are these fractions equivalent, and ?
3 3
8. The x-intercepts of a parabola are -5 and 2 and the y-intercept is 10. Write
the quadratic function in factored form.
1. 4 days = 4
3 15
2. No = = 15%
20 100
3. x2 + 10x + 25 [(x + 5)2 = (x + 5)(x + 5) = x2 + 5x + 5x + 25]
4. y = 1(x + 1)(x + 5) = x2 + 6x + 5
5. 144 (16 ´ 9)
6. 15 2
2 3 6 4
7. These fractions are not equivalent. ⋅ = , not
3 3 3 3
8. y = -(x + 5)(x - 2) (The factored form is y = a(x + 5)(x - 2). Since the
y-intercept is 10, 10 = a(0 + 5)(0 - 2) and the value of a is -1.)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Solve these equations by factoring.
a) x2 - x - 12 = 0
x 2 − x − 12 = 0
( x − 4 ) ( x + 3) = 0
x−4=0 or x+3=0
x=4 or x = −3
b) x2 - x - 20 = 0
x 2 − x − 20 = 0
( x − 5) ( x + 4 ) = 0
x−5=0 or x+4=0
x=5 or x = −4
c) -x2 - 2x + 3 = 0
−x 2 − 2 x + 3 = 0
x2 + 2x − 3 = 0 Multiply each side by (−1) .
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1) = 0
x+3=0 or x−1= 0
x = −3 or x=1
e) 2x2 + 3x - 2 = 0
2 x 2 + 3x − 2 = 0
( 2 x − 1) ( x + 2 ) = 0
2x − 1 = 0 or x+2 =0
x= or x = −2
b) 5x2 + 21x = 54
5x 2 + 21x − 54 = 0
( 5x − 9 ) ( x + 6 ) = 0
5x − 9 = 0 or x+6 = 0
x= or x = −6
2 9 1
d) x + x−2 =0
2 2
9 1
x2 + x−2 =0
2 2
9 5
x2 + x− =0
2 2
2 x 2 + 9x − 5 = 0 Multiply by 2.
( 2 x − 1) ( x + 5 ) = 0
2x − 1 = 0 or x+5=0
x= or x = −5
e) x2 + 9 = 0
x2 + 9 = 0
Does not factor .
Solve by using inverse operations.
x 2 = −9
x = ± −9
x = no real answer
16 ( x 2 − 4 ) = 0
16 (x − 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 0
(x − 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 0 Divide by 16.
x−2 =0 or x+2 =0
x=2 or x = −2
g) x2 + 12x - 28 = 0
x 2 + 12 x − 28 = 0
(x + 14)(x − 2 ) = 0
x + 14 = 0 or x−2 =0
x = −14 or x=2
3. One leg of a right triangle is 7 m longer than the other leg. The hypotenuse
is 17 m long. Find the length of each leg.
A Let x = shorter leg of the right triangle
x + 7 = larger leg of the right triangle
Because the triangle has a right angle,
a2 + b 2 = c 2
x+7 17 x 2 + ( x + 7 ) = 17 2
x 2 + x 2 + 14 x + 49 = 289
2 x 2 + 14x − 240 = 0
C x B 2 ( x 2 + 7 x − 120 ) = 0
x 2 + 7 x − 120 = 0
( x + 15) ( x − 8) = 0
4. Two square checkerboards together have an area of 1300 cm2. One has
sides that are 10 cm longer than the other. Find the length of the sides of
each checkerboard.
x + 10
x x + 10
2 ( x 2 + 10 x − 600 ) = 0
x 2 + 10 x − 600 = 0
( x − 20 ) ( x + 30 ) = 0
x = 20 or x = −30
x - 1 = length of box
3 3
x - 6 = width of box
3 3
150 = ( x − 1) ( x − 6 ) Divide by 3.
150 = x 2 − 7 x + 6
0 = x 2 − 7 x − 144
0 = ( x − 16 ) ( x + 9 )
x = 16 or x = −9
8. Write the quadratic function y = -4(x - 3)(x + 1) in vertex form using the
average of the x-intercepts.
For y = -4(x - 3)(x + 1), the x-intercepts are x = 3 and x = -1. The
3 + (−1)
x-coordinate of the vertex is = 1. The y-coordinate of the vertex
is x = -4(1 - 3)(1 + 1) = -4(-2)(2) = 16. The leading coefficient, a, is -4.
The function in vertex form is y = -4(x - 1)2 + 16.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Evaluate: 115 + 27 + 76 + 25
2. Britney is making cookies. The recipe calls for of a cup of butter. If
Britney is tripling the recipe, how much butter does she need? Write your
answer as a mixed fraction.
3. Joanne makes $400 in a month. If Joanne needs to pay $66 for her phone
bill, $40 for gas to drive her parents’ car, and $120 for a haircut, will she
have enough to buy the $150 jeans she wants?
1 2 121
4. Factor: x -
3 3
5. Find the vertex of the following parabola: y = 3x2 + 6x - 5
6. Rationalize the denominator:
7. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line, 7x + 3y - 4 = 0.
8. The circumference of a circle is 92p centimetres. What is the radius of the
1. 11 115 + 27 + 76 + 25 ; 115 + 27 + 76 + 5 ; 115 + 27 + 81 ;
6 2 6 2
6. 3 2
⋅ = = 3 2
2 2 2
3 7 4
7. 3 y = −7 x + 4 ; y = − x +
7 3 3
(Recall: Perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals.)
8. 46 cm (C = 2 π r ; C = 92 π ; ∴ 2 π r = 92 π ;
92 π 92
r= ;r= = 46 cm
2π 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. For each quadratic equation below, state the values of a, b, and c for the
general equation format.
a) x2 - 2x - 5 = 0
b) 3x2 - 2x + 5 = 0
c) 5x2 - 3x = 8
d) 2(x2 - 2x) - 1 = 0
e) 5x2 = 9x
f) 4 - 2x2 = 9x
a) x2 - 2x - 5 = 0 b) 3x2 - 2x + 5 = 0
a = 1, b = -2, c = -5 a = 3, b = -2, c = 5
c) 5x2 - 3x - 8 = 0 d) 2(x2 - 2x) - 1 = 0
a = 5, b = -3, c = -8 2x2 - 4x - 1 = 0
a = 2, b = -4, c = -1
e) 5x2 = 9x f) 4 - 2x2 = 9x
2 2
5x - 9x = 0 -2x - 9x + 4 = 0
a = 5, b = -9, c = 0 2x2 + 9x - 4 = 0
a = 2, b = 9, c = -4
1 1
( x + 5) ( x − 3) = 0 w= or w = 1
2 2
x + 5 = 0 or x − 3 = 0
x = −5 or x = 3
c) 7 w2 − 3w = 0 d) 1 = 25x 2
w (7 w − 3 ) = 0 0 = 25x 2 − 1
w = 0 or 7 w − 3 = 0 0 = ( 5 x − 1) ( 5 x + 1)
3 5x − 1 = 0 or 5x + 1 = 0
w = 0 or w =
1 1
x= or x = −
5 5
a) 3x 2 − 6 x − 15 = 0 b) 2 x 2 − 4x − 1 = 0
( x − 1)2 = 6 3
( x − 1)2 =
x−1 =± 6
x−1 =±
x = 1± 6 2
x =1±
2± 6
c) 9 x 2 − 18x − 7 = 0 d) x 2 − x − 3 = 0
9 (x2 − 2x )=7 1 1
x2 − x + = 3+
4 4
9 ( x 2 − 2 x + 1) = 7 + 9 ( 1) 2
1 13
2 x − =
9 ( x − 1) = 16 2 4
16 1 13
( x − 1)2 = x− =±
9 2 4
4 1 13
x−1 =± x= ±
3 2 2
4 1 ± 13
x = 1±
3 x=
4 4
x =1+ , 1−
3 3
7 1
x= ,−
3 3
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac −b ± b 2 − 4 ac
x= x=
2a 2a
2 2
+1 ± (−1) − 4 ( 5) (−3) −6 ± (6 ) − 4 ( 2 ) (−1)
x= x=
2 ( 5) 2 (2)
1 ± 1 + 60 −6 ± 36 + 8
x= x=
10 4
1 ± 61 −6 ± 44
x= x=
10 4
1 + 61 1 − 61 −6 ± 2 11
x= or x=
10 10 4
2 (−3 ± 11 )
2 (2)
−3 ± 11
−3 + 11 −3 − 11
x= or
2 2
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
−5 ± ( 5) − 4 (6 ) (−6 )
2 (6)
−5 ± 169
−5 ± 13 −5 + 13 −5 − 13 8 18
x= = , = ,−
12 12 12 12 12
2 3
x= or −
3 2
b) 6 x 2 + 5x − 6 = 0
( 2 x + 3) ( 3x − 2 ) = 0
2x + 3 = 0 3x − 2 = 0
2 x = −3 3x = 2
−3 2
x= x=
2 3
You may prefer either method. Perhaps you find factoring easier than
plugging values into a formula. Or, you may like the certainty of using a
formula. Both methods are important for future mathematics courses so you
should practise both.
c) y = x2 + 8x + 15 y
y = (x2 + 8x + 16) + 15 - 16
y = (x + 4)2 - 1 4
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 x
0 = ( x 2 + 8x + 16 ) + 15 − 16
0 = (x + 4) − 1
1 = (x + 4)
x + 4 = ±1
x = ±1 − 4
x = 1 − 4 , −1 − 4
x = −3 , − 5
You may prefer any of the above methods for a variety of reasons. It is a
good idea to practise them all—check your answers if you try more than
one method. Some questions may be easier to solve using one method
while others are easier to solve using a different method.
9. Is the quadratic formula always the most efficient way to solve quadratic
equations? Explain with examples.
No. In Question 6, the quadratic equation could easily be solved by
factoring. Therefore, the quadratic formula could sometimes make an
easy question unnecessarily hard.
−0.02 d 2 + 0.4 d + 1 = 0
d 2 − 20 d − 50 = 0 Dividing by -0.02.
d 2 − 20 d = 50 Add 50.
d = 10 ± 5 6
d = 10 − 5 6 ≈ −2.247
x =± 3 (x − 2)(x + 2) = 0
x = 2 or x = −2
x = −2 , − 3 , 3 , 2 }
Use when:
The quadratic equation is in vertex form with integer values for a, p, and q that can
easily fit on a graph.
Square Roots
Use when:
There is no x-term, when b = 0 in the general form of the quadratic equation, or when
the equation is presented as a binomial squared.
Use when:
Use when:
The x2 term has a coefficient of 1, and the coefficient of the x-term is even.
Quadratic Formula
Use when:
The equation cannot be factored easily or at all, or when completing the square would
involve fractions.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Janique is taking piano lessons and her teacher tells her she needs
to practice piano for at least 7 hours a week. If Janique practices for
45 minutes each day from Monday to Friday, 1.25 hours on Saturday, and
1.75 hours on Sunday, will Janique have practiced enough?
2. If you sleep for 9 hours a day, what fraction of the day are you awake (in
lowest terms)?
3. Evaluate for j = 3: 5j - 2j2 + 7
(2 3 )
4. Evaluate: 2
5. What is the area of a triangle with a base of 4 cm and a height of 8 cm?
6. Factor completely: 36x2 - 1
7. Two angles in an isosceles triangle measure 16° and 148°. What is the
measure of the third angle?
8. Express as a radical: 8 2
1. No [Janique will still need to practice for 0.25 hours, or 15 minutes.
(45 minutes = 0.75 hours; Total time = 0.75 ´ 5 + 1.25 + 1.75 =
3.75 + 1.25 + 1.75 = 6.75 hours)]
5 15 5
2. 24 − 9 = 15 ; =
8 24 8
3. 4 [5(3) - 2(9) + 7 = 15 - 18 + 7 = 4]
( 3
4. 256 2 2 = 2 8 = 256 )
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) The discriminant of 2x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 is 23.
b) For each quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, if b2 - 4ac > 0, then the
equation has two real roots.
c) For each quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, if b2 - 4ac < 0, then the
equation has no real number solutions.
−6 + 32 −3 + 8 2
d) =
10 5
e) The equation x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 has two distinct real roots.
a) False. The discriminant of 2x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 is b2 - 4ac = 52 - 4(2)(6) =
25 - 48 = -23.
b) True
c) True
−6 + 32 −6 + 4 2 −3 + 2 2
d) False. = =
10 10 5
e) False. The equation x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 has one real root since
b2 - 4ac = 22 - 4(1)(1) = 0.
4. Determine the nature of the roots by calculating the discriminant for each
a) x2 - 8x + 16 = 0
x2 - 8x + 16 = 0
a = 1, b = -8, c = 16
b2 - 4ac = (-8)2 - 4(1)(16)
= 64 - 64
Because b2 - 4ac = 0, there is one real root.
c) p2 - 16 = 0
p2 - 16 = 0
a = 1, b = 0, c = -16
b2 - 4ac = (0)2 - 4(1)(-16)
= 64
Because b2 - 4ac > 0 and equal to a perfect square, there are two real,
rational roots.
d) 2x2 + x = 5
2x2 + x = 5
2x2 + x - 5 = 0
a = 2, b = 1, c = -5
b2 - 4ac = (1)2 - 4(2)(-5)
= 1 + 40
= 41
Because b2 - 4ac > 0 and not equal to a perfect square, there are two
real, irrational roots.
b) x2 + (k - 8)x + 9 = 0
x2 + (k - 8)x + 9 = 0
If the roots are equal, b2 - 4ac = 0.
a = 1, b = k - 8, c = 9
Method 1:
( k − 8)2 − 4 (1)(9 ) = 0
k 2 − 16 k + 64 − 36 = 0
k 2 − 16 k + 28 = 0
( k − 2 ) ( k − 14 ) = 0
k = 2 or k = 14
Method 2:
( k − 8)2 − 4 (1)(9 ) = 0
( k − 8)2 − 36 = 0
( k − 8)2 = 36
k − 8 = ±6
k = 8 − 6 or k = 8 + 6
k = 2 or k = 14
(−2 )2 − 4 ( 3) k > 0
4 − 12 k > 0
−12 k > −4
−12 k −4
−12 −12
Remember that when dividing an inequality by a negative number, the
inequality sign reverses direction.
b) 18x2 - 35x + 12 = 0
18x2 - 35x + 12 = 0
a = 18, b = -35, c = 12
b2 - 4ac = (-35)2 - 4(18)(12)
= 361
= 192
The discriminant is a perfect square. The equation can be factored.
18x 2 − 35x + 12 = 0
18x 2 − 27 x − 8x + 12 = 0
9 x ( 2 x − 3) − 4 ( 2 x − 3) = 0
( 9 x − 4 ) ( 2 x − 3) = 0
4 3
x= ,
9 2
1 Real and −1 + 5 −1 − 5
9x2 + 6x - 4 = 0 y = 9 x + − 5 180 2 ,
3 Irrational 3 3
4 121 Real and 7
y = 3 x + − 484 2 -5 ,
3x2 + 8x - 35 = 0 3 3 Rational 3
Real and
x2 - 4x + 4 = 0 y = (x - 2)2 0 1 2
1 Real and 1
25x2 - 10x + 1 = 0 y = 25 x − 0 1
5 Equal 5
Learning Activity 4.6
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Multiply: (3x2)(4xy4)
2. Your dog can run at a speed of 10 m/s. If you are standing half a kilometre
away from your dog, how long will it take for your dog to run to you?
3. What are the x-intercepts of the function y = x2 + 3x + 2?
4. At a restaurant, Megan orders a meal advertised as containing
500 calories. She also orders a chocolate milkshake, which contains
490 calories. If Megan only eats 75% of her meal but drinks her entire
milkshake, how many calories did Megan consume?
1 5 2
5. Calculate: + +
5 6 15
6. Multiply: (x - y)(3x2 - 7x + 2)
7. State the independent and dependent variables for the following situation:
When the temperature changes, the height of the mercury in a
thermometer either rises or falls.
8. Express as an entire radical: 4x 2
1. 12x3y4
2. 50 seconds (half a kilometre = 500 metres; = 50
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and examinations. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and examinations. If you did
not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so it is true.
a) If x ¹ 2, then ( x − 2 ) is equivalent to 4x.
6 x
b) If x ¹ 3, then 2 ( x − 3) + is equivalent to 6 + x.
x − 3 2
c) If x ¹ 0, then the equations x − = 0 and x2 - 1 = 0 are equivalent.
x−1 x−2
d) If x ¹ -3 and x ¹ -4, then = is equivalent to
x+3 x+4
(x - 1)(x + 4) = (x + 3)(x - 2).
a) True
6 x
b) False. If x ¹ 3, then 2 ( x − 3) + is equivalent to 12 + x2 - 3x.
x − 3 2
c) True
d) True
Are any of the solutions the non-permissible value? No.
\ The solutions are x = 2 or x = 1, x ¹ 3.
2x − 9 x 5
b) + =
x−7 2 x−7
LCD = 2(x - 7) and x ¹ 7.
2x − 9 x 5
(2)(x − 7 ) + (2)(x − 7 ) = (2)(x − 7 )
x−7 2 x−7
2 (2x − 9) + x (x − 7 ) = 5 (2 )
4 x − 18 + x 2 − 7 x = 10
x 2 − 3x − 18 − 10 = 0
x 2 − 3x − 28 = 0
(x − 7 ) (x + 4) = 0
x = 7 , −4
It is not possible for x to be 7.
\ x = -4 is the only solution and x ¹ 7.
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
4 ± (−4 ) − 4 (1)(1)
2 ( 1)
4 ± 16 − 4
4 ± 12
4± 4 3
4±2 3
2 (2 ± 3 )
=2± 3
Non-permissible values are okay.
\ Solutions are x = 2 ± 3 and x ≠ 0.
2x 1 3x + 9
e) + + 2 =0
x − 3 2 x + 3 2 x − 3x − 9
2x 1 3x + 9
+ + =0
x − 3 2 x + 3 ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3)
∴ LCD = ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3) and x ≠ 3 , −
2x 1
( x − 3) ( 2 x + 3) + ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3) +
( x − 3) ( 2 x + 3)
( 3x + 9 )
( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3) = 0 ( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3)
( 2 x + 3) ( x − 3)
x 2 + 12 7x
f) =
x−3 x−3
LCD = x - 3, x ¹ 3
x 2 + 12 7x
( x − 3) = ( x − 3)
x−3 x−3
x 2 + 12 = 7 x
x 2 − 7 x + 12 = 0
( x − 4 ) ( x − 3) = 0
x = 4, 3
It is not permissible for x to be 3.
\ The only solution is x = 4 and x ¹ 3.
Module 5
M o d u l e 5:
R adicals
Assignments in Module 5
When you have completed the assignments for Module 5, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
The breakdown of the final examination will be 20% for the first half of the
course and 80% for the second half.
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination. This sheet will
be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your handwriting or
typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but you do not receive
any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions that follows to help you with preparing
your resource sheet for the material in Module 5. On this sheet, you should
record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a list of
places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special areas
that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1 to 8 to prepare your Final Examination Resource
Sheet. The final examination for this course is based on Modules 1 to 8.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Before you learn how to simplify radical expressions, you should become
familiar with the parts of a radical. Consider the following diagram. This
diagram will allow you to see the difference between the index and the
radicand of a radical. Radical: Any expression written using the
n symbol
Radicand: Everything under the radical
Radical Symbol:
x Index: A natural number ³ 2, used to
indicate the type of root, square root, cube
root, etc.
81 3
b) d) 16
50 = 25 ⋅ 2
81 81
b) Using the Quotient Property of Radicals, can be written as .
36 36
81 92 9 3
36 62 6 2
c) Simplify in several steps, especially if the number is large.
1800 = 100 18 1800 900 2
= 10 18 30 2
= 10 9 2
= 10 ( 3) 2
= 30 2
Notice that an entire square root can be simplified to a mixed radical if the
original radicand has a perfect square as one of its factors.
d) 3
16 3 8 3 2
23 2
b) x6 f) 50 x 3 y 10
c) x7 y 4 g) 128x 14
d) 8x 2 y 4
a) Using the First Property of Radicals, x 2 can be written as x2 .
x , as long as x ³ 0.
b) x6
You can write the radicand, x6, as (x3)2, using the following rule of
Power of a Power Law: When a power is raised to a power, multiply
the exponents.
(x3)2 = (x)(3)(2) = x6
The radical becomes (x3 ) .
x6 = 2 (x3 )
Using the first rule of radicals, 2
(x3 ) = x 3 , x ≥ 0.
∴ x6 = (x3 ) = x3
Consider x7 .
x7 can be written as (x3)2(x).
The radical then becomes (x3 ) ( x ).
Consider y4 .
Note: You want to group exponents into powers with an exponent of 2
(perfect squares). This is because the index of the radical is “2.”
2 2
Therefore, x7 y 4 = x7 y 4 = (x3 ) (x) (y2 ) .
2 2
(x3 ) x (y2 ) = x 3 xy 2
When writing radical expressions, the variables that are not part of the
radicand are written before the radical symbol to avoid confusion.
x 3 xy 2 x 3 y 2 x
If you were to redo this example without the lines of explanation, you
might write the following steps to show your work.
x7 y 4 = x 6 ⋅ x ⋅ y 4
2 2
= (x3 ) x (y2 )
= x3y2 x
Using the First Property of Radicals, 4 = 2 , x 2 = x , and (y2 ) = y2 .
4 2 x2 (y2 ) = 2 2 xy 2 = 2 xy 2 2
e) 25x 6 y 2
Using the First Property of Radicals, 25 = 5 , (x3 ) = x 3 , and y 2 = y.
25 (x3 ) y 2 = 5x 3 y
f) 50 x 3 y 10
Using the First Property of Radicals, 25 = 5 , x 2 = x , and (y5 ) = y5.
25 2 x 2 x (y5 ) = 5 2 x xy 5 = 5xy 5 2 x
g) Look for perfect cube factors of the radicand. For example, 64 is a perfect
cube factor of 128 and x12 is a perfect cube factor of x14.
3 3 3
128x 14 = 3 64 3 2 x 12 x2
= ( 4) ( 3 2 ) (x 4 ) (x)
3 2
= 4x 4 3 2 x 2
Example 3
Simplify x 6 and x 7 , x ³ 0.
6 2
x 6 = x 3 , since
= 3 or x6 = (x3 ) = x3 .
While x 7 = x 3 x , since = 3 , with remaainder 1.
Or, x 7 = (x3 ) x = x3 x .
Note: Students find it helpful to memorize the perfect squares, perfect cubes,
perfect quads, etc., up to 100. For example, the perfect squares are 1, 4, 9, 16,
25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, and the perfect cubes are 1, 8, 27, 64.
There are other ways to simplify radicals using prime factorization or rational
Example 4
Simplify the following expressions. Assume that x ³ 0 and y ³ 0.
a) x3y2
b) x4
b) x x d) x 3 x 2
a) Expressing mixed radicals as entire radicals is essentially the reverse
process of expressing entire radicals as mixed radicals. Therefore, you
need to express the values outside the radical as radicals themselves.
4 can also be written as 4 2 16
4 3 42 3
16 3 .
Reversing the Product Property of Radicals:
16 3 = (16 )( 3) = 48
b) x can be written as x2 .
x x = x2 x = (x2 )(x) = x3
x 2 y xy = x 4 y 2 xy = (x 4 )( y 2 ) (x ) (y ) = x5y 3
d) This time, the index is 3 and x can also be written as x3 .
x 3 x2 = 3 x3 3 x2 = 3 (x 3 )(x 2 ) = 3 x 5
b) 3 x , x , 5 x
c) 2 , 5 , 4 15
a) If each radical has the same index, or can be represented as having the
same index, the radical expressions can be ordered as follows.
2 3 = ( 4 )( 3) = 12
8 = 64
36 = 36
(-x)2 x2
x = -2 (-(-2))2 = (2)2 = 4 (-2)2 = 4
x = -1 (-(-1))2 = (1)2 = 1 (-1)2 = 1
x=0 (-0)2 = 0 02 = 0
x=1 (-1)2 = 1 (1)2 = 1
x=2 (-2)2 = 4 (2)2 = 4
x=3 (-3)2 = 9 (3)2 = 9
As you can see, both the (-x)2 and x2 columns are the same. This is because of
the fact that when you multiply two negative numbers together, the answer is
positive. Thus, (-x)2 = (-x)(–x) = x2.
When you are solving for x in an equation like x2 = 100, you need to consider
both the negative and positive square roots of 100. It is possible for x to equal
both positive 10 and negative 10.
(10)2 = 100 and (-10)2 = 100
Therefore, when you have an equation in the form x2 = a, where a > 0, you
perform the operation of taking the square root on both sides and you have
two solutions. Like the questions in Module 4 involving solving quadratic
equations by taking square roots, you need to consider the positive and
negative square roots. Thus:
x2 = a
x 2 = ± 25
x = ±5
When you introduce the radical symbol ( ) as part of your solution, there
are two answers, 5 and (-5).
The general rule is that if x2 = a, then x = ± a .
Instead, if you are given an equation in the form x a 2 , then you have only
the principal square root. The principal square root is the positive square
root. The general rule is a2 | a |. In other words, the square root of a2 is
always a positive number. When the radical symbol is given as part of the
question, there is only one solution depending on the sign of the radical given
to you.
Consider the following example.
Example 8
a) - 25
b) - 16
a) When you are given an expression in the form - x and asked to simplify,
this expression is not asking for the principal square root. The principal
square root is the positive square root. Therefore, 25 5. However,
there is a negative sign in front of the square root. Thus, − 25 = −5.
b) − 16 = −( 16 ) = −( 4 ) = −4
b) − 36 d) −36
a) When you are asked to simplify an expression in the form x , you are
being asked for the principal square root (the positive square root).
36 6
b) In this expression, you are asked for the negative square root of 36.
− 36 = −6
c) In this expression, you are asked for both the positive and negative square
roots of 36.
± 36 = ±6
Example 10
a) (−2 )2
b) 32
Therefore, (−2 )2 = − 2 = 2.
b) 3 9
3. Compare with x 2 x . In this example, x = 3.
Therefore, 3 3 3.
If the negative square root is written, the notation would be in the form
x = − a 2 and the answer could be simplified to x = -|a|.
6. If you are given a radical equation, − x = a, then you do not have the
principal square root and the value of “a” must be negative. There is only
one answer.
8. If you are given a < 0, then a2 = −a. Be careful here. For example,
(−6 )2 = −(−6 ) = 6. The answer is a positive number.
From this table, you can see that radicals are always defined when the
radicand is greater than zero. However, when the radicand is less than zero,
the radical is only defined if the index is odd.
Example 11
Identify the values of the variable for which the radical is defined in the set of
real numbers.
a) 5-x d) z
b) x2 e) x5
c) y5
The following learning activity will allow you to practice the mathematical
skills that you have just learned. Make sure you complete this learning
activity because similar questions will appear on your next assignment and
the final examination.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Jenelle’s doctor told her to eat an average of 2000 calories a day. If Jenelle
ate 520 calories for breakfast, 630 calories for lunch, and had two snacks
with 125 calories each, how many calories does Jenelle have left for
2. Multiply: (x + 3)(x + 4)
3. Evaluate: 256
1 2
7. Are these fractions equivalent? and
2 2
8. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line, 3y - 2x + 7 = 0.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical.
a) 80 f) 288
b) 18 g) 512
c) 200 h) - 8
d) 250 i) - 800
e) 1224
a) 4x 4 y 6 d) x 4 yz2
b) 8x 10 y 12 e) 5x 3 y 7
c) 75x 8 y 5
a) 3 15
b) 3x 5x
c) 5x 2 y 3xy
a) 125 or 3 20 ?
b) 16 2 or 768 ?
5. Order the following radical expressions from least to greatest. (Do not use
a calculator.)
a) 5 3 , 49 , 6 5
b) 3 2 , 6 2 , 32
6. Solve for x.
a) x2 = 25 d) x2 = 0
b) x2 = 16 e) x2 = -9
c) x2 = 48
7. By coverting the radical to a rational exponent, prove the First Property of
n n
a = a when n is a positive integer greater than 1.
8. Identify the values of the variable(s) for which the radical represents a real
a) 8 - 2x d) x7
b) x3 e) 64 a3 b 6
c) 5
z f) -432 xy 2
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
=7 5+4 2
Example 1
Simplify each of the following:
a) 3 5 + 4 7 − 5 + 6 7
b) 3 2 + 7 + 3 2 + 3
c) (3 2 + 3 − 1) − ( 3 3 − 2 2 − 1)
a) 3 5 + 4 7 − 5 + 6 7
= 2 5 + 10 7
b) 3 2 + 7 + 3 2 + 3
= 6 2 + 10
c) (3 2 + 3 − 1)− ( 3 3 − 2 2 − 1)
= 3 2 + 3 −1−3 3 +2 2 +1
= 5 2 −2 3
5 3 + 12 − 3
= 4 3 + 12
= 4 3 +2 3
=6 3
Example 3
a) 12 + 3 3 + 75
b) 50 + 75 + 300
c) 20 + 150 − 125
a) 12 + 3 3 + 75
= 4 3 + 3 3 + 25 3 Factor radicands.
= 2 3 +3 3 +5 3 Write square root of the perfect squares.
b) 50 + 75 + 300
= 25 2 + 25 3 + 100 3
= 5 2 + 5 3 + 10 3
= 5 2 + 15 3
Note: Unlike fractions, you cannot always make the terms have a common
= 4 5 + 25 6 − 25 5
= 2 5 +5 6 −5 5
= −3 5 + 5 6
c) 5x 24 x 3 − 7 54 x 5 + x 2 6 x − x 2 96 x
a) Each of these terms has x in common. Therefore, they are all like terms
and you can simply add and subtract the coefficients as indicated.
6 x −4 x +5 x
=7 x
b) Before you can combine like terms, you need to simplify each radical
27 x 2 − 3 8x 2 + 3 64 x 2
= 3 3 x2 − 2 3 x2 + 4 3 x2
= 5 3 x2
= 5x ( 2 )( x ) 6 x − 7 ( 3) ( x 2 ) 6x + x 2 6x − x 3 ( 4 ) 6x
= 10x 2 6x − 21x 2 6 x + x 2 6 x − 4 x 3 6 x
= −10 x 2 6 x − 4 x 3 6 x
Note: The terms are “like terms” only if all variable factors are the same.
Example 5
A square with an area of 27 units2 is placed next to a square with an area of
60 units2. Determine the exact value of the perimeter of the combined figure
in simplest form.
60 units2
27 units2
The area of a square = length ´ width.
However, the length and the width are the same in a square.
Therefore, the area of a square = length ´ length = (length)2.
Let the length of the smaller square equal x.
x 2 = 27
x = ± 27 = ±3 3
Since length is never negative, x can only be 3 3.
Let the length of the larger square equal y.
y 2 = 60
y = ± 60 = ±2 15
Since y > 0, y 2 15.
60 units2 215
33 27 units2
33 215
Now, to determine the perimeter of the larger shape, you have to sum all of
the side lengths.
3 3 + 3 3 + 3 3 + 2 15 + 2 15 + 2 15 + ( 2 15 − 3 3 )
= 9 3 + 6 15 + 2 15 − 3 3
= (6 3 + 8 15 ) units
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Alyssa is twice as old as her brother today. When she is 25 years old, her
brother will be 20 years old. How many years old is Alyssa today?
2. How much would a sweater cost if it were 25% off the original price of $60
and you had to pay an additional 12% sales tax on the discounted price?
3. Simplify: ( 3 2 x + 10 )
4. Simplify: 2x(3x - 5) - 4(x + 2)
5. Write 625 as a power with a base of 5.
6. List the factors of 68.
7. The equation of a parabola is, y = 3x2 - 5x + 8. What is the y-intercept?
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (7, -1) and (-8, 15).
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical expression as much as possible. Given: x ³ 0.
a) 2 3 + 4 3 − 3 e) 5 x − 3 x + 6 x
b) 96 − 54 − 24 f) 6 5 + 3 2 − 4 5 + 2
c) 3 75 − 2 48 + 12 g) x 5 + 3x 2 x − 7 x 4 x 3
d) 98 − 50 + 72 h) 2 x 3 8x 4 − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 7
a) 3 2 + 2 3 + A 12 − B 8 = 75 − 32
b) 24 + A 2 + B 150 = 3 2
4. Given the lengths of two sides of the right triangle, find the length of the
third side.
a c
a) a = 3 b=4
b) a = 3 b=5
c) a = 15 c = 17
5. Why is it important to simplify radical expressions before adding or
subtracting? Provide an example to support your explanation.
In this lesson, you learned how to add and subtract radical expressions.
Sometimes, it was necessary to simplify a radical expression before you
were able to add or subtract it. The skills you learned in Lesson 1 dealing
with simplifying radical expressions were used throughout this lesson.
Simplifying radical expressions also comes in handy when you multiply
radical expressions, which is the focus of Lesson 3.
Before you continue on to the next lesson, complete the following assignment.
Assignment 5.1 contains questions similar to those found in Learning
Activity 5.1 and Learning Activity 5.2. If you completed most of those
questions correctly, you should do well on Assignment 5.1.
Total: 42 marks
1. Simplify each radical. Given: x ³ 0 and y ³ 0.
a) 75 (1 mark)
b) - 400 (1 mark)
c) 4800 (2 marks)
d) - 648 (2 marks)
e) x 3 y 2 (1 mark)
f) - x 6 y 7 (2 marks)
g) 4 x 10 y 17 (2 marks)
h) - 8x 7 y 3 (2 marks)
b) x 3x
c) 3x 2 y 3 2 xy
3. Order the following radical expressions from least to greatest. Given: x ³ 1. Do not
use a calculator. (4 marks)
a) 5 2 , 6 3 , 2 5
b) 3 2 x 3 , x 8x , 32 x 3
a) 6 - 3x (1 mark)
b) x 5 (1 mark)
c) x 2 (1 mark)
d) 48r 6 s 3 (2 marks)
e) 3 128x 2 y 5 (2 marks)
b) 48 - 2 80 - 4 192
c) 2 x x + 3 x 3 − 16 x 3
d) x 5 − x 4x 3 + 6x 2 x
a c
a 2, b
a 5, c
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
You have now learned how to simplify radical expressions, as well as how to
add and subtract radical expressions. Both of these techniques will be useful
as you learn how to multiply radical expressions in this lesson. Multiplying
radical expressions is similar to multiplying polynomial expressions
or multiplying fractions. As you are already familiar with multiplying
polynomial expressions and fractions, the technique for multiplying radical
expressions should be an easy extension of your skills.
= 6 x 2 + 8xy = 6 4 + 8 10
= 12 + 8 10
b) ( 2 x + 1) ( 3x + 2 ) (2 3 + 1) ( 3 3 + 2 )
= 2 x ( 3x + 2 ) + 1 ( 3x + 2 ) = 2 3 (3 3 + 2) + 1 (3 3 + 2)
= 6 x + 4 x + 3x + 2
=6 9 +4 3 +3 3 +2
= 6x + 7 x + 2
= 6 ( 3) + 7 3 + 2
= 18 + 7 3 + 2
= 20 + 7 3
Example 1
Simplify these radical expressions. Given: x ³ 0.
a) ( 5 )( 10 ) f) 2 3 ( 4 3 − 3 7 )
b) (7 3 )( 5 2 ) g) 9 2 x ( 2x5 + 2 x )
c) (2 3 )(3 3 ) h) ( 2 + 3 ) ( 2 − 3 )
d) ( 5 )( 5 ) i) ( x + 5 )(3 x − 2 5 )
e) 2 ( 3 − 10 )
a) ( 5 )( 10 )
= 50
= 25 2
=5 2
b) (7 3 )( 5 2 ) = 35 6
= 6 ( 3)
= 18
d) ( 5 )( 5 ) = 25
e) 2 ( 3 − 10 ) = 6 − 20
= 6− 4 5
= 6 −2 5
f) 2 3 ( 4 3 − 3 7 ) = 8 9 − 6 21
= 8 ( 3) − 6 21
= 24 − 6 21
g) 9 2 x ( )
2 x 5 + 2 x = 9 4x 6 + 18 2 x 2
= 9 ⋅ 2 ⋅ x 3 + 18 ⋅ x 2
= 18x 3 + 18x 2
Note: When multiplying
h) ( 2 + 3 ) ( 2 − 3 ) = 2 ( 2 − 3 ) + 3 ( 2 − 3 )
two radicals, the answer
= 4−2 3 +2 3 − 9 may be a rational number!
The answer contains no
= 4− 9 radical term because the
polynomials are the factors
= 4−3
for a difference of squares
=1 called conjugates.
(a + b)(a - b) = a2 - b2
i) ( x + 5 )(3 x − 2 5 ) = x (3 x − 2 5 ) + 5 (3 x − 2 5 )
= 3 x 2 − 2 5x + 3 5x − 2 25
= 3x + 5x − 2 ( 5)
= 3x + 5x − 10
( xy − 3 y ) ( x + 5 xy ) − ( 2 y − x )
= ( xy − 3 y ) ( x + 5 xy ) − ( 2 y − x ) ( 2 y − x )
= xy ( x + 5 xy ) − 3 y ( x + 5 xy ) −
2 y ( 2 y − x ) − x ( 2 y − x )
= x 2 y + 5 x 2 y 2 − 3 xy − 15 xy 2 − 2 2
4 y − 2 xy − 2 xy + x
= x y + 5xy − 3 xy − 15 y x − 4 y + 2 xy + 2 xy − x
= x y + 5xy + xy − 15 y x − 4 y − x
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. School starts at 8:45 a.m. Hunter spends twenty minutes eating breakfast,
fifteen minutes taking a shower, thirty-five minutes watching TV, and ten
minutes biking to school. If Hunter arrives just on time for school, what
time did he wake up?
2. Simplify: ( x + 3 )
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical expression. Given: x ³ 0, y ³ 0.
a) ( 5 )( 3 ) i) 6 (3 2 + 5 8 )
b) ( 8 )( 2 ) j) (2 5 + 3) ( 2 5 − 3)
c) ( 4 10 )(3 5 ) k) (6 5 − 3 10 ) ( 4 5 + 10 )
d) ( 2 5 ) (−3 5 ) l) ( 2 − 3)
e) (−3 3 ) (−4 6 ) m) ( 4 7 + 3 2 )
f) (2 x )(3 xy 2 ) n) ( x + y3 )( xy )
g) 3 ( 2 − 5) o) ( 2 x − y ) ( x − 3 y )
h) − 2 ( 3 2 + 3 5 )
b) ( 3 2 )( 75 ) or ( 5 2 )( 3 2 ) ?
5 + 42
65 + 2
5 + 52
85 + 32
Expression: 3 26 6
= 12 18
= 12 (9 )( 2 )
= 12 ( 3) 2
= 36 2
You can try a variety of random cards and then test yourself using the
following examples. Check your work against the solutions given in the
answer key.
a) 5C, 10S, 3H, 5D
b) 4S, 3S, 2H, 5D
c) 8H, 3C, AceD, 10S
d) 7D, 2H, 8D, 2C
Lesson Summary
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
You have now learned how to simplify radical expressions, as well as how to
add, subtract, and multiply radical expressions. Dividing radical expressions
is an extension of these skills. Dividing radial expressions is similar to
dividing polynomials when you have a monomial divisor and it is similar to
simplifying fractions. Radical expressions need to be rationalized in order to
eliminate the radical from the denominator. This allows for rational division
rather than using an irrational number as a divisor.
Monomial division is still a model for some radical division. Compare these
Polynomial Radical
6x 2 y 6 35
2 xy 2 5
3x 3 7
As in multiplication of radicals, the factors outside the radical sign are divided
separately from the division of the factors inside the radical sign.
To divide radical expressions, use the following Quotient Property of
Note: This was also discussed in Lesson 1.
10 xy
b) f)
5 y
225 8x 3 y 5
c) g)
3 2 xy 3
24 + 2 60 − 3
= 4 2 +2 4 5 −1
= 2 2 +4 5 −1
100 10
e) = =5
2 2
xy xy
f) = = x
y y
8x 3 y 5 8x 3 y 5
g) = 3
= 4 x 2 y 2 = 2 xy
2 xy 3 2 xy
Question: If you were not allowed to use a calculator, which of the following
quotients would be easier to write as a decimal numeral, rounded to four
decimal places?
1 1.4142
1.4142 2
The latter can be simplified very quickly using long division (or “short”
division since the digits can be divided by 2):
1.4142 ¸ 2 = 0.7071
The reason these answers are close to the same value is that 1.4142 ≈ 2 and
you were asked to choose between two equivalent fractions:
1 2
2 2
Verify that these are equivalent fractions:
1 1
LHS = = ( 1)
2 2
1 2
2 2
= RHS 1 1.4142 1.4142
Thus, ≈ , but is much
1 2 1.4142 2 2
∴ =
2 2 easier to calculate.
a) 3 is the radical value found in the denominator. Therefore, you need
to multiply both the numerator and the denominator of the radical
expression by 3 to rationalize the denominator. The expression is
equivalent to 1. You are not changing the value of the original expression
when you multiply it by 1.
2 2 3
= ⋅
3 3 3
2 3
2 3
3 5 3 5 3 3 15 3 15 15
c) = ⋅ = = =
2 3 2 3 3 2 ( 3) 6 2
−4 6 −4 6 2 −4 12 −4 4 3 −4 ( 2 ) 3 −8 3 −4 3
d) = ⋅ = = = = =
3 2 3 2 2 3 (2) 6 6 6 3
Now that you have seen a few examples on how to rationalize a monomial
denominator, include steps for rationalizing the denominator on your
resource sheet.
Example 3
Rationalize each denominator. State the values for which the radical
expression is defined.
2 3
3 y
2 xy
2 3 2 3 x 2 3x 2 3x
a) =
= =
x x x x2 x
Since the radicand must be positive, this radical expression is only defined
when x > 0. Since the denominator of a radical expression cannot equal
zero, x cannot be zero.
3 y 3 y xy 3 xy 2 3y x 3 x
b) = ⋅ = = =
2 xy 2 xy xy 2 x2 y 2 2 xy 2x
This radical expression is defined only when x > 0 and y > 0, as both of
these variables appear in the denominator and cannot equal zero.
For example,
2 2 2 2 2 2
× = =
3+ 2 2 3 2+ 4 3 2 +2
You still have a radical in the denominator. However, what does work is to
multiply by the conjugate of 3 + 2 .
Example 4
Find the conjugates of the following radical expressions.
a) 3 − 5
b) 3 −1
c) 2 + 2
d) − 5 − 7
a) To find the conjugate of a radical expression, you simply change the sign
between the two terms in the expression. Thus, the conjugate of
3 − 5 is 3 + 5 .
b) The conjugate of 3 − 1 is 3 + 1.
c) The conjugate of 2 + 2 is 2 − 2 .
d) The conjugate of − 5 − 7 is − 5 + 7 .
2 3 − 2 2 (3 − 2 )
3 + 2 3 − 2 (3 + 2 )(3 − 2 )
6−2 2
3 ( 3) − 3 2 + 3 2 − 4
6−2 2
6−2 2
Example 5
Rationalize the denominator.
2 3+ 2
a) c)
5− 2 2− 2
5 3 2− 5
b) d)
2 +1 2 2+ 5
5 5 2 −1 3 2− 5
b) = ⋅ d)
2 +1 2 +1 2 −1 2 2+ 5
5 2 −5 3 2− 5 2 2− 5
= = ⋅
4 − 2 + 2 −1 2 2+ 5 2 2− 5
5 2 −5 6 4 − 3 10 − 2 10 + 25
= =
4 −1 4 4 − 2 10 + 2 10 − 25
5 2 −5 6 4 − 3 10 − 2 10 + 25
= =
2−1 4 4 −5
= 5 2 −5 6 ( 2 ) − 5 10 + 5
4 (2) − 5
12 − 5 10 + 5
17 − 5 10
a) To simplify radical expressions means to rationalize the denominator.
3− x 3− x 2− x
= ×
2+ x 2+ x 2− x
6 − 3 x − 2 x + x2
4 − 2 x + 2 x − x2
This radical expression is only
6−3 x −2 x + x 2 defined when x ³ 0 (you cannot
= take the square root of a negative
number) and when x ¹ 4 (an
6+x−5 x expression is not defined when its
4−x denominator equals zero).
3− y 3− y 2 y− 5
b) = ×
2 y+ 5 2 y+ 5 2 y− 5
2 3 y − 15 − 2 y 2 + 5 y
4 y 2 − 2 5 y + 2 5 y − 25
2 3 y − 15 − 2 y 2 + 5 y
4 y 2 − 25
2 3 y − 15 − 2 y + 5 y
4y − 5
Since you cannot take the square root of a negative number, this radical
expression is only defined when y ³ 0. When y , the denominator
equals zero. Thus, the radical expression is defined when y ³ 0 and
y¹ .
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Marissa loves to eat cookie dough so she bought a tub of cookie dough that
was supposed to make 270 cookies. If Marissa and her brother each eat a
scoop of cookie dough that is equivalent to three cookies every day, how
long will it take them to eat the entire tub of cookie dough?
2. Write 32 as a power with a base of 2.
3. Bill went on a biking trip where he biked at 20 km/h for two hours and
then 30 km/h for three hours. How far did Bill bike?
4. Factor: 2x(x2 + 1) - 3(x2 + 1)
5. Simplify: 16 2
6. Simplify: -32m12 ¸ 8m4
7. Rationalize the denominator:
3 +1
8. Determine the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle when
the other two sides measure 7 cm and 9 cm respectively.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify. Present your answer with no radicals in the denominators. If the
expression contains variables, state for which values of the variables the
radical expression is defined.
15 7− 3
a) h)
3 7+ 3
2 4−3 3
b) i)
2 3 6+ 2
10 2 2 3− 2
c) j)
5 2 3+ 2
2 +5 x
d) k)
3 x −y
8 10 − 7 5 x +1
e) l)
2 5 x
7 x2 y7
f) m)
3− 2 8y 6
5 3− x
g) n)
9 3−4 2x − 3
find the
a) width
b) perimeter
c) length of its diagonal
53 1
5. Find the area of the shaded region if two identical circles are cut out of
rectangle ABCD, as illustrated below. The length of AB = ( 4 + 8 2 ) m.
Leave your answer as an exact value in terms of p.
(4 + 82) m
2+ 3
6. What is the value of A if = 5− 3?
2 2
7. Simplify: + (2 + 3 )(5 − 3 ) − (2 + 3 )
3 −1
8. Write these numbers in descending order.
2, , and 3
In this lesson, you learned how to divide radical expressions. You also learned
how to find the conjugate of a binomial, as well as how to rationalize the
denominator of a fraction. These skills will be useful when you learn how to
solve radical equations in the next lesson.
Total: 50 marks
1. Simplify each of the following. All answers must have rationalized denominators.
Assume all variables are positive. (29 marks)
a) (3 2 )( 18 ) (1 mark)
b) (−2 3 ) (1 mark)
c) 5 6 ( 2 − 4 12 ) (2 marks)
d) ( 2 5 − 3 6 ) (2 marks)
e) (2 6 − 5 2 ) ( 2 6 + 5 2 ) (2 marks)
f) ( x 2 y + 4x )( xy ) (2 marks)
g) ( 32 xy + y 3 )( )
16 x 3 − y (3 marks)
14 75
h) (2 marks)
7 3
j) (2 marks)
4+ 3
k) (3 marks)
7− 3
2+ x
l) (2 marks)
y +1
b) (4 marks)
5− x
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
You have learned how to simplify, add, subtract, multiply, and divide radical
expressions. These are all necessary skills that you can use to solve radical
equations. Radical equations are equations that contain radicals or rational
exponents. In this lesson, not only will you learn how to solve these types of
equations, you will learn how to apply these equations and their solutions to
real-life situations.
( x) = 42 Square each side to remove the square root sign.
x = 16
LHS = x = 16 = 4
RHS = 4
Thus, x = 16 is the solution.
Notice that you are given the radical and it is the principal square root of x
only. Notice that it is equal to a positive number. Thus, 16 is a valid solution.
x 2 can be rewritten as x3
x 3 = 64 Simplify.
x 3 = 3 64 Cube root both sides.
x=4 Simplify.
Check by substituting into the original equation.
x 2 = −8
LHS = 4 2
= ( 4)
= 23
RHS = −8
Thus, x = 4 is an extraneous solution and there is no other solution. So, there
is no solution to this equation.
Raising both sides of an equation to the nth power may introduce extraneous
or false solutions if n is even. So when you use the procedure, it is critical
that you check each solution in the original equation. For instance, squaring
both sides of the equation, x = -1 produces x = 1. However, the root is
extraneous because when you check the solution and substitute x = 1 into
the original equation, this value does not work. The original equation has no
real number solution. You would also know this is a false equation because
x means the principal square root, which is positive and cannot equal a
negative number.
Before raising both sides of an equation to the nth power, you must isolate the
radical expression on one side of the equation to make solving easier.
x=4 Isolate the radical.
(3 x) = 43 Cube each side. The inverse operation of cube
rooting is cubing.
x = 64
Check by substituting x = 64 into the original equation, x − 4 = 0.
LHS = 3 64 − 4
= 4−4
RHS = 0
Note that cubing each side of the equation does not introduce extraneous
roots into the solution. Thus, the checking process is only for errors in your
The solution is x = 64.
x+2 x−3 =6
x = 4 or x = 12
As both x = 4 and x = 12 are greater than 3, they are possible solutions to this
radical equation. However, it is still necessary to check for extraneous roots of
the original equation.
Example 5
Solve: 2 x + 3 − x + 1 = 1. Determine the restrictions on the variable x.
In order for this radical equation to have a solution, 2x + 3 and x + 1 both
have to be greater than or equal to zero.
2x + 3 ≥ 0 x+1≥ 0
2 x ≥ −3 x ≥ −1
x ≥−
In order for this entire radical equation to be defined, x has to be greater than
3 3
or equal to both - and -1. Since - is smaller than -1, this is the same
2 2
as saying x has to be greater than or equal to -1. Thus, the restrictions on the
variable x in this radical equation are that x has to be greater than or equal to
negative one.
2 x + 3 = 1 + 2 x + 1 + ( x + 1) Simplify.
x 2 + 2 x + 1 = 4 ( x + 1)
x 2 + 2 x + 1 = 4x + 4
x2 − 2x − 3 = 0
( x − 3 ) ( x + 1) = 0
x = 3 or x = -1
Both solutions satisfy the restriction x ³ -1.
Check for extraneous roots by substituting into the original equation
2 x + 3 − x + 1 = 1.
if x = 3 if x = -1
LHS = 2 ( 3) + 3 − 3 + 1 LHS = 2 (−1) + 3 − −1 + 1
= 9− 4 = 1− 0
= 3−2 = 1−0
=1 =1
RHS = 1 RHS = 1
The restriction on the variable is x ³ 0.
In order to solve this problem, you need to square both sides twice.
( 2 x ) = 62 Squaring both sides once.
2 x = 36 Simplifying.
x = 18 Divide by 2.
( x) = 182 Square both sides.
x = 324 Simplify.
LHS = 2 324
= 2 ⋅ 18
= 36
RHS = 6
LHS = RHS The solution is x = 324.
By substituting the information into the given formula, you can solve for the
height h.
400 2
5 =
πh Square both sides.
25 = Simplify.
25 π h = 400 Multiply.
h= Solve for h.
25 π
The formula for r has the restrictions V ³ 0 and h > 0. Checking h = for
being extraneous, you get
V 400 400
RHS = = = = 25 = 5
πh 16 16
LHS = r = 5
Thus, the height of the cylinder is cm.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Maddox has 130 quarters, 72 dimes, and 26 nickels. How much money
does he have in total?
3 10
2. Evaluate: ´
5 7
3. If today is Friday and your math exam is in 17 days, what day of the week
is your math exam on?
4. Evaluate: 52 - (-3 - 4(-26 - (-28))).
3x 5 y 2 z8
5. Simplify:
9x7 y 3 z2
6. Estimate: 140
7. Trey and Tanisha are discussing their solutions to the linear inequality
-3x > 6. Trey believes the answer is x > -2, while Tanisha believes the
answer is x < -2. Who is right?
8. Simplify: (x - 2)3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) For each real number x, x is a real number only when x ³ 0.
( x − 1) = 2 x − 1 or ( x − 1) = − 2 x − 1.
3. Find the solutions for each of the following equations. Check your
solutions for extraneous roots.
a) x + 2 = 2 x + 7 e) x = 3x − 2 + 2
b) x = 2 − 2 x − 5 f) x 2 + 6x = 2
c) 2x + 3 − x + 1 = 1 g) 3x + 2 = 3 x − 2
d) x2 − 3 + 1 = 0 h) 1−x + x = x +1
b) x+2 = 4− x+2
Total: 53 marks
1. Find the solutions for each of the following equations. (27 marks)
a) 3 + x − 5 = −2 (3 marks)
b) 2 x − 1 + 2 = 5 (3 marks)
d) 3x + 7 = x + 3 (4 marks)
f) 2 x + 4 = 4 (4 marks)
g) x+9 = 3 + x (4 marks)
b) 21 − x = 2 (4 marks)
d) x 2 27 (4 marks)
In this module, you built upon the knowledge of radicals you had from
Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics. In Grade 10,
you learned how to simplify radical expressions containing numerical
radicands. In this module, you learned how to simplify, add, subtract,
multiply, and divide radical expressions containing a mix of numerical and
variable radicands. You learned these skills in order to be able to solve radical
As you saw, radical equations can appear in many different situations that
involve the use of formulas, such as area and volume, current and resistance,
and kinetic energy. If you plan to take either chemistry or physics, equations
like these will appear fairly often. Now that you know how to solve these
types of equations, they will be familiar when you encounter them again.
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 5.1 to 5.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 5 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 5 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 5.1: Simplifying Radical Expressions
q Assignment 5.2: Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions
q Assignment 5.3: Solving Radical Equations
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
Module 5
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Jenelle’s doctor told her to eat an average of 2000 calories a day. If Jenelle
ate 520 calories for breakfast, 630 calories for lunch, and had two snacks
with 125 calories each, how many calories does Jenelle have left for
2. Multiply: (x + 3)(x + 4)
3. Evaluate: 256
4. Solve for x: (2x + 4)(x - 2) = 0
5. Patrick sleeps for 8 hours a day, attends school for 6 hours a day, and plays
sports for 2 hours a day. What fraction of the day (in lowest terms) does
Patrick have for free time?
2 9 1
6. Order these values from lowest to highest: 8, 24 , 23 , 2 2
1 2
7. Are these fractions equivalent? and
2 2
8. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line, 3y - 2x + 7 = 0.
1. 600 (2000 - (520 + 630 + 125 + 125) = 2000 - 1400 = 600)
2. x2 + 7x + 12 (x2 + 4x + 3x + 12)
3. 16 ( 2 × 128 = 2 × 2 × 64 = 4 × 64 = 2 × 8)
4. -2 and 2
1 8 1
5. 24 − (8 + 6 + 2 ) = 24 − 16 = 8 ; =
3 24 3
1 2 2
7. Yes
= =
2 2 2
8. The slope of the perpendicular line is - .
2 7 2
3 y = 2 x − 7 ; y = x − ; the slope of this line is
3 3 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical.
a) 80 f) 288
b) 18 g) 512
c) 200 h) - 8
d) 250 i) - 800
e) 1224
a) 16 5 = 4 5 b) 9 2 =3 2
c) 100 2 = 10 2 d) 25 10 = 5 10
e) 36 34 = 6 34 f) 144 2 = 12 2
g) 256 2 = 16 2 h) − 4 2 = −2 2
i) − 400 2 = −20 2
a) 4x 4 y 6 d) x 4 yz2
b) 8x 10 y 12 e) 5x 3 y 7
c) 75x 8 y 5
a) 4 x 4 y6 2x2 y 3
b) 4 2 x 10 y 12 2 x 5 y 6 2
c) 25 3 x 8 y 4 y 5x 4 y 2 3 y
d) x 4 y z2 x 2 z y
e) 5 x 2 x y 6 y xy 3 5xy
b) 3x 5x b) 9 x 2 5x 45x 3
125 = 25 5 = 5 5
3 20 = 3 4 5 = 3 ( 2 ) 5 = 6 5
b) 16 2 or 768 ?
Answer :
768 = 256 3 = 16 3
5 3 = 25 3 = 75
49 = 49
6 5 = 36 5 = 180
b) 3 2 , 6 2 , 32
Answer :
32 = 16 2 = 4 2
6. Solve for x.
a) x2 = 25 Answers: a) x = ±5
b) x2 = 16 b) x = ±4
c) x2 = 48
c) x = ± 48 = ± 16 3 = ±4 3
d) x2 = 0
e) x2 = -9 d) x = 0 = 0
b) x3
x 3 has an index of 2. Therefore, as the index is even, this radical
expression is only defined when x3 ³ 0 and, thus, x ³ 0.
c) z
z has an index of 5. Therefore, as the index is odd, this radical
expression is defined for z Î Â.
d) x7
x 7 has an index of 4. Therefore, as the index is even, this radical
expression is only defined when x7 ³ 0 and, thus, x ³ 0.
e) 64 a3 b 6
64 a3 b 6 has an index of 2. Therefore, as the index is even, this radical
expression is only defined when 64a3b6 ³ 0. Since the exponent on a is
odd, then a must be 0 or positive. However, b can be any value, b Î Â,
as b has an even exponent. Thus, this expression is defined when a ³ 0
and b Î Â.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Alyssa is twice as old as her brother today. When she is 25 years old, her
brother will be 20 years old. How many years old is Alyssa today?
2. How much would a sweater cost if it were 25% off the original price of $60
and you had to pay an additional 12% sales tax on the discounted price?
3. Simplify: ( 3 2 x + 10 )
4. Simplify: 2x(3x - 5) - 4(x + 2)
5. Write 625 as a power with a base of 5.
6. List the factors of 68.
7. The equation of a parabola is, y = 3x2 - 5x + 8. What is the y-intercept?
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (7, -1) and (-8, 15).
1. Alyssa is 10. (Since Alyssa is 5 years older, she is twice as old when her
brother is 5 and she is 10.)
2. $50.40 in total ($60 ´ 25% = $15; the sweater costs $60 - $15 = $45 without
tax; 10% of $45 = $4.50; 1% of $45 = $0.45; 12% of $45 = $4.50 + $0.45 +
$0.45 = $5.40; $45 + $5.40 = $50.40)
3. 1 (any number to the power of zero is 1)
4. 6x2 - 10x - 4x - 8 = 6x2 - 14x - 8
5. 54 (625 = 25 ´ 35 = 52 ´ 52)
6. 1, 2, 4, 17, 34, 68 (since 68 = 2 ´ 2 ´ 17)
7. 8 (let x = 0)
16 15 − (−1) 16 16
8. − m = = =−
15 −8 − 7 −15 15
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical expression as much as possible. Given: x ³ 0.
a) 2 3 + 4 3 − 3 e) 5 x − 3 x + 6 x
b) 96 − 54 − 24 f) 6 5 + 3 2 − 4 5 + 2
c) 3 75 − 2 48 + 12 g) x 5 + 3x 2 x − 7 x 4 x 3
d) 98 − 50 + 72 h) 2 x 3 8x 4 − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 7
a) 5 3
b) 16 6 − 9 6 − 4 6 = 4 6 − 3 6 − 2 6 = − 6
c) 3 25 3 − 2 16 3 + 4 3
= 3 ( 5) 3 − 2 ( 4 ) 3 + 2 3
= 15 3 − 8 3 + 2 3
=9 3
d) 49 2 − 25 2 + 36 2
=7 2 −5 2 +6 2
=8 2
e) 8 x
f) 2 5 + 4 2
= x 4 x + 3x 2 x − 7 x 4 x 2 x
= x 2 x + 3x 2 x − 7 x ( 2 )( x ) x
= x 2 x + 3x 2 x − 14 x 2 x
= −10 x 2 x
h) 2 x 3 8x 4 − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 7
= 2 x 3 8x 3 x − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 6 x
= 2 x ( 2 )( x ) 3 x − 4 x 2 3 x + 5x 2 3 x
= 4 x 2 3 x − 4 x 2 3 x + 5x 2 3 x
= 5x 2 3 x
3 2 + 2 3 + 2 A 3 − 2B 2 = 5 3 − 4 2
2 A 3 − 2B 2 = 5 3 − 4 2 − 3 2 − 2 3
2 A 3 − 2B 2 = 3 3 − 7 2
∴ 2 A = 3 and − 2 B = −7 Equate coefficients of like radicaals.
3 7
∴A= and B =
2 2
2 6 + A 2 + 5B 6 = 3 2
A 2 + 5B 6 = 3 2 − 2 6
∴ A = 3 and 5B = −2 Equate coeffficients of like radicals.
B =−
perimeter = (16 3 − 4 2 ) cm
w w
Perimeter = 2 l + 2 w
16 3 − 4 2 = 2 ( 5 3 ) + 2 w
16 3 − 4 2 = 10 3 + 2 w
16 3 − 10 3 − 4 2 = 2 w
6 3 − 4 2 = 2w
6 3 4 2
− =w
2 2
3 3−2 2 = w
a c
a) a = 3 b=4
b) a = 3 b=5
c) a = 15 c = 17
a) a 2 + b 2 = c 2 (Pythagorean theorem)
32 + 4 2 = c 2
25 = c 2
5=c (any length is assumed to be positive )
b) a 2 + b 2 = c 2
32 + 52 = c 2
9 + 25 = c 2
34 = c 2
34 = c
c) a2 + b 2 = c 2
152 + b 2 = 17 2
225 + b 2 = 289
b 2 = 64
= 4 6 −3 6
It is only after simplifying that it is clear that the radical expressions are
like terms that can be subtracted.
4 6 −3 6
= 6
56 s
4 14 s
2 14 s
If the area of the square is 56 units2, then the length of one side is
2 14 units.
8 14 = 8 2 x
14 = 2 x Divide by 8.
2 2
( 14 ) = ( 2 x )
14 = 2 x
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. School starts at 8:45 a.m. Hunter spends twenty minutes eating breakfast,
fifteen minutes taking a shower, thirty-five minutes watching TV, and ten
minutes biking to school. If Hunter arrives just on time for school, what
time did he wake up?
2. Simplify: ( x + 3 )
1. 7:25 a.m. (8:45 - (20 + 15 + 35 + 10) = 8:45 - 80 minutes = 8:45 - 1 hour
and 20 minutes = 7:25)
2. x + 2 x 3 + 3 ((x + 3 ) (x + 3 ) = x 2
+x 3 +x 3 + 9 )
18 72 36 18
3. = =
25 100 50 25
( 2 2
6. 13 d = (−5) + (−12 ) = 25 + 144 = 169 = 13 )
4 8
7. 5 5
4 52
8. 0.032
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical expression. Given: x ³ 0, y ³ 0.
a) ( 5 )( 3 ) i) 6 (3 2 + 5 8 )
b) ( 8 )( 2 ) j) (2 5 + 3) ( 2 5 − 3)
c) ( 4 10 )(3 5 ) k) (6 5 − 3 10 ) ( 4 5 + 10 )
d) ( 2 5 ) (−3 5 ) l) ( 2 − 3)
e) (−3 3 ) (−4 6 ) m) ( 4 7 + 3 2 )
f) (2 x )(3 xy 2 ) n) ( x + y3 )( xy )
g) 3 ( 2 − 5) o) ( 2 x − y ) ( x − 3 y )
h) − 2 ( 3 2 + 3 5 )
a) ( 5 )( 3 ) = 15 e) (−3 3 ) (−4 6 ) = 12 18
b) 8
2 16
4 = 12 9 2
= 12 ( 3) 2
c) (4 10 )( 3 5 ) = 12 50
= 36 2
= 12 25 2
= 12 ( 5) 2
f) (2 x )(3 )
xy 2 = 6 x 2 y 2
= 6 xy
= 60 2
d) (2 5 ) (−3 5 ) = −6 25 g) 3 ( 2 − 5 ) = 6 − 15
= −6 ( 5)
= −30
= −3 ( 2 ) − 3 10
= −6 − 3 10
i) 6 ( 3 2 + 5 8 ) = 3 12 + 5 48
= 3 4 3 + 5 16 3
= 3 (2 ) 3 + 5 ( 4) 3
= 6 3 + 20 3
= 26 3
j) (2 5 + 3) ( 2 5 − 3) = 2 5 ( 2 5 − 3) + 3 ( 2 5 − 3)
= 4 25 − 6 5 + 6 5 − 9
= 4 ( 5) − 9
= 20 − 9
= 11
k) (6 5 − 3 10 ) ( 4 5 + 10 ) = 6 5 ( 4 5 + 10 ) − 3 10 ( 4 5 + 10 )
= 24 25 + 6 50 − 12 50 − 3 100
= 24 ( 5) − 6 50 − 3 (10 )
= 120 − 6 25 2 − 30
= 120 − 6 ( 5) 2 − 30
= 90 − 30 2
l) ( 2 − 3 ) = ( 2 − 3 )( 2 − 3 )
= 2 ( 2 − 3) − 3 ( 2 − 3)
= 4− 6− 6+ 9
= 2−2 6 +3
= 5−2 6
= 4 7 (4 7 + 3 2 ) + 3 2 (4 7 + 3 2 )
= 16 49 + 12 14 + 12 14 + 9 4
= 16 (7 ) + 24 14 + 9 ( 2 )
= 112 + 24 14 + 18
= 130 + 24 14
n) ( x + y3 )( xy ) = x 2 y + xy 4
= x y + y2 x
o) ( 2 x − y ) ( x − 3 y ) = 2 x ( x − 3 y ) − y ( x − 3 y )
= 2 x 2 − 6 xy − xy + 3 y 2
= 2 x − 7 xy + 3 y
Let s = length of side of square.
P = 4s Area = A = s 2
s cm
P = ( 4 2 + 8) cm 2
A = ( 2 + 2)
∴ 4s = ( 4 2 + 8)
A = ( 2 + 2)( 2 + 2)
s cm
4s 4 2 8
= + = 2 ( 2 + 2) + 2 ( 2 + 2)
4 4 4
s= 2 +2 = 4 +2 2 +2 2 +4
=2+4 2 +4
=6+4 2
Note: The exact value cannot be found using a calculator.
(5 8 )(2 3 ) = 10 24
= 10 2 24
= (100 )( 24 )
= 2400
2 80 = 2 2 80
= ( 4 )(80 )
= 320
∴ ( 5 8 ) ( 2 3 ) is greater.
b) ( 3 2 )( 75 ) or ( 5 2 )( 3 2 ) ?
(3 2 )( 75 ) = 3 150
= 32 150
= 9 × 150
= 1350
(5 2 )(3 2 ) = 15 4
= 152 4
= 225 × 4
= 900
∴ ( 3 2 )( 75 ) is greater.
1 p.m. 2 3 +5 2
2 p.m. ( 3 + 6 2 ) + ( 2 3 + 5 2 ) = 3 3 + 11 2
3 p.m. (2 3 + 12 2 ) + ( 2 3 + 5 2 ) = 4 3 + 17 2
4 p.m. (3 3 + 18 2 ) + ( 2 3 + 5 2 ) = 5 3 + 23 2
5 + 42
65 + 2
5 + 52
85 + 32
Subdivide the figure into two rectangles.
Area of a rectangle = lw
( 5 + 5 2 ) + ( 5 + 4 2 ) (8 5 + 3 2 ) − (6 5 + 2 )
Area of A =
= (2 5 + 9 2 )(2 5 + 2 2 )
= 2 5 (2 5 + 2 2 ) + 9 2 (2 5 + 2 2 )
= 4 25 + 4 10 + 18 10 + 18 4
= 4 ( 5) + 22 10 + 18 ( 2 )
= 20 + 22 10 + 36
= 56 + 22 10
= 6 5( 5 + 5 2)+ 2 ( 5 + 5 2)
= 6 25 + 30 10 + 10 + 5 4
= 6 ( 5) + 31 10 + 5 ( 2 )
= 30 + 31 10 + 10
= 40 + 31 10
Total area = area of A + Area of B
= ( 56 + 22 10 ) + ( 40 + 31 10 ) = 96 + 53 10
Required area = area of large rectangle - area of C.
= (8 5 + 3 2 ) ( 2 5 + 9 2 ) − (6 5 + 2 ) ( 5 + 4 2 ) = 96 + 53 10
= 3 ( 3 − 2 ) − 2 ( 3 − 2 ) − 18 + 6 2 + 7
= 9 − 3 2 − 3 2 + 4 − 18 + 6 2 + 7
= 9 − 6 2 + 2 − 18 + 6 2 + 7
\ 3 - 2 is a root of the equation x2 - 6x + 7 = 0, since 3 - 2 satisfies
the equation.
= 4 9 +6 3 +2 9
= 4 ( 3) + 6 3 + 2 ( 3)
= 12 + 6 3 + 6
= 18 + 6 3
b) (2 + 3 ) (2 − 3 )
(2 + 3 ) (2 − 3 ) = (2 + 3 ) + (2 + 3 )(2 − 3 )
= (2 + 3 )(2 + 3 ) + (2 + 3 )(2 − 3 )
= 4+2 3 +2 3 + 9 +4−2 3 +2 3 − 9
= 4+2 3 +2 3 +3+4−2 3 +2 3 −3
= 8+4 3
c) ( 2 − 5) (3 5 )
( 2 − 5) (3 5 ) = ( 2 − 5) + ( 2 − 5)( 3 5 )
=( 2 − 5) ( 2 − 5) + ( 3 5 ) ( 2 − 5)
= 4 − 5 2 − 5 2 + 25 + 3 10 − 15 5
= 2 − 5 2 − 5 2 + 25 + 3 10 − 15 5
= 27 − 10 2 + 3 10 − 15 5
Expression: 3 26 6
= 12 18
= 12 (9 )( 2 )
= 12 ( 3) 2
= 36 2
You can try a variety of random cards and then test yourself using the
following examples. Check your work against the solutions given in the
answer key.
a) 5C, 10S, 3H, 5D
b) 4S, 3S, 2H, 5D
c) 8H, 3C, AceD, 10S
d) 7D, 2H, 8D, 2C
= 50 15 = 30 ( 4 )( 2 )
= 30 ( 2 ) 2
= 60 2
b) 4S, 3S, 2H, 5D d) 7D, 2H, 8D, 2C
= 4⋅3⋅ 2 ⋅ 5 = 7 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 8 ⋅2
= 12 10 = 2 112
= 2 16 (7 )
= 2⋅4 7
=8 7
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Marissa loves to eat cookie dough so she bought a tub of cookie dough that
was supposed to make 270 cookies. If Marissa and her brother each eat a
scoop of cookie dough that is equivalent to three cookies every day, how
long will it take them to eat the entire tub of cookie dough?
2. Write 32 as a power with a base of 2.
3. Bill went on a biking trip where he biked at 20 km/h for two hours and
then 30 km/h for three hours. How far did Bill bike?
4. Factor: 2x(x2 + 1) - 3(x2 + 1)
5. Simplify: 16 2
270 270
1. 45 = = 45
( 3 + 3) 6
2. 25
3. 130 km (20 km/h for 2 hours = 40 km; 30 km/h for 3 hours = 90 km;
90 + 40 = 130 km)
4. (2x - 3)(x2 + 1)
5. 4
16 2 = 16 = 4
−32 m12
6. −4m8 4
= −4 m 8
8. 130 cm ( 7 2 + 9 2 = 49 + 81 = 130 cm )
Part B: Dividing Radical Expressions
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify. Present your answer with no radicals in the denominators. If the
expression contains variables, state for which values of the variables the
radical expression is defined.
15 7− 3
a) h)
3 7+ 3
2 4−3 3
b) i)
2 3 6+ 2
10 2 2 3− 2
c) j)
5 2 3+ 2
2 +5 x
d) k)
3 x −y
8 10 − 7 5 x +1
e) l)
2 5 x
7 x2 y7
f) m)
3− 2 8y 6
5 3− x
g) n)
9 3−4 2x − 3
15 2 3 6 6
a) 5 b) ⋅ = =
3 2 3 3 2 ( 3) 6
8 10 − 7 5 5 8 50 − 7 25 7 3+ 2 21 + 7 2
e) ⋅ = f) ⋅ =
2 5 5 2 25 3− 2 3+ 2 9+3 2 −3 2 − 4
8 25 2 − 7 ( 5) 21 + 7 2
= =
2 ( 5) 9−2
8 ( 5) 2 − 35 21 + 7 2
= =
10 7
40 2 − 35 7 (3 + 2 )
= =
10 7
5 (8 2 − 7 ) = 3+ 2
5 (2)
8 2 −7
5 9 3+4 9 15 + 4 5
g) ⋅ =
9 3 − 4 9 3 + 4 81 9 + 36 3 − 36 3 − 16
9 15 + 4 5
81 ( 3) − 16
9 15 + 4 5
7− 3 7− 3 49 − 21 − 21 + 9
h) ⋅ =
7+ 3 7− 3 49 − 21 + 21 − 9
7 − 2 21 + 3
10 − 2 21
2 ( 5 − 21 )
5 − 21
2 3− 2 2 3− 2 4 9 −2 6 −2 6 + 4
j) ⋅ =
2 3+ 2 2 3− 2 4 9 −2 6 +2 6 − 4
4 ( 3) − 4 6 + 2
4 ( 3) − 2
14 − 4 6
2 (7 − 2 6 )
7−2 6
x x +y x2 + y x
k) ⋅ =
x −y x +y x2 + y x − y x − y2
x+y x
x − y2
This expression is only defined for x ³ 0. You cannot take the square
root of a negative number. Also, y ¹ x because the denominator
cannot equal zero.
x +1 x x+ x
l) ⋅ =
x x x
This expression is only defined for x > 0. You cannot take the square
root of a negative number and the denominator cannot equal zero.
Thus, x has to be greater than zero.
x2 y
x2 y
( 4 )( 2 )
x y
2 2
x y 2
= ⋅
2 2 2
x 2y x 2y
= =
2( 4) ( 2 )( 2 )
x 2y
This expression is defined for y > 0 and x Î Â. You cannot take the
square root of a negative number nor have a zero in the denominator.
3− x 3− x 2x + 3
n) = ⋅
2x − 3 2x − 3 2x + 3
3 2 x + 3 3 − 2 x 2 − 3x
4x 2 + 6x − 6x − 9
3 2 x + 3 3 − x 2 − 3x
2x − 3
This expression is only defined for x ³ 0 because you cannot take
the square root of a negative number. Also, x ¹ because the
denominator cannot equal zero. Thus, the expression is defined for
x ³ 0 and x ¹ .
find the
a) width
b) perimeter
c) length of its diagonal
a) Given: A = ( 4 + 3 3 ) m 2
l = ( 3 + 2) m
Let w = width
A = lw (3 + 2) m
4 + 3 3 = ( 3 + 2) w
4+3 3 w A = (4 + 33) m2 w
3 +2
4+3 3 3−2
w= ⋅ (3 + 2) m
3 +2 3−2
4 3 −8+3 9 −6 3
9 −2 3 +2 3−4
−2 3 − 8 + 3 ( 3)
−2 3 + 1
−2 3 + 1 (−1)
= ⋅
−1 (−1)
= 2 3 −1
The width is ( 2 3 − 1) m.
=2 ( 3 + 2 ) + 2 ( 2 3 − 1)
= 2 3 +4+4 3−2
=6 3 +2
∴ perimeter = (6 3 + 2 ) m
x 23
x 2 = ( 3 + 2 ) ( 3 + 2 ) + ( 2 3 − 1) ( 2 3 − 1)
x2 = 9 + 2 3 + 2 3 + 4 + 4 9 − 2 3 − 2 3 + 1
x 2 = 3 + 2 3 + 2 3 + 4 + 12 − 2 3 − 2 3 + 1
x 2 = 20
x = 20 = 4 5 = 2 5
2+ 3 2+ 6
Let x = and y =
2 4
2+ 3 2+ 3 2+ 6 2+ 6
x2 = ⋅ y2 = ⋅
2 2 4 4
2 4 + 12 + 12 + 36
(2 + 3 ) =
x = 16
2 + 2 12 + 6
2 2+ 3 =
x = 16
8+2 4 3
8+4 3
4 (2 + 3 )
2+ 3
Hence, x2 = y2.
Furthermore, since x and y are positive, it follows that x = y—that is,
2+ 3 2+ 6
= .
2 4
Although some radicals do not look the same, they may still be equal.
In the above question, it is important that x and y are both positive.
Otherwise, it is possible that x = -y, since the squares of the positive and
the negative numbers are equal (e.g., (5)2 = 25 and (-5)2 = 25. However,
5 ¹ -5.) Hence, x and y must both be positive numbers when you are
comparing their squares.
∴ Area = ( 5 3 − 1) x or
Area =
(3 + 4 3 )(2 3 ) . B
53 1
(5 3 − 1) x = 6 3 + 8 9 Multiply.
114 + 126 3
2 ( 57 + 63 3 )
2 ( 37 )
57 + 63 3
5. Find the area of the shaded region if two identical circles are cut out of
rectangle ABCD, as illustrated below. The length of AB = ( 4 + 8 2 ) m.
Leave your answer as an exact value in terms of p.
(4 + 82) m
Since AB = 4 + 8 2 and the circles are identical, the diameter of
4+8 2
each circle is = 2 + 4 2 and the radius of each circle is
2+4 2
= 1 + 2 2.
The width of the rectangle is 2 + 4 2 , which is the diameter of the circle.
Shaded area = area of rectangle - areas of the two circles.
Area = lw – 2(pr2)
A = ( 4 + 8 2 ) ( 2 + 4 2 ) − 2 π (1 + 2 2 )
A = ( 4 + 8 2 ) ( 2 + 4 2 ) − 2 π (1 + 2 2 ) (1 + 2 2 )
A = 8 + 16 2 + 16 2 + 32 4 − 2 π
1 + 2 2 + 2 2 + 4 4
A = 8 + 32 2 + 32 ( 2 ) − 2 π
1 + 4 2 + 4 ( 2 )
A = 72 + 32 2 − 2 π (9 + 4 2 )
A = 72 − 18 π + 32 2 − 8 π 2
A = (72 − 18 π ) + ( 32 − 8 π ) 2
The area of the shaded region is
(72 − 18 π ) + ( 32 − 8 π ) 2
m .
2+ 3
5− 3
2+ 3 5+ 3
A= ⋅
5− 3 5+ 3
10 + 2 3 + 5 3 + 9
25 + 5 3 − 5 3 − 9
10 + 7 3 + 3
25 − 3
13 + 7 3
2 2
7. Simplify: + (2 + 3 )(5 − 3 ) − (2 + 3 )
3 −1
Perhaps the easiest way to simplify such a complicated expression is to
break it into parts. The first part needs its denominator rationalized; the
other two parts require multiplication.
3 +1 (2 + 3 ) (5 − 3 ) = 10 − 2 3 +5 3−3
3 −1 3 −1 3 +1
=7+3 3
2 3 +2
9 + 3 − 3 −1
2 3 +2 (2 + 3 ) = (2 + 3 )(2 + 3 )
2 = 4+2 3 +2 3 +3
= 3 +1
=7+4 3
= 3 +1+7 +3 3 −7 −4 3
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Maddox has 130 quarters, 72 dimes, and 26 nickels. How much money
does he have in total?
3 10
2. Evaluate: ´
5 7
3. If today is Friday and your math exam is in 17 days, what day of the week
is your math exam on?
4. Evaluate: 52 - (-3 - 4(-26 - (-28))).
3x 5 y 2 z8
5. Simplify:
9x7 y 3 z2
6. Estimate: 140
7. Trey and Tanisha are discussing their solutions to the linear inequality
-3x > 6. Trey believes the answer is x > -2, while Tanisha believes the
answer is x < -2. Who is right?
8. Simplify: (x - 2)3
1. $41 ($32.50 + $7.20 + $1.30 = $41; 130 quarters = $32.50; 72 dimes = $7.20;
26 nickels = $1.30)
6 3 10 2
7 8 , 7
3. Monday (in 14 days it will be Friday again; three days past Friday is
3x 2 y
6. 11.8 (140 is between perfect squares 121 and 144; therefore, 140 is
between 11 and 12 and is closer to 12)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) For each real number x, x is a real number only when x ³ 0.
b) For each real number x, x - 3 is a real number only when x ³ 0.
( x − 1) = 2 x − 1 or ( x − 1) = − 2 x − 1.
f) For each real number x, if x2 = 16, then x 16.
g) Squaring both sides of x + 2 = 3x yields x + 4 = 9x2.
a) ( 2x − 1 ) = 2x − 1
b) ( 5 + x ) = 25 + 10 x + x
c) (2 + x − 5 ) = (2 + x − 5 )(2 + x − 5 )
= 4 x−5 +x−1
b) x = 2 − 2 x − 5 f) x 2 + 6x = 2
c) 2x + 3 − x + 1 = 1 g) 3x + 2 = 3 x − 2
d) x2 − 3 + 1 = 0 h) 1−x + x = x +1
a) x + 2 = 2 x + 7
( x + 2 )2 = ( 2 x + 7 )
x 2 + 4x + 4 = 2 x + 7
x2 + 2x − 3 = 0
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1) = 0
x = −3 , 1
Check: x + 2 = 2 x + 7
x = −3 x=1
LHS = x + 2 LHS = x + 2
= −3 + 2 = 1+2
= −1 =3
RHS = 2 x + 7 RHS = 2 x + 7
= 2 (−3) + 7 = 2 ( 1) + 7
= 1 = 9
=1 =3
x = -3 is not a solution. The only solution is x = 1.
x 2 − 4x + 4 = 2 x − 5
x 2 − 6x + 9 = 0
( x − 3)2 = 0
Check: x = 2 − 2 x − 5
LHS = x
RHS = 2 − 2 x − 5
= 2 − 2 ( 3) − 5
=2− 1
= 2−1
There is no solution.
2x + 3 = x + 1 + 2 x + 1 + 1
2x + 3 = x + 2 + 2 x + 1
x+1= 2 x+1
( x + 1)2 = ( 2 x + 1 )
( x + 1)2 = 4 ( x + 1)
x 2 + 2 x + 1 = 4x + 4
x2 − 2x − 3 = 0
( x − 3 ) ( x + 1) = 0
x = 3 or −1
Check: 2x + 3 − x + 1 = 1
x=3 x = −1
LHS = 2 x + 3 − x + 1 LHS = 2 x + 3 − x + 1
= 2 ( 3) + 3 − 3 + 1 = 2 (−1) + 3 − −1 + 1
= 9− 4 = 1− 0
= 3−2 =1
=1 RHS = 1
There are two solutions, x = 3 or x = -1.
( x2 − 3 ) 2
= (−1)
x2 − 3 = 1
x2 = 4
x = ±2
Check: x2 − 3 + 1 = 0
x=2 x = −2
LHS = x 2 − 3 + 1 2
LHS = (−2 ) − 3 + 1
= 22 − 3 + 1 = 4−3 +1
= 1 +1 =2
=2 RHS = 0
There is no solution.
Note: On the LHS of the initial question, the principal root of x2 - 3,
which is positive, is added to positive one. The result will never equal
the RHS, which is zero. So the answer of no solution makes good
x 2 − 4 x + 4 = 3x − 2
x2 − 7x + 6 = 0
( x − 6 ) ( x − 1) = 0
x = 6 or 1
Check: x = 3x − 2 + 2
x=6 x=1
LHS = x LHS = x
=6 =1
RHS = 3x − 2 + 2 RHS = 3x − 2 + 2
= 3 (6) − 2 + 2 = 3 (2) − 2 + 2
= 16 + 2 = 1+2
= 4+2 =3
=6 LHS ≠ RHS
The only solution is x = 6.
2 2 2
x + 6x = ( 2 )
x 2 + 6x = 4
( x 2 + 6x ) = ( 4)
x 2 + 6 x = 16
x 2 + 6 x − 16 = 0
( x + 8) ( x − 2 ) = 0
x = −8 or x = 2
Check: x 2 + 6x = 2
x = −8 x=2
LHS = x 2 + 6x LHS = x 2 + 6x
= 64 − 48 = 4 + 12
= 16 = 16
= 4 = 4
=2 =2
RHS = 2 RHS = 2
There are two solutions: x = -8 or x = 2.
2 2
( 3x + 2 ) = ( 3 x − 2 )
3x + 2 = 9 x − 6 2 x + 2
3x − 9 x + 2 − 2 = −6 2 x
−6 x −6 2 x
−6 −6
x = 2x
( x )2 = ( 2 x )
x2 = 2x
x2 − 2x = 0
x (x − 2) = 0
x = 0 or x − 2 = 0
Check: 3x + 2 = 3 x − 2
x=0 x=2
LHS = 3x + 2 LHS = 3x + 2
= 3 (0) + 2 = 3 (2) + 2
= 2 = 8
RHS = 3 x − 2 =2 2
=3 0− 2 RHS = 3 x − 2
=− 2 =3 2− 2
LHS ≠ RHS =2 2
The only solution is x = 2.
2 2
( 1 − x + x ) = ( x + 1)
(1 − x ) + 2 x 1 − x + x = x + 1
1 − x + 2 x − x2 + x = x + 1
2 x − x2 = x
(2 x − x2 ) = (x)
4 (x − x2 ) = x2
4x − 4x 2 = x 2
4 x − 5x 2 = 0
x ( 4 − 5x ) = 0
x = 0 or 4 − 5x = 0
Check: 1−x + x = x +1
x=0 4 RHS = x + 1
LHS = 1 − x + x 4
4 4 = +1
= 1−0 + 0 LHS = 1 − + 5
5 5
4 5
= 1 +0 1 4 = +
= + 5 5
=1 5 5
RHS = x + 1 1 4 =
= + 5
5 5
= 0+1 3
1 2 =
=1 = + 5
5 5
There are two solutions: x = 0 or x .
a) x=4
(5 x) = ( 4)
x = 1024
Check for extraneous roots is not necessary; you are raising both sides
to the fifth power, an odd number.
b) x = 0.5
(3 x) = (0.5)
x = 0.125
Check for extraneous roots is not necessary; you are cubing both sides
(an odd power).
c) Method 1: Using Radicals
x3 = 81
x 2 = 81
(x) 3 2
= (81)
x 2 = 531 441
x 2 = ± 531 441
x = ±729
There are two solutions: x = 729 or x = -729.
A check for extraneous roots is not necessary since you are cubing
both sides (an odd power).
x 1 = (9 ) or x1 = (-9)3
x = 729 or x = -729
Notice that with this method you need to be very careful since you are
introducing the square root operation with the power of . In line 3,
you must consider ± 81 inside the brackets, not just 81. Then you
will get both answers.
d) 2 x 0.25 = 3
2x 4 3
2 2
x4 =
4 3
4 3 4
(4 x) = Raise each side to the fourth power.
A check for extraneous roots is necessary since part of the solution was
to raise each side to an even power.
b) x+2 = 4− x+2
a) x− 3 = x + 3
x−3= x+6 x +9
x−3−x−9 = 6 x
−12 = 6 x
−2 = x
(−2 )2 = ( x )
Since 4 is greater than or equal to 3, then x = 4 satisfies the restriction,
x ³ 3.
Check x = 4 in the original equation x − 3 = x + 3.
LHS = x − 3 RHS = x + 3
= 4−3 = 4 +3
=1 = 2+3
Thus, there are no real solutions for this equation.
2 x+2 = 4
(2 x + 2 ) = 42
4 ( x + 2 ) = 16
4 x + 8 = 16
4x = 8
x = 2 is greater than or equal to -2; thus, this is a possible solution.
Check x = 2 in x+2 = 4− x+2
LHS = x + 2
= 2+2
= 4
RHS = 4 − x + 2
= 4− 2+2
= 4− 4
= 4−2
Thus, the solution to this radical equation is x = 2.
and the restrictions V ³ 0, h > 0.
12 π
V 2
3 =
12 π
12 π
108 π = V
108 π
12 π
= 9
LHS = 3
Thus, the volume of this pop can is 108p = 339.29 cm3.
7. Kinetic energy is calculated using the formula Ek mv 2 , where Ek
represents the kinetic energy of an object measured in joules, m represents
the mass of an object measured in kilograms, and v represents the positive
speed of an object. Speed is measured in metres per second. Using the
formula, calculate the speed of a baseball that has a mass of 0.145 kg and
32.1 J (joules) of kinetic energy. Round your answer to two decimal places.
You have the following information:
m = 0.145 kg
Ek = 32.1 J
Substitute those values into the equation.
Ek = mv 2
32.1 = (0.145) v 2
32.1 = 0.0725 v 2
= v2
v 2 = 442.7586207
v 2 = ± 442.7586207
v = ±21.04
Since v is positive, use only the principal square root value. Thus, the
speed of the baseball is 21.04 m/s.
Module 5
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Jenelle’s doctor told her to eat an average of 2000 calories a day. If Jenelle
ate 520 calories for breakfast, 630 calories for lunch, and had two snacks
with 125 calories each, how many calories does Jenelle have left for
2. Multiply: (x + 3)(x + 4)
3. Evaluate: 256
4. Solve for x: (2x + 4)(x - 2) = 0
5. Patrick sleeps for 8 hours a day, attends school for 6 hours a day, and plays
sports for 2 hours a day. What fraction of the day (in lowest terms) does
Patrick have for free time?
2 9 1
6. Order these values from lowest to highest: 8, 24 , 23 , 2 2
1 2
7. Are these fractions equivalent? and
2 2
8. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line, 3y - 2x + 7 = 0.
1. 600 (2000 - (520 + 630 + 125 + 125) = 2000 - 1400 = 600)
2. x2 + 7x + 12 (x2 + 4x + 3x + 12)
3. 16 ( 2 × 128 = 2 × 2 × 64 = 4 × 64 = 2 × 8)
4. -2 and 2
1 8 1
5. 24 − (8 + 6 + 2 ) = 24 − 16 = 8 ; =
3 24 3
1 2 2
7. Yes
= =
2 2 2
8. The slope of the perpendicular line is - .
2 7 2
3 y = 2 x − 7 ; y = x − ; the slope of this line is
3 3 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical.
a) 80 f) 288
b) 18 g) 512
c) 200 h) - 8
d) 250 i) - 800
e) 1224
a) 16 5 = 4 5 b) 9 2 =3 2
c) 100 2 = 10 2 d) 25 10 = 5 10
e) 36 34 = 6 34 f) 144 2 = 12 2
g) 256 2 = 16 2 h) − 4 2 = −2 2
i) − 400 2 = −20 2
a) 4x 4 y 6 d) x 4 yz2
b) 8x 10 y 12 e) 5x 3 y 7
c) 75x 8 y 5
a) 4 x 4 y6 2x2 y 3
b) 4 2 x 10 y 12 2 x 5 y 6 2
c) 25 3 x 8 y 4 y 5x 4 y 2 3 y
d) x 4 y z2 x 2 z y
e) 5 x 2 x y 6 y xy 3 5xy
b) 3x 5x b) 9 x 2 5x 45x 3
125 = 25 5 = 5 5
3 20 = 3 4 5 = 3 ( 2 ) 5 = 6 5
b) 16 2 or 768 ?
Answer :
768 = 256 3 = 16 3
5 3 = 25 3 = 75
49 = 49
6 5 = 36 5 = 180
b) 3 2 , 6 2 , 32
Answer :
32 = 16 2 = 4 2
6. Solve for x.
a) x2 = 25 Answers: a) x = ±5
b) x2 = 16 b) x = ±4
c) x2 = 48
c) x = ± 48 = ± 16 3 = ±4 3
d) x2 = 0
e) x2 = -9 d) x = 0 = 0
b) x3
x 3 has an index of 2. Therefore, as the index is even, this radical
expression is only defined when x3 ³ 0 and, thus, x ³ 0.
c) z
z has an index of 5. Therefore, as the index is odd, this radical
expression is defined for z Î Â.
d) x7
x 7 has an index of 4. Therefore, as the index is even, this radical
expression is only defined when x7 ³ 0 and, thus, x ³ 0.
e) 64 a3 b 6
64 a3 b 6 has an index of 2. Therefore, as the index is even, this radical
expression is only defined when 64a3b6 ³ 0. Since the exponent on a is
odd, then a must be 0 or positive. However, b can be any value, b Î Â,
as b has an even exponent. Thus, this expression is defined when a ³ 0
and b Î Â.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Alyssa is twice as old as her brother today. When she is 25 years old, her
brother will be 20 years old. How many years old is Alyssa today?
2. How much would a sweater cost if it were 25% off the original price of $60
and you had to pay an additional 12% sales tax on the discounted price?
3. Simplify: ( 3 2 x + 10 )
4. Simplify: 2x(3x - 5) - 4(x + 2)
5. Write 625 as a power with a base of 5.
6. List the factors of 68.
7. The equation of a parabola is, y = 3x2 - 5x + 8. What is the y-intercept?
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (7, -1) and (-8, 15).
1. Alyssa is 10. (Since Alyssa is 5 years older, she is twice as old when her
brother is 5 and she is 10.)
2. $50.40 in total ($60 ´ 25% = $15; the sweater costs $60 - $15 = $45 without
tax; 10% of $45 = $4.50; 1% of $45 = $0.45; 12% of $45 = $4.50 + $0.45 +
$0.45 = $5.40; $45 + $5.40 = $50.40)
3. 1 (any number to the power of zero is 1)
4. 6x2 - 10x - 4x - 8 = 6x2 - 14x - 8
5. 54 (625 = 25 ´ 35 = 52 ´ 52)
6. 1, 2, 4, 17, 34, 68 (since 68 = 2 ´ 2 ´ 17)
7. 8 (let x = 0)
16 15 − (−1) 16 16
8. − m = = =−
15 −8 − 7 −15 15
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical expression as much as possible. Given: x ³ 0.
a) 2 3 + 4 3 − 3 e) 5 x − 3 x + 6 x
b) 96 − 54 − 24 f) 6 5 + 3 2 − 4 5 + 2
c) 3 75 − 2 48 + 12 g) x 5 + 3x 2 x − 7 x 4 x 3
d) 98 − 50 + 72 h) 2 x 3 8x 4 − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 7
a) 5 3
b) 16 6 − 9 6 − 4 6 = 4 6 − 3 6 − 2 6 = − 6
c) 3 25 3 − 2 16 3 + 4 3
= 3 ( 5) 3 − 2 ( 4 ) 3 + 2 3
= 15 3 − 8 3 + 2 3
=9 3
d) 49 2 − 25 2 + 36 2
=7 2 −5 2 +6 2
=8 2
e) 8 x
f) 2 5 + 4 2
= x 4 x + 3x 2 x − 7 x 4 x 2 x
= x 2 x + 3x 2 x − 7 x ( 2 )( x ) x
= x 2 x + 3x 2 x − 14 x 2 x
= −10 x 2 x
h) 2 x 3 8x 4 − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 7
= 2 x 3 8x 3 x − 4 x 2 3 x + 3 125x 6 x
= 2 x ( 2 )( x ) 3 x − 4 x 2 3 x + 5x 2 3 x
= 4 x 2 3 x − 4 x 2 3 x + 5x 2 3 x
= 5x 2 3 x
3 2 + 2 3 + 2 A 3 − 2B 2 = 5 3 − 4 2
2 A 3 − 2B 2 = 5 3 − 4 2 − 3 2 − 2 3
2 A 3 − 2B 2 = 3 3 − 7 2
∴ 2 A = 3 and − 2 B = −7 Equate coefficients of like radicaals.
3 7
∴A= and B =
2 2
2 6 + A 2 + 5B 6 = 3 2
A 2 + 5B 6 = 3 2 − 2 6
∴ A = 3 and 5B = −2 Equate coeffficients of like radicals.
B =−
perimeter = (16 3 − 4 2 ) cm
w w
Perimeter = 2 l + 2 w
16 3 − 4 2 = 2 ( 5 3 ) + 2 w
16 3 − 4 2 = 10 3 + 2 w
16 3 − 10 3 − 4 2 = 2 w
6 3 − 4 2 = 2w
6 3 4 2
− =w
2 2
3 3−2 2 = w
a c
a) a = 3 b=4
b) a = 3 b=5
c) a = 15 c = 17
a) a 2 + b 2 = c 2 (Pythagorean theorem)
32 + 4 2 = c 2
25 = c 2
5=c (any length is assumed to be positive )
b) a 2 + b 2 = c 2
32 + 52 = c 2
9 + 25 = c 2
34 = c 2
34 = c
c) a2 + b 2 = c 2
152 + b 2 = 17 2
225 + b 2 = 289
b 2 = 64
= 4 6 −3 6
It is only after simplifying that it is clear that the radical expressions are
like terms that can be subtracted.
4 6 −3 6
= 6
56 s
4 14 s
2 14 s
If the area of the square is 56 units2, then the length of one side is
2 14 units.
8 14 = 8 2 x
14 = 2 x Divide by 8.
2 2
( 14 ) = ( 2 x )
14 = 2 x
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. School starts at 8:45 a.m. Hunter spends twenty minutes eating breakfast,
fifteen minutes taking a shower, thirty-five minutes watching TV, and ten
minutes biking to school. If Hunter arrives just on time for school, what
time did he wake up?
2. Simplify: ( x + 3 )
1. 7:25 a.m. (8:45 - (20 + 15 + 35 + 10) = 8:45 - 80 minutes = 8:45 - 1 hour
and 20 minutes = 7:25)
2. x + 2 x 3 + 3 ((x + 3 ) (x + 3 ) = x 2
+x 3 +x 3 + 9 )
18 72 36 18
3. = =
25 100 50 25
( 2 2
6. 13 d = (−5) + (−12 ) = 25 + 144 = 169 = 13 )
4 8
7. 5 5
4 52
8. 0.032
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify each radical expression. Given: x ³ 0, y ³ 0.
a) ( 5 )( 3 ) i) 6 (3 2 + 5 8 )
b) ( 8 )( 2 ) j) (2 5 + 3) ( 2 5 − 3)
c) ( 4 10 )(3 5 ) k) (6 5 − 3 10 ) ( 4 5 + 10 )
d) ( 2 5 ) (−3 5 ) l) ( 2 − 3)
e) (−3 3 ) (−4 6 ) m) ( 4 7 + 3 2 )
f) (2 x )(3 xy 2 ) n) ( x + y3 )( xy )
g) 3 ( 2 − 5) o) ( 2 x − y ) ( x − 3 y )
h) − 2 ( 3 2 + 3 5 )
a) ( 5 )( 3 ) = 15 e) (−3 3 ) (−4 6 ) = 12 18
b) 8
2 16
4 = 12 9 2
= 12 ( 3) 2
c) (4 10 )( 3 5 ) = 12 50
= 36 2
= 12 25 2
= 12 ( 5) 2
f) (2 x )(3 )
xy 2 = 6 x 2 y 2
= 6 xy
= 60 2
d) (2 5 ) (−3 5 ) = −6 25 g) 3 ( 2 − 5 ) = 6 − 15
= −6 ( 5)
= −30
= −3 ( 2 ) − 3 10
= −6 − 3 10
i) 6 ( 3 2 + 5 8 ) = 3 12 + 5 48
= 3 4 3 + 5 16 3
= 3 (2 ) 3 + 5 ( 4) 3
= 6 3 + 20 3
= 26 3
j) (2 5 + 3) ( 2 5 − 3) = 2 5 ( 2 5 − 3) + 3 ( 2 5 − 3)
= 4 25 − 6 5 + 6 5 − 9
= 4 ( 5) − 9
= 20 − 9
= 11
k) (6 5 − 3 10 ) ( 4 5 + 10 ) = 6 5 ( 4 5 + 10 ) − 3 10 ( 4 5 + 10 )
= 24 25 + 6 50 − 12 50 − 3 100
= 24 ( 5) − 6 50 − 3 (10 )
= 120 − 6 25 2 − 30
= 120 − 6 ( 5) 2 − 30
= 90 − 30 2
l) ( 2 − 3 ) = ( 2 − 3 )( 2 − 3 )
= 2 ( 2 − 3) − 3 ( 2 − 3)
= 4− 6− 6+ 9
= 2−2 6 +3
= 5−2 6
= 4 7 (4 7 + 3 2 ) + 3 2 (4 7 + 3 2 )
= 16 49 + 12 14 + 12 14 + 9 4
= 16 (7 ) + 24 14 + 9 ( 2 )
= 112 + 24 14 + 18
= 130 + 24 14
n) ( x + y3 )( xy ) = x 2 y + xy 4
= x y + y2 x
o) ( 2 x − y ) ( x − 3 y ) = 2 x ( x − 3 y ) − y ( x − 3 y )
= 2 x 2 − 6 xy − xy + 3 y 2
= 2 x − 7 xy + 3 y
Let s = length of side of square.
P = 4s Area = A = s 2
s cm
P = ( 4 2 + 8) cm 2
A = ( 2 + 2)
∴ 4s = ( 4 2 + 8)
A = ( 2 + 2)( 2 + 2)
s cm
4s 4 2 8
= + = 2 ( 2 + 2) + 2 ( 2 + 2)
4 4 4
s= 2 +2 = 4 +2 2 +2 2 +4
=2+4 2 +4
=6+4 2
Note: The exact value cannot be found using a calculator.
(5 8 )(2 3 ) = 10 24
= 10 2 24
= (100 )( 24 )
= 2400
2 80 = 2 2 80
= ( 4 )(80 )
= 320
∴ ( 5 8 ) ( 2 3 ) is greater.
b) ( 3 2 )( 75 ) or ( 5 2 )( 3 2 ) ?
(3 2 )( 75 ) = 3 150
= 32 150
= 9 × 150
= 1350
(5 2 )(3 2 ) = 15 4
= 152 4
= 225 × 4
= 900
∴ ( 3 2 )( 75 ) is greater.
1 p.m. 2 3 +5 2
2 p.m. ( 3 + 6 2 ) + ( 2 3 + 5 2 ) = 3 3 + 11 2
3 p.m. (2 3 + 12 2 ) + ( 2 3 + 5 2 ) = 4 3 + 17 2
4 p.m. (3 3 + 18 2 ) + ( 2 3 + 5 2 ) = 5 3 + 23 2
5 + 42
65 + 2
5 + 52
85 + 32
Subdivide the figure into two rectangles.
Area of a rectangle = lw
( 5 + 5 2 ) + ( 5 + 4 2 ) (8 5 + 3 2 ) − (6 5 + 2 )
Area of A =
= (2 5 + 9 2 )(2 5 + 2 2 )
= 2 5 (2 5 + 2 2 ) + 9 2 (2 5 + 2 2 )
= 4 25 + 4 10 + 18 10 + 18 4
= 4 ( 5) + 22 10 + 18 ( 2 )
= 20 + 22 10 + 36
= 56 + 22 10
= 6 5( 5 + 5 2)+ 2 ( 5 + 5 2)
= 6 25 + 30 10 + 10 + 5 4
= 6 ( 5) + 31 10 + 5 ( 2 )
= 30 + 31 10 + 10
= 40 + 31 10
Total area = area of A + Area of B
= ( 56 + 22 10 ) + ( 40 + 31 10 ) = 96 + 53 10
Required area = area of large rectangle - area of C.
= (8 5 + 3 2 ) ( 2 5 + 9 2 ) − (6 5 + 2 ) ( 5 + 4 2 ) = 96 + 53 10
= 3 ( 3 − 2 ) − 2 ( 3 − 2 ) − 18 + 6 2 + 7
= 9 − 3 2 − 3 2 + 4 − 18 + 6 2 + 7
= 9 − 6 2 + 2 − 18 + 6 2 + 7
\ 3 - 2 is a root of the equation x2 - 6x + 7 = 0, since 3 - 2 satisfies
the equation.
= 4 9 +6 3 +2 9
= 4 ( 3) + 6 3 + 2 ( 3)
= 12 + 6 3 + 6
= 18 + 6 3
b) (2 + 3 ) (2 − 3 )
(2 + 3 ) (2 − 3 ) = (2 + 3 ) + (2 + 3 )(2 − 3 )
= (2 + 3 )(2 + 3 ) + (2 + 3 )(2 − 3 )
= 4+2 3 +2 3 + 9 +4−2 3 +2 3 − 9
= 4+2 3 +2 3 +3+4−2 3 +2 3 −3
= 8+4 3
c) ( 2 − 5) (3 5 )
( 2 − 5) (3 5 ) = ( 2 − 5) + ( 2 − 5)( 3 5 )
=( 2 − 5) ( 2 − 5) + ( 3 5 ) ( 2 − 5)
= 4 − 5 2 − 5 2 + 25 + 3 10 − 15 5
= 2 − 5 2 − 5 2 + 25 + 3 10 − 15 5
= 27 − 10 2 + 3 10 − 15 5
Expression: 3 26 6
= 12 18
= 12 (9 )( 2 )
= 12 ( 3) 2
= 36 2
You can try a variety of random cards and then test yourself using the
following examples. Check your work against the solutions given in the
answer key.
a) 5C, 10S, 3H, 5D
b) 4S, 3S, 2H, 5D
c) 8H, 3C, AceD, 10S
d) 7D, 2H, 8D, 2C
= 50 15 = 30 ( 4 )( 2 )
= 30 ( 2 ) 2
= 60 2
b) 4S, 3S, 2H, 5D d) 7D, 2H, 8D, 2C
= 4⋅3⋅ 2 ⋅ 5 = 7 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 8 ⋅2
= 12 10 = 2 112
= 2 16 (7 )
= 2⋅4 7
=8 7
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing many steps on paper.
1. Marissa loves to eat cookie dough so she bought a tub of cookie dough that
was supposed to make 270 cookies. If Marissa and her brother each eat a
scoop of cookie dough that is equivalent to three cookies every day, how
long will it take them to eat the entire tub of cookie dough?
2. Write 32 as a power with a base of 2.
3. Bill went on a biking trip where he biked at 20 km/h for two hours and
then 30 km/h for three hours. How far did Bill bike?
4. Factor: 2x(x2 + 1) - 3(x2 + 1)
5. Simplify: 16 2
270 270
1. 45 = = 45
( 3 + 3) 6
2. 25
3. 130 km (20 km/h for 2 hours = 40 km; 30 km/h for 3 hours = 90 km;
90 + 40 = 130 km)
4. (2x - 3)(x2 + 1)
5. 4
16 2 = 16 = 4
−32 m12
6. −4m8 4
= −4 m 8
8. 130 cm ( 7 2 + 9 2 = 49 + 81 = 130 cm )
Part B: Dividing Radical Expressions
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Simplify. Present your answer with no radicals in the denominators. If the
expression contains variables, state for which values of the variables the
radical expression is defined.
15 7− 3
a) h)
3 7+ 3
2 4−3 3
b) i)
2 3 6+ 2
10 2 2 3− 2
c) j)
5 2 3+ 2
2 +5 x
d) k)
3 x −y
8 10 − 7 5 x +1
e) l)
2 5 x
7 x2 y7
f) m)
3− 2 8y 6
5 3− x
g) n)
9 3−4 2x − 3
15 2 3 6 6
a) 5 b) ⋅ = =
3 2 3 3 2 ( 3) 6
8 10 − 7 5 5 8 50 − 7 25 7 3+ 2 21 + 7 2
e) ⋅ = f) ⋅ =
2 5 5 2 25 3− 2 3+ 2 9+3 2 −3 2 − 4
8 25 2 − 7 ( 5) 21 + 7 2
= =
2 ( 5) 9−2
8 ( 5) 2 − 35 21 + 7 2
= =
10 7
40 2 − 35 7 (3 + 2 )
= =
10 7
5 (8 2 − 7 ) = 3+ 2
5 (2)
8 2 −7
5 9 3+4 9 15 + 4 5
g) ⋅ =
9 3 − 4 9 3 + 4 81 9 + 36 3 − 36 3 − 16
9 15 + 4 5
81 ( 3) − 16
9 15 + 4 5
7− 3 7− 3 49 − 21 − 21 + 9
h) ⋅ =
7+ 3 7− 3 49 − 21 + 21 − 9
7 − 2 21 + 3
10 − 2 21
2 ( 5 − 21 )
5 − 21
2 3− 2 2 3− 2 4 9 −2 6 −2 6 + 4
j) ⋅ =
2 3+ 2 2 3− 2 4 9 −2 6 +2 6 − 4
4 ( 3) − 4 6 + 2
4 ( 3) − 2
14 − 4 6
2 (7 − 2 6 )
7−2 6
x x +y x2 + y x
k) ⋅ =
x −y x +y x2 + y x − y x − y2
x+y x
x − y2
This expression is only defined for x ³ 0. You cannot take the square
root of a negative number. Also, y ¹ x because the denominator
cannot equal zero.
x +1 x x+ x
l) ⋅ =
x x x
This expression is only defined for x > 0. You cannot take the square
root of a negative number and the denominator cannot equal zero.
Thus, x has to be greater than zero.
x2 y
x2 y
( 4 )( 2 )
x y
2 2
x y 2
= ⋅
2 2 2
x 2y x 2y
= =
2( 4) ( 2 )( 2 )
x 2y
This expression is defined for y > 0 and x Î Â. You cannot take the
square root of a negative number nor have a zero in the denominator.
3− x 3− x 2x + 3
n) = ⋅
2x − 3 2x − 3 2x + 3
3 2 x + 3 3 − 2 x 2 − 3x
4x 2 + 6x − 6x − 9
3 2 x + 3 3 − x 2 − 3x
2x − 3
This expression is only defined for x ³ 0 because you cannot take
the square root of a negative number. Also, x ¹ because the
denominator cannot equal zero. Thus, the expression is defined for
x ³ 0 and x ¹ .
find the
a) width
b) perimeter
c) length of its diagonal
a) Given: A = ( 4 + 3 3 ) m 2
l = ( 3 + 2) m
Let w = width
A = lw (3 + 2) m
4 + 3 3 = ( 3 + 2) w
4+3 3 w A = (4 + 33) m2 w
3 +2
4+3 3 3−2
w= ⋅ (3 + 2) m
3 +2 3−2
4 3 −8+3 9 −6 3
9 −2 3 +2 3−4
−2 3 − 8 + 3 ( 3)
−2 3 + 1
−2 3 + 1 (−1)
= ⋅
−1 (−1)
= 2 3 −1
The width is ( 2 3 − 1) m.
=2 ( 3 + 2 ) + 2 ( 2 3 − 1)
= 2 3 +4+4 3−2
=6 3 +2
∴ perimeter = (6 3 + 2 ) m
x 23
x 2 = ( 3 + 2 ) ( 3 + 2 ) + ( 2 3 − 1) ( 2 3 − 1)
x2 = 9 + 2 3 + 2 3 + 4 + 4 9 − 2 3 − 2 3 + 1
x 2 = 3 + 2 3 + 2 3 + 4 + 12 − 2 3 − 2 3 + 1
x 2 = 20
x = 20 = 4 5 = 2 5
2+ 3 2+ 6
Let x = and y =
2 4
2+ 3 2+ 3 2+ 6 2+ 6
x2 = ⋅ y2 = ⋅
2 2 4 4
2 4 + 12 + 12 + 36
(2 + 3 ) =
x = 16
2 + 2 12 + 6
2 2+ 3 =
x = 16
8+2 4 3
8+4 3
4 (2 + 3 )
2+ 3
Hence, x2 = y2.
Furthermore, since x and y are positive, it follows that x = y—that is,
2+ 3 2+ 6
= .
2 4
Although some radicals do not look the same, they may still be equal.
In the above question, it is important that x and y are both positive.
Otherwise, it is possible that x = -y, since the squares of the positive and
the negative numbers are equal (e.g., (5)2 = 25 and (-5)2 = 25. However,
5 ¹ -5.) Hence, x and y must both be positive numbers when you are
comparing their squares.
∴ Area = ( 5 3 − 1) x or
Area =
(3 + 4 3 )(2 3 ) . B
53 1
(5 3 − 1) x = 6 3 + 8 9 Multiply.
114 + 126 3
2 ( 57 + 63 3 )
2 ( 37 )
57 + 63 3
5. Find the area of the shaded region if two identical circles are cut out of
rectangle ABCD, as illustrated below. The length of AB = ( 4 + 8 2 ) m.
Leave your answer as an exact value in terms of p.
(4 + 82) m
Since AB = 4 + 8 2 and the circles are identical, the diameter of
4+8 2
each circle is = 2 + 4 2 and the radius of each circle is
2+4 2
= 1 + 2 2.
The width of the rectangle is 2 + 4 2 , which is the diameter of the circle.
Shaded area = area of rectangle - areas of the two circles.
Area = lw – 2(pr2)
A = ( 4 + 8 2 ) ( 2 + 4 2 ) − 2 π (1 + 2 2 )
A = ( 4 + 8 2 ) ( 2 + 4 2 ) − 2 π (1 + 2 2 ) (1 + 2 2 )
A = 8 + 16 2 + 16 2 + 32 4 − 2 π
1 + 2 2 + 2 2 + 4 4
A = 8 + 32 2 + 32 ( 2 ) − 2 π
1 + 4 2 + 4 ( 2 )
A = 72 + 32 2 − 2 π (9 + 4 2 )
A = 72 − 18 π + 32 2 − 8 π 2
A = (72 − 18 π ) + ( 32 − 8 π ) 2
The area of the shaded region is
(72 − 18 π ) + ( 32 − 8 π ) 2
m .
2+ 3
5− 3
2+ 3 5+ 3
A= ⋅
5− 3 5+ 3
10 + 2 3 + 5 3 + 9
25 + 5 3 − 5 3 − 9
10 + 7 3 + 3
25 − 3
13 + 7 3
2 2
7. Simplify: + (2 + 3 )(5 − 3 ) − (2 + 3 )
3 −1
Perhaps the easiest way to simplify such a complicated expression is to
break it into parts. The first part needs its denominator rationalized; the
other two parts require multiplication.
3 +1 (2 + 3 ) (5 − 3 ) = 10 − 2 3 +5 3−3
3 −1 3 −1 3 +1
=7+3 3
2 3 +2
9 + 3 − 3 −1
2 3 +2 (2 + 3 ) = (2 + 3 )(2 + 3 )
2 = 4+2 3 +2 3 +3
= 3 +1
=7+4 3
= 3 +1+7 +3 3 −7 −4 3
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Maddox has 130 quarters, 72 dimes, and 26 nickels. How much money
does he have in total?
3 10
2. Evaluate: ´
5 7
3. If today is Friday and your math exam is in 17 days, what day of the week
is your math exam on?
4. Evaluate: 52 - (-3 - 4(-26 - (-28))).
3x 5 y 2 z8
5. Simplify:
9x7 y 3 z2
6. Estimate: 140
7. Trey and Tanisha are discussing their solutions to the linear inequality
-3x > 6. Trey believes the answer is x > -2, while Tanisha believes the
answer is x < -2. Who is right?
8. Simplify: (x - 2)3
1. $41 ($32.50 + $7.20 + $1.30 = $41; 130 quarters = $32.50; 72 dimes = $7.20;
26 nickels = $1.30)
6 3 10 2
7 8 , 7
3. Monday (in 14 days it will be Friday again; three days past Friday is
3x 2 y
6. 11.8 (140 is between perfect squares 121 and 144; therefore, 140 is
between 11 and 12 and is closer to 12)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. State whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false,
rewrite it so that it is true.
a) For each real number x, x is a real number only when x ³ 0.
b) For each real number x, x - 3 is a real number only when x ³ 0.
( x − 1) = 2 x − 1 or ( x − 1) = − 2 x − 1.
f) For each real number x, if x2 = 16, then x 16.
g) Squaring both sides of x + 2 = 3x yields x + 4 = 9x2.
a) ( 2x − 1 ) = 2x − 1
b) ( 5 + x ) = 25 + 10 x + x
c) (2 + x − 5 ) = (2 + x − 5 )(2 + x − 5 )
= 4 x−5 +x−1
b) x = 2 − 2 x − 5 f) x 2 + 6x = 2
c) 2x + 3 − x + 1 = 1 g) 3x + 2 = 3 x − 2
d) x2 − 3 + 1 = 0 h) 1−x + x = x +1
a) x + 2 = 2 x + 7
( x + 2 )2 = ( 2 x + 7 )
x 2 + 4x + 4 = 2 x + 7
x2 + 2x − 3 = 0
( x + 3 ) ( x − 1) = 0
x = −3 , 1
Check: x + 2 = 2 x + 7
x = −3 x=1
LHS = x + 2 LHS = x + 2
= −3 + 2 = 1+2
= −1 =3
RHS = 2 x + 7 RHS = 2 x + 7
= 2 (−3) + 7 = 2 ( 1) + 7
= 1 = 9
=1 =3
x = -3 is not a solution. The only solution is x = 1.
x 2 − 4x + 4 = 2 x − 5
x 2 − 6x + 9 = 0
( x − 3)2 = 0
Check: x = 2 − 2 x − 5
LHS = x
RHS = 2 − 2 x − 5
= 2 − 2 ( 3) − 5
=2− 1
= 2−1
There is no solution.
2x + 3 = x + 1 + 2 x + 1 + 1
2x + 3 = x + 2 + 2 x + 1
x+1= 2 x+1
( x + 1)2 = ( 2 x + 1 )
( x + 1)2 = 4 ( x + 1)
x 2 + 2 x + 1 = 4x + 4
x2 − 2x − 3 = 0
( x − 3 ) ( x + 1) = 0
x = 3 or −1
Check: 2x + 3 − x + 1 = 1
x=3 x = −1
LHS = 2 x + 3 − x + 1 LHS = 2 x + 3 − x + 1
= 2 ( 3) + 3 − 3 + 1 = 2 (−1) + 3 − −1 + 1
= 9− 4 = 1− 0
= 3−2 =1
=1 RHS = 1
There are two solutions, x = 3 or x = -1.
( x2 − 3 ) 2
= (−1)
x2 − 3 = 1
x2 = 4
x = ±2
Check: x2 − 3 + 1 = 0
x=2 x = −2
LHS = x 2 − 3 + 1 2
LHS = (−2 ) − 3 + 1
= 22 − 3 + 1 = 4−3 +1
= 1 +1 =2
=2 RHS = 0
There is no solution.
Note: On the LHS of the initial question, the principal root of x2 - 3,
which is positive, is added to positive one. The result will never equal
the RHS, which is zero. So the answer of no solution makes good
x 2 − 4 x + 4 = 3x − 2
x2 − 7x + 6 = 0
( x − 6 ) ( x − 1) = 0
x = 6 or 1
Check: x = 3x − 2 + 2
x=6 x=1
LHS = x LHS = x
=6 =1
RHS = 3x − 2 + 2 RHS = 3x − 2 + 2
= 3 (6) − 2 + 2 = 3 (2) − 2 + 2
= 16 + 2 = 1+2
= 4+2 =3
=6 LHS ≠ RHS
The only solution is x = 6.
2 2 2
x + 6x = ( 2 )
x 2 + 6x = 4
( x 2 + 6x ) = ( 4)
x 2 + 6 x = 16
x 2 + 6 x − 16 = 0
( x + 8) ( x − 2 ) = 0
x = −8 or x = 2
Check: x 2 + 6x = 2
x = −8 x=2
LHS = x 2 + 6x LHS = x 2 + 6x
= 64 − 48 = 4 + 12
= 16 = 16
= 4 = 4
=2 =2
RHS = 2 RHS = 2
There are two solutions: x = -8 or x = 2.
2 2
( 3x + 2 ) = ( 3 x − 2 )
3x + 2 = 9 x − 6 2 x + 2
3x − 9 x + 2 − 2 = −6 2 x
−6 x −6 2 x
−6 −6
x = 2x
( x )2 = ( 2 x )
x2 = 2x
x2 − 2x = 0
x (x − 2) = 0
x = 0 or x − 2 = 0
Check: 3x + 2 = 3 x − 2
x=0 x=2
LHS = 3x + 2 LHS = 3x + 2
= 3 (0) + 2 = 3 (2) + 2
= 2 = 8
RHS = 3 x − 2 =2 2
=3 0− 2 RHS = 3 x − 2
=− 2 =3 2− 2
LHS ≠ RHS =2 2
The only solution is x = 2.
2 2
( 1 − x + x ) = ( x + 1)
(1 − x ) + 2 x 1 − x + x = x + 1
1 − x + 2 x − x2 + x = x + 1
2 x − x2 = x
(2 x − x2 ) = (x)
4 (x − x2 ) = x2
4x − 4x 2 = x 2
4 x − 5x 2 = 0
x ( 4 − 5x ) = 0
x = 0 or 4 − 5x = 0
Check: 1−x + x = x +1
x=0 4 RHS = x + 1
LHS = 1 − x + x 4
4 4 = +1
= 1−0 + 0 LHS = 1 − + 5
5 5
4 5
= 1 +0 1 4 = +
= + 5 5
=1 5 5
RHS = x + 1 1 4 =
= + 5
5 5
= 0+1 3
1 2 =
=1 = + 5
5 5
There are two solutions: x = 0 or x .
a) x=4
(5 x) = ( 4)
x = 1024
Check for extraneous roots is not necessary; you are raising both sides
to the fifth power, an odd number.
b) x = 0.5
(3 x) = (0.5)
x = 0.125
Check for extraneous roots is not necessary; you are cubing both sides
(an odd power).
c) Method 1: Using Radicals
x3 = 81
x 2 = 81
(x) 3 2
= (81)
x 2 = 531 441
x 2 = ± 531 441
x = ±729
There are two solutions: x = 729 or x = -729.
A check for extraneous roots is not necessary since you are cubing
both sides (an odd power).
x 1 = (9 ) or x1 = (-9)3
x = 729 or x = -729
Notice that with this method you need to be very careful since you are
introducing the square root operation with the power of . In line 3,
you must consider ± 81 inside the brackets, not just 81. Then you
will get both answers.
d) 2 x 0.25 = 3
2x 4 3
2 2
x4 =
4 3
4 3 4
(4 x) = Raise each side to the fourth power.
A check for extraneous roots is necessary since part of the solution was
to raise each side to an even power.
b) x+2 = 4− x+2
a) x− 3 = x + 3
x−3= x+6 x +9
x−3−x−9 = 6 x
−12 = 6 x
−2 = x
(−2 )2 = ( x )
Since 4 is greater than or equal to 3, then x = 4 satisfies the restriction,
x ³ 3.
Check x = 4 in the original equation x − 3 = x + 3.
LHS = x − 3 RHS = x + 3
= 4−3 = 4 +3
=1 = 2+3
Thus, there are no real solutions for this equation.
2 x+2 = 4
(2 x + 2 ) = 42
4 ( x + 2 ) = 16
4 x + 8 = 16
4x = 8
x = 2 is greater than or equal to -2; thus, this is a possible solution.
Check x = 2 in x+2 = 4− x+2
LHS = x + 2
= 2+2
= 4
RHS = 4 − x + 2
= 4− 2+2
= 4− 4
= 4−2
Thus, the solution to this radical equation is x = 2.
and the restrictions V ³ 0, h > 0.
12 π
V 2
3 =
12 π
12 π
108 π = V
108 π
12 π
= 9
LHS = 3
Thus, the volume of this pop can is 108p = 339.29 cm3.
7. Kinetic energy is calculated using the formula Ek mv 2 , where Ek
represents the kinetic energy of an object measured in joules, m represents
the mass of an object measured in kilograms, and v represents the positive
speed of an object. Speed is measured in metres per second. Using the
formula, calculate the speed of a baseball that has a mass of 0.145 kg and
32.1 J (joules) of kinetic energy. Round your answer to two decimal places.
You have the following information:
m = 0.145 kg
Ek = 32.1 J
Substitute those values into the equation.
Ek = mv 2
32.1 = (0.145) v 2
32.1 = 0.0725 v 2
= v2
v 2 = 442.7586207
v 2 = ± 442.7586207
v = ±21.04
Since v is positive, use only the principal square root value. Thus, the
speed of the baseball is 21.04 m/s.
Module 6
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Module 6:
Sys t em s of E quat ion s a nd Inequa l i t ie s
Welcome to Module 6! In this module, you will learn how to solve systems of
equations as well as inequalities. When you solve systems of equations, you
need to be familiar with how to solve linear as well as quadratic equations.
Therefore, some questions in this module allow you to practice skills you
learned in earlier modules, such as solving quadratic equations by factoring
and by using the quadratic formula. As you will see, these systems of
equations appear in situations involving linear and quadratic motion. Some
examples include throwing a baseball or a football, jumping off a diving
board, or just travelling in a straight line.
You may not be familiar with inequalities. From previous courses, however,
you are familiar with the symbols for greater than, greater than or equal to, less
than, and less than or equal to. These symbols are very important when you
work with inequalities. Inequalities appear when you want to find which
values are above or below a certain curve in order to solve a problem. These
types of problems often have to do with profit, speed, height, or the weight
that can be supported by a particular object.
Assignments in Module 6
When you have completed the assignments for Module 6, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination. This sheet will
be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your handwriting or
typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but you do not receive
any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions that follows to help you with preparing
your resource sheet for the material in Module 6. On this sheet, you should
record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a list of
places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special areas
that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1 to 8 to prepare your Final Examination Resource
Sheet. The final examination for this course is based on Modules 1 to 8.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
0 x
There are two solutions because there are two points of intersection.
Consider the following possibilities.
y y y
x x x
As you can see, there are three different types of solutions with regard to
quadratic-linear systems of equations. There can be no solution (no point of
intersection), one solution (one point of intersection), or two solutions (two
points of intersection). It is possible to find these solutions either graphically
or algebraically.
Quadratic Function
Time t Time t
2 2 x
From the graph, you can see that there are two solutions to this system of
equations. The solutions are (-2, 0) and (1, -3).
b) Using technology, such as a graphing calculator (or a computer application
such as Winplot), graph the system of equations to determine the solution.
If you do not have access to technology, omit (b) or graph it by hand.
The solutions to this system of equations are (0, -2) and (5, 3).
Equation (2): 5 = x + y
Point (4, 1) Point (1, 4)
LHS = 5 LHS = 5
RHS = x + y RHS = x + y
= 4+1 = 1+4
=5 =5
Thus, the points (4, 1) and (1, 4) satisfy both the quadratic equation and the
linear equation.
Graphic Check
y = x2 6x + 9
(1, 4)
(4, 1)
2 2 4 6 x
0 = x2 − x − 6
(-2, 0)
y = 2x + 4 y = x2 + x − 2
LHS = y = 0 LHS = y = 0
RHS = 2 x + 4 RHS = x 2 + x − 2
= 2 (−2 ) + 4 2
= (−2 ) + (−2 ) − 2
= −4 + 4
= 4−2−2
Thus, (3, 10) and (-2, 0) are correct solutions to the system of equations.
Example 6
Solve the following system of equations by using the elimination method.
y = 5x - 10
2y = x2 + x
First, you need to align the terms with the same variable and degree.
5x - 10
2y = x2 +x
0 = x 2 − 9 x + 20
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. How much tax would you have to pay on an item that costs $49.99
(approximately) if the PST = 8% and the GST = 5%?
2. Simplify: 98
3. Find the equation of a line with a slope of - and a y-intercept of 3.
3 3
4. Evaluate: ´
21 15
5. If 10% of 440 is 44, what is 35% of 440?
5 35
6. Are these fractions equivalent? and
7 7
7. Determine the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle when
the two sides measure 10 cm and 13 cm.
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (26, -13) and (15, -21).
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final exam. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and final exam. If you did not
answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Verify that (-1, 0) and (4, 15) are solutions to the following system of
y = 3x + 3
y = x2 - 1
2. Solve each system both graphically and algebraically.
a) y = 4x2
y = 8x
b) x - 2y = 10
y = x2 + 2x - 15
3. Solve each system by the substitution method.
a) y = 3x + 7
y = x2 - 11
b) y = 2x + 6
y = x2 + 4x + 3
4. Solve each system by the elimination method.
a) 2y = 2x - 2
y = x2 - 4x + 3
b) 2x + y = 5
y = x2 - 6x + 5
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 x
P y=x
a) Find the coordinates of Q.
b) Find the coordinates of P.
7. The perimeter of a rectangle is 26 cm and the area is 12 cm2. Find the
dimensions of the rectangle.
0 = −x 2 + 9 x − 20
0 = x 2 − 9 x + 20
0 = ( x − 4 ) ( x − 5)
x = 4 or x = 5
When x = 4:
2y = 10x - 20
2y = 10(4) - 20
2y = 20
y = 10
Thus, one solution is (4, 10).
When x = 5:
2y = 10x - 20
2y = 10(5) - 20
2y = 30
y = 15
Thus, another solution is (5, 15).
Is his method correct? Explain why or why not.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
x x
Time t Time t
a) Situation Y models a situation where two people jump off cliffs of different
heights into the lake. Each of the parabolas starts at a different height, and
both end at the x-axis. Therefore, this symbolizes one person starting at
a higher height and jumping into the lake while another person starts at
a lower height and jumps into the lake. The jumpers will need to stagger
their timing so they don’t hit each other where the parabolas intersect.
b) Situation X models the situation of a football being thrown and a receiver
jumping to catch the ball. The football is thrown not from ground level but
a little above, as the quarterback is most likely throwing from chest height.
Also, the receiver doesn’t start jumping until the ball is near. Therefore,
the second parabola doesn’t start until the first one is more than halfway
finished. They intersect when the player catches the ball.
a) You should be able to solve this system of equations by hand using graph
paper and the properties of transformations of quadratic functions.
y = x2
4 2 2 4 x
y = (x 2)2 + 2
As you can see, y = x2 and y = -(x - 2)2 + 2 have one point of intersection
at (1, 1). Therefore, (1, 1) is the solution to this system of equations.
3 y=
( x + 1 )2 − 4
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4
−6 x 2 + x + 3 = y
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
10 ± 100 − 4 ( 3)( 5)
10 ± 40
10 ± 2 10
5 ± 10
5 + 10 5 − 10
x= or
3 3
Therefore, x » 2.72 or x » 0.61.
0= 2 x 2 − 5x − 3
0 = ( 2 x + 1) ( x − 3 )
2x + 1 = 0 x−3=0
x =− x=3
When x = − :
6 x 2 − 3x = 2 y − 5
1 2 1
6− − 3− = 2 y − 5
2 2
1 3
6 + = 2 y − 5
4 2
3 3
+ = 2y − 5
2 2
3 = 2y − 5
8 = 2y
Thus, one solution is − , 4 .
When x = 3:
6(3)2 - 3(3) = 2y - 5
54 - 9 + 5 = 2y
50 = 2y
25 = y
Thus, another solution is (3, 25).
The two solutions to this system of equations are − , 4 and (3, 25).
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Between which two whole numbers is 150 ?
2. Simplify: 3x2 + 4x - 6 - 5x + 4 + 6x2 + 8 - 9x2
3. Pizza Express is offering two medium pizzas for $15.99 while Speedy
Pizza is offering three medium pizzas for $22.49. Which is the better buy?
4. Lisa worked 40 hours in one week and made $520. How much does Lisa
make an hour?
4 2
5. Calculate: -
7 3
6. Express as an entire radical: 7 y 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final exam. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and final exam. If you did not
answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
10 17
1. Verify that , and (1, -2) are solutions to the following system of
3 9
y = 2x2 - 7x + 3
y = -x2 + 6x - 7
Total: 40 marks
1. Verify that (-3, 0) and (1, 8) are solutions to the following system of equations.
(3 marks)
y = 2x + 6
x2 + 4x = y - 3
b) y = x2 + x - 1
y = -2x2 - 5x + 8
b) y = x2 + 5x - 3
-3y = 2x2 - 21x + 1
b) If you were to graph the two equations, what would be the meaning of the point
of intersection? What assumption are you making? (1 mark)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
You have now learned several ways of solving systems of equations. You
will now investigate the idea of a linear inequality because some of the
mathematics that you use in daily life do not come in the form of an equation.
Statements such as, “I want to find a job that pays more than the minimum
wage” or “I have to spend less than $10 this week” are examples of statements
of inequalities.
In order to be able to solve linear inequalities, you first need to review what
the inequality symbols are.
Q £ means less than or equal to
Q < means less than
Q ³ means greater than or equal to
Q > means greater than
y > mx + b Boundary
y < mx + b
The solution region is above the boundary line when y > mx + b and is below
the boundary line when y < mx + b.
A linear inequality has a boundary line that can be expressed in the form
y = mx + b. The solution region to a linear inequality is the set of all ordered
pairs that make the inequality true.
When the inequality is £ (read less than or equal to) or ³ (read greater than or
equal to), the solution includes the points on the boundary line and the graph
has a solid boundary line, as shown below.
y y
x x
x x
Example 1
Graph 2x + y < 4.
The boundary line is 2x + y = 4. You can graph the line by rearranging it
into y = -2x + 4. You can use the slope-intercept method, with b = 4 and the
slope -2, to graph the line.
Use a dashed line to show that the points on the line are not solutions to
2x + y < 4.
To determine which region 8
to shade, you must rearrange
the inequality to solve for y. 6
The inequality y < -2x + 4
states that you want all 4
y-values less than those on
the line y = -2x + 4. Thus, 2
the region below the line is
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 x
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 x
y = 2x + 4
To verify which region contains the solution, select a point from each region
and see which ordered pair makes the inequality true. If the inequality is true
for one point in the solution region, it will be true for all points in that region.
An easy test point is the origin, (0, 0), as long as the boundary line does not go
through it. If it does, then choose a different point, such as (1, 0).
On the bottom side of the line, choose (0, 0) as a test point for y < -2x + 4.
y -2x + 4
0 -2(0) + 4
\ (0, 0) is in the solution region as expected.
On the top side of the line, choose (4, 0) as a test point for y < -2x + 4.
y -2x + 4
0 -2(4) + 4
\ (4, 0) is not in the solution region as expected.
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 x
y = 2x + 4
c) 2x + y ³ 4
becomes y ³ -2x + 4
Sketch the boundary line y
using the related equation 8
y = -2x + 4.
The boundary line is solid
and the shading is the 4
same as in y > -2x + 4.
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 x
y 3
0 3
The origin is not a solution and it is below the line. This confirms the shaded
region is all points on or above the line y = 3.
y=3 3
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 x
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 x
Now that you have some experience with graphing linear inequalities, it is
time to add to your resource sheet. Add any definitions or steps that you feel
would help you remember how to graph linear inequalities in two variables.
Note that you could also find the x- and y-intercepts to graph each line.
6 x
To find the inequality, you first need to find the equation of the boundary
To do this, you can find the slope of the line, and the y-intercept. Then, you
can put those values into the slope-intercept form equation of a line.
Slope =
y-intercept = -2
slope-intercept equation of a line: y = mx + b
Thus, the equation of this line is y = x−2
Now, you need to determine whether you have a greater than or less than
To check your inequality, choose a test point and substitute. For example,
if you choose (0, 0), it should satisfy the inequality y ≥ x − 2. Upon
substituting, you get 0 ≥ (0 ) − 2 or 0 ³ -2, which is true.
If you need to, copy down steps for how to determine the equation of the
linear inequality when given its graph on your resource sheet.
e -5d + 100
0 -5(0) + 100
As expected, the solution region does not contain the origin.
Evening Minutes
20 40 60 80 100 d
Daytime Minutes
Example 7
Solve for y in the following linear inequality.
-12x - 3y > 3
To solve for y, you simply isolate the variable y.
-12x - 3y > 3
-3y > 12x + 3
When you get to this step, you may be tempted to just divide by negative
three and leave the inequality sign the same. However, when you are
multiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality by a negative number,
you need to reverse the inequality sign. For example, if the inequality sign
was originally >, it would become <. If the inequality sign was originally £, it
would become ³.
Add this information to your resource sheet.
Thus, the inequality becomes:
−3 y > 12 x + 3
−3 y 12 x 3
< +
−3 −3 −3
y < −4 x − 1
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jessica sells $545 worth of fundraising tickets. If she makes 5% commission
on her total sales, how much did Jessica make?
2. Simplify: (3x + 1)2
3. Simplify: 54
4. Sam mowed half of the yard on Friday and half of the remaining grass on
Saturday. How much grass still needs to be cut?
5. What is the slope of the line defined by the equation 2y = 4x + 6?
6. Factor completely. 121x2 - 196y2
7. The diameter of a circle is 34 cm. What is the radius of the circle?
8. Is 87 a prime or composite number?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final exam. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and final exam. If you did not
answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Which of the ordered pairs are solutions to the given inequality?
a) 4x - 3y > 2
(-4, 8), (1, 2), (3, -6)
b) -8x + 6y £ 5
(-2, -7), (4, 9), (-1, 8)
2 2 x
2 2 x
iii) y iv) y
2 2
2 2 x 2 2 x
2 2
2 2 x
b) y
2 2 x
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to solve linear inequalities in two variables,
x and y, graphically. You learned whether a solid or broken boundary line
should be used when graphing an inequality, and how to test points to
determine the solution region of a linear inequality. You also discovered how
linear inequalities appear in financial situations, such as making a certain
amount of money or paying a certain amount for your phone bill.
In the next two lessons, you will be learning about a different type of
inequality: quadratic inequalities.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to solve linear inequalities graphically. The
approach for solving quadratic inequalities in one variable is similar to the
strategy you used to solve linear inequalities. However, instead of solution
regions, you will be looking for intervals of solutions or solution sets, because
there is only one variable, not two.
Quadratic inequalities are useful when you are dealing with situations
involving parabolas, such as in sports, water fountains, or fireworks. In these
situations, you may want to know when the height of the ball, the water,
or the fireworks is above a certain value. If you are able to solve quadratic
inequalities, you will be able to find the information you need. You can
see from the list of what you are learning in this lesson that diagrams are
involved in every method.
f(x) = x2 4
2 2 x
The original inequality asked for values of the expression that are less than
or equal to. Therefore, you are looking for the x-values at which the graph of
f(x) = x2 - 4 lies on or below the x-axis. As you can see, the parabola crosses
the x-axis at -2 and 2. Therefore, the parabola lies on the x-axis at these
points. Also, the parabola lies below the x-axis between these points. The
graph lies on or below the x-axis when -2 £ x £ 2. Thus, the solution set is
{x|-2 £ x £ 2, x Î Â} or the same thing represented using interval notation is
[-2, 2].
Example 2
Solve the quadratic inequality x2 - 4 > 0 by graphing.
You solved a similar quadratic inequality in Example 1. As both quadratic
inequalities have the same corresponding function, f(x) = x2 - 4, you can use
the graph from Example 1 to answer this question.
As the inequality asked for values of the expression that are greater than, you
are looking for the x-values at which the graph lies above the x-axis. This
occurs when x is less than -2 and when x is greater than 2. In other words,
the solution set is {x|x < -2 or x > 2, x Î Â}. In interval notation, the solution
is written as (-¥, -2) È (2, ¥).
3 2
As you can see, the x-axis is divided into three intervals, x £ -3,
-3 £ x £ -2, and x ³ -2 by the roots of the equation, -2 and -3.
Choose one point to test from each interval to determine whether the
quadratic expression is positive or negative. As the original question asks
for values of the expression that are greater than or equal to, you are looking
for intervals that are positive. To test these points, you can set up a chart as
follows. You can substitute your test points into the general or the factored
form of the inequality.
You now can complete the sign diagram using the results from the chart.
+ +
3 2
Thus, the intervals that make the inequality positive are x £ -3 and x ³ -2.
As the inequality in the original equation includes “equal to,” the points -3
and -2 need to be included in the solution set.
Thus, the solution set is {x|x ³ -2 or x £ -3, x Î Â}.
2 x
As you can see, the values when x ³ 2 satisfy both of these conditions because
that is where the two sets overlap. Thus, they are part of the solution set,
[2, ¥).
Case 2:
Consider when both factors are negative:
x + 4 £ 0 and x - 2 £ 0
x £ -4 and x £ 2
Any values that satisfy both of these conditions will also be part of the
solution set. Note that “less than” is to the left on a number line.
2 x
As you can see, the values that satisfy both of the above conditions are when
x £ -4 because that is where the two sets overlap. The solution is
{x|x £ 4, x Î Â}.
Thus, the complete solution set is: {x|x £ -4 or x ³ 2, x Î Â}. In interval
notation, the solution is written (-¥, -4] È [2, ¥).
1 3 x
Note: The points on the line are represented by open circles, which signifies
that those values aren’t included in the solution because the inequality
symbol is strictly less than or strictly greater than (no “or equal to” is included
in either case).
Thus, the solution set contains the points where 1 < x < 3 because this is the
interval where the two lines overlap.
Case 2:
Consider the case when x - 1 is negative and x - 3 is positive:
x - 3 > 0 and x - 1 < 0
x > 3 and x < 1
1 3 x
No points satisfy both conditions indicated by the fact that the lines do not
Therefore, the solution set for the original inequality from Case 1 is simply
{x|1 < x < 3, x Î Â}. In interval notation, the solution is written (1, 3).
Now make a summary diagram showing the diagram for each factor and
then a third diagram showing the results for the product of the factors. Notice
how vertical dotted lines are used to separate the intervals for each factor and
are extended to intersect all three diagrams. The third diagram represents the
product of the factors.
+ +
3 x
2 x
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
x6 y 3
1. Simplify:
x8 y 2
2. Pizza Express delivers pizza with the following charges: a $10.00 delivery
and tip charge and $7 per pizza. Your sports team wants to order pizza.
Everyone pools their money and they come up with $73.15. What is the
maximum number of pizzas they can order?
3. Patricia ate one-third of the red velvet cake her mom bought her for her
birthday that day. The next day, she ate one-half of the remaining cake.
How much cake is left?
4. Simplify: 24 ´ 22
5. Reduce the following fraction:
47 ( 32 ) 0
6. Simplify: − 2
7. Find the midpoint between the following two points: (26, -13) and (15, -21)
8. Solve the inequality 3 - 7x ³ 0.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final exam. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and final exam. If you did not
answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether the given value of x is a solution to the given
a) x = 2, x2 + 3x - 6 £ 0
b) x = -4, 2x2 + 4x - 9 > 0
c) x = 0, 4x2 - 3x + 4 > 0
2. Draw the graph of the quadratic function y = x2 + 2x + 1. Then, determine
the solution for the following:
a) x2 + 2x + 1 ³ 0
b) x2 + 2x + 1 > 0
c) x2 + 2x + 1 £ 0
d) x2 + 2x + 1 < 0
3. Use the graphing method to solve the following quadratic inequalities.
a) x2 + 4x + 4 ³ 0
b) x2 - 2x > 3
4. Use the roots and test point method to make a sign diagram and solve the
following quadratic inequalities.
a) x2 - 2x + 1 ³ 0
b) -x2 + x + 1 ³ 0. Show your answer rounded to three decimal places.
5. Use the case analysis method to solve the following quadratic inequalities.
a) 3x2 + 16x £ -5
b) x2 + 3x - 180 ³ 0
6. Use the sign analysis method to make factor diagrams to solve the
following quadratic inequalities.
a) x2 + 4x < 0
b) 2x2 - 5x - 7 > 0
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to solve quadratic inequalities in one variable.
You solved these inequalities using four methods including graphing, roots
and test points, case analysis, and sign analysis. In the next lesson, you will
learn how to solve quadratic inequalities in two variables using a graphing
Total: 40 marks
1. Which of the ordered pairs are solutions to the given inequality? (6 marks)
3x - 7 < 2y
(1, 2), (3, -4), (-4, -5)
3. Write a linear inequality to represent each graph. (2 marks each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) y
6 2 2 x
b) y
3 3 x
4. Sketch the graph of each linear inequality. (3 marks each, for a total of 6 marks)
1 y
a) y > x+3
5. Tesa has at most $200 a month to spend on clothes and food. An article of clothing
on average costs her $20, and the average cost for a meal is $10.
a) Write an inequality to represent the number of articles of clothing, c, and the
number of meals, m, that Tesa can afford within her budget each month. (2 marks)
c) List two different ordered pairs that are solutions to this inequality. (1 mark)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to solve quadratic inequalities in one
variable. In this lesson, you will learn how to solve quadratic inequalities
in two variables. When a quadratic inequality only has one variable, you
are looking for the x-interval(s) where the corresponding parabola is either
greater than, less than, or equal to zero. When a quadratic inequality has two
variables, you are looking for the solution region either inside or outside the
given parabola. You need to draw a graph to show the solution.
The graphs of linear and quadratic inequalities in two variables are closely
related to the graphs of lines and parabolas. If a line has the equation
y = mx + b, any point (x, y) above the line satisfies the inequality y > mx + b.
Any point (x, y) below the line y = mx + b satisfies the inequality y < mx + b.
m>0 m<0
y y
y > mx + b
y > mx + b
y < mx + b
y < mx + b
x y= x
y > ax2 + bx + c
(above parabola)
y < ax2 + bx + c
(below parabola)
y = ax2 + bx + c
(boundary line)
When a is negative
If the quadratic has the equation y = ax2 + bx + c, and a is less than zero (or
negative), any point, (x, y), below the parabola satisfies the inequality
y < ax2 + bx + c. Any point, (x, y), above the parabola y = ax2 + bx + c satisfies
the inequality y > ax2 + bx + c.
y > ax2 + bx + c
(above parabola)
y = ax2 + bx + c
(boundary line)
x y < ax2 + bx + c
(below parabola)
Substitute x = 1 for y = x2 - 2x - 8
y = 12 - 2(1) - 8
y = -9
Vertex: (1, -9), opens up, normal shape
Draw the sketch using a solid line for the parabola as the points on the
parabola are included in the solution to the inequality. Shade above the
Example 2
Sketch the graph of y < x2 + 4x - 12.
Graph y = x2 + 4x - 12.
b 4
The parabola has its vertex at x = − = − = −2.
2a 2
6 2 2 x
Now check your shading. Choose one point in the solution region and one not
in the solution region, and substitute into the original inequality.
One point outside the
shaded region: (0, 0) One point in the region: (3, 0)
y < x2 + 4x - 12 y < x2 + 4x - 12
LHS = y = 0 LHS = y = 0
RHS = x2 + 4x - 12 RHS = x2 + 4x - 12
= 02 + 4(0) - 12 = 32 + 4(3) - 12
= -12 =9
\ (0, 0) does not satisfy the \ (3, 0) satisfies the inequality and
inequality. It is outside the is in the solution region.
solution region.
\ The shading is correct.
3 2 7 x
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Cassandra pays for $78.83 worth of groceries with a $100 bill. What is her
2. What is the vertex of the parabola defined by the equation y = 2x2 - 6?
3. The movie you want to see starts playing at 8:30 p.m. It takes you
45 minutes to drive to the theatre and 30 minutes to get ready. If you want
to be at the theatre 30 minutes early, what time should you start getting
4. Find the common difference in the following pattern: 1, 7, 13, 19, . . .
5. Calculate: 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final exam. So, if you were able to answer them correctly,
you are likely to do well on your assignments and final exam. If you did not
answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. If they are
false, explain why they are false and give the correct statement.
a) To determine if the region outside a parabola is a solution to the
inequality, test a point outside the parabola. If that point does not
satisfy the inequality, then that region is a solution to the inequality.
b) If (1, 2) satisfies the inequality y ³ (x + 2)2 - 12, then the following
graph represents the inequality.
6 2 2 x
1 x
4 2 2 4 x
4 2 2 4 x
6 6
4 4
2 2
4 2 2 4 x 6 4 2 2 x
2 x
b) y
4 x
Lesson Summary
Total: 19 marks
1. Which of the ordered pairs are solutions to the following quadratic inequalities?
(6 marks)
y ³ x2 + 3x - 7
(1, 2), (-3, 4), (-7, -5)
4 x
b) y
3 x
b) y ³ x2 + 4x - 5
In this module, you learned about equations and inequalities. You learned
how to solve systems of equations involving one linear equation and one
quadratic equation graphically and algebraically. You also learned how to
solve systems of equations involving two quadratic equations. You then
focused on linear and quadratic inequalities in one or two variables, which
can be solved in many ways, including graphically and algebraically. These
inequalities can be useful in situations involving budgets, finances, and
In the next module, you will revisit your study of trigonometry. You will
learn about angles in standard position, how to solve trigonometric equations,
and how to solve non-right triangles when you are given various pieces of
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 6.1 to 6.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 6 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 6 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 6.1: Solving Systems of Equations
q Assignment 6.2: Solving Linear Inequalities in Two Variables and
Quadratic Inequalities in One Variable
q Assignment 6.3: Solving Quadratic Inequalities in Two Variables
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
Module 6
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. How much tax would you have to pay on an item that costs $49.99
(approximately) if the PST = 8% and the GST = 5%?
2. Simplify: 98
3. Find the equation of a line with a slope of - and a y-intercept of 3.
3 3
4. Evaluate: ´
21 15
5. If 10% of 440 is 44, what is 35% of 440?
5 35
6. Are these fractions equivalent? and
7 7
7. Determine the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle when
the two sides measure 10 cm and 13 cm.
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (26, -13) and (15, -21).
1. Approximately $6.50 (13% of $100 = $13; 13% of $50 = $6.50)
2. 7 2 ( 98 = 49 × 2 )
3. y = − x + 3
1 1 1
4. ×
35 7 5
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Verify that (-1, 0) and (4, 15) are solutions to the following system of
y = 3x + 3
y = x2 - 1
(-1, 0)
y = 3x + 3 y = x2 − 1
LHS = y = 0 LHS = y = 0
RHS = 3x + 3
RHS = x 2 − 1
= 3 (−1) + 3 2
= (−1) − 1
= −3 + 3
= 1−1
(2, 16)
y = 4x2
(1, 4) (1, 4)
(0, 0)
1 1 x
y = 8x
b) x - 2y = 10
y = x2 + 2x - 15
Graph solution:
To graph x - 2y = 10, find the intercepts first.
x-intercept y-intercept
let y = 0 let x = 0
x - 2(0) = 10 0 – 2y = 10
x = 10 y = -5
Point (10, 0) Point (0, -5)
To graph y = x2 + 2x - 15, first complete the square to find the vertex
y = (x2 + 2x ) - 15
y = (x + 2x + 1) - 15 - 1
y = (x + 1)2 - 16
Vertex (-1, -16), opens up, normal shape
6 4 2 2 4 6 10 x
4 5 , 15
5 2 4
(4, 7)
x 2y = 10
V(1, 16)
Algebraic solution:
x - 2y = 10 (1)
y = x2 + 2x - 15 (2)
Since Equation (2) is already solved for y, substitute x2 + 2x - 15 for y
in Equation (1).
x − 2 ( x 2 + 2 x − 15) = 10
x − 2 x 2 − 4 x + 30 = 10
0 = 2 x 2 + 3x − 20
0 = ( 2 x − 5) ( x + 4 )
2x − 5 = 0 x+4=0
5 x = −4
Find the corresponding y-values using the linear equation.
5 x = −4
2 x − 2 y = 10
x − 2 y = 10
−4 − 2 y = 10
− 2 y = 10 −2 y = 14
y = −7
5 − 4 y = 20
−4 y = 15
y =−
5 15
The solutions are , − and (−4 , −7 ) .
2 4
b) y = 2x + 6
y = x2 + 4x + 3
Using the substitution method
2x + 6 = x2 + 4x + 3
0 = x2 + 2x - 3
0 = (x + 3)(x - 1)
x = -3 or x = 1
When x = -3:
y = 2x + 6
y = 2(-3) + 6
Thus, one solution is (-3, 0).
When x = 1:
y = 2x + 6
y = 2(1) + 6
Thus, another solution is (1, 8).
The solutions to this system are (-3, 0) and (1, 8).
0 = x2 - 5x + 4
0 = (x - 4)(x - 1)
x = 4 or x = 1
When x = 4:
2y = 2x - 2
Thus, (4, 3) is one solution to this system.
When x = 1:
2y = 2x - 2
2y = 2(1) - 2
2y = 0
Thus, (1, 0) is another solution to this system.
The solutions to this system are (4, 3) and (1, 0).
0 = x2 - 4x
0 = x(x - 4)
x = 0 or x = 4
When x = 0:
2x + y = 5
2(0) + y = 5
Thus, one solution to this system is (0, 5).
When x = 4:
2x + y = 5
2(4) + y = 5
8 + y = 5
y = -3
Thus, another solution to this system is (4, -3).
The solutions to this system are (0, 5) and (4, -3).
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 x
P y=x
a) Find the coordinates of Q.
y = x (1)
y = 4x - x2 (2)
x = 4x - x2 Substitute y with x from Equation (1)
x - 3x = 0
x(x - 3) = 0
x = 0 or x = 3
0 = −x 2 + 9 x − 20
0 = x 2 − 9 x + 20
0 = ( x − 4 ) ( x − 5)
x = 4 or x = 5
When x = 4:
2y = 10x - 20
2y = 10(4) - 20
2y = 20
y = 10
Thus, one solution is (4, 10).
When x = 5:
2y = 10x - 20
2y = 10(5) - 20
2y = 30
y = 15
Thus, another solution is (5, 15).
Is his method correct? Explain why or why not.
LHS = −2 y LHS = 2 y
= −2 (10 ) = 2 (10 )
= −20 = 20
RHS = 10 x − 20
RHS = −x 2 − x
2 = 10 ( 4 ) − 20
= −( 4 ) − 4
= 20
= −16 − 4
= −20
(5, 15)
−2 y = −x 2 − x 2 y = 10 x − 20
LHS = −2 y LHS = 2 y
= −2 (15) = 2 (15)
= −30 = 30
RHS = −x 2 − x RHS = 10 x − 20
= −( 5) − 5 = 10 ( 5) − 20
= −25 − 5 = 30
= −30 LHS = RHS
Thus, (4, 10) and (5, 15) are both solutions to this system of equations, and
Schyler is using a correct method of elimination to solve this system.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Between which two whole numbers is 150 ?
2. Simplify: 3x2 + 4x - 6 - 5x + 4 + 6x2 + 8 - 9x2
3. Pizza Express is offering two medium pizzas for $15.99 while Speedy
Pizza is offering three medium pizzas for $22.49. Which is the better buy?
4. Lisa worked 40 hours in one week and made $520. How much does Lisa
make an hour?
4 2
5. Calculate: -
7 3
6. Express as an entire radical: 7 y 3
7. What is the slope of a vertical line?
8. How many centimetres are in 2 kilometres?
1. 12 and 13 (122 = 144 and 132 = 169)
2. -x + 6
$15.99 $22.49
3. Speedy Pizza has the better deal. ≅ $8 and = $7.50
2 3
520 52
4. Lisa makes $13 an hour. = = 13
40 4
2 12 14
5. − −
21 21 21
8 1 8 1
6. 3 343 y 7 y = 343 y = ( 343 y )
8 3 3 3 8 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
10 17
1. Verify that , ,and (1, -2) are solutions to the following system of
3 9
y = 2x2 - 7x + 3
y = -x2 + 6x - 7
10 17
Verifying: , :
3 9
17 17
LHS = y = LHS = y =
9 9
RHS = 2 x 2 − 7 x + 3 RHS = −x 2 + 6 x − 7
10 2 10 10 2 10
= 2 − 7 + 3 = − + 6 − 7
3 3 3 3
100 70 100 180 63
= 2 − +3 =− + −
9 3 9 9 9
200 210 27 17
= − + =
9 9 9 9
17 LHS = RHS
Verifying (1, -2):
LHS = y = −2 LHS = y = −2
RHS = 2 x 2 − 7 x + 3 RHS = −x 2 + 6 x − 7
2 2
= 2 ( 1) − 7 ( 1) + 3 = −(1) + 6 (1) − 7
= 2−7 +3 = −1 + 6 − 7
= −2 = −2
y = 2x2 4
2 2 x
5 y = 2x2
As you can see from the graph, the solutions to the systems of
equations are (-1, -2) and (1, -2).
Substitute for y:
-2x2 = 2x2 - 4
0 = 4x2 - 4
0 = 4(x2 - 1)
0 = (x - 1)(x + 1)
Thus, x = 1 or -1.
b) x2 + y - 3 = 0
x2 - y + 1 = 0
First rearrange each equation to general form to find the vertex.
x2 + y - 3 = 0 Equation (1)
y = -x + 3
y = x2 + 1
Vertex (0, 1), opens up, and normal shape.
x2 y + 1 = 0
x2 + y 3 = 0
3 3 x
The solutions to this system
of equations are (-1, 2) and
(1, 2).
Use the rearranged equations:
y = -x2 + 3 (1)
y = x2 + 1 (2)
Now substitute for y.
-x2 + 3 = x2 + 1
0 = 2x2 - 2
0 = 2(x2 - 1)
0 = (x - 1)(x + 1)
Thus, x = 1 and -1.
When x = 1:
y = x2 + 1
y = (1)2 + 1
Thus, one solution is (1, 2).
When x = -1:
y = x2 + 1
y = (-1)2 + 1
Thus, another solution is (-1, 2).
The two solutions are (-1, 2) and (1, 2) and are the same as those found
in the graphing solution.
7 y 2 x 2 5x 1
y 2 x 2 6x 2
−9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Calculate the intersection by clicking “Two” in the menu bar and then
These functions intersect at the point (0.273, -0.215). Since they are the
same shape, they will never cross at a second point.
b) y = 2(x + 4)2
y = 2x2 + 16x + 32
Substitute for y.
2(x + 4)2 = 2x2 + 16x + 32
2(x2 + 8x + 16) = 2x2 + 16x + 32
2x2 + 16x + 32 = 2x2 + 16x + 32
These functions are identical. Therefore, there are an infinite number
of solutions to this system including all of the points represented by
the function y = 2(x + 4)2. An example is (0, 32).
Thus, the solution is y = 2(x + 4)2 or {(x, y) | y = 2(x + 4)2}.
3 2 3
2 − + 4 = −2 y
4 4
18 12 64
− + = −2 y
16 16 16
= −2 y
− =y
6. Solve the following system of equations using any method you prefer.
Explain why you chose that method.
8x2 + 100 = -5y
6x2 - x - 5 = 3y
Fix coefficients of y so that they are opposites.
3 ´ (1) 24x2 + 300 = -15y
+ 5 ´ (2) 30x2 - 5x - 25 = 15y
54x2 - 5x + 275 = 0
Since the coefficients are so large, use the discriminant (b2 - 4ac) to
determine the number and types of roots.
a = 54, b = –5, c = 275
b 2 − 4 ac = (−5) − 4 ( 54 )( 275)
= 25 − 59400
= −59375
−x 2 + 4 x + 2 = −( x 2 − 10 x + 25) + 6
−x 2 + 4 x + 2 = −x 2 + 10 x − 25 + 6
−x 2 + 4 x + 2 = −x 2 + 10 x − 19
4 x + 2 = 10 x − 19
−6 x = −21
−21 7
x= =
−6 2
Thus, this receiver had one chance to catch the ball, after seconds.
When x :
y = −x 2 + 4 x + 2
49 28
y =− + +2
4 2
49 56 8
y =− + +
4 4 4
7 15
The two equations intersect at the point , .
2 4
7 15
After seconds, the receiver and the ball were both feet, or 3.75 feet,
2 4
off the ground and in the same spot. Therefore, this receiver had a chance
to catch the ball.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jessica sells $545 worth of fundraising tickets. If she makes 5% commission
on her total sales, how much did Jessica make?
2. Simplify: (3x + 1)2
3. Simplify: 54
4. Sam mowed half of the yard on Friday and half of the remaining grass on
Saturday. How much grass still needs to be cut?
5. What is the slope of the line defined by the equation 2y = 4x + 6?
6. Factor completely. 121x2 - 196y2
7. The diameter of a circle is 34 cm. What is the radius of the circle?
8. Is 87 a prime or composite number?
1. $27.25 (10% of $545 = $54.50; 5% of $545 = $27.25)
2. 9x2 + 6x + 1
3. 3 6 ( 54 = 9 × 6 )
1 1 1 1
4. of (Sam has mowed 1 + 1 = 3 and she still needs to mow .
4 2 2 2 4 4 4
5. 2 (y = 2x + 3)
6. (11x - 14y)(11x + 14y) [it is a difference of squares]
7. r = 17 cm (The radius is half the diameter.)
8. 87 is a composite number; it can be divided by 3 and 29.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Which of the ordered pairs are solutions to the given inequality?
a) 4x - 3y > 2
(-4, 8), (1, 2), (3, -6)
4x - 3y > 2
Check: (-4, 8)
LHS = 4x - 3y
= 4(-4) - 3(8)
= -16 - 24
= -40
RHS = 2
Check: (1, 2)
LHS = 4x - 3y
= 4(1) - 3(2)
= -2
RHS = 2
Check: (-1, 8)
LHS = -8x + 6y
= -8(-1) + 6(8)
= 8 + 48
= 56
RHS = 5
Thus, (4, 9) and (-1, 8) are not solutions to the inequality, but (-2, -7) is
a solution.
a) y < x+2
Graphing the dotted line with slope and y-intercept 2, and shading
“underneath” the line where the y-values are smaller than those on the
y < 1x + 2
2 2 x
2 2 x
c) 3x + 2y £ 6
Rearrange the inequality into y = mx + b form first, and then graph a
solid line and the shading.
3x + 2 y ≤ 6
2 y ≤ −3x + 6
y ≤− x + 3
Graph the related equation y = − x + 3.
The line passes through a y
y-intercept of 3, having a slope
of - . Draw a solid line since
2 3
the £ includes “equal to.” The y 3x + 3
shading is “below” the line,
including all y-values that are
2 2 x
less than the ones on the line.
y < 5x + 4
2 2 x
2 2 x
2 2 x
iii) y iv) y
2 2
2 2 x 2 2 x
2 2
(a) and (iv)
(b) and (iii)
(c) and (i)
(d) and (ii)
2 2 x
To find the equation of the inequality, you first need to find the
equation of the boundary line.
To do this, you can find the slope of the line and the y-intercept. Then,
you can put those values into the slope-intercept form equation of a
slope = 2
y-intercept = 1
slope-intercept equation of a line: y = mx + b
Thus, the equation of this line is y = 2x + 1.
Now, you need to determine whether you have a greater than or less
than symbol.
As you can see, the solution region is above the boundary line.
Therefore, the symbol you need is greater than, or >.
You now need to determine if the points on the boundary line are
included in the solution or not.
As the boundary line is broken or dashed, the points on the boundary
line are not included in the solution to the inequality.
Thus, the inequality becomes y > 2x + 1.
2 2 x
To find the equation of the inequality, you first need to find the
equation of the boundary line.
To do this, you can find the slope of the line, and the y-intercept. Then,
you can put those values into the slope-intercept form equation of a
slope = -3
y-intercept = -1
slope-intercept equation of a line: y = mx + b
Thus, the equation of this line is y = -3x - 1.
Now, you need to determine whether you have a greater than or less
than symbol.
As you can see, the solution region is below the boundary line.
Therefore, the symbol you need is less than, or <.
You now need to determine if the points on the boundary line are
included in the solution or not.
As the boundary line is broken or dashed, the points on the boundary
line are not included in the solution to the inequality.
Thus, the inequality becomes y < -3x - 1.
Restaurant Hours 16
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 M
Maintenance Hours
c) List two different ordered pairs that are solutions to this inequality.
The ordered pairs for this graph are (M, R). Thus, two solutions could
be (10, 12) and (0, 20). Any ordered pairs on the boundary or in the
shaded region will work.
d) What do these ordered pairs symbolize?
These ordered pairs symbolize how many hours Hunter needs to work
at each job in order to make at least $200 a week. Therefore, Hunter
can work 10 hours doing maintenance and 12 hours at the restaurant
and make at least $200 a week. Also, Hunter can work 20 hours at the
restaurant and 0 hours in maintenance in order to make at least $200 a
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
x6 y 3
1. Simplify: 8 2
x y
2. Pizza Express delivers pizza with the following charges: a $10.00 delivery
and tip charge and $7 per pizza. Your sports team wants to order pizza.
Everyone pools their money and they come up with $73.15. What is the
maximum number of pizzas they can order?
3. Patricia ate one-third of the red velvet cake her mom bought her for her
birthday that day. The next day, she ate one-half of the remaining cake.
How much cake is left?
4. Simplify: 24 ´ 22
5. Reduce the following fraction:
47 ( 32 ) 0
6. Simplify: − 2
7. Find the midpoint between the following two points: (26, -13) and (15, -21)
8. Solve the inequality 3 - 7x ³ 0.
1 1 2 1 2 12 1 1
3. 1 − = and of = − =
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
4. 26 = 64
8. x £
(Method 1: Method 2:
3 ≥ 7x −7 x ≥ −3
3 3 −3
≥ x or x ≤ x≤
7 7 −7
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether the given value of x is a solution to the given
a) x = 2, x2 + 3x - 6 £ 0
x2 + 3x - 6 £ 0
LHS = x2 + 3x - 6
= 22 + 3(2) - 6
RHS = 0
c) x = 0, 4x2 - 3x + 4 > 0
4x2 - 3x + 4 > 0
LHS = 4x2 - 3x + 4
= 4(0)2 - 3(0) + 4
RHS = 0
Thus, x = 0 is a solution.
x2 + 2x + 1 = y
2 2 x
a) x2 + 2x + 1 ³ 0
The graph lies on or above the x-axis at every single point. Therefore,
the solution set is {x|x Î Â}.
b) x2 + 2x + 1 > 0
The graph lies above the x-axis at every point except when x = -1.
Therefore, the solution set is {x│x Î Â, x ¹ -1}.
c) x2 + 2x + 1 £ 0
The graph lies on or below the x-axis only at the point x = -1 where it
touches the x-axis. Therefore, the solution set is {x|x = -1}.
y = x2 + 4x + 4
2 2 x
As you can see, the graph lies on or above the x-axis for all values of x.
Thus, the solution set is {x|x Î Â}.
y = x2 2x 3
3 3 x
As you can see, the graph lies above the x-axis when x is greater than 3
or when x is less than -1.
Thus, the solution set is {x|x > 3 or x < -1, x Î Â}.
x2 - 2x + 1 ³ 0
Interval x<1 x>1
Test Value x=0 x=2
Substituting the (0) - 2(0) + 1
(2) - 2(2) + 1
+ +
Thus, as the inequality is asking for all points that are greater than or
equal to zero, the solution set is all real numbers, or {x|x Î Â}.
x2 - x - 1 £ 0
Interval x £ -0.616 –0.616 £ x £ 1.618 x ³ 1.618
Test Value x = -1 x=0 x=2
Substituting the (-1)2 - (-1) - 1 (0)2 - 0 - 1 (2)2 - 2 - 1
Test Point into =1+1-1 = -1 =4-2-1
the Inequality =1 =1
Sign positive negative positive
+ +
0.618 1.618
5 1 x
As you can see from the diagram, there are no points that satisfy both
inequalities. There is no solution for this case.
Case 2:
Consider when (3x + 1) is less than or equal to zero and x + 5 ³ 0:
x + 5 ≥ 0 and 3x + 1 ≤ 0
x ≥ −5 and x ≤ −
5 1 x
15 12 x
15 12 x
x x
+ +
x+4 x
+ +
x(x + 4) x
4 0
The solution occurs when the product of the factors is negative. The
inequality, x(x + 4) < 0, is negative in the interval (-4, 0) or can be
written using set notation as {x|-4 < x < 0}.
b) 2x2 - 5x - 7 > 0
2x2 - 5x - 7 > 0
(2x - 7)(x + 1) > 0
The critical points are the roots x = and x = −1. By testing values of
x on either side of the critical points, the sign diagram can be made.
Factor Sign Diagram
2x 7 x
+ +
x+1 x
+ +
(2x 7)(x + 1) x
1 7
7. A man is standing on a 50-foot cliff. He can only see things that are higher
than or as high as the cliff. Fireworks are being fired from the ground
down below, and their height, measured in feet, at time t, measured in
seconds, is given by the equation h = -4t2 + 28t + 5.
a) Solve the inequality -4t2 + 28t + 5 ³ 50.
The quadratic is -4t2 + 28t + 5 ³ 50 or -4t2 + 28t - 45 ³ 0 or
4t2 - 28t + 45 £ 0.
First, find the discriminant.
a = 4, b = -28, c = 45
b2 = 4ac = (-28)2 - 4(4)(45)
= 64
\ two rational roots since the discriminant is a perfect square.
\ factor into (or use the quadratic formula):
( 2t − 9 ) ( 2t − 5 ) ≤ 0
9 5
t= ,
2 2
t = 4.5 , 2.5
0 2.5 4.5 t
4t2 - 28t + 45 £ 0
Interval 0 £ t £ 2.5 2.5 £ t £ 4.5 t ³ 4.5
Test Value t=0 t=3 t=5
Substituting the 4(0)2 - 28(0) + 45 4(3)2 - 28(3) + 45 4(5)2 - 28(5) + 45
Test Point into = 45 = -3 =5
the Inequality
Sign positive negative positive
+ +
0 2.5 4.5 t
c) Explain how you chose which strategy to use to solve the quadratic
Answers may vary.
The roots and test points method was used because it is efficient. The
graphing method would be difficult, as the quadratic equation isn’t in
vertex form and the solutions may not be integer values. However, case
analysis and sign analysis could also be used to solve this inequality.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Cassandra pays for $78.83 worth of groceries with a $100 bill. What is her
2. What is the vertex of the parabola defined by the equation y = 2x2 - 6?
3. The movie you want to see starts playing at 8:30 p.m. It takes you
45 minutes to drive to the theatre and 30 minutes to get ready. If you want
to be at the theatre 30 minutes early, what time should you start getting
4. Find the common difference in the following pattern: 1, 7, 13, 19, . . .
5. Calculate: 3
6. Express in exponential form: y2
1. $21.17 ($100 - $78.83)
b 0 2
2. Vertex = (0, -6) x = − = − = 0 ; y = 2 (0 ) − 6 = 0 − 6 = −6
2a 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. If they are
false, explain why they are false and give the correct statement.
a) To determine if the region outside a parabola is a solution to an
inequality, test a point outside the parabola. If that point does not
satisfy the inequality, then that region is a solution to the inequality.
False. The correct statement should be “To determine if the region
outside a parabola is a solution to an inequality, test a point outside
the parabola. If that point satisfies the inequality, then that region is a
solution to the inequality.”
6 2 2 x
False. The shaded region should be below the parabola. The graph
shows the inequality y £ (x + 2)2 - 12.
c) If (-3, -2) satisfies the inequality y £ 2(x + 1)2 + 2, then the following
graph represents the inequality.
1 x
True. The point (-3, -2) is in the shaded region below the function
4 2 2 4 x
4 2 2 4 x
iii) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
4 2 2 4 x 6 4 2 2 x
a) y > -x2 - 6x - 2
opens down; shading above parabola, dotted boundary
\ Answer is (iv).
b) y ³ 2x2 + 3x - 5
opens up, shading is above parabola, boundary is solid
\ Answer is (ii).
c) y £ -x2 + 3x + 5
opens down, shading is below the parabola, boundary is solid
\ Answer is (iii)
d) y > x2 - 2x - 6
opens up, shading is above parabola, boundary is dotted.
\ Answer is (i).
2 x
The vertex is at (2, 1) and it is the normal shape. So, the equation of the
parabola is y = (x - 2)2 + 1.
The symbol is “less than” as the region shaded is below the parabola
and the boundary line is broken.
Thus, the inequality is y < (x - 2)2 + 1.
b) y
4 x
The vertex is at (-4, -8) and it is the normal shape. So, the equation of
the parabola is y = (x + 4)2 - 8.
The symbol is “greater than or equal to” as the region shaded is inside
the parabola and the boundary line is solid.
Thus, the inequality is y ³ (x + 4)2 - 8.
a) For y £ x2 + 4x
Sketch the related equation y = x2 + 4x.
x-coordinate of vertex
2 ( 1)
x = −2
y-coordinate of vertex Zeros: Let y = 0
y = x2 + 4x x2 + 4x = 0
y = (-2)2 + 4(-2) x(x + 4) = 0
y=4-8 x = 0 and x = -4
y = -4
\ Vertex (-2, -4). The curve opens up and is normal shape.
The parabola is represented by a solid line and the region below the
parabola is shaded.
y Checkpoint (1, 0)
LHS = y = 0
RHS = x2 + 4x
= 12 + 4(1)
4 x =5
\ (1, 0) is in the solution region.
(2, 4)
= −2
\ (-4, 0) is in the solution region.
Module 6
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. How much tax would you have to pay on an item that costs $49.99
(approximately) if the PST = 8% and the GST = 5%?
2. Simplify: 98
3. Find the equation of a line with a slope of - and a y-intercept of 3.
3 3
4. Evaluate: ´
21 15
5. If 10% of 440 is 44, what is 35% of 440?
5 35
6. Are these fractions equivalent? and
7 7
7. Determine the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle when
the two sides measure 10 cm and 13 cm.
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (26, -13) and (15, -21).
1. Approximately $6.50 (13% of $100 = $13; 13% of $50 = $6.50)
2. 7 2 ( 98 = 49 × 2 )
3. y = − x + 3
1 1 1
4. ×
35 7 5
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Verify that (-1, 0) and (4, 15) are solutions to the following system of
y = 3x + 3
y = x2 - 1
(-1, 0)
y = 3x + 3 y = x2 − 1
LHS = y = 0 LHS = y = 0
RHS = 3x + 3
RHS = x 2 − 1
= 3 (−1) + 3 2
= (−1) − 1
= −3 + 3
= 1−1
(2, 16)
y = 4x2
(1, 4) (1, 4)
(0, 0)
1 1 x
y = 8x
b) x - 2y = 10
y = x2 + 2x - 15
Graph solution:
To graph x - 2y = 10, find the intercepts first.
x-intercept y-intercept
let y = 0 let x = 0
x - 2(0) = 10 0 – 2y = 10
x = 10 y = -5
Point (10, 0) Point (0, -5)
To graph y = x2 + 2x - 15, first complete the square to find the vertex
y = (x2 + 2x ) - 15
y = (x + 2x + 1) - 15 - 1
y = (x + 1)2 - 16
Vertex (-1, -16), opens up, normal shape
6 4 2 2 4 6 10 x
4 5 , 15
5 2 4
(4, 7)
x 2y = 10
V(1, 16)
Algebraic solution:
x - 2y = 10 (1)
y = x2 + 2x - 15 (2)
Since Equation (2) is already solved for y, substitute x2 + 2x - 15 for y
in Equation (1).
x − 2 ( x 2 + 2 x − 15) = 10
x − 2 x 2 − 4 x + 30 = 10
0 = 2 x 2 + 3x − 20
0 = ( 2 x − 5) ( x + 4 )
2x − 5 = 0 x+4=0
5 x = −4
Find the corresponding y-values using the linear equation.
5 x = −4
2 x − 2 y = 10
x − 2 y = 10
−4 − 2 y = 10
− 2 y = 10 −2 y = 14
y = −7
5 − 4 y = 20
−4 y = 15
y =−
5 15
The solutions are , − and (−4 , −7 ) .
2 4
b) y = 2x + 6
y = x2 + 4x + 3
Using the substitution method
2x + 6 = x2 + 4x + 3
0 = x2 + 2x - 3
0 = (x + 3)(x - 1)
x = -3 or x = 1
When x = -3:
y = 2x + 6
y = 2(-3) + 6
Thus, one solution is (-3, 0).
When x = 1:
y = 2x + 6
y = 2(1) + 6
Thus, another solution is (1, 8).
The solutions to this system are (-3, 0) and (1, 8).
0 = x2 - 5x + 4
0 = (x - 4)(x - 1)
x = 4 or x = 1
When x = 4:
2y = 2x - 2
Thus, (4, 3) is one solution to this system.
When x = 1:
2y = 2x - 2
2y = 2(1) - 2
2y = 0
Thus, (1, 0) is another solution to this system.
The solutions to this system are (4, 3) and (1, 0).
0 = x2 - 4x
0 = x(x - 4)
x = 0 or x = 4
When x = 0:
2x + y = 5
2(0) + y = 5
Thus, one solution to this system is (0, 5).
When x = 4:
2x + y = 5
2(4) + y = 5
8 + y = 5
y = -3
Thus, another solution to this system is (4, -3).
The solutions to this system are (0, 5) and (4, -3).
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 x
P y=x
a) Find the coordinates of Q.
y = x (1)
y = 4x - x2 (2)
x = 4x - x2 Substitute y with x from Equation (1)
x - 3x = 0
x(x - 3) = 0
x = 0 or x = 3
0 = −x 2 + 9 x − 20
0 = x 2 − 9 x + 20
0 = ( x − 4 ) ( x − 5)
x = 4 or x = 5
When x = 4:
2y = 10x - 20
2y = 10(4) - 20
2y = 20
y = 10
Thus, one solution is (4, 10).
When x = 5:
2y = 10x - 20
2y = 10(5) - 20
2y = 30
y = 15
Thus, another solution is (5, 15).
Is his method correct? Explain why or why not.
LHS = −2 y LHS = 2 y
= −2 (10 ) = 2 (10 )
= −20 = 20
RHS = 10 x − 20
RHS = −x 2 − x
2 = 10 ( 4 ) − 20
= −( 4 ) − 4
= 20
= −16 − 4
= −20
(5, 15)
−2 y = −x 2 − x 2 y = 10 x − 20
LHS = −2 y LHS = 2 y
= −2 (15) = 2 (15)
= −30 = 30
RHS = −x 2 − x RHS = 10 x − 20
= −( 5) − 5 = 10 ( 5) − 20
= −25 − 5 = 30
= −30 LHS = RHS
Thus, (4, 10) and (5, 15) are both solutions to this system of equations, and
Schyler is using a correct method of elimination to solve this system.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Between which two whole numbers is 150 ?
2. Simplify: 3x2 + 4x - 6 - 5x + 4 + 6x2 + 8 - 9x2
3. Pizza Express is offering two medium pizzas for $15.99 while Speedy
Pizza is offering three medium pizzas for $22.49. Which is the better buy?
4. Lisa worked 40 hours in one week and made $520. How much does Lisa
make an hour?
4 2
5. Calculate: -
7 3
6. Express as an entire radical: 7 y 3
7. What is the slope of a vertical line?
8. How many centimetres are in 2 kilometres?
1. 12 and 13 (122 = 144 and 132 = 169)
2. -x + 6
$15.99 $22.49
3. Speedy Pizza has the better deal. ≅ $8 and = $7.50
2 3
520 52
4. Lisa makes $13 an hour. = = 13
40 4
2 12 14
5. − −
21 21 21
8 1 8 1
6. 3 343 y 7 y = 343 y = ( 343 y )
8 3 3 3 8 3
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
10 17
1. Verify that , ,and (1, -2) are solutions to the following system of
3 9
y = 2x2 - 7x + 3
y = -x2 + 6x - 7
10 17
Verifying: , :
3 9
17 17
LHS = y = LHS = y =
9 9
RHS = 2 x 2 − 7 x + 3 RHS = −x 2 + 6 x − 7
10 2 10 10 2 10
= 2 − 7 + 3 = − + 6 − 7
3 3 3 3
100 70 100 180 63
= 2 − +3 =− + −
9 3 9 9 9
200 210 27 17
= − + =
9 9 9 9
17 LHS = RHS
Verifying (1, -2):
LHS = y = −2 LHS = y = −2
RHS = 2 x 2 − 7 x + 3 RHS = −x 2 + 6 x − 7
2 2
= 2 ( 1) − 7 ( 1) + 3 = −(1) + 6 (1) − 7
= 2−7 +3 = −1 + 6 − 7
= −2 = −2
y = 2x2 4
2 2 x
5 y = 2x2
As you can see from the graph, the solutions to the systems of
equations are (-1, -2) and (1, -2).
Substitute for y:
-2x2 = 2x2 - 4
0 = 4x2 - 4
0 = 4(x2 - 1)
0 = (x - 1)(x + 1)
Thus, x = 1 or -1.
b) x2 + y - 3 = 0
x2 - y + 1 = 0
First rearrange each equation to general form to find the vertex.
x2 + y - 3 = 0 Equation (1)
y = -x + 3
y = x2 + 1
Vertex (0, 1), opens up, and normal shape.
x2 y + 1 = 0
x2 + y 3 = 0
3 3 x
The solutions to this system
of equations are (-1, 2) and
(1, 2).
Use the rearranged equations:
y = -x2 + 3 (1)
y = x2 + 1 (2)
Now substitute for y.
-x2 + 3 = x2 + 1
0 = 2x2 - 2
0 = 2(x2 - 1)
0 = (x - 1)(x + 1)
Thus, x = 1 and -1.
When x = 1:
y = x2 + 1
y = (1)2 + 1
Thus, one solution is (1, 2).
When x = -1:
y = x2 + 1
y = (-1)2 + 1
Thus, another solution is (-1, 2).
The two solutions are (-1, 2) and (1, 2) and are the same as those found
in the graphing solution.
7 y 2 x 2 5x 1
y 2 x 2 6x 2
−9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Calculate the intersection by clicking “Two” in the menu bar and then
These functions intersect at the point (0.273, -0.215). Since they are the
same shape, they will never cross at a second point.
b) y = 2(x + 4)2
y = 2x2 + 16x + 32
Substitute for y.
2(x + 4)2 = 2x2 + 16x + 32
2(x2 + 8x + 16) = 2x2 + 16x + 32
2x2 + 16x + 32 = 2x2 + 16x + 32
These functions are identical. Therefore, there are an infinite number
of solutions to this system including all of the points represented by
the function y = 2(x + 4)2. An example is (0, 32).
Thus, the solution is y = 2(x + 4)2 or {(x, y) | y = 2(x + 4)2}.
3 2 3
2 − + 4 = −2 y
4 4
18 12 64
− + = −2 y
16 16 16
= −2 y
− =y
6. Solve the following system of equations using any method you prefer.
Explain why you chose that method.
8x2 + 100 = -5y
6x2 - x - 5 = 3y
Fix coefficients of y so that they are opposites.
3 ´ (1) 24x2 + 300 = -15y
+ 5 ´ (2) 30x2 - 5x - 25 = 15y
54x2 - 5x + 275 = 0
Since the coefficients are so large, use the discriminant (b2 - 4ac) to
determine the number and types of roots.
a = 54, b = –5, c = 275
b 2 − 4 ac = (−5) − 4 ( 54 )( 275)
= 25 − 59400
= −59375
−x 2 + 4 x + 2 = −( x 2 − 10 x + 25) + 6
−x 2 + 4 x + 2 = −x 2 + 10 x − 25 + 6
−x 2 + 4 x + 2 = −x 2 + 10 x − 19
4 x + 2 = 10 x − 19
−6 x = −21
−21 7
x= =
−6 2
Thus, this receiver had one chance to catch the ball, after seconds.
When x :
y = −x 2 + 4 x + 2
49 28
y =− + +2
4 2
49 56 8
y =− + +
4 4 4
7 15
The two equations intersect at the point , .
2 4
7 15
After seconds, the receiver and the ball were both feet, or 3.75 feet,
2 4
off the ground and in the same spot. Therefore, this receiver had a chance
to catch the ball.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jessica sells $545 worth of fundraising tickets. If she makes 5% commission
on her total sales, how much did Jessica make?
2. Simplify: (3x + 1)2
3. Simplify: 54
4. Sam mowed half of the yard on Friday and half of the remaining grass on
Saturday. How much grass still needs to be cut?
5. What is the slope of the line defined by the equation 2y = 4x + 6?
6. Factor completely. 121x2 - 196y2
7. The diameter of a circle is 34 cm. What is the radius of the circle?
8. Is 87 a prime or composite number?
1. $27.25 (10% of $545 = $54.50; 5% of $545 = $27.25)
2. 9x2 + 6x + 1
3. 3 6 ( 54 = 9 × 6 )
1 1 1 1
4. of (Sam has mowed 1 + 1 = 3 and she still needs to mow .
4 2 2 2 4 4 4
5. 2 (y = 2x + 3)
6. (11x - 14y)(11x + 14y) [it is a difference of squares]
7. r = 17 cm (The radius is half the diameter.)
8. 87 is a composite number; it can be divided by 3 and 29.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Which of the ordered pairs are solutions to the given inequality?
a) 4x - 3y > 2
(-4, 8), (1, 2), (3, -6)
4x - 3y > 2
Check: (-4, 8)
LHS = 4x - 3y
= 4(-4) - 3(8)
= -16 - 24
= -40
RHS = 2
Check: (1, 2)
LHS = 4x - 3y
= 4(1) - 3(2)
= -2
RHS = 2
Check: (-1, 8)
LHS = -8x + 6y
= -8(-1) + 6(8)
= 8 + 48
= 56
RHS = 5
Thus, (4, 9) and (-1, 8) are not solutions to the inequality, but (-2, -7) is
a solution.
a) y < x+2
Graphing the dotted line with slope and y-intercept 2, and shading
“underneath” the line where the y-values are smaller than those on the
y < 1x + 2
2 2 x
2 2 x
c) 3x + 2y £ 6
Rearrange the inequality into y = mx + b form first, and then graph a
solid line and the shading.
3x + 2 y ≤ 6
2 y ≤ −3x + 6
y ≤− x + 3
Graph the related equation y = − x + 3.
The line passes through a y
y-intercept of 3, having a slope
of - . Draw a solid line since
2 3
the £ includes “equal to.” The y 3x + 3
shading is “below” the line,
including all y-values that are
2 2 x
less than the ones on the line.
y < 5x + 4
2 2 x
2 2 x
2 2 x
iii) y iv) y
2 2
2 2 x 2 2 x
2 2
(a) and (iv)
(b) and (iii)
(c) and (i)
(d) and (ii)
2 2 x
To find the equation of the inequality, you first need to find the
equation of the boundary line.
To do this, you can find the slope of the line and the y-intercept. Then,
you can put those values into the slope-intercept form equation of a
slope = 2
y-intercept = 1
slope-intercept equation of a line: y = mx + b
Thus, the equation of this line is y = 2x + 1.
Now, you need to determine whether you have a greater than or less
than symbol.
As you can see, the solution region is above the boundary line.
Therefore, the symbol you need is greater than, or >.
You now need to determine if the points on the boundary line are
included in the solution or not.
As the boundary line is broken or dashed, the points on the boundary
line are not included in the solution to the inequality.
Thus, the inequality becomes y > 2x + 1.
2 2 x
To find the equation of the inequality, you first need to find the
equation of the boundary line.
To do this, you can find the slope of the line, and the y-intercept. Then,
you can put those values into the slope-intercept form equation of a
slope = -3
y-intercept = -1
slope-intercept equation of a line: y = mx + b
Thus, the equation of this line is y = -3x - 1.
Now, you need to determine whether you have a greater than or less
than symbol.
As you can see, the solution region is below the boundary line.
Therefore, the symbol you need is less than, or <.
You now need to determine if the points on the boundary line are
included in the solution or not.
As the boundary line is broken or dashed, the points on the boundary
line are not included in the solution to the inequality.
Thus, the inequality becomes y < -3x - 1.
Restaurant Hours 16
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 M
Maintenance Hours
c) List two different ordered pairs that are solutions to this inequality.
The ordered pairs for this graph are (M, R). Thus, two solutions could
be (10, 12) and (0, 20). Any ordered pairs on the boundary or in the
shaded region will work.
d) What do these ordered pairs symbolize?
These ordered pairs symbolize how many hours Hunter needs to work
at each job in order to make at least $200 a week. Therefore, Hunter
can work 10 hours doing maintenance and 12 hours at the restaurant
and make at least $200 a week. Also, Hunter can work 20 hours at the
restaurant and 0 hours in maintenance in order to make at least $200 a
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
x6 y 3
1. Simplify: 8 2
x y
2. Pizza Express delivers pizza with the following charges: a $10.00 delivery
and tip charge and $7 per pizza. Your sports team wants to order pizza.
Everyone pools their money and they come up with $73.15. What is the
maximum number of pizzas they can order?
3. Patricia ate one-third of the red velvet cake her mom bought her for her
birthday that day. The next day, she ate one-half of the remaining cake.
How much cake is left?
4. Simplify: 24 ´ 22
5. Reduce the following fraction:
47 ( 32 ) 0
6. Simplify: − 2
7. Find the midpoint between the following two points: (26, -13) and (15, -21)
8. Solve the inequality 3 - 7x ³ 0.
1 1 2 1 2 12 1 1
3. 1 − = and of = − =
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
4. 26 = 64
8. x £
(Method 1: Method 2:
3 ≥ 7x −7 x ≥ −3
3 3 −3
≥ x or x ≤ x≤
7 7 −7
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether the given value of x is a solution to the given
a) x = 2, x2 + 3x - 6 £ 0
x2 + 3x - 6 £ 0
LHS = x2 + 3x - 6
= 22 + 3(2) - 6
RHS = 0
c) x = 0, 4x2 - 3x + 4 > 0
4x2 - 3x + 4 > 0
LHS = 4x2 - 3x + 4
= 4(0)2 - 3(0) + 4
RHS = 0
Thus, x = 0 is a solution.
x2 + 2x + 1 = y
2 2 x
a) x2 + 2x + 1 ³ 0
The graph lies on or above the x-axis at every single point. Therefore,
the solution set is {x|x Î Â}.
b) x2 + 2x + 1 > 0
The graph lies above the x-axis at every point except when x = -1.
Therefore, the solution set is {x│x Î Â, x ¹ -1}.
c) x2 + 2x + 1 £ 0
The graph lies on or below the x-axis only at the point x = -1 where it
touches the x-axis. Therefore, the solution set is {x|x = -1}.
y = x2 + 4x + 4
2 2 x
As you can see, the graph lies on or above the x-axis for all values of x.
Thus, the solution set is {x|x Î Â}.
y = x2 2x 3
3 3 x
As you can see, the graph lies above the x-axis when x is greater than 3
or when x is less than -1.
Thus, the solution set is {x|x > 3 or x < -1, x Î Â}.
x2 - 2x + 1 ³ 0
Interval x<1 x>1
Test Value x=0 x=2
Substituting the (0) - 2(0) + 1
(2) - 2(2) + 1
+ +
Thus, as the inequality is asking for all points that are greater than or
equal to zero, the solution set is all real numbers, or {x|x Î Â}.
x2 - x - 1 £ 0
Interval x £ -0.616 –0.616 £ x £ 1.618 x ³ 1.618
Test Value x = -1 x=0 x=2
Substituting the (-1)2 - (-1) - 1 (0)2 - 0 - 1 (2)2 - 2 - 1
Test Point into =1+1-1 = -1 =4-2-1
the Inequality =1 =1
Sign positive negative positive
+ +
0.618 1.618
5 1 x
As you can see from the diagram, there are no points that satisfy both
inequalities. There is no solution for this case.
Case 2:
Consider when (3x + 1) is less than or equal to zero and x + 5 ³ 0:
x + 5 ≥ 0 and 3x + 1 ≤ 0
x ≥ −5 and x ≤ −
5 1 x
15 12 x
15 12 x
x x
+ +
x+4 x
+ +
x(x + 4) x
4 0
The solution occurs when the product of the factors is negative. The
inequality, x(x + 4) < 0, is negative in the interval (-4, 0) or can be
written using set notation as {x|-4 < x < 0}.
b) 2x2 - 5x - 7 > 0
2x2 - 5x - 7 > 0
(2x - 7)(x + 1) > 0
The critical points are the roots x = and x = −1. By testing values of
x on either side of the critical points, the sign diagram can be made.
Factor Sign Diagram
2x 7 x
+ +
x+1 x
+ +
(2x 7)(x + 1) x
1 7
7. A man is standing on a 50-foot cliff. He can only see things that are higher
than or as high as the cliff. Fireworks are being fired from the ground
down below, and their height, measured in feet, at time t, measured in
seconds, is given by the equation h = -4t2 + 28t + 5.
a) Solve the inequality -4t2 + 28t + 5 ³ 50.
The quadratic is -4t2 + 28t + 5 ³ 50 or -4t2 + 28t - 45 ³ 0 or
4t2 - 28t + 45 £ 0.
First, find the discriminant.
a = 4, b = -28, c = 45
b2 = 4ac = (-28)2 - 4(4)(45)
= 64
\ two rational roots since the discriminant is a perfect square.
\ factor into (or use the quadratic formula):
( 2t − 9 ) ( 2t − 5 ) ≤ 0
9 5
t= ,
2 2
t = 4.5 , 2.5
0 2.5 4.5 t
4t2 - 28t + 45 £ 0
Interval 0 £ t £ 2.5 2.5 £ t £ 4.5 t ³ 4.5
Test Value t=0 t=3 t=5
Substituting the 4(0)2 - 28(0) + 45 4(3)2 - 28(3) + 45 4(5)2 - 28(5) + 45
Test Point into = 45 = -3 =5
the Inequality
Sign positive negative positive
+ +
0 2.5 4.5 t
c) Explain how you chose which strategy to use to solve the quadratic
Answers may vary.
The roots and test points method was used because it is efficient. The
graphing method would be difficult, as the quadratic equation isn’t in
vertex form and the solutions may not be integer values. However, case
analysis and sign analysis could also be used to solve this inequality.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Cassandra pays for $78.83 worth of groceries with a $100 bill. What is her
2. What is the vertex of the parabola defined by the equation y = 2x2 - 6?
3. The movie you want to see starts playing at 8:30 p.m. It takes you
45 minutes to drive to the theatre and 30 minutes to get ready. If you want
to be at the theatre 30 minutes early, what time should you start getting
4. Find the common difference in the following pattern: 1, 7, 13, 19, . . .
5. Calculate: 3
6. Express in exponential form: y2
1. $21.17 ($100 - $78.83)
b 0 2
2. Vertex = (0, -6) x = − = − = 0 ; y = 2 (0 ) − 6 = 0 − 6 = −6
2a 4
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. If they are
false, explain why they are false and give the correct statement.
a) To determine if the region outside a parabola is a solution to an
inequality, test a point outside the parabola. If that point does not
satisfy the inequality, then that region is a solution to the inequality.
False. The correct statement should be “To determine if the region
outside a parabola is a solution to an inequality, test a point outside
the parabola. If that point satisfies the inequality, then that region is a
solution to the inequality.”
6 2 2 x
False. The shaded region should be below the parabola. The graph
shows the inequality y £ (x + 2)2 - 12.
c) If (-3, -2) satisfies the inequality y £ 2(x + 1)2 + 2, then the following
graph represents the inequality.
1 x
True. The point (-3, -2) is in the shaded region below the function
4 2 2 4 x
4 2 2 4 x
iii) y
6 6
4 4
2 2
4 2 2 4 x 6 4 2 2 x
a) y > -x2 - 6x - 2
opens down; shading above parabola, dotted boundary
\ Answer is (iv).
b) y ³ 2x2 + 3x - 5
opens up, shading is above parabola, boundary is solid
\ Answer is (ii).
c) y £ -x2 + 3x + 5
opens down, shading is below the parabola, boundary is solid
\ Answer is (iii)
d) y > x2 - 2x - 6
opens up, shading is above parabola, boundary is dotted.
\ Answer is (i).
2 x
The vertex is at (2, 1) and it is the normal shape. So, the equation of the
parabola is y = (x - 2)2 + 1.
The symbol is “less than” as the region shaded is below the parabola
and the boundary line is broken.
Thus, the inequality is y < (x - 2)2 + 1.
b) y
4 x
The vertex is at (-4, -8) and it is the normal shape. So, the equation of
the parabola is y = (x + 4)2 - 8.
The symbol is “greater than or equal to” as the region shaded is inside
the parabola and the boundary line is solid.
Thus, the inequality is y ³ (x + 4)2 - 8.
a) For y £ x2 + 4x
Sketch the related equation y = x2 + 4x.
x-coordinate of vertex
2 ( 1)
x = −2
y-coordinate of vertex Zeros: Let y = 0
y = x2 + 4x x2 + 4x = 0
y = (-2)2 + 4(-2) x(x + 4) = 0
y=4-8 x = 0 and x = -4
y = -4
\ Vertex (-2, -4). The curve opens up and is normal shape.
The parabola is represented by a solid line and the region below the
parabola is shaded.
y Checkpoint (1, 0)
LHS = y = 0
RHS = x2 + 4x
= 12 + 4(1)
4 x =5
\ (1, 0) is in the solution region.
(2, 4)
= −2
\ (-4, 0) is in the solution region.
Module 7
M o d u l e 7:
Tr ig o n o m e t r y
Assignments in Module 7
When you have completed the assignments for Module 7, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 3
Resource Sheet
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination. This sheet will
be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your handwriting or
typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but you do not receive
any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions that follows to help you with preparing
your resource sheet for the material in Module 7. On this sheet, you should
record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a list of
places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special areas
that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1 to 8 to prepare your Final Examination Resource
Sheet. The final examination for this course is based on Modules 1 to 8.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In your study of trigonometry, you studied angles between 0° and 180°. In this
lesson, you will review this and extend your knowledge of angles up to 360°.
In Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics, you learned
about the three primary trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, and tangent. You
used these ratios to help solve right-angled triangles for missing angles or
missing side lengths. Right-angled triangles can be drawn in the coordinate
plane. Thus, you can use some of your previous knowledge to find the
missing coordinates or distance to the origin when angles are located in
standard position in the coordinate plane.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 5
Trigonometric Ratios
The first step towards using the trigonometric ratios to find the coordinates
of P(x, y), or the distance from the origin to P(x, y), is to understand what is
meant by the term an angle in standard position.
initial arm x initial arm x
initial arm x initial arm x
y P(x, y)
r y r y
x x x
You may remember these formulas using the acronym SOH CAH TOA.
Using these known definitions, if P(x, y) is any point on the terminal arm of
an angle in standard position, then:
opposite side y y -coordinate
sin θ = = =
hypotenuse r radius vector
adjacent side x x -coordinate
cos θ = = =
hypotenuse r radius vector
opposite side y y -coordinate
tan θ = = =
adjacent side x x -coordinate
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 7
Since the value of r is always positive, the sign of the trigonometric ratio
depends upon the sign of the x- and y-coordinates of P(x, y).
If P(x, y) is in Quadrant I, then the measure of angle q < 90°, x and y are
positive, and all trigonometric ratios of angles are positive.
P(x, y)
r y
x x
For any angle q where q < 90° and x > 0 and y > 0,
sin θ = will be positive
cos θ = will be positive
tan θ = will be posiitive
If P(x, y) is in Quadrant II, the measure of angle q is between 90° and 180°,
and the x-value of P(x, y) is negative. Any trigonometric ratio in Quadrant II
whose ratio is defined using x will be negative.
P(x, y)
y r
x x
If P(x, y) is in Quadrant III, then the measure of angle q is between 180° and
270°, and the x- and y-values of P(x, y) are negative.
y r
P(x, y)
For any angle where 180° < q < 270° and x < 0 and y < 0,
sin θ = will be negative
cos θ = will be negative
tan θ = will be posiitive
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 9
If P(x, y) is in Quadrant IV, then the measure of angle q is between 270° and
360°, and the x-value is positive and the y-value is negative.
P(x, y)
For any angle where 270° < q < 360° and x > 0 and y < 0,
sin θ = will be negative
cos θ = will be positive
tan θ = will be nega
You can generalize this information about the signs of the values of the
trigonometric functions using the trigonometric ratio definitions as you
were shown. Since r is always positive, the sign of the value of sin q in each
quadrant matches the sign of y for the quadrant of q. Similarly, the sign of the
value of cos q in each quadrant matches the sign of x for the quadrant of q.
Finally, the sign of the value of tan q in each quadrant matches the sign of the
quotient of for the quadrant of q.
To summarize:
Q sign of sin q matches sign of y for the quadrant of q
Q sign of cos q matches sign of x for the quadrant of q
Sin All
is positive are positive S A
x x
Tan Cos T C
is positive is positive
Example 1
P(x, y) is a point on the terminal arm of angle q in standard position.
Determine sin q, cos q, and tan q of the following points and draw a sketch.
Show your work to determine the length of the radius vector from the origin
to P(x, y).
a) P(3, 4)
b) P(-3, 4)
c) P(-3, -4)
d) P(3, -4)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 11
a) P(3, 4)
y r = 32 + 4 2 = 25 = 5
P(3, 4)
y 4
sin θ = =
r 5
r 4 x 3
cos θ = =
r 5
y 4
tan θ = =
x 3
3 x
Notice that even after you have drawn the diagram, you can still use the
trigonometric ratio definition as:
opposite adjacent opposiite
sin θ = ; cos θ = ; tan θ =
hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent
b) P(-3, 4)
P(3, 4) y r = (−3) + 4 2 = 25 = 5
y 4
sin θ = =
r 5
r x −3
cos θ = =
r 5
y 4 4
tan θ = = =−
x −3 3
3 x
Notice the signs of the trigonometric values in Quadant II. The sign of sin
q matches the sign of y and is positive. The sign of cos q matches the sign
of x and is negative. The sign of tan q matches the sign of the quotient, ,
and is negative.
P(3, 4)
Notice the signs of sin q, cos q, and tan q in Quadrant III. Both sin q and
cos q are negative because y and x are negative in Quadrant III. Tan q is
positive because it matches the sign of the quotient .
d) P(3, -4)
r = 32 + (−4 ) = 25 = 5
y −4
sin θ = =
3 r 5
x 3
cos θ = =
r 5
y −4
r 4 tan θ = =
x 3
P(3, 4)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 13
Example 2
Use your calculator to find each of the following ratios and comment on the
sign of the ratio. Round to five decimal places, if necessary.
a) cos 200° b) tan 315°
c) sin 150° d) tan 240°
e) tan 275° f) sin 250°
g) cos 150° h) sin 315°
a) cos 200° = -0.939 69
The terminal arm of 200° is in Quadrant III and the x-coordinate is
negative in Quadrant III.
b) tan 315° = -1
The terminal arm of 315° is in Quadrant IV and the y-coordinate is
negative in Quadrant IV.
c) sin 150° = 0.5
The terminal arm of 150° is in Quadrant II and the y-coordinate is positive
in Quadrant II.
d) tan 240° = 1.732 05
The terminal arm of 240° is in Quadrant III and the x- and y-coordinates
are both negative in Quadrant III, so the ratio will be positive.
e) tan 275° = -11.430 05
The terminal arm of 275° is in Quadrant IV and the y-coordinate is
negative in Quadrant IV.
f) sin 250° = -0.939 69
The terminal arm of 250° is in Quadrant III and the y-coordinate is
negative in Quadrant III.
g) cos 150° = -0.866 03
The terminal arm of 150° is in Quadrant II and the x-coordinate is
negative in Quadrant II.
h) sin 315° = -0.707 11
The terminal arm of 315° is in Quadrant IV and the y-coordinate is
negative in Quadrant IV.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jacob went to three stores. He spent $76 at the first store, $47 at the second
store, and $152 at the third store. If Jacob had $300, how much money does
he have left?
2. If two angles in a triangle measure 137° in total, what is the measure of the
third angle in the triangle?
3. Solve for g: (2g + 1)(g - 5) = 0
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 15
Learning Activity 7.1 (continued)
4. You and your brother are partial owners of the family vehicle. If you own
half as much as your brother, how much of the car do you own?
5. Simplify: 108
1 1
6. Order these values from lowest to highest: 5 5 , 5 , 5 4 , and 5
7 3
7. Rationalize the denominator:
3 2
8. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 2x + y = 1.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine which of the following angles are in standard position.
a) y b) y
c) y d) y
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 17
Learning Activity 7.1 (continued)
5. Fill in the following chart by indicating which quadrant(s) each angle is in
by considering the sign of each ratio or by using the CAST rule.
cos θ =
sin θ =
tan θ = −
sin θ =
tan θ =
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how the three primary trigonometric ratios (sine,
cosine, and tangent) could be used on the coordinate plane. As well, you
learned how to recognize angles in standard position. When angles are
in standard position and you are given a point on the terminal arm, you
learned how to draw the corresponding right triangle and calculate the three
trigonometric ratios related to that particular triangle. In the next lesson,
you will learn about reference angles and how to solve linear trigonometric
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to recognize angles that were in standard
position. All angles in standard position have a reference angle. In fact, there
is a relationship among all angles having the same reference angle. In this
lesson, you will learn about the value of reference angles and how to find
them. You will also learn how to solve trigonometric equations in linear form,
which often appear in applications such as robotic arms, amusement park
rides, and global positioning systems (GPSs).
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 19
Reference Angles
Before you can determine the reference angle for a given angle in standard
position, you first have to draw the angle in standard position.
= 82°
= 328°
= 164°
= 221°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 21
Determine the Reference Angle of an Angle in Standard Position
Let q be an angle in standard position. Its reference angle is the acute angle
formed between the terminal arm of q and the nearer portion of the x-axis.
The reference angle is denoted by qr and is always a positive acute angle. It
is important to learn how to find reference angles because the trigonometric
ratio values of all angles with the same reference angle are related.
Include this definition on your resource sheet.
In each of the following diagrams, the reference angle is 30°.
Quadrant I Quadrant II
y y
= r = 30°
r = 30° = 150°
= 210° = 330°
x r = 30° x
r = 30°
angle: r
angle: r
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 23
In Quadrant IV, qr = 360° - q.
angle: r
Example 2
Find the reference angle for the following.
a) 226°
b) 147°
c) 25°
d) 340°
a) The terminal arm of 226° lies in Quadrant III.
\ qr = q - 180° y
= 226° - 180°
= 46°
= 226°
= 147°
= 340°
r = 20°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 25
Determining Which Angles Have the Same Reference Angle
As you noticed, each reference angle has four corresponding angles of
rotation: one between 0° and 90°, one between 90° and 180°, one between 180°
and 270°, and one between 270° and 360°. Consider the following example.
Example 3
Determine the angles from 0° to 360° that have 20° as a reference angle.
In Quadrant I, the equation is: q = qr.
Thus, one angle of rotation that has 20° as a reference angle is 20°.
In Quadrant II, the equation is: qr = 180° - q.
If you substitute 20° in for qr, 20° = 180° - q
q = 180° - 20°
q = 160°
Thus, another angle that has 20° as a reference angle is 160°.
In Quadrant III, the equation is: qr = q - 180°.
If you substitute 20° in for qr, 20° = q - 180°
q = 20° + 180°
q = 200°
Thus, another angle that has 20° as a reference angle is 200°.
In Quadrant IV, the equation is: qr = 360° - q.
If you substitute 20° in for qr, 20° = 360° - q
q = 360° - 20°
q = 340°
Thus, the fourth angle between 0° and 360° that has 20° as a reference angle is
Rather than memorizing the equations given for each quadrant, it is a good
idea to draw a diagram of the angle of rotation or the reference angle and
determine how to find the desired angle using reasoning skills. Eventually,
you will be able to visualize the diagram in your mind and you won’t need to
draw it.
All of the angles you have just found are reflections in the x- and/or the y-axis
of the reference angle. Consider the following example.
original angle
r = 30° 30°
b) When you reflect an angle of 30° in the x-axis, this will result in a
reference angle of 30° in Quadrant IV. The measure of the angle in
standard position for Quadrant IV is 360° - 30° = 330°.
original angle
r = 30°
original angle
reflected in the x-axis
r = 30° and = 330°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 27
c) When you reflect an angle of 30° in the y-axis and then the x-axis, this will
result in a reference angle of 30° in Quadrant III. The measure of the angle
in standard position for Quadrant III is 180° + 30° = 210°.
first reflection of the
original angle in the y-axis
r = 30°
second reflection
For every angle between 90° and 360°, its reference angle is a reflection in the
x- and/or y- axis of its reference angle from the first quadrant.
Quadrantal Angles
Until now, we have defined angles to be in the four quadrants. Their
measures have been in the following intervals: (0°, 90°), (90°, 180°), (180°, 270°),
or (270°, 360°).
Sometimes the terminal arm of an angle coincides with the x- or y-axis. In
other words, the angle in standard position is exactly 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, or 360°.
These angles are called quadrantal angles. A quadrantal angle has as its
initial arm as a ray from the origin along the positive x-axis and its terminal
arm along one of the axes. If measured in a counter-clockwise direction, it has
a positive value.
Include this definition on your resource sheet.
These angles are not in any quadrant. However, you can easily choose a point
on the axis and then determine the trigonometric ratios for each of these
quadrantal angles. In each of the following, assume x is positive and y is
= 0°
P(x, 0) x
The initial side and the terminal side are the same. The measure of the angle
is 0°. Since a point P(x, y) is on the positive x-axis, then P has coordinates (x, 0)
and r = x 2 + 0 2 = x.
An angle of 90°
P(0, y)
= 90°
The terminal side lies along the positive y-axis. The measure of the angle is
90°. Since the point P(x, y) is on the positive y-axis, then P has coordinates
(0, y) and r = 0 2 + y 2 = y.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 29
Now you can write the trigonometric ratios:
x -coordinate 0
cos 90° = = =0
radius vector y
y -coordinate y
sin 90° = = =1
radiius vector y
y -coordinate y
tan 90° = = = undefined since division by 0 is impossible
x -coordinate 0
An angle of 180°
= 180°
P(x, 0)
The terminal side lies along the negative x-axis. The measure of the angle is
180°. Since the point P(x, y) is on the negative x-axis, then P has coordinates
(-x, 0) and r = (−x ) + 0 2 = − x = x.
= 270°
P(0, y)
The terminal side lies along the negative y-axis. The measure of the angle is
270°. Since the point P(x, y) is on the negative y-axis, then P has coordinates
2 2
(0, -y) and r = (0 ) + (−y ) = − y = y.
An angle of 360°
= 360°
P(0, y)
You have already considered this case because the terminal side of an angle of
360° coincides with the positive x-axis. The trigonometric ratios for 360° will
be the same as the trigonometric ratios for an angle of 0°.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 31
q cos q sin q tan q
0° 1 0 0
90° 0 1 undefined
180° -1 0 0
270° 0 -1 undefined
360° 1 0 0
An easy way to remember all these values of the trigonometric ratios for the
quadrantal angles of q uses the (x, y) coordinates of points on a circle with
radius 1, called the unit circle. This concept will be developed further in
Grade 12 pre-calculus.
(0, 1) Since r = 1, the ratios become
x x
cos θ = = = x -coordinate
90° r 1
y y
sin θ = = = y -coordinate
(1, 0) 180° 0° (1, 0) r 1
y y -coo
270° tan θ = =
x x -coordinate
(0, 1)
For example:
cos 90° = 0, since that is the x-coordinate of (0, 1)
sin 270° = -1, since that is the y-coordinate of (0, -1)
y -coordinate
tan 180° = 0, since that is the of (-1, 0)
x -coordinate
Challenge yourself and see if you can write down, from memory, all of the
trigonometric ratio values in the table using the coordinates on the x- and
y-axes of the unit circle.
r r x
= 180° + r = 360° r
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 33
Your calculator has limitations when it comes to solving trigonometric
equations. Use your calculator to find the following values that all have a
reference angle of 30°:
cos 30° = 0.8660
cos 150° = -0.8660
cos 210° = -0.8660
cos 330° = -0.8660
You probably noticed that the number is the same for each cos q value when
qr = 30°, but the sign depends on the quadrant for q.
Use your calculator to find all these trigonometric ratios for angles of rotation
having a reference angle of 40°:
sin 40° = 0.6427
sin 140° = 0.6427
sin 220° = -0.6427
sin 320° = -0.6427
Again, the sin q values are all the same but signs depend on the quadrant
for q.
The limitations of your calculator show up when you try to find q when given
the value of a trigonometric ratio. This is what is required when you solve a
trigonometric equation.
For example, use your calculator to find q given sin q = 0.6427.
q = sin-1(0.6427)
q = 39.99°
You know from the work above that there should be two answers for q
between 0° and 360° but your calculator only gave you one. The other q value
should be very near 140°.
Now try solving cos q = -0.8660 to find all values of q between 0° and 360°.
q = cos-1(-0.8660)
q = 150.00°
Again, the calculator only found one of the two possible answers. The other
answer should be very close to 210°.
You will use your knowledge of reference angles to find all possible values of
q between 0° and 360°.
Example 5
Use your calculator to solve for q if 2 sin q - 1 = 0 and q lies in the interval
[0°, 360°].
2 sin θ − 1 = 0
2 sin θ = 1
sin θ =
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 35
Now find q.
Since sin θ = , then sin q > 0 and q must be in Quadrants I or II.
S3 A3
Quadrant I Quadrant II
y y
r = 30° r = 30°
x x
q = qr q = 180° - qr
\ q = 30° q = 180° - 30°
q = 150°
The solutions are q = 30°, 150°.
Example 6
Solve for q if 2 tan q + 5 = 0. Round to the nearest degree.
2 tan θ + 5 = 0
2 tan θ = −5
tan θ =
5 Ignore the negative sign since the
θ r = tan−1
2 reference angle is the same as q in
Quadrant I.
θ r = 68°
S3 A
T C3
Quadrant II Quadrant IV
y y
r = 68°
x x
r = 68°
q = 180 - qr q = 360° - qr
q = 180° - 68° q = 360° - 68°
q = 112° q = 292°
The solutions are q = 112°, 292°.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 37
Learning Activity 7.2
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Gwen planted 120 seeds of green beans. If one-quarter of the beans did
not grow, how many beans did grow?
2. The minute hand of a clock starts at 12 and travels 60% of the way around
the clock. How many degrees from the 12 has the minute hand travelled?
4 5
3. Calculate: +
3 7
4. The two legs of a right-angled triangle measure 3 cm and 4 cm. What is
the measure of the hypotenuse?
5. If you do homework for half an hour every night from Monday to Friday,
as well as 45 minutes on both Saturday and Sunday, how many hours of
homework do you do in a week?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify.
8.7 10.2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. In which quadrant does the terminal arm of each angle lie?
a) 67°
b) 340°
c) 241°
d) 123°
2. Without measuring, match each angle to its corresponding graph.
a) 140°
b) 267°
c) 316°
d) 17°
i) y ii) y
x x
iii) y iv) y
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 39
Learning Activity 7.2 (continued)
3. Sketch each angle in standard position and find its reference angle. Write
the measure of the reference angle.
a) 98°
b) 120°
c) 352°
d) 263°
4. Determine the measure of the 3 other angles in standard position that
have the same reference angle as 58°.
5. Determine the angle in standard position when an angle of 65° is reflected
a) in the y-axis. Draw the diagram.
b) in the x-axis. Draw the diagram.
c) in the y-axis and then the x-axis. Draw the diagram.
6. Determine the solution set for each of the following trigonometric
equations over the interval [0°, 360°]. Round to one decimal place if
a) cos θ = − g) 5 cos θ − 2 = 0
b) sin θ + 1 = 0 h) 5 tan θ + 4 = 0
tan θ
c) tan θ − 2 = 5 i) −1= 0
d) 2 cos θ = 2 j) 2 cos θ + 1 =
e) −3 sin θ = 2 k) 4 tan θ − 7 = 5 tan θ − 6
tan θ
f) =5
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you continued to learn about the three primary trigonometric
ratios. You learned how to find the reference angle for a given angle, as well
as how to determine which angles have the same reference angle. Using this
knowledge, you were able to solve trigonometric equations. In the next lesson,
you will look at trigonometric ratios again and try to find patterns among
them. Before moving onto the next lesson, complete the assignment that
Total: 58 marks
1. P(x, y) is a point on the terminal side of angle q in standard position. Determine
sin q, cos q, and tan q for the following points. Draw a sketch. Show your work.
Rationalize any denominators. (5 marks each, for a total of 20 marks)
a) (1, 3)
b) (5, -7)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 41
Assignment 7.1: Trigonometric Ratios, Reference Angles, and
Trigonometric Equations (continued)
c) (-3, 14)
d) (-7, -4)
b) sin 265°
c) tan 179°
d) sin 81°
3. Given the following angles in standard position, determine in which quadrant the
terminal arm of each angle lies. Determine if the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios are
positive or negative. Explain your answers. (2 marks each, for a total of 8 marks)
a) q = 96°
b) q = 73°
c) q = 194°
d) q = 303°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 43
Assignment 7.1: Trigonometric Ratios, Reference Angles, and
Trigonometric Equations (continued)
4. Sketch each angle in standard position and find its reference angle. Write the
measure of the reference angle. (2 marks each, for a total of 8 marks)
a) 108°
b) 76°
d) 191°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 45
Assignment 7.1: Trigonometric Ratios, Reference Angles, and
Trigonometric Equations (continued)
5. Determine the measure of the 3 other angles in standard position that have the same
reference angle as 75°. (3 marks)
6. Determine the corresponding angle, q, in standard position when the reference angle
of 15° is reflected in each of the following. Include a diagram in your solution.
(1 mark each, for a total of 3 marks)
a) In the y-axis
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 47
Assignment 7.1: Trigonometric Ratios, Reference Angles, and
Trigonometric Equations (continued)
7. Determine the solution for each of the following trigonometric equations over the
interval [0°, 360°]. Round to one decimal place. (2 marks each, for a total of 12 marks)
a) cos θ =
b) sin q - 1 = 0
c) tan q + 2 = 3
e) 7 sin q = -1
tan θ
f) = −2
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 49
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In Lessons 1 and 2, you learned how to determine the sine, cosine, and
tangent ratios at a given point in any of the four quadrants. You noticed some
patterns between the ratios and their signs. In this lesson, you will begin to
discover more patterns among the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios.
For some angles between 0° and 360°, it is possible to find the exact values of
the trigonometric ratios. An exact value is an answer that does not contain
rounded off decimal values. Instead, the answer may contain radicals, which
are exact value representations of infinite non-repeating decimals (irrational
numbers). Consider the following example.
Example 1
Sketch a triangle situated in Quadrant I for the following lengths of x, y, and
r. Recall that the value of r is the measure of the hypotenuse or the distance
from the origin to the point P(x, y), and x2 + y2 = r2. Find the measure of the
missing side length of the triangle.
a) x = 1, y = 1
b) x = 1, r = 2
c) y = 1, r = 2
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 51
a) x = 1, y = 1
r = x2 + y2
r = 1+1
r= 2
2 1
1 1 x
What is the value of q for this special right triangle? You may have
recognized that the triangle is isosceles so the two angles must be equal.
The angles of the triangles are 45°, 45°, and 90°. Therefore, q = 45°.
b) x = 1, r = 2
One way to sketch the triangle is to find the approximate value of 3.
Note the difference between “sketching” the length of 3 and writing an
“exact” value for 3.
y2 = r 2 − x2
y = r 2 − x2
y = 4−1
y= 3
2 y = 3
1 1 x
2 2
1 1 x
Now you may recognize that the new large triangle is equilateral with all
sides that have a length of 2. Therefore, q = 60°.
c) y = 1, r = 2
x2 = r 2 − y 2
x = r2 − y2
1 x = 4−1
x= 3
x = 3 2 x
What is the value of q for this special right triangle? This is easier to
determine if you think of creating an equilateral triangle by reflecting the
triangle over the x-axis.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 53
2 1
Now you may recognize that the value of q is half of one angle of the
equilateral triangle. Therefore, q = 30°.
Now that you have drawn the triangles and determined the missing side
lengths, it is possible to find the correct values of the trigonometric ratios for
each angle without using your calculator! Consider the following example.
Example 2
Using the diagrams from Example 1, and q in standard position, find the
exact values of trigonometric ratios for q = 45°, 60°, and 30°.
a) y
1, 1, r 2
b) y
1, 3, r 2
x 3, y
1, r 2
a) From Example 1 (a) above,
x 1 2
cos 45° = = =
r 2 2
y 1 2
sin 45° = = =
r 2 2
y 1
tan 45° = = =1
x 1
Use your calculator to compare the values of cos 45°, sin 45°, and tan 45° to
the exact values you found using the triangles.
x 3
cos 30° = =
r 2
y 1
sin 30° = =
r 2
y 1 3
tan 30° = = =
x 3 3
As you can see, it is possible to connect the exact values for the trigonometric
ratios to angles 30°, 45°, and 60°. This information can be summarized using
the following chart.
3 1 1
2 2 3
1 2 1 2
45° or or 1
2 2 2 2
1 3
60° 3
2 2
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 55
To help you find the exact values for any angles in standard position with
a reference angle of 30°, 45°, and 60°, remember the side lengths of the three
special right triangles.
y y y
2 1 3
2 1
45° 60° 30°
1 x 1 x 3 x
Can you write all the values in the table above using only these three
You may want to add information about the three special right triangles to
your resource sheet. It is expected that you will remember the triangle side
lengths so you can determine exact trigonometric values for q = 30°, 45°, and
60° and their related angles without your calculator.
Example 3
a) Which angles in the interval [0°, 360°] have a reference angle of:
i) 30°?
ii) 45°?
iii) 60°?
b) Do you think it is possible to find exact trigonometric ratios for each of
these special angles?
a) i) qr = 30°
In Quadrant II: q = 180° - qr
q = 180° - 30°
q = 150°
In Quadrant III: q = 180° + qr
q = 180° + 30°
q = 210°
In Quadrant IV: q = 360° - qr
q = 360° - 30°
q = 330°
Example 4
Draw the following angles in standard position. Label x, y, and r on the
corresponding triangle with exact values. Then, complete the following chart
for each trigonometric ratio.
a) 120°
b) 135°
c) 150°
(a) 120°
(b) 135°
(c) 150°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 57
a) y
y = 3
= 120°
r = 60°
x = 1 x
As 120° has 60° as its reference angle, this triangle will have the same
side lengths as the triangle drawn in Quadrant I that had an angle of 60°
except for the sign of x.
b) y
= 135°
r = 45°
x = 1 x
As 135° has 45° as its reference angle, this triangle will have the same
side lengths as the triangle drawn in Quadrant I that had an angle of 45°
except for the sign of x.
y=1 2
= 150°
r = 30°
x = 3 x
As 150° has 30° as its reference angle, this triangle will have the same side
lengths to the triangle drawn in Quadrant I that had an angle of 30° except
for the sign of x.
Recall: In Quadrant II, sine is positive while cosine and tangent are negative.
As you can see on the diagrams you have drawn, this is because the cosine
and tangent ratios contain the variable x.
3 1 1
(c) 150° 30° - -
2 2 3
If you compare this chart to the chart you completed in Example 2, you will
notice that the ratios stayed the same as those of the reference angles, except
for their signs. This is one of the many patterns that can be found in the
trigonometric ratios.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 59
P(x, y), P(–x, y), P(–x, –y), and P(x, –y)
If you are given a point P(x, y), you can determine the three other points that
have the same reference angle as the point P(x, y).
Example 5
Determine the points on the terminal sides of the angles in standard position
that have the same reference angle as the point P(3, 5).
The point P(3, 5) is in Quadrant I. y
The angle, q, and its reference angle,
qr, are equal. The corresponding right
triangle is shown. P(3, 5)
P(3, 5) P(3, 5)
r r
r r
r r
y y
10 cm
9 x
From the diagram, you can see that you are looking for the y-value. To find
this distance, you first have to realize the hour hand travels clockwise and
sweeps out at an angle of 30° every hour. This is because one complete
revolution is 360° and there are 12 hours on the clock; 360° ¸ 12° = 30°.
In order to find the vertical distance the hour hand travels, you need to
find the y-value. You know the angle and you know the r-value. The y- and
r-values both appear in the sine ratio. Thus, you can use the sine ratio to
determine the y-value.
sin θ =
sin 30° = q is 30°
y = 10 sin 30°
1 30° is one of the angles in the special triangles for
y = 10
2 which you can find an exact sine value without a
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 61
The total vertical distance the hour hand travels is 5 cm.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jason had 37 hits in 45 times at bat during a baseball season. Sherri had
12 hits in 15 times at bat. Who is the better hitter?
2. Factor: x2 + 5x - 6
3. Evaluate: (6 2 ) 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine the angles in Quadrants III and IV that have 30°, 45°, and 60° as
reference angles.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 63
Learning Activity 7.3 (continued)
3. Complete the table below. List the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios for q. Use
your calculator and round to four decimal places.
a) What do you notice about the three ratios as the angle increases?
b) What do you notice about the sine and cosine ratios for each angle?
c) Determine the signs of the ratios in Quadrant II.
4. Determine the coordinates of the points on the terminal arm of the angles
having 30° as a reference angle if r = 4. Write exact values. 0° £ q £ 360°
5. A backhoe operator is digging a basement for a
new house. To do this, on the first day he starts at
the far end of the hole at angle of 349° and digs dirt
backwards to end at an angle of 201°. If the length
of the arm of the backhoe is 3 metres, what is the
horizontal length of the hole that the backhoe
operator is digging? Round your answer to 3 decimal places.
y y
x x
In this lesson, you discovered patterns among the sine, cosine, and tangent
ratios. You discovered that the sign of the tangent ratio depended on the
sign of the sine and cosine ratios. You also discovered trigonometric ratios
of angles having the same related angle. Using your knowledge of the
trigonometric ratios, you also solved application problems involving these
ratios. In the next lesson, you will learn how to solve non-right triangles by
using the Sine Law.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 65
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Labelling Triangles
c a
A triangle has six parts: three sides and three angles. To solve an oblique
triangle, you need to know the measure of at least one side and any two other
parts of the triangle. To solve a triangle means to find the measures of all
three of the other missing parts.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 67
The Sine Law can be used to solve the triangles if you are given a side and the
angle opposite that side.
b = 38 cm a
38.3° 28.2°
Solving for c:
c b
sin C sin B
c 38
sin 113.5° sin 28.2°
c= × sin 113.5°
sin 28.2°
c = 73..75 cm
The measure of the remaining angle is 113.5° and sides a and c are 49.84 cm
and 73.75 cm, respectively.
Example 2
Given DABC with ÐB = 27.5°, ÐC = 54.4°, and a = 9.25 m, find the remaining
angle and sides. Round the measures of the sides to two decimal places and
the angle to one decimal place.
You do not know both a side and its opposite angle so it may appear that you
cannot use the Sine Law. However, it is possible to find angle A and you are
given the value of its opposite side, a.
ÐA = 180° - (27.5° + 54.4°)
= 98.1°
c b
27.5° 54.4°
a = 9.25 m
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 69
Using the Sine Law and solving for b:
a b
sin A sin B
9.25 b
sin 98.1° sin 27.5°
9.25 sin 27.5°
sin 98.1°
b = 4..31 m
Solving for c:
a c
sin A sin C
9.25 c
sin 98.1° sin 54.4°
9.25 sin 54.4°
sin 98.1°
c = 7..60 m
Example 3
Solve acute-angled DABC by finding the measure of the other two angles of
DABC and the missing side length, given the diagram below. Round to one
decimal place.
8 7
As you are given the measure of an angle that is opposite one of the given
side lengths, you can use the Sine Law to solve this triangle.
Since you are given that DABC is acute-angled, then you don’t need to find
the measure of the obtuse angle for ÐA.
\ ÐA = 47.9°
ÐC = 180° - (ÐA + ÐB)
ÐC = 180° - (47.9° + 58°)
ÐC = 74.1°
To find the missing side c, use Sine Law again, using ÐC.
b c
sin B sin C
8 c
sin 58° sin 74.1°
8 sin 74.1°
sin 58°
c = 9.1
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 71
Example 4
Two cabins are located on the same side of a river at its edge. The cabins
are 500 m apart. A boathouse, also at the edge of this river, is located on the
opposite side of the river. Use the illustration below to find the width of the
river to the nearest metre.
65° 30°
Cabin A 500 m Cabin B
65° 30°
A D 500 m B
You need to find the distance CD. You can find ÐACB and then use the Sine
Law as part of your solution.
ÐACB = 180° - (65° + 30°) = 85°
AC 500
In DACB: =
sin 30° sin 85°
500 sin 30°
AC =
sin 85°
AC = 250.954 959 4
b a
In right DACD,
opposite h
sin A
hypotenuse b
Thus , h b sin A.
In right DBCD,
opposite h
sin B
hypotenuse a
Thus , h a sin B.
If you use either AC or BC to be the base instead, then you will get the third
ratio, , as shown below.
sin C
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 73
Using AC as the base, you can drawn an altitude perpendicular to AC
through B. You will find there are two equivalent expressions for this altitude:
h2 = a sin C
h2 = c sin A
Therefore, a sin C = c sin A.
a sin C c sin A
sin A sin C sin A sin C
a c
sin A sin C
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. You received on a math test. What was your percentage?
2. Find the common difference in the following pattern: 8, 2, -4, -10, . . .
3. In which quadrants is tan > 0?
4. What is the price of one box of Kleenex if 8 boxes of Kleenex cost $16.64?
5. The side lengths of a right-angled triangle are 15, 17, and 8. Which side
length is the hypotenuse?
6. Simplify: 3 + 3
7. Express as a radical: 9 3 . Do not simplify.
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (8, -3) and (-6, 12).
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 75
Learning Activity 7.4 (continued)
Part B: The Sine Law
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Solve the following triangles for all missing sides and angles. Round to
2 decimal places.
a) In ∆ABC, ÐA = 67°, ÐB = 73°, and b = 42.
b) In ∆ABC, ÐA = 150°, a = 200, and ÐC = 20°.
2. A lighthouse is visible to two sailboats 310 m apart. Use the angle
measures shown to find the distance of each sailboat from the lighthouse.
Round to two decimal places.
100° 30°
310 m
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to find the missing sides and angles of a
triangle using the Sine Law when you were given at least one side and the
angle opposite that side. You also saw how the Sine Law could be used in
application problems involving triangles. In the next lesson, you will be
learning about the Cosine Law. The Cosine Law will help you solve triangles
for their missing angles and sides where the Sine Law does not apply.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 77
Total: 25 marks
1. Determine the coordinates of the points on the terminal arm of all angles that have
qr = 25° as a reference angle if the distance from the point to the origin is 16. Round
to two decimal places. Sketch a diagram. (5 marks)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 79
Assignment 7.2: Patterns in Trigonometric Ratios and the Sine Law
2. Determine the exact vertical distance the hour hand on a clock must travel between
3 p.m. and 5 p.m. if the radius of the clock is 12 cm. (5 marks)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 81
Assignment 7.2: Patterns in Trigonometric Ratios and the Sine Law
4. Fire ranger Jamal is 20 km due west of fire ranger Raj. They spot a fire and report the
sightings as follows:
Jamal reports that the fire is N 47° E of his station.
Raj reports that the fire is N 20° W of his station.
North North
West East
Jamal’s 20 km Raj’s
Station Station
a) How far is the fire from Jamal’s station? Round to the nearest tenth. (2.5 marks)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 83
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the last lesson, you learned how to solve triangles using the Sine Law. You
learned that you could use the Sine Law when you were given at least one
side and the angle opposite that side. The Cosine Law is helpful in solving
triangles when you are not given that information about the triangle. Thus,
the Cosine Law can help you solve triangles where the Sine Law cannot.
If you are given three sides or two sides and the included angle between the
two sides, then only one part of each ratio included in the Sine Law would be
known. You would not know both a side and its opposite angle. Therefore,
you cannot rely on the Sine Law to solve these two cases. Instead, you need
the Cosine Law. The proof of the Cosine Law is shown in Learning Activity
7.5, Question 7.
The Cosine Law can be stated in the following way:
a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cos A
If ÐA = 90°, then cos 90° = 0 and the expression becomes 2bc cos 90° is zero.
Notice that the first part of the formula resembles the Pythagorean theorem.
The last part, 2bc cos A, calculates an adjustment when ÐA ¹ 90°.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 85
The placing of the letters for triangle ABC are somewhat arbitrary. The
formula could be written as:
c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab cos C
b2 = a2 + c2 - 2ac cos B
It is important that the side opposite to the angle in the Cosine Law is the side
on the LHS of the equal sign.
Include this formula on your resource sheet. You will practice using this
formula in Example 1.
Example 1
In DABC, AC = 12, AB = 8, ÐA = 95°. Find the length of BC rounded to two
decimal places.
b = 12
From the diagram, you can see there is no matching pair of a side and its
opposite angle. Thus, cannot use the Sine Law but you can use the Cosine
Law to find the side.
a2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2 bc cos A
a2 = 12 2 + 82 − 2 (12 )(8) cos 95°
a2 = 224.733 902 6
a2 = 224.733 902 6
a = 14.99
Notice that the Cosine Law was used to find the side opposite the given angle
of 95°.
b=6 a=5
Although it doesn’t matter which angle you find first, solving for the largest
may give you more information. Thus, solve for ÐC first. You will need to use
the Cosine Law for angles.
To find angle C opposite the side of length 8, write:
82 = 62 + 52 = 2(6)(5) cos C
Now carefully use algebra skills to solve for cos C:
82 − 6 2 − 52 − 2 (6 )( 5) cos C
3 = −60 cos C
= cos C
−0.05 = cos C
C = cos−1 (−0.05)
C = 92.9°
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 87
Use algebra to solve for cos A:
52 − 82 − 6 2 = −2 (8)(6 ) cos A
−75 = −96 cos A
+0.78125 = cos A
A = cos−1 (0.78125)
A = 38.6°
a2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2 bc cos A
a2 + 2 bc cos A = b 2 + c 2 Add 2bc cos A to both sides.
6 cm
10 cm
y 6 cm
A x D
In DABC, you do not have a matching pair of a side and its opposite angle.
Thus, use the Cosine Law for sides to find y.
y 2 = 6 2 + 10 2 − 2 (6 )(10 ) (cos 70° )
y 2 = 94.957 582 8
y 2 = 94.957 582 8
y = 9.744 618 145
Now use the value of y to solve for x in DACD. Since there is no matching pair
of a side and its opposite angle, use the Cosine Law for sides.
9.744 618 145 140° 6 cm
A x D
x 2 = 220.535 309 8
x = 14.850 431 3
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 89
Example 4
An electric transmission line is planned to go directly over a pond. The power
line will be supported by posts at points A and B. A surveyor measures the
distance from B to point C as 580 m, the distance from A to point C as 337 m,
and ÐBCA as 105°. What is the distance in metres from post A to post B
rounded to the nearest hundredth?
b = 337 m
a = 580 m
You are not given a matching pair of a side and its opposite angle. Therefore,
you can use the Cosine Law for sides to solve for side c.
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2 ab cos C
c 2 = 580 2 + 337 2 − 2 ( 580 )( 337 ) cos 105°
c 2 = 551 146.541 1
c = 551 146.541 1
c = 742.392 444 1
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. In which quadrant are sin q, cos q, and tan q all greater than zero?
2. What is the probability of rolling an even number on a number cube?
3. Calculate the tax (13%) on an item that costs $43.99.
4. The two legs of a right-angled triangle measure 6 cm and 8 cm. What is
the measure of the hypotenuse?
5. What is the value of the discriminant of the quadratic equation
2x2 - 3x + 6 = 0?
6. Express in exponential form: 12 x 3 y 7
7. Find the midpoint between the two points (7, -1) and (-8, 15).
8. State the independent and dependent variables for the following situation:
“Jace discovers that the more he studies for a test, the higher his mark is.”
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 91
Learning Activity 7.5 (continued)
Part B: The Cosine Law
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Find the length of x in each diagram. Round to the nearest tenth.
a) b) 7
x 5 135°
c) d) 5
30° 4
10 30° x
x 80°
4 5 7
6 5
50° C
3. An isosceles triangle has sides of length 10 cm, 10 cm, and 6 cm. What is
the measure of each angle of this triangle? Round to the nearest tenth.
4. Janice spots a bird on the roof of her apartment block with an angle
of elevation of 35°. She moves 15 m closer to the apartment block and
now the angle of elevation is 40°. How far above the ground is the bird?
(Assume the ground to be level and Janice walked directly toward the
bird on the roof.) Round to the nearest tenth.
(ending point) Q
40 60°
P (starting point)
A 2 x 40
6. The pitcher’s mound on a slo-pitch softball diamond is 15.2 m from home
plate and the distance between the bases is 19.8 m. How far is the pitcher’s
mound from first base if the angle at home plate between the pitcher’s
mound and first base is 45°? Round to the nearest hundredth.
7. Prove the Law of Cosines for a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cos A using the diagram
b a
x cx
The proof begins by using the Pythagorean theorem for each right
in DBCD, a2 = h2 + (c - x)2
in DACD, b2 = h2 + x2
The next step is to subtract the two equations to eliminate h2.
Now, finish the proof.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 93
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to use the Cosine Law. The Cosine Law is
useful in solving triangles where the Sine Law cannot be used. In the next
lesson, you will be learning about the ambiguous case. Sometimes when you
are solving oblique triangles, there may be no solution, one solution, or two
solutions. You will learn about this in more detail in the next lesson.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In Lesson 4, you used the Sine Law to solve triangles when you are given
two sides of the triangle and an angle opposite one of those sides. You were
also told that the unknown angle(s) was acute. However, when you are given
this type of information without knowing if the unknown angle is acute or
obtuse, the ambiguous case may occur. In the ambiguous case, there are three
possible outcomes: no solution, one solution, or two solutions. This means that
there could be no possible triangles with the given measurements, only one
possible triangle with the given measurements, or two possible triangles with
the given measurements. Since the number of triangles possible is not clear,
the case involving side-side-angle is called the ambiguous case.
given angle
initial arm of given angle
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 95
Q The given angle, ÐA, will be placed in the lower left corner.
Q The side opposite this angle will be partially drawn and its measure
indicated, side a.
Q The base of the triangle will be considered the initial arm of the given
angle. You don’t know how long this side is or the measure of its opposite
angle, ÐC.
Q The terminal arm of the given angle will be the second given side of the
triangle, side b.
Since side a, opposite the given angle A, is shorter than the height of the
triangle, it is not possible to draw a triangle. Thus, there is no solution.
Conclusion: If the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the calculated
height of the triangle, then no such triangle exists.
Note: In general, the height of the triangle can be found using the formula:
A or h
b sin A
Add the above conclusion as well as the formula for finding the height of a
triangle to your resource sheet.
An alternate method to reach this conclusion involves the use of the Sine Law.
For the parameters given, check:
a b
sin A sin B
2 6
sin 30° sin B
6 sin 30°
sin B =
sin B = 1.5
B = sin−1 (1.5)
You get an error on your calculator since the maximum value for sin q is 1.
Thus, no triangle is possible.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 97
Example 2: Right Triangle; One Solution; ÐB = 90°
In DABC, a = 3, b = 6, ÐA = 30°. Solve the triangle.
You can now solve for the remaining parts of the triangle.
∠C = 180° − 90° − 30° = 60°
c Since it is a right triangle, use
cos 30° =
6 adjacent
cos A .
c = 6 cos 30° hypotenuse
c = 5.2
Conclusion: The solution will be one right triangle if the side opposite the
given angle is equal to the height of the triangle.
Include the above conclusion on your resource sheet.
or C
b=6 b=6
30° 30°
c c B
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 99
To solve the triangle, we use the Sine Law:
4 6
sin 30° sin B
4 sin B = 6 sin 30°
6 sin 30° 3
sin B = =
4 4
∠Br = sin−1
∠Br = 48.6°
When sin B > 0, you know that ÐB can be acute (Quadrant I), or it can be
obtuse (Quadrant II). Thus, there are two possible solutions for ÐB and two
possible triangles.
ÐB1 = ÐBr or ÐB2 = 180° - ÐBr
ÐB1 = 48.6° or ÐB2 = 180° - 48.6°
ÐB2 = 131.4°
Sketch the two possible triangles. One of them will be the triangle drawn
with ÐB1 acute, and the other will have ÐB2 as an obtuse angle. Notice how
short c2 must be in comparison with c1.
b=6 b=6
a=4 a=4
Conclusion: There will be two solutions if the side opposite the given angle is
smaller than the second given side and bigger than the height of the triangle.
b=6 a=7
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 101
Conclusion: There will be only one solution if the side opposite the given
angle is larger than the other given side.
Include the above conclusion on your resource sheet.
Note that in Example 4 above, if you were to find both the acute and obtuse
angle values for ÐB, you could quickly determine why there is only one
If ÐBr = 25.4°, then ÐB1 = 25.4° as the acute angle and ÐB2 = 180° - 25.4° =
154.6° as the obtuse angle. Now solve for ÐC2 using obtuse angle ÐB2.
ÐC2 = 180° - 154.6° - 30° = -4.6°.
Since ÐC2 cannot be negative, using obtuse ÐB2 is not possible.
Conclusion: If the given angle is obtuse and the side opposite the given side
is bigger than the second given side, there is only one possible triangle.
Include this conclusion on your resource sheet.
As you can see from the diagram, the longer side is not opposite the obtuse
angle. There cannot be a solution.
Conclusion: If the given angle is obtuse and the side opposite the given angle
is shorter than the second given side, there is no possible triangle.
Include this conclusion on your resource sheet.
In each of the above examples, you were given triangles with two sides and
the angle opposite one of those sides. Two solutions may occur when solving
a triangle if the given angle is opposite the shorter of the two sides. When the
given angle is opposite the longer of the two given sides, there is only one
The following chart summarizes the various possibilities involved in the
ambiguous case. Note that a represents the side opposite the given angle,
b represents the other given side, not the base, and h represents the height of
the triangle (i.e., h = b sin A).
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 103
ÐA is Acute
a < b AND a < h a < b AND a = h a < b AND a > h a < b AND a > h a>b
Sketch b
a b a=h
a b
a h b h a
A B A B1 A A B
A B B2
Number of
none one two one
Size of ÐB none ÐB = 90° ÐB1 is acute ÐB2 is obtuse ÐB is acute
ÐA is Obtuse
a£b a>b
Sketch b b
Number of
none one
Size of ÐB none ÐB is acute
You may find it helpful to include the above two charts on your resource
The Sine Law can help you determine the number of solutions and it is used
to solve the question, as you saw in the examples.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Calculate the tax (13%) on an item that costs $72.
2. How many 4-piece bags of candy can you make to give out on Halloween
if you have 288 pieces of candy?
3. In which quadrants is cos q > 0?
4. The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 13 and one of its legs is
length 12. What is the length of the other leg?
5. Does the parabola y + 5x2 = -2x + 4 open up or down?
13 5
6. Express as a radical: x 2 y2
7. (-56, 27) is on a line with a slope of . Find another point on this line.
8. Simplify: (x2 - 1)(2x2 + 5x - 6)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 105
Learning Activity 7.6 (continued)
Part B: The Ambiguous Case
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Decide whether there are no solutions, exactly one solution, or two
solutions for each DABC. You do not need to solve the triangle, but you
must justify your choice and include a diagram.
Note: Always draw the given angle in the lower left corner of the triangle.
Mark the given side opposite it with a dotted line. Do not mark the second
given side as the base. (Reason: It makes solving the ambiguous case easier
if you always use the same pattern.)
a) C
b = 10
b) C
a = 16
b = 10
c) ÐC = 60°, c = 43, b = 32
d) ÐA = 18°, a = 38, c = 50
e) ÐB = 60°, b = 14, c = 15
f) ÐC = 170°, c = 10, b = 15
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned that when you are given two sides and one angle
opposite one of those sides in a triangle, this is called the ambiguous case
because three situations may occur. There may be no solution, one solution, or
two solutions. You learned to determine when each of these types of solutions
occurred by comparing the lengths of the given sides, the height of the
triangle, as well as whether the given angle was obtuse or acute. Make sure
you remember that when you are given two sides and one angle opposite one
of the given sides of a triangle, you always need to check to see how many
solutions there are.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 107
Total: 41 marks
1. Find the length of side a in each diagram. Round to three decimal places.
a) 2.7 (3 marks)
b) Q (4 marks)
3 5
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 109
Assignment 7.3: The Cosine Law and the Ambiguous Case (continued)
2. Find all of the missing angles and the length of all missing sides for the following
triangles. Round to the nearest tenth. (6 marks each, for a total of 12 marks)
a) In DABC, a = 7, b = 5 and c = 11.
72 m
50 m
West East
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 111
Assignment 7.3: The Cosine Law and the Ambiguous Case (continued)
4. Find all the possible missing values in the following triangles. Round your answers
to one decimal place.
a) Find all the possible measures of ÐB, ÐC, and c in DABC if a = 23, b = 47, and
ÐA = 52°. (2 marks)
b) Find all the possible measures of ÐA, ÐC, and a in DABC if b = 16, c = 20, and
ÐB = 42°. Round to the nearest tenth. (8 marks)
d) Find all the possible measures of ÐB, ÐC, and c in DABC if a = 20, b = 15, and
ÐA = 152°. Round to the nearest tenth. (4 marks)
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 113
Congratulations, you are now well on your way to finishing this course. You
only have to complete one more module.
In this module, you learned more about trigonometry. You extended your
knowledge of right-angled trigonometry to learn about angles from 0° to
360° in Quadrants I, II, III, and IV. You learned how each angle in standard
position has a reference angle and you also learned how to find that reference
angle. Once you learned about angles, you studied triangles that do not
have a 90° angle. These oblique triangles can be solved by using either the
Sine Law or the Cosine Law, depending upon what information is provided.
However, when you are given two sides and an angle opposite one of those
sides, the ambiguous case occurs. In the ambiguous case, there can be either
no solution, one solution, or two solutions. Make sure you always consider the
number of possible solutions when you are solving such a triangle.
In the next module, you will be learning about two new types of functions:
absolute value functions and reciprocal functions. Absolute value functions
take each y-value, whether positive or negative, and make it positive.
Reciprocal functions take the reciprocal of a given function.
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 7.1 to 7.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 7 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 7 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 7.1: Trigonometric Ratios, Reference Angles, and
Trigonometric Equations
q Assignment 7.2: Patterns in Trigonometric Ratios and the Sine Law
q Assignment 7.3: The Cosine Law and the Ambiguous Case
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
M o d u l e 7: Tr i g o n o m e t r y 115
Module 7
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jacob went to three stores. He spent $76 at the first store, $47 at the second
store, and $152 at the third store. If Jacob had $300, how much money does
he have left?
2. If two angles in a triangle measure 137° in total, what is the measure of the
third angle in the triangle?
3. Solve for g: (2g + 1)(g - 5) = 0
4. You and your brother are partial owners of the family vehicle. If you own
half as much as your brother, how much of the car do you own?
5. Simplify: 108
1 1
6. Order these values from lowest to highest: 55 , 5, 54 , and 5
7 3
7. Rationalize the denominator:
3 2
8. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 2x + y = 1.
1. $25 ($76 + $47 + $152 = $275; $300 - $275 = $25)
2. 43° (180° - 137°)
3. g = − or g = 5
4. (Your brother owns two parts and you own one part. So you can think
of there being a total of 3 parts.)
5. 6 3 ( 4 9 3)
7 6 7 3 7 3 2
6 3 2 3 (2)
8. -2 (y = -2x + 1
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine which of the following angles are in standard position.
a) y b) y
c) y d) y
a) This angle is in standard position as the initial side is along the
positive x-axis and the angle is measured from the initial to the
terminal arm, and the vertex is at the origin. The angle is positive
because its rotation is in a counter-clockwise direction.
r = x2 + y2
P(5, 12) 2
= (−5) + 12 2
= 169
= 13
12 r
y 12
sin θ = =
r 13
x −5 5
cos θ = = =−
r 13 13
5 x
y 12 12
tan θ = = =−
x −5 5
P(24, 7)
c) (-4, -3)
y r = x2 + y2
2 2
= (−4 ) + (−3)
= 25
4 =5
y −3 3
sin θ = = =−
r 5 5
P(4, 3)
x −4 4
cos θ = = =−
r 5 5
y −3 3
tan θ = = =
x −4 4
y r = x2 + y2
= 52 + 32
P(5, 3)
= 34
y 3 3 34
sin θ = = =
5 5 x
r 34 34
x 5 5 34
cos θ = = =
r 34 34
y 3
tan θ = =
x 5
cos q is negative in Quadrant III.
\ cos 191° is negative.
b) sin 255°
y q = 255° is located in Quadrant III
where y-coordinates are negative;
= 255° or you can use the CAST rule:
x S A
sin q < 0 in this quadrant.
\ sin 255° is negative.
y -value
∴ tan 340.4° =
x -value
= negative
= positive
4. Determine the quadrants in which P(x, y) may lie under the following
a) sin q > 0
y -value
The ratio for sin q is . Thus, sin q is positive when the y-values
r -value
are positive because the r-value is always positive. This occurs in
Quadrant I or II.
cos θ = I or IV
sin θ = I or II
tan θ = − II or IV
sin θ = III or IV
tan θ = I or III
c) q = 152°
This angle is located in Quadrant II where sine is positive and both
cosine and tangent are negative. In Quadrant II, x < 0 and y > 0.
d) q = 206°
This angle is located in Quadrant III. Sine and cosine are both negative
in Quadrant III and tangent is positive.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Gwen planted 120 seeds of green beans. If one-quarter of the beans did
not grow, how many beans did grow?
2. The minute hand of a clock starts at 12 and travels 60% of the way around
the clock. How many degrees from the 12 has the minute hand travelled?
4 5
3. Calculate: +
3 7
4. The two legs of a right-angled triangle measure 3 cm and 4 cm. What is
the measure of the hypotenuse?
5. If you do homework for half an hour every night from Monday to Friday,
as well as 45 minutes on both Saturday and Sunday, how many hours of
homework do you do in a week?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify.
8.7 10.2
1. 90 (one-quarter of 120 is 30, and 120 - 30 = 90)
2. 216° (60% of 360 degrees = 50% of 360 + 10% of 360 = 180° + 36°)
43 28 15
3. +
21 21 21
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. In which quadrant does the terminal arm of each angle lie?
a) 65°
As this angle lies between 0° and 90°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant I.
b) 340°
As this angle lies between 270° and 360°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant IV.
c) 241°
As this angle lies between 180° and 270°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant III.
d) 123°
As this angle lies between 90° and 180°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant II.
x x
iii) y iv) y
(a) and (iii)
(b) and (ii)
(c) and (iv)
(d) and (i)
r = 82°
98° =
b) 120°
y This work is optional.
qr = 180° - q
qr = 180° - 120°
qr = 60°
r = 60° 120° =
= 352°
r = 8°
d) 263°
y This work is optional.
qr = q - 180°
qr = 263° - 180°
= 263° qr = 83°
r = 83°
r = 65° 65° =
r = 65°
r = 65°
reflected in
y-axis, then
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jason had 37 hits in 45 times at bat during a baseball season. Sherri had
12 hits in 15 times at bat. Who is the better hitter?
2. Factor: x2 + 5x - 6
3. Evaluate: ( )
6 2 2
12 36 37
1. Jason (Sherri’s ratio is ; Jason’s ratio is
15 45 45
2. (x + 6)(x - 1)
3. 6
4. Quadrants I and II.
5. 26 975 (12 382 + 14 593)
6. -3x2 - 6x + 7 + 2x2 - 5x = -x2 - 11x + 7
7. 40°
(Method 1: The sum of the angles in a triangle must be 180°. Therefore, the
third angle must measure 40°.
Method 2: An isosceles triangle will have two angles that are the same.
Therefore, the third angle must measure 40°.)
8. 10.3% (multiply by 100)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine the angles in Quadrants III and IV that have 30°, 45°, and 60° as
reference angles.
The formula for finding angles in standard position that have qr as a
reference angle in Quadrant III is q = 180° + qr.
Thus, the three angles in Quadrant III are:
q = 180° + 30° = 210°
q = 180° + 45° = 225°
q = 180° + 60° = 240°
The formula for finding angles in standard position that have qr as a
reference angle in Quadrant IV is q = 360° - qr.
Thus, the three angles in Quadrant IV are:
q = 360° - 30° = 330°
q = 360° - 45° = 315°
q = 360° - 60° = 300°
-1 - 2 -1 - 2
225° 45° or or 1
2 2 2 2
1 3
240° 60° - - 3
2 2
270° 0 -1 undefined
1 3
300° 60° - - 3
2 2
1 2 -1 - 2
315° 45° or or -1
2 2 2 2
3 1 1
330° 30° - -
2 2 3
360° 1 0 0
P(x, y)
r= y
x x
x y
cos θ = sin θ =
r r
x y
cos 30° = sin 30° =
4 4
x = 4 cos 30° y = 4 sin 30°
3 1
x = 4
y = 4
x=2 3 y=2
(23, 2) P(x, y) = (23, 2)
4 r =4
30° 30°
30° 30°
4 r=
r= 4
(23, 2)
(23, 2)
30° 30°
r = 2 r=4
coordinates coordinates
P(x, y) = ( 3 , 1) P(x, y) = ( 2 3 , 2 )
x x
You will use your calculator to find approximate answers since the angles
in question do not have reference angles of 30°, 45°, or 60°.
To find the horizontal distance, you need to create two different triangles:
one in Quadrant IV and one in Quadrant III. These triangles will represent
the initial and final positions of the backhoe. Once these triangles are
drawn, if you find the x-component of each triangle and add these two
values together, you will find the length of the hole.
= 349° r
3m x
Initial Position
To find x1, you need to find the horizontal distance, or the x-component,
when the angle is 349° and the arm length is 3 m. To find the value of qr,
you need to find the reference angle for 349°.
qr = 360° - 349° = 11°
You now have the values of qr and r; thus, you need to use to cosine ratio
in order to determine the x-value.
cos θ =
cos 11° =
x = 3 cos 11°
x = 2.945 metres
= 201°
y2 3m
Final Position
To find x2, you need to find the horizontal distance, or the x-component,
when the angle is 201° and the boom length is 3 m.
Now, to find the length of the hole, you can add these values together.
Thus, the length of the hole is 2.945 + 2.801 = 5.746 metres.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. You received on a math test. What was your percentage?
2. Find the common difference in the following pattern: 8, 2, -4, -10, . . .
3. In which quadrants is tan > 0?
4. What is the price of one box of Kleenex if 8 boxes of Kleenex cost $16.64?
5. The side lengths of a right-angled triangle are 15, 17, and 8. Which side
length is the hypotenuse?
33 + 3
6. Simplify:
7. Express as a radical: 9 3. Do not simplify.
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (8, -3) and (-6, 12).
1. 88% = multiply top and bottom by 4 to get a denominator off 100
2. -6
3. Quadrants I and III
$16 $0.64
4. $2.08 = $2 ; = $0.08 ; $2 + $0.08 = $2.08
8 8
10 33 + 3 27 + 3 30
6. = =
3 32 9 9
7. 92
15 12 − (−3) 15
8. m = =
−14 −6 − 8 −14
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Solve the following triangles for all missing sides and angles. Round to
2 decimal places.
a) In ∆ABC, ÐA = 67°, ÐB = 73°, and b = 42.
b = 42
a B
a = 40.43 c = 28.23
ÐC = 40°
a = 40.43
c = 28.23
a = 20
20° C
150° b
b = 69.46 c = 136.81
ÐB = 10°
b = 69.46
c = 136.81
100° 30°
310 m
ÐC = 180° - (100° + 30°)
= 50°
100° 30°
310 m
b c a c
= =
sin B sin C sin A sin C
b 310 a 310
= =
sin 30° sin 50° sin 100° sin 50°
310 sin 30° 310 sin 100°
b= a=
sin 50° sin 50°
b = 202.34 m a = 398.53 m
75° 25°
3 km
75° 105° 25°
3 km
40° 20°
200 m
ÐC = 180° - (40° + 20°) = 120°
Use DABC and the Sine Law to find BC.
200 BC
k =
sin 120° sin 40°
200 sin 40°
BC =
sin 120°
BC = 148.445 439 8
a) Determine two expressions for the height through C.
b) Equate two equal expressions for the same height.
c) Divide both sides by sin A sin B.
d) Determine two expressions for the height through B.
e) Equate two equal expressions for the same height.
f) Divide both sides by sin A sin C.
g) Equate the formulas found in (c) and (f) since they both equal .
sin A
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. In which quadrant are sin q, cos q, and tan q all greater than zero?
2. What is the probability of rolling an even number on a number cube?
3. Calculate the tax (13%) on an item that costs $43.99.
4. The two legs of a right-angled triangle measure 6 cm and 8 cm. What is
the measure of the hypotenuse?
5. What is the value of the discriminant of the quadratic equation
2x2 - 3x + 6 = 0?
6. Express in exponential form: 12 x 3 y 7
7. Find the midpoint between the two points (7, -1) and (-8, 15).
8. State the independent and dependent variables for the following situation:
“Jace discovers that the more he studies for a test, the higher his mark is.”
1. Quadrant I
3 1
6 2
12 x y = (12 x y )
3 7 3 7 2
6. 12 x 2 y 2
1 7 + (−8) −1 + 15 1 14 1
7. − , 7 M = , =− , =− , 7
2 2 2 2 2 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Find the length of x in each diagram. Round to the nearest tenth.
a) b) 7
x 5 135°
c) d) 5
30° 4
10 30° x
x 80°
a) The triangle has no matching pair of a side and its opposing angle. Use
the Cosine Law for sides.
x 2 = 7 2 + 52 − 2 (7 )( 5) (cos 40° )
x 2 = 20.376 888 98
x 2 = 20.376 888 98
x = 4.5
b) The triangle has no matching pair of a side and its opposing angle. Use
the Cosine Law for sides.
x 2 = 7 2 + 112 − 2 (7 )(11) (cos 135° )
x 2 = 278.894 444 3
x 2 = 278.894 444 3
x = 16.7
x = 5.3
d) First solve DABC for y using the Cosine Law for sides. There is no
matching pair of a side and its opposite angle.
5 y 2 = 4 2 + 52 − 2 ( 4 )( 5) (cos 130° )
130° C
y 2 = 66.711 504 39
B 30° x
y 2 = 66.711 504 39
y = 8.167 711 086
4 5 7
6 5
50° C
a) There is no matching pair for the Sine Law. Use the Cosine Law for
Method 1: Write the Cosine Law as:
62 = 42 + 52 - 2(4)(5) cos A
62 - 42 - 52 = -2(4)(5) cos A
-5 = -40 cos A
0.125 = cos A
A = cos-1(0.125)
A = 82.8°
Method 2: Use the rearranged formula:
b 2 + c 2 − a2
cos A =
2 bc
4 2 + 52 − 6 2
cos A =
2 ( 4 )( 5)
cos A = 0.125
∠A = cos−1 (0.1255)
∠A = 82.8°
Since your calculator only gives one of two possible angles when using
sine inverse, the solution for ÐA could be an acute or an obtuse angle.
However, you are given the diagram and it shows ÐA to be acute.
Thus, the only solution is ÐA = 39.7°.
3. An isosceles triangle has sides of length 10 cm, 10 cm, and 6 cm. What is
the measure of each angle of this triangle? Round to the nearest tenth.
10 cm 10 cm
6 cm
Since there is no matching angle and its opposite side, solve for an angle
using the Cosine Law for angles.
4. Janice spots a bird on the roof of her apartment block with an angle of
elevation of 35°. She moves 15 m closer to the apartment block and now the
angle of elevation is 40°. How far above the ground is the bird? (Assume
the ground to be level and Janice walked directly toward the bird on the
roof.) Round to the nearest tenth.
15 m J T
One method to solve for BW is to solve first for BT in DBJT and then use
the sine ratio in the right triangle, DBTW.
For DBJT, ÐJTB = 180° - 40° = 140° and ÐJBT = 180° - 35° - 140° = 5°.
BT 15
sin 35° sin 5°
15 sin 35°
BT =
sin 5°
BT = 98.715 773 33
BW = 63.5 m
5. A ship leaves port at 12 noon and sails west at 40 km/h. At 2:00 p.m., it
changes direction and sails N 60° W for another two hours. How far is the
ship from the port? Round to the nearest tenth.
(ending point) Q
40 60°
P (starting point)
A 2 x 40
The ship is travelling from noon until 2:00 p.m. (2 hours) for 40 km in each
hour. It travels 80 km due west. When it changes direction, it travels for
the same time at the same speed, and thus travels another 80 km.
The measure of ÐQAP = 60° + 90° = 150°.
A 80
There is no matching pair of side and opposite angles. Use the Law of
Cosines for sides.
a2 = 80 2 + 80 2 − 2 (80 )(80 ) (cos 150° )
a2 = 23 885.125 17
a2 = 23 885.125 17
a = 154.5
The ship is 154.5 km from port at 4:00 p.m.
15.2 m
19.8 m
B (Home Plate)
There is no matching pair of a side and its opposite angle. Thus, use the
Cosine Law.
b 2 = a2 + c 2 − 2 ac cos B
2 2
= (19.8) + (15.2 ) − 2 (19.8)(15.2 ) cos 45°
b = 14.05
Thus, the distance between the pitcher’s mound and first base is 14.05 m.
b a
x cx
The proof begins by using the Pythagorean theorem for each right
in DBCD, a2 = h2 + (c - x)2
in DACD, b2 = h2 + x2
The next step is to subtract the two equations to eliminate h2.
Now finish the proof.
Subtract the two equations to eliminate h2:
a 2 − b 2 = (c − x ) − x 2
a 2 − b 2 = c 2 − 2cx + x 2 − x 2 Simplify
a2 − b 2 = c 2 − 2cx Simplify
a2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2cx Rearrange
Now, write x in terms of the sides and angles of triangle ABC, and use
DACD and find cos A.
cos A
x b cos A
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Calculate the tax (13%) on an item that costs $72.
2. How many 4-piece bags of candy can you make to give out on Halloween
if you have 288 pieces of candy?
3. In which quadrants is cos q > 0?
4. The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 13 and one of its legs is
length 12. What is the length of the other leg?
5. Does the parabola y + 5x2 = -2x + 4 open up or down?
13 5
6. Express as a radical: x 2 y2
7. (-56, 27) is on a line with a slope of . Find another point on this line.
8. Simplify: (x2 - 1)(2x2 + 5x - 6)
1. $9.36 (10% of 72 = $7.20; 1% of 72 = $0.72; so 13% of $72 =
$7.20 + $0.72 + $0.72 + $0.72 = $9.36)
288 200 88
2. 72 = + = 50 + 22 = 72
4 4 4
3. Quadrants I and IV
4. 5 (x2 + 122 = 132; x2 = 169 - 144; x2 = 25; x = 5)
5. Down (y = -5x2 - 2x + 4)
13 5 1
6. 13 5
x y x 2 y 2 = ( x 13 y 5 ) 2 = x 13 y 5
7. (-48, 33) (A slope of refers to a rise of 6, which affects the y-values, and
a run of 8, which affects the x-values, so (-56 + 8, 27 + 6))
8. 2x4 + 5x3 - 6x2 - 2x2 - 5x + 6 = 2x4 + 5x3 - 8x2 - 5x + 6
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Decide whether there are no solutions, exactly one solution, or two
solutions for each DABC. You do not need to solve the triangle, but you
must justify your choice and include a diagram.
Note: Always draw the given angle in the lower left corner of the triangle.
Mark the given side opposite it with a dotted line. Do not mark the second
given side as the base. (Reason: It makes solving the ambiguous case easier
if you always use the same pattern.)
a) C
b = 10
The side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given side.
We need to find the height.
h = 10 sin 35°
h = 5.7
Since 5 < h, there is no triangle.
b) C
a = 16
b = 10
Because the side opposite the given angle is greater than the other
given side, and ÐA is obtuse, there is only one triangle.
32 43
d) ÐA = 18°, a = 38, c = 50
The side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given side.
We need to find the height.
h = 50 sin 18° = 15.45
Since 38 > h, there are two solutions.
a = 38
b = 50
A 18°
e) ÐB = 60°, b = 14, c = 15
The side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given side.
We need to find the height.
h = 15 sin 60° = 12.99
Since 14 > h, we have two solutions.
b = 14
c = 15
2. Find the possible values of the indicated side. Round answers to the
nearest tenth.
a) In DABC, ÐB = 34°, a = 4, and b = 3. Find c.
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 4 sin 34° = 2.2
3 > h, so there are two triangles.
We will now solve for the two measures of ÐA, using the Sine Law.
a b
sin A sin B
4 3
sin A sin 34°
4 sin 34°
sin A =
4 sin 34°
∠A r = sin−1
∠A 1 = 48.2° (acute angle )
a=4 b=3
34° 48.2°
B A1
B 34° 131.8°
c2 A2
a=4 b=5
r = 20
t = 16
m = 19
t = 11
a=4 b=2
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 4 sin 34°
h = 2.2
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the height of the
triangle, there is no solution.
3. Find all possible values of the indicated angle measure. Round to one
decimal place.
a) In DABC, ÐA = 19°, a = 25, and c = 30. Find ÐC.
c = 30 a = 25
A 19°
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 30 sin 19°
h = 9.8
Since the side opposite the given angle is larger than the height of the
triangle, there are two solutions of ÐC. We will find the two measures
for ÐC using the Sine Law.
z = 7.5 x = 9.3
b = 900
g = 1000
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 1000 sin 39°
h = 629.3
Since the side opposite the given angle is larger than the height of the
triangle, there are two solutions. We will find the two measures of ÐG
900 1000
sin 39° sin G
1000 sin 39°
∠Gr = sin−1
∠G1 = 44.4° (acute)
∠G 2 = 180° − 44.4° = 135.6° (obtuse)
Now we can find the corresponding measures of the third angle in the
triangle, ÐI.
ÐI1 = 180° - (39° + 44.4°) = 96.6°
ÐI2 = 180° - (39° + 135.6°) = 5.4°
Module 7
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jacob went to three stores. He spent $76 at the first store, $47 at the second
store, and $152 at the third store. If Jacob had $300, how much money does
he have left?
2. If two angles in a triangle measure 137° in total, what is the measure of the
third angle in the triangle?
3. Solve for g: (2g + 1)(g - 5) = 0
4. You and your brother are partial owners of the family vehicle. If you own
half as much as your brother, how much of the car do you own?
5. Simplify: 108
1 1
6. Order these values from lowest to highest: 55 , 5, 54 , and 5
7 3
7. Rationalize the denominator:
3 2
8. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 2x + y = 1.
1. $25 ($76 + $47 + $152 = $275; $300 - $275 = $25)
2. 43° (180° - 137°)
3. g = − or g = 5
4. (Your brother owns two parts and you own one part. So you can think
of there being a total of 3 parts.)
5. 6 3 ( 4 9 3)
7 6 7 3 7 3 2
6 3 2 3 (2)
8. -2 (y = -2x + 1
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine which of the following angles are in standard position.
a) y b) y
c) y d) y
a) This angle is in standard position as the initial side is along the
positive x-axis and the angle is measured from the initial to the
terminal arm, and the vertex is at the origin. The angle is positive
because its rotation is in a counter-clockwise direction.
r = x2 + y2
P(5, 12) 2
= (−5) + 12 2
= 169
= 13
12 r
y 12
sin θ = =
r 13
x −5 5
cos θ = = =−
r 13 13
5 x
y 12 12
tan θ = = =−
x −5 5
P(24, 7)
c) (-4, -3)
y r = x2 + y2
2 2
= (−4 ) + (−3)
= 25
4 =5
y −3 3
sin θ = = =−
r 5 5
P(4, 3)
x −4 4
cos θ = = =−
r 5 5
y −3 3
tan θ = = =
x −4 4
y r = x2 + y2
= 52 + 32
P(5, 3)
= 34
y 3 3 34
sin θ = = =
5 5 x
r 34 34
x 5 5 34
cos θ = = =
r 34 34
y 3
tan θ = =
x 5
cos q is negative in Quadrant III.
\ cos 191° is negative.
b) sin 255°
y q = 255° is located in Quadrant III
where y-coordinates are negative;
= 255° or you can use the CAST rule:
x S A
sin q < 0 in this quadrant.
\ sin 255° is negative.
y -value
∴ tan 340.4° =
x -value
= negative
= positive
4. Determine the quadrants in which P(x, y) may lie under the following
a) sin q > 0
y -value
The ratio for sin q is . Thus, sin q is positive when the y-values
r -value
are positive because the r-value is always positive. This occurs in
Quadrant I or II.
cos θ = I or IV
sin θ = I or II
tan θ = − II or IV
sin θ = III or IV
tan θ = I or III
c) q = 152°
This angle is located in Quadrant II where sine is positive and both
cosine and tangent are negative. In Quadrant II, x < 0 and y > 0.
d) q = 206°
This angle is located in Quadrant III. Sine and cosine are both negative
in Quadrant III and tangent is positive.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Gwen planted 120 seeds of green beans. If one-quarter of the beans did
not grow, how many beans did grow?
2. The minute hand of a clock starts at 12 and travels 60% of the way around
the clock. How many degrees from the 12 has the minute hand travelled?
4 5
3. Calculate: +
3 7
4. The two legs of a right-angled triangle measure 3 cm and 4 cm. What is
the measure of the hypotenuse?
5. If you do homework for half an hour every night from Monday to Friday,
as well as 45 minutes on both Saturday and Sunday, how many hours of
homework do you do in a week?
Use the following right-angled triangle to answer the next three questions. Do
not simplify.
8.7 10.2
1. 90 (one-quarter of 120 is 30, and 120 - 30 = 90)
2. 216° (60% of 360 degrees = 50% of 360 + 10% of 360 = 180° + 36°)
43 28 15
3. +
21 21 21
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. In which quadrant does the terminal arm of each angle lie?
a) 65°
As this angle lies between 0° and 90°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant I.
b) 340°
As this angle lies between 270° and 360°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant IV.
c) 241°
As this angle lies between 180° and 270°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant III.
d) 123°
As this angle lies between 90° and 180°, the terminal arm of this angle
lies in Quadrant II.
x x
iii) y iv) y
(a) and (iii)
(b) and (ii)
(c) and (iv)
(d) and (i)
r = 82°
98° =
b) 120°
y This work is optional.
qr = 180° - q
qr = 180° - 120°
qr = 60°
r = 60° 120° =
= 352°
r = 8°
d) 263°
y This work is optional.
qr = q - 180°
qr = 263° - 180°
= 263° qr = 83°
r = 83°
r = 65° 65° =
r = 65°
r = 65°
reflected in
y-axis, then
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Jason had 37 hits in 45 times at bat during a baseball season. Sherri had
12 hits in 15 times at bat. Who is the better hitter?
2. Factor: x2 + 5x - 6
3. Evaluate: ( )
6 2 2
12 36 37
1. Jason (Sherri’s ratio is ; Jason’s ratio is
15 45 45
2. (x + 6)(x - 1)
3. 6
4. Quadrants I and II.
5. 26 975 (12 382 + 14 593)
6. -3x2 - 6x + 7 + 2x2 - 5x = -x2 - 11x + 7
7. 40°
(Method 1: The sum of the angles in a triangle must be 180°. Therefore, the
third angle must measure 40°.
Method 2: An isosceles triangle will have two angles that are the same.
Therefore, the third angle must measure 40°.)
8. 10.3% (multiply by 100)
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Determine the angles in Quadrants III and IV that have 30°, 45°, and 60° as
reference angles.
The formula for finding angles in standard position that have qr as a
reference angle in Quadrant III is q = 180° + qr.
Thus, the three angles in Quadrant III are:
q = 180° + 30° = 210°
q = 180° + 45° = 225°
q = 180° + 60° = 240°
The formula for finding angles in standard position that have qr as a
reference angle in Quadrant IV is q = 360° - qr.
Thus, the three angles in Quadrant IV are:
q = 360° - 30° = 330°
q = 360° - 45° = 315°
q = 360° - 60° = 300°
-1 - 2 -1 - 2
225° 45° or or 1
2 2 2 2
1 3
240° 60° - - 3
2 2
270° 0 -1 undefined
1 3
300° 60° - - 3
2 2
1 2 -1 - 2
315° 45° or or -1
2 2 2 2
3 1 1
330° 30° - -
2 2 3
360° 1 0 0
P(x, y)
r= y
x x
x y
cos θ = sin θ =
r r
x y
cos 30° = sin 30° =
4 4
x = 4 cos 30° y = 4 sin 30°
3 1
x = 4
y = 4
x=2 3 y=2
(23, 2) P(x, y) = (23, 2)
4 r =4
30° 30°
30° 30°
4 r=
r= 4
(23, 2)
(23, 2)
30° 30°
r = 2 r=4
coordinates coordinates
P(x, y) = ( 3 , 1) P(x, y) = ( 2 3 , 2 )
x x
You will use your calculator to find approximate answers since the angles
in question do not have reference angles of 30°, 45°, or 60°.
To find the horizontal distance, you need to create two different triangles:
one in Quadrant IV and one in Quadrant III. These triangles will represent
the initial and final positions of the backhoe. Once these triangles are
drawn, if you find the x-component of each triangle and add these two
values together, you will find the length of the hole.
= 349° r
3m x
Initial Position
To find x1, you need to find the horizontal distance, or the x-component,
when the angle is 349° and the arm length is 3 m. To find the value of qr,
you need to find the reference angle for 349°.
qr = 360° - 349° = 11°
You now have the values of qr and r; thus, you need to use to cosine ratio
in order to determine the x-value.
cos θ =
cos 11° =
x = 3 cos 11°
x = 2.945 metres
= 201°
y2 3m
Final Position
To find x2, you need to find the horizontal distance, or the x-component,
when the angle is 201° and the boom length is 3 m.
Now, to find the length of the hole, you can add these values together.
Thus, the length of the hole is 2.945 + 2.801 = 5.746 metres.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. You received on a math test. What was your percentage?
2. Find the common difference in the following pattern: 8, 2, -4, -10, . . .
3. In which quadrants is tan > 0?
4. What is the price of one box of Kleenex if 8 boxes of Kleenex cost $16.64?
5. The side lengths of a right-angled triangle are 15, 17, and 8. Which side
length is the hypotenuse?
33 + 3
6. Simplify:
7. Express as a radical: 9 3. Do not simplify.
8. Find the slope of the line that contains the points (8, -3) and (-6, 12).
1. 88% = multiply top and bottom by 4 to get a denominator off 100
2. -6
3. Quadrants I and III
$16 $0.64
4. $2.08 = $2 ; = $0.08 ; $2 + $0.08 = $2.08
8 8
10 33 + 3 27 + 3 30
6. = =
3 32 9 9
7. 92
15 12 − (−3) 15
8. m = =
−14 −6 − 8 −14
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Solve the following triangles for all missing sides and angles. Round to
2 decimal places.
a) In ∆ABC, ÐA = 67°, ÐB = 73°, and b = 42.
b = 42
a B
a = 40.43 c = 28.23
ÐC = 40°
a = 40.43
c = 28.23
a = 20
20° C
150° b
b = 69.46 c = 136.81
ÐB = 10°
b = 69.46
c = 136.81
100° 30°
310 m
ÐC = 180° - (100° + 30°)
= 50°
100° 30°
310 m
b c a c
= =
sin B sin C sin A sin C
b 310 a 310
= =
sin 30° sin 50° sin 100° sin 50°
310 sin 30° 310 sin 100°
b= a=
sin 50° sin 50°
b = 202.34 m a = 398.53 m
75° 25°
3 km
75° 105° 25°
3 km
40° 20°
200 m
ÐC = 180° - (40° + 20°) = 120°
Use DABC and the Sine Law to find BC.
200 BC
k =
sin 120° sin 40°
200 sin 40°
BC =
sin 120°
BC = 148.445 439 8
a) Determine two expressions for the height through C.
b) Equate two equal expressions for the same height.
c) Divide both sides by sin A sin B.
d) Determine two expressions for the height through B.
e) Equate two equal expressions for the same height.
f) Divide both sides by sin A sin C.
g) Equate the formulas found in (c) and (f) since they both equal .
sin A
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. In which quadrant are sin q, cos q, and tan q all greater than zero?
2. What is the probability of rolling an even number on a number cube?
3. Calculate the tax (13%) on an item that costs $43.99.
4. The two legs of a right-angled triangle measure 6 cm and 8 cm. What is
the measure of the hypotenuse?
5. What is the value of the discriminant of the quadratic equation
2x2 - 3x + 6 = 0?
6. Express in exponential form: 12 x 3 y 7
7. Find the midpoint between the two points (7, -1) and (-8, 15).
8. State the independent and dependent variables for the following situation:
“Jace discovers that the more he studies for a test, the higher his mark is.”
1. Quadrant I
3 1
6 2
12 x y = (12 x y )
3 7 3 7 2
6. 12 x 2 y 2
1 7 + (−8) −1 + 15 1 14 1
7. − , 7 M = , =− , =− , 7
2 2 2 2 2 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Find the length of x in each diagram. Round to the nearest tenth.
a) b) 7
x 5 135°
c) d) 5
30° 4
10 30° x
x 80°
a) The triangle has no matching pair of a side and its opposing angle. Use
the Cosine Law for sides.
x 2 = 7 2 + 52 − 2 (7 )( 5) (cos 40° )
x 2 = 20.376 888 98
x 2 = 20.376 888 98
x = 4.5
b) The triangle has no matching pair of a side and its opposing angle. Use
the Cosine Law for sides.
x 2 = 7 2 + 112 − 2 (7 )(11) (cos 135° )
x 2 = 278.894 444 3
x 2 = 278.894 444 3
x = 16.7
x = 5.3
d) First solve DABC for y using the Cosine Law for sides. There is no
matching pair of a side and its opposite angle.
5 y 2 = 4 2 + 52 − 2 ( 4 )( 5) (cos 130° )
130° C
y 2 = 66.711 504 39
B 30° x
y 2 = 66.711 504 39
y = 8.167 711 086
4 5 7
6 5
50° C
a) There is no matching pair for the Sine Law. Use the Cosine Law for
Method 1: Write the Cosine Law as:
62 = 42 + 52 - 2(4)(5) cos A
62 - 42 - 52 = -2(4)(5) cos A
-5 = -40 cos A
0.125 = cos A
A = cos-1(0.125)
A = 82.8°
Method 2: Use the rearranged formula:
b 2 + c 2 − a2
cos A =
2 bc
4 2 + 52 − 6 2
cos A =
2 ( 4 )( 5)
cos A = 0.125
∠A = cos−1 (0.1255)
∠A = 82.8°
Since your calculator only gives one of two possible angles when using
sine inverse, the solution for ÐA could be an acute or an obtuse angle.
However, you are given the diagram and it shows ÐA to be acute.
Thus, the only solution is ÐA = 39.7°.
3. An isosceles triangle has sides of length 10 cm, 10 cm, and 6 cm. What is
the measure of each angle of this triangle? Round to the nearest tenth.
10 cm 10 cm
6 cm
Since there is no matching angle and its opposite side, solve for an angle
using the Cosine Law for angles.
4. Janice spots a bird on the roof of her apartment block with an angle of
elevation of 35°. She moves 15 m closer to the apartment block and now the
angle of elevation is 40°. How far above the ground is the bird? (Assume
the ground to be level and Janice walked directly toward the bird on the
roof.) Round to the nearest tenth.
15 m J T
One method to solve for BW is to solve first for BT in DBJT and then use
the sine ratio in the right triangle, DBTW.
For DBJT, ÐJTB = 180° - 40° = 140° and ÐJBT = 180° - 35° - 140° = 5°.
BT 15
sin 35° sin 5°
15 sin 35°
BT =
sin 5°
BT = 98.715 773 33
BW = 63.5 m
5. A ship leaves port at 12 noon and sails west at 40 km/h. At 2:00 p.m., it
changes direction and sails N 60° W for another two hours. How far is the
ship from the port? Round to the nearest tenth.
(ending point) Q
40 60°
P (starting point)
A 2 x 40
The ship is travelling from noon until 2:00 p.m. (2 hours) for 40 km in each
hour. It travels 80 km due west. When it changes direction, it travels for
the same time at the same speed, and thus travels another 80 km.
The measure of ÐQAP = 60° + 90° = 150°.
A 80
There is no matching pair of side and opposite angles. Use the Law of
Cosines for sides.
a2 = 80 2 + 80 2 − 2 (80 )(80 ) (cos 150° )
a2 = 23 885.125 17
a2 = 23 885.125 17
a = 154.5
The ship is 154.5 km from port at 4:00 p.m.
15.2 m
19.8 m
B (Home Plate)
There is no matching pair of a side and its opposite angle. Thus, use the
Cosine Law.
b 2 = a2 + c 2 − 2 ac cos B
2 2
= (19.8) + (15.2 ) − 2 (19.8)(15.2 ) cos 45°
b = 14.05
Thus, the distance between the pitcher’s mound and first base is 14.05 m.
b a
x cx
The proof begins by using the Pythagorean theorem for each right
in DBCD, a2 = h2 + (c - x)2
in DACD, b2 = h2 + x2
The next step is to subtract the two equations to eliminate h2.
Now finish the proof.
Subtract the two equations to eliminate h2:
a 2 − b 2 = (c − x ) − x 2
a 2 − b 2 = c 2 − 2cx + x 2 − x 2 Simplify
a2 − b 2 = c 2 − 2cx Simplify
a2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2cx Rearrange
Now, write x in terms of the sides and angles of triangle ABC, and use
DACD and find cos A.
cos A
x b cos A
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Calculate the tax (13%) on an item that costs $72.
2. How many 4-piece bags of candy can you make to give out on Halloween
if you have 288 pieces of candy?
3. In which quadrants is cos q > 0?
4. The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 13 and one of its legs is
length 12. What is the length of the other leg?
5. Does the parabola y + 5x2 = -2x + 4 open up or down?
13 5
6. Express as a radical: x 2 y2
7. (-56, 27) is on a line with a slope of . Find another point on this line.
8. Simplify: (x2 - 1)(2x2 + 5x - 6)
1. $9.36 (10% of 72 = $7.20; 1% of 72 = $0.72; so 13% of $72 =
$7.20 + $0.72 + $0.72 + $0.72 = $9.36)
288 200 88
2. 72 = + = 50 + 22 = 72
4 4 4
3. Quadrants I and IV
4. 5 (x2 + 122 = 132; x2 = 169 - 144; x2 = 25; x = 5)
5. Down (y = -5x2 - 2x + 4)
13 5 1
6. 13 5
x y x 2 y 2 = ( x 13 y 5 ) 2 = x 13 y 5
7. (-48, 33) (A slope of refers to a rise of 6, which affects the y-values, and
a run of 8, which affects the x-values, so (-56 + 8, 27 + 6))
8. 2x4 + 5x3 - 6x2 - 2x2 - 5x + 6 = 2x4 + 5x3 - 8x2 - 5x + 6
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Decide whether there are no solutions, exactly one solution, or two
solutions for each DABC. You do not need to solve the triangle, but you
must justify your choice and include a diagram.
Note: Always draw the given angle in the lower left corner of the triangle.
Mark the given side opposite it with a dotted line. Do not mark the second
given side as the base. (Reason: It makes solving the ambiguous case easier
if you always use the same pattern.)
a) C
b = 10
The side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given side.
We need to find the height.
h = 10 sin 35°
h = 5.7
Since 5 < h, there is no triangle.
b) C
a = 16
b = 10
Because the side opposite the given angle is greater than the other
given side, and ÐA is obtuse, there is only one triangle.
32 43
d) ÐA = 18°, a = 38, c = 50
The side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given side.
We need to find the height.
h = 50 sin 18° = 15.45
Since 38 > h, there are two solutions.
a = 38
b = 50
A 18°
e) ÐB = 60°, b = 14, c = 15
The side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given side.
We need to find the height.
h = 15 sin 60° = 12.99
Since 14 > h, we have two solutions.
b = 14
c = 15
2. Find the possible values of the indicated side. Round answers to the
nearest tenth.
a) In DABC, ÐB = 34°, a = 4, and b = 3. Find c.
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 4 sin 34° = 2.2
3 > h, so there are two triangles.
We will now solve for the two measures of ÐA, using the Sine Law.
a b
sin A sin B
4 3
sin A sin 34°
4 sin 34°
sin A =
4 sin 34°
∠A r = sin−1
∠A 1 = 48.2° (acute angle )
a=4 b=3
34° 48.2°
B A1
B 34° 131.8°
c2 A2
a=4 b=5
r = 20
t = 16
m = 19
t = 11
a=4 b=2
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 4 sin 34°
h = 2.2
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the height of the
triangle, there is no solution.
3. Find all possible values of the indicated angle measure. Round to one
decimal place.
a) In DABC, ÐA = 19°, a = 25, and c = 30. Find ÐC.
c = 30 a = 25
A 19°
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 30 sin 19°
h = 9.8
Since the side opposite the given angle is larger than the height of the
triangle, there are two solutions of ÐC. We will find the two measures
for ÐC using the Sine Law.
z = 7.5 x = 9.3
b = 900
g = 1000
Since the side opposite the given angle is smaller than the other given
side, we need to find the height.
h = 1000 sin 39°
h = 629.3
Since the side opposite the given angle is larger than the height of the
triangle, there are two solutions. We will find the two measures of ÐG
900 1000
sin 39° sin G
1000 sin 39°
∠Gr = sin−1
∠G1 = 44.4° (acute)
∠G 2 = 180° − 44.4° = 135.6° (obtuse)
Now we can find the corresponding measures of the third angle in the
triangle, ÐI.
ÐI1 = 180° - (39° + 44.4°) = 96.6°
ÐI2 = 180° - (39° + 135.6°) = 5.4°
Module 8
Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions
Module 8:
A b s o lu t e Va lu e a n d R ec ipro c a l Fu n c t io n s
Assignments in Module 8
When you have completed the assignments for Module 8, submit your
completed assignments to the Distance Learning Unit either by mail or
electronically through the learning management system (LMS). The staff will
forward your work to your tutor/marker.
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
When you write your final examination, you are encouraged to take a Final
Examination Resource Sheet with you into the examination. This sheet will
be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your handwriting or
typewritten. You will submit it with your examination, but you do not receive
any marks for it.
Many students have found that preparing a resource sheet is an excellent
way to review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each
module. You should complete a resource sheet for each module to help with
your studying and reviewing. Lesson summaries and module summaries are
included for you to use as a guide.
You may use the list of instructions that follows to help you with preparing
your resource sheet for the material in Module 8. On this sheet, you should
record math terms and definitions, formulas, sample questions, or a list of
places where you often make mistakes. You should also identify special areas
that require extra attention or review by writing the page numbers.
After you have completed each module’s resource sheet, you may summarize
the sheets from Modules 1 to 8 to prepare your Final Examination Resource
Sheet. The final examination for this course is based on Modules 1 to 8.
You will write the final examination when you have completed Module 8 of
this course. The final examination is based on Modules 1 to 8, and is worth
25 percent of your final mark in the course. The examination content will
consist of 20% from Modules 1 to 4 and 80% from Modules 5 to 8. You will
write the final examination when you have completed Module 8. To do well
on the final examination, you should review all the work you complete in
Modules 1 to 8, including all the learning activities and assignments. You will
write the final examination under supervision.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Consider the following situation. You and your friend are meeting at a movie
theatre. You are both coming from opposite directions; however, you are both
3 km away from the theatre. This situation could be represented as 3 km in
one direction and negative 3 km (-3 km) in the other direction. However,
since distance is usually represented using a positive value, you would,
therefore, normally say that you are both 3 km away from the movie theatre
and 6 km away from each other. This idea is related to the concept of absolute
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 units 4 units
from 0 from 0
From the number line, you can see how | -4 | = | 4 | = 4. As negative 4 and
positive 4 are both four units away from zero, the absolute values of 4 and –4
are equivalent.
Example 2
a) Determine the distance of -8 and 8 from 0 on the number line.
b) Evaluate the following:
i) | -8 |
ii) | 8 |
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 units 8 units
from 0 from 0
As you can see, both negative 8 and positive 8 are 8 units from 0. Any
positive and negative number in the form ±a will be the same distance
away from zero. In other words, any positive number and its negative will
be the same distance away from zero.
b) i) | -8 | = -(-8) = 8
ii) | 8 | = 8
Both negative 8 and positive 8 have an absolute value of 8. From part (a)
above, you can see how this relates to the distance from 0 of each value.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 units 3 units
from 0 from 0
Using the number line, you can see that the distance from -4 to 3 is 7 units.
To find a positive value for distance, you can subtract the two values from
each other (in any order) and then find the absolute value of the answer.
| -4 - 3 | = | -7 | = -(-7) = 7
| 3 - (-4) | = | 3 + 4 | = | 7 | = 7
You will get the same answer of 7 units in either case and a positive answer
for distance.
Example 4
Determine the distance between the following points using subtraction and
absolute values.
a) 5 and -12
b) -8 and -5
a) | 5 - (-12) | = | 5 + 12 | = 17
| -12 - 5 | = | -17 | = -(-17) = 17
b) | -8 - (-5) | = | -8 + 5 | = | -3 | = -(-3) = 3
| -5 - (-8) | = | -5 + 8 | = | 3 | = 3
First, you need to evaluate each expression and express the final answer in
decimal form. This will allow you to compare the values easily.
1 1
− = = 0.5
2 2
= 0.4
−4 = −4
− 4 = −(−4 ) = 4
3 3
= = 0.6
5 5
1 1
= = 0.5
2 2
= 0.125
− = −3.5
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. In the three courses you are taking this semester, you receive final marks
of 72%, 83%, and 91%. What is your average?
2. Find the equation of a line with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of -6.
5 7
3. Evaluate and express as a mixed fraction: +
6 4
4. You have a job at an electronics store. As a bonus for excellent sales this
month, your employer offers you either or 7% of your annual salary.
Which one is the better choice?
5. Evaluate: 26
6. Estimate: 220
3 3 2 + 12
7. Are these fractions equivalent? and
2 −4 18
8. In which quadrant is an angle of 294° located?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Evaluate.
a) | -13 |
b) | 4 |
c) | 0 |
d) | -(52) |
e) 2| 5 - 3(2) | + 1
f) 3| 4(3 + 2)2 - 42 | - 2
2. Use absolute value symbols to write an expression for the distance
between each pair of points on the number line. Using this expression,
determine the distance between the two points.
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
4.5 2 0.25 2.75
a) A and D
b) B and D
c) C and B
3. Describe how distance can be related to absolute value.
4. Determine the distance between each of the following sets of points.
Include a graph for (b), (c), and (d).
a) -45 and -23
b) (5, 3) and (-2, 3)
c) (-1, 6) and (-1, -5)
d) An extension of finding absolute value on the coordinate graph is
to find the distance of a point from the origin—in other words, its
absolute value. Find the absolute value for the point (2, 3).
5. Order the following set of absolute values from least to greatest.
1 1 2 3 1 7
- , , - 3, - 3 , , , ,-
4 3 9 2 2 3
a) What is the value of when x is positive?
b) What is the value of when x is negative?
In this lesson, you were introduced to the concept of absolute value. You
learned how the absolute value of a number is always positive or zero. The
concept of absolute value can also be related to distance. For example, the
distance between any two points on a number line or any two places on a
map is always positive. In the next lesson, you will be learning about absolute
value graphs.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In Lesson 1, you learned that the absolute value of a number is always positive
or zero. This idea leads to using a new notation for defining functions called
piece-wise functions. In this lesson, you will learn how to graph absolute
value functions and how to express the graph of an absolute value function as
a piece-wise function.
Piece-wise Functions
Piece-wise functions are defined by a formula for each different part of their
domains. The absolute value is just one example of a function that can be
defined using piece-wise notation.
Include this definition on your resource sheet.
Piece-wise functions break up the domain of the graph. In different parts of
the domain, different functions are graphed. In Lesson 1, you saw that the
definition of absolute value consists of two pieces, when x is greater than
or equal to zero and when x is less than zero. The definition for an absolute
value function is similar.
This definition states that the y-value remains the same as the x-value as long
as the x-value is non-negative and the y-value is the opposite of the x-value if
the x-value is negative.
The graph shows a piece of the line, y = x, when x ³ 0, and a piece of the line
y = -x, when x < 0. Which piece of each line is graphed depends on how the
domain of the function is given.
Another interpretation of piece-wise functions involves transformations. The
absolute value can be thought of as an operation on a function. The absolute
value operation results in a partial reflection on the graph of a function by
changing the negative y-values to positive y-values and, thus, reflecting the
points below the x-axis to points above the x-axis. You could think of the
graph of y = | x | as the graph of y = x with the portion below the x-axis
reflected above the x-axis. The x-axis becomes the line of reflection.
The absolute value transformation can be defined as (x, y) ® (x, | y |). A graph
of this transformation is shown below.
y y
x x
x x+2 |x + 2|
-5 -3 3
-4 -2 2
-3 -1 1
-2 0 0
-1 1 1
0 2 2
1 3 3
2 4 4
3 5 5
y y
2 2 x
2 2 x
2 2
2 2 x 2 2 x
2 2
Note that the x-intercept, x = -2, in the original function is the x-intercept
of the absolute value function as well. In other words, the point (-2, 0) is
not changed in the absolute value transformation. Such a point is called an
invariant point.
In absolute value transformations, the x-intercept of the original function also
becomes a pivot point or a turning point, where the graph changes direction.
All the segments of the graph that are below the x-axis get reflected over
the x-axis at its pivot points. The negative y-values are changed to positive
Add the definition of pivot point and invariant point to your resource sheet.
Example 2
Write y = | x - 2 | as a piece-wise function.
By definition of an absolute value function, you have
x − 2 , x − 2 ≥ 0
y =
−( x − 2 ) , x − 2 < 0
There are two cases to consider, because there are two pieces of the domain.
Example 3
Sketch each pair of functions using the absolute value transformation, and
find the x- and y-intercepts.
a) f(x) = -2x + 1 and F(x) = | -2x + 1 |
b) g(x) = x2 - 4 and G(x) = | x2 - 4 |
c) Provide the following information for the functions in (a) and (b),
summarized in a chart: domain, range, intercepts.
a) f(x) = -2x + 1
To graph F(x), it is easiest to find the pivot point of f(x) by solving for the
x-intercept of f(x).
f ( x ) = −2 x + 1
0 = −2 x + 1
−1 = −2 x
F (0) = − 2 (0) + 1
F (0) = 1
Graph these two points on the coordinate plane. Then, using the slope of
f(x) as negative 2, you can find additional points on the line.
2 2 x
f(x) = 2x + 1
Then, reflect the part of f(x) that is below the x-axis to above the x-axis,
starting at the x-intercept or pivot point , 0 to get the function
F(x) = | -2x + 1 |.
F(x) = |2x + 1|
2 1 2 x
g(x) = x2 4
2 2 x
2 2 x
Notice how the curve now has sharp corners or “cusps” at the pivot
Example 4
Write a simplified piece–wise function for the two absolute value functions in
Example 3.
There are two methods to answer this question. An algebraic method is
shown for F(x). A graphing method is shown for G(x).
a) F(x) = | -2x + 1 |
By definition of an absolute value function,
−2 x + 1, − 2 x + 1 ≥ 0
F (x) =
−(−2 x + 1) , − 2 x + 1 < 0
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. If you get paid $11 an hour and you work 30 hours in a week, how much
will you get paid (before taxes)?
2. If you travel at a speed of 72 km/h for 6 hours, how far will you travel?
3. State the reciprocal of .
4. Calculate 15% of 140.
5. Find the equation of a line with a slope of 3 that crosses through the point
(1, 1).
6. Express in exponential form: ( 5 )( 3 5 )
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Sketch each function and state the values of the intercepts.
a) f(x) = | 2x - 1 |
b) g(x) = | x + 3 |
c) h(x) = | x2 - 1 |
d) j(x) = | -x2 + 2x + 3 |
e) State the domain and range for each function in (a) to (d).
2. Write each function from Question 1 using piece-wise notation and
3. The point (2, -5) is on the graph y = f(x). Identify the corresponding point
on the graph y = | f(x) |.
4. The graph of y = f(x) has an x-intercept of –6 and a y-intercept of -1. What
are the x- and y-intercepts on the graph of y = | f(x) |?
5. Write the piece-wise function that represents each graph.
a) y b) y
6 x
3 2 2 x
(1, 4) 5
5 3 x
2 4 x
(1, 4)
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to graph absolute value functions. You
learned how the graphs of absolute value functions are always above or on
the x-axis. Any points of the original function that aren’t above the x-axis are
reflected over the x-axis to obtain positive y-values. You also learned how
it was possible for two different functions to have the same absolute value
graphs. You will be learning more about this concept when you learn how to
solve absolute value equations in the next lesson.
Absolute Value
Total: 42 marks
1. Evaluate. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) 2| 3(-2) - 4 | + 1
b) -2| -1(3) + 2 | - 3
c) 3| 22 - 4(3) - 3 | + 1
d) -2| (-3)2 - 11 + 1 | + 3
b) 2| x2 + 4x + 3 | - 6
5. On one cold day in winter, the temperature was -42°C with the windchill. By
lunchtime, the temperature had climbed to -11°C with no windchill. Determine how
many degrees the temperature warmed up during the day. (2 marks)
b) y = | 2(x + 1)2 - 4 |
8. Write the piece-wise function that represents each graph. (4 marks each, for a total of
8 marks)
a) y
3 x
2 4 10 x
9. Graph f(x) = | x2 - 4 |. Write a different absolute value function that would have the
same graph as f(x) = | x2 - 4 |. (3 marks)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
In the first two lessons, you learned how to find the absolute value of a
numerical expression as well as how to graph an absolute value function.
These two skills are needed in order to solve absolute value equations.
Absolute value equations are useful when you are asked to find the distance
from a particular point. Distance is always positive or zero. Therefore,
the distance can be either in the negative or positive direction and still be
considered a positive distance.
2 floors away
Becky’s Cubicle
Fourth Floor
2 floors away
Suzanne’s Office
Second Floor
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
From the number line, you can see that the two values that are 2 units
away from 5 are 3 and 7.
Solving algebraically:
Case 1: x - 5 = 2, when x - 5 ³ 0
x = 2 + 5 and x ³ 5
x = 7 and x ³ 5
Case 2: -(x - 5) = 2, when x - 5 < 0
-x + 5 = 2 and x < 5
-x = -3 and x < 5
x = 3 and x < 5
Thus, the two solutions for x are 3 and 7.
Example 2
Solve the following equations using the definition of absolute value.
a) | x + 1 | = 3
b) | 3x - 5 | = 8
c) | 2x - 5 | = 5 - 3x
d) | x2 + 3x | = 4
e) | x2 - 11x | = -x + 11
f) | 3x - 15 | = 0
b) | 3x - 5 | = 8
Case 1: −( 3x − 5) = 8 and 3x − 5 ≥ 0
3x − 5 = 8 3x ≥ 5
3x = 13 5
13 3
13 5
Since x is in the interval x ³ , then it is a solution.
3 3
Case 2: −( 3x − 5) = 8 and 3x − 5 ≥ 0
−3x + 5 = 8 3x < 5
−3x = 3 5
x = −1 3
Both conditions are satisfied. The solutions are x or x = -1.
d) | x2 + 3x | = 4
Case 1: x 2 + 3x = 4 and x 2 + 3x ≥ 0
x 2 + 3x − 4 = 0 x ( x + 3) ≥ 0
( x + 4 ) ( x − 1) = 0 x = 0, −3
x = −4 , 1
+ +
3 0 x
Solution: (-¥, -3] È [0, ¥)
Both conditions are satisfied because x = -4 is in the interval (-¥, -3] and
x = 1 is in the interval [0, ¥).
\ x = -4, 1 are solutions.
e) | x2 - 11x | = -x + 11
Case 1: x 2 − 11x = −x + 11 and x 2 − 11x ≥ 0
x 2 − 11x + x − 11 = 0 x ( x − 11) ≥ 0
x 2 − 10 x − 11 = 0 x = 0 , 11
( x − 11) ( x + 1) = 0
x = 11, −1
+ +
0 11 x
Solution: (-¥, 0] È [11, ¥)
Since x = 11 is in the interval [11, ¥) and x = -1 is in the interval (-¥, 0],
then both are solutions.
+ +
0 11 x
Solution: (0, 11)
Since x = 11 is not in the interval (0, 11) but x = 1 is, then the only solution
here is x = 1.
\ The solutions are x = 11, -1, 1.
1 1 x
y = 3
As the two functions do not intersect, there is no solution. You can also see
from the equation itself, there is no solution because an absolute value is
always positive or zero, never negative.
y = |x + 2|
2 y=3
5 2 1 x
From the graph, you can see that there are two points of intersection: one
point at (-5, 3) and another point at (1, 3). The x-values of these points are
the solutions for x for the absolute value equation. Therefore, the solutions
are x = -5 and x = 1.
c) | 2x - 5 | = 5 - 3x
The corresponding functions are y = | 2x - 5 | and y = 5 - 3x.
y = |2x 5|
2 2 x
y = 5 3x
From the graph, you can see there is one point of intersection at (0, 5).
Therefore, the solution to this absolute value equation is x = 0.
y = |x2 + 3x|
2 2 x
The two solutions are x = -4 and x = 1, which are the same solutions you
arrived at algebraically in Example 2(d) above.
11 2 11
The y-coordinate of the vertex is y = − 11 = − 30.25 = 30.25.
2 2
y = |x2 11x|
35 (5.5, 30.25)
6 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 x
10 y = x + 11
From the graph, you can see the two functions intersect at three points:
(-1, 12), (1, 10), and (11, 0). The y-coordinate of the first intersection point
can be verified by substitution of x = -1 into both functions:
y = | x2 - 11x | = | (-1)2 - 11(-1) | = 12
y = -x + 11 = -(-1) + 11 = 12
The three solutions are x = -1, x = 1, and x = 11, which are the same
solutions found in Example 2(e) above.
Before you complete the following learning activity, go back through the
lesson and add to your resource sheet. Include notes on how to solve absolute
value equations algebraically and graphically. If you found any example
difficult, you may find it helpful to include that example on your resource
sheet as well.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. You take your best friend out for dinner at a restaurant and the bill comes
to $67.32. If you tip the waiter 15%, how much change will you get back if
you pay with a $100 bill?
2. Find the equation of a line with a slope of -1 that crosses through the
point (5, 2).
3. Evaluate: 34
2 6
4. Evaluate: +
13 7
5. If Jacob can read an average of 98 pages a day, how many pages can he
read in a week?
6. Express as a radical: 8 4. Do not simplify.
7. Three angles in a parallelogram measure 30°, 93°, and 72°. What is the
measure of the fourth angle?
8. The equation of a parabola is y = x2 + 2x - 15. What are the x-intercepts?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Solve the following equations using the definition of absolute value.
a) | 2x - 3 | = 7
b) | 3x - 8 | = 2 - 4x
c) | x2 - 4x | = 5
d) | x2 + 2x | = x + 30
2. Solve the absolute value equations in Question 1 graphically.
a) | 2x - 3 | = 7
b) | 3x - 8 | = 2 - 4x
c) | x2 - 4x | = 4
d) | x2 + 2x | = x + 30
3. A manufacturer rejects boxes of cookies when the mass of the box differs
from the stated mass of 325 g by more than 4.6 g.
a) Write an absolute value equation that represents this situation.
b) Solve the absolute value equation.
c) State the range of acceptable values for the mass of a box of cookies.
4. Arrange the numbers from 0 to 9 into the boxes so that each absolute value
equation is mathematically correct. You can only use each digit once.
a) 2 x + =6 b) 2x + 7 =
x = 0, − x =−
c) x2 − x =1 d) x 2 − 2 x − 16 =
x= , 1+ 2, 1− 2 x = −4 , − 2 , ,6
e) 3x − = 24
x = − , 11
x + 3 = 2x + 1 2 = 3x
2=x 2
Jennifer’s work:
Case 1: Case 2:
x − 3 = 2x + 1 −x + 3 = 2 x + 1
x − 3 = 2x + 1 2 = 3x
−4 = x 2
a) Explain whose answer is incorrect.
b) Explain how a person could have discovered that his or her work was
6. Determine whether each statement is always true, sometimes true, or
never true. Explain.
a) The value of | x + 5 | is greater than zero.
b) The value of | x + a |, when a is a real number is greater than or equal
to zero.
c) The value of | 5 + a | + a is greater than zero.
7. Write an absolute value equation with the indicated solutions or type of
a) -4
b) No solution
c) One solution
d) Two solutions
In this lesson, you learned how to solve absolute value equations. Using what
you learned in Lesson 2, you were able to graph the corresponding absolute
value functions in order to solve an absolute value equation. You also used
the definition of an absolute value in order to solve absolute value equations
In the next lesson, you will switch your focus to reciprocal functions. You
will learn how to graph reciprocal functions, which are similar to rational
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
a b
The reciprocal of an expression is . Finding a reciprocal means
b a
interchanging the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. For example,
1 2
the reciprocal of 2 is . You can write 2 as . If you interchange the
2 1
2 1
numerator and the denominator of , you arrive at an answer of .
1 2
In this course, you will be learning about reciprocals of linear and quadratic
functions. When you have a polynomial f(x), the reciprocal of that polynomial
is f ( x ) . This is the type of function you will be learning how to graph in the
You can see that t(x) does not have a variable in the denominator and j(x) has
an expression, x , that is not a polynomial in its denominator.
Thus, as x approaches 0 from the left, f(x) becomes a bigger and bigger
negative number.
This behaviour of f ( x ) = , written in mathematical notation, is:
as x 0-, f(x) -¥
This is read as follows: “As x approaches 0 from the left, f(x) approaches
negative infinity.”
Now consider as x approaches 0 from the right.
as x 0+, f(x) +¥
This is read as follows: “As x approaches 0 from the right, f(x) approaches
positive infinity.”
This behaviour on a graph is represented by a vertical dashed line at x = 0.
2 y is approaching zero
1 x
y is approaching zero
y is approaching
Consider the table of values showing the function values for y = x and y .
x y=x y
-2 -2 -
-1 -1 -1
1 1
- - -2
2 2
0 0 undefined
1 1
2 2
1 1 1
2 2
The values for y are the reciprocals of every y-value of the function y = x.
1 y=
1 1 2 x
The graph of y has two distinct pieces that are located on either side of
the vertical asymptote, x = 0, and the horizontal asymptote, y = 0.
Characteristic y=x y
Invariant points are points that do not change in a transformation and thus
are the same points on both the graph of y = f(x) and the graph of y = .
f (x)
1. The graph of f has a vertical asymptote at each of the zeros of q(x), the
2. The graph of f has a horizontal asymptote at y = 0. (Since the numerator is
1, then f(x) will never be zero.)
3. Any asymptotes that occur other than along the x- or y-axis should be
shown on the graph as a dotted line and their equations written on the
Example 2
Find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the following:
a) f ( x ) =
( x + 2 )2
b) g ( x ) =
3x − 5
a) The vertical asymptote(s) occur at the zero of the denominator
q(x) = (x + 2)2. Since, x = -2 is the zero of the denominator, it is also the
equation of the vertical asymptote.
As x gets larger (toward ¥ or -¥), the value of f(x) gets smaller but will
never be zero. The x-axis is the horizontal asymptote and its equation is
y = 0.
As you can see, the vertical asymptotes occur at the non-permissible
values of the reciprocal function, or the points at which the denominator
equals zero.
b) The vertical asymptote(s) occur at the zero of the denominator
5 5
q(x) = 3x - 5 = 0 or x . Therefore, x is the zero of the
3 3
denominator and the equation of the vertical asymptote.
As x gets larger (toward ¥ or -¥), the value of q(x) gets smaller but will
never be zero. The x-axis is the horizontal asymptote and the equation of
the x-axis is y = 0.
1. Find and plot the y-intercept (if any) by evaluating f(0). Remember the
y-intercept is at a point on the y-axis, so the x-coordinate is zero at that
2. Sketch the corresponding vertical asymptotes by solving the equation of
the denominator q(x) = 0 to find the zeros of the denominator. Remember
the vertical asymptotes are drawn at the location of the zeros of the
denominator to indicate the function does not exist there.
3. Sketch the horizontal asymptote at y = 0. This will always be true when
graphing the reciprocal of a polynomial function.
4. Find the invariant points of the function. These points remain unchanged
when a transformation (such as taking the reciprocal) is applied to a
graph. As y-values of 1 and -1 remain unchanged when you take their
reciprocal, solving for the denominator equal to 1 and -1 will provide you
with the invariant points.
5. Plot the invariant points of the function where the y-coordinate is 1 or -1.
6. Use smooth curves to complete the graph on each side of the vertical
y-intercept: Let x = 0
1 1
f (0) = =−
0−2 2
Vertical asymptote: Find the zero of the denominator by letting the expression
in the denominator equal 0.
x = 2
Horizontal asymptote: As x approaches ±¥, f(x) approaches zero so the
horizontal asymptote is the x-axis and its equation is y = 0.
Invariant points: To find the invariant points, set the denominator of the
function equal to 1 and negative 1 and solve.
y = 1 y = -1
x-2=1 x - 2 = -1
x = 3 x=1
Therefore, the two invariant points are (3, 1) and (1, -1).
Draw in the curve: To draw the curve, first plot the two invariant points and
the y-intercept. Then, draw in the horizontal and vertical asymptotes.
1 x
f(x) = x 2
Asymptotes are drawn with a dashed line (unless the asymptote is covered
by the x- or y-axis).
To check your work you might find it helpful to sketch both the functions
y = x - 2 and y = on the same set of axes. Then you would be able to
confirm the location of invariant points and you could check a few y-values
for both functions at the same x-value to be sure the y-values are reciprocals
of each other.
x=2 1
f(x) = x 2
y-value is 2
1 y-value is
y-intercept: The y-intercept of this function is .
Vertical asymptote: There is no vertical asymptote, as the denominator never
equals zero.
Horizontal asymptote: As x approaches ±¥, g(x) remains equal to so there is
no horizontal asymptote.
Invariant points: There are no invariant points, as g(x) never equals ±1.
Draw the curve:
g(x) =
1 1 x
From this example, you can generalize that the reciprocal of a horizontal line
is another horizontal line, unless you are considering the line y = 0 (where
the reciprocal function does not exist). Also, from the definition of a rational
function, there needs to be a variable in the denominator of the function.
Thus, g ( x ) = is not considered to be a rational function.
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator, x2 - 4, equal 0, find the zeros, as the
places where to draw dotted vertical asymptotes through those x-values.
x2 - 4 = 0
(x - 2)(x + 2) = 0
x = 2 and x = -2
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Invariant points: Set the denominator, x2 - 4, equal to 1 and -1.
y=1 y = −1
x2 − 4 = 1 x 2 − 4 = −1
x2 = 5 x2 = 3
x = ± 5 ≈ ±2.2 x = ± 3 ≈ ±1.7
Therefore, the four invariant points are at (2.2, 1), (-2.2, 1), (1.7, -1), and
(-1.7, -1).
Draw in the curve: First draw the vertical asymptotes and plot the invariant
points and the y-intercept. A key point for a quadratic is the vertex. Find the
vertex of the original parabola and the corresponding point in the reciprocal
V(0, -4) for y = x2 - 4
1 −1
A key point on the function f ( x ) = 2
is 0 , .
x −4 4
1 x
1 x
Note: To check your work, you might try graphing y = x2 - 4 first. Then
determine the reciprocal function directly from the graph of the quadratic
by choosing the reciprocal of the y-values at key points such as the zeros, the
vertex, and the invariant points.
y approaches 0 from
Behaviour as x ® +¥ y approaches +¥
above the x-axis
y approaches 0 from
Behaviour as x ® -¥ y approaches +¥
above the x-axis
y is undefined; vertical
Behaviour at x = 2 and -2 y=0 asymptote at x = 2 and
x = -2
Invariant Points ( 5 , 1) , (− 5 , 1) , ( 3 , −1) , (− 3 , −1)
Look carefully at the range of the quadratic function y = x2 - 4 and the range
of its reciprocal. Compare the range to the graph of the functions and confirm
that they are consistent.
Example 6
2 1
Sketch f ( x ) = ( x + 3) and y = on the same set of axes.
f (x)
First sketch the parabola y = (x + 3)2 with vertex at (-3, 0) and standard shape.
Then sketch. y = .
( x + 3)2
y-intercept: Let x = 0.
1 1
y= 2
( 0 + 3) 9
y = f(x)
f(x) = (x + 3)2 6
9 6 3 1 1 3 x
As you can see, graphs of reciprocals of quadratic functions that have only
one x-intercept (or zero) are different from the graphs of reciprocals of
quadratic functions that have two x-intercepts. The reciprocal function is split
into only two parts.
What happens if the quadratic function has no zeros? Consider the next
0 1 1
1 1 1 x
1 2
2 5
(1, ) (1, 1 )
(2, 15 ) 2
(2, 1 )
2 1 1 2 x
The domain, the range, the values of any intercepts that may exist, and the
equation of the asymptotes are shown below.
Equation of
Function Domain Range y-intercept x-intercepts
g (x) = Â (0, 1] 1 none y=0
x2 + 1
You need to be familiar with the reciprocals of linear and quadratic functions,
including quadratic functions having no zeros, one zero, or two zeros. It may
be helpful for you to include an example of each different type of reciprocal of
quadratic functions on your resource sheet.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. One-third of students in a class of 108 students have never failed a test.
How many students have never failed a test?
2. There is a 50% discount on decorations after Halloween. If it costs you
$52.44 to buy Halloween decorations before Halloween, how much will it
cost you to buy those same decorations the day after Halloween?
3. Find the x-intercepts of the following parabola: y = x2 + 6x + 8
1 2
4. Evaluate: +
4 7
( x + 3) ( x − 4 )
5. State the reciprocal of .
( x + 4 ) ( x − 1)
6. Express as a power: 12 7
7. In which quadrant is an angle of 145° in standard position located?
8. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation -5x = 2y + 9.
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Write the reciprocal of each function.
a) y = x - 1
b) y = -3x + 6
c) y = x2 + 4x - 2
d) y = x2 - 9
2. For each of the following, identify the (i) x-intercepts of f(x),
(ii) the reciprocal function, y = , (iii) the non-permissible values of
f (x)
the reciprocal function, and (iv) the equation(s) of the vertical asymptotes
of the reciprocal function
a) f(x) = 2x + 5
b) f(x) = x2 - 9
c) f(x) = x2 + 4x + 3
3. Match each function with the graph of its reciprocal. Hint: Consider the
a) y = x2 + x - 6
b) y = -2
c) y = x - 5
d) y = x2 - 2x - 3
e) y = x2 - 6x + 9
f) y = 3x + 7
g) y = x2 - 5x + 7
2 x 3 x
2 2
3 x = 3 x=2
iii) y iv) y
x = 1 x=3
1 5 x x
v) y vi) y
2 1
5 x 2 2 x
vii) y
2 4 x
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned what reciprocal functions were. You also learned
how to graph these functions by considering their horizontal and vertical
asymptotes, as well as their invariant points. In the next lesson, you will
expand on this knowledge to learn how to graph a function y = when
f (x)
you are given the graph of y = f(x) and also how to find the original function
y = f(x) when you are given the graph of y = .
f (x)
Total: 58 marks
1. Solve the following equations using the definition of absolute value.
(4 marks each, for a total of 16 marks)
a) | 3x - 2 | = 4
b) | 2x + 1 | = 13 - 4x
d) | x2 + 2x | = x + 6
c) What are the greatest and lowest acceptable weights for the packages? (1 mark)
b) f(x) = x2 - 16
c) f(x) = x2 + 3x - 28
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
Reciprocal Functions
Using what you learned in Lesson 4, you are now able to graph reciprocal
functions in various ways. If you have any questions about the content in
Lesson 4, make sure you go back and review the material or ask your tutor/
marker for an additional explanation.
Graphing y = When You Are Given the Graph of y = f(x)
Given the graph of y = f(x), it is possible to sketch the graph of y = in
f (x)
two ways.
y = f(x)
3 2 x
To graph the reciprocal of this function using Method 1, you first need to find
the equation of this function. The easiest way to do this is to find the slope
and the y-intercept.
Slope: 2
y-intercept: 4
Using the slope-intercept equation of a line:
y = mx + b
y = 2x + 4
Now that you have the equation of the line, you can now graph the reciprocal
of this function, f ( x ) = , using the method you learned in Lesson 4.
2x + 4
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator equal 0, find the zero, and draw the
dotted vertical asymptote through this zero.
2x + 4 = 0
2x = -4
x = -2
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Invariant points: Set the denominator equal to 1 and -1.
y=1 y = −1
2x + 4 = 1 2 x + 4 = −1
2 x = −3 2 x = −5
3 5
x =− x =−
2 2
3 5
Therefore, the two invariant points are − , 1 and − , −1.
2 2
2 x
x = 2
Example 2
Given the graph of y = f(x) shown in the graph below, sketch the graph of
y= .
f (x)
(1, 1)
1 x
(3, 1)
The y-intercept of f(x) looks like it is so the y-intercept of the reciprocal
function is 2.
The vertical asymptote(s) occur at the x-intercepts of f(x).
This line crosses the x-axis at the point (1, 0). Therefore, in the reciprocal
function, this point is 1, and the y-value is not defined here. Since the
x-intercept of f(x) is 1, the equation of the vertical asymptote of the reciprocal
function would be x = 1.
The invariant points occur when the y-coordinate is 1 or -1. These points are
(-1, 1) and (3, -1).
The horizontal asymptote is y = 0.
y = f(x)
(1, 1)
1 2 x
(3, 1)
Example 3
Given the graph of f(x) shown in the graph below, sketch the graph of
y= .
f (x)
5 2 1 x
f(x) crosses the x-axis at -5 and 1 where the y-values are 0. Therefore, the
equations of the vertical asymptotes of the reciprocal function would be
x = -5 and x = 1.
The invariant points occur when the y-coordinate is 1 or -1. These points are
roughly (1.2, 1), (-5.2, 1), (0.8, -1), and (-4.8, -1).
The horizontal asymptote is y = 0.
The vertex of f(x) is a key point of the parabola and it is at (-2, -9). Its image
for the reciprocal function is also a key point and it is at −2 , − .
Notice that the x-value does not change. The y-value or f(x) value becomes the
Using the y-intercept, the asymptotes, the invariant points, and the key point,
you can graph the reciprocal function.
y x=1
x = 5
2 x
Similarly, the point 1, − for the reciprocal function is the point (1, -4) for
Now that you have the coordinates of the three points, you can sketch the
original function.
(3, 4)
2 x
(1, 4)
3 x
From the graph, you can see that the two vertical asymptotes occur at x = -1
and x = -3. Therefore, the graph of f(x) will have zeros at x = -1 and x = -3. In
other words, the function f(x) will be a quadratic of the form, a(x + 1)(x + 3), or
y = a(x + 1)(x + 3), where a is some value yet to be determined.
The point (-2, -1) is also given on the reciprocal graph. This corresponds to
the same point, (-2, -1), on the graph of f(x), as this is an invariant point. It
has a y-coordinate of negative one. The point (-2, -1) will be the vertex of f(x),
since (-2, -1) is the maximum value in the reciprocal function in the interval
between the asymptotes. y
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Eric has a big crush on a girl sitting 6 desks away from him. If each desk
is 80 cm wide and there are no spaces between them, how far away (in
metres) is Eric sitting from his crush?
2. Simplify: (32)3
3. What is the slope of the line defined by the equation 3y + 2x - 7 = 0?
4. If 36% of 1500 is 540, what is 18% of 1500?
x 2 + 3x − 4
5. State the reciprocal of .
x2 − 2x + 1
6. Express as a power: 16 3
7. (45, -72) is on a line with a slope of . Find another point on this line.
8. Simplify the following fraction:
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Given the graph of y = f(x), sketch the graph of y = . Describe the
f (x)
method you used.
a) y
b) y
4 6 x
4 1 x
5 1
2 4
d) y
4 2 x
2 x
x = 4
b) y
3 5 x
3 x
d) x=1 x=5
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how to graph reciprocal functions when you were
given the graph of a function. You also learned how to graph the original
function when you were given the graph of the reciprocal of a function.
Being able to graph functions and their reciprocals helps you understand
how functions and their reciprocals are related. Make sure you complete the
following assignment as it will prepare you for your final exam. Remember,
Assignment 8.3 is the last assignment in this course!
Total: 20 marks
1. Given the graph of y = f(x), sketch the graph of y = on the same grid. Describe
f (x)
the method you used. (5 marks each, for a total of 10 marks)
a) y
0, 3
2 x
1 3, 5
6 x
It is now time for you to submit Assignments 8.1 to 8.3 to the Distance
Learning Unit so that you can receive some feedback on how you are doing
in this course. Remember that you must submit all the assignments in this
course before you can receive your credit.
Make sure you have completed all parts of your Module 8 assignments and
organize your material in the following order:
q Module 8 Cover Sheet (found at the end of the course Introduction)
q Assignment 81: Absolute Value
q Assignment 8.2: Absolute Value Equations and Graphing Reciprocal
Functions: Part 1
q Assignment 8.3: Reciprocal Functions: Part 2
For instructions on submitting your assignments, refer to How to Submit
Assignments in the course Introduction.
Examination Review
You are now ready to begin preparing for your final examination. Please
review the content, learning activities, and assignments from Modules 1 to 8.
The final practice examination is also an excellent study aid for reviewing
Modules 1 to 8.
You will learn what types of questions will appear on the examination
and what material will be assessed. Remember, your mark on the final
examination determines 25% of your final mark in this course and you will
have 2.5 hours to complete the examination.
Module 8
Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. In the three courses you are taking this semester, you receive final marks
of 72%, 83%, and 91%. What is your average?
2. Find the equation of a line with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of -6.
5 7
3. Evaluate and express as a mixed fraction: +
6 4
4. You have a job at an electronics store. As a bonus for excellent sales this
month, your employer offers you either or 7% of your annual salary.
Which one is the better choice?
5. Evaluate: 26
6. Estimate: 220
3 3 2 + 12
7. Are these fractions equivalent? and
2 −4 18
8. In which quadrant is an angle of 294° located?
1. 82% 72 + 83 + 91 = 246 ; = 82%
2. y = 2x - 6
7 5 7 10 21 31 7
3. 2 + = + = =2
12 6 4 12 12 12 12
1 5 7
4. 7% is the better choice = ; 7% =
20 100 100
6. @14.8 (220 is between 196 and 225; therefore, 220 is between 14 and 15)
3 3 ( 2 + 4) 3 2 + 12
3 2 + 12
7. No = = ≠
2 − 4 ( 2 − 4) ( 2 + 4) −14 18
8. Quadrant IV
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Evaluate.
a) | -13 |
b) | 4 |
c) | 0 |
d) | -(52) |
e) 2| 5 - 3(2) | + 1
f) 3| 4(3 + 2)2 - 42 | - 2
a) | -13 |= -(-13) = 13
b) | 4 | = 4
c) | 0 | = 0
d) | -(52) |= -(-52) = 52
e) 2| 5 - 3(2) | + 1
= 2| 5 - 6 | + 1
= 2| -1 | + 1
= 2[-(-1)] + 1
= 2(1) + 1
a) A and D
The distance between A and D can be represented by the absolute
value expression | -4.5 - 2.75 | and can be calculated as
| -7.25 | = -(-7.25) = 7.25.
b) B and D
The distance between B and D can be represented by the absolute
value expression | -2 - 2.75 | and can be calculated as
| -4.75 | = -(-4.75) = 4.75
c) C and B
The distance between C and B can be represented by the absolute
value expression | 0.25 - (-2) | and can be calculated as
| 0.25 + 2 | = | 2.25 | = 2.25
5 + 2 = 7 units
2 units 5 units
(2, 3) (5, 3)
2 2 4 6 x
4 6 + 5 = 11 units
6 units
3 3 x
5 units
(1, 5)
3 (2, 3)
2 x
d = 13
Since d represents the hypotenuse of a right triangle, its value must be
positive and only the principal square root of 13 is considered.
1 1
− = = 0.25
4 4
= 0.3
−3 = −3
− 3 = −(−3) = 3
2 2
= = 0.2
9 9
3 3
= = 1.5
2 2
= 0.5
− = −2.3
The order from least to greatest is
−3 < −2.3 < 0.2 < 0.25 < 0.3 < 0.5 < 1.5 < 3
7 2 1 1 1 3
−3 < − < < − < < < < −3
3 9 4 3 2 2
7. Consider the expression .
a) What is the value of when x is positive?
Since x > 0, the denominator, | x |, will be positive and the numerator
will be the same value. The expression becomes , which equals 1.
b) What is the value of when x is negative?
When x < 0, the denominator, | x |, will be positive and the numerator
will be negative. Therefore, the expression will be negative and will
equal -1.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. If you get paid $11 an hour and you work 30 hours in a week, how much
will you get paid (before taxes)?
2. If you travel at a speed of 72 km/h for 6 hours, how far will you travel?
3. State the reciprocal of .
4. Calculate 15% of 140.
5. Find the equation of a line with a slope of 3 that crosses through the point
(1, 1).
6. Express in exponential form: ( 5 )( 3 5 )
7. Determine the distance between the following two points: (7, -1) and
(-8, 15)
8. How many feet are in 24 yards?
1. $330 (30 ´ 11)
2. 432 km (72 ´ 6 = 70 ´ 6 + 2 ´ 6 = 420 + 12)
2 2 2 2
7. 481 d = (−8 − 7 ) + (15 − (−1)) = (−15) + (16 ) = 225 + 256
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Sketch each function and state the values of the intercepts.
a) f(x) = | 2x - 1 |
There are two graphs to draw:
f(x) = 2x - 1 when 2x - 1 ³ 0 or x ³
and f(x) = -(2x - 1) when 2x - 1 < 0 or x
The pivot point is the x-intercept. The y-intercept is
f (x) = 2x − 1 f (x) = 2x − 1
0 = 2x − 1 f (0) = 2 (0) − 1
0 = 2x − 1 f (0 ) = − 1
1 f (0) = 1
2 1 2 x
Simplify to get
x + 3 , x ≥ −3
g (x) =
−x − 3 , x < −3
3 2 x
1 1 x
1 1 x
y = −( x 2 − 2 x )+3
y = −( x 2 − 2 x + 1) + 3 − 1 (−1)
y = −( x − 1) + 4
The parabola opens down and is standard size. The vertex is (1, 4).
1 3 x
1 3 x
Note that the middle piece of h(x) shows the portion where the graph
was reflected over the x-axis to get a piece of a parabola opening down
with vertex (0, 1).
Note that the first and last pieces of j(x) indicate the portions of graph
of y = -x2 + 2x + 3 that were reflected over the x-axis by the absolute
value transformation. They are pieces of a parabola that opens up and
has its vertex at (1, -4).
3. The point (2, -5) is on the graph y = f(x). Identify the corresponding point
on the graph y = | f(x) |.
The absolute value transformation can be defined as (x, y) ® (x, | y |).
The absolute value function turns every negative y-value into a positive
y-value. Therefore, the point (2, -5) becomes (2, 5).
6 x
The slope of the line when x is greater than or equal to -6 is .
The y-intercept is 3. The slope of the line when x is less than -6 is - .
If this line were to continue down below the x-axis, the y-intercept
would be -3. Therefore, the piece-wise function for this graph is
− x − 3 , x < −6
y =
x + 3 , x ≥ −6
b) y
2 2 x
c) y
(1, 4) 5
5 3 x
(1, 4)
This graph represents the absolute of a quadratic function whose
vertex was originally at (-1, -4), opening up and y-value reduced
by a factor of 4. The pieces of the domain are determined by the
x-intercepts. Thus, the piece-wise definition is
1 2
( x + 1) − 4 , x ≤ −5
1 2
f ( x ) = − ( x + 1) − 4 , − 5 < x < 3
1 ( x + 1)2 − 4 , x ≥ 3
Note that you might have seen this graph as a parabola opening down
with its original vertex at (-1, 4). This possibility is shown in the
next solution. Either interpretation will give the same absolute value
d) y
2 4 x
This graph could be the absolute value transformation of a quadratic
function with vertex at (2, 2), opening down, and having the y-values
reduced by a factor of 2. The original quadratic function would
be y = ( x − 2 )2 + 2. The tails of the parabola were reflected
over the x-axis at pivot points x = 0 and x = 4 by the absolute value
transformation. The piece-wise absolute value function is
− ( x − 2 )2 + 2 , x < 0
1 2
f ( x ) = − ( x − 2 ) + 2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 4
− ( x − 2 )2 + 2 , x > 4
y y
y = |4x + 3| y = |4x 3|
2 2
2 2 x 2 3 2 x
2 2
y = 4x + 3
y = 4x 3
These two absolute value graphs are identical. This is because the
expression inside the absolute value symbols can either be positive or
negative to yield the same answer. Therefore, | -4x + 3 | = | 4x - 3 |.
5 (3, 4)
1 5 x
(3, 4)
Another absolute value function having the same graph as f(x) would be
the absolute value of the negative of the original quadratic y = x2 - 6x + 5.
This function would be
g(x) = | -(x2 - 6x + 5) |
g(x) = | -x2 + 6x - 5 |
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. You take your best friend out for dinner at a restaurant and the bill comes
to $67.32. If you tip the waiter 15%, how much change will you get back if
you pay with a $100 bill?
2. Find the equation of a line with a slope of -1 that crosses through the
point (5, 2).
3. Evaluate: 34
2 6
4. Evaluate: +
13 7
5. If Jacob can read an average of 98 pages a day, how many pages can he
read in a week?
6. Express as a radical: 8 4 . Do not simplify.
7. Three angles in a parallelogram measure 30°, 93°, and 72°. What is the
measure of the fourth angle?
8. The equation of a parabola is y = x2 + 2x - 15. What are the x-intercepts?
1. $22.58 ($67.32 ´ 10% = $6.73; $67.32 ´ 5% = $3.37; the bill will total
$67.32 + $6.73 + $3.37 = $77.42; $100 - $77.42 = $22.58)
2. y = -x + 7 (y = mx + b; 2 = -1(5) + b; 2 = -5 + b; 7 = b)
3. 81 (3 ´ 3 ´ 3 ´ 3 = 9 ´ 9)
92 14 78
4. +
91 91 91
7. 165° (The sum of the angles in a parallelogram is 360°. The missing angle
is 360° - 30° - 93° - 72° = 165°.)
8. -5 and 3 (Factor the corresponding quadratic equation: 0 = x2 + 2x - 15 =
(x + 5)(x - 3).
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Solve the following equations using the definition of absolute value.
a) | 2x - 3 | = 7
Case 1: 2x − 3 = 7 and 2x − 3 ≥ 0
2x − 3 = 7 2x − 3 ≥ 0
2 x = 10 2x ≥ 3
x=5 3
Since x = 5 is in the interval x ³ , then x = 5 is a solution.
Case 2: −( 2 x − 3) = 7 and 2x − 3 < 0
−2 x + 3 = 7 2x − 3 < 0
−2 x = 4 2x < 3
x = −2 3
Since x = -2 is in the interval x , then x = -2 is a solution.
\ The solutions are x = 5 and x = -2.
c) | x2 - 4x | = 4
Case 1: x 2 − 4x = 4 and x 2 − 4x ≥ 0
x 2 − 4x − 4 = 0 x (x − 4) ≥ 0
Using the quadratic formula: x = 0, 4
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac + +
x= , then
4 x
x = 4.828 or Solution interval:
−x 2 + 4 x = 4
+ +
2 x
−x + 4 x − 4 = 0 0 4
Factoring: (x – 2)(x – 2) = 0
Since x = 2 is in the interval (0, 4), then x = 2 is also a solution.
\ The solutions are x = 4.828, x = -0.828, and x = 2.
d) | x2 + 2x | = x + 30
Case 1: x 2 + 2 x = x + 30 and x2 + 2x ≥ 0
x 2 + x − 30 = 0 x (x + 2) ≥ 0
( x + 6 ) ( x − 5) = 0 x = 0, −2
x = −6 , 5 + +
2 0 x
−x 2 − 2 x = x + 30
−x 2 − 3x − 30 = 0
x 2 + 3x + 30 = 0
discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= 32 - 4(1)(30)
= -111
There are no real number solutions.
\ The only solutions are x = -6, 5.
3 y = |2x 3|
2 2 4 x
The two points of intersection are (-2, 7) and (5, 7). The x-coordinates
of these points are x = -2 and x = 5.
Therefore, as in Question 1(a), the solutions to this absolute value
equation are x = -2 and x = 5.
6 8 x
y = |x2 4x| 8
y=4 (2, 4)
(0.828, 4) (4.828, 4)
2 4 x
To find the x-values for the two outside points, solve (x2 - 4x) = 4 using
the quadratic formula x2 - 4x - 4 = 0 Þ x = 4.828 or x = -0.828.
The x-values at which these two functions intersect are x = -0.828,
x = 2, and x = 4.828 and are thus the solutions to this absolute value
equation, as shown algebraically in Question 1(c).
y = x + 30
10 y = |x2 + 2x|
6 2 5 x
x = 0 ,− 6 x =−
c) x 2 − 2 x =1 d) x 2 − 2 x − 16 = 8
x = 1 , 1+ 2, 1− 2 x = −4 , − 2 , 4 , 6
e) 3x − 9 = 24
x = − 5 , 11
Case 1: x + 3 = 3 x+3³0
x = 0 x ³ -3
Case 2: -(x + 3) = 3 x+3<0
-x - 3 = 3 x < -3
-x = 6
x = -6
Solutions are x = 0 and x = -6.
b) 2x + 7 = 0
2x + 7 = 0
2 x = −7
2 ± 4 − 4 (1) (−1) x = 0, 2
2 ( 1)
+ +
2± 8 0 2 x
Solution: (-¥, 0] È [2, ¥)
2±2 2
x = 1± 2
x = 1 + 2 ≈ 2.4
x = 1 − 2 ≈ −0.4
−x 2 + 2 x = 1 x (x − 2) < 0
x = 0, 2
−x 2 + 2 x − 1 = 0
x2 − 2x + 1 = 0 x
0 2
( x − 1) = 0 Solution: (0, 2)
Since x = 1 is in the interval (0, 2), it is a solution.
\ The solutions are 1, 1 + 2 , and 1 − 2 .
x 2 − 2 x − 24 = 0 2 ± 4 − 4 (1) (−16 )
(x − 6) (x + 4) = 0 2 ( 1)
x = 6, −4 2 ± 68
2 ± 2 17
x = 1 ± 17
x ≈ 5.1 or − 3.1
+ +
3.1 5.1 x
Approximate solution:
(-¥, -3.1] È [5.1, ¥)
Since x = 6 and x = -4 are in the intervals, they are solutions.
−x 2 + 2 x + 16 = 8 Approximate solution:
(−3.1, 5.1)
−x 2 + 2 x + 8 = 0
x2 − 2x − 8 = 0
(x − 4) (x + 2 ) = 0
x = 4,, −2
5. Armani and Jennifer are both trying to solve the absolute value equation
| x - 3 | = 2x + 1. Armani’s and Jennifer’s work is shown below.
Armani’s work:
Case 1: x − 3 = 2 x + 1 Case 2: −x + 3 = 2 x + 1
x + 3 = 2x + 1 2 = 3x
2=x 2
Jennifer’s work:
Case 1: x − 3 = 2 x + 1 Case 2: −x + 3 = 2 x + 1
x − 3 = 2x + 1 2 = 3x
−4 = x 2
a) Explain whose answer is incorrect.
Armani’s second equation is correct as she took the negative of the
entire expression inside the absolute value symbols. However, the first
equation is incorrect. An absolute value equation has possible solutions
in two cases, when the expression inside the symbols is positive and
when the expression inside the symbols is negative. However, Armani
thought that you had to change all the signs to positive inside the
absolute value brackets. This is incorrect. Also, she didn’t write the
interval restrictions for each case.
b) Explain how a person could have discovered that his or her work was
Armani and Jennifer could have discovered their work was incorrect
by checking their answers.
Verifying the solutions of x = 2 , , and − 4.
| x - 3 | = 2x + 1
Verify x = 2.
|x - 3| 2x + 1
|2 - 3| 2(2) + 1
1 5
x = 2 is not a solution.
x-3 2x + 1
2 2
-3 2 + 1
3 3
1 4
-2 +1
3 3
1 2
2 3
Verify x = -4.
|x - 3| 2x + 1
| -4 - 3 | 2(–4) + 1
7 -7
x = -4 is not a solution.
The only solution of the three is x = . By using the domain interval
restrictions, extraneous roots can be rejected. By verifying your
answers, your calculations may be corrected.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. One-third of students in a class of 108 students have never failed a test.
How many students have never failed a test?
2. There is a 50% discount on decorations after Halloween. If it costs you
$52.44 to buy Halloween decorations before Halloween, how much will it
cost you to buy those same decorations the day after Halloween?
3. Find the x-intercepts of the following parabola: y = x2 + 6x + 8
1 2
4. Evaluate: +
4 7
( x + 3) ( x − 4 )
5. State the reciprocal of .
( x + 4 ) ( x − 1)
6. Express as a power: 12 7
7. In which quadrant is an angle of 145° in standard position located?
8. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation -5x = 2y + 9.
1. 36 (One-third of 99 = 33; one-third of 9 = 3; one-third of 108 = 33 + 3 = 36)
2. $26.22 ($52 ¸ 2 = $26 and 0.44 ¸ 2 = 0.22)
3. -2 and -4 ((x + 2)(x + 4) = 0)
15 7 8
4. +
28 28 28
( x + 4 ) ( x − 1)
( x + 3) ( x − 4 )
6. 12 2
7. Quadrant II
5 5 9
8. − 2 y = −5x − 9 ; y = − x −
2 2 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Write the reciprocal of each function.
a) y = x - 1
f (x) =
b) y = -3x + 6
f (x) =
−3x + 6
c) y = x2 + 4x - 2
f (x) = 2
x + 4x − 2
d) y = x2 - 9
f (x) = 2
x −9
ii) y = 1
2x + 5
iii) The non-permissible value is x = − .
iv) The equation of the vertical asymptote is x = − .
b) f(x) = x2 - 9
i) 0 = x2 - 9
0 = (x - 3)(x + 3)
x = 3 or -3
ii) y = 2
x −9
iii) The non-permissible values are x = 3 and x = -3.
iv) The equations of the vertical asymptotes are x = 3 and x = -3.
c) f(x) = x2 + 4x + 3
i) 0 = x2 + 4x + 3
0 = (x + 3)(x + 1)
x = -3 or -1
ii) y = 2
x + 4x + 3
iii) The non-permissible values are x = -3 and x = -1.
iv) The equations of the vertical asymptotes are x = -3 and x = -1.
2 x 3 x
2 2
3 x = 3 x=2
iii) y iv) y
x = 1 x=3
1 5 x x
2 1
5 x 2 2 x
vii) y
2 4 x
a) (ii) Since y = (x + 3)(x - 2), the vertical
asymptotes are at x = -3 and x = 2.
b) (vi) Since y = -2, the reciprocal is a constant, y = − .
c) (iii) Since y = x - 5, the vertical asymptote is at x = 5.
d) (iv) Since y = (x - 3)(x + 1), the vertical asymptotes are at x = 3 and
x = -1.
e) (vii) Since y = (x - 3)(x - 3), only one vertical asymptote at x = 3.
f) (i) Since y = 3x + 7, the vertical asymptote is at x = − .
g) (v) Since y = x2 - 5x + 7 has a discriminate of b2 - 4ac = (-5)2 - 4(1)(7)
= -3, which is negative, then the parabola has no zeros so its reciprocal
will have no vertical asymptotes.
a) f ( x ) =
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = =
0+3 3
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator, x + 3, equal 0, find the zero,
and draw the dotted vertical line through that zero.
x = -3
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Invariant points: Set the denominator equal to 1 and -1.
y = 1 y = -1
x+3=1 x + 3 = -1
x = -2 x = -4
Therefore, the two invariant points are (-2, 1), and (-4, -1).
4 2 x
x = 3
b) f ( x ) =
2x + 8
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = =
2 (0) + 8 8
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator, 2x + 8, equal 0, find the zero,
and draw the dotted vertical line through that zero.
2x + 8 = 0
2x = -8
x = -4
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Draw the curve: Plot the invariant points and the y-intercept. Draw the
asymptotes and draw the curves.
x = 4
2 2 x
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac b 2 − 4 ac = 1 − 4 (1) (−1)
2a =5
−1 ± 12 − 4 (1) (−3) −1 ± 5
x= x=
2 2
−1 ± 12 + 12 −1 + 5
x= x= = 0.6
2 2
−1 + 13 −1 − 5
x= = 1.3 x= = −1.6
2 2
−1 − 13
x= = −2.3
Therefore, the four invariant points are (1.3, 1), (-2.3, 1), (0.6, -1), and
(-1.6, -1).
Draw the curve: Plot the invariant points and the y-intercept. Draw the
asymptotes and draw the curves.
2 x
x = 2 x=1
d) f ( x ) = 2
x − 2x − 8
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = =−
−8 8
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator equal 0, find the zeros, and
draw the dotted vertical asymptotes through those zeros.
x2 - 2x - 8 = 0
(x - 4)(x + 2) = 0
x = 4, x = -2
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Vertex of the parabola:
y = x2 − 2x − 8
y = ( x 2 − 2 x + 1) − 8 − 1
y = ( x − 1) − 9
6 x
x = 2 x=4
e) f ( x ) = 2
x + 8x + 16
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = 2
0 + 8 (0 ) + 16 16
5 3 x
x = 4
f) f ( x ) = 2
x − 2x + 6
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = 2
0 − 2 (0) + 6 6
x y = x2 - 2x + 6 y= 2
x − 2x + 6
0 6
1 5
2 6
Plot the points of the reciprocal function and draw the curve smoothly
toward the horizontal asymptote as x goes to infinity to the left and
f(x) =
x2 2x + 6
1, 5 1
2, 6
2 1 1 2 x
There is no x-intercept.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Eric has a big crush on a girl sitting 6 desks away from him. If each desk
is 80 cm wide and there are no spaces between them, how far away (in
metres) is Eric sitting from his crush?
2. Simplify: (32)3
3. What is the slope of the line defined by the equation 3y + 2x - 7 = 0?
4. If 36% of 1500 is 540, what is 18% of 1500?
x 2 + 3x − 4
5. State the reciprocal of. 2 .
x − 2x + 1
6. Express as a power: 16 3
7. (45, -72) is on a line with a slope of . Find another point on this line.
8. Simplify the following fraction:
1. 4.8 m (6 ´ 80 = 480 cm = 4.8 m)
2. 36 = 729 (9 ´ 9 ´ 9 = 81 ´ 9; 80 ´ 9 = 720 + 1 ´ 9 = 9)
2 2 7
3. − 3 y = −2 x + 7 ; y = − x +
3 3 3
4. 270
5. x − 2 x + 1
x 2 + 3x − 4
3 3
6. 16
16 = 16 3 = 16
7. (62, -52) (45 + 17, -72 + 20)
6 252 126 42 6
8. = = =
11 462 231 77 11
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Given the graph of y = f(x), sketch the graph of y = . Describe the
f (x)
method you used.
a) y
From the graph, you can see y
that the x-intercept is 3.
Therefore, the vertical
asymptote in the reciprocal
function will be x = 3. Also, the
two invariant points of this
function will be (4, 1) and
(2, -1), as these are the points 4 x
at which the y-coordinate is 1
either 1 or -1.
The horizontal asymptote is
y = 0.
Using this information, you can
graph the reciprocal function.
4 6 x
From the graph, you can see that the x-intercept is 4. Therefore, the
vertical asymptote in the reciprocal function will be x = 4. Also, the
two invariant points of this function will be (6, 1) and (2, -1), as these
are the
points at which the y-coordinate is either 1 or -1.
The horizontal asymptote is y = 0.
Using this information, you can graph the reciprocal function.
2 6 x
4 1 x
5 1
2 4
From the graph, you can see that the x-intercepts are -2 and -3.
Therefore, the vertical asymptotes in the reciprocal function will have
equations of x = -2 and x = -3.
The invariant points on the function are approximately at (-1.4, 1) and
(-3.6, 1).
5 1
The key point of the parabola is at the vertex at − , − .
2 4
The corresponding point on the reciprocal function is − , − 4 .
1 x
4 2 x
From the graph, you can see that the x-intercepts are 2 and -4.
Therefore, the vertical asymptotes in the reciprocal function will have
equations of x = 2 and x = -4.
The vertex of the parabola is at (-1, -9). The corresponding point on
the reciprocal function is −1, − .
The invariant points are approximately at (-4.21, 1), (2.2, 1) and
(-3.8, -1), (1.8, -1).
Using this information, you can graph the reciprocal function.
x = 4 x=2
2 x
x = 4
The vertical asymptote of this reciprocal graph is at x = -4. Therefore,
there will be an x-intercept on f(x) as (-4, 0).
There are also two points given: (-3, 1) and (-5, -1). These are
invariant points and therefore they stay the same on the graph of f(x).
Using these three pieces of information, it is possible to graph f(x).
4 x
3 5 x
The vertical asymptote of this reciprocal graph is at x = 4. Therefore,
there will be an x-intercept on f(x) as (4, 0).
There are also two points given: (5, 2) and (3, -2). The points on the
1 1
reciprocal of the function are 5 , and 3 , − . Using these three
2 2
pieces of information, it is possible to graph f(x).
4 6 x
3 x
The vertical asymptotes of this reciprocal graph occur at x = -1 and
x = -2 and are thus the x-intercepts in the graph of f(x). In other words,
f(x) has the form of a(x + 1)(x + 2).
The one given point is − , − 4 . The corresponding point on the
3 1
reciprocal of the function is − , − and it will be the vertex of the
2 4
The invariant points are approximately at (-2.6, 1) and (-0.4, 1).
3 1 1 x
The vertical asymptotes of this graph occur at x = 1 and x = 5 and are
thus the x-intercepts in the graph of f(x). In other words, f(x) is of the
form a(x - 1)(x - 5) or f(x) = a(x - 1)(x - 5).
The key point is 3 , − . The corresponding point on f(x) is (3, -4).
It is the vertex of the parabola.
Reading from the graph, the invariant points are approximately at
(0.8, 1), (5.2, 1) and (1.3, -1), (4.7, -1).
1 5 x
(3, 4)
2 T
c) Using the graph as well as the formula in (a), determine the period of a
pendulum when the frequency is 2.1 cycles per second.
Using the graph, the period of a pendulum with a frequency of
2.1 cycles per second is approximately 0.4 s.
Using the formula in (a): f =
2.1 =
T = 0.4762 seconds
Module 8
Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. In the three courses you are taking this semester, you receive final marks
of 72%, 83%, and 91%. What is your average?
2. Find the equation of a line with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of -6.
5 7
3. Evaluate and express as a mixed fraction: +
6 4
4. You have a job at an electronics store. As a bonus for excellent sales this
month, your employer offers you either or 7% of your annual salary.
Which one is the better choice?
5. Evaluate: 26
6. Estimate: 220
3 3 2 + 12
7. Are these fractions equivalent? and
2 −4 18
8. In which quadrant is an angle of 294° located?
1. 82% 72 + 83 + 91 = 246 ; = 82%
2. y = 2x - 6
7 5 7 10 21 31 7
3. 2 + = + = =2
12 6 4 12 12 12 12
1 5 7
4. 7% is the better choice = ; 7% =
20 100 100
6. @14.8 (220 is between 196 and 225; therefore, 220 is between 14 and 15)
3 3 ( 2 + 4) 3 2 + 12
3 2 + 12
7. No = = ≠
2 − 4 ( 2 − 4) ( 2 + 4) −14 18
8. Quadrant IV
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Evaluate.
a) | -13 |
b) | 4 |
c) | 0 |
d) | -(52) |
e) 2| 5 - 3(2) | + 1
f) 3| 4(3 + 2)2 - 42 | - 2
a) | -13 |= -(-13) = 13
b) | 4 | = 4
c) | 0 | = 0
d) | -(52) |= -(-52) = 52
e) 2| 5 - 3(2) | + 1
= 2| 5 - 6 | + 1
= 2| -1 | + 1
= 2[-(-1)] + 1
= 2(1) + 1
a) A and D
The distance between A and D can be represented by the absolute
value expression | -4.5 - 2.75 | and can be calculated as
| -7.25 | = -(-7.25) = 7.25.
b) B and D
The distance between B and D can be represented by the absolute
value expression | -2 - 2.75 | and can be calculated as
| -4.75 | = -(-4.75) = 4.75
c) C and B
The distance between C and B can be represented by the absolute
value expression | 0.25 - (-2) | and can be calculated as
| 0.25 + 2 | = | 2.25 | = 2.25
5 + 2 = 7 units
2 units 5 units
(2, 3) (5, 3)
2 2 4 6 x
4 6 + 5 = 11 units
6 units
3 3 x
5 units
(1, 5)
3 (2, 3)
2 x
d = 13
Since d represents the hypotenuse of a right triangle, its value must be
positive and only the principal square root of 13 is considered.
1 1
− = = 0.25
4 4
= 0.3
−3 = −3
− 3 = −(−3) = 3
2 2
= = 0.2
9 9
3 3
= = 1.5
2 2
= 0.5
− = −2.3
The order from least to greatest is
−3 < −2.3 < 0.2 < 0.25 < 0.3 < 0.5 < 1.5 < 3
7 2 1 1 1 3
−3 < − < < − < < < < −3
3 9 4 3 2 2
7. Consider the expression .
a) What is the value of when x is positive?
Since x > 0, the denominator, | x |, will be positive and the numerator
will be the same value. The expression becomes , which equals 1.
b) What is the value of when x is negative?
When x < 0, the denominator, | x |, will be positive and the numerator
will be negative. Therefore, the expression will be negative and will
equal -1.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. If you get paid $11 an hour and you work 30 hours in a week, how much
will you get paid (before taxes)?
2. If you travel at a speed of 72 km/h for 6 hours, how far will you travel?
3. State the reciprocal of .
4. Calculate 15% of 140.
5. Find the equation of a line with a slope of 3 that crosses through the point
(1, 1).
6. Express in exponential form: ( 5 )( 3 5 )
7. Determine the distance between the following two points: (7, -1) and
(-8, 15)
8. How many feet are in 24 yards?
1. $330 (30 ´ 11)
2. 432 km (72 ´ 6 = 70 ´ 6 + 2 ´ 6 = 420 + 12)
2 2 2 2
7. 481 d = (−8 − 7 ) + (15 − (−1)) = (−15) + (16 ) = 225 + 256
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Sketch each function and state the values of the intercepts.
a) f(x) = | 2x - 1 |
There are two graphs to draw:
f(x) = 2x - 1 when 2x - 1 ³ 0 or x ³
and f(x) = -(2x - 1) when 2x - 1 < 0 or x
The pivot point is the x-intercept. The y-intercept is
f (x) = 2x − 1 f (x) = 2x − 1
0 = 2x − 1 f (0) = 2 (0) − 1
0 = 2x − 1 f (0 ) = − 1
1 f (0) = 1
2 1 2 x
Simplify to get
x + 3 , x ≥ −3
g (x) =
−x − 3 , x < −3
3 2 x
1 1 x
1 1 x
y = −( x 2 − 2 x )+3
y = −( x 2 − 2 x + 1) + 3 − 1 (−1)
y = −( x − 1) + 4
The parabola opens down and is standard size. The vertex is (1, 4).
1 3 x
1 3 x
Note that the middle piece of h(x) shows the portion where the graph
was reflected over the x-axis to get a piece of a parabola opening down
with vertex (0, 1).
Note that the first and last pieces of j(x) indicate the portions of graph
of y = -x2 + 2x + 3 that were reflected over the x-axis by the absolute
value transformation. They are pieces of a parabola that opens up and
has its vertex at (1, -4).
3. The point (2, -5) is on the graph y = f(x). Identify the corresponding point
on the graph y = | f(x) |.
The absolute value transformation can be defined as (x, y) ® (x, | y |).
The absolute value function turns every negative y-value into a positive
y-value. Therefore, the point (2, -5) becomes (2, 5).
6 x
The slope of the line when x is greater than or equal to -6 is .
The y-intercept is 3. The slope of the line when x is less than -6 is - .
If this line were to continue down below the x-axis, the y-intercept
would be -3. Therefore, the piece-wise function for this graph is
− x − 3 , x < −6
y =
x + 3 , x ≥ −6
b) y
2 2 x
c) y
(1, 4) 5
5 3 x
(1, 4)
This graph represents the absolute of a quadratic function whose
vertex was originally at (-1, -4), opening up and y-value reduced
by a factor of 4. The pieces of the domain are determined by the
x-intercepts. Thus, the piece-wise definition is
1 2
( x + 1) − 4 , x ≤ −5
1 2
f ( x ) = − ( x + 1) − 4 , − 5 < x < 3
1 ( x + 1)2 − 4 , x ≥ 3
Note that you might have seen this graph as a parabola opening down
with its original vertex at (-1, 4). This possibility is shown in the
next solution. Either interpretation will give the same absolute value
d) y
2 4 x
This graph could be the absolute value transformation of a quadratic
function with vertex at (2, 2), opening down, and having the y-values
reduced by a factor of 2. The original quadratic function would
be y = ( x − 2 )2 + 2. The tails of the parabola were reflected
over the x-axis at pivot points x = 0 and x = 4 by the absolute value
transformation. The piece-wise absolute value function is
− ( x − 2 )2 + 2 , x < 0
1 2
f ( x ) = − ( x − 2 ) + 2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 4
− ( x − 2 )2 + 2 , x > 4
y y
y = |4x + 3| y = |4x 3|
2 2
2 2 x 2 3 2 x
2 2
y = 4x + 3
y = 4x 3
These two absolute value graphs are identical. This is because the
expression inside the absolute value symbols can either be positive or
negative to yield the same answer. Therefore, | -4x + 3 | = | 4x - 3 |.
5 (3, 4)
1 5 x
(3, 4)
Another absolute value function having the same graph as f(x) would be
the absolute value of the negative of the original quadratic y = x2 - 6x + 5.
This function would be
g(x) = | -(x2 - 6x + 5) |
g(x) = | -x2 + 6x - 5 |
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. You take your best friend out for dinner at a restaurant and the bill comes
to $67.32. If you tip the waiter 15%, how much change will you get back if
you pay with a $100 bill?
2. Find the equation of a line with a slope of -1 that crosses through the
point (5, 2).
3. Evaluate: 34
2 6
4. Evaluate: +
13 7
5. If Jacob can read an average of 98 pages a day, how many pages can he
read in a week?
6. Express as a radical: 8 4 . Do not simplify.
7. Three angles in a parallelogram measure 30°, 93°, and 72°. What is the
measure of the fourth angle?
8. The equation of a parabola is y = x2 + 2x - 15. What are the x-intercepts?
1. $22.58 ($67.32 ´ 10% = $6.73; $67.32 ´ 5% = $3.37; the bill will total
$67.32 + $6.73 + $3.37 = $77.42; $100 - $77.42 = $22.58)
2. y = -x + 7 (y = mx + b; 2 = -1(5) + b; 2 = -5 + b; 7 = b)
3. 81 (3 ´ 3 ´ 3 ´ 3 = 9 ´ 9)
92 14 78
4. +
91 91 91
7. 165° (The sum of the angles in a parallelogram is 360°. The missing angle
is 360° - 30° - 93° - 72° = 165°.)
8. -5 and 3 (Factor the corresponding quadratic equation: 0 = x2 + 2x - 15 =
(x + 5)(x - 3).
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Solve the following equations using the definition of absolute value.
a) | 2x - 3 | = 7
Case 1: 2x − 3 = 7 and 2x − 3 ≥ 0
2x − 3 = 7 2x − 3 ≥ 0
2 x = 10 2x ≥ 3
x=5 3
Since x = 5 is in the interval x ³ , then x = 5 is a solution.
Case 2: −( 2 x − 3) = 7 and 2x − 3 < 0
−2 x + 3 = 7 2x − 3 < 0
−2 x = 4 2x < 3
x = −2 3
Since x = -2 is in the interval x , then x = -2 is a solution.
\ The solutions are x = 5 and x = -2.
c) | x2 - 4x | = 4
Case 1: x 2 − 4x = 4 and x 2 − 4x ≥ 0
x 2 − 4x − 4 = 0 x (x − 4) ≥ 0
Using the quadratic formula: x = 0, 4
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac + +
x= , then
4 x
x = 4.828 or Solution interval:
−x 2 + 4 x = 4
+ +
2 x
−x + 4 x − 4 = 0 0 4
Factoring: (x – 2)(x – 2) = 0
Since x = 2 is in the interval (0, 4), then x = 2 is also a solution.
\ The solutions are x = 4.828, x = -0.828, and x = 2.
d) | x2 + 2x | = x + 30
Case 1: x 2 + 2 x = x + 30 and x2 + 2x ≥ 0
x 2 + x − 30 = 0 x (x + 2) ≥ 0
( x + 6 ) ( x − 5) = 0 x = 0, −2
x = −6 , 5 + +
2 0 x
−x 2 − 2 x = x + 30
−x 2 − 3x − 30 = 0
x 2 + 3x + 30 = 0
discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= 32 - 4(1)(30)
= -111
There are no real number solutions.
\ The only solutions are x = -6, 5.
3 y = |2x 3|
2 2 4 x
The two points of intersection are (-2, 7) and (5, 7). The x-coordinates
of these points are x = -2 and x = 5.
Therefore, as in Question 1(a), the solutions to this absolute value
equation are x = -2 and x = 5.
6 8 x
y = |x2 4x| 8
y=4 (2, 4)
(0.828, 4) (4.828, 4)
2 4 x
To find the x-values for the two outside points, solve (x2 - 4x) = 4 using
the quadratic formula x2 - 4x - 4 = 0 Þ x = 4.828 or x = -0.828.
The x-values at which these two functions intersect are x = -0.828,
x = 2, and x = 4.828 and are thus the solutions to this absolute value
equation, as shown algebraically in Question 1(c).
y = x + 30
10 y = |x2 + 2x|
6 2 5 x
x = 0 ,− 6 x =−
c) x 2 − 2 x =1 d) x 2 − 2 x − 16 = 8
x = 1 , 1+ 2, 1− 2 x = −4 , − 2 , 4 , 6
e) 3x − 9 = 24
x = − 5 , 11
Case 1: x + 3 = 3 x+3³0
x = 0 x ³ -3
Case 2: -(x + 3) = 3 x+3<0
-x - 3 = 3 x < -3
-x = 6
x = -6
Solutions are x = 0 and x = -6.
b) 2x + 7 = 0
2x + 7 = 0
2 x = −7
2 ± 4 − 4 (1) (−1) x = 0, 2
2 ( 1)
+ +
2± 8 0 2 x
Solution: (-¥, 0] È [2, ¥)
2±2 2
x = 1± 2
x = 1 + 2 ≈ 2.4
x = 1 − 2 ≈ −0.4
−x 2 + 2 x = 1 x (x − 2) < 0
x = 0, 2
−x 2 + 2 x − 1 = 0
x2 − 2x + 1 = 0 x
0 2
( x − 1) = 0 Solution: (0, 2)
Since x = 1 is in the interval (0, 2), it is a solution.
\ The solutions are 1, 1 + 2 , and 1 − 2 .
x 2 − 2 x − 24 = 0 2 ± 4 − 4 (1) (−16 )
(x − 6) (x + 4) = 0 2 ( 1)
x = 6, −4 2 ± 68
2 ± 2 17
x = 1 ± 17
x ≈ 5.1 or − 3.1
+ +
3.1 5.1 x
Approximate solution:
(-¥, -3.1] È [5.1, ¥)
Since x = 6 and x = -4 are in the intervals, they are solutions.
−x 2 + 2 x + 16 = 8 Approximate solution:
(−3.1, 5.1)
−x 2 + 2 x + 8 = 0
x2 − 2x − 8 = 0
(x − 4) (x + 2 ) = 0
x = 4,, −2
5. Armani and Jennifer are both trying to solve the absolute value equation
| x - 3 | = 2x + 1. Armani’s and Jennifer’s work is shown below.
Armani’s work:
Case 1: x − 3 = 2 x + 1 Case 2: −x + 3 = 2 x + 1
x + 3 = 2x + 1 2 = 3x
2=x 2
Jennifer’s work:
Case 1: x − 3 = 2 x + 1 Case 2: −x + 3 = 2 x + 1
x − 3 = 2x + 1 2 = 3x
−4 = x 2
a) Explain whose answer is incorrect.
Armani’s second equation is correct as she took the negative of the
entire expression inside the absolute value symbols. However, the first
equation is incorrect. An absolute value equation has possible solutions
in two cases, when the expression inside the symbols is positive and
when the expression inside the symbols is negative. However, Armani
thought that you had to change all the signs to positive inside the
absolute value brackets. This is incorrect. Also, she didn’t write the
interval restrictions for each case.
b) Explain how a person could have discovered that his or her work was
Armani and Jennifer could have discovered their work was incorrect
by checking their answers.
Verifying the solutions of x = 2 , , and − 4.
| x - 3 | = 2x + 1
Verify x = 2.
|x - 3| 2x + 1
|2 - 3| 2(2) + 1
1 5
x = 2 is not a solution.
x-3 2x + 1
2 2
-3 2 + 1
3 3
1 4
-2 +1
3 3
1 2
2 3
Verify x = -4.
|x - 3| 2x + 1
| -4 - 3 | 2(–4) + 1
7 -7
x = -4 is not a solution.
The only solution of the three is x = . By using the domain interval
restrictions, extraneous roots can be rejected. By verifying your
answers, your calculations may be corrected.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. One-third of students in a class of 108 students have never failed a test.
How many students have never failed a test?
2. There is a 50% discount on decorations after Halloween. If it costs you
$52.44 to buy Halloween decorations before Halloween, how much will it
cost you to buy those same decorations the day after Halloween?
3. Find the x-intercepts of the following parabola: y = x2 + 6x + 8
1 2
4. Evaluate: +
4 7
( x + 3) ( x − 4 )
5. State the reciprocal of .
( x + 4 ) ( x − 1)
6. Express as a power: 12 7
7. In which quadrant is an angle of 145° in standard position located?
8. Find the slope of the line defined by the equation -5x = 2y + 9.
1. 36 (One-third of 99 = 33; one-third of 9 = 3; one-third of 108 = 33 + 3 = 36)
2. $26.22 ($52 ¸ 2 = $26 and 0.44 ¸ 2 = 0.22)
3. -2 and -4 ((x + 2)(x + 4) = 0)
15 7 8
4. +
28 28 28
( x + 4 ) ( x − 1)
( x + 3) ( x − 4 )
6. 12 2
7. Quadrant II
5 5 9
8. − 2 y = −5x − 9 ; y = − x −
2 2 2
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Write the reciprocal of each function.
a) y = x - 1
f (x) =
b) y = -3x + 6
f (x) =
−3x + 6
c) y = x2 + 4x - 2
f (x) = 2
x + 4x − 2
d) y = x2 - 9
f (x) = 2
x −9
ii) y = 1
2x + 5
iii) The non-permissible value is x = − .
iv) The equation of the vertical asymptote is x = − .
b) f(x) = x2 - 9
i) 0 = x2 - 9
0 = (x - 3)(x + 3)
x = 3 or -3
ii) y = 2
x −9
iii) The non-permissible values are x = 3 and x = -3.
iv) The equations of the vertical asymptotes are x = 3 and x = -3.
c) f(x) = x2 + 4x + 3
i) 0 = x2 + 4x + 3
0 = (x + 3)(x + 1)
x = -3 or -1
ii) y = 2
x + 4x + 3
iii) The non-permissible values are x = -3 and x = -1.
iv) The equations of the vertical asymptotes are x = -3 and x = -1.
2 x 3 x
2 2
3 x = 3 x=2
iii) y iv) y
x = 1 x=3
1 5 x x
2 1
5 x 2 2 x
vii) y
2 4 x
a) (ii) Since y = (x + 3)(x - 2), the vertical
asymptotes are at x = -3 and x = 2.
b) (vi) Since y = -2, the reciprocal is a constant, y = − .
c) (iii) Since y = x - 5, the vertical asymptote is at x = 5.
d) (iv) Since y = (x - 3)(x + 1), the vertical asymptotes are at x = 3 and
x = -1.
e) (vii) Since y = (x - 3)(x - 3), only one vertical asymptote at x = 3.
f) (i) Since y = 3x + 7, the vertical asymptote is at x = − .
g) (v) Since y = x2 - 5x + 7 has a discriminate of b2 - 4ac = (-5)2 - 4(1)(7)
= -3, which is negative, then the parabola has no zeros so its reciprocal
will have no vertical asymptotes.
a) f ( x ) =
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = =
0+3 3
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator, x + 3, equal 0, find the zero,
and draw the dotted vertical line through that zero.
x = -3
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Invariant points: Set the denominator equal to 1 and -1.
y = 1 y = -1
x+3=1 x + 3 = -1
x = -2 x = -4
Therefore, the two invariant points are (-2, 1), and (-4, -1).
4 2 x
x = 3
b) f ( x ) =
2x + 8
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = =
2 (0) + 8 8
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator, 2x + 8, equal 0, find the zero,
and draw the dotted vertical line through that zero.
2x + 8 = 0
2x = -8
x = -4
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Draw the curve: Plot the invariant points and the y-intercept. Draw the
asymptotes and draw the curves.
x = 4
2 2 x
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac b 2 − 4 ac = 1 − 4 (1) (−1)
2a =5
−1 ± 12 − 4 (1) (−3) −1 ± 5
x= x=
2 2
−1 ± 12 + 12 −1 + 5
x= x= = 0.6
2 2
−1 + 13 −1 − 5
x= = 1.3 x= = −1.6
2 2
−1 − 13
x= = −2.3
Therefore, the four invariant points are (1.3, 1), (-2.3, 1), (0.6, -1), and
(-1.6, -1).
Draw the curve: Plot the invariant points and the y-intercept. Draw the
asymptotes and draw the curves.
2 x
x = 2 x=1
d) f ( x ) = 2
x − 2x − 8
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = =−
−8 8
Vertical asymptote: Let the denominator equal 0, find the zeros, and
draw the dotted vertical asymptotes through those zeros.
x2 - 2x - 8 = 0
(x - 4)(x + 2) = 0
x = 4, x = -2
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Vertex of the parabola:
y = x2 − 2x − 8
y = ( x 2 − 2 x + 1) − 8 − 1
y = ( x − 1) − 9
6 x
x = 2 x=4
e) f ( x ) = 2
x + 8x + 16
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = 2
0 + 8 (0 ) + 16 16
5 3 x
x = 4
f) f ( x ) = 2
x − 2x + 6
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1
f (0) = 2
0 − 2 (0) + 6 6
x y = x2 - 2x + 6 y= 2
x − 2x + 6
0 6
1 5
2 6
Plot the points of the reciprocal function and draw the curve smoothly
toward the horizontal asymptote as x goes to infinity to the left and
f(x) =
x2 2x + 6
1, 5 1
2, 6
2 1 1 2 x
There is no x-intercept.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for your brain
before trying the questions in Part B. Try to complete each question quickly,
without the use of a calculator and without writing out many steps on paper.
1. Eric has a big crush on a girl sitting 6 desks away from him. If each desk
is 80 cm wide and there are no spaces between them, how far away (in
metres) is Eric sitting from his crush?
2. Simplify: (32)3
3. What is the slope of the line defined by the equation 3y + 2x - 7 = 0?
4. If 36% of 1500 is 540, what is 18% of 1500?
x 2 + 3x − 4
5. State the reciprocal of. 2 .
x − 2x + 1
6. Express as a power: 16 3
7. (45, -72) is on a line with a slope of . Find another point on this line.
8. Simplify the following fraction:
1. 4.8 m (6 ´ 80 = 480 cm = 4.8 m)
2. 36 = 729 (9 ´ 9 ´ 9 = 81 ´ 9; 80 ´ 9 = 720 + 1 ´ 9 = 9)
2 2 7
3. − 3 y = −2 x + 7 ; y = − x +
3 3 3
4. 270
5. x − 2 x + 1
x 2 + 3x − 4
3 3
6. 16
16 = 16 3 = 16
7. (62, -52) (45 + 17, -72 + 20)
6 252 126 42 6
8. = = =
11 462 231 77 11
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments and final examination. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and final
examination. If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the
lesson and learn them.
1. Given the graph of y = f(x), sketch the graph of y = . Describe the
f (x)
method you used.
a) y
From the graph, you can see y
that the x-intercept is 3.
Therefore, the vertical
asymptote in the reciprocal
function will be x = 3. Also, the
two invariant points of this
function will be (4, 1) and
(2, -1), as these are the points 4 x
at which the y-coordinate is 1
either 1 or -1.
The horizontal asymptote is
y = 0.
Using this information, you can
graph the reciprocal function.
4 6 x
From the graph, you can see that the x-intercept is 4. Therefore, the
vertical asymptote in the reciprocal function will be x = 4. Also, the
two invariant points of this function will be (6, 1) and (2, -1), as these
are the
points at which the y-coordinate is either 1 or -1.
The horizontal asymptote is y = 0.
Using this information, you can graph the reciprocal function.
2 6 x
4 1 x
5 1
2 4
From the graph, you can see that the x-intercepts are -2 and -3.
Therefore, the vertical asymptotes in the reciprocal function will have
equations of x = -2 and x = -3.
The invariant points on the function are approximately at (-1.4, 1) and
(-3.6, 1).
5 1
The key point of the parabola is at the vertex at − , − .
2 4
The corresponding point on the reciprocal function is − , − 4 .
1 x
4 2 x
From the graph, you can see that the x-intercepts are 2 and -4.
Therefore, the vertical asymptotes in the reciprocal function will have
equations of x = 2 and x = -4.
The vertex of the parabola is at (-1, -9). The corresponding point on
the reciprocal function is −1, − .
The invariant points are approximately at (-4.21, 1), (2.2, 1) and
(-3.8, -1), (1.8, -1).
Using this information, you can graph the reciprocal function.
x = 4 x=2
2 x
x = 4
The vertical asymptote of this reciprocal graph is at x = -4. Therefore,
there will be an x-intercept on f(x) as (-4, 0).
There are also two points given: (-3, 1) and (-5, -1). These are
invariant points and therefore they stay the same on the graph of f(x).
Using these three pieces of information, it is possible to graph f(x).
4 x
3 5 x
The vertical asymptote of this reciprocal graph is at x = 4. Therefore,
there will be an x-intercept on f(x) as (4, 0).
There are also two points given: (5, 2) and (3, -2). The points on the
1 1
reciprocal of the function are 5 , and 3 , − . Using these three
2 2
pieces of information, it is possible to graph f(x).
4 6 x
3 x
The vertical asymptotes of this reciprocal graph occur at x = -1 and
x = -2 and are thus the x-intercepts in the graph of f(x). In other words,
f(x) has the form of a(x + 1)(x + 2).
The one given point is − , − 4 . The corresponding point on the
3 1
reciprocal of the function is − , − and it will be the vertex of the
2 4
The invariant points are approximately at (-2.6, 1) and (-0.4, 1).
3 1 1 x
The vertical asymptotes of this graph occur at x = 1 and x = 5 and are
thus the x-intercepts in the graph of f(x). In other words, f(x) is of the
form a(x - 1)(x - 5) or f(x) = a(x - 1)(x - 5).
The key point is 3 , − . The corresponding point on f(x) is (3, -4).
It is the vertex of the parabola.
Reading from the graph, the invariant points are approximately at
(0.8, 1), (5.2, 1) and (1.3, -1), (4.7, -1).
1 5 x
(3, 4)
2 T
c) Using the graph as well as the formula in (a), determine the period of a
pendulum when the frequency is 2.1 cycles per second.
Using the graph, the period of a pendulum with a frequency of
2.1 cycles per second is approximately 0.4 s.
Using the formula in (a): f =
2.1 =
T = 0.4762 seconds
Appendix A: Glossary
Glossary 3
completing the square entire radical
The process of changing a quadratic An equivalent form of a mixed radical
function written in general form expression.
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c into vertex form Example
f(x) = a(x - p)2 + q. the mixed radical, 2 3 , is equivalent
constant term to 12 , which is an entire radical
An expression that has no variables.
It is either a number or a symbol that exact value
represents a number, such as p. An answer that does not contain
approximated decimal values.
convergent series
A series with an infinite number of exponential function
terms in which its sequence of partial A function in the form of y = abx.
sums approaches a fixed value. extraneous root
Cosine Law A number obtained when solving
Defined as c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab cos C, an equation that does not satisfy the
where a, b, and c are sides of DABC, initial restrictions on the variable, or is
and is used to solve oblique triangles. not a root of the original equation.
Glossary 5
maximum value parabola
The largest value that a function The graph of a quadratic function,
attains over its domain. which has a U-shape.
Example perfect square trinomial
the function f(x) = -x2
+ 2 has a A quadratic expression that is the
maximum value of 2. square of a binomial.
Glossary 7
recursive definition/recursive formula solution set
When, after the first term or the first The set of values or the interval of
few terms of a sequence, the remaining values that makes the equation or
terms are defined in terms of the inequality true.
value(s) of the preceding term(s).
square of a binomial
reference angle For (a + b)2 is a2 + 2ab + b2 and is a
The positive acute angle formed perfect square trinomial.
between the terminal arm of q and the
nearer portion of the x-axis, denoted standard position of an angle
by q r. n its first side, called the initial side,
is a ray from the origin along the
relation positive x-axis
A set of ordered pairs, (x, y). n its second side, called the terminal
restrictions for the value of the radicand side, is any ray from the origin
Values of a variable that ensure the n the angle is measured from the
radicand is not negative. initial to the terminal side in a
Example counter-clockwise direction and
has a positive value
the restrictions for the radical
expression x − 5 are x ≥ 5 sum of an arithmetic series
For any arithmetic series
roots t1 + t2 + t3 + . . . + tn its sum is
The solutions of an equation; also n t + t
called the zeros of the function or Sn = ( 2t1 + (n − 1) d ) or Sn = 1 n (n) .
2 2
the x-intercepts of the corresponding
graph. sum of infinite geometric series formula
sigma notation S∞ = , r <1
n 1−r
The symbol ∑i=1 ti ; it represents the
sum of geometric series formula
sum t1 + t2 + t3 + . . . + tn.
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Sine Law Sn =
Used to solve oblique DABC
a b c symmetrical
sin A sin B sin C Having symmetry; two sides of a
shape are balanced about a line or
sin A sin B sin C
point; two sides of a shape are mirror
a b c
images; a shape may have one or more
lines of symmetry.
slope formula
rise y − y1 symmetry
m= = 2
run x 2 − x1 The property of having the same size
and shape across a dividing line or
solution region of an inequality around a point.
The set of all ordered pairs that make
the inequality true.
Glossary 9
G r a de 11 P r e- C a lc u lu s
M at hem at ic s (30S)
Graph Paper
Graph Paper 3
4 Grade 11 Pr e- C alculus Mathematic s
Graph Paper 5
6 Grade 11 Pr e- C alculus Mathematic s
Graph Paper 7
8 Grade 11 Pr e- C alculus Mathematic s
G r a de 11 P r e- C a lc u lu s
M at hem at ic s (30S)
Name:_ ___________________________________
For Marker’s Use Only
Address:_ _________________________________
The midterm examination will be weighted as follows:
Modules 1–4 100%
The format of the examination will be as follows:
Module 1: Sequences and Series 24 marks
Module 2: Factoring and Rational Expressions 23 marks
Module 3: Quadratic Functions 25 marks
Module 4: Solving Rational and Quadratic Equations 28 marks
Time allowed: 2.5 hours
Note: You are allowed to bring the following to the examination: pencils (2 or 3
of each), blank paper, a ruler, a scientific or graphing calculator, and your Midterm
Exam Resource Sheet. Your Midterm Exam Resource Sheet must be handed in with
the examination. You will receive your Midterm Exam Resource Sheet back from
your tutor/marker with the next module work that is submitted for marking.
Show all calculations and formulas used. Include units where appropriate. Clearly
state your final answer.
Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Show all your work.
Module 1: Sequences and Series (24 marks)
1. For each sequence below, indicate whether it is geometric, arithmetic, or neither. If it is
geometric, state the value of r (the common ratio). If it is arithmetic, state the value of d
(the common difference). (1 mark each, for a total of 3 marks)
a) 81, 9 , 1, ,...
b) 1, 6, 9, 10, . . .
c) 1, 4, 7, 10, . . .
2. Explain the relationship between arithmetic sequences and linear functions. (2 marks)
4. Which term of the arithmetic sequence, -4, 2, 8, . . ., is the number 170? (3 marks)
5. Find the sum of the first 125 terms defined by t1 = 4, tn = tn-1 + 7. (3 marks)
6. Find the total distance travelled by a ball in coming to rest, if it is dropped from a
height of 12 m and it rebounds of its previous height every time it hits the ground
(4 marks)
∞ 3 k−1
8. If possible, find the value of ∑ k=1 4 . (2 marks)
3. Create an equivalent rational expression for the following rational expression. Explain
how you know the rational expression you created is equivalent to the original
rational expression. State the non-permissible values of your rational expression. Do
not simplify your answer. (2 marks)
x2 + x − 2 x 2 + x − 12
b) × (3 marks)
x 2 − x − 6 2 x 2 − 2 x − 40
2x2 − 8 x2 − x − 2 8x
c) 2
÷ 3 2
× 2 (3 marks)
4x x +x x −x−6
2 2 x
d) State whether the graph has a maximum or a minimum value and what that value
is. (1 mark)
2. Match each equation to its corresponding graph. Place (a), (b), (c), and (d) next to its
corresponding graph below. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks)
a) y = 2(x - 2)2 - 2
b) y = − (x − 2 )2 + 2
1 2
c) y = − ( x + 2 ) + 2
d) y = 2(x + 2)2 - 2
y y
2 2
0 2 x 2 0 x
______ _____
y y
0 2 x 2 0 x
2 2
______ ______
3. For what value of k is the expression x2 - 11x + k a perfect square trinomial? (1 mark)
b) Find the maximum height above the ground that the ball reaches.
6. Consider the following quadratic functions. Determine how many x-intercepts the
corresponding graph has by considering the values of a and q. (1 mark each, for a total of
2 marks)
a) y = -2(x + 3)2 - 15
b) y = 9(x + 2)2
b) x2 - 5x - 1 = 0 (3 marks)
7. The discriminant of the quadratic equation 4x2 + 2x - k = 0 is 84. (1 mark each, for a
total of 2 marks)
a) Find the value of k.
b) State the nature of the roots without solving for the roots.
9. Andrea can mow a lawn by herself in 4 hours. Samantha can mow the same lawn in
3 hours. If the girls work together, how long will it take to mow this lawn? (4 marks)
e y
Name:_ ___________________________________
For Marker’s Use Only
r K
Student Number:____________________________ Date:________________________________
sw e
Attending q Non-Attending q Final Mark: _________ /100 =_________ %
Phone Number:_____________________________ Comments:
Address:_ _________________________________
The midterm examination will be weighted as follows:
Modules 1–4 100%
The format of the examination will be as follows:
Module 1: Sequences and Series 24 marks
Module 2: Factoring and Rational Expressions 23 marks
Module 3: Quadratic Functions 25 marks
Module 4: Solving Rational and Quadratic Equations 28 marks
Time allowed: 2.5 hours
Note: You are allowed to bring the following to the examination: pencils (2 or 3
of each), blank paper, a ruler, a scientific or graphing calculator, and your Midterm
Exam Resource Sheet. Your Midterm Exam Resource Sheet must be handed in with
the examination. You will receive your Midterm Exam Resource Sheet back from
your tutor/marker with the next module work that is submitted for marking.
Show all calculations and formulas used. Include units where appropriate. Clearly
state your final answer.
Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Show all your work.
Module 1: Sequences and Series (24 marks)
1. For each sequence below, indicate whether it is geometric, arithmetic, or neither. If it is
geometric, state the value of r (the common ratio). If it is arithmetic, state the value of d
(the common difference). (1 mark each, for a total of 3 marks) (Lesson 3)
a) 81, 9 , 1, ,...
Geometric sequence with a common ratio of .
b) 1, 6, 9, 10, . . .
c) 1, 4, 7, 10, . . .
Arithmetic sequence with a common difference of 3.
2. Explain the relationship between arithmetic sequences and linear functions. (2 marks)
(Lesson 1)
If the domain of a linear function is the set of natural numbers (or positive integers),
the range is called an arithmetic sequence. Also, the common difference of an
arithmetic sequence is the same as the slope in the corresponding linear function.
4. Which term of the arithmetic sequence, -4, 2, 8, . . ., is the number 170? (3 marks)
(Lesson 1)
Method 1: Using the general term formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d:
170 = -4 + (n - 1)(6)
170 + 4 = 6n - 6
174 + 6 = 6n
180 = 6n
30 = n
Therefore, the 30th term is 170.
Method 2: Using the defining linear equation:
m = 6 and points (1, -4) and (n, 170)
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
170 - (-4) = 6(n - 1)
174 = 6(n - 1)
29 = n - 1
30 = n
Therefore, the 30th term is 170.
5. Find the sum of the first 125 terms defined by t1 = 4, tn = tn-1 + 7. (3 marks) (Lesson 2)
The arithmetic sequence is 4, 11, 18, . . .
The common difference = 7
To find t125, use the formula tn = t1 + (n - 1)d Or Sn =
2 t 1 + ( n − 1) d
t125 = 4 + (125 - 1)7
t125 = 4 + 875 - 7 S125 = 2 ( 4 ) + (125 − 1)(7 )
t125 = 872 125
4 + 872 S125 = 8 + (124 )(7 )
Sum of the series: S125 = (125) = 54 750 2
2 S125 = 54 750
6. Find the total distance travelled by a ball in coming to rest, if it is dropped from a
height of 12 m and it rebounds of its previous height every time it hits the ground
(4 marks) (Lesson 5)
2 2 2
down series: 12 + (12 ) + (12 ) + . . .
3 3
down distance: = 36 m
2 2 2 2 3
up series: (12 ) + (12 ) + (12 ) + . . .
3 3 3
∞ 3 k−1
8. If possible, find the value of ∑ k=1 4 . (2 marks) (Lesson 5)
r= and r satisfies the condition: r < 1
t1 = 64
S∞ = if r < 1
S∞ = = 256
3. Create an equivalent rational expression for the following rational expression. Explain
how you know the rational expression you created is equivalent to the original
rational expression. State the non-permissible values of your rational expression. Do
not simplify your answer. (2 marks) (Lesson 3)
Answers may vary. A sample answer is:
x + 2 (x + 2)(x − 2)
x2 x2 (x − 2)
The numerator and denominator are both multiplied by the same non-zero
polynomial. Because any polynomial divided by itself is one, you are essentially
multiplying the expression by 1. Anything multiplied by 1 is equal to itself.
The non-permissible values are x = 0 and x = 2.
x2 + x − 2 x 2 + x − 12
b) × (3 marks) (Lesson 4)
x 2 − x − 6 2 x 2 − 2 x − 40
x2 + x − 2 x 2 + x − 12
x 2 − x − 6 2 x 2 − 2 x − 40
( x + 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 4 ) ( x − 3 )
= ×
( x − 3) ( x + 2 ) 2 ( x 2 − x − 20 )
( x + 2 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 4 ) ( x − 3 )
= ×
( x − 3) ( x + 2 ) 2 ( x − 5) ( x + 4 )
2 ( x − 5)
2x2 − 8 x2 − x − 2 8x
c) 2
÷ 3 2
× 2 (3 marks) (Lesson 4)
4x x +x x −x−6
2x2 − 8 x2 − x − 2 8x
÷ 3 2
× 2
4x x +x x −x−6
2 (x 2 − 4) x3 + x2 8x
= × × 2
4x 2 2
x −x−2 x −x−6
2 (x − 2)(x + 2) x 2 ( x + 1) 8x
= 2
× ×
4x ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) ( x − 3 ) ( x + 2 )
Non-permissible values: x = 0, -1, 2, 3, -2
2 2 x
d) State whether the graph has a maximum or a minimum value and what that value
is. (1 mark)
It has a minimum value when y = -5.
2. Match each equation to its corresponding graph. Place (a), (b), (c), and (d) next to its
corresponding graph below. (1 mark each, for a total of 4 marks) (Lessons 1 to 4)
a) y = 2(x - 2)2 - 2
b) y = − (x − 2 )2 + 2
1 2
c) y = − ( x + 2 ) + 2
d) y = 2(x + 2)2 - 2
y y
2 2
0 2 x 2 0 x
______ (c)
y y
0 2 x 2 0 x
2 2
______ (d)
3. For what value of k is the expression x2 - 11x + k a perfect square trinomial? (1 mark)
(Lesson 5)
−11 2 121
2 4
6 4 2 2 x
b) Find the maximum height above the ground that the ball reaches.
Maximum height = h(3) = -5(3)2 + 30(3) + 40
= 85 metres
6. Consider the following quadratic functions. Determine how many x-intercepts the
corresponding graph has by considering the values of a and q. (1 mark each, for a total of
2 marks) (Lesson 6)
a) y = -2(x + 3)2 - 15
In this equation, a = -2 < 0, and q = -15 < 0. Therefore, as both a and q are less than
zero, the corresponding graph has no x-intercepts.
The graph opens down and the vertex is below the x-axis. There are no x-intercepts.
b) y = 9(x + 2)2
In this equation, a = 9 > 0, and q = 0. Therefore, the corresponding graph has one (1)
x-intercept, as the vertex is on the x-axis.
The graph opens up and the vertex is on the x-axis. There is one x-intercept.
b) x2 - 5x - 1 = 0 (3 marks)
This equation is not easily factorable. Also, if you were to complete the square,
there would be fractions. Therefore, the quadratic formula should be used.
Note: If you use the completing-the-square method, you should still arrive at the
correct answer.
−b ± b 2 − 4 ac
x 2 − 5x − 1 = 0
a = 1, b = −5 , c = −1
5 ± (−5) − 4 (1) (−1)
2 ( 1)
5 ± 25 + 4
5 ± 29
5 + 29 5 − 29
x= ,
2 2
Note: Unless specifically mentioned, you may use any method to solve quadratic
−6 ± 6 2 − 4 ( 2 ) (−1)
2 (2)
−6 ± 36 + 8
−6 ± 44
−6 ± 4 11
−6 ± 2 11
−3 ± 11
−3 + 11 −3 − 11
x= ,
2 2
4 4 x
The x-intercepts (or zeros, or roots) of this quadratic equation are 3 and 1.
6. Solve for x. State the non-permissible values of the rational equation. (4 marks)
(Lesson 6)
x−2 4 ( x + 3)
x + 3 x−2
x−2 4 ( x + 3)
x+3 x−2
LCD = ( x + 3) ( x − 2 )
Non-permissible values are x = −3 , 2.
x−2 4 ( x + 3)
( x + 3) ( x − 2 ) − 3 ( x + 3) ( x − 2 ) = ( x + 3) ( x − 2 )
x+3 x−2
( x − 2 ) ( x − 2 ) − 3 ( x 2 − 2 x + 3x − 6 ) = 4 ( x + 3 ) ( x + 3 )
( x 2 − 4x + 4) − 3 ( x 2 + x − 6) = 4 ( x 2 + 6x + 9)
x 2 − 4 x + 4 − 3x 2 − 3x + 18 = 4 x 2 + 24 x + 36
−2 x 2 − 7 x + 22 = 4 x 2 + 24 x + 36
0 = 6x 2 + 31x + 14
0 = 6 x 2 + 3x + 28x + 14
0 = 3x ( 2 x + 1) + 14 ( 2 x + 1)
0 = ( 3x + 14 ) ( 2 x + 1)
−14 −1
x= ,
3 2
b) State the nature of the roots without solving for the roots.
As the discriminant is positive and not a perfect square, there are 2 real, irrational,
unequal roots.
8. Tia can ride her bicycle 1 km/h faster than Denzel. They begin at the same spot and
at the same time, travelling in opposite directions. After travelling for the same length
of time, they stop and realize that Tia has travelled 21 km and Denzel has travelled
19 km. How fast was Denzel travelling? (4 marks) (Lesson 6)
Recall: Distance = Rate ´ Time, or Time =
Let r = Denzel’s rate.
Name:_ ___________________________________
For Marker’s Use Only
Address:_ _________________________________
The final examination will be weighted as follows:
Modules 1–8 100%
The format of the examination will be as follows:
Module 1: 5 marks Module 5: 19 marks
Module 2: 5 marks Module 6: 19 marks
Module 3: 5 marks Module 7: 23 marks
Module 4: 5 marks Module 8: 19 marks
Show all calculations and formulas used. Include units where appropriate. Clearly
state your final answer. Diagrams may not be drawn to scale.
Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Show all your work.
Module 1: Sequences and Series (5 marks)
1. Write the defining linear function of the following arithmetic sequence. (2 marks)
99, 103, 107, . . .
8 1 k−1
2. Use a formula to find the value of ∑ k=2 3 . (3 marks)
2. Simplify each of the following. All answers must have rationalized denominators.
Assume all variables are non-negative.
a) 3 19 + 2 76 (1 mark)
5 8-2 5
c) (3 marks)
3 - 2 3
3. Identify the values for each of the variables for which each radical expression is
defined. (1 mark each, for a total of 2 marks)
a) 6 - 3x
b) 32 x 2
b) 2x + 4 + 3 = 9 (3 marks)
Algebraic Solution
b) 0 £ x2 - 4
c) y > (x + 1)2 - 3
b) 45°
3. Sketch the angle 342° in standard position and find its reference angle. Determine the
other angles that have the same reference angle as the given angle for q in the interval
[0°, 360°]. (3 marks)
b) sin q - 1 = 0
5. In DABC, ÐC = 41°, c = 6, and a = 8. Find all possible values for b and ÐB. Draw a
diagram and round off answers to two decimal places. (5 marks)
4 6
b) -2| -2(3) + 1 | + 5
4. Sketch the graph of the reciprocal of the given function. State the equation(s) of the
horizontal and vertical asymptote(s). (4 marks)
y = 2x - 6
x = 2 x=4
e y
Name:_ ___________________________________
For Marker’s Use Only
r K
Student Number:____________________________ Date:________________________________
sw e
Attending q Non-Attending q Final Mark: _________ /100 =_________ %
Phone Number:_____________________________ Comments:
Address:_ _________________________________
The final examination will be weighted as follows:
Modules 1–8 100%
The format of the examination will be as follows:
Module 1: 5 marks Module 5: 19 marks
Module 2: 5 marks Module 6: 19 marks
Module 3: 5 marks Module 7: 23 marks
Module 4: 5 marks Module 8: 19 marks
Show all calculations and formulas used. Include units where appropriate. Clearly
state your final answer. Diagrams may not be drawn to scale.
Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Show all your work.
Module 1: Sequences and Series (5 marks)
1. Write the defining linear function of the following arithmetic sequence. (2 marks)
(Lesson 1)
99, 103, 107, . . .
Points on line: (1, 99), (2, 103), (3, 107)
Slope: d = 4
Defining Linear Function:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - 99 = 4(x - 1)
y = 4x - 4 + 99
y = 4x + 95
1 k−1
2. Use a formula to find the value of ∑ 81 . (3 marks) (Lesson 4)
k=2 3
Notice k’s initial value is 2. Thus, n is only 7, not 8.
1 1 1 2 1 3
The first few terms are 81 , 81 , 81 , . . . .
3 3 3
Thus, t1 = 27 and r .
t1 ( 1 − r n )
Sn =
1 7
27 2186
1 −
2187 2186 2 13
S7 = = = 27 = 40
1 2 2187 3 27
3 3
5x 2 + 14 x − 19 3x − 12 2x − 2
2 +
2 x 2 + 5x + 3 2
x − 2 x − 8 x + 4x − 5
( 5x + 19 ) ( x − 1) 3 ( x − 4 ) 2 ( x − 1)
÷ +
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1) ( x − 4 ) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5 ) ( x − 1)
( 5x + 19 ) ( x − 1) 3 2
= ÷ +
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5 )
( 5x + 19 ) ( x − 1) 3 ( x + 5) 2 (x + 2)
= ÷ +
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5 ) ( x + 5 ) ( x + 2 )
( 5x + 19 ) ( x − 1) 3x + 15 2x + 4
= ÷ +
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5 ) ( x + 5 ) ( x + 2 )
( 5x + 19 ) ( x − 1) 5x + 19
= ÷
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5 )
( 5x + 19 ) ( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5)
= ⋅
( 2 x + 3) ( x + 1) 5x + 19
( x − 1) ( x + 2 ) ( x + 5)
= ⋅
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1) 1
( x + 2 ) ( x + 5 ) ( x − 1)
( 2 x + 3 ) ( x + 1)
−3 −19
x≠ , − 1, 4 , − 2 , − 5 , 1,
2 5
y = (x 3)2 + 2
3 x
Non-permissible values: x = 0 or x = -1
LCD = x(x + 1)
3x + 1 −x
( x ) ( x + 1) = ( x ) ( x + 1)
x x+1
( 3x + 1) ( x + 1) = −x ( x )
3x 2 + 4 x + 1 = −x 2
4x 2 + 4x + 1 = 0
4x 2 + 2 x + 2 x + 1 = 0
2 x ( 2 x + 1) + 1 ( 2 x + 1) = 0
( 2 x + 1)2 = 0
x =−
6 3 = 36 3 = 108
11 7 = 121 7 = 847
9 5 = 81 5 = 405
2 15 = 4 15 = 60
Thus, 60 < 108 < 405 < 847 and 2 15 < 6 3 < 9 5 < 11 7 .
2. Simplify each of the following. All answers must have rationalized denominators.
Assume all variables are non-negative. (Lesson 2)
a) 3 19 + 2 76 (1 mark)
3 19 + 2 76
= 3 19 + 2 4 19
= 3 19 + 2 ( 2 ) 19
= 3 19 + 4 19
= 7 19
( 8xy − x 3 )( 4y 2 )
= 4 2 x y 4 y y− x x x 4 y y
= 4 y 2 xy − 2 xy x
5 8-2 5
c) (3 marks) (Lesson 4)
3-2 3
5 8−2 5
3−2 3
5 8 −2 5 3+2 3
= ⋅
3−2 3 3+2 3
15 8 + 10 24 − 6 5 − 4 15
9+6 3 −6 3 −4 9
15 4 2 + 10 4 6 − 6 5 − 4 15
9 − 4 ( 3)
30 2 + 20 6 − 6 5 − 4 15
−30 2 − 20 6 + 6 5 + 4 15
3. Identify the values for each of the variables for which each radical expression is
defined. (1 mark each, for a total of 2 marks)
a) 6 - 3x (Lesson 1)
In order for this radical expression to be defined, the radicand has to be greater
than or equal to zero.
6 - 3x ³ 0
6 ³ 3x
2 ³ x
x £ 2
Thus, x £ 2 in order for this radical expression to be defined.
b) 32 x 2 (Lesson 1)
Because the index is two, the radicand has to be greater than or equal to zero for
this expression to be defined. As any value squared will always be greater than or
equal to zero, x Î Â for this expression to be defined.
Restrictions on the variable:
2x − 3 ≥ 0
2x ≥ 3
( 3 − x )2 = 2 x − 3
9 − 6x + x 2 = 2 x − 3
x 2 − 8x + 12 = 0
(x − 6) (x − 2 ) = 0
x = 6 or x = 2
Check x = 2 Check x = 6
3-x 2x − 3 3-x 2x − 3
3-2 3-6
1 2 (2) − 3 -3 2 (6) − 3
1 9
1 3
Therefore, the only solution is x = 2.
b) 2x + 4 + 3 = 9 (3 marks) (Lesson 5)
Restrictions on the variable:
2x + 4 ³ 0
2x ³ -4
x ³ -2
2x + 4 + 3 = 9
2x + 4 = 6
2 x + 4 = 62
2 x + 4 = 36
2 x = 32
x = 16
Check x = 16
2x + 4 + 3 9
2 (16 ) + 4 + 3
\ The solution is x = 16.
Algebraic Solution
2 2
y = ( x − 3) y = −3 ( x + 1) + 12
y = x 2 − 6x + 9 y = −3 ( x 2 + 2 x + 1) + 12
y = −3x 2 − 6 x + 9
Substitute the expression for y in Equation (1) into the y-variable of Equation (2).
x 2 − 6 x + 9 = −3x 2 − 6 x + 9
4x 2 = 0
Solve for y:
y = ( x − 3)
y = ( 0 − 3)
y = (x 3)2
y = 3(x 1)2 12
3 1 1 3 x
The solution to this system of equations is the point at which the two functions
intersect, or (0, 9).
2 x
y < 3x 8
b) 0 £ x2 - 4 (Lesson 4)
You are interested in the domain where the expression is greater than or equal to 0.
Write x2 - 4 ³ 0 and write the corresponding function as y = x2 - 4. The parabola
has its vertex at (0, -4), opens up, and has normal shape.
y = x2 4
2 2 x
2 x
+ +
2x + 1 x
x3 x
+ +
(2x + 1)(x 3)
1 3
y −3 −3 13
sin θ = = = 2
r 13 13 x
x 2 2 13
cos θ = = = 3
r 13 13 r
y −3 3
tan θ = = =−
x 2 2 P(2, 3)
b) 45°
qr = 45°
sin 45° =
cos 45° =
3. Sketch the angle 342° in standard position and find its reference angle. Determine the
other angles that have the same reference angle as the given angle for q in the interval
[0°, 360°]. (3 marks) (Lesson 2)
= 342°
b) sin q - 1 = 0
sin q = 1
This is a quadrantal angle through the point (0, 1) and only occurs when q is 90°.
5. In DABC, ÐC = 41°, c = 6, and a = 8. Find all possible values for b and ÐB. Draw a
diagram and round off answers to two decimal places. (5 marks) (Lessons 4 and 6)
Since AB < BC, find h: B
h = 8 sin 41° = 5.25
Since h < AB, there are two solutions. 8 6
Draw two triangles and solve.
B1 B2
8 6 8
41° 41°
C1 A1 C2 A2
b1 b2
6 8
sin 41° sin A
6 sin A = 8 sin 41°
8 sin 41°
sin A =
8 sin 41°
∠A = sin−1
∠A related = 61.01° , with ∠A in Quadrants I and II.
4 6
a2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2 bc cos A
6 2 = 4 2 + 7 2 − 2 ( 4 )(7 ) cos A
6 2 − 4 2 − 7 2 = −2 ( 4 )(7 ) cos A
−29 = −56 cos A
0.517857 = cos A
A = cos−1 (0.517857 )
∠A = 59°
x Î (-¥, 0] È [1, ¥)
Since x = 3 is in the interval [1, ¥) and x = -2 is in the interval (-¥, 0], both are
Case 2: -(x2 - x) = 6 and x2 - x < 0
-x2 + x = 6
-x2 + x - 6 = 0
x2 - x + 6 = 0
b2 - 4ac = (–1)2 - 4(1)(6)
= 1 - 24
= -23
There is no solution.
y = |x + 4|
9 4 x
4. Sketch the graph of the reciprocal of the given function. State the equation(s) of the
horizontal and vertical asymptote(s). (4 marks) (Lesson 4)
y = 2x - 6
The reciprocal function is: f ( x ) =
2x − 6
y-intercept: Find f(0):
1 1 1
f (0) = = =−
2 (0) − 6 −6 6
Vertical asymptote:
2x - 6 = 0
2x = 6
x = 3
Horizontal asymptote: The horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0.
Invariant points:
Let 2 x − 6 = 1 or 2 x − 6 = −1
2x = 7 2x = 5
7 5
x= x=
2 2
7 5
The invariant points are , 1 and , −1.
2 2
2x 6
4 x
5. Given the graph of y = , sketch the graph of y = f(x). (5 marks) (Lesson 5)
f (x)
x = 2 x=4
The vertical asymptotes of this reciprocal graph are at x = -2 and x = 4, and are thus
the x-intercepts in the graph of f(x). In other words, f(x) is of the form
f(x) = a(x + 2)(x - 4).
The key point is 1, − . The corresponding point in the graph of the function, f(x), is
(1, -9).
The invariant points can be read from the graph and are approximately (-2.2, 1),
(4.2, 1), (-1.8, -1), and (3.8, -1).
y = fx
2 1 4 x