Emc Iss 20200002330

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Considerations for

International Space Station Payload Developers

Matthew McCollum Larry Kim Christopher Lowe
NASA Jacobs Space Exploration Group Jacobs Space Exploration Group
George C. Marshall Space Flight George C. Marshall Space Flight George C. Marshall Space Flight
Center Center Center
Huntsville, Al 35812 Huntsville, Al 35812 Huntsville, Al 35812
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— The International Space Station (ISS) is a laboratory 8. GROUNDING/ISOLATION ......................................... 6

for scientific research, innovative technology development, and
global education. The ISS provides a number of facilities and
9. SHIELDING ............................................................... 6
platforms for payload developers and investigators to conduct 10. DATA BUS CONSIDERATIONS ................................ 7
biological, microgravity, and Earth and space observation 11. BONDING................................................................ 7
science, as well as for performing technology development. Due
12. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ................................... 8
to the unique nature of the ISS vehicle and its electrical power
and data systems, achieving electromagnetic compatibility 13. SUMMARY .............................................................. 8
(EMC) with the vehicle requires special considerations by the REFERENCES ............................................................... 8
payload developer. BIOGRAPHY ................................................................. 9
The ISS electromagnetic interference (EMI) requirements and
test methods are based on MIL-STD-461, “Electromagnetic
Emissions and Susceptibility Requirements for the Control of 1. INTRODUCTION
Electromagnetic Interference”, Revision C, and MIL-STD-462,
The ISS is a laboratory for scientific research, innovative
“Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics, Measurement
of,” respectively. The low source impedance of the test setup technology development, and global education. The ISS is
requires special considerations when designing or selecting EMI fully assembled and continuously inhabited by all space
power filters and switched mode power supplies. Many filters, agency partners; the National Aeronautics and Space
suited for later revisions of MIL-STD-461, will result in non- Administration (NASA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA),
compliant designs. ISS electrical power system power quality the European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace
requirements, imposed to protect the stability of the system, can Exploration Agency (JAXA), and Roscosmos State
also affect EMI filter design. Corporation for Space Activities (Roscosmos). Weighing in
at just under 1 million pounds, the ISS has a pressurized
The selection and use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)
equipment for ISS applications requires special considerations
volume of more than 32,000 cubic feet and a power
to meet both EMC and crew safety requirements. Furthermore, generation capability of greater than 75 kilowatts of power.
the ISS environment can provide unique immunity challenges; In addition to the internal facilities, there are external
if the payload developer ignores these challenges, the result is a locations to facilitate payloads as well.
possible loss of science or impact to technology demonstration.

The ISS provides a unique opportunity for the science and 2. ISS FACILITIES AND ACCOMMODATIONS
technology development community. However, in order to be
successful, the payload developer must incorporate special The ISS provides a number of facilities and platforms for
EMC considerations, many of which will be presented. payload developers and principle investigators to conduct
biological, microgravity, and Earth and space observation
science, as well as for performing technology development.
These facilities can provide payloads with electrical, data,
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 video, cooling, waste gas exhaust and vacuum venting
2. ISS FACILITIES AND ACCOMMODATIONS ............. 1 accommodations. Two areas where these facilities reside are
inside the habitable volume of the ISS, Internal Facilities, and
3. ISS REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 2
those that are open to the space environment, External
4. PAYLOAD REQUIREMENTS .................................... 3 Facilities.
5. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ..................................... 3
6. POWER FILTER DESIGN ......................................... 3 One of the primary means of accommodating scientific
7. POWER SUPPLY SELECTION .................................. 5 hardware in habitable volume of the ISS is Expedite the
Processing of Experiments to the Space Station (EXPRESS)
U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

Racks. EXPRESS Racks are the most flexible modular
research facility available on the ISS, and are used by NASA,
JAXA, and ESA investigators. Each EXPRESS Rack
provides a structural interface, power, data, cooling, water
and other items needed to operate science experiments on the

Figure 2. The LSG

Figure 1. EXPRESS Rack 4

ISS. Express Racks support both long-term investigations as Figure 3. ISS ELC2
well as payload on orbit change out.
unique vantage points for space, technology and Earth
Gloveboxes provide containment for experiments, ensuring observation investigations.
that small particles or hazardous material are confined and do
not float about the cabin. The Microgravity Science 3. ISS REQUIREMENTS
Glovebox (MSG) facility, jointly developed by ESA and
ISS electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic
NASA, supports the field of material science, biology and
compatibility (EMC) requirements are contained in a number
biotechnology, fluid science, combustion science and crystal
of ISS requirements documents. SSP 30243, Space Station
growth research while the Life Science Glovebox (LSG)
Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility, contain the
provides sealed work area for life science and biological
system-level EMC requirements. It is a tailored version of
MIL-E-6051D, Electromagnetic Compatibility
Requirements, Systems. Electrical bonding requirements are
The ISS has multiple external payload platforms. The
in SSP 30245, Space Station Electrical Bonding
Columbus External Payload Facility is located on starboard
Requirements, which is a tailored version of MIL-B-5087B,
end of ESA’s Columbus module. The Japanese Experiment
Bonding, Electrical, and Lightning Protection, for Aerospace
Module – Exposed Facility is attached to the exterior of the
Systems. SSP 30237, Space Station Electromagnetic
Japanese Experiment Module. The EXPRESS Logistics
Emission and Susceptibility Requirements, and SSP 30238,
Carrier (ELC) is a pallet designed to support external research
Space Station Electromagnetic Techniques, are derived
hardware and store external spares (called Orbital
versions of MIL-STD-461B, Electromagnetic Emissions and
Replacement Units) needed over the life of the ISS.
Susceptibility Requirements for the Control of
Currently, four ELCs are mounted to ISS trusses, providing
Electromagnetic Interference, and MIL-STD-462,

Electromagnetic Emissions and Susceptibility, Test Methods
for, respectively. SSP 30242, Space Station Cable/Wire 4. PAYLOAD REQUIREMENTS
Design and Control Requirements for Electromagnetic
Compatibility, while very similar to DOD-W-83575, Wiring SSP 57000, Pressurized Payloads Interface Requirements
Harness, Space Vehicle, Design and Testing, General Document, and SSP 57003, Attached Payload Interface
Specification for, is in fact a unique document for ISS. Its Requirements Document, provide the payload developer with
purpose is to provide a uniform specification and the interface design requirements to ensure the safety of the
methodology for cabling and wiring to minimize field-to- ISS crew, the ISS vehicles, as well as transport vehicles and
wire coupling and crosstalk. Finally, SSP 30240, Space neighboring payloads. These documents contain EMC
Station Grounding Requirements, contains electrical requirements derived from the previously mentioned EMI
grounding and isolation requirements. The vehicle uses and EMC requirements documents or direct the reader to
dedicated returns for signals and power. The vehicle also uses unique sections of those documents. These requirements
a distributed single ground reference system, or single point address radiated and conducted emissions and susceptibility,
ground, for the referencing power and signals in order to electrical isolation, electrical grounding, electrical bonding,
minimize interference as well as interactions with the natural shielding, cable/wire treatment for EMC, as well as other
geomagnetic and plasma environment and maximize crew requirements needed to ensure the payload achieves EMC
safety. with the ISS vehicle, other payloads, transportation vehicles,
and does not jeopardize the health and safety of the crew.

Document Number Document Title Notes

Space Station
Requirements for MIL-E-6051D, Translating these EMC requirements into a practical,
SSP 30243
Electromagnetic tailored for ISS
Compatibility compliant design may seem baffling to some designers.
Electromagnetic What follows is some practical information to guide the
MIL-E-6051D Compatibility payload developer in selecting and implementing design
Requirements, Systems solutions that are compliant with ISS EMI and EMC
Space Station Electrical MIL-B-5087B,
SSP 30245
Bonding Requirements tailored for ISS requirements.
Bonding, Electrical, and
MIL-B-5087B Lightning Protection, for
Aerospace Systems 6. POWER FILTER DESIGN
Space Station
Electromagnetic Control of power line conducted emissions protects power
Derived from
SSP 30237 Emission and
MIL-STD-461B quality, limits electric field radiation, and controls noise
Requirements currents on vehicle structure. Because ISS does not use the
Electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) spectrum below 100 MHz, ISS does not
Emissions and impose radiated emissions limits on payloads below that
MIL-STD-461B Requirements for the
frequency. ISS also imposes cable separation requirements to
Control of limit crosstalk, thus controlling conducted emissions to limit
Electromagnetic electric field radiation is of lesser importance. ISS CE01, low
Interference frequency, and CE03, high frequency conducted emissions
Space Station
Derived from limits are to prevent electrical loads from generating ripple
SSP 30238 Electromagnetic
MIL-STD-462 voltages greater than those generated by the power source and
Electromagnetic distribution system. The ISS conducted emissions test
Emissions and methods use the 10-microfarad feed-through capacitors as
Susceptibility, Test part of the standard test setup, based on that found in MIL-
Methods for,
Space Station Unique ISS STD-462. Starting with Revision D of MIL-STD-462, the
Cable/Wire Design and document similar test setup uses Line Impedance Stabilization Networks
SSP 30242 Control Requirements to, but not derived (LISNs) as the power source impedance. These LISNs
for Electromagnetic from DOD-W-
Compatibility 83575
contain 50 microhenry (H) inductors, thus the power source
Wiring Harness, Space
Vehicle, Design and
Testing, General
Specification for,
Space Station Grounding
SSP 30240 Grounding requirements
Requirements unique to ISS

Figure 4. 461B Filter

for testing, however, even this lower source impedance may
exceed that of most payload facilities. As stated in [5],
maximizing EMI power filter attenuation is a matter of
providing a mismatch between source and load impedances.
As such, looking from the source into the filter, the first
element in the filter should be a high impedance (inductor),
Figure 5. 461D Filter
assuming a low source impedance, or a low impedance
(capacitor) assuming a high source impedance. Figures 4 and
impedance can be quite high even at low frequencies.
5 show simplified schematics of EMI power filters from two
However, the LISN impedance is not representative of any
different manufacturers (Note: the authors simplified the
ISS power source impedances. MIL-STD-461F discussed
schematics to protect proprietary information, but the circuit
the substitution of the 5 H LISN in lieu of the 50 H LISN

Figure 6. 461B Filter Performance

Figure 7. 461D Filter Performance

diagrams provide the basic design elements). Both it is tempting to compare the absolute filter performance of
manufacturers advertise the filter complies with MIL-STD- the two, the reader should note the 461B filter is 1/10th the
461. However, the manufacturer designed the filter shown in weight and volume of the 461D filter and this data merely
Figure 4 prior to the publication of MIL-STD-461D, when shows differences in performance based on source
the test source impedance was still the 10 F feed-through impedance.
capacitors. The filter design shown in Figure 5 came after,
where the source impedance is two 50 H LISNs. Note the 7. POWER SUPPLY SELECTION
design in Figure 4, referred to hereafter as “461B filter”, has
When constructing a power budget for a payload, developers
both a common mode inductor (K1) and differential mode
need to consider the actual power supply that will connect to
inductors (L1 & L2) as its first elements, to provide mismatch
ISS power. A dc-dc converter is rated for output power in
with the low source impedance. On the other hand, the design
watts to size the internal components appropriately.
in Figure 5, referred to hereafter as “461D filter” has both Y
Typically, variations of two types of converters are available
(line-to-ground) capacitors (C5 and C6) and an X (line-to-
to payload developers, pulse width modulated (PWM)
line) capacitor (C4) as its first elements, providing a
converters and resonant frequency converters. A PWM
mismatch with the high source impedance. Figure 6 shows
converter will change the duty cycle of its switching
the comparison of filter performance of the 461B filter with
frequency in response to the power demand on the output.
a 50 H LISN source impedance versus a 10 F feed-through While the fundamental switching frequency of the converter
capacitor source impedance. Figure 7 is the same comparison does not change, the conducted emissions spectrum above
of performance for the 461D filter. In both plots, the red trace this frequency will change. The higher the power demand,
is the performance with 10 F feed-through capacitors and the greater the frequency content. Resonant frequency
the black trace is with the 50 H LISNs. The difference in converters, on the other hand, change the fundamental
performance of the 461B filter is ~ 15 dB at 100 kHz but is switching frequency in response to the output power demand.
negligible above 500 kHz. However, the 461D filter Depending on the loading of the converter, the differential
performance differs by 20 dB or more above 30 kHz. While conducted emissions profile changes. Figure 8 shows the

Figure 8. CE03 High Frequency Conducted Emissions Plot of a dc-dc Converter with different loads attached

high frequency conducted emissions of a 28V to 15V dc-dc because these devices reference native analog and digital
converter, rated for 100 watts output attached to different return to the board common. This board common connects to
resistive loads. The resultant power output of the converter the input power common. Utilizing an isolating dc-dc
was 26 watts and 98 watts. The conducted emissions profile converter for input power or configuring the inputs to
is different depending on the loading of the converter, and the differential inputs are a couple of solutions for this issue.
developer should keep these differences in mind when
designing a filter. Due to the significant shift in switching Universal Serial Bus (USB), Ethernet, and other input/output
frequency, some manufacturers provide filters matched for interface circuits can be a source of single point ground
certain converter load profiles. If the converter operates violations. Many integrated circuit data sheets, application
outside this range, the filter no longer provides the necessary notes, and design guides provide simplified circuit
attenuation to meet conducted emissions limits. When schematics with “ground” connections. In most cases, it is
planning EMI tests, the payload developer should be not obvious whether this “ground” is signal ground, chassis
cognizant of the impact of loading conditions to ensure the ground, or both. Some design recommendations include
worst case operational profile is tested. capacitors or inductors in the schematic to provide isolation
or prevent the flow of noise currents. However, many
8. GROUNDING/ISOLATION provide little guidance concerning circuit referencing or
isolation. Improper circuit referencing can lead to transceiver
Payload users of 120 VDC or 28 VDC power must have noise issues, which affect data communications. It can also
power inputs that are dc isolated from chassis by a minimum lead to radiated emissions issues that may require hardware
of 1 megohm. It should also be isolated from equipment redesign.
conditioned power return/reference and signal returns. This
ensures that electrical current does not intentionally return on
vehicle structure and follows the single point ground
methodology (single reference). The single point Shielding effectiveness is a function of the reflectance or
ground/single reference scheme as seen in Figure 9, is a absorption of electromagnetic fields. Reflectance is the
derivative of a single point star ground (as used in industrial primary method to attenuate electric fields. Metal is the
applications) in which each isolated power and signal domain preferred material to use, although commercial applications
is referenced once to the ground plane (spacecraft structure). have used conductive plastics with high electrical
Using a single reference scheme reduces noise voltages conductivity successfully. Absorption is the primary method
caused by noise currents flowing through structure and to attenuate magnetic fields. Absorption correlates with the
provides a path for fault current to return to its source. permeability, conductivity, thickness of the shield and the
frequency of the incident field. Highly permeability materials
For payloads that utilize AC power, supplied by the ISS AC such as steel or Mu-metal® can provide magnetic field
Inverter, each supply line must return current on a neutral shielding. However, such materials tend to be heavy and
wire routed with the supply line and the neutral wire shall be costly, so alternatively the hardware developer should control
isolated from chassis at the load. Not only does this prevent magnetic fields by limiting cable loop areas and magnetic
60 Hz noise from appearing on ISS structure, it serves to flux leakage to minimize cost and weight impacts.
provide another layer of protection against crew electrical
shock. The most common types of cable shields used are braid,
flexible conduit, and rigid conduit. Braid is the most common
method for shielding of spaceflight cabling. The cable shield
should act as an extension of the payload’s faraday cage, that
is, the cable shield is an extension of the shielded enclosure.
The shield termination is just as important the shield material.
A “pigtail” or direct wire shield termination is ineffective
above a few megahertz because of the high impedance of the
termination. Thus, the poor termination negates the benefits
Figure 9. Example of single reference/single point of the shielding. Therefore, cable shields should have a
ground peripheral or 360° termination.
For input/output connections to a payload, differential analog
Cable shields routed outside the payload enclosure are
circuits must employ a separate return, and low-level discrete
required to have shield terminations at both ends of the
signals are required to use individual returns. The use of
cables. There is a common misconception that this dual
dedicated returns minimizes loop areas that could source
shield termination leads to ground loops. A ground loop
radiated emissions, leading to EMI non-compliances and
occurs only if the shield connects to the internal signal or
interference with other payloads.
power ground or the payload does not comply with the single
The input/output connections requirements can prove to be point reference isolation requirements. The misconception
difficult for payload to developers that utilize single-board stems from the commercial instrumentation and control
microcontrollers such as an Arduino® or Raspberry PI® industry, where single point ground methodology for

equipment conflicts with the methodology used in human Any payload that receives power from ISS will need to
space flight. comply with the Class H bonding requirements to provide a
fault current return path back to the source to prevent shock
10. DATA BUS CONSIDERATIONS hazards, to clear electrical faults, and prevent other hazardous
overheating/overcurrent conditions.
ISS provides payloads with different data communications
options. Payloads have the option of using: USB, RS 232, While it appears to be more stringent, due to the lower bond
RS 422, RS 485, high rate fiber optic, MIL-STD-1553, or resistance, a Class R bond is not a substitute for a Class H
Ethernet (10/100/1000 Mbps), depending on payload bond. The intent of a Class R is to provide a low impedance
location and payload facility capabilities. path so that noise currents do not generate excessive noise
voltages. These noise currents could be as much as a few
RS 232 is a single ended communications data bus. That is, hundred milliamperes of current while fault currents could be
the signal is referenced to a common ground, which violates 50 amperes or greater. Thus, a class H bond design must
the ISS single point ground concept without some sort of
ground loop isolation. The RS 232 signal can be easily TABLE II. SIMPLIFIED DESCRIPTION OF BOND CLASSES
corrupted and a source of radiated noise. Proper shielding
and shield termination of RS 232 cables is required for Class H Class R Class S
compliance with radiated emissions limits. Many Bond Class (Shock (Radio (Electrostatic
commercially available RS 232 cables have poorly Hazard) Frequency) Charge)
terminated shields, resulting in radiated emissions non-
compliances. For these reasons, the payload developer Protects
should avoid RS 232 use. equipment
from RF
RS 422 and RS 485 are balanced, differential emissions. Protects again
Purpose of against fire
Includes electrostatic
communications data buses. Isolated RS 422 and RS 485 bond or shock to
antenna discharge
transceivers meet ISS grounding/isolation requirements and personnel.
mounts and
have better noise immunity than RS 232. Non-isolated cable shield
transceivers can lead to ground loops and noise issues even connections.
with external isolation solutions. As with RS 232, route RS
422 and RS 485 signals in properly shielded cabling. Bonding
USB is another balanced, differential communications data DC requirement, Bonding
bus. Isolated USB 2.0 and 3.0 transceivers are available resistance 2.5 resistance
commercially and these devices comply with ISS bond milliohms or requirement, 1
0.1 ohm or
grounding/isolation requirements. When combined with requirement less. Low ohm or less.
properly shielded cables, these data buses can exhibit both
low radiated emissions and high radiated immunity levels.

Ethernet is also a balanced differential communications data

bus. Like USB, isolated transceivers are commercially handle the maximum fault current without failure; this would
require a contact area much greater than that for a class R
available that provide appropriate isolation. Unlike USB, bond.
Ethernet specifications do not require a shielded cable. While
it is possible to comply with radiated emissions using The purpose of the class R bond is oftentimes confusing to
unshielded cables, the designer should use shielded cables to payload developers. Most believe their hardware does not
minimize emissions and avoid potential non-compliances. generate RF emissions, thus class R would not be applicable.
However, a dc-dc converter switching at 100 kHz or a
11. BONDING microprocessor with a 16 MHz clock signal will generate RF
emissions. The performance of a common mode filter to
Electrical bonding is the process of providing an electrical meet conducted emissions or the shielding effectiveness of a
connection across faying surface mechanical interfaces to payload enclosure with a lid will be dependent whether a low
minimize electrical potential differences between individual impedance path exists to minimize noise voltage generation.
parts of the connecting structure. Bonding requirements for If the lid to enclosure interface does not provide a Class R
payloads are derived from SSP 57000 and SSP 57003, which bond, this will become an antenna. This antenna will radiate
references NASA-STD-4003. In the guidance documents, noise and jeopardize chances of complying with radiated
three different bond classes are specified representing emissions limits. If the USB connector shell does not make
different scenarios for a required bond. They are Class H full positive contact around its periphery, the noise internal to
(shock hazard), Class R, (radio frequency), and Class S the payload will radiate from the aperture and/or appear as
(electrostatic charge). A simplified description of the three noise currents on the shield, leading to radiated emissions
types of bonds are in Table II. non-compliances. Maintaining shielding effectiveness of
payload enclosures requires good electrical bonds at seams,

joints, connector mounting locations, and other enclosure REFERENCES
discontinuities. The key to making good electrical bonds is
having appropriate design rigor as well as proper materials [1] “Reference Guide to the International Space Station,”
selection and manufacturing processes. NASA ISS Program Office, Houston TX, USA, NP-2015-
05-022-JSC, 2015.
Class S bonds prevent electrostatic charge build up by
allowing the charge to dissipate. External payloads will [2] “International Space Station Facilities: Research in Space
require Class S bonds to ensure that plasma charge build up 2017 and Beyond,” NASA ISS Program Science Office,
does not create hazards for extravehicular activities or Houston, TX, USA, NP-2017-04-014-B-JSC, 2017.
generate discharges that could interfere with communications
[3] “White Paper in Support of SSP 30237 Development,” The
or other operations. Boeing Company, Houston, TX, USA, D683-29775, Jan.
Payloads, which contain safety critical circuits, require [4] T.L. Clark, M.B. McCollum, D.H. Trout, K. Javor,
additional considerations. A safety critical circuitry is “Marshall Space Flight Center Electromagnetic
circuitry controlling catastrophic or critical hazards to crew Compatibility Design and Interference Control (MEDIC)
or vehicle. When the failure or improper performance of Handbook – CDDF Final Report, Project No. 93-15,”
circuitry can cause harm to vehicle or crew, the payload must NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville AL, USA,
undergo EMI susceptibility testing. These test levels are NASA Reference Publication 1368, June 1995.
quite stringent, so the payload developer should be cautious
[5] M.J. Nave, Power Line Filter Design for Switched-Mode
about using electrical and electronic circuitry to control
Power Supplies, New York, NY, USA, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1991.
Portable payloads or payloads that do not use faying surface
[6] Electrical Bonding for NASA Launch Vehicles, Spacecraft,
(meta-to-metal) bonding for Class H bonds must have
Payloads, and Flight Equipment, NASA-STD-4003A,
independent, redundant electrical bond paths for fault current
return and shock hazard prevention. While some payload
facilities provide redundant bonding provisions, others do not [7] Pressurized Payloads Interface Requirements Document,
so the payload developer should be aware the payload SSP 57000, Revision S, 2018.
location might drive the design.
[8] Payload Safety Policy and Requirements for the
13. SUMMARY International Space Station, SSP 51700, 2010.
The ISS provides payload developers with unique research
opportunities. However, the payload developer must
incorporate special EMC considerations to be compatible
with the ISS and other payloads. The developer must
understand COTS equipment and components used in
payload designs to ensure that these items do not create EMI
issues or compromise payload performance. The payload
developer can contact the ISS Research Integration Office for
more information and design guidance in developing
electromagnetically compatible payloads for the ISS.

Matthew McCollum received a B.S. in Applied Physics
from Auburn University in 1990. He has been with NASA’s
Marshall Space Flight Center for 28 years. He has been
the Electromagnetic Effects lead for the ISS Program
Office since 1997. He has been involved in development of
numerous crewed and un-crewed spacecraft and payloads,
serving in EMC design and EMI testing capacities. An
IEEE Senior Member and member of the IEEE EMC
Society, he started his career with Grumman Aircraft, now
Northrup Grumman, on the Space Station Freedom

Larry Kim received a B.S in Electrical Engineering from

University of Alabama in Huntsville in 1990, a M.S. in
Electrical Engineering from University of Alabama in
Birmingham in 2001. He has been with NASA’s Marshall
Space Flight Center for more than 15 years working on
electrical system integration and electromagnetic
compatibility for ISS payloads. He has more than 10 years
of experience designing payload electronics in medical
research program for Space Shuttle SPACEHAB and ISS
Program prior to joining NASA’s Marshall Space Flight

Christopher Lowe, PE, currently works as an Electrical

Engineer for the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Electromagnetic Environmental Effects group through the
Jacobs Space Exploration Group partner, Aerodyne
Industries. Previously, he worked for a small nuclear
engineering consulting firm in Knoxville, Tennessee. While
at this firm, he tested and completed diagnostic work for
instrumentation and control systems in commercial
nuclear power plants. This also dealt with the
electromagnetic compatibility of newer digital upgrades in
a noisy analog environment. Chris received his Bachelor
of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from The
University of Tennessee in 2010. He also holds his
Professional Engineering License through the State of

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