LCL Current Control Loop Stability Design

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Christophe Delepaut(1), Tobias Kuremyr(2), Manuel Martin(3), Ferdinando Tonicello(4)

ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Email: [email protected]
ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Email: [email protected]
ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Email: [email protected]
ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT managed by an impedance network connected at the

output of the LCL. While a number of test results with
Latching Current Limiters include a control loop meant
non-resistive load are reported, [4] remains nonetheless
at limiting the current in case of downstream failure.
mainly empirical. The objective of the present paper is
Such current control loop consists typically of a simple
to provide an analytical tool supporting the
proportional feedback gain from a current measurement
understanding of the stability issue. The concerned LCL
shunt resistance and may result in very limited phase
model is identified in § 2, being one of the typical
margin for specified operating conditions. The present
designs used so far in ESA spacecraft. The model of the
paper investigates the combination of a proportional and
MOSFET used in the LCL is detailed in § 3, covering
derivative feedback to mitigate the lack of stability
both static and dynamic parameters. The theoretical
margin, providing a comprehensive overview on
open loop gain of the LCL current control is presented
designing Latching Current Limiters for stability. For
accordingly in § 4, and the stakes of proportional and
illustration purpose, a LCL based on radiation hardened
derivative feedback gains are discussed in § 5 and § 6
ITAR free components is considered. A breadboard has
respectively. In § 7, the stability rationale previously
been manufactured and the reported phase margin
introduced leads to the LCL output impedance diagram
measurements demonstrate performances in line with
drawn as a function of frequency. It is shown that such a
the analytic results.
frequency plot allows dealing with the compatibility
1. INTRODUCTION issue between LCL and downstream impedance in terms
of stability. § 8 embodies the analytical study within an
The electrical power within a spacecraft is distributed to
ITAR free radiation hardened design for which the
the on board users by means of electrical lines drawn
closed loop stability is verified by simulations and
from the centralized power bus. Such distribution lines
measurements. The measurements performed on a
must be protected against overconsumption or short-
breadboard are reported in § 9 and demonstrate
circuit to cope with possible failures at user level. For
performances in line with theoretical results and
earth observation or scientific spacecraft, the protection
simulations. Conclusions are finally drawn in § 10.
is typically based on so-called LCL (Latching Current
Limiter) including a serial power PMOS in the 2. LCL MODEL
distribution line with the capability to actively limit the
The basic LCL model taken into account for the
current to a given reference for a limited time period
analytical study is presented on Fig. 1, restricted to the
and to subsequently switch OFF the power line.
current limitation loop.
Originally designated as SSPC (Solid State Power
Controller), LCL have been introduced in the early Power Bus Typical LCL Load
eighties to cope with the drawbacks of protection based Capacitance Current Control Loop Input Filter
on fuses and electromechanical relays, in particular the
lack of inrush current control combined with the limited
current switching capabilities of relay [1]. So far
however, few references are found in the bibliography
dealing with current control stability of LCL or SSPC,
presumably owing to issues related to the non-ideal
behaviour of the MOSFET used as actuator. In [2], the
design of a SSPC in hybrid technology is reported
mainly dealing with temperature elevation associated to
the linear operation of the MOSFET. The question of
the closed loop stability is raised in [3] underlining that Figure 1 Typical LCL current control loop
it depends on the impedance of the bus user, especially
when it is inductive, and recommending to validate the Its topology is the one of LCL’s currently used on a
control performances of the SSPC with the actual load. number of ESA spacecraft for earth observation or
Finally, in [4], the stability of the current loop is scientific experiments. It consists in a closed loop
control of the current by means of a PMOS with a class LCL. The parametric values for PMOS candidates
proportional feedback gain. The feedback is for LCL design are displayed accordingly in Tab. 1 for
materialized by a current mirror which delivers a low extreme Drain to Source voltage, namely 5 V and 50 V.
level current proportional to the controlled Drain The values applicable at 0 V are disregarded because at
current. The low level current is integrated onto the that voltage, there is no longer any control possible. The
parasitic capacitance of the MOSFET, which closes the value of 50 V is a boundary encompassing the 28 V and
control loop. The LCL current control loop may be 50 V bus voltages applicable to LCL.
called on e.g. in case of short-circuit of the main input
filter capacitor resulting in a load impedance being fully Reference
40P10 2SJ1A04 597160 597064
inductive, and with a voltage across the MOSFET being
Manufacturer ST FUJI IR
equal to the full bus voltage at the end of the current
limitation transient. If the short-circuit occurs within the Sample Measurement PSpice Identification
capacitor of the damper, the current control loop will
have to operate with a voltage drop across the MOSFET ID = 6 A & VDS = 5 V
being in between 0 V and the bus voltage, while the
CG 4.88 nF 7.04 nF 6.13 nF 5.72 nF
load impedance may deviate from a pure inductance.
Besides, the current loop is also nominally needed to CR 0.96 nF 1.77 nF 1.15 nF 1.51 nF
charge the bus user input filter capacitance during CD 5.44 nF 29.9 nF 90.0 nF 107 nF
switch ON operation. This illustrates the various G 20 A/V 15 A/V 31.4 A/V 24.1 A/V
conditions for which the LCL stability must be
RD 17 Ω 50 Ω 1 MΩ 2.98 Ω
enforced. Typical order of magnitude for such
impedance are a few hundreds of µH and a few tens of Operating
ID = 6 A & VDS = 50 V
CG 3.15 nF 5.66 nF 4.78 nF 4.98 nF
3. MOSFET MODEL CR 0.24 nF 0.22 nF 74.5 pF 172 pF
Basically, the MOSFET constitutes a current source CD 1.36 nF 3.28 nF 6.65 nF 21.1 nF
controlled by the Gate to Source voltage. The device is
G 20 A/V 15 A/V 31.4 A/V 41.9 A/V
however highly non-linear, especially at low Drain to
Source voltage, and affected by parasitic capacitance. RD 17 Ω 50 Ω 1 MΩ 13.6 Ω
This induces a deviation of the LCL from an ideal Table 1 Space compatible PMOS parametric values
behaviour. To take that into account, a small signal
model of the PMOS is considered in the frame of the As per Tab. 1, capacitances increase when the voltage
LCL current control, as sketched on Fig. 2, where RD decreases. The Drain to Source capacitance differs
stands for the static current variation resulting from a significantly from its value at zero current (see
Drain to Source voltage variation. datasheet) but will prove to have little impact with
regards to stability. The possible decrease of the Drain
Source to Source resistance and the gain with the Drain to
RS Source voltage indicates that the MOSFET channel
CG leaves the saturation region towards RdsON condition.
Gate G∙VGS
CR Let’s first concentrate per Eq. 1 on a load impedance
which is purely inductive, being the most critical case as
underlined in [3]. The generic load impedance case will
Drain PMOS
be addressed in § 7.
Z L = L Ls (1)

Figure 2 LCL and PMOS small signal model The following equations result from Fig. 2, the Source
voltage being the reference voltage.
Note that IG stands for the low level current source
meant at enforcing the feedback from the power current, VD = L LsID − VP
RS for the current measurement shunt resistance, ZL for ID = CR s(VG − VD ) − GVG − (CDs +
RD (2)
the impedance of the load and VP for a perturbation
source which will be useful to analyse the output IG = −CGsVG − CR s(VG − VD )
impedance of the LCL. The PMOS parameters depend
The next transfer function is then obtained by
on both the Drain to Source voltage and current. In the
eliminating VG and VD at zero VP.
frame of the present LCL design, we concentrate on a 6
A current limitation level which is convenient for a 5 A
ID G − CR s lower the bandwidth which would result in poor
(C G + C R )s + L L (
+ GC R )s 2 + L L

i≠ j
C i C js 3 (3) dynamic performances of the current control (e.g. large
current peak at LCL output short-circuit). An alternative
tentative mitigation provision for the lack of phase
where margin consists in implementing a serial RC filter in

∑i≠ j
Ci C j = C G C R + C R C D + C D C G
between LCL output and ground. However, sizing such
RC dipole on the one hand to cope with the wide
inductance range where it would be needed, and on the
This is the transfer function from the low level control other hand to sustain oscillating failure at bus user level,
current source IG to the PMOS Drain current ID. Its may result in selecting powerful and bulky components.
similitude with the transfer function from the control
current source IG to the PMOS Source current IS is 6. DERIVATIVE FEEDBACK REGULATOR
discussed in the next paragraph, knowing that the Looking for the possibility to adjust both the current
current feedback loop normally regulates the Source control bandwidth and the associated phase margin, we
current, not from the Drain current. now include in the control loop on Fig. 3 a derivative
feedback on top of the proportional one as proposed in
In accordance with common practice, we first consider a
proportional feedback gain to close the regulation loop. Iref IF IG IS ≈ ID
+ +
IG = −kR S (IS − I ref ) (4)
- -
With reference to Fig. 2, k is the current mirror gain and
Iref is an offset driving the limitation current to a non- kLSs
zero value. Let’s now consider a first assumption.
kR S << 1 H0
Taking into account that the Source current is the
summation of the Drain and Gate currents, and with
reference to Eq. 4 from AC viewpoint (i.e. disregarding Figure 3 Current feedback regulator block diagram
Iref), this condition allows to approximate the Source
For the sake of the analysis, the two feedback gains are
current by the Drain current all the more that it is
considered as implemented separately, i.e. a purely
largely met.
derivative feedback by means of a first feedback loop
IS ≅ ID (5) and the proportional feedback by means of a second
feedback loop.
Accordingly, the open loop gain of the current control in
the case of a proportional feedback can be deduced from IG = −kLSsIS + I F (7)
Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 (excluding the negative sign). I F = −kR S (IS − I ref ) (8)
kR S (G − C R s)
G OL _ I =

C + CR
Concentrating on the derivative feedback first, the
(C G + C R )s + L L ( G + GC R )s 2 + L L C i C js 3
i≠ j
cornerstone of the sizing of this loop is the CE
(Conducted Emissions) from the bus user fed by the
The third order term of the denominator, or the zero LCL. With reference to [9], Annex A, Figure A-1, the
with positive real part at the numerator, indicates that CE are decreasing by 20 dB/dec down to 40 dBµA
the closed loop system may be unstable. Also, the phase where they stabilize at 10 MHz. Accordingly, the
profile of this open loop gain as a function of frequency derivative feedback is to be removed, i.e. filtered, from
lowers with increasing load inductance. In this context, 10 MHz on to prevent LCL susceptibility to bus user CE
the feedback parameter kRS may be used to reach the from increasing with frequency. For this reason, and
unity gain at a given frequency, i.e. to reach a given taking into account that such filtering will induce loss of
bandwidth in closed loop, but there is no degree of phase for the derivative feedback open loop gain from
freedom to mitigate the possible lack of phase margin. beneath the cut off frequency of 10 MHz, the closed
As an example, consider the 60 V rated PMOS loop bandwidth of the LCL current control shall be
IRHNA597064. With reference to Tab. 1, for a limited to below 3 MHz. Let’s now consider the next
limitation current of 6 A and a Drain to Source voltage assumption, to be verified for frequency below 3 MHz.
of 5 V, the phase margin left by the open loop gain
k R S + LSs << 1@ 3MHz H1
according to Eq. 5 with a load inductance of 250 µH is
lower than 7° for a parameter k yielding a bandwidth of Taking into account again that the Source current is the
1 kHz. Improving the phase margin would imply to summation of the Drain and Gate currents, and with
reference to Eq. 7 and Eq. 8 from AC viewpoint (i.e. G OL _ dI / dt =
C + CR (13)
disregarding Iref), this condition allows to approximate CG + C R + L L ( G + GCR )s
the Source current by the Drain current all the more that
it is largely met. Hence Eq. 5 remains applicable, and IS G
with reference to Eq. 7 and Eq. 3, we get the following I F (C + C + GkL )s + L ( CG + CR + GC )s 2 (14)
open loop gain (excluding the negative sign). RD

kL s (G − C R s) Accordingly, the open loop gain of the current control

G OL _ dI / dt =
CG + CR + L L (
+ GC R )s + L L
∑ C i C js 2 (9) with respect to the proportional feedback can be
i≠ j deduced from Eq. 8 and Eq. 14 (excluding the negative
Closing the loop delivers the next transfer function.
IS G OL _ I =
= (10) CG + C R (15)
IF (CG + CR + GkLS )s + L L ( + GCR )s 2

G − CR s
With respect to the proportional feedback loop, Eq. 15
(C G + C R + GkLS )s + (L L (
CG + C R
+ GC R ) − kLSC R )s 2 + L L
∑ i≠ j
Ci C js 3 shows that parameter kLS may be used to suit the phase
margin request at the targeted bandwidth frequency
Consider now the following two assumptions. taking into account the maximum value of LL, while
parameter kRS may be used for the open loop gain to
G reach unity at the very same bandwidth frequency. With
>> 2π3MHz H2
respect to the derivative feedback loop, Eq. 13 indicates
GL L min >> kL S H3 that the phase margin is above 90° and that the
bandwidth may be limited to 3 MHz by making sure
Eq. 9 and Eq. 10 may then be simplified from closed that LL presents the relevant minimum value. Note that
loop control stability viewpoint as follows. LLmin must be selected for the lowest CG possible, i.e. at
kL s G
the largest Drain to source voltage applicable. If the
G OL _ dI / dt = needed LLmin is deemed too large, a mitigation step may
CG + CR + L L (
+ GC R )s + L L
∑ i≠ j
C i C js 2 (11)
consist in adding some capacitance between Gate and
G (12) Coming back to Eq. 2, and considering the closed loop
C + CR
(C G + C R + GkLS )s + L L ( G
+ GC R )s 2 + L L
∑ i≠ j
C i C js 3 of the derivative feedback according to Eq. 7, we get the
output impedance at open loop of the proportional
We further want that the denominator of Eq. 11 and Eq. feedback by eliminating VG and VD at zero IF. Note that
12 is stable, to avoid oscillations which might develop the minimum load inductance LLmin will be integrated in
above the closed loop control frequency. the LCL design (see § 8), hence the output impedance is
formulated for that value.
(L L (
+ GC R )) 2 >> (C G + C R + GkL S )L L
∑ i≠ j
Ci C j
Z out =
This sets a minimum value for the load inductance. C G + C R + GkLS + L L min (
CG + C R
+ GC R )s + L L min
∑ Ci C js 2 (16)

i≠ j
(C G + C R + GkLS )
i≠ j
Ci C j CG + C R
+ GC R +
∑ Ci C js
L L min >> H4 i≠ j
CG + C R
( + GC R ) 2
RD Assumption H4 allows to plot such open loop output
impedance in function of the frequency as on Fig. 4.
We also assume that the second order term of Eq. 11
The output impedance is flat, i.e. resistive, up to a given
denominator intersects the third one well above 3 MHz.
frequency where it ends up to be driven only by the
CG + C R impedance of the minimum load inductance and rises
>> 2π3MHz accordingly. That frequency corresponds the current
∑ i≠ j
Ci C j
derivative bandwidth frequency. With reference to Eq.
15, the maximum load inductance intersects the output
impedance close to the current bandwidth frequency.
Eq. 11 and Eq. 12 finally simplify to the next equations. The output impedance in closed loop condition is drawn
in dotted line for frequency below the bandwidth of the
resistive feedback loop, displaying a capacitive
behaviour. Load inductance that would be above the Zout
maximum value could clearly resonate with the LCL
output impedance, which is consistent with the fact that CL LL
the phase margin drops beneath 60° for such load
inductance. CG + CR + GkLS
CG + C R
Zout RD


CG + CR + GkLS
ωBW I ω
CG + C R
Figure 6 LCL output impedance versus load impedance
LLmax LLmin
Reminding that the LCL has a capacitive impedance
within the bandwidth frequency, Eq. 17 shows that the
ωBW_I ωBW_dI/dt ω maximum output capacitance CLmax will nominally be
charged by the LCL limitation current only if it is larger
Figure 4 LCL output impedance versus frequency than the equivalent LCL output capacitance Cout, as
suggested on Fig. 6. Knowing that LLmax intersects the
Generally speaking, the LCL is compatible from output impedance profile close to the bandwidth
stability viewpoint with any load in between capacitive frequency of the resistive feedback loop, we obtain the
to inductive which would intersect the output next condition setting a minimum value for that
impedance where it is flat. Note also that the lower the frequency.
minimum value of the output impedance, the larger the 1
_ I >> H6
inrush current peak subsequent to a short-circuit L L max CL max
occurring in the load. An LCL with larger output
impedance is therefore preferable to limit such current Conversely, charging a load capacitance CL smaller than
overshoot. From the viewpoint of the perturbation Cout entails a dragging effect whereby the charge
source VP, the LCL may now be modeled as a DC capacitance no longer occurs at constant current but at
current source in parallel with the output impedance Zout constant dV/dt.
and connected to the load impedance ZL, as sketched on 8. RADHARD ITAR FREE LCL DESIGN
Fig. 5. The stability of the system is clearly driven by
the series network comprised of Zout and ZL. For the sake of illustration, let’s consider the PMOS
Accordingly, the output impedance plot constitutes a STRH40P10. Referring to the second column of Tab. 1
tool to analyse the stability of the LCL connected to any for the numerical values, we first show on Tab. 2 that
given load. hypotheses H2 and H5 are largely met.

LCL Load VDS Hypothesis Status

5V 2π3.32GHz >> 2π3MHz OK
ZL 50 V 2π13.3GHz >> 2π3MHz OK
Iref Zout Vp 5V 2π85.3MHz >> 2π3MHz OK
50 V 2π148MHz >> 2π3MHz OK
Table 2 Validation of hypotheses H2 and H5
We want to stabilise the closed loop for a maximum
Figure 5 LCL output equivalent model load inductance of 500 µH.
As an example, the connection at output of the LCL of a L L max = 500µH
filter constituted by a capacitance CL and an inductance
LL with no damping provision will result in a stable We first set the shunt resistance and the current mirror
charge of the capacitance by the LCL on the condition gain (corresponding to a 0.5 mA polarisation current).
that the resistive plateau of Zout matches the damping
R S = 10mΩ
condition of the LC filter, as suggested on Fig. 6. With
k = 19.2mA / V
reference to Fig. 5 again, the current in the load answers
to the following equation. By simulation, we find the shunt inductance providing
to the resistive feedback loop a phase margin of 60° for
IL = I this maximum load inductance. We concentrate on the 5
Z L ref (17)
Z out V Drain to Source voltage as it constitutes a case worst
than the 50 V value.
LS = 590nH VDS Hypothesis Status
ωBW _ I = 2π2.25kHz
- H1 214m << 1 OK
A mA
The corresponding simulation file is displayed on Fig. 7. - H3 80 µH >> 8 µH OK
By a second simulation, as displayed on Fig. 8, we find
5V 4µH >> 15.8nH OK
the minimum load inductance which brings the H4
bandwidth of the inductive feedback loop to 3 MHz. We 50 V 4µH >> 35.1nH OK
concentrate on the 50 V Drain to Source voltage as it - H6 105(kHz) >> 6.66(kHz)
2 2
constitutes a case worst than the 5 V case.
Table 3 Validation of hypotheses H1, H3, H4 and H6
L L min = 1.75µH

For the maximum capacitance, we select the next value.

C L max = 300µF

This value requests 2.5 ms to be charged at 50 V by a 6

A limitation current, while a 5 ms short-circuit duration
generates a 1.5 J energy which will not bring the die
above rated temperature for initial junction temperature
below 80 °C.

Figure 9 Output impedance simulation file

(VDS = 5 V)
Note again that LLmin will be integrated in the LCL
design and is therefore considered for drawing the LCL
output impedance. The output impedance plot is given
on Fig. 10, for both the 5 V and the 50 V VDS cases, and
may be compared to Fig. 4. The plateau sets
respectively to about 11.9 Ω and 45.8 Ω. The output
impedance increases with the Drain to Source voltage
Figure 7 Resistive feedback open loop gain simulation mainly due to the voltage dependence of CR. The
file (VDS = 5 V) straight line stands for the impedance of the maximum
load inductance.

Figure 8 Inductive feedback open loop gain simulation Figure 10 Output impedance simulation results
file (VDS = 50 V) The practical implementation of the LCL is presented
We finally show on Tab. 3 that hypotheses H3, H4, H1 on Fig. 11. The shunt inductance LS has been
and H6 are also largely met. The next simulation implemented as a transformer to prevent any resistive
concerns the LCL output impedance. The simulation voltage drop within the inductance from affecting the
schematics applicable at 5 V Drain to Source voltage is precision of the shunt resistance. This allows in turn the
provided on Fig. 9. minimum inductance to be merged with the shunt
inductance by implementing a 3 to 1 transformer ratio.
That minimum inductance corresponds to the Source voltage of 5 V. The phase margin is close to 90°
inductance of the transformer at primary side which is as expected, and the bandwidth is about 1 MHz, in line
1.75 µH. From current derivative feedback viewpoint, with the 3 MHz bandwidth targeted for a 50 V Drain to
the transformer ratio makes sure that the closed loop Source voltage.
only sees one third of the voltage drop across the
minimum inductance which corresponds to about the
voltage drop across the desired shunt inductance value
of 590 nH. The diode D1 is meant as free-wheeling path
in case of blunt current interruption downstream the
LCL. There is no free-wheeling diode to ground at LCL
output assuming that the switch OFF operation is
performed smoothly enough with respect to the
maximum inductance of 500 µH.

Rs D1
Vbus 1.75 µH LS STRH40P10

10 mΩ

R1 12 Ω

10 V Q1 Q2 Figure 12 Resistive feedback loop bandwidth and phase

C1 margin (VDS = 5 V, LL = 500 µH)
R2 127 Ω

R3 16.2 kΩ

Q3 Q4
R4 R5
1 kΩ 1 kΩ


Figure 11 LCL current control loop detailed schematics

The diode D2 prevents Q3 from being reversed
polarized in case the LCL is shorted to ground directly
at its output. As a spin off, the PMOS will be shut down
when the LCL is shorted to ground through a low
impedance path thereby strongly limiting the inrush
current amplitude. Finally, the 12 Ω resistor across the
secondary coil ensures a filtering of the CE from the Figure 13 Inductive feedback loop bandwidth and phase
equipment connected to the LCL, with a cut off margin (VDS = 5 V, LL = 0 µH)
frequency of 10 MHz. With reference to [9], Annex A Fig. 14 shows the LCL output impedance. The
again, the CE will develop on the secondary side of the minimum value is about 12 Ω, disregarding the noisy
shunt inductance a maximum voltage of 3.7 mV, which measurement below 1 kHz and in accordance with Fig.
corresponds to a 0.37 A current onto the 10 mΩ shunt 10. For the sake of the output impedance measurement,
resistance. This figure is well within the margin left note that we have used an injection transformer inserted
between the nominal current of 5 A and the limitation between Drain and load impedance, where the
current of 6 A. measurements provided to the spectrum analyser are the
9. BREADBOARD RESULTS Drain current voltage, measured with an AC current
probe, and the Drain voltage, measured with a standard
The measurement performed on the breadboard are voltage probe. Finally, Fig. 15 and Fig. 16 provide the
reported here. The first four plots have been done at 5 V time response of the current in case of short-circuit
Drain to Source voltage, the last one at 50 V. Fig. 12 applied at output of the LCL, respectively for a 500 µH
shows the bandwidth and phase margin of the resistive load inductance at 5 V Drain to Source voltage and for a
feedback loop for a load inductance of 500 µH, 0 µH load inductance at 50 V Drain to Source voltage.
respectively 2.17 kHz and 62° (close to the expected The behaviour of the circuit on Fig. 15 is very much
2.25 kHz and 60° figures). Fig. 13 shows the bandwidth stable in spite of the large output inductance, displaying
and phase margin of the inductive feedback loop for the an inrush current below 8 A (less than 2 A overshoot).
minimum output inductance of 1.75 µH and a Drain to
reaching convenient stability margin for the specified
Zout BB
Zout Spice
operating conditions. The mitigation of such issue
Lmax = 500µH consists in introducing a derivative feedback gain in the
Lmin = 1.75µH
control loop. This solution has the advantage of making
unnecessary the bulky RC filter at LCL output. The tests
Zout [Ohm]

performed on a breadboard have shown results in line

with expectation thereby confirming the validity of the
10.0 analysis.

1 D. Levins, “Protection Concepts Used in
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2 C. Neuveu, D. Levins, “Design and Development
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3 H. Moller, “Diversifying the SSPC”, 5th European
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4 G. Simonelli, P. Perol, “Active Input Filter”, 6th
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Portugal, 6-10 May 2002
5 D. Levins, F. Fachinetti, B. Danthony , "120 Volt
10 Ampere Solid state Power Controller", 26th
Inter Society Energy Engineering Conference,
Figure 15 LCL short-circuit current transient Boston, Massachusetts, August 1991
(VDS = 5 V, LL = 500 µH)
6 C. Delepaut, “Thermal Instability of MOSFET in
Linear Operation for Space Applications”, 9th
European Space Power Conference, Saint-Raphaël,
France, 6-10 June 2011
7 F. Tonicello, C. Delepaut, M. Martin, M.
Triggianese, “Approach to design for stability a
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a generic load”, accepted to the 10th European
Space Power Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The
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8 “Space Engineering, Electrical and Electronic”,
ECSS-E-ST-20C, 31 July 2008
9 “Space Engineering, Electromagnetic
Compatibility”, ECSS-E-ST-20-07C, Rev. 1, 7
Figure 16 LCL short-circuit current transient February 2012
(VDS = 50 V, LL = 0 µH)
The behaviour of the circuit on Fig. 16 is as expected, 10 A. Soto, L. Jimenez, E. Lapena, C. Delepaut,
displaying a current shutdown when the LCL is shorted “Stability Analysis for the LCL of GEO-PCDU
at low impedance (see § 8). Note that during the current product”, accepted to the 10th European Space
recovery to the limitation value, there is no overshoot. Power Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The
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11 F. Tonicello, O. El Korashy, A. Pesce,
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