Terciario en Autotransformadores

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Conclusions The system described uses an auction vision; facilities for correct operation

method of economic loading. System during system emergencies; and pro-

The increasing responsibility for ac- costs and transmission losses are com- tection against the effects of apparatus
curate control as electric utility systems puted to obtain a net station bus bar and channel failure.
grow, and savings to be gained by auto- cost wvhich is sent to the station along
matic economic loading, demand that with a swing power assignment. This is References
careful consideration be given to the a composite signal requiring only one
use of automatic dispatching control. channel per station. 1. Loss EVALUATION-PART V. ECONOMIc Dis-
It is of practical advantage to carry the The basic components in the system PATCHI COMPUTBR-DBSIGN, R. B. Squires, R. T.
Byerly, H. W. Colborn, W. R. Hamilton. AIEE
automatic control to its full capabilities, described provide tie-line deviation sig- Transadions, pt. III (Power Apjparstus and Sys-
tems), vol. 75, Aug. 1956, pp. 719-27.
since in the course of time, minor ad- nals; frequency deviation signals; com- 2. EMUROBNCY CONTROL SYSTBM LOADS, J. M.
vantages develop into substantial aids in puters to derive swing power require- Comly, C. B. Keles, J. E. McCormack, H. W.
operating procedures. ments; system cost and transmission loss; Phillips, T. W. Schroeder. Ibid., vol. 67, pt. 11.
1948, pp. 1474-83.
A well-developed automatic dispatch- manual control of stations; telecontrol 3. BcoNomo LOADiNG oF POWER PLANTS AND
ing system provides components which channel equipment; manual control ELAcCmc SirsTBs, M. J. Steinberg, J. H. Smith.
can be used together in any combination of un its at stations; adjustments for McGaw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York,
N. Y., 1935.
that might be determined by the re- swing participation between stations 4. POWBA SYSTBM GOVBRNING-THB PROBLEM,
quirements of the power system to which and units; auxiliary limits alarms at the J. J. Dougherty, A. P. Hayward, A. C. Monteith,
S. B. Griscom. AIEE Transactions (Electrical
it is applied. station s; generator loading rate super- Ensineerinsg), vol. 60, 1941, pp. 547-58.

amined in other than broad qualitative

Are Stabilizing Windings Necessary terms, it is necessary to investigate zero-
sequence and third-harmonic character-
in All V-Connected Transrormers?
istics in detail. This, in turn, cannot be
accomplished without consideration of
the characteristics of transformer mag-
B. A. COGBILL netic circuits, as well as characteristics of
FELLOW AIEE winding connections.
Significant Characteristics of
Synopsis: For many years it has been (a)--To stabilize the neutral point of Transformer Magnetic Circuits
common practice to include a delta-con- the fundamental frequency voltages
nected stabilizing winding in Y-Y-connected OPEN AND CLOSED MAGNETIC CIRCUITS
transformers and Y-connected autotrans- (b) To protect the transformer and the
formers. This applies to 3-phase units of all system from excessive third-harmonic Although some materials have higher
types of core construction, as well as to 3- voltages permeability than others, and con-
phase banks of single-phase units. The (c) To prevent telephone interference sequently are better conductors of mag-
practice has been followed so closely for so
many years that it is generally taken for due to third-harmonic currents and volt- netic flux, all materials have some per-
granted that the stabilizing winding is a ages in the lines and earth" meabiity, the practical minimum be-
necessary part of such transformers. In For the purposes of this paper, the ing that of a vacuum, which is unity in the
many cases it is; but is it necessary or term "stabilizing winding" will be under- cgs (centimeter-gram-second) system of
even desirable to include a stabilizing units. Therefore, a completely open mag-
winding in all cases, regardless of system stood to mean a delta-connected winding
characteristics and conditions? It is the which is provided for stabilizing purposes netic circuit is a physical impossibility.
purpose of this paper to present a compre- only, and which is not intended for con- However, for the purposes of this dis-
hensive examination of the elements which nection to external loads or external cussion, magnetic circuits are classified
determine the answer or answers to this sources of power. as either "open" or "closed" in order
question, in the light of modern power to use terms which are somewhat
system operating conditions and operating The foregoing definition states very
practice. briefly the functions of a stabilizing wind- descriptive. The term "closed magnetic
ing, but, being a definition, it does not go circuit" applies when unsaturated high-
into detail as to how they are accom- permeability core steel forms a complete
THE ASA definition' of stabilizing plished. Stated in more fundamental circuit for the magnetic flux under con-
winding is "an auxiliary winding used terms, a stabilizing winding provides sideration. The term "open magnetic
particularly in star-connected transform- an internally closed circuit for zero- circuit" applies when an appreciable part
ers for such purposes as the following: sequence and third-harmonic currents, of the circuit is through material of unit
which is in addition to any other such cir- permeability. Examples of closed and
Paper 58-1169, recommended by the AIEE Trans- cuits which may or may not be present. open magnetic circuits are shown in Figs.
formers Committee and approved by the AIEE
Technical Operations Department for presentation Hence the presence of a stabilizing wind- 1(A) and (B) respectively.
at the AIEE Fall General Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
October 26-31, 1958, and re-presented at the ing usually has significant and often pro- Whether a magnetic circuit is open or
Empire District Meeting, Syracuse, N. Y., April found efTects on zero-sequence and third- closed usually has very pronounced effects
29-May 1, 1959, and at the Middle Eastern Dis- harmonic characteristics, and any phe- on the reactance characteristics of coils
trict Meeting, Baltimore, Md., May 19-21, 1959.
Manuscript submitted June 27, 1958; made avail- nomena which are influenced by these associated with it. Referring to Fig. 1,
able for printing July 30, 1958.
characteristics. Therefore, if the func- assume that coils A and B are identical
B. A. COGBILL iS with the General Electric Com-
pany. Pittsfield, Mass. tions of stabilizing windings are to be ex- in all respects, such as in number of turns,

OCTOBER 1959 Cogbill Are Stabilizing Windings Necessary9 963

A number of types of core construction
are used in modern single-phase power
transformers, but because all of them are
closed magnetic circuits to all types of
CORE A magnetic flux, they all have essentially
(A) (B) the same general magnetic character-
Fig. 1. Coils on closed magnetic circuit (A), istics. Therefore, a very simple one, as , k
and on open magnetic circuit (B) shown in Fig. 1 (A), will be used to repre-
sent all types of single-phase cores.
The 3-phase cores used in the manu-
conductor material, physical dimensions, facture of modern power transformers are
etc. Also assume that the two cores have of three general types: 1. 3-legged core;
the same cross-sectional area and are 2. shell; and 3. 5-legged core. Any (A)
made of the same high-permeability mate- other types are simply variations of these
rial. They differ only in that one is closed three. Actually, type 3 is a somewhat
and the other open. If the same value radical variation of type 2, as is demon-
of sinusoidal voltage is applied to both strated in the discussions of their char-
coils, the current through coil B will be acteristics. The three general types of 3-
much greater than the current through phase cores are shown in Figs. 2(A)-(C).
coil A. The ratio of the two currents The 3-legged 3-phase magnetic circuit,
might be in the order of 100 or more to as shown in Fig. 2(A), consists of three
one. The reason for this is that the re- legs of equal cross section, with top and
luctance of magnetic circuit B is much bottom yokes of approximately the same
greater than that of magnetic circuit A; cross section as the legs. The transformer
therefore, it takes a much greater magne- windings are symmetrically arranged on
tomotive force (ampere-turns) to force the three legs and connected in such a
through it the magnetic flux required to manner that positive-sequence fluxes in
produce a counter electromotive force the three legs are equal in magnitude, (B)
equal to the applied voltage. Thus, it is and displaced from one another by 120
seen that two identical coils have quite degrees. Therefore, the positive-sequence
different reactance characteristics when fluxes add vectorially to zero in the top
one is placed on a closed magnetic circuit and bottom yokes so no positive-sequence
and the other on an open magnetic circuit. flux is forced to pass between top and t 00 1' t
The two coils could very well be the same
coil placed first on one magnetic circuit
bottom yokes through material of unit 0. 0.
permeability. In other words, the posi-
and then on the other. Or, if it can be tive-sequence flux in each leg has a return
conceived that a magnetic circuit can be path in the other two; therefore, the 3-
closed to one type of magnetic flux and legged 3-phase core presents a closed mag-
open to another type of magnetic flux, a netic circuit to positive-sequence flux.
coil on such a magnetic circuit would have (C)
For zero-sequence flux this is not true. Fig. 2. Three-phase cores
certain reactance characteristics to one By definition, the zero-sequence fluxes in
type of electrical quantities, and quite dif- the three core legs are equal in magnitude, A-Three-legged
ferent reactance characteristics to some but there is no displacement angle be- B-Shell type
other type of electrical quantities. Some tween them. In other words, zero-se- C-Five-legged
3-phase transformer cores exhibit such quence fluxes in the three core legs are all
characteristics, as will be explained in phase with one another. Therefore,
presently. windings are placed. Otherwise, these
they cannot add to zero in the yokes; shaded portions would be required to
In all of this discussion, resistance is but rather an amount of flux equal to
ignored because the conclusions reached carry positive-sequence flux equal to
three times that of each core leg must 86.6% of that in the main legs. Thus,
are not affected by whether or not it is leave the core and pass between top and
taken into consideration. with the turns of the center leg reversed
bottom yokes through material of unit with respect to the turns of the other two
permeability. Thus, the 3-legged 3-phase legs, there is a saving of core material.
POSITIVE- AND ZERO-SEQUENcE FLUX core is an open magnetic circuit to zero- With the aid of Fig. 2(B), it can be seen
This section discusses the classification sequence flux. that the shell-type core presents a closed
of magnetic circuits used in 3-phase trans- The magnetic circuit of Fig. 2(B) is magnetic circuit to positive-sequence
former connections with respect to posi- that of a shell-type 3-phase core. The flux. In this respect, its characteristics
tive- and zero-sequence flux. transformer windings are placed on the are essentially the same as those of a
A 3-phase transformer connection may three center legs, which are shown in 3-legged 3-phase core. Also, it can be
consist of three single-phase transformers line vertically. The direction of winding seen that the shell-type core is a closed
connected in a 3-phase bank, or a 3-phase (or connection) of the coils on the middle magnetic circuit to zero-sequence flux;
transformer where all three phases are con- leg is usually opposite to that of the wind- however, this deserves a closer look.
tained in a single unit. Therefore, single- ings of the other two legs. This is done Referring to Fig. 2(B), if windings are
phase, as well as 3-phase magnetic circuwts, to reduce positive sequence flux in the carrying zero-sequence current there will
are considered in discussing 3-phase trans- shaded portions to a value equal to one- be zero-sequence flux in the three main
former connections. half of that of the main legs on which the legs. The magnitude of these three fluxes
964 Cogbill-A re Stabilizing Windings Necessaryt OCTOBER 1959
MAGNETIZATION Fig. 3(A). Actually, hysteresis loops
CURVE should be used to express the relationship
between flux and mnf, but for present
purposes the magnetization curve will
suffice. Since the applied voltage is
assumed to be sinusoidal, the flux must
be sinusoidal also (ignoring the highly
unlikely possibility of a constant offset),
because voltage is directly proportional
to the time rate of change of flux. The
graphical construction indicated in Fig.
3(A) shows that the current cannot be
sinusoidal if the flux, and consequently
the voltage, are sinusoidal.
A harmonic analysis would reveal that
(A) (B) the wave of current as a function of time,
Fig. 3. Magnetic characteristics of cores one-half cycle of which is shown in Fig.
A-Sinusoidal voltage and flux require nonsinusoidal current 3(A), is composed of a fundamental fre-
B-Sinusoidal current produces nonsinusoidal flux and voltdae quency component and other components
which have frequencies of the odd har-
monics of the fundamental. In other
will be equal. Also, the fluxes in the top yokes based on positive-sequence con- words, the current wave consts of a
and bottom main legs will be in phase siderations. But, these outer legs also component which has the same frequency
with one another; but the flux in the mid- provide a return path for zero-sequence as that of the applied voltages and, in
dle leg will be displaced 180 degrees with flux. Therefore, the 5-legged core is a addition, components whose frequencies
respect to the flux in the other two legs, closed magnetic circuit to zero-sequence are three times, five times, seven times,
due to the reverse direction of winding. flux; and its zero-sequence magnetic etc., that of the applied voltage. No
Thus, at any instant, the zero-sequence characteristics are much the same as components of the even harmonic fre-
fluxes in the three legs will be as indicated those of a shell-type core. quencies are p nt the current wave.
by the arrows shown in Fig. 2(B). From The relative value of the cross-sectional For normal transformer core steel operat-
this sketch it can be seen that the shaded area of the outer legs with respect to that ing at normal flux density, the amplitude
portions are forced to carry zero-sequence of each of the three main legs depends of the third-harmonic component of
flux which is equal to that carried by the upon a number of design factors and is magnetizing current is greater than that
main legs; but these shaded portions have not always the same. However, it is of the fifth-harmonic component, the
only approximately one-half the cross- usually in the order of 58%. If this value amplitude of the fifth is greater than that
sectional area of the main legs, which is is used, the outer legs will reach normal of the seventh, etc. Due to the decrease
all that is needed for positive-sequence flux density when zero-sequence excitation in amplitude as the harmonic order in-
considerations mentioned before. There- on the main legs reaches approximately creases, and because the third-harmonic is
fore, if zero-sequence excitation is carried 39% of normal positive-sequence excita- the one which causes trouble, the problem
much above 50% of the normal positive- tion. Thus, the 5-legged 3-phase core is simplified somewhat by ignoring all of
sequence excitation for which the core is saturates at a lower value of zero-sequence the harmonic components except the
designed, the shaded portions will be- excitation than does the shell-type 3-phase third. Thus, with a sinusoidal voltage
come saturated. Under these conditions core. applied to coil A of Fig. 1, the current is
the shell-type core is no longer a closed said to consist of a fundamental com-
magnetic circuit for zero-sequence flux. THIRD-HARMONIC CHARACTERISTICS ponent and a third-harmonic component,
Thus, it can be concluded that the shell- Transformer magnetic circuits are although this is not the complete picture.
type core is a closed magnetic circuit to directly responsible for some undesirable On the other hand, if the current
zero-sequence flux, as long as zero-se- third-harmonic voltages and currents, through the coil is sinusoidal, the flux in
quence excitation is below something in which may permeate the entire power the core, and consequently the voltage
the order of 50 or 60% of normal positive- system. The development of these third- across the coil, cannot be sinusoidal.
sequence excitation. Beyond this point harmconic quantities cannot be avoided This is demonstrated by the construction
it begins to behave as an open magnetic completely; but some magnetic circuits shown in Fig. 3(B). In this case the flux
circuit; and if zero-sequence excitation is are much less offensive in this respect than and voltage are said to be composed of
carried to 100% of normal positive-se- are others. fundamental and third-harmonic com-
quence excitation, it is an open magnetic Referring to Fig. 1(A), if a perfectly ponents, although other odd-harmonic
circuit for all practical purposes. sinusoidal voltage is applied to the termi- components are present. It should be
The 5-legged 3-phase core shown in nals of the coil, the current through it noted that the voltage wa-ve is much more
Fig. 2(C) is quite similar to the 3-legged cannot be sinusoidal. This is explained distorted than the flux wave. This is a
3-phase core shown in Fig. 2(A), except by referring to Fig. 3(A). The magnetic consequence of the fact that voltage is
that the two outside legs and necessary ex- charac.teristics of the high-permeability proportional to the rate of change of
tensions of top and bottom yokes are core steel are not linear. In other words, flux with respect to time. Thus if the
added. The primary reason for addition the relationship between flux andmagneto- amplitude of the third-harmonic com-
of the two outer legs, which carry no motive force (mmf; shown as current) is ponent of flux is 10% of the amplitude
windings, is that it allows a reduction in not a straight line, but is a curve similar of the fundamental component of flux, the
the cross-sectional area of top and bottom to the magnetization curve shown in amplitude of the third-harmonic compo-
OCTOBER 1 959 Cogbill-A1re Stabilizing Windings Necessary9 965
a- Oa +0a3 Ob Obl+tb3 0c0iC +0c3 other. Thus, the third-harmonic com- HV
ponent of positive-sequence flux is, in
effect, a zero-sequence flux of triple fre-
quency. The same can be said of third
harmonic currents and voltages in a (A)
symmetrical 3-phase system. That is,
the third-harmonic components of a LV HV
balanced 3-phase system of currents form
a triple-frequency zero-sequence system
(A) of currents; and the third-harmonic com-
ponents of a balanced 3-phase system of (B)
voltages form a triple-frequency zero-
sequence system of voltages. This ex-
plains why third-harmonic quantities are
troublesome; they cause neutral shift
TIME and/or flow in the ground circuit, just as
zero-sequence quantities do. In three- (C)
phase systems this is true of only the
harmonics which are multiples of three. Fig. 5. Zero-sequence Impedance tests
(B) Thus, the next harmonic after the third A-LV self-impedance
which behaves in this manner is the B-HV self-impedance
Fig. 4. Three-phase system of nonsinusoidal ninth; usually its amplitude is so small C-Series-opposition impeddnce
fluxes (A), and fundamental and third- that it can be ignored. Therefore, there
harmonic components oF A (B) is justification for the simplification which Test no. 1, the connections for which
ignores all harmonics except the third. are shown in Figs. 5(A) and 6(A), consists
nent of voltage will be 30% of the ampli- From the foregoing it can be concluded
tude of the fundamental component of of applying single-phase voltage to the
that third-harmonic quantities and char- low-voltage (LV) winding between neu-
voltage. All other harmonies in the flux acteristics are, for all practical purposes, tral terminal and the three line terminals
wave are also magnified in the voltage simply zero-sequence quantities and char-
wave by factors equal to the harmonic connected together, with the high-volt-
acteristics. Of course, the effect of fre- age (HV) open-circuiited. This puts the
orders. quency on characteristics such as react-
If three identical coils and associated same voltage across each phase of the Y-
ance, must be taken into account in going connection, which amounts to the applica-
cores, such as is shown in Fig. 1(A), are from fundamental frequency zero-se- tion of zero-sequence voltage. Because
symmetrically connected in Y with iso- quence characteristics to third-harmonic this is a measurement of the three phases
lated neutral, and a 3-phase system of characteristics. in parallel, the zero-sequence self-im-
balanced sinusoidal currents is applied at As demonstrated previously, the 3- pedance of the LV winding, on a per-phase
the terminals, the flux in each core will legged 3-phase core is an open magnetic basis, is three times the value obtained
consist of a fundamental component and circuit to zero-sequence flux. All other by taking the ratio of applied voltage to
a third-harmonic component. Moreover, types of cores used in 3-phase transformer total current.
the fluxes in the three cores will be equal connections are closed magnetic circuits Test no. 2, the connections for which
in magnitude and displaced from one to zero-sequence flux. Because the third-
another by 120 degrees. Thus, ignoring harmonic of positive-sequence flux is
all harmonics except the third, the three nothing more than triple-frequency zero-
flux waves will be similar to those shown sequence flux, the 3-legged 3-phase core
in Fig. 4(A). Each one of these flux is also an open magnetic circuit to third-
waves can be broken down into a funda- harmonic flux, whereas all of the other
mental component and a third-harmonic types of cores are closed magnetic circuits
component, which are shown in Fig. 4(B). to third-harmonic flux. (A)
The fundamental frequency components A summary of the various types of
are equal in magnitude and displaced from
cores used in 3-phase transformer con-
one another by 120 degrees. The third- nections classified as to open and closed
harmonic components are also equal in magnetic circuits is given in Table I.
magnitude but all in phase with one an-
Zero-Sequence Impedance
Table I Characteristics of Y-Y Connections
Without Stabilizing Winding
Types of Magnetic Circuit With
Positive- Zero- Third- The zero-sequence impedance char-
Sequence Sequence Harmonic acteristics of a Y-Y-connected trans-
Type of Core Flux Flux Flux
former (or Y-connected autotransformer)
Singie-phase ........ Closed ... Closed ..... Closed can be determined by making three im-
3-legged 3-phase.... Closed ... Open ..... Open pedance tests. The diagrams of connec-
Shell-type 3-phase.. Closed ... Closed*.....Closed tions for the tests are shown in Fig. 5, and
5-legged 3-phase .... Closed.. . Closed*... . Closed Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit representations of
* Saturates and becomes open magnetic circuit
the equivalent circuit representations zero-sequence impedance tests. See sub-
before 100% zero-sequence excitation is reached. of the tests are shown in Fig. 6. caption, Fig. 5, for identiRcations

966 Cogbill-A re Stabilizing Windings NecessaryO OCTOBER 1 959

HV 0. 00.0 L
If the Y-Y-connected transformer (or
MV 0.0 0.05 LV

Y-connected autotransformer) has a 3-

0,60 legged 3-phase core, the first two zero- 99.95
sequence tests, shown in Figs. 5(A) and
(A) (B), will produce comparatively low (A)
values of impedance. The reason for this
is thabt a comparatively large mmf (am- HV LV
HV 0.0 0. 0.003 pere-turns) is required to force the neces-
sary flux through the high reluctance of
0.036 the magnetic circuit, which is open to zero- 0.0386
sequence flux. Thus, the zero-sequence
(B) impedance of the LV winding, with the (B)
Fig. 7. Zero-sequence equivalent circuits HV vvinding open circuited, might be in Fig. 8. Zero4equence equivalent circuits
of Y-Y-connected transformer with 3-legged the order of 0.7 pu (per unit), based on of Y-Y-connected transformer with shell-type
3-phase core rated positive-sequence voltage and rated core. See subcaption, Fig. 7, for
kva. The zero-sequence impedance of identiRtcation
A-Without stdbilizing winding the LIV winding, with the LV winding
B-With stabilizing winding open circuited, might be in the order of sequence magnetizing impedance. The
0.6 pu based on rated positive-sequence reason for this is that the magnetic circuit
are shown in Figs. 5(B) and 6(B), is the volta,ge and rated kva. is closed for zero-sequence flux, and
same as test no. 1, except power is applied It should be noted that in the case of
consequently has a very low reluctance as
3-legged core-type construction, the zero- long as the zero-sequence excitation is not
to the HV winding with the LV winding
open circuited. This measurement yields sequence self-impedances of the LV and high enough to saturate any part of the
the zero-sequence self-impedance of the HV vwindings are influenced by the pres-
core. Thus, the zero-sequence self-im-
HV winding. ence of the transformer tank. The tank, pedance of both the HV and LV windings
Test no. 3, the connections for which which encloses the complete core-and-coil might be in the order of 100 pu, based on
are shown in Figs. 5(C) and 6(C), consists structure, acts as a magnetically coupled rated positive-sequence voltage and rated
of applying separate sources of single- short- circuited turn as far as zero-sequence kva.
phase voltage simultaneously to the two quanl:ities are concerned. Therefore, in The leakage impedance between wind-
Y connections between neutral terminal addition to the high reluctance of the zero- ings will be approximately the same as
and the three line terminals connected sequence flux path, there is, in effect, a that of a corresponding transformer with
together. The voltages are adjusted comparatively poorly coupled short- a 3-legged core, that is, 0.10 pu based on
so that the instantaneous mmf (ampere- circuited turn which also acts to reduce rated positive-sequence voltage and rated
turns) of each of the LV coils is at all the values of zero-sequence impedances. kva.
times exactly equal but oppositely For a. more complete discussion of this The zero-sequence equivalent circuit
directed to the instantaneous mmf (am- subject see reference 2. based on these values of zero-sequence im-
pere-turns) of each of the corresponding The third test of the Y-Y connection on pedances for the shell-type (or 5-legged
HV coils. Thus, the net numf on each a 3-p hase 3-legged core might produce core-type, or bank of single-phase units)
core leg is forced to be zero, so there is a value of 0.10 pu based on rated positive- Y-Y-connected transformer is shown in
no nmmf acting on the core legs. Hence sequence voltage and rated kva. This is Fig. 8(A).
the impedance measured in this manner the zero-sequence leakage impedance From the foregoing discussion it is
is the leakage or series opposition im- between HV and LV windings, and is concluded that the zero-sequence im-
pedance between the two windings. essentially the same as the positive- pedance characteristics of a Y-Y-con-
The third test described is practically sequence leakage impedance, because in nected transformer (or Y-connected auto-
impossible to perform because of the re- both cases there is no net mmf on the core transformer) on a 3-legged 3-phase core
quirement that the HV and LV ampere- so it does not matter whether the mag- are quite different from those of the same
turns must be exactly equal and opposite. netic circuit is open or closed. connection on any other type of core used
However, there are other practical tests Using the values of 0.7, 0.6, and 0.10 in 3-phase transformer connections. Re-
which can be made to obtain in an indirect pu for the measured zero-sequence im- ferring to Figs. 7(A) and 8(A), the big
way the zero-sequence leakage impedance pedances, the zero-sequence equivalent difference is in the values on the shunt
between Y-connected windings. It is not circuit of the Y-Y connection on a 3-legged branches of the zero-sequence equivalent
necessary to discuss the other tests here 3-phase core is constructed. This is circuits and results from the differences
because present purposes are to show, as shown in Fig. 7(A). in the types of magnetic circuits. The
simply as possible, what the zero-sequence 3-legged 3-phase core is an open magnetic
impedance characteristics are, regardless OTHER TYPES OF CORES
circuit to zero-sequence flux, whereas all
of how the values are determined. If the Y-Y connection is on any of the other types of cores are closed to zero-
The three tests just described provide other types of core used in 3-phase trans- sequence flux.
sufficient information for determining the former connections, the first two zero-
branch values of the 3-terminal zero- sequence impedances will be vastly differ- Third-Harmonic Characteristics of
sequence equivalent circuit, which is the ent from the corresponding impedances Y-Y Connections Without
most common and convenient means of of a similar transformer on a 3-legged Stabilizing Winding
expressing the zero-sequence impedance core. The zero-sequence self-impedances
characteristics of a Y-Y transformer con- of the HV and LV windings will be of the Important factors to be considered with
nection. same order of magnitude as the positive- respect to third-harmonic quantities are:

OCTrOBEsR 1959 Cogbill-Atre Stabilizing Windings Necessary9 967

line-to-line voltages, because the third- One part is that which is enclosed
harmonic component disappears when two by the transformer windings. It is made
line-to-neutral voltages are subtracted of high-permeability core steel, therefore
one from the other to obtain line-to line has comparatively low reluctance; but,
voltage. due to the nonlinear characteristics of the
If the neutral of the Y-connected wind- material, the reluctance is a function of
ings is grounded, and the source of power flux. This reluctance is shown lumped
is also grounded, a circuit is provided in Fig. 9(A), where it is designated R(0).
for the flow of third-harmonic current. Another part of the magnetic circuit is
In this case the third-harmonic voltage that part of the core which is not enclosed
(A) produced in the windings will force third- by the windings. It also is comparatively
harmonic current through the circuit, small and nonlinear and is designated by
which consists of the neutral connection of R'(O) in Fig. 9(A). The third part of the
the transformer, ground circuit, neutral magnetic circuit is the "air" return path
of the source, the transmission lines, and which is in parallel with R'(0). It has
thence back to the transformer windings. unit permeability, therefore its value is
The effect of this third-harmonic current high as compared with R(0) and R'(0).
flowing in the Y-connected transformer The reluctance of this part of the circuit
windings is to almost completely suppress is designated as R.. To complete the
the third-harmonic voltage which would equivalent circuit, a generator is shown to
appear from line to neutral if the neutral represent the source of nunf, which in the
were isolated. However, the third-har- actual transformer is the winding carry-
monic current flowing in ground and the ing magnetizing current.
(B) transmission lines might affect communi- Assume three identical coils on the three
cation circuits. This is especially true legs of a shell-type core to be Y-connected
Fig. 9. Equivalent magnetic circuits, per- in the case of single-wire ground-return
phase basis with the neutral isolated. Since the
telephone circuits strung parallel to the third-harmonic of positive-sequence cur-
A-Shell-type 3-phase core transmission line. By inductive coupling rent is triple-frequency zero-sequence cur-
B-Three-legged 3-phase core a third-harmonic voltage is induced in the rent, no third-harmonic current can flow
telephone circuit, which results in inter- in the Y-connected windings as long as the
1. Third-harmonic line-to-neutral voltages. ference. Also, the third-harmonic current neutral is isolated. Therefore, if positive-
2. Third-harmonic currents introduced
could cause false operation of ground sequence voltage is applied to the three
into the system. relays with very sensitive settings. line terminals, only fundamental fre-
3. Possibility of third-harmonic inductive If the neutral of the Y-connected trans- quency positive-sequence current can
reactance of the transformer being high former windings is grounded, a circuit for flow in the windings (ignoring all har-
enough to resonate with capacitive reactance third-harmonic current exists even though monics except the third). Under this
of the transmission lines. the source of power is isolated from condition the flux generator of Fig. 9(A)
The origin of third-harmonic quantities ground. There is very low capacitance be- produces a sinusoidal mmf. Due to the
in transformers has been discussed. Also, tween the transmission lines and ground. nonlinear characteristics of R(6) and
it has been demonstrated that the third- Hence there is a circuit through the trans- R'(4), the fluxes and 4'cannot be sinus-
harmonic components of positive-se- former windings to ground and thence oidal, but will contain a third-harmonic
quence quantities are no more or less back to the transformer line terminals by component. The flux qa will be essen-
than triple-frequency zero-sequence way of the very high third-harmonic ca- tially sinusoidal and insignificantly small
quantities. It follows from this last fact pacitive reactance from lines to ground. due to the comparatively high value of R.
that no third-harmonic component of If the third-harmonic inductive reactance with respect to R'(0). The voltage across
positive-sequence current can flow in a Y- of the transformer windings is very each of the three windings, which is
connected winding if the neutral is iso- high, it might form a series-resonant directly proportional to the time rate of
lated. Thus, if sinusoidal positive-se- circuit with the third-harmonic capaci- change of 0, will contain a third-harmonic
quence voltage is applied to the line ter- tive reactance of the lines, which could re- component because contains a third-
minals of a Y-connected winding with iso- sult in hazardous voltages. For a more harmonic component. Consequently, the
lated neutral, the current in the windings, complete discussion of this subject see line-to-neutral voltages will not be
cannot contain a third-harmonic com- reference 3. sinusoidal, but will contain a third-
ponent. Ignoring all harmonics except harmonic component. Moreover, the
the third, the current in the Y-connected TYPES OF CORES OTHER THAN 3-LEGGED amplitude of this third-harmonic com-
windings is forced to be sinusoidal as long 3-PHASE ponent will be quite high, possibly in the
as the neutral is isolated. Therefore, It is convenient to use equivalent cir- order of 60% of the amplitude of the
there must be a third-harmonic com- cuits in the analysis of third-harmonic fundamental line-to-neutral voltage.
ponent of flux in each magnetic phase, characteristics of 3-phase transformer The reason for this is that the shell-type
and, consequently, a third-harmonic com- magnetic circuits. On a per-phase basis, core, being a closed magnetic circuit for
ponent of voltage will appear across the the shell-type 3-phase core (or 5-legged third-harmonic flux, offers a very low
windings. With the windings Y-con- core type or bank of single-phase units) reluctance to this type of flux, so its
nected, the third-harmonic component will can be represented by the equivalent amplitude is approximately 20% of the
be present in line-to-neutral voltages and circuit shown in Fig. 9(A). The mag- amplitude of the fundamental component.
cause neutral shift. However, there will netic circuit is considered in three Because the frequency of the third-har-
be no third-harmonic component in the parts. monic component is three times the fre-

968 Cogbill-A re Stabilizing Windings NecessaryO OCTOBER 1 959

quency of the fundamental, the relative nusoidal because the filter circuit will pass Effects of a Delta-Connected
amount of third-harmonic component in flux of fundamental frequency only. Stabilizing Winding
the voltage wave is three times the rela- But, since R(O) and R'(0) are both non-
tive amount of third-harmonic component linear, sinusoidal flux through them re- If a delta-connected stabilizing winding
in the flux wave. quires that the mmf's across them contain is added to any of the transformers which
If the neutral of the Y-connected wind- third-harmonic components. The counter have been discussed, the differences in
ings on the shell-type core is grounded, the to the third-harmonic mmf's which must characteristics due to types of core prac-
third-harmonic impedance from line ter- exist across R(O) and R'(O) is not sup- tically disappear. Because a delta-con-
minals to ground will be extremely high plied by the generator because the basic nected winding forms a comparatively
due to the fact that the magnetic circuit is assumption is that the generator's mmf low-impedance short circuit to zero-se-
closed to third-harmonic flux. If the is sinusoidal. Therefore, the third-har- quence and third-harmonic voltages, it
fundamental zero-sequence impedance monic counter mmf appears across the makes little difference whether the mag-
is in the order of 100 pu, based on rated filter circuit; and that part of it which is netic circuit is open or closed, as long as
positive-sequence voltage and rated kva, in opposition to the third harmonic mmf the delta connection is present. For
the third-harmonic zero-sequence im- of R(q) exists across &. Actually, Ra is example, if zero-sequence voltage is ap-
pedance will be in the order of 300 pu on compaLratively large but is not infinite, so plied to a Y-connected winding on a shell-
the same basis. This could be of the the third-harmonic mmf which exists type core which also has on it a delta-
same order of magnitude as the third- across it will force a comparatively small connected winding, the impedance meas-
harmonic zero-sequence capacitive re- amowut of third-harmonic flux through it. ured will be the impedance between Y and
actance of the transmission lines so as to Hence 0, the flux which links the trans- delta windings. In effect, this is exactly
form a resonant circuit and result in former windings and which is the sum of the same as having voltage applied to one
hazardous voltages. &' and Oa, will contain a very small third winding with the other winding short
If, in addition to the neutral of the harmonic component. Consequently, a circuited. In either case, the current
transformer windings being grounded, the small third-harmonic component of volt- drawn will be comparatively large and
neutral of the source is grounded also, a age will exist across the windings. and therefore the impedance will be low, say
comparatively low impedance circuit for the line-to-neutral voltages of Y-con- on the order of 0.05 pu, as compared with
third-harmonic current is established. nected windings will not be perfectly 100 pu if the delta-connected winding is
Thus, the third-harmonic line-to-neutral sinusoidal but will contain a slight third- not present. Essentially, the same&results
voltage generated in the transformer will harmonic component. The amplitude of would be obtained regardless of the type
cause a third-harmonic current to flow the third-harmonic component of line-to- of magnetic circuit, as long as the delta-
in this circuit. Usually the magnitude of neutral voltages will be in the order of 1 or connected winding is present.
the current will be sufficient to almost 2% of the amplitude of the fundamen- Thus, the zero-sequence equivalent
completely suppress the third-harmonic tal. This is compared with an ampli- circuits shown in Fig. 7(A) and 8(A) would
flux in the core, so the third-harmonic tude of around 60% for any other type be changed to those shown in 7(B) and
component in the line-to-neutral voltages of core used in 3-phase transformer con- 8(B) if delta-connected stabilizing wind-
will almost completely disappear. How- nectionls. ings were included in the units. For
ever, the third-harmonic current in the If the neutral of the Y-connected wind- practical purposes, there is very little
lines and ground might cause telephone ings on the 3-legged core is grounded, the difference between the circuits of Figs.
interference. third-harmonic impedance from line ter- 7(B) and 8(B).
minals to neutral will be comparatively In a similar manner, the delta-con-
THREE-LEGGED 3-PHASE CORES low due to the fact that the magnetic nected stabilizing winding acts as a low-
The magnetic circuit of the 3-legged circuit is open to third-harmonic flux. If impedance short circuit to third-harmonic
3-phase core can be represented on a per- the fundamental zero-sequence imped- voltage. Therefore, third-harmonic
phase basis by an equivalent circuit sim- ance is in the order of 0.6 pu, based on quantities all but disappear at the trans-
ilar to that for the shell-type core, with rated p,ositive-sequence voltage and rated former terminals and from the system if
one exception. Since this type of mag- kva, the third harmonic zero-sequence a stabilizing winding is included. There
netic circuit is open to the third-harmonic impedance will be in the order of 1.8 pu are no significant differences in this re-
of positive-sequence flux, the third- on the same basis. This is much lower spect between transformers which con-
harmonic flux must be prevented from than the usual third-harmonic capacitive tain different types of magnetic circuits.
passing through R'(b) of the equivalent reactance of the transmission lines, so
circuit. Therefore, a filter circuit is put there is no danger of resonance and the Are Stabilizing Windings
in series with R'(0) to obtain the equiv- resulting hazardous voltages. Necessary?
alent circuit shown in Fig. 9(B). It is If, in addition to the neutral of the
assumed that the filter circuit offers no transformer windings being grounded, the The foregoing discussion explains what
reluctance to the fundamental com- source is also grounded, there will be a characteristics of a Y-Y-connected trans-
ponent of positive-sequence flux, but third-harmonic component of current in former or Y-connected autotransformer
infinite reluctance to the third-harmonic the lines and ground, and the third-har- are affected by omission of the delta-
component of positive-sequence flux. In monic component in line-to-neutral volt- connected stabilizing winding, and why
other words, the filter circuit blocks the ages will almost completely disappear. and how these characteristics are affected.
third-harmonic component without affect- The magnitude of third-harmonic current It also points out that the effects are quite
ing the fundamental component. in lines and ground should be less than different depending upon the type of core
If a sinusoidal mmf is applied to the in the case of other types of cores; how- used. If the core is of the 3-legged type,
circuit of Fig. 9(B) by the flux generator, ever, it may be sufficient to cause tele- the changes in significant characteristics
and if at first Ra is assumed to be infinite, phone interference under adverse condi- with omission of stabilizing winding are
0 will be equal to 4' which must be si- tions. not very great. On the other hand, if any

OCTOBER 1 959 Cogbill-A re Stabilizing Windings Necessary? 969

other type of core is used, the changes are been omitted from 3-phase core-type frequency neutral shift during system
of an entirely different order of magni- units. This is even more true today, ground faults when the autotransformer
tude. because: neutral is not solidly grounded. For
In a particular case, whether or not the information on this subject see references
1. In large systems the loads on the main
stabilizing can be omitted depends en- transmission lines are much closer to being 4 and 5.
tirely upon whether the resulting zero- perfectly balanced than were the loads
sequence and third-harmonic character- on the systems of 40 or 50 years ago. Conclusions
istics are compatible with the system into Therefore the somewhat higher zero-
sequence impedance of the system which The foregoing discussion leads to the
which the transformer is to be installed. results from omission of the stabilizing
Most certainly stabilizing windings are winding is not significant in this respect, following conclusions:
not necessary in all cases. If the zero- because under normal loading conditions 1. It is perfectly satisfactory to omit the
sequence and third-harmonic character- there is practically no zero-sequence current delta-connected stabilizing winding from
istics of the transformer without sta- in the system. Y-Y-connected transformners and Y-con-
bilizing winding will produce no adverse 2. The telephone interference problem is nected autotransformers in many cases
effects on the system, taking into con- not as serious as it was years ago. Open if 3-legged core-type construction is used.
telephone circuits with ground return have For other types of core construction, the
sideration the characteristics of the sys- been replaced by open circuits with metallic practice is questionable, especially in view
tem as a whole, there is no need for the return or by cables. Equipment to im- of conclusion 5(e) which follows:
stabilizing winding. Therefore, it is prove quality of reception is vastly superior 2. The characteristics affected by omission
up to the system engineer to determine to that of 50 years ago, and normally of the delta-connected stabilizing winding
whether the stabilizing winding can be HV p wer systems no longer use common are: (a) zero-sequence impedance charac-
rights of wav with communication systems. teristics; and (b) third-harmonic charac-
omitted; but to make such a decision he
must have the transformer characteristics 3. With the development of relaying equip- teristics.
ment which distinguishes between the 3. How much these characteristics are
which only the transformer manufacturer various components of voltages and cur-
can furnish. affected depends upon the type of magnetic
rents, certain system conditions which circuit used in the transformer. If a 3-
As stated earlier in this discussion, there could not be tolerated in the past from a legged 3-phase core is used, the effects of
is a general opinion that the stabilizing relaying point of view no longer present omitting the stabilizing winding are very
serious problems. much less than they would be if any other
winding is absolutely necessary, and there type of core were used.
is justification for the existence of such an With improved technology and changed
opinion. The first transformers used in conditions, the idea that a stabilizing 4. Fundamental frequency positive-
sequence characteristics are not affected
3-phase systems were single-phase units. winding is needed in all cases is archaic. by omission of stabilizing winding.
Hence the 3-phase transformer connec- This has been recognized by some elec- 5. Some associated system problems which
tions had the zero-sequence and third- tric utility companies who have purchased must be considered are: (a) the effect on
harmonic characteristics of banks of and had in operation for a number of XO/X1 ratio of the system; (b) the effects
single-phase transformers. The first years Y-Y-connected transformers and Y- on fault currents and relaying of system
loads were not well-balanced, so it was connected autotransformers without sta- faults; (c) the possibility of telephone
desirable to have the zero-sequence im- bilizing windings. interference; (d) the effects on voltage
regulation in case of line-to-neutral un-
pedance as low as possible. Moreover, at A partial list of ratings of such trans- balanced loading; and (e) the possibility
that time, many telephone circuits were formers is: of getting a series-resonant circuit con-
open-line with ground return, and the sisting of the third-harmonic inductive
equipment for suppressing noise from ex- 1. FOA (oil-immersed forced-oil cooled reactance of the transformer and the
with forced-air cooler)-T-60-95000-129000 third-harmonic capacitive reactance of the
ternal sources was crude as compared lines. The circuit is excited by third-
with that which is in use today. Also, Gr Y-13800 Y harmonic voltage generated in the trans-
the techniques of relaying faults, dis- 2. FOA-T-60-160000 (output)-130000 former windings. This condition can result
tinguishing between positive-, negative-, Gr Y-165000 Gr Y in hazardous voltages.
and zero-sequence quantities, and knowl- 3. FOA-T-60-80000 (output)-132000 6. The high-reluctance zero-sequence flux
edge of the third-harmonic quantities Gr Y-66000 Gr Y path and the presence of the transformer
were quite primitive as compared with 4. OA/FA (oil-immersed self-cooledl tank combine to inherently produce, to a
forced -air-cooled)-T-60-30000/40000 (out- very significant extent, the effects of a
what is available today. Therefore, the stabilizing winding in the case of 3-legged
practice of playing it safe by including a put)-34500 GrY-13800 GrY core-type construction. This is not true
stabilizing winding in all 3-phase Y-Y 5. 0,A/FA-T-60-10000/12500 --22000Y- of other types of cores.
connections was established. No doubt, 11000 Y
some serious difficulties developed in par- 6. QA (oil-immersed self-cooled)-T-60-30- References
ticular cases of earlier applications with- 000 (output)-29000 Gr Y-6000 GrY
out stabilizing windings. What caused Items 2, 3,4, and 6 are autotransformers. TRICAL TERMS (book). AIEE, Aug. 1941, p. 76.
the difficulties was not fully understood, All of these units are of the 3-legged 3- 2. ZERO-PHASE-SEQUENCE CHARACTERISTICS OF
but it was found that addition of a sta- phase core-type construction. There is TRANSFORMERS, A. N. Garin. General Electric
Reisew, Schenectady, N. Y., vol. 43, 1940, pp.
bilizing winding cured the trouble. So no indication that any of them have been 131-36; 174-79.
it was only natural that the practice responsible for trouble in service with 3. THE WHlYS OF THE Y's, A. Boyajian, B. A.
of including stabilizing windings in all Y-Y respect to the power system or communi- Cogbill. Publication GEA-6605, General Electric
Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1957 revision.
connections became practically univer- cation circuits. 4. INVZRSION CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES IN AUTO-
sal. In the operation of autotransformers, TRANSPORMERS, A. Boyajian. AIEE Traxsactions,
vol. 49, Apr. 1930, pp. 810-22.
Had the troubles been fully under- especially those without stabilizing wind- 5. A ZERO-SEQUENCE EQUrvALENT CIRCUIT Olt
stood, it would have been recognized that ings, another factor, which has not been AUTOTRANSFORMER CONNRCTIONS WrICH YIELDS
in some applications no trouble would been mentioned up to this point, should NEUTRAL SHIFT, B. A. Cogbil. Ibid., pt. III
(Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 75, Dec. 1956,
have developed if stabilizing windings had be considered. It relates to fundamental pp. 1228-32.

970 Cogbill-Are Stabilizing Windings NecessaryO OCTOBER 1 959

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