JPNR - S07 - 684
JPNR - S07 - 684
JPNR - S07 - 684
Based on the cluster approach, the paper presents the possibilities of forming a regional pedagogical (educational) cluster. Approaches to the
formation of the concept of development of the pedagogical (educationa l) cluster, the main stages of its formation are described. The
mechanisms of interaction between participants in cluster integration, the system for managing the development of a pedagogical
(educational) cluster are presented. It is shown that increasing the attractiveness of cooperation between educational organizations of
vocational education and industry enterprises can be achieved by providing interactions that contribute to the multiplier effect of transfers of
innovative technologies of the industry in vocational education within the cluster and increasing the competitiveness of educational
organizations within the cluster by improving the quality of specialized service and increase the professional competence of teachers.
Keywords: Cluster Integration of Educational Organizations; Cluster Approach, A System for Managing the Activities of Participants in a
Pedagogical (Educational) Cluster within the Framework of Cluster Integration.
The efficiency of the modern economy is determined by the degree of development of innovation processes, for which both
the acquisition of new knowledge and its transfer to the production sectors of the economy and the social sphere are equally
important components. The experience of many countries shows that an important tool for increasing the efficiency of
economic development is the active use of the cluster approach. According to the definition given by Michael Porter, a cluster
is a group of geographically adjacent interconnected companies (suppliers, manufacturers, intermediaries) and related
organizations (educational institutions, government bodies, infrastructure companies) operating in a certain area and
complementing each other. Friend [10]. Porter proposes not the artificial creation of clusters from above, but their discovery in
real life and support from government agencies and research institutes. The concept of development of regional clusters was
developed by M. Porter's follower M. Enright. He defined a cluster as a geographically defined agglomeration of
interconnected firms [17]. According to the American economist S. Rosenfeld, one territorial concentration of a critical mass
of related firms is not enough to form a regional cluster. It is necessary to have active channels for business transactions,
dialogue and communication [19]. Experts of the European Commission for monitoring the development of small and
medium-sized enterprises, after analyzing various types of clusters and with the help of research by M. Storper, developed a
development scheme "ideal" regional cluster, including six stages:
In general, the cluster approach is associated with the formation of a vertically integrated system consisting of organizations
that perform different functions and are united by one technological process, the result of which is the final product created by
the efforts of all participants. Thus, when implementing the cluster approach, the following key points can be distinguished:
The relevance of introducing forms of network (cluster) interaction for the education system is determined by the following
• The accelerated pace of higher education reform, in which adaptation to new conditions in a short time is possible only
with the active interaction of all subjects of educational activity based on common goals and interests, which can be
achieved precisely by using network interaction.
• The growth of requirements for the quality of education, which is associated with the very specifics of the educational
service, which in each case (in relation to each student) is personally oriented. Thus, obtaining a high-quality educational
result largely depends on an increase in the number of subjects of educational activity, since within the framework of
one educational organization it is impossible to take into account all the educational needs of a person.
• The limited resources of a separate educational organization, which narrows the possibility of implementing the set
educational goals, while network (cluster) interaction allows the exchange of resources, creating conditions for effective
joint educational activities [1; 2; 13; 14; 15].
The entry into force of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Uzbekistan" in Article 15 secured the
right to a network form of educational programs, which provides the opportunity for students to master the educational
program using the resources of several organizations [8]. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Uzbekistan
dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities for
Additional Professional Programs” allows the implementation of additional professional programs using modular, distance
educational technologies, e-learning and in network forms of education [12].
It should be taken into account that in the Strategy of the Uzbekistan in the field of development of science and innovation for
the period up to 2015 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Uzbekistan, flexible network structures - innovation
clusters - created on the basis of multilateral agreements and uniting universities, scientific organizations are called the most
developed form of integration., enterprises, innovative firms. It should be noted that, since in Uzbekistan the function of a
regulator in the field of education belongs to the state, this allows the use of administrative tools for the effective
implementation of cluster policy. This, in turn, increases the cluster potential of the educational sector as a whole. An
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 5630
educational cluster today is understood as a system of educational activities in which there is an informal center (university)
that consolidates educational and management structures into a single organism [13]. The main task of creating educational
clusters is to increase the attractiveness of cooperation between educational institutions of vocational education and industry
enterprises. This problem can be solved:
• Firstly, by providing interactions within the cluster that contribute to the multiplier effect of transfers of innovative
technologies of the industry in vocational education.
• Secondly, by increasing the competitiveness of educational organizations within the cluster by improving the quality of
the telecommunications infrastructure and specialized services, the productivity of competition in the field of technology
and knowledge, and increasing the professional competence of teachers.
Accordingly, the pedagogical cluster is a set of interconnected educational organizations of general and vocational education,
united by partnerships based on common goals and a balanced representation of the interests of participants in cluster
interaction. Today, the pedagogical cluster is considered as an important system of interaction of a new type, based on
voluntary cooperation, developed communications and social partnership. In general, the difference between the regional
educational system and the pedagogical (educational) cluster lies in the fact that the cluster provides more cost-effective
integration of educational institutions into a single system connected by the relationship of the provision of educational
services and the formation of the pedagogical community, as well as the integration of other interested participants in the
emerging innovative educational systems. Functionally, the regional pedagogical (educational) cluster is actively involved in
the process of generating innovations in the field of education, while already at the stage of its formation, organizational and
managerial innovations arise, and with the beginning of functioning, their other types (information technology, pedagogical,
etc.). The concept of the development of a pedagogical (educational) cluster determines the initial setting, essence, goals,
objectives, tools and indicators of the effectiveness of cluster interaction. Initial installation. Innovative development of
organizations in the field of education accelerates with the activation of the interaction of participants in the innovation process
located in the same territory. The territorial proximity of the elements of the pedagogical cluster increases the concentration of
information and the speed of its exchange among the participants in the innovation process. Information exchange makes it
easier to exchange information about changing characteristics of needs and to respond to them faster and more adequately. The
purpose of creating a pedagogical cluster is related to ensuring the effective integration of educational institutions into a single
system, which makes it possible to ensure high innovative activity of participants in cluster interaction. The finished product of
the activities of the pedagogical (educational) cluster, in our opinion, will be innovative technologies introduced into the
environment of educational organizations through cluster integration based on the formation of formal and informal links
between the participants in the interaction.
An important role in the functioning and development of the pedagogical cluster is played by:
• Reducing the time for establishing stable relationships between cluster members and identifying their specific needs.
• Activities of the Coordinating Council and commissions, with the help of which reasonable and coordinated actions for
the development of the pedagogical cluster will be provided.
• Distribution of risks in various forms of joint economic activity.
• Increasing investment.
• Joint use of knowledge and fixed assets, including the reduction of costs for the material base, infrastructure,
information support, training and retraining of personnel in new technologies for educational and innovative activities,
approbation of developed innovations.
• More active implementation of innovations in the activities of educational organizations of the pedagogical cluster.
• Increasing the competitiveness of all cluster members through the introduction of new technologies.
• Reduction of terms for processing information on innovative projects by creating and using a unified information system.
• Accelerating the exchange of information and establishing contacts, facilitating access to new technologies, accelerating
and increasing the efficiency of knowledge transfer processes, the use of intellectual, material and information resources
in the preparation of teachers and R&D.
• Accelerating the pace of innovative development through accelerated access to new technologies and methods of work.
• Acceleration and improvement of the efficiency and quality of education and professional training processes.
• Increasing the competitiveness of all participants in the interaction.
The development of the pedagogical cluster is based on the principles of interaction, integration, corporativity,
self-development, self-organization and social adaptation. The organization of interaction between members of the
• Speeding up the transfer (exchange) of information and establishing contacts for the participants in the interaction.
• Faster response to changes in the external environment, exits of educational organizations of the pedagogical cluster to
foreign markets, joint marketing research and promotional activities.
• Simplification of access to new educational technologies.
• Distribution of risks in various forms of joint economic activity, including joint entry into foreign markets, organizations,
joint R&D.
• Sharing of knowledge and fixed assets.
• Accelerating and increasing the efficiency of the processes of education and professional training of personnel through
the concentration and physical contacts of high-level specialists, adjusting the curricula of organizations participating in
the pedagogical cluster, joint organization of educational programs for retraining and advanced training of personnel,
• Reducing transaction costs in various areas.
• Increasing investment due to the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages of cluster interaction participants.
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