Bulgarian National Research: Conducting Survey Research - Report of Results and Conclusions
Bulgarian National Research: Conducting Survey Research - Report of Results and Conclusions
Bulgarian National Research: Conducting Survey Research - Report of Results and Conclusions
EUCLIDES – Enhancing the Use of Cooperative Learning to Increase Development of Science studies
Grant Agreement 2007-3434/001-001
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
Key Concepts
Taking into consideration the aims of the Euclides project, the definition of its key concepts
should become a central part of its theoretical research.
Those concepts play the role of a nucleus of meanings, organizing all the Bridging Insula
Europae activities. Within the framework of the project these are active learning, learning
by doing, cooperative learning and open distance learning. Our approach towards glossing
the meaning of these concepts draws upon three types of sources:
• Publications by European experts in the field of education
• Bulgarian expertise (both in theory and practice) in this filed.
1. EUCLIDES as a project operates with a number of key concepts, namely: learning team
centred model, problem based learning model, collaborative method and constructivist
method. These educational instruments are viewed as essential for the creation of new
learning strategies in the field of Natural Sciences teaching. They are based on the
collaborative method and the problem based learning model through the application of ICT.
In combination with them, the learning team centred model has the potential for an
effective open distance learning platform.
The constructivist method in education is defined as “thinking of learning” and “thinking of
knowing”. This method refers to the organization of teaching and learning, more specifically
to their active character. This categorizes the method as an educational innovation. The
nature of this method is disclosed through a number of principles: learning is a quest for
knowledge; learners should understand the whole as well as its parts, i.e. the learning
process focuses on interrelations, not just isolated facts; learning is not a mere
memorization, it is an acquisition of meaningful chunks relevant to the object of study; the
evaluation of what is being learned should be part of the learning process. The
constructivist method sees the learner as playing an active role in his/her cognitive
processes. One should find meanings individually and independently and they should
become important for the learner, that is why constructivism involves learning through
participation. The nature of the activities can be both cognitive or practical, i.e. by actually
doing something with one’s own hands.
From the constructivist point of view, the leading and organizing principle of the learning
process is the application of the learning team centred model. By means of this model,
learners develop their own responsibility towards the group and the activity it performs,
they develop their tolerance towards otherness, increase the level of socialization of the
individual. Teachers are consultants who only intervene in situations when learners are not
able to solve the assigned problem or task. There is a constant dialogue between the
teacher and students in which participants’ interests, opinions, initiatives and dignity are
taken into consideration and respected.
When working in groups the class is divided into smaller teams, each of which receives a
particular task. When the time set for the task is up, each group presents the results.
Completing learning tasks through well organized team work shows the connection of this
method to the problem based learning model. A conclusion can be drawn that within the
EUCLIDES project framework, the methods discussed above, form a system based on ICT.
This leads to the creation of a new pedagogical approach to Natural Sciences studies.
3. Generally speaking, the Bulgarian pedagogical theory and practice show an
awareness of the basic concepts the two projects operate with. The concepts defined above
are recognized and over the last few years have been actively used in relation to the
processes of modernizing the educational system in Bulgaria.
Usually teachers acquire the abovementioned methods and models through various
qualification courses and seminars. Quite often they are organized by universities, NGOs as
part of various projects. Other ways of popularizing good pedagogical practices in different
subjects (especially in Citizenship Education) are the regional and national competitions.
The availability of computer equipment and building computer labs in every Bulgarian school
would no doubt have a positive effect on the implementation of these learning methods and
Teachers’ interest in and choice of innovative pedagogical practices have a positive effect on
students’ performance and results in the filed of Humanities and Natural Sciences.
However, there is also a weakness that should be pointed out. It derives from the
misunderstanding of concepts meaning, resulting in their improper implementation in
practice. Thus teacher qualification becomes essential for overcoming this weakness.
The main subject of the present research, conducted within the framework of the BIE and
EUCLIDES projects, is the use of ICT and ICT based educational approaches in Bulgaria’s
pedagogical practice. The tools we used and upon which we based our conclusions (as
stated below), are the following:
Analysis of normative documents – the National Strategy for ICT Integration into
Bulgarian Schools, State Standards of Education;
Specific goal:
• To include ICT into educational programs and into teacher’s training programs
The review of educational programs and standards up to 2008 shows that ICT are included,
but only in high school, when it is already too late. This weakness has been recognized and
in the future (starting next school year) ICT education will begin in middle school, which is a
good indicator for the perspectives of ICT and web based education.
Up to 2006 ICT and web based education practically was not integrated into general
education, but only taught by experts and only in high school, as mentioned above. This
weakness was also admitted and its’ elimination became a focus point for the
implementation of the National strategy. In 2006, within the framework of the National plan
for qualification of pedagogical personnel, the National pedagogical center realized on a
national level training for teachers, teaching general subjects. Objectively, this is a good
start, based on the perceived need for such efforts and backed by political will, but hardly
sufficient. We must admit that practically ICT education
• Is not yet adequately incorporated into the general subjects’ educational plans and
thus it stays limited, accidental and dependent on the teacher’s personal initiative.
The rising average age of the teachers’ guild represents an objective hindrance for effective
ICT use, which is a disturbing tendency, along with the feminization of the teachers’
profession. Also, the system for evaluation of teachers’ labour and its’ quality must be
reviewed and salaries adjusted accordingly. Some of the discussed parameters clearly show
the willingness to encourage ICT use and modern methods educational methods: better
allowances for ICT use, web based education, project work and out-of-class activities.
It is normal to expect that the most substantial and fast progress would be made in
computerization of schools and their connection to the World Wide Web. There, we have
almost achieved average European parameters. Still, there is much left to do in the field of
human resources development and the creation of pedagogical ICT resources.
A didactical toolset is elaborated within the framework of different projects that is supposed
to facilitate the application of different methodologies for web-based learning – design and
assignment forms, evaluation forms, handouts and work papers for classroom tasks and
maybe what is most important – an Internet database containing various assignments. First
professional educational sites began to emerge from the web space. Here are some of
1. Power point presentation sites for teachers, structured by subjects and age
- http://www.ikt.hit.bg/ , http://www.presentations-bg.hit.bg/
For the 6th consecutive year those competitions pose a possibility for teachers to contribute
their creative and professional ideas and visions. Their products are mostly elaborated in the
form of lessons on separate subjects, focused on ICT use. The competition supports and
stimulates teachers’ educational innovations seeking to integrate ICT into middle and high
school education.
• As a rule, resource materials and sites are created within the framework of projects.
Some of them are international, such as the Innovative Didactics for Web-based
Learning Project - http://wad.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/wad/bg/. This is a project run by a
consortium consisting of teacher trainers and researchers from Bulgaria, Lithuania,
Netherlands, Poland and the Slovak republic. The database of the project allows
teachers to develop and retrieve web-based assignments for teaching and learning in
several subject areas. Teachers and learners who are registered as users have access
to a whole range of functionalities, such as: adapting assignments, allocating
assignments to students, create learner products, feedback on assignments
developed by colleagues and rating of learner's products. In Bulgaria all materials
are also published in book-form: ISBN: 978-954-92146-4-2
Question 1. It is impressive that 100% of the questionees were positive about using
interactive methods and forms of education in their work. Despite being dubious, this result
shows a clear tendency in the direction of development of pedagogical practice. It is
interesting that among those, who state to rarely use ICT (19%, 7 teachers), 5 teachers
come from the sphere of foreign language education and 2 are young colleagues with a
teaching practice less than 5 years. If this result is expected for young teachers, it is curious
for those, who teach foreign languages, since this is precisely the field, where interactive
methods have their widest applicability and tradition, as well as secured resources.
Question 2. Group work (F) is the most commonly used work method among the
questionees, closely followed by Problem-based Learning (A). It is worth noting that Active
Learning (B) is most popular among those, who teach social sciences, but it is rated last by
the other two groups. As a whole, Learning-by-doing (C) takes the last position among all
listed methods. It is highly underestimated by the largest group of questionees (social
studies teachers), who gave it least consideration. This shows that classroom education in
those subjects is still held very theoretical. Open-distance learning (E) shows a good
potential among ICT and natural sciences teachers. As a whole, all professional and age
groups have an outlined affinity towards POL (A).
Question 3 – Answers, concerning the use of multimedia presentations, show an
interesting result. Only 4 of the questionees use them frequently (always), 23 answered
“sometimes”. Those answers shed a new light upon the results of question 1, showing a
picture that is more moderate and realistic. Again, foreign languages teachers give 8 of 10
negative answers.
Question 4. Open source platforms have a good potential. 21 out of 37 questionees use
Question 5. The seminar (A) seems to be the most common source of information. A
sufficiently large number also answered “self-education through Internet resources” (C) and
“sharing of experience among colleagues” (D). Obviously, answer A dominates among social
science teachers, while answers A, C and E take almost equal placement among foreign
language teachers. The results of ICT and natural science teachers differ largely from those
of the first two groups. As expected, those teachers most commonly self-educate
themselves through the Internet and specialized literature. To me, it seems important to
notice that elder teachers answered more often “seminar” (A), while those who are younger
and have less teaching experience chose “self-education through Internet” (C) as their
preferred answer.
Question 9. Overall results show that most questioned teachers are in need of practical
seminars (A), followed by a specialized educational website (D). Social science teachers
seem to be the biggest fans of seminars, followed by foreign language teachers, while
those, who teach ICT and nature sciences apparently have other needs. A specialized
educational website (D) and teacher’s manuals (C) seem to be of greater importance to
Answers are also shaded among different age groups. Teachers, who have pedagogical
experience of more than 15 years, chose evenly between answers A and D (seminar and
website), while answer A – seminars – clearly dominates among those with less experience.
Following conclusion can be drawn from interviews and questionnaire: Teachers with a
pedagogical experience between 5 and 15 years are a suitable target group for the
integration of innovative didactical teaching practices. On one hand, the virus of tradition
has not yet contaminated them, and on the other hand, they already have the necessary
experience and self-confidence to test new elements and integrate them into their everyday
1. Sarah Cornelius. On-line Tutoring e-Book. 3. Models of Learning.
2. Dick McCann. Team Learning. http://www.tms.com.au/tms12-2c.html.
3. L. Dee Fink. Active Learning.
4. Cooperative Learning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_learning
5. Learning by Doing. http://www.engines4ed.org/hiperbook/nodes/NODE-120_pg.html
6. Open and Distance Learning. Trends, Policy and Strategy Considerations. UNESCO, 2002.
7. Дамянова, А. Конструктивизмът – новата образователна парадигма? (Damyanova, A.
Constructivism – the new educational paradigm?)
8. Евгения Сендова, Илиана Николова. Новаторска дидактика за уеб базирано учене.
СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, София, 2008 г. (Eugenia Sendova, Iliana Nikolova. The
Innovatory Didactics for web-based learning. University of Sofia, 2008)