A Systematic Approach For Design of Rain

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Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137



A systematic approach for design of rainwater harvesting system

and groundwater aquifer modeling
Mohd. Saleem1 · Athar Hussain2 · Gauhar Mahmood3

Received: 24 May 2016 / Accepted: 17 July 2018 / Published online: 9 August 2018
© The Author(s) 2018

Shortage of water for industrial and commercial use and even for drinking purpose is a concern throughout the world,
especially in developing countries. The current decline in groundwater availability in India necessitates the formulation
of sustainable groundwater management plan through proper assessment of the available resources. Rainwater harvesting
(RWH) for groundwater recharge is seen as one of the solutions to solve the groundwater problem. This is reflected in an
increase in watershed development programs, in which RWH is an important structural component. Understanding the net
effect of these development programs is crucial to ensure that net effect on groundwater is positive both locally and within
a watershed. The appropriate design and evaluation of a RWH system is necessary to improve system performance and the
stability of the water supply. This review article is focused on a literature survey of the design of RWH and its aquifer mod-
eling and application of remote sensing and geographic information system to artificial recharge.

Keywords Aquifer · Modeling · Rainwater harvesting · Groundwater

Introduction Initially, various issues such as the application of remote

sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) in
To collect and store rainwater for future various uses, rain- artificial recharge studies, recharge evaluation and ground-
water harvesting (RWH) is a beneficial technique. It is a water modeling are covered. Basic issues such as (RWH)
beneficial technique due to a low-cost solution to water cri- implementation and its impact are carried out in this review
sis among the community, academic, accomplished, system, paper (http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603).
incompetent and accomplished in the past few years. Under-
ground water is recharged by artificial recharge techniques
(RWH). For solving the water problem of present and future Estimation of groundwater recharge
generation, rainwater harvesting is a useful tool in water
management. Storing runoff to recharge shallow aquifers Recharge is defined as the vertical flow of water joining the
using miniature structures is achieved by (RWH) in India. water table, adding to the groundwater storage. Recharge
To restore aquifers by (RWH), various literature are high- is normally expressed as the volume per unit time such
lighted. Various methods, its impacts on groundwater quan- as m3/day. Rainfall recharge, return flow from the surface
tity and quality and its modeling are available on (RWH). and groundwater irrigation, seepage from tanks and ponds
and seepage from canals are various elements of recharge.
For efficient management of the groundwater resource, the
* Mohd. Saleem
[email protected] analysis of the natural recharge is necessary (https://books
.google.co.in). To assess the recharge quantitatively, many
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia literatures have achieved. Korkmaz (1988) evaluated the
Islamia, University Polytechnics, New Delhi 110025, India groundwater recharge from water level and precipitation
School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University, data. During the period of 1975–1984, the average annual
Greater Noida, U.P. 201308, India recharge was found 180 mm. The average annual rainfall
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering was found 33% (https ://www.revol vy.com/main/index
and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, .php?s=%C3%87avdarhisar).

137 Page 2 of 10 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137

Chiew et al. (1992) predicted the combined surface and formula. Recharge Estimation Model in Excel (REME)
groundwater modeling methods for groundwater recharge. was promoted in this study (Xu and van 2001). Moon et al.
The potentiometric head and streamflow data were measured (2004) evaluated groundwater recharge in South Korea by
by this model. They explained the model to the Campaspe taking the statistical investigation of water table fluctuation
River Basin in North-Central Victoria, and the results deter- and hydrographs. Groundwater hydrographs were classified
mined that this modeling access can estimate satisfactorily into five typical groups by taking water table observation
the spatial and temporal distribution of local recharge rates data from the National Groundwater Monitoring Network in
resulting from rainfall and irrigation water. They examined Korea. To estimate groundwater recharge, an altered water
that the integrated model was better than those forecasted table fluctuation (WTF) method was developed between the
when the groundwater and surface models were used sepa- corresponding rainfall reports and cumulative WTF (Moon
rately. Osterkamp et al. (1995) analyzed the groundwater et al. 2004).
recharge estimation in arid and semiarid areas by examples Baalousha (2005) examined quantification of groundwa-
from Abu Dhabi. ter recharge in the Gaza Strip, Palestine by taking the CRD
In South Africa, Bredenkamp et al. (1995) explained the method. To minimize the root mean squared error (RMSE),
dramatic aquifers by taking the cumulative rainfall depar- the CRD method was carried out between the assumed
ture (CRD) method. They examined the migration of rainfall groundwater head and measured head. The results correlated
from the mean rainfall of the preceding time is concerned with the results of other recharge estimation methods from
with the natural ground-level fluctuation. If the migration the literature. It was suggested that the results obtained by
is positive, then the water level will increase and vise versa this method are very close to the results of the other meth-
(Xu and van Tonder 2001). Giambelluca et al. (1996) con- ods (Baalousha 2005). Sun (2005) evaluated groundwater
sidered the uncertainty in recharge assessment and impact on recharge evaluation in Montagu region of the western Klein
groundwater susceptibility estimates for Pearl Harbor Basin, Karoo, South Africa by water balance technique. To con-
O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, USA. They investigated the recharge uncer- sider long-term average recharge, runoff model and experi-
tainties for agricultural land under pineapple or sugarcane mental evapotranspiration were considered. The long-term
cultivation by taking a combination of first-order sensation average recharge was a function of the site conditions such
analysis and ambiguity analysis. By taking unpredictability, as soil, climate, territory and geology. The definite evapo-
the recharge was found 58% for pineapple and 49% for sug- transpiration, recharge and direct runoff were quantified by
arcane (Giambelluca et al. 1996). using long-term physical and climatic data from the various
Finch (1998) estimated the direct groundwater recharge precipitations interval of different gauge stations (Sun 2005).
by taking simple water balance model. They discussed var- Chand et al. (2005) considered neutron moisture probe
ying the vegetation sunshade parameters for the forest in for groundwater recharge in Hayatnagar micro-watershed,
addition to varying the soil moisture model (Finch 1998). India. Eight sites of Hayatnagar micro-watershed at regular
Amitha (2000) estimated natural ground recharge by using intervals of time were obtained for the soil moisture integrity
various techniques such as zero flow plane method, soil (Sandhu et al. 2000). It was found that the overall volume
water balance method, inverse modeling method and one- of water (recharge) varies from 0.22 to 0.37 m. The stora-
dimensional soil water flow model (Kumar 1997), ground- tivity varies from 6.9 to 10.6% due to rise in water level.
water-level fluctuation method, isotope and solute profile Adelana et al. (2005) found groundwater recharge in part of
techniques, compound water fluctuation method and ground- the Sokoto basin, Nigeria, by using hydrochemical, experi-
water balance method. Kichurl (2001) estimated the ground- mental and vital hydrological methods. For estimation of
water recharge rate for fractured hard rock aquifer, Chojeong recharge in most of the basin, the chloride mass balance
area, South Korea. Six different methods were taken to esti- method was most relevant (Adelana and MacDonald 2008).
mate groundwater recharge rate including Soil Conservation Lorenz and Delin (2007) evaluated regional groundwater
Service-Curve Number Method (SCS-CN) design, multi- recharge by regional regression recharge (RRR) model. To
linear regression analysis and aquifer modeling techniques. evaluate the recharge from, surface water drainage basins,
The researchers suggested that SCS-CN and flood formula rainfall, average basin and specific yield (SY) (RRR) model
are more suitable for the top unconfined aquifer, which had was used. The recharge measured by the RRR technique
various hydraulic conductivity including lower fractured was also the lowest (0–5 cm/year) (Lorenz and Delin 2007).
hard rock formation; the recharge rates achieved from those Delin et al. (2007) evaluated the groundwater recharge
analytical models are twice that value from aquifer model in Minnesota, USA, using three regional-scale approaches
(Kichurl 2001). For estimation of recharge, amended cumu- (water table fluctuations (WTF), unsaturated-zone water
lative rainfall departure (CRD) method was used. Xu and balance and age dating of groundwater). It was concluded
Van Tonder (2001) evaluated the periodicities and the trends that the WTF method was the easiest and quietest to apply
in the rainfall, which was not examined in Bredenkamp for recharge calculation (Delin et al. 2007). Rasoulzadeh

Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137 Page 3 of 10 137

and Moosavi (2007) examined groundwater recharge in the recharge and annual utilizable groundwater resources from
proximity of Tashk Lake by using CRD method. Ground- different sources were measured. The groundwater balance
water recharge estimation technique (GRET) was used to of the basin achieved 1.95 MCM. The stage of groundwater
reduce the difference between the detected water table and development achieved to 80.6% which falls in the semi-crit-
simulated elevations. For high volume of groundwater evo- ical category (Pradeep Kumar and Srinivas 2012). Mondal
cation in the study area, the natural recharge is not sufficient et al. (2011) delimited prospective groundwater recharge
(Rasoulzadeh and Moosavi 2007). zones in a hard rock area from Southern India by RS and
Bingguo et al. (2008) examined groundwater recharge in GIS techniques. They achieved the validation of estimated
Hebei Plain, China by tritium and bromide tracers. Tritium recharge values using the modified water table fluctuation
and bromide tracing was used for recharge coefficient and (WTF) method (Mondal et al. 2011).
normal recharge rates. It was found that this method is use- From the various literature studies, it is understood that
ful for the deep water table (Bingguo et al. 2008). Sibanda one must understand water resources management that how
et al. (2009) correlated the groundwater recharge estimation much water is recharging the groundwater aquifers. There-
methods for the semiarid Nyamandhlovu area, Zimbabwe by fore, the GWREC (2009) methodology is adopted for this
using chloride mass balance method. The flow net estima- study.
tions and modeling methods provided improved estimates
for aerial recharge than the alternative methods. Based on
groundwater modeling, a final recharge (from precipitation) Application of remote sensing and GIS
was evaluated to be 15–20 mm/year (Love et al. 2010). for artificial recharge
For recharge evaluation based on a water balance
approach, Government of India has confined a set of guide- GIS and RS are very efficient tools for integrating urban
lines through a Groundwater Resource Estimation Commit- planning and groundwater recharge studies. Satellite data are
tee (GWREC 2009). Different values are to be taking from very useful in controlling the occurrence and movement of
pumping test analysis. Groundwater storage increase could groundwater like geomorphology, structural, land use/land
be estimated by using the variation in specific yield, ground- cover, soil and features. RS and GIS are very useful tools
water level and area of effect (Kumar 2009). Adnan (2010) in artificial recharge modeling (Mondal 2012). Ramasamy
determined groundwater recharge modeling using WetSpass and Anbazhagan (1997) identified suitable sites for artifi-
model for Gaza strip, Palestine. For evaluation of long-term cial recharge in Ayyar sub-basin in Cauvery River, India
average spatial patterns of absolute evapotranspiration, sur- by collecting the data of water-level variation, omphalic,
face runoff and groundwater recharge, the WetSpass model geology and subsurface geology. Favorable sites for various
was developed (Adnan 2010). Izuka et al. (2010) interpreted artificial recharge structures were differentiated (Ramasamy
groundwater recharge on tropical islands by simple equa- and Anbazhagan 2014).
tions. Equations were used for recharge estimates from soil Saraf and Choudhury (1998) defined the groundwater
intrusion, and infiltration, and preceding soil water budget exploration and identification of artificial recharge sites in
studies in Hawai, USA (Izuka et al. 2010). hard rock terrain in the Sironj area of Vidhisha District, India
Chandra et al. (2011) evaluated spatiotemporal recharge by the potentials of integrated RS and GIS. The study shows
circulation in crystalline rocks of Bairasagara watershed reservoir-induced artificial recharge downstream of sur-
and Maheshwaram watershed of India by lithologically con- face water reservoirs. Groundwater recharge in a hard rock
strained rainfall (LCR) method. Three input parameters, i.e., region through recharge basins or reservoirs was selected
vadose zone thickness, soil resistivity and rainfall were used by proper sites (Saraf and Choudhury 2007). Kshirish et al.
in lithologically constrained rainfall (LCR) technique. It was (2002) defined the parameters like drainage, surface contour,
evaluated in the study that the LCR is a generalized, fast tendency and groundwater depth by using RS and GIS for
method and cost effective also to evaluate natural recharge Rengareddy District, Andhra Pradesh. A clear picture of the
partially and temporally from rainfall in hard rock region and recharge areas was concluded by this study (Kannan 2007).
construct a useful time series of natural recharge in the stud- Shankar and Mohan (2005) considered the site-specific
ied watershed for foretelling studies (Chandra et al. 2011). artificial recharge methods in the Deccan Volcanic Prov-
Srinivas et al. (2011) determined the stage of groundwater ince of India by the GIS-based hydrogeomorphic approach.
development in Kurmapalli Vagu Basin in Deccan Plateau The hydrogeomorphological characteristics extracted from
by exercising remote sensing and geographical information the IRS-1C LISS-III (Indian Remote Sensing-1C Linear
system techniques in conjunction with typical methods. Imaging Self Scanner-III) were adopted for GIS analysis.
Groundwater recharge from canals, rainfall, minor irriga- Check dams and percolation ponds structures were recom-
tion tanks recovery flow of irrigation and water manage- mended for artificial recharge (Shankar and Mohan 2005).
ment structures were estimated. The overall groundwater De Winnaar et al. (2007) considered the potential runoff

137 Page 4 of 10 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137

harvesting sites in the Thukela River Basin, South Africa Groundwater modeling
by GIS technique. Probable runoff harvesting sites were
identified by GIS (Anderssona et al. 2011). Mbilinyi et al. To predict recharge of groundwater, the practical man-
(2007) considered the potential sites for rainwater har- agement of groundwater is very necessary. For estimating
vesting in Tanzania by GIS-based decision support system flow and recharge in groundwater systems, the determin-
(DSS). Maps of rainfall, soil texture, slope, soil depth and istic, assigned-parameter, computer simulation models
drainage and land use data were collected by DSS (Below a very popular tool. Equations, constants or coefficients
et al. 2007). of physical properties in the equations and amplitudes of
Ghayoumian et  al. (2007) determined most suitable the state are performed by mathematical models (Delleur
regions for artificial groundwater recharge in a coastal 2003). Conservation of mass, energy and momentum is
aquifer in Southern Iran by GIS technique. Infiltration rate, based on mathematical groundwater models. To determine
confined layers for slope, quality of alluvial sediments, the necessity of artificial recharge, a mathematical model
depth to groundwater and land use were examined for can be used as a design tool. Many researchers around the
completed and integrated into a GIS environment (Xiaojun world have attempted to carry out groundwater recharge
2009). Lin et al. (2009) determined groundwater recharge modeling. Bekesi and McConchie (2003) used Monte
and discharge evaluation by PRO-GRADE GIS toolkits. Carlo technique for Manawatu region of New Zealand for
The mass balance technique such as water table, hydrau- groundwater recharge modeling. In this study, a regional
lic conductivity and ground elevation data was used for rainfall recharge model was developed. For the basic vari-
GRADE GIS (Lin et al. 2009). Maggirwar and Umrikar ability of soils, randomized soil moisture parameters were
(2009) established the possibility of artificial recharge in used. Good agreement between the modeled and actual
overdeveloped small watersheds by RS–GIS technique. groundwater levels was obtained (Ekesi and McConchie
Village map, drainage map, geomorphology, soil map and 2000).
land used were prepared for confined aquifers (Maggirwar Gnanasundar and Elango (2000) carried out the ground-
and Umrikar 2009). water flow modeling of a marginal aquifer near Chennai
Sukumar and Sankar (2010) delineated the possible city, India using MODFLOW. The model was measured
zones for artificial recharge in Theni district, Tamilnadu under steady and transient conditions. The structural dis-
by using GIS technique. Moderate, high and least favora- tribution of groundwater head and well hydrograph was
ble zones were prepared for artificial recharge. Soil depth, differentiated from the historic data. They achieved that
permeability, drainage intensity, soil texture and water rapid urbanization would lead to further lowering of the
holding capacity maps were prepared for different con- water table at few locations along the Northern coast of
fined layers (Nagaraju et al. 2010). Peiyue et al. (2011) the aquifer system. They also indicated that their model
examined the artificial recharge regions in Sivaganga is delicate even for 5% reduction in recharge (Gnana-
District, Tamilnadu by using the RS and GIS techniques. sundar and Elango 2011). Gogu et al. (2001) performed
Various confined maps such as drainage, lineament, drain- groundwater modeling of Belgium for the Walloon region
age density, lineament density, land use, geomorphology, by using the GIS-based hydrogeological database. Dif-
land cover and Landsat satellite data were prepared. For ferent hydrogeological characteristics of five river pool
updating the confined maps, the normalized difference were chosen in the database. A “loose-coupling” device
vegetation index (NDVI) methods were prepared for all was estimated between the groundwater numerical model
integrated and confined maps (Peiyue et al. 2011). interface Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) and the
Chowdhury et al. (2010) described the RS, GIS and structural-data base plan. Stored data in the database of
multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods for hydrogeological data can be used easily for structural
groundwater recharge zones and to identify the artificial queries and following time within different groundwater
recharge sites in West Medinipur district, West Bengal. numerical models (Wojda et al. 2006).
Conventional and IRS-1D imagery data were prepared for Pliakas et al. (2005) examined the groundwater recharge
confined layers. Based on the available field information, of Bedin Xanthi plain, Greece by reactivating an old
check dams were proposed for artificial recharge structures stream. MODFLOW was used to copy the aquifer system
(Chenini 2010). RS and GIS are a very useful technique of the study area (Katpal et al. 2013). Fayez and Tamer
for groundwater recharge studies. To define the poten- (2006) examined groundwater flow for Mujib aquifer of
tial groundwater recharge zones, artificial groundwater Jordan by using MODFLOW technique. The affect of the
recharge must be implemented. flow system under various stresses was examined, and
MODFLOW model was used to build a groundwater flow
technique. The steady-state condition of the initial head

Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137
Table 1 Summary groundwater recharge techniques carried out by various investigators
Objective Method References

1 Storing runoff to recharge shallow aquifers By RS and GIS in artificial recharge studies and groundwa- http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603
ter modeling
2 Evaluated groundwater deposit By seepage from canals, rainfall recharge, groundwater irri- https://books.google.co.in
gation, return flow from the surface, seepage from tanks
and ponds. Recharge is normally expressed as the volume
per unit time such as m3/day
3 Evaluated groundwater recharge Using precipitation and water table data https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=%C3%87avd
4 Predicted groundwater recharge Using groundwater and combined surface modeling Chiew et al. (1992)
approach measuring against stream flow and potentio-
metric head data. This modeling access can estimate
satisfactorily the spatial and temporal distribution of local
recharge rates resulting from rainfall and irrigation water
5 Techniques of groundwater recharge evaluate-On in arid and By distributed transmission-loss model for ephemeral stream Osterkamp et al. (1995)
semiarid areas flow in arid/semiarid areas
6 Evaluated recharge of acquittal of an aquifer Examining the percolation of rainfall into the ground Xu and van Tonder (2001)
7 Investigated the uncertainty in groundwater estimation and Using first-order sensation analysis and ambiguity analysis Giambelluca et al. (1996)
its impact
8 Estimated the direct ground water recharge Using vegetation sunshade parameters as input for simple Finch (1998)
water balance model
9 Estimated natural ground recharge Using soil water balance method, one-dimensional soil water Kumar (1997)
flow model and inverse modeling techniques
10 Estimated the groundwater rate for fractured hard rock Using multi-linear regression analysis, SCS-CN design, and Kichurl (2001)
aquifer aquifer modeling techniques
11 Estimated groundwater recharge Using a user—affectionate Excel program termed as Xu and van (2001)
recharge estimation model in Excel (REME)
12 Investigated the groundwater recharge taking hydrographs Using water table observation data from the national Moon et al. (2004)
and water table fluctuation groundwater monitoring network in Korea
13 Quantified groundwater recharge Using CRD and root mean square error (RMSE) Baalousha (2005)
14 Techniques of groundwater recharge evaluation Using water balance technique Sun (2005)
15 Estimated groundwater recharge Using neutron moisture probe Sandhu et al. (2000)
16 Predicted groundwater recharge Using experimental, hydrochemical and vital hydrological Adelana and MacDonald (2008)
17 Evaluated regional groundwater recharge Using regional regression recharge (RRR) model Lorenz and Delin (2007)
18 Evaluated of groundwater recharge Using (RORA) and water table fluctuations (WTF) Delin et al. (2007)
19 Examined groundwater recharge Using groundwater recharge estimation and CRD method. Rasoulzadeh and Moosavi (2007)

Page 5 of 10
This method was used to reduce the difference between the
detected water table and simulated elevations

20 To estimate groundwater recharge in Hebei Plain Using tritium and bromide tracing. It was found that this Bingguo et al. (2008)
method is useful for the deep water table

Table 1 (continued)
Objective Method References

Page 6 of 10
21 Correlated the groundwater recharge estimation for semiarid Using by chloride mass balance method and water table Love et al. (2010)
area fluctuation method

22 Estimated storage of ground water recharge Using by the guidelines through a groundwater Resource Kumar (2009)
Estimation Committee (GWREC 2009)
23 Distributed recharge estimation for groundwater modeling Using by Wets pass model and a water balance in GIS Adnan (2010)
24 Estimated ground water recharge on a tropical island Using equations depict recharge estimates from preceding Izuka et al. (2010)
soil water budget studies in Hwai, USA
25 Evaluated spatiotemporal recharge circulation in crystalline By using LCR technique taking three input parameters soil Chandra et al. (2011)
rocks resistivity, vadose zone thickness and rainfall
26 Determined the stage of ground water development By exercising RS and GIS techniques in conjunction with Pradeep Kumar and Srinivas (2012)
typical methods
27 Evaluated prospective ground water recharges zones in a By using RS and GIS techniques adopting the (GWREC Mondal et al. (2011)
hard rock area 2009) methodology
28 Evaluated integrating urban planning and groundwater By using RS and GIS techniques in artificial recharge Mondal (2012)
recharge study modeling as satellite data are very useful in controlling the
occurrence and movement of groundwater like geomor-
phology, structural, land use/land cover, soil, features, etc
29 Identified suitable sites for artificial recharge By taking four parameters sites, water table variations and Ramasamy and Anbazhagan (2014)
hydrogeology and artificial recharge structures
30 Defined the potentials of groundwater exploration and iden- By using RS and GIS techniques Saraf and Choudhury (2007)
tification of artificial recharge sites in hard rock terrain
31 Find out the recharge suitability of the area By using RS and GIS techniques Kannan (2007)
32 Identified the site-specific artificial recharge methods By using GIS-based hydrogeomorphic approach extracted Shankar and Mohan (2005)
from the IRS-ICLISS-111 data from Indian remote sensing
(IRS) satellite
33 Identified potential runoff harvesting sites By using GIS-based approach for probable runoff harvesting Anderssona et al. (2011)
34 Identified potential sites for rainwater harvesting By using GIS-based decision support system (DSS) for Below et al. (2007)
maps of rainfall, slope, soil texture, soil depth, drainage
and land use
35 Determined most suitable regions for artificial groundwater By using GIS techniques for confined layers for slope, Xiaojun (2009)

Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137

recharge in a coastal aquifer infiltration rate depth to groundwater, quality of alluvial
sediments and land used were arranged
36 Determined groundwater recharges and discharges evalua- PRO-GRADE GIS toolkits by measuring mass balance Lin et al. (2009)
tion technique. Water table, hydraulic conductivity, and ground
elevation data were used
37 Evaluated the possibility of artificial recharge in over devel- By using RS–GIS approach for the confined layer of drain- Maggirwar and Umrikar (2009)
oped mini watersheds age map, village map, soil map, geomorphology and land
38 Determined the possible zones for artificial recharge By using GIS approach for various confined maps Nagaraju et al. (2010)
Applied Water Science (2018) 8:137
Table 1 (continued)
Objective Method References

39 Determined the artificial recharge regions in Sivaganga By using RS and GIS approach for confined maps Peiyue et al. (2011)
district, Tamilnadu
40 Evaluated the groundwater recharge zone and the artificial By using RS, GIS and MCDM methods for confined layers Chowdhury et al. (2010)
recharge sites in West Bengal such as geomorphology, geology, drainage density, and
slope and aquifer transmissivity
41 Determined the groundwater recharge zone mapping By using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for the thematic Chenini (2010)
layers of hydrological, lithological and hydro dynamic
conditions of the aquifer
42 Predicted the recharge in the groundwater system By using mathematical models performing process as equa- Delleur (2003)
tions, constant, and amplitudes of state
43 Evaluated the groundwater recharge modeling By using a regional rainfall recharge model Ekesi and McConchie (2000)
44 Determined the groundwater flow modeling of a marginal By using MODFLOW for study and transient conditions Gnanasundar and Elango (2011)
aquifer near Chennai city
45 Evaluated groundwater modeling of Belgium for the Wal- By creating Groundwater modeling system (GMS) based on Wojda et al. (2006)
loon region hydrogeological data
46 Determined the groundwater recharge By using MODFLOW and model calibration for forecasting Katpal et al. (2013)
of the aquifer system
47 Evaluated the modeling of groundwater flow By using mode flow to simulate the behavior of the flow Abdulla and Al-Assad (2006)
system under different stress
48 Determined the movement of the freshwater inters face By using the codes MODFLOW and MT3DMS Jacks (2007)
49 Evaluated the imitation modeling for efficient groundwater By using visual MODFLOW for analyzing the aquifer Praveen et al. (2010)
management response to different pumping strategies
50 Derived the impacts of groundwater pumping on stream– By using USA visual MODFLOW to estimate stream flow Zume and Tarhule (2008)
aquifer dynamics depletion

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Shammas and Jacks (2007) determined the movement Adelana S, Olasehinde P, Vrbka P (2005) Identification of groundwater
of the freshwater/saltwater interface by using the codes recharge conditions in crystalline basement rock aquifers of the
MODFLOW and MT3DMS for solute transport. The southwestern Nigeria. International symposium on mixed and
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reclaimed water along the Salalah coastal agricultural strip human pathogenic bacteria. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern
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