48 Teleoperation of A Mobile Robot Using A
48 Teleoperation of A Mobile Robot Using A
48 Teleoperation of A Mobile Robot Using A
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Abstract—Operators’ intelligent and skillful decisions are nec- However, the installation of fixed tracks is not possible for ser-
essary for the teleoperation of a mobile robot when there are many vice robots, surveillance robots, or cleaning robots, for which
scattered obstacles. Among the sensors used for environment recog- flexible and robust localization systems are required [2], [3].
nition, the camera is the most popular and powerful. However,
there are several limitations in the camera-based teleoperation of In service robot applications, an autonomous system may not
a mobile robot. For example, shadowed and curved areas cannot offer a sufficient degree of reliability, especially for dangerous
be viewed using a narrow view-angle camera, especially in an envi- and unexpected situations where highly intelligent decisions
ronment with bad illumination and several obstacles. Therefore, it are required dynamically. Instead, a teleoperated control system
is necessary to have other sensory information for reliable teleop- where a human operator directly controls the robot according
erations. In this study, 16 ultrasonic sensors are attached around a
mobile robot in a ring pattern to measure the distances to the ob- to his own decisions is more effective and reliable [4]. In con-
stacles and a collision vector is introduced as a new tool for obstacle ventional teleoperated systems, the operator relies mostly on
avoidance, which is defined as the normal vector from an obstacle visual information to control the slave robot, which has several
to the mobile robot. Based on this collision vector, a virtual reflec- shortcomings such as narrow viewing angles and environment-
tion force is generated to avoid the obstacles and then the reflection dependent resolutions [5], [6].
force is transferred to the operator who is holding the joystick used
to control the mobile robot. Based on this reflection force, the op- In this research, a bidirectional teleoperation system is pro-
erator can control the mobile robot more smoothly and safely. For posed, where a slave robot receives the operator’s commands
this bidirectional teleoperation, a master joystick system using a through a joystick and sends back the environment information
two-axis hall sensor was designed to eliminate the nonlinear region, to the operator in the form of a feedback force. In the genera-
which exists in a general joystick with two motors and potentiome- tion of the feedback force corresponding to the environment, a
ters. The effectiveness of the collision vector and force-reflection
joystick is verified by comparing two vision-based teleoperation collision vector is newly defined to determine the direction of
experiments, with and without force reflection. the reflection force required to avoid the obstacle. The reflection
force is sent to the 2-DOF joystick to make the operator feel the
Index Terms—Hall sensor, haptic interface, joystick, mobile
robot, teleoperation. force and manipulate the joystick accordingly [7], [8]. Since the
collision vector is defined as the shortest normal vector from an
I. INTRODUCTION obstacle to the mobile robot, it improves the collision avoidance
efficiency obtained with a virtual impedance algorithm.
OBOTS are beginning to be employed to replace human
R workers in dangerous and difficult situations. With the de-
velopment of IT technologies, the technical concept of the robot
The joystick used for this research has a two-axis hall sensor
instead of potentiometers to detect the joystick-bar displace-
ments. Using this new structure, the joystick becomes free from
has been extended to various applications, such as home appli-
the weariness associated with the friction between the bar and
ances and recreation. In factory applications of mobile robots,
the housing and its position sensing performance is stabilized.
painted lines or optical tapes combined with charge-coupled de-
This design’s main improvement is that the joystick bar is con-
vice (CCD) cameras and magnetic sensors are often used, with
stantly revolving around a universal joint and pointing to its
the robot following the fixed tracks repeatedly [1]. These factory
center. This simple structure eliminates framework friction and
robots can have precise tracking capabilities with high reliabil-
solves the problem of performance degradation. It also has bet-
ity, since they are required to follow a fixed track at all times.
ter performance than the conventional dual hall sensor or poten-
Manuscript received May 15, 2008; revised November 8, 2008. First
tiometer structure, both which suffer from nonlinear character-
published March 4, 2009; current version published November 18, 2009. istics due to their complex mechanisms [9]. Recent researches
Recommended by Technical Editor H. Hashimoto. This work was supported on force-reflection algorithms are well surveyed in [10], and the
by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) Grant R01-2007-000-
10171-0 funded by the Korea Government (MOST).
trajectory tracking and obstacles avoidance issue is introduced
S. K. Cho and H. Z. Jin are with Pusan National University, Busan 609-735 in an intelligent space [11].
Korea (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). In Section II, sensing mechanism of rotating magnetic field
J. M. Lee is with Pusan National University, Busan 609-735 Korea, and also
with the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
is introduced and, in Section III, the teleoperated control sys-
IN 47907 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). tem is described systematically. The collision vector and virtual
B. Yao is with the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, impedance algorithms, which are the main contribution of this
West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
paper, are introduced in Section IV. In Section V, experiments
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. are performed to demonstrate the autonomous navigation and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMECH.2009.2013848 teleoperation of a mobile robot using the proposed algorithm,
1083-4435/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE
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λ(θ) = (2)
[1 + (kθ)n ]D2
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Fig. 2. Master joystick system. (a) Control board. (b) Hall sensor. (c) Structure
of the joystick.
ADc k 2n θi2n +[2ADc −ξ sin(θi )]k n θin +[ADc −ξsin(θi )]
= θi + .
[k n ξ cos(θi )]θin −[nk n ξ sin(θi )]θin −1 +ξcos(θi )
(9) Fig. 4. Performance comparison between the two types of joysticks.
The result of (9) is derived from the Newton method for solv-
ing a nonlinear equation, and i represents the recursive number. conventional joystick used in this experiment for comparison
In the experimental study, the maximum recursive number is has a 100 kΩ potentiometer at each motor axis.
set as 7. Based on observation of the experimental results, this The functional block diagram of the joystick is shown in
value sufficiently guarantees the real-time performance. Fig. 3. The controller for the joystick is implemented with a
From (6) and (9), the command of the linearized position vec- DSpic microprocessor, which controls the dc motors using the
tor Vh = γ · l · sin(θ) (γ: scaling constant, l: length of joystick pulsewidth modulation (PWM) voltage output to make the op-
bar) and the orientation α can be obtained in order to assure the erator feel the reflected force corresponding to the virtual force
teleoperation of the robot. The joystick system is illustrated in (Fx , Fy ) sent from the mobile robot. L6203 drivers are used to
Fig. 2 where (a) shows the control board, (b) the hall sensor, and drive the dc motors.
(c) the structure. Fig. 4 represents the traces of a 15-turn circular motion mea-
The permanent magnet of the joystick is made of Alnico sured by the two-axis hall sensor and dual potentiometer joy-
materials and has an intensity of 1800–2000 Gauss. For the sticks, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4, the trace using the hall
hall sensor, a 2 SA-10 sensor from Sentron Corporation, sensor is nearly a round circle. However, the trace using the po-
Switzerland, was selected for the experiments. The vertical tentiometer has nonlinear characteristics in several regions and
distance between the permanent magnet and hall sensor D is the motion ranges along the x- and y-axes are normalized as −1
13 mm, and the total length of the joystick bar is 31 mm. The to 1.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Pusan National University Library. Downloaded on November 29, 2009 at 21:14 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
robot. Therefore, the position vector of the navigating mobile vector, and ∆C i is defined as the difference between the current
robot is calculated at each control period of the wheel. The en- and previous collision vectors. Also, Ks,i is a spring coeffi-
coder accuracy 360 [pulse/rev] is improved by four times to cient and Ds,i is a damper coefficient of the virtual impedance
1440 [pulse/rev] by using an LS7166. model. The value of Fo d can be obtained by replacing “s” to “d”
in (17).
The attraction force to the goal Fm in Fig. 8 is generated by
the operator who is monitoring and controlling the mobile robot
The virtual impedance method is a modification of the gen- by means of the joystick in this approach. The virtual force gen-
eral impedance algorithm for mobile robot navigation and the erated for obstacle avoidance has the same form as that in the
collision avoidance of obstacles [16], [18], [19]. As illustrated case of the general impedance algorithm. However, a collision
in Fig. 8, the relation between the mobile robot and its goal posi- vector is newly introduced in this paper to define the direction of
tion/obstacles is modeled by springs and dampers. Based on the the virtual spring, as well as the virtual damper, as the variation
virtual impedance model, the feedback force is calculated and of the collision vector, which improves the collision avoidance
transmitted to the joystick to reflect the environmental situations performance dramatically. When the virtual impedance algo-
by the force and torque. rithm is applied for obstacle avoidance, the mobile robot stops
The virtual force to be sent to the operator Fb is calculated to near obstacles and/or moves very slowly in between obstacles
incorporate static obstacles as well as dynamic obstacles as with some chattering. With the aid of this collision vector, the
ns nd
mobile robot changes its course to avoid rapidly approaching
obstacles and keeps closely to the planned path after collision
Fb = Fos (i) + Fo d (i) (16)
i=0 i=0
Since the ultrasonic sensor has its own sensitivity range, usu-
where ns and nd are the numbers of static and dynamic ob- ally about ±22.5◦ , obstacles located at an angle of more than
stacles, respectively, and Fos and Fo d are computed using the 30◦ from the center of the sensor beam cannot be detected
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Fig. 11. Robot trajectory comparison. (a) Using the potentiometer joystick.
(b) Using the hall-sensor joystick. Fig. 12. Trace error comparison of the two types of joysticks.
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Fig. 17. Teleoperation of the mobile robot without force feedback. (a) Navi-
gation trace of operator A. (b) Navigation trace of operator B.
In this paper, a collision vector is newly introduced in the
form of a normal vector from an obstacle to the mobile robot
to improve the obstacle avoidance performance of the mobile
robot under teleoperation as well as autonomous navigation.
The reflected force transmitted to the operator through the
joystick is determined based on the modified virtual impedance
algorithm, which uses the collision vector. To show the effects
of the reflected force on the teleoperation of the robot, the re-
flected force of the joystick was measured by a six DOF sensor
installed in the gripper. On account of the nonlinearities of the
motors with respect to the PWM input, the measured value does
not exactly match the virtual force calculated to avoid the ob-
stacles. In the experiments, the error could be kept within 5%.
The efficiency of obstacle avoidance was proven by comparing
the results of two teleoperation experiments with and without
the reflection force in the joystick. To emphasize the necessity
for haptic feedback and to limit the usability of the camera, the
experimental environment was kept dark. Through the analysis,
Fig. 15. Force/torque values during the autonomous navigation. (a) Virtual it was shown that by using the joystick with haptic feedback, the
force data. (b) F/T sensor data. (c) Error in force reflection.
operator can drive the mobile robot to the goal position much
faster and more safely. As a part of this research, a single hall-
sensor joystick was developed, which exhibits better linearity
and durability than the conventional joystick. Therefore, this
single hall-sensor joystick is expected to be popular for the tele-
operation of mobile robots and precision machines with haptic
feedback. The incorporation of motor nonlinearities and human
hand dynamics in order to convey the environmental informa-
tion to the operator more realistically is left as a future avenue
of research, which is necessary for the mobile robot to navigate
in the environment with random real-life shape obstacles on the
Fig. 16. Teleoperation of the mobile robot using force feedback. (a) Navigation irregular surface.
trace of operator A. (b) Navigation trace of operator B.
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Seung Keun Cho received the B.S. degree in control neering from the University of California, Berkeley,
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sity, Busan, Korea, and the M.S. degree in electronic Since 1996, he has been with the School of Me-
engineering in 2006 from Pusan National Univer- chanical Engineering, Purdue University, Lafayette,
sity, Busan, where he is currently working toward the IN. He is also one of the Kuang-Piu Professors at
Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. His current research interests include
His current research interests include localization the design and control of intelligent high-performance coordinated control of
using ultrasonic sensor and haptic device using vir- electromechanical/hydraulic systems, optimal adaptive and robust control, non-
tual impedance algorithm. linear observer design and neural networks for virtual sensing, modeling, fault
detection, diagnostics, adaptive fault-tolerant control, and data fusion.
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