Self Balancing Robot PDF
Self Balancing Robot PDF
Self Balancing Robot PDF
July 9, 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2923916
ABSTRACT This research presents an improved mobile inverted pendulum robot called Two-wheeled
Self-balancing robot (TWSBR) using a Proportional-Derivative Proportional-Integral (PD-PI) robust control
design based on 32-bit microcontroller in a sensed environment (SE). The robot keeps itself balance with
two wheels and a PD-PI controller based on the Kalman filter algorithm during the navigation process and is
able to stabilize while avoiding acute and dynamic obstacles in the sensed environment. The Proportional (P)
control is used to implement turn control for obstacle avoidance in SE with ultrasonic waves. Finally,
in a SE, the robot can communicate with any of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices (mobile phone or
Personal Computer) which have a Java-based transmission application installed and through Bluetooth
technology connectivity for wireless control. The simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed
PD-PI controller in path planning, and balancing challenges of the TWSBR under several environmental
disturbances. This shows an improved control system as compared to the existing improved Adaptive Fuzzy
INDEX TERMS TWSBR, 32-bit Microcontroller, robust control, PD-PI, sensed environment, IoT.
VOLUME 7, 2019 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see 82337
C. Iwendi et al.: Robust Navigational Control of a TWSBR in a Sensed Environment
path-planning of two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle and a ADXL335 and angular velocity sensor ISZ-650 were used as
dynamic weighting method for the evaluation function. sensors and Kalman filtering and PID algorithm were used
The path planning algorithm has many advantages accord- as algorithms to implement the balance of the car with two
ing to the author, such as short time-consuming, higher wheels. This research provided some theories of algorithms
search efficiency, better smoothness and shorter path. for the two-wheel self-balanced technique. Some experimen-
A two-wheeled robot is an unstable system such that a control tal Data was provided for the two-wheel self-balanced robot
system is required to stabilize it [10]. Therefore, the authors from a paper named Two Wheel Self-Balanced Mobile Robot
in [11] presented a control design for two-wheeled robot Identification based on Experimental Data. Also, in [19],
(TWR) stabilization using linear quadratic regulator (LQR) two phases of system identification process were applied to
method and states estimation. The authors in [12] shows that implement dynamic equilibrium of the robot. [20] presented
wheeled inverted pendulum robots have advantages over the details on how to overcome the limitations of ‘Weiner-Hopf’
common automated guided vehicles; they have high maneu- Filter in solving problems of statistical nature which seri-
verability on flat surfaces, and they have a self-balancing ously curtailed practical usefulness. The process is named as
system such that height and weight of the payload do not have Kalman Filtering, which is powerful because it can estimate
effect on the base size. the past, present and future states. Several researchers have
The author in [13] investigates the trajectory tracking con- studied the application of Kalman Filtering in solving related
trol problem of wheeled mobile robots by firstly using ana- robotic balancing problems, around the world. The authors
lytic B-spline function commonly used to generate a smooth in [1], and [21] provide research on how to use the
feasible trajectory between the initial and the desired configu- Kalman Filtering to solve the problems of the self-balancing
rations. The reason is to allow the motion path to pass through two-wheeled robot control.
the desired intermediate points and satisfies the kinematic
constraints and curvature restrictions. The author was able III. METHOD AND EVALUATION
to enhance the robot tracking performance with an assurance
In this section, the mathematical modeling according
that the error convergence, the robust adaptation laws for the
to [22] and [23], is established before analyzing the relation-
FCMAC and compensated controller were derived from the
ship between forces and motors’ voltage through a series of
stability analysis. The research in [14] is slightly different
mathematical derivations in X-O-Y and X-O-Z coordinate
from ours, however, it reveals the development of radio-
frequency identification system and voice broadcast system
on a wheeled mobile robot. The main research purpose was 1) MATHEMATICAL MODELING
to establish a wheeled mobile robot on a working platform The Figure 1 and Figure 2 present the mathematical modeling
of the blind guide system and to assimilate the progressively in different coordinate system.
sophisticated radio frequency identification (RFID) system
and voice broadcast mechanism to read the concealed mes- 2) MATHEMATICAL DERIVATION
sages in the guide bricks or the Braille in public places. In the The main idea of mathematical derivations [24] is based on
system, a CMOS image sensor is used to detect two markings the Lagrangian Equation and Newton’s Second Law in three-
on the guide brick and to achieve the goal design of the guide dimensional coordinate system. Meanwhile, assume t = 0
blind robots. as a precondition. The mathematical derivations are shown as
The goal of [15] was to develop a controlled robot that can following. At first, we used cylindrical coordinate to establish
move with only two wheels. They elaborately discussed the mathematical relationship since wheels are cylindrical.
design and evaluation of a robotic chassis through the appli- (Xm , Ym , Z m ) = (Rβ cos ϕ, Rβ sin ϕ, R) (1)
cation of Lego Mindstorm NXT [16], and to be controlled
by the AVR ATMega16 microcontroller. Their experiment where
shows that a robot chassis must address stability and mechan- 1 R
(β, ϕ) = (βl + βr ) , − (βl − βr ) (2)
ical issues. [17] invented a famous balancing robot called 2 W
Segway, which can keep its balance with someone’s standing W W
on its platform. It uses brushless DC electric motors in the (Xl , Yl , Zl ) = (Xm − sin ϕ, Ym + cos ϕ, Zm ) (3)
2 2
wheels powered by lithium-ion batteries with encoders and W W
gyroscopic sensors to check the pitch in order to be upright. (Xr , Yr , Zr ) = (Xm + sin ϕ, Ym − cos ϕ, Zm ) (4)
2 2
JOE is a self-balancing robot based on the inverted pendulum (Xb , Yb , Zb ) = (Xm + L sin θ cos ϕ, Ym + L sin θ sin ϕ, Zm +
which was designed by the Industrial Electronics Laboratory L cos θ) The translational kinetic energy T1 , rotational energy
at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. It was con- T2 , and the potential energy U are derived as:
trolled by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) IC and used the
feedback of a controller. When running, the maximum of 1 ·2 · ·
1 · · ·
T1 = (Xl + Yl2 + Zl2 ) + m(Xr2 , Yr2 , Zr2 )
speeds reaches 1.5m/s. The paper called ‘Two-wheel self- 2 2
· · ·
balanced car based on Kalman filtering and PID algorithm’ 1 2 2 2
+ M (Xb + Yb + Zb ) (5)
presented by [18] and [19] shows that a low-cost acceleration 2
1 · 2 1 · 2 1 · 2 1 · 2
T2 = Jw βl + Jw βr + Jϕ θ + Jϕ θ
2 2 2 2
· ·
1 · 1 ·
+ Jm n2 (α) l − θ 2 + Jm n2 (α) r − θ 2 (6)
2 2
U = mgZl + mgZr + mgZb (7)
Considering the combination of kinetic and potential energy,
L = T − V is considered the Lagrangian Equation.
The equation is given through the following the Lagrangian FIGURE 3. (a)Describes the stable state for the two-wheeled
equation. self-balancing robot. (b) Indicates the robot leans to the right. (c)
Demonstrates the robot leans to the left.
L = T1 + T2 − U (8)
According to the Newton’s Second Law, F = ma. Combining nKt Kb
the Lagrangian equation and Newton’s Second Law, the equa- µ= + fm (20)
tion of motion is derived as: λ · ·
Fβ = (Vl + Vr ) − (µ + fm ) β + µ θ (21)
d ∂L ∂L
− = Fx (9) · ·
dt ∂x ∂x Fθ = −λ(Vl + Vr ) + 2µ(β − θ ) (22)
R W ·
The motion equations about this modeling can then be Fβ = − λ(Vl − Vr ) − (µ + fw ) ϕ (23)
deduced as: W R
d ∂L ∂L
d ∂L ∂L
− = Fθ (11) The control algorithm of the self-balancing –two-wheeled
dt ∂θ ∂θ robot can be based on PID control according to [25]–[27].
d ∂L ∂L However, some problems are shown in these papers. There-
− = Fϕ (12) fore, the control algorithms of this project are improved
dt ∂ϕ ∂ϕ
1 R
to be PD-PI control. Adopting adaptive and internal model
(Fβ , Fθ , Fϕ ) = (Fl +Fr ), Fθ ,− (Fl −Fr ) control (IMC) system, [28] focused their study on practically
2 W
implementing of remote control. Hence, the adaptive auto-
· · · adjustable controller is dependent on the pole’s placement
Fl = nKt Il + fm (θ − β ) − fw βl (14) control technique and the hierarchical identification strategy.
l [29] developed and implemented a neural network inte-
· · ·
Fr = nKt Il + fm (θ − β ) − fw βr (15) grated modfied DAYANI technique for path and navigational
r control of a TWSBR in a cluttered environment. The authors
· ·
Fθ = (nKt Il + nKt Ir + fm (θ − β ) instigated a five-layered back-propagation neural network to
l find out the intensity of various weight factors considering
· · seven navigational parameters as obtained from the modfied
+ fm (θ − β )) (16)
r DAYANI method.
where It/r is the current of left or right DC motor. Hence the
voltage of DC motor is based on PWM, which means current 2) UPRIGHT CONTROL (PD CONTROL)
cannot be used to deduce the voltage. Therefore, the DC Upright Control of self-balancing two-wheeled robot makes
motor equation shown as (17) is evaluated to build up the two wheels balancing on the ground with the body of the robot
relationship between current and voltage. using negative feedback. Having two wheels, the body of the
robot does nothing but fall down in a direction that the wheels
· · ·
L m Il/r = Vl/r + Kb θ − αl/r −Rm Il/r (17) are running.
where is Lm the motor inductance, assume that it is approxi- 3) PITCH ANGLE CONTROL
mately as zero. The current It/r is given as Using the mathematical modeling to analyze the pitch angle
· · control as described in the Figure 4 below:
Vl/r +Kb (θ ) − αl/r
It/r = Rm (18) a(t) : Acceleration of Running Wheel
x(t) : Angular Velocity Caused by External Force
In conclusion, the relationship between forces and DC motor Deriving from the modeling, a motion equation of the robot
voltage can be calculated as: is written as:
λ= (19) L d dtθ2(t) = g sin θ (t) − a(t) cos θ (t) + Lx(t)
FIGURE 4. Pitch angle control modellin.
To give a suitable velocity from motors, a method which is
the speed control is drawn as Figure 5 below.
When the Angle θ is approaching to 0, the motion equation is
rewritten as:
L d dtθ(t)
2 = gθ (t) + Lx(t) (26)
FIGURE 5. Block diagram of speed control.
Converting the differential equation from time-domain to
s-domain through Laplace Transform (LT), and then calculate The biases of speed control are directly adding into the
its transform function; controlled real velocity variables of DC motors through PI
2(s) 1 controller.
H (S) = = 2 g (27) In order to test the PI Control, it will combine with PD
X (s) s − L control as the control system to run the robot on a straight
Assume s2− Lg = 0 the poles line by (33).
q of the transform function H (S) X
are given as Sp = ± Lg . Because of the positive pole, V = Kp × θ + Kd × θ − Kp × e(k) + Ki e(k) (30)
the system of this robot is unstable.
Rewriting the transform function, we obtained; 2) TURN CONTROL (P CONTROL)
When the upright and speed controls are done, the robot can
2(s) 1 keep balance with direction. However, the robot needs to
H (s) = = k2 k1 −g
X (S) s2 + Ls+ L implement the object avoidance mechanism so that it needs
turn control to change different directions.
The poles of this system are given as: The turn control focuses on the different voltages in the
q left and right motor because different voltages will generate
−k2 ± k22 − 4L(k1 − g) the speed differences that can used to control the robot’s turn.
Sp = (29)
2L P Controller is used in order to implement these differences
The system is stable in the condition that all poles are neg- in voltage. The block diagram for the robot’s turn control is
ative. Therefore, the roots in (29) should satisfy k1 > g, shown in Figure 6.
k2 > 0.
In the angle control, k1 and k2 are respectively referred to
as the proportional and differential parameters. Moreover, the The gyroscope and accelerometer of MPU6050 provide
differential parameter is equivalent to damping force, which measures of instantaneous angular and accelerated velocity
can restrain effectively the vibration of body of this robot. change but they also generate drifts when MPU6050 is run-
ning. Besides, the output of signals from MPU6050 is often
corrupted with noise. It is a fact that the drifts and noise have
an influence on control of the robot. Therefore, the robot
Angular velocity is measured by gyro of MPU6050. In addi-
needs a signal-level fusion technique to filter drifts and noise
tion, since motion of the robot has no influence on the angular
in signals. In the robot, the Kalman Filtering [32], [33] as the
velocity, the noise in the signal of angular velocity is too
filter algorithm is implemented to overcome these problems.
tiny to ignore at the time of designing circuits of the robot.
Kalman Filtering is described by a Linear Stochastic Dif-
Furthermore, the integral of angular velocity signal is to
ferential Equation like the (31).
calculate the pitch angle of the robot, which can make the
angle signal more stable. X (k) = AX (k − 1) + BU (k) + W (k) (31)
Based on this character, a system for the avoidance mecha-
nism is designed like Figure 8, which includes transmitting
probe, receiving probe and amplifier.
In order to decrease the cost and size of this robot, a simple
ultrasonic product having two probes is used as the avoid-
ing sensor. Meanwhile, ADC of STM32 microcontroller is
adopted to confirm the Transit Time.
FIGURE 13. PD-PI control SIMULINK result.
To confirm the polarity of proportional parameter, the proba- E. CONFIRMING AMPLITUDE OF
ble theoretical range of proportional parameter is evaluated PROPORTIONAL PARAMETER
at first. In this project, standing for the 100 percent Duty Based on the theoretical range of proportional parameter
Ratio, the setting of PWM’s parameter is 7200. Therefore, the between 0 and 720, different proportional parameters can
maximum theoretical proportional parameter can be assumed be tested into codes to discover the suitable parameter, with
as 720, which leads to the full turn of the robot at positive and increasing of proportional parameters until the robot vibrates
negative 10 degree. According to the physical situation, it is dramatically in low frequency.
too small to control the robot accurately. However, the theo- Some proportional parameters as following are checked
retical absolute range of proportional parameter is seemingly into codes:
confirmed between 0 and 720. Based on the range of propor- 1) When Kp = 200, the robot has the state trend of upright
tional parameter, the polarity of proportional parameter can with slow response.
be confirmed via assuming positive or negative proportional 2) When Kp = 350, the robot upright with faster response
parameter into codes to check out the operating situation of than first situation, the state of response is so slow that
the robot. On the one hand, choose the negative proportional the robot cannot reach a balancing state at a moment
parameter into codes of the project before turning on the not keep balanced on a whole time.
robot, and then operating circumstance of the robot is that 3) When Kp = 500, the response is significantly fast
it is falling with the acceleration of DC motors, which is with dramatically vibration in low frequency, which
an undesirable situation because it illustrates the result of means the proportional parameter is suitable and the
positive feedback. On the other hand, refresh the proportional D controller need be added into the control system to
parameter to be positive, which lead to the upright state of restrain the vibration in low frequency.
the robot. The upright circumstance means there is a negative
feedback between DC motor and the body of the robot, which F. CONFIRMING POLARITY OF
is an expecting result. According two different situations, DIFFERENTIAL PARAMETER
the polarity of the proportional parameter can be confirmed The initialization of data from output of MPU6050 an assem-
as positive one. blage whose maximum is under 10000 and the 100 percent
FIGURE 15. (a) PD-PI controlled TWSBR robot w/ Kalman filter algorithm
against the adaptive fussy control – (Control Signal). (b) PD-PI controlled
TWSBR robot w/ Kalman filter algorithm against the adaptive fussy
control – (Error Signal).
The research experimented a PD-PI navigational control
for a TWSBR. Kalman filter algorithm is considered to
determine the stability of the robot in a sensed envi-
ronment. This research is successful since the objects of
self-balancing two-wheeled robots were implemented, and
a maximum obstacle avoidance achieved. The robot can
make itself balancing with wheels through PD-PI control and
turned by P control. In addition, the Kalman Filtering is used
to eliminate the drift of MPU6050’s gyro allowing for an
accurate estimate of the tilt angle. Avoidance mechanism is
implemented by using the ultrasonic waves to detect obstacles
around the robot. Communication between the robot and the
IoT devices in the environment is established through a JAVA
code embedded in the controller and manipulated through
Bluetooth connection.
Finally, the proposed PD-PI control technique introduces
FIGURE 16. PD-PI controller block diagram.
theoretically the relationship of different controls including
upright control (PD Control), speed control (PI Control) and
VI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION turn control (P Control) to make the robot self-balanced with
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ments to evaluate the performance of the proposed PD-PI PD-PI Control need to pay attention to the polarity and ampli-
controller. The point of balance is set at 0 [rad], as we simulate tude which have an influence on the balance of the robot.
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using the Kalman Filter Algorithm. The response curves eters are 500 and 1.7 respectively. Although the performance
of the controller in the balance point applied is shown in of the robot in maximum is vibrating slightly. Therefore,
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