Final - WPS PQR 86
Final - WPS PQR 86
Final - WPS PQR 86
Company Name : Filteration Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. Rabale, Navi Mumbai
Welding Procedure Specification No: FE/WPS/086 Rev-0 Date: 10/11/2022
Supporting PQR No.(S) : FE/PQR/086 Date: 10/11/2022
Welding Process (es) : GTAW+SMAW Type(s) : Manual
(Automatic, Manual, Machine or semi – Automatic)
Position (s) of Groove All
Welding Progression: Uphill for Vertical Down NA
Position (s) of Fillet All
Preheat Temp. Min : Ambient Temperature (QW-407)
Interpass Temp. Max : 150˚C Temperature : N.A.
Preheat Maintenance: None Time : N.A.
(Continuous or special heating were Other : N.A.
applicable should be recorded)
GAS (QW-408)
Percentage Composition
GAS(es) (Mixtures) Flow Rate
Shielding : Argon Single 5-10Ltr./min
Trailing : NA NA NA
Backing : Argon Single 5-10Ltr./min
Filler Metal Wire Energy
Current Travel
Weld Pass Proces Amps Feed or Volts Oth
Classificat Type & Speed
(es) s Diameter (Range) Speed Power (Range) ers
ion Polarity (Range) (Range) (Range)
Root Run
GTAW ER 316L 2 mm DCEN 70-90 N.A. N.A. 8-15 60
(1st Pass)
Hot Pass
GTAW ER 316L 2 mm DCEN 70-90 N.A. N.A. 8-15 60
(2nd Pass)
As required
up to
GTAW ER 316L 2.5 mm DCEN 80-120 N.A. N.A. 8-15 60
10 mm
SMAW E 316L 3.2 mm DCEP 90-110 N.A. N.A. 22-28 105
SMAW E 316L 4 mm DCEP 100-130 N.A. N.A. 22-28 115
Amp and volts range should be recorded for each electrode size, positions and thickness etc.)
Pulsing Current: _DCEN- GTAW & DCEP -SMAW Heat Input Max: GTAW- 1.80 KJ/mm & SMAW- 1.90 KJ/mm
Tungsten Electrodes Size & Type : 2.4 mm, 2% Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes
(Pure tungsten 2% Thoriated etc.)
Mode to metal transfer for GMAW ___________NA _ ______ Others: ___________ NA ___ ____
(Spray arc short circulating arc etc.)
String or weave bead: String &Weave (weaving not more than 12mm size of final pass/capping run).
Orifice or Gas Cup Size : Ceramic Nozzle of 10 mm
Initial and Inter pass Cleaning (Brushing, grinding etc.): Wire Brush, Grinding, Solvent to Remove Dust, Oil, Grease Etc.
Method of Back Gouging __ __NA ________
Oscillation ___ _NA ________
Contact Tube to Work Distance _ __ NA________
Multiple or Single Pass (per side) __ Multiple___
Multiple or Single Electrode Single_____
Electrode Spacing Refer Table-1
Peening Not Allowed
Other NA_____ _
Company Name: Filteration Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. Rabale, Navi Mumbai
Procedure Qualification Record No. : FE/ PQR/086 Rev 00 Date: 10/11/2022
WPS No. : FE/WPS/086 Rev -00 Date: 10/11/2022
Welding Process (es) : GTAW + SMAW
Types (Manual, Automatic, Semi-Automatic) : Manual