14 Apr 2018 1915108206P95CKE4PFR
14 Apr 2018 1915108206P95CKE4PFR
14 Apr 2018 1915108206P95CKE4PFR
The Plywood Boards and sun mica sheets market is growing very fast in India.
The market is expected to continue to grow at the minimum rate of 10 to 15%
per year.
During the last decade India has built a very strong position as sun mica sheets
and ply wood boards for domestic consumption and for Exports to South asian
countries & Middle East.
iii) Details of alternative sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed
site, particularly the environment consideration gone into should be
No alternate sites have been examined for the proposed project as the project shall
be setup on the purchased land.
iv) Size or magnitude of Operation
The production capacity is as under:
Table 1: Plant Capacity
Particular Proposed Capacity
Formaldehyde 80 MT/day
The total area for setting up the formaldehyde unit is 1960 sq m.
v) Process Description (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing the project
layout, components of the project etc. should be given)
The catalytic oxidation process is an optimized production method. Let us discuss the
technology in this process. It is a simple process as per the stoichiometric reaction
steps as shown below:
1. Oxidation of Methanol with oxygen present in the air
2. Pyrolysis endothermic reaction
3. Side Reaction-Complete combustion producing heat energy
CH3OH+3/2 O2 2H2O+CO2
Silver Catalyst Method
Initially Air compressed to pressure 0.2 atm by an air compressor and fed to the
bottom of methanol vaporizer. The ratio of methanol and air maintained about
35-45%. This mixture heated to the reaction temperature 550-6000C by series of
pre heater before entering into the silver catalyst reactor. The catalytic reactor is
fixed bed type filled with silver catalyst used for converting methanol to
formaldehyde. The fraction of conversion depends on the catalyst type and the
temperature of the reactor at fixed operating pressure. Advanced reactor controls
both reactions, exothermic combustion reaction and endothermic dehydration
reaction simultaneously in single step.
The product steam sent to purification and recovery section. Unreacted methanol
fed back to the process of methanol vaporizer. Recycle stream contains 15%
unreacted methanol of feed to the vaporizer. Formaldehyde obtained as the heavy
end of alcohol stripper column. It is in the form of aqueous containing 63% water.
The overall process has yield ranging from 85-90% on the weight basis.
ix) Quantity of waste to be generated (Liquid and solid) and scheme for their
Process Waste
As per present scheme, no process waste will be generated. if in case generated shall
be stored and disposed off at Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF)
approved by Pollution Control Board.
Waste Water Generation & their Management
There will be no waste water generation. The industrial waste water generated
will be recycled in the process itself. The domestic waste water will be managed by
the RIICO industrial area only. Thus, unit will maintain Zero Effluent Discharge.
i) Connectivity
The proposed plant site is well connected with the rail and road connectivity.
The site is about 5.4 km W from SH-25, 5.5 Km N to Tauru Road and 10 km NW
to NH-8. The nearest settlement is Phalsa is at a distance of 0.7 km (approx) in
NNE direction. The nearest railway station is Pataudi Road Railway Station is at
a distance of 24.3 km (approx) in NNW direction. Rewari Railway station is at a
distance of 26.0 Km in WNW direction. Indira Ghandhi International Airport,
New Delhi is at a distance of 48.0 km (approx) in NNE direction from the project
ii) Land form, Land Use, Land Ownership
The total area for setting up the formaldehyde unit is 1960 sq m. The land is
already under the possession on M/s Pine Laminates Pvt. Ltd.
iii) Topography (Along with Map)
The proposed project will be set up in an area of 1960 sq m. The greenbelt will also be
developed at the site whose area is estimated as 645 sq. m. Adequate green belt
provision as per MoEFCC guidelines will be considered for proposed project
development. Further, unpaved areas if any, within the plant boundary will be
provided with grass cover which will also improve the plant aesthetics.
No agricultural land and habitation is present in the land and there is no displacement
involved. Hence, no Resettlement and Rehabilitation is envisaged for this project.
The project is envisaged to meet the demand supply gap in the domestic market, as the
gap is created due to increase in growth of Formaldehyde for meeting increased
demand of Plywood and Sun Mica industries.
The Plywood Boards and sun mica sheets market is growing very fast in India. The
market is expected to continue to grow at the minimum rate of 10 to 15% per year
which makes the sufficient possibility to fulfill the domestic market demand. Both the
Domestic & Export supplies of the company will indirectly contribute to the growth of
our nation.
A financial and social benefit has been considered while analyzing the proposal. The
proposed expansion is environmentally compatible and will helps to people improving
their financial status of the local people. Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) program
shall be executed on need base.