Production of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acid
Production of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acid
Production of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acid
Article in Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue de l IFP · January 2014
DOI: 10.2516/ogst/2014007
35 9,524
6 authors, including:
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Abstract — Both Fischer-Tropsch (FT) and Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA)
Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (SPK) fuels are considered as leading alternative replacements for
conventional jet fuel. To satisfy the requirements of Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA), their
drop-in incorporations have been subjected to a rigorous certification process. To reach the
ambitious incorporation targets, new routes for biofuels incorporation may need to emerge, involving
optimizing the production processes and the blending strategies. This paper focuses on a new strategy
for incorporating HEFA, allowing the process yield to be optimised.
One of the major steps limiting the process yield for HEFA remains the isomerisation that allows
production of a biofuel with very good cold flow properties. But this step introduces a substantial
decrease of the overall yield (fuel component per kg of starting material) due to the production of
light compounds, unsuitable for conventional jet fuel. In this work relaxing the freezing point require-
ment for the neat HEFA component (by decreasing the severity of the isomerisation step) is pro-
posed in order to minimize the production of less valuable light compounds. This strategy could
lead to a significant additional biofuel yield with respect to the oil compared to a process making
a better freezing point component. This allows the land surface area necessary for HEFA feedstock
cultivation to be reduced for a given amount of bio-jet fuel produced.
Résumé — Production d’huiles végétales hydrotraitées (Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids,
HEFA) – Optimisation du rendement — Le développement des carburants alternatifs est en
plein essor, notamment dans le domaine aéronautique. Cela se concrétise par la possibilité,
d’incorporer jusqu’à 50 % de carburants de synthèse de type Fischer-Tropsch (FT) ou
Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) dans du carburéacteur. Ces cibles
d’incorporation sont ambitieuses. C’est pourquoi, l’objectif de cet article est d’étudier une
stratégie innovante pour l’incorporation des carburants alternatifs, et plus précisément des
carburants de type HEFA, dans le domaine aéronautique en optimisant les stratégies de
mélanges c’est-à-dire en cherchant à optimiser les rendements des procédés.
En effet, l’un des moyens d’action permettant d’améliorer les rendements des procédés HEFA est
d’agir sur l’étape d’hydrotraitement. Cette étape permet d’améliorer les propriétés à froid.
Cependant la contre partie est l’impact que cela peut avoir sur le rendement : améliorer les
propriétés à froid est synonyme de perte en rendement (carburant produit par kg par rapport à
2 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles
la masse de matière première) à cause de la production de produits légers qui ne sont pas
utilisables dans la coupe jet. Ce travail propose donc de relâcher la contrainte sur le point de
disparition des cristaux, exigée pour les carburants de type HEFA, en jouant sur la sévérité de
l’étape d’hydrotraitement et donc en minimisant la production de produits légers afin de
maximiser les rendements. Cette stratégie pourrait amener à avoir un meilleur rendement en
biojet par rapport à l’huile de départ comparée à une stratégie dans laquelle on recherche un
meilleur point de disparition des cristaux. Ainsi, il serait envisageable de réduire les surfaces
agricoles utilisées pour la culture des plantes pour un même volume de biojet produit.
Generic FT Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (SPK) was This paper does not deal with the economics them-
approved for use in blends, at up to 50% volume, with selves but provides technical data that could assist in
Jet A-1 in ASTM D7566 in August 2009 [4, 5]. The sec- understanding the relationship between process costs
ond class of alternative fuels approved for certification is (usually related to process complexity), process yield,
Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA), also HEFA quality, and blending rate. IFPEN and Shell Glo-
called Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) or Hydropro- bal Solutions have joined their expertise to produce two
cessed Renewable Jet (HRJ); it covers hydrocarbon avia- different qualities of HEFA from the same original oil
tion fuel produced from animal oils or vegetable oils for the purposes of the SWAFEA project. The level of
(triglycerides) by hydroprocessing. This fuel has also hydroisomerisation applied to a hydroprocessed oil to
been called BioSPK, although one should remember that improve the low temperature properties was varied
the FT SPK include biomass to liquid fuels that can between the two HEFA:
equally be called BioSPK. The ASTM D7566 specifica- – if, as expected, important constraints are put on oil
tion is structured to support various classes of alterna- availability and HEFA production capacity, in the
tive fuels in its appendices and HEFA was approved short term the incorporation process will have to be
for use at up to 50% volume in blends with conventional optimised to incorporate this product into conven-
kerosene in ASTM D7566 in July 2011 [6]. It can now be tional Jet A-1. In this case, the global optimisation
used in ASTM D1655 fuels and, following an update to of the production yield will be of major importance.
DEF STAN 91-91, HEFA has also been approved under A major factor limiting the process yield remains the
“Check List”. The results of a study by the EU-funded isomerisation step, which allows production of a bio-
Sustainable Way for Alternative Fuels and Energy in fuel with very good cold flow properties. It also leads
Aviation (SWAFEA) [7] have shown that the incorpora- to a substantial decrease in the overall yield because of
tion of biofuels in aviation fuel is necessary to reach the the co-production of light compounds that cannot be
ambitious IATA targets in terms of CO2 reduction. incorporated in conventional jet fuel. To evaluate the
These conclusions also show that a massive incorpora- impact of this production step, an extreme view has
tion ratio will be needed, so that huge investments need been chosen: a specific HEFA has been produced to
to be made. Moreover, the question of biofuels deploy- have limited cold flow properties (target: freezing
ment has been raised, linked with a need for an optimised point around 20°C) and the resulting product has
production yield to meet those targets. been blended into conventional jet fuel at different
There is competition for biofuel components which blending ratios. The overall yield has been calculated,
affects the design and economics of facilities that convert to evaluate if a substantial gain can be obtained with
bio-oils into fuel. Specifically, there is competition between such a strategy, while keeping the final blend in the
gasoil (e.g. automotive Diesel, heating and industrial Diesel) limits of the Jet A-1 specification (freezing point
and kerosene users. Most bio-oils naturally yield product in 47°C);
the gasoil range so further processing steps are needed to – the current specification limits the incorporation rate
make a product that is technically better suited to kerosene of HEFA to a maximum of 50% volume. To meet
(jet fuel) production, in particular having better low temper- the IATA targets, higher blending rates may eventually
ature features than required for Diesel applications. The be needed. Indeed, during the ramp-up period, this
objective of this work is to study product quality trade-offs product may not be available everywhere. The capacity
that could affect the economics of biojet production in the to blend higher ratios in some locations can therefore
initial periods when biofuel availability will be limited. Spe- help to meet the incorporation targets, taking into
cifically, it considers incorporating low levels (considerably account the local availability of the product. A specific
less than the 50% volume now approved) of SPK with freez- HEFA meeting the ASTM D7566 specifications has
ing points higher than those currently approved (40°C been made to evaluate the potential of such a product
maximum) into Jet A-1, while keeping the blend freezing being blended at a high ratio (75%) in Jet A-1.
point specification unchanged. Increasing (worsening) the To summarize the different strategies:
freezing point decreases the level of processing of the – Case 1: aim for a reduced HEFA incorporation ratio
SPK, which should produce higher biofuel component for HEFA with poor cold flow properties (target:
yields [8] and a potentially better overall profitability than freezing point around 20°C). Blends of this HEFA
a route that produces a higher proportion of better freezing production (called HEFA1) with a conventional Jet
point products that can be incorporated at higher percent- A-1 have been prepared with 10%, 20% and 30% vol-
ages into the final Jet A-1. The recommendation for low ume of HEFA1;
or medium HVO (HEFA) concentrations is also studied – Case 2: aim for a larger HEFA incorporation ratio
for Diesel engines [9]. than permitted by ASTM D7566: one blend of HEFA
4 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles
Figure 2 i
This number depends on the number of unsaturation of triglycerides.
Typical structure of triglycerides, major components of This equation has been established for triglycerides with 4 unsaturated
vegetable oils. bonds.
L. Starck et al. / Production of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) – Optimisation of Process Yield 5
TABLE 2 Diesel
Boiling and melting points of nC16, nC17 and nC18 Kero
Gasoline Melting point
nC16 nC17 nC18 (°C)
Cetane number
Boiling point (°C) 286.9 302.2 316.7 80 +18°C
Figure 4 below shows the typical evolution of yields avoid excessive production of less economically attrac-
during HIS operation. There is a maximum jet fuel yield, tive gases and gasoline (150°C) components.
which can be reached by carefully tuning the severity of
HIS operation. The severity has to be sufficient to con-
1.3 Final Product Properties
vert the hydrocarbons from the Diesel range (280°C+)
into the jet fuel range (150-300°C), but not too high, to The specifications requirements included in Table 3 have
to be met in the final jet fuel after blending. It should be
noted that it is necessary to blend the paraffinic jet fuel
with a conventional jet fuel from petroleum, since an
8% volume minimum aromatics content is specified, to
Naphtha and light comply with material compatibility requirements. The
Product distribution
current certification for HEFA allows no more than
Diesel range
50% volume HEFA in the final jet fuel, in part to help
achieve this minimum aromatics level.
Jet range
Characteristics of the Jet A-1 fuels used in this work
Viscosity at 20°C 2
mm /s 8.0 max 4.04 4.19
Characteristics of blends of Jet fuel A with HEFA1
Analysis Unit Jet A-1 Jet fuel HEFA1 Jet + 10% Jet + 20% Jet + 30%
specifications HEFA1 HEFA1 HEFA1
Total aromatics (hplc) vol% 26.5 max 18.9 0.0 16.9 15.0 13.3
Viscosity at 20°C mm2/s 8.000 max 4.04 11.72 4.426 4.859 5.363
Specific energy, net MJ/kg 42.8 min 43.25 44.07 43.31 43.41 43.49
12 HEFA2
-20 Polynominal HEFA1 y = 0.2351x - 50.842
HEFA1 Linear HEFA2 R2 = 0.9927
-25 HEFA2 10
y = 0.2351x - 50.842
Linear HEFA1 Jet A-1 8 mm2/s max
R2 = 0.9927 8
Freezing point (°C)
-35 6
y = -0.0805x - 49.673
-40 4 R2 = 0.9961
-45 2
Jet A-1 -47°C min
-50 0
-55 0 20 40 60 80 100
y = -0.0805x - 49.673
R2 = 0.9961 HVO in jet fuel (%vol.)
Figure 6
Figure 5
Impact of HEFA in Jet fuel A blending rate on final blend
Impact of HEFA content on final blend freezing point for viscosity at 20°C.
blends in Jet fuel A.
Following the blend production and test results dis- as shown in Table 3, it has a significantly better freeze
cussed above, blends were made with another Jet A-1, point than average and represents a close to “best case”
Jet fuel B, that has excellent low temperature results; blend partner for a poorer freezing point HEFA
L. Starck et al. / Production of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) – Optimisation of Process Yield 9
Characteristics of blends of Jet fuel A with HEFA2
Analysis Unit Jet A-1 Jet fuel HEFA2 Jet + 75% HEFA2
component. Its freezing point of 64.9°C is the highest around 60% volume with an exceptionally low freezing
reported for the fuel; analysts sometimes prefer not to point (similar to behaviour seen with some GTL SPK
determine freezing points accurately below an arbitrary [14]); many of the results are likely to be affected by
temperature in the range 60 to 75°C as this takes the analyst’s observation preference and the overriding
more time and/or more effort to control such low tem- message is that all the HEFA2 blends in Jet fuel B have
peratures. With this greater than 15°C improvement in very good freezing points, with no limits on HEFA2 con-
freezing point compared to Jet fuel A, it was possible tent being caused by freeze point.
to consider higher levels of HEFA in the two sets of Viscosity data repeat the patterns seen with Jet fuel A:
blends created. Table 7 summarises data for the seven Figure 8 shows that the HEFA2 blends follow an
blends created with HEFA1 and Table 8 provides data approximately linear by volume behaviour while the
for the 5 blends with HEFA2; data for the neat HEFA HEFA2 blends are better fitted by a polynomial fit.
and Jet fuel A and B are in Table 3, and Table 4. HEFA1 blends above 63% volume fail the 8 mm2/s limit,
As shown in Figure 7, Jet fuel B has extended the while all HEFA2 blends pass.
range over which HEFA1 can be blended and still The limiting factor for HEFA2 blends would be set by
achieve Jet A-1 requirements. The best fit for HEFA1 the 8.8% volume total aromatics by hplc method, if the
is now polynomial, with freezing points being higher 50% maximum were not applied.
(poorer) than a linear blend rule would expect. Based In summary, the maximum volume percentages of
on the fit the highest level of HEFA1 to pass the Jet the HEFA in the two Jet A-1 are as in Table 9,
A-1 freezing point would be about 35% volume (or Figure 9 and Figure 10. Given that in a country using
30% based on actual data points). This is higher than Jet A rather than Jet A-1 there may not be many very
seen with Jet fuel A. If only a Jet A freezing point needed good freezing point fuels like Jet fuel B, this does
to be met (40°C maximum), the fit and actual data indicate that HEFA1 will probably have an upper
points would both suggest upper limits of 51% volume. limit of 30 to 35% volume; more typically HEFA1
For the HEFA2 blends the results are best described as be limited to values in the range 15 to 20% volume
“scattered”; there may or may not be a sweet spot for Jet A-1 production.
10 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles
Properties of blends of HEFA1 with Jet fuel B
Analysis Unit
Total aromatics (hplc) vol% 17.5 15.1 12.9 10.8 8.8 6.7
Specific energy, net MJ/kg 43.215 43.325 43.426 43.535 43.636 43.741
0 20 40 60 80 100 HEFA2
-20 12 y = 0.0006x2 + 0.0153x + 4.35
y = -0.0024x2 + 0.6317x - 66.171 Polynomial HEFA1
-25 HEFA1 R² = 0.9915
R² = 0.9754 10 Linear HEFA2
-30 Jet A-1 8 mm2/s max
Polynomial HEFA1
-35 8
Freezing point (°C)
Linear HEFA2
6 y = 0.033x + 3.9928
-50 Jet A1 -47°C min R² = 0.9802
-60 2
-65 y = 0.0683x - 68.786 0
-70 R² = 0.158 0 20 40 60 80 100
Lower than
HVO in jet fuel (%vol.)
Figure 8
Figure 7
Viscosity for HEFA blends made with Jet fuel B.
Freezing points for blends of HEFA1 and HEFA2 with Jet
fuel B.
Properties of blends of HEFA2 with Jet fuel B
Analysis Unit
60 51 70 59
Max blend for HEFA (%)
50 46
60 52
Max blend for HEFA (%)
40 35
30 40
20 30
10 20
0 10
Jet fuel A Jet fuel B
Jet A-1 specification Jet A specification Jet fuel A Jet fuel B
Figure 9 Figure 10
Maximum blend % volumes for HEFA1 / Jet fuels combi- Maximum blend % volumes for HEFA2 / Jet fuels combi-
nations neglecting current 50% specification limit. nations neglecting current 50% specification limit.
Besides, the increased focus on climate change over the steps: hydrotreatment and hydroisomerization. The
last decade has created pressure to reduce greenhouse process yield for HEFA remains limited because of
gases emissions. One solution for the aeronautics sector the isomerisation step that allows production of a bio-
to satisfy the objective of CO2 reduction is the use of fuel with very good cold flow properties. This work
alternative fuel such as HEFA. proposes to relax the freezing point requirement for
HEFA are produced from hydrogenation of mainly the neat HEFA component (by decreasing the severity
vegetable oils. This process generally comprises two of the isomerisation step) in order to minimize the
12 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles
Maximum blend % volumes for HEFA/Jet A-1 combinations neglecting current 50% specification limit
HEFA1 Jet fuel B 35 (fit) or 30 (data point) Freezing point Jet A-1
Product distribution
yield with respect to the oil. Then this experimental
Diesel range
study determines if a combination of processing/blend-
ing is possible to optimise HEFA incorporation for
industry benefit.
A rapeseed oil was used for this study. The choice of
this oil has been done for reasons of feedstock availabil- Jet range
ity. It was decided to set two distinct freezing point tar-
gets for the jet fuel candidate HEFA: one HEFA to have Cold flow properties improvement
a freezing point close to 20°C and the other one HEFA
to have a freezing point below 47°C. Moreover two dif- Figure 11
ferent jet fuels were used for the blends. A first Jet A-1
Yield improvement for HEFA production (source: IFP
with conventional characteristics and a second Jet A-1, Energies nouvelles).
with some more extreme but still “on spec” properties
(in particular, exceptionally good freezing point).
It has been shown that these HEFA can be blended in incorporation of high freezing point HEFA in smaller
significant volumes in a conventional Jet A-1. The upper %vol. could allow HEFA incorporation to be started
limits in terms of incorporation are: in the shorter term, while optimizing the process yield.
– the freezing point for the HEFA1 (27°C). HEFA1 This strategy is more in accordance with biomass avail-
can be incorporated at up to 30-35% volume before ability. Nevertheless, it has to be stressed that these are
failing Jet A-1 freezing point. The incorporation ratio only preliminary results and need important validation
is dependant of the jet fuel quality regarding cold flow work, such as fitness for purpose tests recommended in
behavior; ASTM D4054, before going into the certification process
– the aromatic content of the final blend for the intro- and being industrially used.
duction of HEFA2 (57.5°C). However, HEFA2
can be incorporated at up to 59% before failing to
achieve the minimum total aromatics content. With ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a higher aromatics jet fuel that has excellent freezing
point characteristics, higher levels of HEFA can be This work was done as an additional contribution to the
incorporated, though the limiting properties remain SWAFEA Project and the contributors are Shell Global
the same. Solutions and IFP Energies nouvelles.
These preliminary tests have shown that by combining
processing conditions in combination with blending
strategies there is a potential to enhance the incorpora- REFERENCES
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