Biodiesel As An Alternative Fuel - by Asst. Prof. Shashi Sahu

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A Review on Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel

By: Mrs. Shashi Sahu (Asst. Professor) Dept. of Biotechnology.

Sai College, Sec – 6, Bhilai (Chhattisgarh)

Abstract What is Bio Diesel ?

Biodiesel has become a key source as a substitution fuel and is Biodiesel is the name of a clean burning alternative fuel,
making its place as a key future renewable energy source. As produced from domestic, renewable resources. Biodiesel
an alternative fuel for diesel engines, it is becoming contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with Biodiesel has attracted wide attention in the world due to its
increasingly important due to diminishing petroleum reserves petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend. Biodiesel is simple renewablity, biodegradablity, non toxicity and environmentally
and the environmental consequences of exhaust gases from to use, biodegradable and non toxic. friendly benefits. It is an important new alternative
petroleum-fuelled engines. To minimize the biofuel cost, in transportation fuel. It can be produced from different
recent days waste cooking oil was used as feedstock. The Biodiesel Preparation Method feedstock containing fatty acids such as animal fats, non edible
utilization of liquid fuels such as biodiesel produced from used Methanol, used in conjunction with an appropriate catalyst oils, and waste cooking oils and by products of the refining
cooking oil by transesterification process represents one of under controlled condition allows oil based material to be vegetables oils and algae. Transesterification is a commonly
the most promising options for the use of conventional fossil transesterified to a fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). employed method for its production. The purpose of this
fuels. However, as the biodiesel is produced from vegetable Transesterification basically sees the substitution of methanol method is to reduce the viscosity of oil or fat using acid or base
oils and animal fats, there are concerns that biodiesel for triglycerides. The FAME then undergoes a series of washing catalyst in the presence of methanol or ethanol. However, the
feedstock may compete with food supply in the long-term. steps before finally being distilled to produce a high biodiesel production is strongly affected by parameters such as
Currently, the higher GHG emissions from fossil fuel has specification biodiesel. molar ratio of alcohol, reaction temperature reaction time and
persuaded the policy makers, investors and researchers to catalyst concentration. Hence, this review concentrates on the
think more of the substitution of fossil fuels to save the development of economically viable as well as eco-friendly
Biodiesel in Automobile Sector benefits of biodiesel as an alternative fuel.
planet. In this review, the use of Biodiesel as an alternative
Pollution is increasing day by day and one of the major reason
fuel, its advantages, its cost effectiveness are addressed.
behind this is automobile pollutants, which come out due to the
use of petrol or diesel based automobiles. If we have an option
Introduction of an alternative fuel, which least harms the environment, then
Fossil fuels are non renewable energy resources. Although, why not use it. There are several reasons in support of using
these fuels are contributing largely to the world energy biodiesel as an alternative fuel.
supply, their production and use have raised environmental It is biodegradable, nontoxic and produces fewer pollutants References
concerns and political debates. It has been shown that 98% of when burnt completely. It can be used in pure form (B100) or (A) Thirumarimurugan, M., Sivakumar, V. M., Merly Xavier,
carbon emissions are resulted from fossil fuel combustion. blended with petroleum diesel. Most common blend includes A., Prabhakaran, D.,Kannadasan, T. (2012) Preparation of
The need of energy is increasing continuously due to rapid B2 (2% biodiesel, 98% diesel), B5 (5% biodiesel, 95% Biodiesel from Sunflower Oil by Transesterification,
increase in the number of industries & vehicles owing to the petrodiesel) or B20 (20% biodiesel , 80% petrodiesel). International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and
population explosion. The sources of this energy are Bioinformatics, 2(6), 441-444.
petroleum, natural gas, coal, hydrocarbon and nuclear. The
Advantages of Biodiesel
major disadvantages of using petroleum based fuels are • Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel that runs in any conventional, (B) Shahid, E.M., Jamal, Y., Shah, A.N., Rumzan, N., Munsha,
atmospheric pollution create by the use of petroleum diesel. unmodified diesel engine. M. (2012) Effect of Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester on
Several alternative fuels have been studied to either • Needs no charge in refueling infrastructures and spare part inventories. Compression Ignition Engine. Journal of Quality and
substitute diesel fuel partially or completely. The concept of • 100% domestic fuel Technology Management, VIII (II), 91–104.
biofuel is not new. Rodulph Diesel was the first to use • Cost effectiveness – The process & infrastructure facility doesn’t require
vegetable oil (Peanut Oil) in a diesel engine in 1911. The use of much of an investment.
(C) S.V.S Rana , Professor Toxicology Laboratory, Dept. of
biofuels in place of conventional fuels would slow the Disadvantages of Biodiesel Zoology. C. C. S. Meerut University
progression of global warming by reducing sulfur and carbon • Quality of Biodiesel depends on the blend thus quality can be
Book on Environmental Biotechnology.
oxides and hydrocarbon emissions. tempered.
• Spills of biodiesel can decolorize any painted surface if left for long.

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