your Scion’s Omen upon reaching Demigod level, and alter This section expands upon the four Birthrights
it as you like after gaining a new Legendary Title. available to Heroes, gives new examples for the panthe-
Example: Anjali, Incarnate Scion of Cernunnos, had an ons detailed in this book, and introduces Sanctum: a new
Omen of the Gods’ iconic stag horns through Scion: Hero. Birthright only available to Demigods and Gods.
But upon reaching Demigod, her player, Alex, wants her
Omen to better reflect the Scion’s own Legend. Looking
at Anjali’s Legendary Title, “The Protector of Gir Forest”, Demigods bestow a greater portion of their divinity
Alex decides her antlers are now those of a chital, a horned onto their creature companions, allowing such beasts to
animal native to her home. When local poachers see her flourish in power and skill.
emerge from the woods, they know they’ve messed up. Building creatures for Demigods di ers in the follow-
Your character continues to receive a new Boon per • Divine Fortitude: A Demigod’s creature imposes a
dot of Legend and a new Calling dot for every even-num- Complication (with a penalty of su ering a counter-
bered dot of Legend. attack) equal to the creature’s dot rating to all rolls
to attack it or impose supernatural e ects on it.
•••• • Epic: Your adventures have become a part of
your culture’s history forevermore. Your face inspires ur- • Supernal Skill: A Demigod’s creature only sacrific-
ban murals and big-budget films, and communities hold es one die from its rating-based dice pool to add a
festivals to commemorate your Deeds. Nonetheless, your Knack or Flair instead of two.
adventures thus far are an obscure chapter in the grand LEGENDARY CREATURES
history of your Pantheon. 5 Boons.
Sometimes, a Demigod’s Legend comes to incorporate
•••• •• Iconic: You’ve become a permanent part of his creature companion as an indelible part of its burgeoning
your Pantheon’s mythos. Even outsiders, like Denizens of Mantle. Odin’s raven servants, Huginn and Muninn, wouldn’t
forgotten Terrae Incognitae, may have heard tales of your just fly o into the wild hunting worms if he died; they would
Deeds. Your symbols adorn t-shirts and traditional jewelry. find the Scion reincarnated into his Mantle and guide him. They
Families might make pilgrimages to see your birthplace. 6 belong to the Legend of Odin, whichever Odin that might be.
Boons, +1 Calling dot.
• Building the Legend: A Scion who wishes to turn
•••• ••• Integral: Your adventures are commonly his creature into a Legendary one must first Fatebind
known across the World, Underworlds, and Overworlds. it; any role that makes sense for a creature is eligible.
Allusions and idioms evoke your Deeds everywhere you Incorporating a Fatebound creature into his Mantle
might go. 7 Boons. is a specific, special type of resolution that he may
•••• •••• Definitive: Your exploits are fundamental only do once the bond’s Strength reaches 5. Upon
to the stories of your culture. Your adventures live along- resolution, he immediately replenishes all spent
side creation myths or prophesied end times, just after the Legend, and the creature becomes a Legendary one.
principal members of your pantheon. 8 Boons, +1 Calling
• Limitations: Only creatures with a rating of 2+ can
become Legendary, and a Demigod may only have
creature, it regains its Legendary status. If not, you you like until this follower’s rating reaches 0. All lost
lose the creature entirely (and may invest the dots dots return at the beginning of the next arc.
into another Birthright, as usual). • Sidekick: You command a more powerful supporter,
• Calling All Creatures: The creature counts as an who’s more companion than minion; this tag is in-
additional Calling keyword for purposes of invoking compatible with the Group and Mob tags. If you’re
it to increase Scale on an action not covered by one Taken Out, your Sidekick uses your full dice pool
of his Legendary Titles, on actions that rely on the for actions they take for you on your turn. Once per
creature’s aid. If the creature dies, count its death as episode, you may take two actions at once without
a Failure Deed (Scion: Hero, p. 191) for the Calling a mixed action, even if your follower isn’t with you
with which it was most closely associated. — they act elsewhere, allowing you to e ectively be
in two places at once. You may spend a Momentum
• Legendary E ects: A Legendary creature gains one
to allow your follower to use one of your other
Knack or Flair for free, without sacrificing any dice
Birthrights as though it were their own for a scene,
from its pool. In addition, the Scion may spend a point
using one of your Attributes + Follower rating as the
of Momentum to make any attack or e ect target him
dice pool if rolls are required; however, they can’t use
instead of his creature, whether by flinging himself
anything that requires spending or imbuing Legend.
into the line of fire or using divine magic to redirect
it, if they’re both present in the same scene. Finally,
the Demigod can communicate e ectively with the
creature even without a specific power to do so. Even a Demigod needs guidance occasionally. Guides
for Demigod characters work just like they do for Heroes,
• Inherited Legends: If an Incarnate Demigod comes
but a Demigod can also invest in this Birthright to be a
into possession of a creature that was Legendary for
guide for someone else, purchasing her mentee as a sepa-
a past bearer of the Mantle he’s inherited, he auto-
rate Guide Birthright. This type of guide works as follows:
matically gains a Fatebinding for it with a Strength
equal to the number of previous wielders for whom • Fatebound: When the player acquires this
it was Legendary. This doesn’t count against his Birthright, her character automatically gains a
maximum number of simultaneous Fatebindings. Strength 1 Fatebinding for the mentee character,
but doesn’t regain a Legend point; this bond doesn’t
FOLLOWERS count against your maximum. The Apprentice role
is an obvious choice, but any role can work if you
A Demigod’s followers have been through thick and
and the Storyguide think it makes sense. Maybe
thin with her. They’ve survived a myriad of scrapes with
your character goes out of her way to help her Rival
Titanspawn and perilous journeys to Otherworlds near and
despite his resentment in an attempt to win him
far, and now they’ve built up the strength to follow her to
over, or aids a Martyr in hopes that he’ll reconsider
even greater heights — and help her overcome even more
his death wish. If this bond resolves in a way that
fearsome dangers.
removes the character from the game permanently
Followers for Demigods di er in the following ways: or ends due to Peril, you may reinvest these Guide
• Versatility: A Demigod’s follower gains a number of dots into another appropriate Birthright (including
additional tags equal to half their dot rating, round- a di erent mentee, if you like).
ed up. • Quid pro Quo: Whenever the mentee’s Role
• Resilience: The follower can take a Bruised, an Condition is compelled, you gain 1 Momentum
Injured, and a Maimed Injury Condition before in addition to the usual e ects. If your character
they’re Taken Out. su ers harm or significant setbacks in the process
of acting on that compulsion, you may also invoke
At the Demigod level, followers gain the following the mentee’s Role Condition once before the end of
additional tag options; each one takes up two available tags. the session without counting it as that session’s one
• Undying Loyalty: Your follower would stick with allowed Fatebinding invocation.
you even if you ordered them to take a bullet for you,
• Heros ex Machina: The Demigod can provide di-
and do it gladly. They would pay any price, make any
vine intervention on her mentee’s behalf, just like
deal, to reach your side when you needed them most.
her own guides can do for her. Once per arc, she may
Whenever you would be Taken Out, you may reduce
take a simple action and imbue 1 Legend to invest a
your follower’s rating by one dot for the rest of the
measure of her power in her mentee, allowing that
arc to resolve your most serious Injury Condition
character to access one of her Boons and granting
instead, even if your follower wasn’t previously
them +1 to one type of Scale; these e ects last for a
present in the scene; they show up by any means
scene, during which the Demigod acts in all ways
necessary, although afterward you may owe some-
as though she were a Hero instead. In return, at the
one a huge favor or find they’ve brought enemies on
end of that scene, you immediately gain a number of
their heels. You may use this ability as many times as
Scions of the Annuna rely on the wise apkallu for tu- Ancestor Mummy (••••)
toring and advice in a variety of fields and arenas, as well as
The mummified dead hold an honored place for Scions of
relaying to them the words of their Godly patrons. These
the Apu, acting as powerful huacas and providing guidance for
divine sages are amphibious — half-fish, half-human — and a
the living. Inca ancestors are among the most potent of these Guide Stunt (4s): Inflict a level 2 Complication on
guides, dwelling in temples or household shrines for centuries an opponent’s next roll within the current scene to harm,
with mediums delivering their advice and wisdom to their de- influence, or otherwise detrimentally a ect your character
scendants for generations and passing down their treasures. or an ally, as your threatening presence intimidates them. If
Even Scions who don’t descend from the Inca Empire may they fail to buy it o , you may immediately and reflexively
inherit an ancestor mummy by virtue of Incarnation, mystical spend or imbue Legend to perform a Marvel; this doesn’t
adoption, or being Born to a God associated with that ancestor. count as your Marvel for the scene.
The guidance these venerable dead grant is skewed toward Calling: Trickster
finishing grand ambitions the ancestors worked toward when
they were alive but never fully achieved. Purview: Chaos
Guide Stunt (1-3s): The Storyguide assigns your char- Umai Khatun, Empress of the Placenta (•••••)
acter a task that’s doable within the current scene. If you Like her own Scions, all of those whom Umai Khatun
succeed at the task, gain Momentum equal to successes deigns to adopt as mentees are women. She protects and
spent; if you try but fail, gain one extra Momentum. If you cares for them as though she were their own mother, sup-
don’t try at all by the end of the scene, the Storyguide adds porting their causes and nurturing their dreams. A Scion who
Tension to the pool equal to successes spent. calls upon her power too often invites not her wrath, but her
Calling: Sage sorrow that she can’t easily provide more; the tasks he must
Unique Knack: You may safely invoke this guide one perform to win back her aid are assigned for the purpose of
additional time per session for its access connection. rejuvenating her power and presence in the World.
Asset Skills: Empathy, Medicine
Lamassu/Shedu (••••)
Guide Stunt (2s): Gain soft armor for a number of
The lamassu (female) and shedu (male) are minor rounds equal to your Legend; this stacks with other sources
Gods who represent constellations and act as guardians for of soft armor.
those born under their stars. These winged, human-headed
bull or lion deities keep particular watch over the Scions Calling: Healer
who fall under their auspices, stepping in when asked — Purview: Fertility
and sometimes, whenever they feel like it. They make good
Legendary Title: Daughter of the Earth Mother
sentinels for a Sanctum, dwelling, or gate, too. Occasionally,
when two constellations share a star, their respective la-
massu fight over who gets to be a Scion’s guardian; it may
be flattering, but such Scions must deal with being caught Demigods acquire and rely on relics in all the
between two possessive, overprotective deities. same ways Heroes do (see Scion: Hero, p. 209), but in a
Demigod’s hands, objects of power and wonder shine more
Asset Skills: Integrity, Survival brightly. Unlike Heroes, Demigods are capable of forging
Guide Stunt (3s): You may make an immediate Clash their own relics, too; one may craft a sword that embodies
of Wills against any one supernatural e ect currently af- his own Legend and wield it against his foes, while another
fecting your character; if you win, it no longer a ects you. weaves a cloak from dreams and spider silk to bestow upon
his favorite student or mortal lover.
Calling: Guardian
Relics work di erently for Demigods in the following
Purview: Stars
Baba Yaga (•••••)
• Deed: Demigods enjoy Enhancement 2 whenever
This capricious sorceress remains elusive and mysteri- they use or flaunt the relic while interacting with
ous even once she’s agreed to guide a Scion, granting aid in someone who knows about its associated Deed.
inscrutable ways or requiring various strange tasks before If the relic is a Legendary one, this Enhancement
she’ll cooperate. (She has, on occasion, been known to eat stacks with the relic’s usual Enhancement up to a
those who abuse her generosity.) She’s not above playing maximum of +5 instead of +3.
guide to multiple opposing forces at the same time; several • Perks of Power: Demigods awaken new abilities
legendary conflicts between Bogovi Scions might have been in their relics as their Legends grow; they get more
significantly less chaotic (and resulted in considerably less bang for their buck when designing relics (see Scion:
collateral damage) had she not been helping both sides. Along Hero, p. 212). All relics belonging to Scions of Legend
with providing powerful magic and age-old wisdom, she can 5-8 gain a number of bonus dots’ worth of new e ects
be convinced to lend out her mortar or pestle-club from time equal to half their actual dot rating, rounded up. A
to time. A Demigod showing up to battle in Baba Yaga’s flying Demigod’s Legendary relic adds one additional bo-
stone vessel makes even the fiercest enemies think twice. nus dot of e ect. For instance, a 3-dot relic gains two
Asset Skills: Occult, Pilot additional dots’ worth of e ects; if it’s a Legendary
a harbinger of winter, always giving o a faint chill; she is Knack: The Scion can dismiss the quipu into thin air
as unobtrusive as footsteps on snow, hiding herself from as a simple action, and can summon it to hand again the
anyone whose notice she wishes to escape. same way.
The wearer of this cloak may use the Boon Flash Flaw: If the user’s Intellect is less than 5, he su ers a
Freeze (Scion: Hero, p. 253), even if she can’t access the Complication on all rolls using the quipu with a rank equal
Frost Purview. If she can access it, gain Enhancement 2 on to (5 − his Intellect). If not bought o , the Storyguide pro-
the Boon’s attack roll. vides one extra piece of information that you didn’t ask for,
Knack: Gain access to the Perfect Camouflage Knack but one of the answers is false and the Storyguide doesn’t
(Scion: Hero, p. 228); you must choose one target, and can- tell you which one. This Complication doesn’t apply to
not change it until the current scene ends. characters with at least one dot in the Sage Calling.
Flaws: The wearer increases the Di culty of any roll Tā Moko (••)
she makes to defend herself against fire, whether it’s an Enhancement: 1 when taking an action that fulfills an
attack, dangerous terrain, or another source. expected social obligation
Me (••) As the traditional tattoos of the Māori people, ordinary
Enhancement: 1 when performing the specific task it tā moko are celebrations of their culture, indications of a
describes person’s mana, and works of art. Scions with relic tā moko
can also use them to more directly strengthen communi-
Purview: variable; see below ties, uplift others, and set a good example.
Motif: The proper method, as the Gods decree. Knack: Gain access to the Perfect Partner Knack
A me (pronounced “meh”) is a decree from the (Scion: Hero, p. 232).
Annuna, originally written in cuneiform on clay tablets, but Knack: As a permanent addition to the Scion’s body,
nowadays found as anything from a magazine with color- this relic can’t be stolen or destroyed short of killing the
ful photographs to a tablet computer that can only show Scion or powerful magic, nor can bandmates borrow it.
one file. Mes are instruction manuals for human behavior However, by touching another character with a Legend
and action; each one describes the correct way to do a trait when you acquire a new Fatebinding to any individual
particular thing. For every imaginable action, there is an or group, you may give that character the Legend point you
associated me, from rulership to marriage to bread-mak- would have regained.
ing; from adultery to causing strife or fear. Many descend
from antiquity, but the Gods produce new mes from time to Flaw: Whenever you resolve a Fatebinding Condition
time as the World changes. Some of the newer mes concern in a way that has negative consequences for the Fatebound
things like hacking, car surfing, or maintaining a proper character, increase the Di culty of all rolls you make to
orbit around the Earth. influence or lead others by 1 for the rest of the session.
When you acquire a me, choose one type of action Bolt of Perun (•••)
(comparable to a Skill specialty) and an appropriate Purview: Sky
Purview to go with it, to which this relic grants access.
Motif: Fight for peace and the protection of life.
Flaw: Using a me requires taking a simple action to
follow its instructions to the letter, activating the relic for Any thrown weapon can be forged as a bolt of Perun,
the scene. the mighty storm God of the Bogovi, though those made
of stone or metal are most traditional. These bolts zoom
Quipu (••) through the air with a thunderous crack and come back to
A quipu is a series of strings in multifarious colors at- the Scion’s hand when called, no matter how far they fly.
tached to a frame, knotted at intervals to record and convey Perun himself wields a thundering axe, so many Scions fol-
information. An ordinary quipu’s knots represent quanti- low suit, but these relics can be found as throwing knives,
tative values that, when taken together with the strings’ darts, javelins, boomerangs, and any number of other
colors and deciphered, document information of all kinds, weapons thrown by hand. A weapon must have the Thrown
from tax records to supply inventories to calendar dates. A tag to be a bolt of Perun.
relic quipu can do all that and more. A Scion’s Legendary Knack: Upon hitting a target, the weapon emits a deaf-
power can coax deftly hidden secrets and even the most ening peal of thunder, granting access to the Deafen stunt:
complex magical formulae from its strings, neatly arranged for 3s, everyone within medium range of the target in-
in arrays of knots that speak volumes — but only to those creases the Di culty of Defense rolls by one and can’t hear
who know how to read them. anything until the end of the Scion’s next turn; this may
Knack: Gain access to the Overworld Knowledge cause Complications for other actions at the Storyguide’s
Knack (Scion: Hero, p. 233) as long as you have at least a discretion.
few minutes to read the quipu. Knack: The weapon gains the Returning tag.
Flaws: The weapon gains the Loud tag.
Dragon-Headed Sta (••••) Ninurta rarely entrusts his sapient mace bearing 50
lion heads to Scions, as it’s the God’s best friend as well as
Enhancement: 2 when used to protect the innocent his weapon. When he does, it’s a sign that either Ninurta re-
The dragon-headed sta of Tsagan Ebugen is a sha- ally likes you, or is extremely desperate. Sometimes, though,
man’s sta , calling upon spirits to smite evil with disease Sharur advises its master to let one of his children wield it,
and protect others against the wicked with its powerful deeming it a necessary tactical move for some inscrutable
blows. The God never lends his sta out lightly, choosing purpose. It can fly with its own wings, carry messages to and
only the most trustworthy and upright of Scions to wield it, fro, perform surveillance, and give fantastic hugs. Beyond
and even then, only in times of great need. that, it boasts of feats ranging from summoning storms and
setting mountains on fire to tearing out the entrails of its
The sta ’s wielder gains access to the Master of wielder’s foes. When it’s in a good mood, it likes to sing its
Disease Boon (Scion: Hero, p. 254) even if he can’t access wielder’s praises; when it isn’t, it’s snarky and recalcitrant.
the Health Purview. If he can access it, its range is Long
instead. Either way, in addition to its usual e ects, the Boon Tags: Bashing, Brutal, Loud, Melee, Pushing
can target all trivial characters or all mundane animals of Knack: Sharur is also a 3-dot follower with the Heavy ar-
one type (such as cattle or insects) within range instead of chetype and the following tags: Knack (The Biggest Threat;
a single non-trivial character. Scion: Hero, p. 235), Knack (Master of the World; Scion:
Tags: Bashing, Brutal, Melee, Reach, Stun Hero, p. 233), Unruly. Spend a Momentum to allow Sharur to
act independently, with its own spot in the initiative roster,
Sun Falcon Cap (••••) for the scene; its actions no longer take up your turn.
Enhancement: 1 when instructing or leading others Knack: Spend a Momentum to create one dangerous
to perform a task that would move you toward your Duty terrain feature in the Field where Sharur currently is,
Virtue which lasts for the scene.
Purview: Order Flaw: Whenever Sharur is in the Scion’s presence, she
Motif: All must follow Inti’s design. su ers a rank 2 “Talkative” Complication on any action that
she doesn’t want to draw attention to, as the mace will not
Scions who wear this baseball cap with the symbol of the shut up. If you don’t buy it o , it draws unwanted attention
sun falcon emblazoned on it in shining gold radiate authority to her.
just as Inti does. It’s popular with those who lead structured
groups that must follow rules but can still easily dress down, Flaw: At the beginning of each arc, gain the Mind of Its Own
like sports team coaches or construction crew managers. It’s Condition. It has no e ects on its own, but you may resolve it at
any time for Sharur to do something that significantly inconve- cumulative +1 Enhancement to this roll per 4 Legend dots
niences the Scion or her band, like blurt out a secret at the wrong your character possesses.
time or smash something that should not have been smashed. Like other Birthrights, Sanctum is rated from 1-5 dots.
Māui’s Fishhook (•••••) A Scion can have more than one Sanctum, but her total
Sanctum rating can’t exceed 5 dots, so she must split her
Purviews: Epic Strength, Water dots between her Sancta.
Motif: With my boasting, I catch what I seek.
The legendary fishhook of the Demigod Mantle Māui
Possessing a Sanctum grants the character a place sa-
takes many forms and comes to Scion hands in many ways,
cred to her, where she can receive prayers and sacrifices,
all of which are inextricably tied to the Mantle’s Fate. See
recharge her metaphorical batteries, and flaunt her power
p. 81 for more information about this hero and his famous
to impress the masses.
• Fatebound: When the player acquires this
Tags: Grappling, Lethal, Returning, Thrown, Versatile
Birthright, her character automatically gains a
Knack: By imbuing a Legend, the Scion may create a Strength 1 Fatebinding for the Sanctum’s physical
special kind of Sanctum by pulling a Midrealm up from the location in the World, but doesn’t regain a Legend
bottom of the ocean and tethering it to his Fate; he must be point; see p. 149 for Fatebinding places. This bond
on (or in) a large body of saltwater at least a few miles from doesn’t count against your maximum. If this bond
shore to use this Knack. Unlike other Sancta, this one-dot resolves in a way that passes it on to someone else
Sanctum begins as a Midrealm instead of a physical location, or removes it from the game permanently, or ends
with a gate to which the key is performing a simple action due to Peril, you may reinvest these Sanctum dots
to open it with the fishhook itself. It can also be reached into another appropriate Birthright (including a
through the Ocean Axis Mundi. As long as the Legend point di erent Sanctum, if you like).
remains imbued, the Scion can perform Deeds to tether it
• Dominion: Reduce the success cost of all of the char-
more closely to the mortal World. If he reclaims the Legend
acter’s Dominion stunts within the Sanctum by one
point early, the Sanctum ceases to exist. Once it becomes a
(to a minimum of 1); she can swap out one Dominion
permanent part of the physical World — or if its Fatebinding
stunt in a Purview with another as a reflexive ac-
resolves in such a way that it leaves play — the imbued
tion once per round. Performing a Dominion stunt
Legend returns automatically.
against a non-trivial character inside her Sanctum
Flaw: Whenever the wielder takes an action with the earns the character a divinity die (p. 154).
fishhook, it takes an influence action against him using his
own traits; if successful, it urges him to do something ab- • Supplication: Once per session, whenever a low-
surdly reckless and ambitious toward the goal of “solving” er-tier character o ers an appropriate sacrifice
a basic tenet of reality, like “crawl inside a Goddess to end (Scion: Hero, p. 188) or at least an hour’s worth of
death” or “fly into space to travel back in time.” If he suc- ritual prayer and devotion to the Demigod inside
cumbs to the urge, gain a Momentum. her Sanctum, she receives benefits as though she
had performed a sacrifice to her pantheon herself,
NEW BIRTHRIGHT: SANCTUM no matter where she is at the time. Likewise, if she’s
inside her Sanctum and someone performs such a
A Demigod is closer to her divine ideal than she was
sacrifice or prayer to her elsewhere, she knows and
as a Hero, gaining the ability to extend her power into the
may witness it from afar to receive the benefits, but
World itself and beyond. A Sanctum is a place her Legend
doing so counts as her supplication benefit for the
inhabits. It starts o as a physical place within the World,
but she can expand it to encompass Terra Incognita and
even metaphorical representations of her Mantle. As her • Recovery: Once per episode, if the Demigod spends
Sanctum grows, a Demigod may be able to roam the World at least one full scene inside her Sanctum, she heals
and Otherworlds at her whim, or be there in spirit — or her most severe Injury Condition and regains one
even in person — wherever mortals perform acts of devo- point of Legend.
tion to her Legend. • Traversing Sancta: The character may spend 1
Acquiring a Sanctum is a ritual process. If the Scion Legend to teleport directly between any two loca-
creates a new one for herself, she must sanctify the phys- tions that count as part of her Sanctum, including
ical location as a complex action requiring one Milestone a Midrealm, Otherworld, or symbolic situation (see
at Sanctum 1, with an interval of one hour and a Di culty options below). The departure and arrival each take
of 1, consisting of ceremonies, prayers, and ritual Marvels one simple action. She may bring other characters
appropriate to her pantheon. Each time she increases her with her by taking one additional simple action per
Sanctum rating, she must perform a similar ritual, requir- additional character on both departure and arrival.
ing a number of Milestones equal to the new dot rating she Teleporting in action-adventure timing requires a
wishes to acquire and a Di culty of the same. You gain a