Christian or Cretin
Christian or Cretin
Christian or Cretin
in one way or another has received such term without any amount of research and study of what the word Christian really means in the old sense. It is our deepest desire because of love to share this truth to all because our Master YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach (Messiah) doesnt want anyone to perish but all should come to knowledge and repentance that all might be saved. Almighty YAHUWAHs intention for all of us is to be wise so that we will not be carried away into false notion of our belief. The term Christian came from the title Christ ultimately from the Greek term Chrestos. The title Chrestos in ancient time was being attributed to pagan deities such as Chrestos Mithras in Persian cult but later on in 68 BCE came into Rome. Helios, Osiris and many in ancient Greek and Roman pantheons were attributed or called Chrestos which means anointed, good, pure, sacred or holy. The Latins or Romans later on adopted this title and attributed to Roman deities and eventually to Roman emperors and the head of Roman religion like the Pope. Shauwl (Paul) was arrested as you know, and a lawyer made accusations against him before Felix. He was accused by religious leader of Judaism for being a ringleader of the Nazarene (Notzarim) sect, and even tried to desecrate the Temple.
For we have found this man a troublemaker, and a stirrer of trouble among all the Yahudim throughout the Roman provinces, and a ringleader of the sect of the Notzarim. (Maaseh HaShlekhim[Acts] 24:5) *
Were they not known by a Greek term, "Christians" . . . or have we inherited a term foreign to Israel, a term widely used by and for Pagan worshippers? Have translators done this to us? While Shaul was arrested and taken to Rome, he was kept in the home of a centurion. He called for the chief Yahudim, and they had heard of this "sect", and said to Shaul,
But we desire to hear of you what you think: for as concerning this sect,6 we know that every where it is spoken against. (Maaseh HaShlekhim [Acts] 28:22) *
The question that begs to be asked is the following: "What would a bunch of Ysraelites (Israelites) that practice the Torah of YAHUWAH hwhy and follow a Hebrew Messiah be doing with a Greek term used by Pagans as a label for themselves?" Are we to search out the Greco-Roman roots, or the Abrahu (Hebrew) origins of our faith? One of them hinders
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and clouds our understanding, and the other is essential to it! Should we defend the Greek term, or abandon it and use the term we see used above; the term they (the Israelite) were really known by? The term "Chrestos" is Greek, and is defined as meaning "anointed". Although it is treated as a translation for the Abrahu (Hebrew) word "Mashiach", its use in the Greek language is derived from a completely different application. So different, that it would be like associating the English word "bird" with the Abrahu (Hebrew) term for woman, ishah. ("Bird" is often used in England to refer to a woman). The term Chrestos was more of a medical term, because healers in the Greek culture used all manner of tinctures for various ailments; some taken internally, and others used topically. The first two letters in "Chrestos" are CHI + RHO, and transcribed as X (CHI) and P (RHO). If you put these together, they form the " R-X" symbol used by the apothecary trade, who mix and weigh dosages of medication for the sick. As early as 200 BCE, there were Pagan worshippers of Serapis that called them "Christians". In the Vatican, one can view an original Pagan relief depicting MITHRAS with the words CHRESTOS MITHRAS, meaning "good or holy Mithras". Mithraism was the main Pagan religion of ancient Rome, and became blended with the Mashiach (Messiah) of Ysrael (Israel) through the compromises of the Nicaean Council, headed by Constantine and his son Crispus (325-326 CE). The GrecoRoman mindset of translators gave preference to the Greek, and played-down the Abrahu (Hebrew) terminology, in order to make everything more acceptable and comfortable to the Pagan culture of the unwashed, uneducated masses. The Abrahu (Hebrew) term Mashiach was carried over into the Greek letters as "MESSIAH" because the Greek alphabet is unable to transliterate the exact sounds of some letters, such as the sound of "SH" - this became the "SS", because Greek cannot make this sound. The Abrahu (Hebrew) meaning of Mashiach is anointed one, and applies to YAHUSHUA the Son of YAHUWAH the Savior and the eternal KING of Ysrael (Israel). All kings of Ysrael (Israel) were "Mashiachim". May have been the original word used by Luke at Acts 11:26; however translators preferred the Greek flavor, and used the word "Christian" 3 times in the "Renewed Covenant" writings. Knowing Christian has some relationship with the word Cretin, what if the people of Antioch, at first, called the disciples CRETINS (retards, idiots)? Don't fall for the excuse, "we speak English, not Abrahu (Hebrew) ". The word "crestos" (or kristos, chrestos) isn't English, it's Greek. If we follow the redemption plan of our Creator, keeping the Torah of YAHUWAH, we are counted among the citizenship of Ysrael (Israel); not a "Gentile", foreign nation. In fact, Gentiles (Northern Kingdom) will be
reunited to Yahudah so no more Gentile at all (Eph. 2:11-13), although we were at one time strangers (the Northern Kingdom) to the covenants. After our engrafting to the Faith of Abraham (Beresheeth 12:3; 18:18; 28:14), there is no distinction, and no dividing wall between us and a native-born Ysrael (Israelite), for there is one Law to them (Shemoth 12:49; Numbers 15:15). The main idea that people seem to be steered away from when words like "Christian" are examined closely is that the original word (the Abrahu [Hebrew] word, MASHIACH) is not being brought to the table, but is typically kept from the discussion. The word "Christianity" is not found in the original Scriptures at all, so there is no such thing in reality. Misdirection is used to convince the listener of supposed facts which are not true and by simply saying the lie often enough, it will become familiar, and therefore comfortable. In this particular case, the premise is that the original word was this Greek word " Chrestos", since it is emphasized (by those with an agenda to preserve the error of tradition) that the talmidim (disciples) of YAHUSHUA all spoke and wrote in Greek. We are expected to pay no mind that Greek is a foreign language to the people of Ysrael (Israel). It's a promotion of the Roman Catholic Church Fathers such as Marcion, Justin Martyr and others were not true Ysraelite and then the Jesuits to believe that the Messiah and His students spoke to one another, and wrote everything down, in Greek. The Greek word "Chrestos" (kristos) has come to mean anointed/holy/sacred/pure/good, and does not correspond to the Hebrew word Mashiach. What is not commonly known is that Osiris and Mithras were both called "Chrestos", which actually meant "GOOD/HOLY/SACRED". The word was adopted from gnostic Paganism: The inscription "CHRESTOS" can be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican. During the time of Marcion, around 150 CE, Justin Martyr said that "Christians" were "Chrestoi", or "good men". Clement of Alexandria said "all who believe in Christ are called "Chrestoi that is 'good men'". Rome was the center of Chrestos Mithras worship, so the adaptation or revisionism to the new faith for this title should hardly be a huge mystery; but this information has been intentionally buried. The word "Christian" is only used 3 times in the received Greek texts; and if it were in fact what the disciples called themselves as a "sect", it would have seemed very foreign to not only them, but to everyone involved. Of course, every Israelite (and modern orthodox "Jew") believes in a "Mashiach (Messiah)" that is coming at some point. Many of them - in fact most - dont currently believe in the Mashiach portrayed by the "Christian" faith in any of its diverse denominations. However, if we had to adopt a Greek word for these practitioners of "Judaism" that related to them as believers in a coming Mashiach, then they too could be labeled "Christians". But, the word "Christian" is a very non-specific label when you consider that it doesn't
CRETIN: n. wretch, innocent victim, from Latin christianus Christian 1: one afflicted with cretinism 2: a stupid, or insensitive person: CLOUD, LOUT CRETINISM: n. congenital abnormal condition marked by physical stunting and mental retardation by severe hypothyroidism.
The American Heritage Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary tells us the etymology for the word CRETIN:
cre-tin (kre-tin, kret'n) n. 1. One afflicted with Cretinism. 2. A fool; an idiot. (French, cretin, from Swiss French, crestin, CHRISTIAN hence human being (an idiot being nonetheless human)
Cretinism is retardation, imbecility, moronic, idiotic and abnormality. Cretin is simply the word that is derived from the Latin word CHRISTIANUS = CHRISTIAN, as the three preceding sources say. Attention Pastors, Ministers, Priests church leaders, so called Bible scholars and gullible members, 2000 years have passed that the world has been beguiled of paganism and their heathen words have encrypted into your Bible Translations. Shatan (Satan) does not want most people to be wise to understand truth because religious organization will turn to bankruptcy; they will lose million from their offering and pledges if people will know the truth. Therefore everyone else is guarding their members not because they really love for the truth and concerned for your life but for the money that they collected from their Sunday Offerings. Greek was a transitional language, or translation, of the original texts originally written in Abrahu (Hebrew). Remember, all the first "Protestants" were Catholics, and they had already been indoctrinated with the Jesuit (Society of Jesus) teachings. What is practically unknown is the fact that there were "Christians" on
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specify who the Mashiach is. The true sect that followed YAHUSHUA teachings did use a term for themselves, and it was NAZAR-BEREITH [NOTZARIM] (Watchers or Keepers of the Covenant of YAH) (Maaseh HaShlekhim [Acts] 24:5). Even the "Church father" Epiphanius wrote of the NAZARBEREITH (NOTZARIM), whom he called "heretics", because they observed the Commandments of the Almighty YAHUWAH and were indistinguishable from "Jews", except that they believed in the Mashiach. The word CHRISTIAN which came from a paganic term Chrestos is identical with the word CRETIN. Do not get mad of us because of its meaning. CRETIN is defined by the following sources: Miriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition says us the origin of the word CRETIN:
Earth before YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach was born - and they were Pagans. Greek is a corrupted, polluted language to begin with -- having many Pagan deities' names and titles associated with it. Since YAHUWAH has told us that one day He would purify the lips of the peoples to call upon His Name and serve Him in one consent (Zephanyah [Zeph]. 3:9), it's unlikely that the word "Christian" will be preserved after that purification takes place. Mashe Ha Shlekhim [Acts] 24:5 states that, that the sect was called "NAZAR-BEREITH (NOTZARIM)", or "branches/watchmen/keepers of the Covenant of YAH", not anointed ones. It was prophesied that we would be called "NAZAR-BEREITH (NOTZARIM)". Carefully study the text of Jer. 31. Yirmeyahu 31:6 used the word NOTZARIM which is translated "watchmen", who will cry on "Mount Ephraim". The Gentiles (Northern Kingdom), also known as "scattered Ysrael", is referred to in this chapter as "Efrayim [Ephraim]". Those crying out to go up to YAHUWAH are called watchmen/keepers; from the Hebrew word NAZAR-BEREITH (NOTZARIM). The Greek has distorted quite a few things, but to believe that they were called both terms would surely be conflicted thinking. The NAZAR-BEREITH (NOTZARIM) was very specific in their labeling of themselves, since their label referred to the One they were followers of, YAHUSHUA OF NATZARITH. Chapter 31 of Yermeyahu (Jeremiah) is also significant because it prophecies the renewed Covenant, which is quoted again in chapters 8 & 10 of the book of Hebrews. Now the word CHRISTIAN was blended with the gigantic term CHURCH. Again my beloved friends, relatives and fellowmen, this term which is one of the most palatable words throughout Romanism which has a heathen origin was also swallowed by Protestants and Born Again Groups. Had you tried to spend a little amount of research about this word? Please allow us to reveal this word and again begging your golden attention for you to ponder. Our utmost concern is for all of us to be wise to know knowledge and wisdom to avoid destruction (Hoshea 4:6). Miriam Websters Dictionary Collegiate Dictionary 10 th Edition defined CHURCH as: CHURCH\cherch\ n [Middle English chirche, fr. Old English cirice, ultim. fr. LGk kyriakon, fr. Gk, neut. of Kyriakos of the lord.. 1: a building for public and esp. Christian worship 2: the clergy or officialdom of a religious body 3: public divine worship. The term Church derives from Middle English Chirche which came from Old English Cirice and a variant of the word Circe. Chirche is originally pronounced as Kirke, the ch sound still preserved in most of modern English words like chemistry, the c is also sounds as K as in the word physics. The Confusion runs deep. Take the word church; the
original Greek is ekklesia meaning congregation which accurately corresponds to the Hebrew word Qahal means Assembly (Beresheeth [Genesis] 28:3). Church derives from the Greek circe (& traces to earlier dialects like Celtic) from which terms circus & circle also derive (ancient Celts worshiped in a circle) CIRCE which was the origin of the word CHURCH was the name of a pagan goddess who controlled men with a golden cup of wine & drugs and turned them to swine. She was the mother of Latinus (Latin people); shes the same figure Yahuchanan (John) ingeniously applied in Gilyahna (Revelation), calling her Mystery Babylon etc. She confuses the world. Circe (Church) is defined by the following sources: Miriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition tells us: CIRCE: n [L, fr. Gk Kirke]: a sorceress who changed Odysseus men into swine but is forced by Odysseus to change them back. The New Websters International Encyclopedia V2 page 227 gives us more information about CIRCE: CIRCE: In Greek mythology, daughter of Helios (the Sun), enchantress who transformed Odysseus men into swine; Odysseus himself scape her spell. Later legends say she had 3 sons by Odysseus, including Telegonus, doomed to slay his father. Since CHRISTIAN is identical with the word CRETIN (retard, idiot, moron, and imbecile) and etymologically derives from the Greek word Chrestos which has pagan usage and application therefore, it is very shameful for anyone else to be tagged as such. The words Christian and Church were used side by side in English Translations of Scripture and it is very shameful when you just received it without considering its original meaning and usage. There is an adage, Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me. So wake up friends from a long journey of ignorance dont be fooled with these terms. They are both polluted words; if you allow yourself to be called CHRISTIANCRETIN then would you admit also its very bad definition, connotation and impression for your life? YAHUSHUA loves you! *Hidden Truth Hebraic Scroll Written By: Rabbi Roberto F. Fortu