04 Soul Sword pf2 PDF
04 Soul Sword pf2 PDF
04 Soul Sword pf2 PDF
S oul S words
can choose to simply have this happen automatically
(making the Soul Sword much more powerful, and
in a C ampaign
causing the character to be slightly more powerful
than normal since they have an ever-growing magic
item without losing any of their other options or
A Soul Sword can be used many different ways by wealth by level in gear), or the GM may allow a
a GM. At its base, it’s a progressive magic item that players to expend some resource to pay for that
can always serve as an appropriate weapon for a effective level increase. Various methods for this
character of a given level. A GM can use one as a are presented at the end of this product.
static magic item, never advancing its effective level
Minor Power: You gain the Quick Focus reaction. Moderate Power: Your Soul Sword gains the
Quick Focus [reaction] wounding weapon property rune.
Trigger Your focus pool is not full. Major Power: The weapon gains the unholy
You gain one Focus Point. Once you have used weapon property rune.
the Quick Focus reaction, you cannot do so again
until you next make your daily preparations. GOOD
Moderate Power: You gain a wizard feat you This includes any character with any good
meet the prerequisites for. It can have a level no alignment.
greater than half your wizard level.
Moderate Power: Once per day, you can expend a
Moderate Power: Select an arcane school other hero point to grant two allies you can see one hero
than your own. You learn the school spell of that point each.
arcane school.
Major Power: The weapon gains the holy weapon
Major Power: Select an additional arcane thesis.
property rune.
You gain all its effects.
Major Power: You gain a wizard feat you meet the LAWFUL
prerequisites for. It can have a level no greater than This includes any character with any lawful
2/3 your wizard level. alignment.
Major Power: Select one school of magic. You gain Major Power: The weapon gains the axiomatic
a +1 item bonus to spell DCs for spells of that school. weapon property rune. 9
R unes
Level 17: Moderate power.
Level 18: Major power
A Soul Sword is already a powerful rune, an ancient Level 19: The Soul Sword’s greater striking rune
and powerful ephemeral concept someone allowed becomes a major striking rune, causing it to deal
with numerous metals and forged into physical form. four damage dice instead of three.
As a result, it is at its maximum runic potency. No
permanent runes can be added to a Soul Sword, and Level 20: Major power.
none of its runes can be transferred to other weapons.
A Soul Sword does not have runes placed upon
it from without, instead its inherent runic power
C ost of a S oul S word
develops runes as its bond with a wielder grows, and The average value of the Soul Sword rests
that wielder gains in competence and experience somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of a character’s
assumed wealth per level (see Soul Sword Assumed
P owers B y L evel Value, below). That’s a considerable amount of
magic power to add to a character, and if the GM
These are a Soul Sword’s powers, based in its doesn’t want to use it as a scaling artifact to drive
effective level. the plot of a game forward, allowing one or more
Level 1: Minor power. When the owner first gains characters to benefit from the Soul Sword can be
this weapon, or gains a new level, the Soul Sword unbalancing pretty quickly. To keep such a character
can become any type of weapon the owner prefers balanced, the power of the Soul Sword must be paid
and is proficient with. This functions as the for somehow. A number of different options are
shifting rune, but can only be used when a new presented below.
level is gained. The weapon also subtle changes
at every level to match the inner nature and style SOUL SWORD ASSUMED
of the wielder, adding their colors, heraldry, holy VALUE PER EFFECTIVE LEVEL
symbol, and so on to its appearance.
Level Assumed Value
Level 2: The Soul Sword develops a +1 weapon
potency rune, granting attack rolls made with the 1 15 gp
Soul Sword gain a +1 item bonus. 2 20 gp
Level 3: Minor power 3 50 gp
Level 4: The Soul Sword develops a striking rune, 4 100 gp
causing it to deal two damage dice instead of one.
5 180 gp
Level 5: Minor power
6 300 gp
Level 6: Minor Power
7 480 gp
Level 7: Moderate Power
Level 8: Moderate Power 8 730 gp
Level 9: Minor Power 9 1,070 gp
Level 10: The Soul Sword’s potency rune becomes 10 1,550 gp
a +2 weapon potency rune, granting attack rolls 11 2,200 gp
made with the Soul Sword to gain a +2 item bonus.
12 3,000 gp
Level 11: Moderate Power
13 4,250 gp
Level 12: The Soul Sword’s striking rune becomes
a greater striking rune, causing it to deal three 14 6,200 gp
damage dice instead of two. 15 9,000 gp
Level 13: Major Power 16 13,500 gp
Level 14: Moderate Power 17 20,000 gp
Level 15: Major Power
18 30,000 gp
Level 16: The Soul Sword’s potency rune becomes
a +3 weapon potency rune, granting attack rolls 19 46,000 gp
10 made with the Soul Sword gain a +3 item bonus. 20 75,000 gp
If the GM just keeps track of how many permanent Soul Sword Attunement II Feat 6
items each player in a campaign has, the Soul Soul Sword
Sword can simply be treated as the two highest- Prerequisites Owner of the Soul Sword, Soul
level permanent items a character should have (see Sword effective level 6+.
Table 10-10: Character Wealth in Chapter 10 of You further attune yourself to your Soul Sword. The
the Pathfinder Core Rulebook). In this scenario a Soul Sword’s effective level increases to match your
character wouldn’t normally acquire the Soul Sword character level, to a maximum effective level of 10th.
before 4th level, when they would have it and their
only other permanent item would be 1st, while at
Soul Sword Attunement III Feat 10
Soul Sword
15th example a character could have a Soul Sword as
Prerequisites Owner of a Soul Sword, Soul
well as one 12th and one 11th level permanent items.
Sword effective level 10+.
A S oul S word as F eats You further attune yourself to your Soul Sword. The
Soul Sword’s effective level increases to match your
Since a Soul Sword often functions more like part character level, to a maximum effective level of 15th.
of a character’s core ability than an item (growing
with the character), one good option is to charge Soul Sword Attunement IV Feat 16
characters feats to be able to access higher levels Soul Sword
of the Soul Sword’s power. Under these rules a Prerequisites Owner of a Soul Sword, Soul
character can access a Soul Sword’s power as it Sword effective level 15+.
gains in level, but to gain access to the relic’s You complete your attunement to your Soul
powers for levels 3 and higher, the character must Sword. The Soul Sword’s effective level increases to
take a feat to do so. This option allows characters match your character level, to a maximum effective
to gain the very minor 1st-2nd level, but higher level level of 20th.
Quickling from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Gygax.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Sandman from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: