Safety Rules

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‫قسم هندسة المواد‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬

‫مختبر الفحص الهندسي‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

Safety Rules and Procedures

These rules and emergency procedures are intended to inform you about safe working
conditions and first aid in the event of an injury or sickness.

Normally, experimental laboratory is a safe place to work. However, the presence of

machines, heavy equipment and materials, hot materials and pipes, and hazardous
materials requires that you take extra precautions to protect yourself.

The rules listed below are intended to reduce the risk of the more common hazards.
Please observe these rules. Other hazards can be avoided by thinking of the
consequences before you act. If you are not sure of the safety aspects of your
assignments, always consult an instructor.

1. Know location of all exits, evacuation route, first aid kit

2. All laboratory students must be supervised. Never work alone
3. Be prepared. Read the lab procedure as set forth before you begin any
experiment. If you do not understand the procedure, see your instructor.
4. Know the hazards of any machinery you are working. The laboratory manual
and/or instructor will review specific safety issues on individual experiments
before you perform any tests.
5. Wear eye protection at all times in the laboratory.
6. Shoes must completely cover the foot. No sandals are allowed.
7. Dress properly during all laboratory activities. Long hair, dangling jewelry, and
loose clothing are a hazard in the laboratory. Long hair must be tied back and
dangling jewelry and loose clothing must be secured.
8. Do not use any equipment unless you are trained and approved as a user by your
instructor or staff. Ask questions if you are unsure of how to operate something.

)0202-0202( ‫ مختبر فحص المواد‬/ ‫قسم هندسة الـــمواد‬

‫قسم هندسة المواد‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬

‫مختبر الفحص الهندسي‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

9. Perform only those experiments authorized by the instructor. Never do anything

in the laboratory that is not called for in the laboratory procedures or by your
instructor. Carefully follow all instructions, both written and oral. Unauthorized
experiments are prohibited.
10. Don't eat, drink, or smoke, in the laboratory.
11. Keep unobstructed access to all exits, fire extinguishers, electrical panels, emergency
showers, and eyewashes.
12. Avoid using extension cords whenever possible. Extension cords should not go under
doors or plugged into other extension cords.
13. Please report any unsafe behavior or condition to the instructor or staff.
14. Ensure all electrical circuits are checked by the technicians or tutor or the relevant
technical staff BEFORE powering up.
15. Do not sit on workbenches.
16. Please don’t make any sudden loud noises that could startle others who are
concentrating on their work.
17. Keep your work area clean. Keep benches clean and free from apparatus that is not
being used. Clean working areas and return back equipment after use.

)0202-0202( ‫ مختبر فحص المواد‬/ ‫قسم هندسة الـــمواد‬


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