The Clinical Examination Breast

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Reprinted from
The Archives of Pediatrics,
March, 1893.

New York :

M. J. Rooney, Printer and Publisher,

1 14-120 W. 30th St.

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New York.

The importance of obtaining more exact knowledge of

the variations in breast-milk has been for some years
keenly felt by all those interested in the nutrition of
young infants. The decision of the question regarding
the ability or inability of themother to nurse her child
has so frequently to be decided by the general practi-
tioner without special advice, that it is extremely import-
ant that there should come into general use a simple
method examination of breast-milk, in order that
for the
infantile lifeand health may not be jeopardized by con-
tinuing lactation under circumstances when the milk is
unfitted for the child’s nutrition, and on the other hand
in order that a recognition of what is wrong in the milk
may enable the physician in some cases at least, so to
modify the secretion by diet, habits of life, etc., as to
make it meet the requirements of the child.
Pioneer work in the study of breast-milk has been done
in this country by the former president of this society, Dr.
T. M. Rotch, of Boston, and the importance of his work
can hardly be over estimated. But not every physician is

* Read before the American Pediatric Society, Boston, May 4, 1892.

2 HOLT : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk.

within reach of a competent analytical chemist, and not

every family can afford the expense of such analyses.
It is to make the results of such work available in
every-day practice that I have been experimenting for
the past two and a half years upon the subject of clinical
milk examination, the results of which work are here sub-
mitted. It is therefore the purpose of the present paper

to set forth a simple means of breast-milk examination,

such as can be readily applied by any intelligent practi-
tioner; and while not pretending to the accuracy of the
results afforded by complete quantitative analysis, still
for practical purposes they will be found sufficient in
ninety per cent, of the cases,' at the same time being
as trustworthy as methods commonly
in use by the gen-
eral practitioner in theexamination of urine.
During the last twenty or thirty years considerable liter-
ature has accumulated in France and Germany upon the
subject of breast-milk examination, but up to the date of
Dr. Rotch’s work nothing had been done in this country,
and practically nothing in England.
In the examination of breast-milk, information is de-
sirable upon the following points :

Reaction ;
specific gravity ;
microscopical appearances ;

fat ;
proteids ;
sugar ;
inorganic salts.

Reaction. — The reaction of breast-milk if freshly drawn,

is alkaline in the great proportion of cases, seldom neu-
tral,almost never acid. It can be easily tested by ordi-
nary litmus paper.
Specific Gravity. — The specific gravity varies between
1029 and 1032, the average being 1031 at 70°F. in a good
specimen abnormal variations are seen between the

limits of 1017 and 1036. This may be taken with any

small hydrometer. A urinometer will answer the pur-
pose, although the instrument described below will
answer better, since it can be employed with a smaller
amount An increase in the fat lowers the speci-
of milk.
fic gravityan increase in the other solids raises it.

Microscopical Examination. Although much less impor-
tant than other methods of examination, this is still useful
Holt : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk. 3

chiefly in the recognition of colostrum corpuscles and

foreign matters occurring in milk, such as pus, blood,
epithelial cells. Observations *-y
made upon the size and num- FatJo
ber of the fat globules have
little no practical value.
or 7
Pus, blood and epithelial cells
appear in various patholog-
ical conditions of the mam-
mary gland, and their recog-
nition is a matter of impor- 5
tance, since if present in any
considerable quantity they
make nursing, for the time at 4
least, improper. Other signs
of disease in the gland or the
surrounding tissues are usual-
ly present, so that one hardly 4cc.
needs to resort to the micro-
scopical examination of milk
in cases of mastitis to show
that abnormal.
it is

Colostrum corpuscles are / V

normally present in milk dur-
ing the first week of lactation
in considerable numbers.
From time they diminish
rapidly,and their appearance
after the second week may
be looked upon as patholog- A
ical. These corpuscles do \ /
not seem to be in themselves
important, but their pres-
ence always an indication

of other changes in the milk,

not yet well understood, Fig. i.

which makes it disagree with the infant. The causes of

thiscolostrum-milk are many. It is seen occasionally
during menstruation, also in cases of marked anaemia, and
4 Holt : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk.

frequently as a result of strong nervous impressions of

any kind, such as fatigue, grief, fright and sexual ex-
The presence of colostrum corpuscles in numbers in
milk after the second week calls for a suspension of lac-
tation, at least temporarily.
In determining the composition of milk what we most
need is a knowledge of the proportions in which the two ele-
ments which vary most widely, viz.: the proteids and the
fat, are present.
Salts. — The inorganic salts do not vary much in their
amount in ordinary milk. As yet but little is positively
known of the physiological effects of these variations.
The salts are in too small amount to affect the specific
gravity, and in the clinical examination of milk they may
be dropped from consideration altogether.

Constancy of Sugar. The proportion of the sugar is
very constant in breast-milk under all circumstances.
This point has been emphasized by all the chemists who
have made many milk analyses.
In fifty-seven specimens analysed by Pfeiffer the varia-
tion was less than one-half per cent, from the average in
forty-four specimens.
In forty-three examinations made by Leeds, he states
that the variations in the proportions of sugar were very
In twenty-five analyses made me
of samples, most
of which were selected because they were abnormal the
variation from the average was one-half per cent., or less
in twenty-one of the cases.
From these data it may be considered established that
the percentage of sugar in milk is remarkably constant

under all circumstances.

Determination of Fat. — Thisis the most important

feature in the analysis. Three methods for estimating

fat may be employed. The first depends upon the fact
that the opacity of milk is due to the floating fat globules,

and the estimates of fat is made by a special instrument

designed to measure the degree of translucency.
Holt : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk. 5

Several forms of apparatus have been devised and are

used in Germany for this purpose. One of the best known
is Vogel’s instrument, but in my opinion it is greatly inferior

to Feser’s lactoscope. (See Fig. 1.) This instrument

consists of a glass cylinder holding about three ounces,
from the bottom of which rises a white porcelain stem
A marked with strong black lines. Four cc. of milk is
put into the cylinder with a graduated pipette, and water
is added gradually, the instrument being shaken mean-

while until the black lines on the porcelain stem are

faintly visible through the milky water. When the proper
degree of translucency is reached the percentage of fat
is read off at the level of the water upon the graduated

scale marked on the cylinder, eg., water up to a certain

part indicates four per cent, fat up to another three per

cent., etc.
The objections to this apparatus are that it is some-
what expensive, costing about $3.50, but most of all that
it is not easy to know just at what point after the addi-

tion of water the reading is to be made. Without instruc-

tion in regard to this the observer is quite at sea, and may
easily make a mistake of one or two per cent. These
objections make an instrument of this kind rather too
complicated for general use, although in the hands of an
expert, the instrument if properly made is an excellent
one for cow’s milk but not quite so reliable for breast-milk.
The second method of estimating fat is that first pub-
lished by Marchand, more than thirty years ago. In
this the fat is separated from the milk by means of ether,
and then precipitated from the ethereal solution by strong
alcohol. Marchand’s apparatus, modified by Conrad to
enable the test to be made with a smaller quantity of milk
is shown in the accompanying cut. (Fig 2.)
The test is applied as follows: The tube is filled to the
line M with milk, then four or five drops of liquor sodae
are added, and then ether up to the line E. The tube is
now corked and shaken strongly fifteen or twenty times;
alcohol of ninety-five per cent, strength is now added
up to line A. A slight excess is unimportant; the tube
The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk.

is now tightly corked and shaken fifteen or

twenty times, then placed upright in a vessel ol
water at a temperature of 130° to I40°F. The
fat globules in a few moments begin to rise rap-
and form a distinct layer at the top. At
idly -

the end of half an hour the amount of fat may -

be read off on the graduations on the tube, and -

10 by reference to the accompanying table, taken

from Conrad’s article, the exact percentage of
fat is calculated
O :

Degrees Marchand. Fat.

10 .
1.37 percent.
2.42 “
20 .

7 2.89
9 3 35
11 3.82
30 13 4.28 “
15 4 75
\ 17 K.22
19 5 56
21 6.15
23 6.61
25 7.07
Er 27 7-54

This method of testing the fat is a fairly good

one, but it is somewhat complicated and seems

liable to quite wide variations, due to conditions

in the milk not readily understood certainly ;

it is not so accurate as stated by Conrad in his

monograph, and after employing it somewhat

over two hundred times, I have not been
wholly satisfied with it.
Neither of the above methods have seemed
to fulfill the requisite simplicity necessary for
general adoption, have therefore made a num-

ber of experiments to determine whether the

volume of cream rising in a given time upon
Fig. 2.
Holt : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk, 7

a specimen of milk bore sufficiently constant relation to

the percentage of fat to make this a reliable guide for
the calculation of the proportion of the fat.

The cream test has been made as follows A glass- :

stoppered cylinder, graduated in one hundred parts and

holding about ten cc. is filled with milk exactly to the
upper line marked zero. A pipette should be used for
the last few drops, care being taken not to allow the milk
to run down the inner side of the tube since this obscures
somewhat an exact reading. The cylinder is then corked
and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours, as nearly at
70°F. as practicable. A degrees on
variation of a few
either side of this point however, the
is unimportant. If,

variations are wide the rapidity with which the cream

rises is somewhat modified.
It important that the milk should

be freshly taken and handled as little as

possible also that the graduated cylinder

should be scrupulously clean, otherwise

the milk will often sour before the cream
has had time to rise. This is particularly
true in summer. After twenty-four hours
the percentage is read off upon the gradu- jl*
ated cylinder.
Fig. 3 shows the shape of the cream e 6
at the top of the tube. The percentage
is tobe read off between the points A and
B, and not between C and D, since the lat-
ter will make an error of from one-half to
one per cent.
In the great majority of the cases the
lower line of the cream BE is sharply de-
fined at the end of twenty-four hours. If
this is not the case, the milk should stand
for six hours longer before the reading Fig. 3.
is made. In rare cases at the end of
twenty-four hours only a small amount of cream has
risen, and the whole column of milk is nearly of a
uniform white. This is due to some condition which
8 HOLT : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk.

has prevented the cream in rising with the usual rap-

idity. Under these circumstances also, from six to
twelve hours additional are required. These are, how-
ever, very rare exceptions. In nearly all the cases at the
end of the twenty-four hours the lower line of the cream
is sharply defined and the milk at the bottom of the tube

has become translucent for an inch or so. It is these con-

ditions which are to be secured before the reading is
made, and it is only very exceptionally that more than
twenty-four hours are required.
Relation of the Cream to the Fat By comparing the . —
percentage of cream with that of the fat as determined
by chemical analysis of the same specimen, it has been
discovered that the ratio of the cream to the fat is very
nearly five to three.
The following table shows the percentage of cream,
the amount of fat as calculated in this manner, the
amount as determined by chemical analysis and the size of
the error in twenty-four cases:

Ckeam. Fat (Calculated) Fat by Analysis. Error.

% i-8%

3 3
- i

45 °/ °+
3 7 4.1 3.86 .24 +
4 4 2.26 2.68 .42 —
5 2-5 1.50 1.23 .27 +
6 6-5 3 9°
- 4.04 .86 +
7 5 3.00 2.78 .22 +
8 3 1.80 1.52 ..28 +
1.80 1.74 .06 +
6 3.60 * 3.62 .02 —
11 4 2.26 2 95 .69 —
12 7 4.20 423 •03 —
13 6 3.60 3-48 .12 +
14 3-5 2. 10 2.12 .02 —
15 5 3.00 3.78 •78 —
16* 4 2.40 2-79 •39 —
i 7 5 3.00 3-3i •39 —
18 2-5 1.50 '•54 .04 ,

19 4 2.26 2.26 •.00

20 3-5 2.10 2.17 .07 —
21 6 3.60 2-97 •63 + .

22 6-5 3-9° 3-53 •37 4-

23 5 ,3-00 3-13 •13 —

24 s 3.00 4-5 1 I -5 I —
*For cases 16 to 24 I am indebted to Dr. Charles Harrington of
Boston, who made the analyses.
Holt : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk. g

Thus twenty-four cases the error

in fourteen of these
was than three-tenths per cent. In only five cases
was it greater than one-half per cent. In only one did
it reach one per cent. In all but two cases, Nos. 12 and
13, the cream was read off at the end of twenty-four
hours. made on the same
In these two tests which were
day for some unexplained reason, the cream was very
slow in rising and thirty-six hours were required before
the conditions mentioned above as necessary were obtained.
It follows from the above, that when carefully made
the volumetric cream test gives a very approximate idea
of the percentage of fat in breast-milk, and that this is

accurate enough for all practical purposes.

Variations in Fat and
Proteids. —
In striking contrast to
this uniformity in the sugar are the wide variations met
with in the fat and proteids, as is shown by the following
table :

From 43 analyses by Leeds 1 2.11 to 6.89 per cent.
“ “ Koenig 1.

71 to 7.60 “
“ 29
“ “ Personal 2 1.12 to 5.02 “ “

From 43 analysis by Leeds 1
85 to 4.86 per cent.
“ “ Koenig. “ “
57 to 4.25
“ 29
“ “ Personal2 . 1.10 to 3.62 “ “

It is just these wide variations in the composition of

milk that are important for the practitioner to recognize.

Estimation of Photeids. There is no known method
of determining directly the percentage of the proteids in
milk by a clinical examination. Nothing short of a full
chemical analysis, and that by an expert, can be looked
upon as absolutely accurate. It is possible, however,
from a knowledge of the specific gravity and the percent-
age of fat to make an approximate calculation in regard
to the percentage of proteids enough to determine

whether in a given case they are near the normal, or in

very large, or in very small proportions. -

Medical News, July 21, 1883.
2The greater part of the analyses were made for me at the Chemical
Laboratory of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York.
io HOLT : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk.

From the fact that the proportion of sugar is so nearly

constant, and that the inorganic salts are in such small
amount we may for clinical purposes
consider the specific gravity as mod-
ified by the fat and the proteids.
Supposing now the proteids to re-
main the same, if the fat is high, the
specific gravity will be high ;
but if

the low the spe-

fat is
fdJ cific gravity will be
Supposing now the
fat remains constant,
if the pjoteids are
high the specific
gravity will be high;
if the proteids are
low the specific
gravity will be low.
If therefore the fat
and the specific grav-
ity are known the
proteids may be es-
timated as follows:
If the fat is found
to be high, e.g., eight
•to ten per cent, and
the specific gravity
is high, e.g., 1033
to 1034 we may as-
sume that the pro-
teids are also high,
otherwise the exces-
sive fat would bring
* the specific gravity
Fig. 4a. Fig. 4b.
below the normal
If the fat is found to be low, three to four per cent.,
and the specific gravity high we may assume the proteids
Holt : The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk. 1

to be nearly normal, since the high specific gravity is ex-

plained by the low fat.

If the fat is high, and the specific gravity low, the pro-
teids may be assumed to be normal, since the variation
in the specific gravity is explained by the low fat.
If the fat is low and the specific gravity is low, the pro-
teids are also low, since otherwise the low fat would make
the specific gravity above the average.
Of course it is only the wide variations of the proteids
which can be recognized, but these are the most import-
ant in practice.
The application of the foregoing principles will readily
be seen by reference to the accompanying table. It has
been constructed from an experience with these methods
in about four hundred samples of milk.

7 o° F.
Cream — 24 Hours. Proteids — (Calculated.)
Normal average. 1*031 7% '. 5 %
Healthy variations. 1.028 — 1.029 Normal (rich milk)

I.032 — 1.033 5%- 6% “ (fair milk)
Unhealthy Below 1.028 High (above 10%) “ or slightly below

Normal ( 5 10 %)
Low (below 5%)
Very low (very poor milk)
Above 1.033 High Very high (very rich milk)
it i
Normal High
Low Normal (or nearly so)

Method of Determining the Composition of Milk. This —

may be summarized as follows: The specimen
taken should be after the breast has been about half
emptied, or else the entire amount yielded by the breast,
since the first milk is more watery and the last is richer
than the average. The specific gravity is taken with a
small hydrometer* shown in Fig. 4 (b). With this in-
strument only one half ounce is required for the test. The
cylindrical tube or creamometer* shown in Fig. 4 (a), is

filled to the zero line and the cream read off at the end
of twenty-four hours with the precautions previously
mentioned. The percentage of fat may be calculated to
be three-fifths of the cream. The knowledge of these

*This apparatus, consisting of two graduated cylinders and hydrom-

eter, and printed directions, can be obtained from Eimer and Amend,
18th street and Third Avenue, New York City. Price $ 1,60.
12 Holt: The Clinical Examination of Breast-Milk.

two factors enables us to judge whether the proteids are

nearly normal, very high or in very small amount.
Special attention is called to the fact that neither this
nor even a chemical analysis will give any idea regarding
the quantity of milk. It not unfrequently happens that
the quality may be excellent and yet the nursing child
doing wretchedly, because the quantity is very small.
This is to be determined by other means. The most re-
liable symptoms of this condition are breasts which are
soft and flabby and from which only a
at nursing time,
small quantity can be extracted by pressure or the pump.
Long nursing i.e., thirty or forty minutes, before the child
is satisfied should also make one very suspicious that the
milk is scanty. Weighing before and after nursing
is con-

clusive. This requires scales which are accurate and

sufficiently sensitive to indicate half ounces. Three or four
observations should be made, at different hours in the
day before a conclusion is reached.

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