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I. Write down the name of animals below!

II. Write down the fruits and vegetables below!

III. Transportation and Activities

Activity : read and match them!

IV. Things at school and school activities

Draw the thing based on its clue!

It is to write on paper It is to erase if you make Something that I read


To colour The teacher writes on it To measure the length of


To cut the paper To glue something To keep the book and

pencil case


1. Open the book bolehkah saya minum?

2. Sit down berbaris

3. Stand up buka bukumu!

4. Be quiet angkat tangan

5. Line up please duduk

6. Raise your hand ayo maju ke depan

7. Listen to your teacher berdiri

8. Come to the board boleh kah saya ke kamar mandi?

9. May I go to toilet? Tolong tenang / harap diam

10. May I drink? dengarkan guru

V. Look and answer the questions!

1. Who is the grandpa?

2. Who is the father / dad?

3. Who are the brothers?

4. Mary is Ann’s……………..

5. Ann is Anthonuy’s……………

6. Alex is Marcus’s………………

7. Is John an uncle?

8. Is Alex a father?

All about you

9. What is your name?

10. How do you spell “flower?”

11. Where do you live?

12. Where is your school?

13. What hobby do you have?

14. What grade are you now?

15. What is your favorite food and drink?

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