Food Listening

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Name. Date: School:..... Objectives... : Chote uchcneusl WAtch the video first FELTED 3 © vin ecting cunts tom cer counties do you ino? ‘Are they different to or the same as the eating customs in your country? & 2 Q usin i Maktub talks about rn wnewaing esto wera 4 BD vecsouery essiravcel bine ec ocaie [[petanscenpanenchagree ° @ & 4 Dison Listen again and complete the table below. Eat soup without a | Use your Eat fried chips with a froma to eat a taco, and Before you sit at | Eat your food, but | Fill you don't wear again to say to show you are at the same time! thank you not hungry Amik 2.water 3.banana 4.jam S.olive @.grape 7. bread @. honey G.yogourt 10.99 ‘V1.meat 12. lemon 13, cheese 14.tea 15. carrot 1G.tomato 1%. potato CEs ‘apple Look at the following words, use your ressources and wr COUNTABLE ( C) or UNCOUNTABLE (UU) 2rIAEMOBK2HEEL2 grow - sweets - vegetables - potatoes -calories - fruit - butter - strong ~ healthy - fats - little - milk - minerals - five - bread - water - physical Healthy foods are fundamental for our existence: they help us be strong and be We need to learn about the food pyramid ond follow its steps. [TREDFESHISFED on the pyromid, the smallest one, is the one cbout ond Ty's the favoured one by cll children but itis the worst ene. One must eat very {ar rathing from this step. They are delicious but they contain a high number of hich ore very bad for our health ‘Thellseeopdlls formed by meat, fish and eggs. We should eat more fish and eggs ‘hon meat. ‘ThethiralGH@p is all cbout dairy, This group consists of . cheese ond "We must eat these foods from I to 3 times a dey. ‘ThenFouthTstep is extremely important becouse it evolves cround ond . These foods give us vitamins and and allow us to “ay in shape and be strong. Doctors recommend to eat these tines a day. Tf you do, your body will thank you is the group of the carbohydrates. Here you can find ceredls, ta, rice and ‘They are also very important so you must eat them daily, Doctors say: we must try to eat at the same time every day: we must drink plenty of, ‘everyday we must do some exercise, Tf we eat healthy and do exercise we will grow both mentally and physically,, seme, any. a lot af, much. many. haw much, haw many? Dialogue 1 ‘Mary: I'm hungry. Are there crisps? ‘Mom: No, there aren't__but there are__ sandwiches in the fridge. Mary: Great! Til have ‘Sandwich with cheese and tomato and then ll drink orange juice. Is there chocolate coke left? ‘Mom: No, there isn't cake. Til go to the supermarket later. ‘tomatoes are left? ‘Mary: There aren't tomatoes here. I can see only four. ‘Mom: Ohl We eat ‘tomatoes every day. butteris there? Mary: There is. butter, mom. We have fifteen packets of butter. Don't buy more! \ ‘Mom: Ok then, Would you like. ‘ea from the supermarket? Mary: Yes, Tdlike___please but dot buy a lot of tea. Dialogue 2 Bob: Welcome to my party Peter! Would you like. juice? Peter: Yes, please. Thank you! What a nice party! presents did you get? Bob: I got presents. Look! There are over 20 presents here. Peter: WOWIIs there. birthday cake left? Bob: Yes, there is, __ pieces do you want? Peter: Just one piece. There are. people here today. That's a big party. Bob: It really is Peter:_____pizzadid you cook for all these people? Bob: My mom didn't cook pizza because T don’t like it, but she made sandwiches. Can you see them? There are over forty sandwiches on the table. Peter: Yes, Ican see them, Let'sgo and eat SaLIVEWORKSHEETS

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