Virtual Environments: A Survey of The Technology: Email: Holloway@cs - Lastra@cs -

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Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology


Richard Holloway
Anselmo Lastra

Sitterson Hall CB-3175

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175

email: [email protected]
[email protected]

September 1993†

† These notes were actually prepared in April and May of 1993 for distribution in September at Eurographics.
1. Introduction ..................................................................................... 1
2. How VE Works: Fooling the Senses........................................................ 3
2.1 The Display/Detection Model........................................................... 3
2.2 Perceptual Issues in Matching Displays to Senses................................... 4
3. Displays ......................................................................................... 7
3.1 General.................................................................................... 7
3.2 Visual Displays .......................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Overview........................................................................... 7
3.2.2 How Immersive Displays Work ................................................ 8
3.2.3 Immersive Display Characteristics............................................. 10
3.2.4 Immersive Display Issues and Problems...................................... 11
3.2.5 Desired Display Specifications ................................................. 12
3.2.6 Commercial Systems ............................................................ 12
3.2.7 Research Systems................................................................ 14
3.3 Auditory Displays ...................................................................... 17
3.4 Haptic Displays ......................................................................... 18
4. Image Generation.............................................................................. 21
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 21
4.2 Graphics Performance ................................................................. 21
4.2.1 The cost of graphics performance.............................................. 22
4.2.2 Antialiasing ....................................................................... 25
4.3 Illumination Models .................................................................... 25
4.4 Shading .................................................................................. 26
4.5 Graphics Libraries...................................................................... 26
4.5.1 Retained mode.................................................................... 27
4.5.2 Immediate mode.................................................................. 27
4.6 Image Generation Systems ............................................................ 27
4.6.1 Performance Specifications..................................................... 27
4.6.2 Commercial VE Systems........................................................ 28
4.6.3 Commercial Image Generators ................................................. 30
4.6.4 Experimental...................................................................... 35
4.7 Special Requirements for VE.......................................................... 38
4.7.1 Input/Output ...................................................................... 38
4.7.2 Shared Virtual Worlds........................................................... 38
4.7.3 Potential z-buffering problems ................................................. 38
4.7.4 Low latency....................................................................... 38
4.7.5 Correction for optical distortion................................................ 38
4.7.6 Video .............................................................................. 39
4.7.7 Combining camera video and synthetic imagery ............................. 39
4.8 Further Reading......................................................................... 39
5. Detectors........................................................................................ 41
5.1 General................................................................................... 41
5.2 Trackers.................................................................................. 41
5.2.1 Principles of Tracking........................................................... 41
5.2.2 Commercial and Research Systems............................................ 42 Magnetic Trackers......................................................... 42 Optical Trackers ........................................................... 46 Mechanical Trackers ...................................................... 48 Acoustic Trackers ......................................................... 49
5.3 Other Detectors.......................................................................... 50
6. Acknowledgments............................................................................. 53
7. References...................................................................................... 53
1. Introduction

Other names for virtual environments (VE):

• Virtual reality (VR)

• Virtual presence
• Artificial reality
• Virtual worlds
• Cyberspace

Some early highlights:

• Flight simulators: GE (in late 50s!), Singer-Link, Evans & Sutherland, McDonnell

• 1965: Ivan Sutherland postulates “The Ultimate Display:"

“The ultimate display would, of course, be a room within which the computer can
control the existence of matter. A chair displayed in such a room would be good
enough to sit in. Handcuffs displayed in such a room would be confining, and a
bullet displayed in such a room would be fatal.” [Sutherland 65].

• Sutherland builds HMD system with:

• see-through stereo head-mounted display
• head tracking
• hand tracking

• Tom Furness and researchers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base develop VCASS

• NASA VIEW project

• MIT- Callahan’s HMD

• UNC systems: GROPE, STHMDs, Walkthrough

Developments in mid-1980s:

• Advances in small LCD television screens

• Performance and cost improvements in image-generation systems

• Cost improvements in magnetic tracking systems

• VPL and others popularize “Virtual Reality;" lots of media attention

Sutherland’s Problems = Today’s Problems

Even after all of this progress, the subset of the "ultimate" capabilities that Sutherland
implemented in 1968—stereo images, head and hand tracking—remains prevalent even
today. Typical modern systems are essentially just improved versions of Sutherland’s
system, and are still plagued by the same problems:

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 1

1. Head-gear display devices have to produce high-resolution images and wide-angle
views for two eyes.

2. Image generation to each eye has to be achieved at real-time rates.

3. Tracking of the head and hand has to be determined in real time and with considerable

This tutorial will begin with an overall model for virtual environments and will therefore
touch on all of the associated technologies, but will then focus on the technology associated
with the three problems listed above.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 2

2. How VE Works: Fooling the Senses

2.1 The Display/Detection Model

• The real environment is perceived by our senses; our actions change our viewpoint in
the environment and cause changes in it.

• A virtual environment (VE) is created by presenting alternative stimuli to one or more of

our senses. The system must also monitor the user’s movements and other actions in order
to keep the viewpoint up to date and to initiate virtual actions such as grabbing or flying.

There are therefore two essential tasks: Display (presenting the alternative stimuli) and
detection (monitoring user actions). Another way of looking at these two processes is as a
user-centered input/output model: Displays provide sensory input to the user, and the
detectors sense any user actions, which can be thought of as outputs.

The following table gives a description of displays for each sense.

Sense Description Display

visual sensing of visible light screens, optics, image-generation
auditory sensing of audible sound waves computer-controlled sounds played
through headphones or speakers
olfactory sensing chemical concentration in odor transport system 1
gustatory sensing chemical content in solution (unimplemented)
haptic :2 the general “touch” sense, with the following subcategories:
• tactile touch3, temperature, texture, tactile display- controls small-scale
pressure sensed by skin forces or temperature variations
• kinesthetic force sensed by muscles, joints, medium- to large-scale force-
tendons feedback display
• proprioceptic sense of limb/torso positions and (sense is internal; may not be
angles possible to display to this sense
vestibular sense of balance; inner ear’s motion platform
sensing of linear and angular
accelerations of the head

Table 2.1. Displays broken down by each sense

1 Mort Heilig’s Sensorama is the only system of which we are aware that has olfactory display.

2 Haptics- “Pertaining to sensations such as touch, temperature, pressure, etc. mediated by skin, muscle,
tendon, or joint.” -Webster’s New International Dictionary

3 Touch- “The special sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin or mucous membrane is
perceived.” - Webster’s 7th Dictionary

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 3

Accordingly, there is also a set of detection devices in current use. The following table is
organized by user actions, and lists the types of detectors that are used. We will discuss
trackers in depth in section 5.

User Action Detector

head movement head tracker
body or limb movement tracker, force-feedback device, Spaceball
finger movement glove, push-button device, joystick, keyboard
eye rotation eye tracker
speech speech-recognition system
forces exerted force-feedback device with force detection

Table 2.2. Actions and detectors

In addition to the actions listed in Table 2.2, one can imagine a host of other attributes or
actions that future systems may monitor: facial expression, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

The key idea is that there are two types of tasks in a VE system: display and detection, and
a VE system must have components for each.

2.2 Perceptual Issues in Matching Displays to Senses


• Visual sensory organs are localized at the eyes, so displays can be localized.

• Field of view: Human eye has approximately a 208˚ instantaneous horizontal field of
view [Levine 85]. (19” CRT viewed at 18” subtends about 56˚)

• Illumination range: Visual system can operate over a range from roughly 1 to 10 10,
or about 10 orders of magnitude [Jain 89].

• Acuity: Eye can resolve a separation of about 0.5 minutes of arc under optimal
lighting conditions [Bruce & Green 90].

• Brightness (perceived luminance): Perceived luminance is not strictly a function of

the light emitted from a surface, but also depends on its surround. Leads to Mach

• Color system of eye uses three primaries ⇒ Displays can use three primaries

• Critical fusion frequency: A light flashing above this frequency is perceived as

constant/steady (this frequency depends on many factors)

• Accommodation vs. convergence

• Depth perception ability decreases with distance

• Acuity falloff in fovea ⇒ high-res insets in displays

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 4


• Limited frequency response means auditory display doesn’t have to reproduce all

• Sensory organs (ears) are localized, so easy to center displays on them

• Human can process many sounds in parallel ⇒ must be able to display multiple
sounds simultaneously

• Location is one of the most important characteristics in differentiating sounds ⇒

display should be able to localize sound

• Ideal display should account for individual differences: Pinnae, head, etc.

• Elevation accuracy is lower than azimuthal accuracy ⇒ less sampling in elevation



• Sensory organs not localized; no way to place one or two displays to fool haptic

• Human is sensitive to many different types of input: texture, temperature, pressure,

forces, etc.

• Grounded vs. ungrounded forces

• Hard-surface forces and textures require high frequency response and non-linear
damping [Deyo 89]


• Vestibular system is located in inner ear: no localized display

• Fooling this sense implies real body motion (although fooling other senses can give
illusion of self-motion)

• Motion sickness may result if vestibular input does not match input from other
senses; interactions between other senses are critical

• Frequency response of vestibular system vs. that of motion platforms

• Individual differences in susceptibility to motion sickness are large


• Sense is localized in nose

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 5

• Smells once generated must be cleared away


• Sense is localized at tongue

• Basis functions may be available: Sweet, sour, salty, bitter

• Problem: Tasting is usually followed by swallowing

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 6

3. Displays

3.1 General

Function: Provide stimulus to sensory organ

General characteristics:

• Display is usually located close to sensory organ (e.g., displays in front of eyes,
earphones next to ears, etc.).

• Display’s output should ideally match stimulus range of organ (e.g., visual displays
need only display visible light, not infrared, ultra-violet, etc.).

• There is often the option of replacing or augmenting the real environment (e.g.,
visual displays may be see-through or opaque; earphones may block outside noises
or let them through).

3.2 Visual Displays

3.2.1 Overview

Function: Provide images of virtual objects to user’s eyes that either replace or augment
the real environment.

• monitor-based (non-immersive)
• head-mounted (immersive)
• arm-mounted displays (semi-immersive).

Monitor-based displays are typically fixed within the environment and give a “window”
onto a virtual world, rather than immersing the user in it. A conventional CRT is the
simplest example of this type of display. Other systems use some stereo mechanism to
deliver different images to the user’s two eyes in order to display objects in depth. Realism
can further be enhanced by monitoring head movement so that the “through the window”
image can be updated according to head movements.

Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are typically headsets incorporating two small LCD or
CRT screens with optics to bring their images to the user’s eyes. Head motion is usually
monitored with a tracker (discussed in section 5) so that the image can be updated to reflect
the current head position and orientation, which gives an illusion of presence in the virtual

Arm-mounted displays consist of a monocular or binocular display mounted on a

mechanical arm. The arm serves both as a counterbalance for the display to allow it to be
moved easily, and as a tracking device which measures the display’s position and
orientation. Thus, they are like a cross between a HMD and a monitor: They allow the
user to look around the virtual environment like a HMD does, but can still be used on a
desktop like a monitor. Current systems (discussed below with HMDs) offer higher
resolution than most LCD-based HMDs, and allow the user to get in and out of a virtual
environment quickly. This type of display does not, however, allow the user to walk
around the virtual environment with the same freedom and sense of immersion afforded by
a HMD.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 7

In keeping with this course’s focus on immersive VE systems, we will concentrate on
head-mounted and arm-mounted displays.

3.2.2 How Immersive Displays Work

Typical opaque configuration:

Virtual image of
Screen screen


Figure 3.1 Opaque HMD optics for a single eye

Stereo viewing:

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 8

Virtual images
of screens Left-eye image
of point


Right Perceived
eye Right-eye image point
of point

Figure 3.2 Stereo images on a HMD

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 9

Field of view:
Horizontal offset
Center of angle δ



horizontal Total horizontal

Figure 3.3 Horizontal field of view

FOV formulas:

If we define:

FOVm = the horizontal field of view for one eye

FOVT = the total horizontal field of view = binocular field of view
δ = the horizontal offset angle

then the following relations hold:

FOVT = FOVm + 2δ

binocular overlap angle = FOVm - 2δ = 2 * FOVm - FOVT

binocular overlap percentage = (FOVm - 2δ) / FOVm

Note: If center of screen is straight ahead, δ = 0, binocular overlap = 100%, and


Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 10

See-through HMD optics:

screen point

virtual image real point

screen of point

real object

Figure 3.4 See-through HMD optics

3.2.3 Immersive Display Characteristics

• Stereo/Mono- Can the device display stereo images, mono images, or either?
• See-through/Opaque: Does the display obscure the real environment or superimpose
the virtual objects into it?
• Price

Image source
• Resolution
• Type: CRT, LCD, ELD, etc.
• Luminance: overall brightness; critical for see-through HMDs (may be mediated by
optics; e.g., pancake window)
• Contrast
• Color/Monochrome
• Refresh rate and lag
• Screen or image-source size

• Field of view (horizontal and vertical)
• Binocular overlap
• Image distance
• Eye relief
• Exit pupil
• Magnification: Screen image size
• Distortion and other aberrations
• Overall size/weight of optics

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 11

• Weight
• Moments of inertia
• Balance
• Comfort
• Range (length and flexibility of cable, etc.)
• Safety

3.2.4 Immersive Display Issues and Problems

Major problems with currently available displays:

• Resolution: Most popular units have resolution of less than 200x200: Leaves user
legally blind in virtual world [Piantanida et al. 93].

• Contrast/Brightness: LCD systems are difficult to use in see-through applications;

some other systems use optics that dim display considerably. Dynamic range of
current displays is nowhere near that of the eye, nor of the real world.

• Weight/Comfort: Current systems tend to be heavy and claustrophobic.

• Color: Small, color CRTs are just becoming available, but only at high cost.

• Field of view: Current systems are not even close to matching human visual
system’s FOV. Tends to diminish the sense of presence in VE.

• Distortion: Current wide-angle optics distort images considerably. Software

correction is difficult and adds to latency of system. Distortion tends to increase with
wider FOV.

• Expense: Some military-oriented units cost > $100,000.

• Range: Current HMD systems require the user to be tethered by cables of varying
lengths, which limits range of use and encumbers the user.

Many design goals are in opposition with each other:

• Increasing FOV usually increases distortion and weight.

• Higher-resolution images are harder to transmit without cables (vs. NTSC).

• Color displays typically have less resolution than monochrome, since color pixels
may take up three times as much area as monochrome. Field-sequential color
systems don’t have this problem, but are harder to update quickly and harder to make

• CRTs have better images but are less safe than LCDs due to high voltages and strong
magnetic fields.

• Stereo images take up to twice as long to generate as mono images.

• Larger fields of view mean more work for the image-generation system.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 12

3.2.5 Desired Display Specifications

Ideally, a visual display should meet or exceed all of the limitations of the human visual
system, so that the virtual image would be indistinguishable from a real one. Practically
speaking, this will not happen any time soon. The following is our wish list for a visual
display that we might see within the next 10-15 years.

• Stereo
• 180˚x100˚ FOV
• 4,000 x 4,000 resolution, with optics that concentrate resolution in center of FOV
• Can electronically blend between completely opaque and completely see-through on a
per-pixel basis
• < $10,000
• Full color
• High contrast and variable brightness
• 100 Hz update rate
• Negligible optical distortion (or easily correctable in software)
• Lightweight, low moments of inertia: Like a pair of glasses
• No encumbering cables

3.2.6 Commercial Systems

Commercial HMDs can be divided into two major categories: LCD-based, general-purpose
opaque HMDs and CRT-based, military, see-through HMDs.

This section gives a listing of many of the current vendors of immersive displays for
comparison and contrast. This listing is intended to be representative of the current state of
the art, but is not necessarily a complete listing of all vendors. A good listing of vendor
contact information is Appendix B of [Pimental & Teixeira 92].

General notes:

• See-through HMDs can typically be converted to opaque by adding blinders, so a

classification of “see-through” can be interpreted as “either see-through or opaque”.

• Stereo/Mono: Many stereo HMDs cannot be used for mono images; i.e., feeding the
same video signal to both eyes will not work because the screen images are not
centered in front of the eyes; generation of two different viewpoints or simple lateral
shifting is required.

• The range category is intended to give an idea of whether the display itself (not the
tracker) limits the range of movement of the user. Systems whose inputs are NTSC
are listed as unlimited, since these cables can be quite long and the NTSC signal can
be broadcast as RF without cables. Other systems limited by RGB cable or fiber
optic cable length are so indicated.

• Some vendors also list “field of regard” or “total field of view”, which is essentially a
tracker specification.

• CRTs typically have much higher contrast, brightness, and resolution than LCDs.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 13

Name Type Stereo/ Color Image Reso- Binocular Overlap Range Price Notes
Mono Source lution FOV ($US)
HozxVert (HxV)
Virtual Research opaque stereo color LCD 360x240† 93x61˚ 79% unltd 6,000 a
Flight Helmet
LEEP Cyberface 2 opaque stereo color LCD 479x234†* 140x94˚* unltd 8,100 b
VPL Eyephone LX opaque stereo color LCD 442x238† 108x76˚ 74% unltd 9,150 c
VPL Eyephone opaque stereo color LCD 720x480† 106x75˚ 77% unltd 49,000* c
VRontier Worlds opaque both color LCD 479x234† 112˚ diag 100% unltd 6,500
tier 1 HMD
Liquid Image Corp opaque mono color LCD 720x240† ~110˚ N/A unltd 9,500
Mirage HMD
W Industries opaque both color LCD 376x276† 90-120˚ 50- unltd N/A* d
Visette 100%

Polhemus Labs either both color see ~500x500 50x40˚ 0-100% 8’ 35- e
notes TV line prs 50,000
Private Eye opaque mono* mono red 720x280 22x14˚ N/A unltd 795 f
LED (one eye)

Virtual Reality, Inc see- both gray- CRT 1280x1024 50-77˚ 35- unltd 60,000
HMD 121 thru scale diag 100%
n/Vision High- see- both color* CRT 1280x1024 50-83˚ 35- 10’ 75,000 g
Resolution HMD* thru 100%
CAE FOHMD see- both color Light- 1024x 127x66˚* 46% 6’ ~1 h
thru valve* 1024* million
Kaiser SIM EYE see- both color* CRT 640x480 to 60x40˚ 50- 6’ 200,000 i
thru 1280x1024 100%
Honeywell see- mono gray- CRT 1280x1024 40x30˚ N/A 6’ see j
IHADSS thru scale (one eye) notes
Honeywell WFOV see- both gray- CRT 1280x1024 80-110˚ x 17-67% 6’ ~ k
thru scale 60˚ 200,000
Honeywell see- both gray- CRT 1280x1024 35-52˚ x 51- 6’ ~
MONARC thru scale 35˚ 100% 150,000

Fake Space opaque both gray- CRT ~480x480 140x90˚* 43% ltd* 35,000 l
BOOM2 scale
Fake Space opaque both pseudo CRT 1280x1024 140x90˚* 43% ltd* 74,000 l
BOOM2C -color
LEEP Cyberface 3 opaque mono color LCD† 720x240 80˚ diag N/A ltd* 9,740

* See product-specific notes.

† LCD display resolutions are typically quoted in “primary colored pixels," meaning that each red, green,
and blue pixel is counted individually, which multiplies the real resolution by a factor of three. The real
resolution depends on the layout used for the color triads in the display. Dividing the horizontal resolution
by 3 or both resolutions by √3 should give some idea of the real resolution. Keep this in mind when
comparing CRT-based HMDs with LCD-based HMDs- CRTs are currently MUCH sharper.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 14

Product-Specific Notes:
a- FOV numbers for this HMD were actually measured by Jannick Rolland of UNC. Center of FOV
is taken to be first nodal point of eye, estimated at 25mm.
b- FOV spec given is for “corneal field:" The distance from the surface of the lens to the corneal
surface (20mm) is used as the center of the FOV. The “direct” field uses the eye’s center of rotation
as the center of the FOV; its FOV values are 109.5˚x 84.5˚. Not clear which point other vendors
use for their calculations, so comparisons are difficult. Optics radially compress image of screen to
enhance resolution at center of image.
c- VPL was not selling the HRX at the time these notes were prepared (4/93) due to problems with
their supply of hi-res LCDs.
d- Screens are actually mounted on side of head; optical path is folded. HMD only sold as part of
entire arcade system.
e- Prototype fiber-optic HMD: can use projector, workstation, VCR as image source. Not related to
Polhemus Inc.
f- Display is sold as a single-eye unit, but two units can be combined to make a stereo display.
g- Formerly Virtual Reality Group. Also makes a monochrome unit for $60,000.
h- CAE also offers a lower-cost version that uses CRTs as image sources. Both versions feature a
high-resolution, 24˚x18˚ inset in the center of the FOV of each eye with 500,000-1,000,000 pixels.
i- The color SimEye is supposed to ship in June. The monochrome version has similar specs, but is
cheaper. Kaiser also has several HMD products for military applications. Kaiser is the parent
company of Polhemus Inc., makers of trackers discussed in section 5.
j- A complete 2-station system with head tracking costs ~$150,000.
k- Price is approximate; includes drive electronics but no head tracking.
l- Color: Pseudo-color is red-green combinations; blue signal is not used. In pseudo-color mode,
vertical resolution is halved. Resolution: the 140˚ figure is for “peering”; if the user doesn’t move
his head relative to the Boom, the hoz. FOV is about 100˚. Range: Tracker is built in; range is 5
ft dia. by 2.5 ft high cylinder with excluded center core.

3.2.7 Research Systems

Research in head-mounted displays can be broken into three categories:

1. Image source: Improving the resolution, color, size, etc. of the displays in the

2. Optics: Creating wide-field-of-view optical systems with large exit pupils, adequate
eye relief, minimal distortion and other aberrations, while minimizing size and

3. Mounting: Developing the part of the HMD worn on the head to make it
lightweight, comfortable, and easily adjustable.

A few of the many projects going on worldwide are listed below; this is by no means a
complete listing.


Stephen Ellis and Urs Bucher have developed an “electronic haploscope” for performing
perceptual experiments for better understanding depth perception in VEs. They use a
HDTV monitor configured for NTSC to achieve a horizontal resolution of better than 4.5
arcmin/pixel with a monocular FOV of about 25˚. The CRT images are relayed to the user
by a partially silvered mirror. The haploscope has adjustments for overlap, vergence and
accommodation, and is mounted on a table similar to an optical bench. The display is used
in experiments for making depth comparisons between real and virtual objects.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 15

HITLab Virtual Retinal Display

The HITLab VRD uses modulated light from a red laser to scan out a computer-generated
image directly onto the retina of the user. An optical bench prototype has been
demonstrated with a 500x1000 monochrome image subtending a 45˚ monocular field of
view (approximate).

The system’s goal is to achieve a display with the following characteristics:

• high-resolution (4,000x3,000)
• low-profile
• portable
• full color
• wide field of view (> 100˚)

Air Force Institute of Technology

The group at AFIT (Wright-Patterson AFB) has done research on HMDs since at least
1988, when Captain Robert Rebo built an LCD-based bicycle-helmet-mounted display,
described in [Rebo 88]. The third-generation HMD was designed by Jim Mills and Phil
Amburn and addresses the current lack of color CRTs for HMDs. Their approach is
similar to that used for projection TVs: Separate red, green and blue CRTs are optically
combined to achieve a high-resolution, high-contrast color image. A block diagram of the
optics is given in Figure 3.5.

M1 M6
Green CRT

Red CRT Field Lens

BS3 M5
Blue CRT
M: Mirror
BS: Beam-Splitter Imaging Lens
Figure courtesy of Phil Amburn, AFIT

Figure 3.5 Block diagram of AFIT HMD-III optics

This system uses 1” CRTs, beam splitters, dichroic filters and mirrors to form a 640x480
image through the LEEP optics.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 16

University of Central Florida

The HMD being developed at UCF will use holographic optical elements (HOEs) to
provide a lightweight, wide-field-of-view, see-through design. The system will warp the
image prior to display to maximize the FOV and concentrate detail near the center. The
optics then perform the inverse warping to create a correct, wide-FOV image. The HOEs
are based on duPont’s new holographic recording film materials. The warping is done
either in hardware or software by the image generator. The HOE is both lightweight and
inexpensive to fabricate, and could lead toward the goal of HMDs as comfortable as
eyeglasses. [Clarke 93]

UNC See-Through HMDs

Current 30˚ FOV model:

• Finished in Spring 1992
• Built from off-the-shelf parts
• Components:
• Sony color LCD screens
• Off-the-shelf optics
• Custom-built head-mount w/ rigid, repeatable adjustments

• 30-degree FOV
• Resolution: 360x240 primary-colored pixels
• 100% Overlap
• Design goals: Rigid frame, adjustments for IPD, focus, fore-aft and up-down for
images, calibrated settings

A 60˚ FOV model using custom optics and color CRTs has been designed and should be
operational by late Fall ‘93.

FDE Associates: Working on a high-resolution, small color CRT. One of the problems
in building a tiny color CRT system is that a traditional three-gun system is too large to fit
into the neck of the small tubes used for such CRTs. Their idea is to use a single gun and a
moving shadow mask in order to selectively excite phosphor stripes of each color. FDE’s
goal is a 1000x1000, 1” color display.

Tektronix, Inc: Another approach to the color-CRT problem. The EX100HD uses a pair
of one-inch monochrome CRTs and color shutters to create frame-sequential color images.
The NuCOLOR shutter is an electrically switchable color filter made of fast optical LCD
switches and color filters that allow its color to change rapidly between red, green and blue.
A full color image is created by drawing the R, G and B fields of an image sequentially in
sync with the filters. The field rate for each individual color is 180 Hz, and the overall
frame rate is 60 Hz.

Texas Instruments: TI is developing a display based on “deformable-mirror spatial light

modulators” [Hornbeck 89]. This deformable-mirror display (DMD) uses micromechanical
mirrors supported on two diagonal corners and free to rotate about the axis between the
supports. The other two (unsupported) corners act as electrodes and can be pulled to one
side or the other, thus rotating the mirror. Angular deflections of about 10˚ allow arrays of

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 17

such mirrors to form high-resolution displays when coupled with colored light sources. A
700x500 array has already been demonstrated.

Final Note: There are probably a dozen research efforts underway trying to produce a
high-resolution, small, color display for use in VE. At the time of preparation of these
notes, some of the first such products are entering the marketplace; more will doubtless
make their debut by September ‘93.

3.3 Auditory Displays

Function: Provide auditory feedback to user that either replaces or augments auditory
input from real environment. System should ideally be able to present any acoustic
waveform to either ear in real time.

Types: Speakers mounted on head (earphones) or mounted in environment. The latter has
limited imaging capabilities.

• User-specific sound modulation/head-related transfer functions (HRTFs)
• Echoic vs. anechoic sound
• Isotropic vs. non-isotropic sources
• Multiple vs. single sources: Processing power
• Sampled vs. computer-generated sounds
• Synchronization vs. playback speed
• Modeling reflective acoustic surfaces, Doppler shift and other physical characteristics
• Scheduling: Queued or interruptable

Commercial Systems

3D Sound:

• Crystal River Engineering Convolvotron- Stored spatial filters are convolved with
sound sources to produce up to four localized, isotropic sounds at a time. Simple
reflective environment can be modeled with additional hardware. $15,000.

• Crystal River Engineering Beachtron- Low-cost version of the Convolvotron. Two

channels; $1,900.

• Focal Point- Similar to Convolvotron/Beachtron. Two channels. $1,800.

• Visual Synthesis Audio Image Sound Cube- C-language library for MIDI-based
sounds and 3D positioning. $8,000.

Text-to-Speech Systems:

• AICOM Accent SA- PC-based text-to-speech synthesis board; $500 and up.

• Voice Connexion Micro IntroVoice- Text-to-speech and voice recognition of up to

1,000 words; $1,200.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 18

3.4 Haptic Displays

Function: Display and measurement of forces on and from the user.

• Force-feedback joysticks
• Force-feedback arms
• Force-feedback exoskeletal devices for hand, arm, other
• Tactile displays
• shape-changing devices:
• shape memory actuators
• pneumatic actuators
• micro-mechanical actuators
• vibrotactile
• electrotactile

• Sensors scattered throughout human body- no localized display possible as with
vision, etc.
• Physical characteristics of objects must be modeled: Hardness, texture, temperature,
weight, etc.
• Collision detection must be done in real time
• Hard surfaces require high frequency response, non-linear damping
• User input must be measured and reflected in environment
• Grounded vs. ungrounded displays
• Degrees of freedom (DOFs) of device vs. human
• Safety

Commercial Systems


• ARRC/Airmuscle Teletact II- Pneumatic shape-changing tactile array. 30-cell device

integrated with glove device includes large palm pocket that can be inflated up to
30psi. $4,900; control system is an additional $13,400.

• Xtensory Tactools XTT1- Small transducers create tiny vibrations or impulses; basic
system has one tactor and costs $1,500; system can support up to 10.

• CM Research DTSS X/10- Temperature display/detector device using thermodes. A

solid-state heat pump can generate hot or cold sensations for 8 channels on the user’s
fingertips. $10,000.

• Telesensory Systems Opticon- A vibrotactile display for blind reading; 20x5 pins on
1.5”x.75” area; $3495.

• Begej Corporation Tactile Stimulator- Fingertip and tool-mounted tactile arrays.

Vibrotactile or shape-changing display with 37-cell finger display or 128-cell tool

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 19

• Exos TouchMaster- Tactile feedback device which uses miniature voice-coil
vibrators on fingertips. Variable amplitude and frequency. Approx. $2,000 per

• TiNi Corp Tactors- Shape-memory alloy tactile stimulators, points and arrays.
Monitor and 3x3 tactile display cost $7000.

• Digital Image Design Cricket- See entry under 3D mice in Section 5.3.


• TeleTechnologies TT-2000 Force Reflecting Hand Controller- Earth-grounded, 6-

DOF generalized teleoperator master, joystick uses electric motors and cable
transmission to give up to 34N at handgrip. $30-50,000.

• Shilling Omega- Earth-grounded, 6-DOF (+ grip) teleoperator arm using DC torque

motors acting through harmonic reducers.

• Sarcos Research Dextrous Arm Master- Exoskeletal 10-DOF force-feedback arm

using 3,000 PSI hydraulic lines to apply forces to the user’s arm and hand. There are
seven degrees of freedom in the arm and three degrees of freedom in the end effector.
Maximum force when arm is full extended horizontally is 10 lb. Can be used to
control the Sarcos Dextrous Arm for telerobotics applications.

• Cybernet Systems PER-Force Handcontroller- A compact, 6-DOF, earth-grounded

force reflection device. Forces are generated by six DC servo motors.

Research Systems

• Margaret Minsky’s Virtual Sandpaper- Minsky implemented a force-feedback

joystick for feeling virtual sandpaper, stirring virtual ice cubes in virtual molasses,
etc. Details in [Minsky et al. 90].

• UNC Argonne Remote Manipulator- This force-feedback arm can output three forces
and three torques at the handgrip where the user holds it and has a working volume of
about one cubic meter. It has been used in a number of different studies; most
recently for finding a minimum energy docking configuration for drugs in the active
site of a protein molecule [Ouh-Young, Beard and Brooks 90] and for feeling the
atomic-scale peaks and valleys on a surface imaged by a scanning-tunneling
microscope [Taylor et al. 93].

• Tsukuba University Master- [Iwata 90] describes a 9-DOF force-feedback system

with force display for the thumb, two fingers and the palm. The feedback is provided
by electric motors based on a solid model of the virtual space.

• Rutgers Portable Dextrous Master with Force Feedback- This system uses
micropneumatic actuators place in the palm of a VPL DataGlove to create a light,
simple, and relatively inexpensive manual force-feedback device. The air-piston
actuators are grounded at the palm and give feedback to the thumb, index, and middle
fingers [Burdea et al. 92].

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 20

• Hull Electrorheological Tactile Display- [Monkman 92] describes a system using
fluids whose viscosity changes as a function of the applied electric field to create a
tactile feedback device. An electrode array provides an addressable electric field
underneath a layer of electrorheological fluid. The top layer is a compliant insulator
layer with a compliant conducting layer underneath at ground potential. By
selectively energizing the electrodes in the bottom layer, the fluid at that tactor can be
made rigid. By energizing a pattern of electrodes, a tactile “image” can be created.

Prediction: Haptic displays will remain more application-specific than other VE displays
for the foreseeable future.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 21

4. Image Generation

4.1 Introduction

Most of the commercial 3D graphics systems are sold as desktop or deskside workstations.
Unfortunately, the demands on image generators of VE and immersive displays are quite
different than those of CRTs for typical desktop graphics uses.
• VE demands high frame rates.
• Due to the high frame rates, graphical models tend to be small. There is no need
to support arbitrarily large datasets.
• Low-resolution video rather the standard 1280 x 1024 is the norm for driving
HMDs. Most require NTSC or PAL.
• Usually two double-buffered channels are necessary for stereo HMDs.
• Windowing systems are not necessary.

These differences make it difficult to use many of the excellent graphics accelerators on the
market. Many of the low and mid-level desktop workstations do not provide NTSC, either
standard or as an option. Most cannot produce two channels. Thus they would require two
graphics heads and two scan converters to be useful. This often pushes the price to the
levels of the high-end image generators.

This section first reviews graphics performance, illumination, and shading. We then survey
systems specifically for VE, and the subset of commercial image generators that can
provide good service for HMDs, followed by a section on experimental graphics systems.
We conclude with the special demands of immersive VE on image generators.

4.2 Graphics Performance

Polygon performance and price are probably the first considerations when choosing an
image generator. Not only is VE work very demanding of performance, but the image
generator is likely to the most expensive part of a system for VE. Other factors beside raw
polygon performance must then be considered, such as capabilities for texturing. As we
shall see, for some applications, texturing can make for a much richer visual environment.
The improvement in realism afforded by texturing is often greater than that provided by
more complex geometry. Most flight simulators render few polygons, but can create very
rich scenery with textures.

We have found that it takes at least 15 frames per second to provide user comfort in a head-
mounted display. A higher frame rate, say 20 to 25 fps, is noticeably better. When using
stereo, the work of rendering is essentially doubled. This means that we'd like to render at
least 30 frames each second and would prefer 50. We would also like to maintain low
latency, but do not have much control over this factor in most image generators. Typically a
higher frame rate results in lower latency.

Consider these possible models and sizes:

• A 1000 polygon model can represent a room with some detail, or perhaps a
house with very little detail.
• A moderately detailed room can be modeled with 5,000 polygons.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 22

• A house with some detail, such as that modeled by the UNC Walkthrough
project consists of approximately 50,000 polygons.

Using our two frame rates, we can get an idea of the rendering performance that we'd like
to achieve.

# of Polygons Frame Rate

30 fps 50 fps
1,000 30,000 50,000
5,000 150,000 250,000
50,000 1,500,000 3,000,000

We should note several things:

• Many models for VE, such as architectural models, use quads as the normal
polygonal primitive. Since quads are more expensive to render than triangles, we
have to scale the quoted performance of image generators appropriately.
• Maximum image generator performance can often be obtained only by using
triangle or quad meshes. This puts more of a burden on the modeler.
• It is often convenient, or necessary, to apply several levels of transformations:
For example, to initially place objects and to allow for their movement. This
often takes considerable computation, especially in parallel systems (see below).
• On the positive side, one can subdivide models such as a house into sets of
polygons potentially visible from the current viewing position [Teller & Sequin
91] and only render the necessary polygons. Another technique is to group
primitives into objects, such as rooms or furniture and cull entire objects based
on their bounding boxes.
• Advanced shading techniques, such as texture mapping, can produce a realistic
image with fewer polygons. However, the textured polygons are more expensive
to render. Image generators with texturing capabilities are becoming more

Since published benchmarks, with one notable exception, do not take into account the
complex nature of models to be rendered, be sure to carefully take your particular needs
into account when comparing image generators.

4.2.1 The cost of graphics performance

It is naive to think that one can render a rich scene at 30 frames per second on a workstation
without graphics acceleration hardware. To illustrate this fact, let us examine the number of
operations that it takes to render a triangle (this analysis is adapted for our needs from
[Molnar & Fuchs 90]).

Figure 4.1 illustrates the classical graphics pipeline (for more information, refer to the
references listed below). This particular case is for Gouraud shading and z-buffering, the
standard for current graphics hardware.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 23

Modelling Transformation

Trivial Reject/
Backface Culling


Viewing Transformation


Division by w and mapping

to viewport


Figure 4.1

The computational costs of the individual steps are:

• Transformation - Triangle and normal vectors are transformed from object to
world coordinates. This takes 25 floating point multiplications and 18 floating
point additions per vertex.
• Trivial Reject - Examine the primitive to see if it is completely outside of the
viewing frustum. This takes 18 floating point multiplications and 14 additions
per vertex.
• Lighting - For Gouraud shading, a color must be computed for each vertex. For
a single light source, this costs 12 floating point multiplications and 5 additions
per vertex.
• Viewing Transformation - This costs 8 multiplications and 6 additions per
• Clipping - The cost of clipping is difficult to compute. The number of primitives
that need clipping varies with the dataset and clipping parameters. For our

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 24

example, let us assume that scissoring is being performed. This transfers the
burden of computation to the rasterization stage.
• Division by w - The cost is three divisions per vertex. Mapping to a viewport
costs 2 multiplications and 2 additions per vertex.
• Rasterization - It is especially difficult to characterize the computational
requirements at this stage. For each pixel, we will have to calculate a z value, and
access the stored depth value from the z-buffer. If the pixel is visible, we must
store the new z value. Gouraud shading will require interpolation of each of red,
green, and blue across the polygon and storage of the color in the frame buffer.

Total Cost

Let us assume that we are rendering, in stereo, the middle example shown above, the 5000
triangle dataset. For simplicity, let us assume that these are rendered as individual triangles,
though the cost would be reduced by using triangle strips. Assume that half of the triangles
will be trivially rejected. The floating point costs will be:

Mult. Add Times Total Mult. Total

Div. (vertices, stereo) Divisions Additions
Transformation 25 18 2 × 3 × 5000 750,000 540,000
Culling 18 14 2 × 3 × 5000 540,000 420,000
Lighting 12 5 2 × 3 × 2500 180,000 75,000
Transformation 8 6 2 × 3 × 2500 120,000 90,000
Clipping - - 0 0 0
Division 2 2 2 × 3 × 2500 30,000 30,000
Total per frame 1,620,000 1,155,000
Total per second 24,300,000 17,325,000

This shows a total of approximately 42 megaflops for a relatively simple dataset. While
some of the newer microprocessors promise this level of performance, you'd be hard
pressed to achieve it in reality. Furthermore, note that we have assigned no cost to database
traversal, or to the application program. As a practical matter, it takes multiple processors to
achieve this level of front-end performance.

The back-end rasterization costs are also very high. To clear the frame buffers, each z (one
32 bit word) and color value (perhaps a 32 bit word) must be written, for a total of 2 × 640
× 480 × 2 = 1,228,800 32-bit writes to the frame buffer. Let us assume that the average
size of our triangles is 100 pixels, and that one half of them is visible. Since some pixels
are initially visible, and are then obscured by another pixel, let us assume that 3/4 of the
pixels must perform the complete z-buffer access, while the remaining 1/4 will just read the
z value.

Using forward differencing, calculation of a z value takes one addition. Therefore, our
invisible pixels cost 2 × 625 × 100 = 125,000 integer additions and the same number of
frame buffer cycles. The remaining initially visible pixels cost four additions per pixels and
three frame buffer cycles. The total costs for each stereo frame are 1,625,000 additions and
2,845,800 frame buffer cycles. When multiplied by 15 frames per second and two
channels, the total costs are 48 million additions, and 84 million word-wide frame buffer
cycles per second.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 25

Using the latest processors, the biggest problem is limited memory bandwidth. The
memory subsystems of high-end workstations would have a difficult time sustaining this
performance. Coupled with the front-end demands, it becomes necessary to provide
specialized hardware. Low-end systems may use a processor, such as the Intel i860 which
is enhanced with rasterization specific instructions, to accelerate the rendering task.

All high performance graphics accelerators use parallelism in one form or another. The first
stage of the pipeline that needs parallelism is rasterization and frame buffer access. These
functions are usually performed with specialized hardware. At some point the
transformation, lighting, and clipping become the bottleneck and must also be parallelised.

4.2.2 Antialiasing

Even with the poor quality of current head-mounted displays, aliasing is clearly visible.
With better displays in the future, antialiasing will be necessary. We see the trend toward
antialiasing in high-end graphics systems of today such as the Reality Engine from Silicon
Graphics. Given the normal progression of features we expect to see lower cost systems
with strong antialiasing capabilities soon. Note that antialiasing is very expensive

4.3 Illumination Models

Most graphics hardware and software support illumination models consist of the following
• Ambient - models a source of light that is non-directional and arrives from all
directions. The ambient light term is a simple approximation to the light reflected
by objects in the environment.
• Diffuse - models the dull reflections of light from matte surfaces due to point or
directional light sources. The brightness of a surface depends on the angle
between the surface normal and the light, and is independent of viewing angle.

Some may also include:

• Specular - models the shininess of materials such as plastic and metal. The
brightness of these materials is dependent on the viewing angle. The Phong
illumination model attempts to capture the specular reflections of shiny surfaces.
It is more expensive to compute than a simple diffuse model.

The illumination models may be calculated for each vertex, or perhaps only once per
polygon, depending on the shading model to be executed during rasterization. Note that
these models are fairly simple, and do not include the effects of reflections of lights within
an environment. Global illumination lighting models take into account the contribution of
light from other objects in the environment.

Radiosity Illumination

Radiosity methods calculate global illumination based on physical models of reflection and
can provide very realistic images. They are too computationally expensive to be calculated
in real-time on most graphics systems, as is necessary for HMDs. However, the
illumination is view independent, so may be pre-computed off-line if the graphical database

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 26

is static. This is a good illumination model for applications such as architectural

4.4 Shading

By shading, we refer to algorithms used to calculate color for individual pixels. The color
is normally based on illumination models that determine the effects of light on geometry.
• Flat shading - This is the simplest shading model. It was used in early systems,
and is still used in low-end systems because the computational requirements are
much lower. Only one normal vector must be computed per polygon to calculate
the lighting, and no color interpolation is performed. Unfortunately, this causes
very objectionable effects because the color of polygons changes at polygon
• Gouraud shading - This is the common shading model provided by graphics
systems today. Normal vectors at each vertex are used to compute lighting, but
only the color is interpolated during rasterization. The interpolation avoids the
color discontinuities at polygon edges.
• Phong shading - A lighting model is calculated at each pixel using a normal
interpolated across the polygon from normals at the vertices. This shading
method produces much more accurate specular highlights than those possible
with Gouraud shading. Commercial systems typically do not perform Phong
shading at the frame rates required for VE.

Texture Mapping

Texture mapping refers to the mapping of an image to geometry. Usually the image is
stored in dedicated memory on the graphics accelerator. Extra processing must be done to
properly map the images onto the polygons. Hardware texture mapping is a feature found
mostly on high-end graphics accelerators. In many simulations, the sense of realism
achieved by texture mapping can replace many polygons.

The most realistic textures are obtained from hardware capable of tri-linearly interpolating
pre-filtered images. The usual technique used is known as Mip mapping and is due to
Williams [Williams 83]. Some hardware point-samples the image-based texture, with a
resulting loss in image quality. Note that for highest quality, textures should also be
corrected for perspective distortion.


Shadows can provide visual cues that enhance the effects of an image. Unfortunately,
computing shadows can be quite expensive. Using pre-computed radiosity illumination,
one can obtain shadows for static datasets. To provide shadows for dynamic datasets, it is
possible to use a two-pass z-buffering algorithm [Williams 78].

4.5 Graphics Libraries

There are two main subdivisions of graphics libraries, or Application Programmers

Interfaces (APIs) as they are also known. One type, immediate mode, requires that the
application program generate the graphical primitives for every frame. The second type of
API, retained mode, maintains a display list (initially generated by the application, of

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 27

course) which the image generator traverses every frame. The application interacts with the
database of primitives by executing editing commands.

4.5.1 Retained mode

This type of API is well suited for applications that do not change the graphics database
very much. A disadvantage of retained mode that is often cited, the fact that image
complexity is limited by memory size, is not a problem for work in VE since the size of the
dataset is limited by frame rate. Retained-mode systems can load the display list onto the
graphics accelerator, thus largely divorcing rendering from the main CPU. The best known
retained mode API is PHIGS+ which supports a hierarchical display list.
The main disadvantage with retained mode is that, for some applications, you must
replicate the database. For example, the 3DM application [Butterworth et al. 1992] at UNC
(a 3D MacDraw like tool for use under the HMD) maintains an application specific database
and issues PHIGS editing commands. This results in two independent copies of the

4.5.2 Immediate mode

Immediate mode is well suited for data that change a great deal every frame. For example, a
mesh of triangles describing an airplane wing during a simulation. It certainly involves the
host CPU, therefore that processor must be fast enough both to run the application and to
generate the polygons to be rendered. The best known immediate-mode API is IRIS GL
from Silicon Graphics. An evolution of the GL into an open standard called OpenGL is
underway. The standard is now under the control of a committee with a broad base of
industry representation. Many manufacturers have agreed to support OpenGL .

4.6 Image Generation Systems

We begin by examining performance specifications for graphics systems. We then divide

the systems into those specifically targeted to VE (normally sold as turnkey systems) and
general graphics workstations that may be used for VE.

4.6.1 Performance Specifications

It is very difficult to compare the published performance of graphics systems. As a rule,

specifications provided by vendors may not be directly compared because they are obtained
using different testing methodologies. For example, one vendor will measure rendering rate
using 50 pixel triangles, while another will use 100 pixel triangles. Furthermore, the
specifications cite absolute peak performance.

Of course, the best way to compare computers in general is to benchmark them on the
problems that one is interested in solving. Since this is rarely possible, the next best
approach is to compare the results of standard benchmarks executing code similar to that
necessary to solve the target problems. This has been done for many years with CPUs.

Vendors of graphics-oriented hardware have cooperated to form the Graphics Performance

Characterization Committee (GPC) which is administered by the National Computer
Graphics Association (see address below). The GPC publishes a benchmark called the
Picture Level Benchmark (PLB). The PLB consists of a specification of geometry and
actions to be performed, a methodology for performing the tests, and a standard suite of
tests. A sample implementation is available from:

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 28

National Computer Graphics Association
2722 Merrilee Drive
Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22031 USA
(703) 560-2752

or over the internet by ftp from (

Benchmark results are reported in units called GPCmarks, and can be literal (instructions
followed exactly), or optimized (some optimizations were performed to increase
performance). GPCmarks are calculated as

Normalization Factor / Elapsed Time

The normalization factor is meant to capture the difficulty of the benchmark. Higher
GPCmarks indicate lower elapsed time and higher performance. Of the standard benchmark
suite, three are applicable to VE. They are:
head - a scanned human head of 60,000 triangles in triangle strips lit by four directional
light sources. The head rotates around the vertical axis for 240 frames. The difficulty
factor is 4800.
shuttle - A space shuttle rendezvous with a satellite. The models consist of a mix of
triangle strips, quad meshes, and polygons. There are also 2283 markers used to
represent stars. The difficulty factor is 4000.
studio - An architectural walkthrough of a radiosity-lit artist’s studio modeled with
7518 quads. A total of 300 frames are rendered during the walkthrough. The difficulty
factor is 2500.

Note that the standard benchmarks are computed using a 900 by 720 window, somewhat
larger than the normal NTSC resolution. Unfortunately, not all vendors supply PLB

4.6.2 Commercial VE Systems

The systems in this section are targeted specifically for work in VE with HMDs. Unlike
systems for the desktop graphics market, these feature the NTSC video necessary to drive
the current HMDs as standard. These firm’s intents are to sell complete systems, including
the image generator, HMD, tracker, software, and sometimes a sound generator.


Division provides hardware and software for VE. They sell complete standard
configurations, as well as custom systems. The Division software is also available for use
on SGI image generators.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 29

Systems include:
• Image generator providing two channels for stereo
• Virtual Research Flight Helmet HMD (see section 3.2.6)
• Polhemus Fastrak (see section
• Division 6D mouse
• Beachtron (see section 3.3)
• dVS software
• A separate i860 for collision detection

System Triangles Textured Base Price

per sec. Triangles US$
100VRX 35K N/A $64,000
100VRXT 35K 35K $70,000
Supervision 280K 280K $180,000

Test conditions:
• Triangles are 100 pixel, 24-bit color.
• Textured triangles are 100 pixel, 24-bit color, point sampled.

• Performance is per eye.
• Host processor is an Intel 80486 running UNIX System V.
• Fill rate of 100VRT is 8M pixels per eye.
• Supervision rendering system consists of a communications ring (for each eye),
supporting renderers based on i860s. A frame grabber for generating composite
images of live and synthetic video is an option.
• The rendering board set (3 PC cards) used in the 100VRX is sold separately as
the dView for approximately $13,000. This set generates two channels of video.


The main focus of Sense8 is their software for VE, the WorldToolKit. However, they
resell the SPEA Fire PC-peripheral Graphics board that uses an i860 for rendering. The
WorldToolKit also runs on SGI hardware.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 30

Graphics Polygons Textured Price US$
per sec. Polygons
SPEA Fire 10K 5K $2,795

Test conditions:
• Polygons are 100 pixel, 24-bit color.
• Textured polygons are 100 pixel, not perspective corrected, 24-bit color.

• 8 Mb SPEA Fire memory upgrade available for $800.


VPL is developing the Microcosm system hosted by a Macintosh Quadra 950 with graphics
accelerator boards (manufactured by Division, but sold exclusively by VPL). The graphics
boards are essentially the dView boards (see above) with a Macintosh rather than a PC
interface. The current pre-production system includes an Eyephone LX HMD (see section
3.2.6), and a Polhemus Fastrak (see section

4.6.3 Commercial Image Generators

By far the largest market segment in 3D graphics is for desktop workstations. The typical
uses of these workstations are in fields such as computer-aided design, where the
performance needs and demands are much different from those in VE. Since these
workstations are sold in moderately high volume and there is much competition for the
market, price/performance tends to be good.

There are some problems with using desktop graphics systems for VE, however. One is
that the standard video provided on workstations is not NTSC (which is used for most
HMDs). To obtain NTSC, optional video cards or expensive scan converters must be
purchased. Since a good scan converter costs upwards of $20,000US, it is not an attractive
solution. Furthermore, generating two channels of video to provide stereo for the two
displays in a typical HMD is another problem. The low-end workstation systems are not
equipped with multiple channels of output video. The combination leaves many good
systems, especially in the middle of the performance range, unusable.

There have been custom solutions to the problem of generating two channels of video for
HMDs: For example, Folsom Research, a manufacturer of high quality scan converters
(see section 4.7.6) has built custom scan-converter / video-splitter products for customers.
Unfortunately, these are not cheap.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 31

General notes:
• Some of the following systems are configured with two accelerators to provide
two channels of video.
• Specifications are those given by the manufacturer for a single graphics
subsystem. Care must be taken when making comparisons between systems
with one graphics accelerator, and those containing two.
• Graphics workstations will normally include one or two CRT monitors.
• Real-time operation of UNIX systems can be difficult.

Silicon Graphics

Silicon Graphics (SGI) is the best known vendor in the graphics workstation arena. They
have a range of processor products from the Indigo with a MIPS R3000 CPU, to the Onyx
with a maximum of 24 MIPS R4400 CPUs. Matching graphics processors range from the
XS24 to the RealityEngine2.

The high-end systems are all very good for work with HMDs.

Processor Graphics Triangle Textured Base Price

Mesh Polygons US$
Crimson VGXT 1.1M 35K $88,000
Crimson Reality Engine 1.1M 600K $118,000
Onyx (2 CPU) VTX 1.1M 450K $138,000
Onyx (2 CPU) Reality Engine 2 1.6M 900K $178,000

Test conditions:
• Triangle Mesh: 50 pixel, unlighted, flat-shaded, z-buffered
• Textured Triangles: 50 pixel triangles in a mesh, antialiased, Mip-mapped, tri-
linearly interpolated.

• All provide 24 bits for color. Extra frame buffer memory for advanced shading.
• 32 bits for z, except for the VGXT which provides 24.
• At least four channels of NTSC is provided via a “video splitter” option at a cost
of $19,000US. Price for a splitter is included in the table.
• The Reality Engine is primarily an image generator for generating textured map
• SGI software is specialized for real-time operation.
• Crimson CPU is a MIPS R4000 benchmarking at 60.5 SPECfp92, and 58.3

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 32

• Onyx is a multiprocessor with R4400 CPUs. Can be configured with a minimum
of 2 and a maximum of 24 processors. Some Onyx configurations can support
two graphics pipelines.
• SGI supports IRIS GL, and will introduce OpenGL in the near future.
• Higher-level programming tool kits are available from SGI.

The new Indigo2 Extreme is a very interesting desktop graphics system with performance
of 450,000 triangles per second (meshed as above). It is priced at $35,000. An option
called Galileo and priced at $6,500 is available that can provide NTSC for the Extreme.
However, unlike the splitter, it only provides one channel. Two Extremes can not be placed
in one Indigo. It's possible to use two networked Indigo2 Extremes, one for each eye.
However, this may not be an attractive option because of the tight synchronization that
must be performed to switch both frame buffers simultaneously.

Evans & Sutherland

The E & S Freedom series was introduced this year. They function as graphics accelerators
for Sun Microsystems SPARCstations.

At the time this report was prepared, the PLB results for the model 3200 were available.
They are:

Literal Optimized
head 239
shuttle 78.2 102.5
studio 198.3

Manufacturer’s specifications:

Graphics Triangle Polygons Textured Base Price

Mesh Polygons US$
1050-02 500K 100K 40K $65,595
1100-10 1M 200K 80K $82,995
3100-10 1M 200K 80K $117,245
3150-10 1.5M 300K 120K $139,245
3200-40 2M 400K 160K $177,245
3300-40 3M 600K 240K $229,245

Test conditions:
• Triangle strips contain 25 pixel triangles, flat shaded.
• Polygons of size 100 pixel, Gouraud shaded.
• Textured polygons are in a quad mesh, sized 50 pixels Mip-mapped, tri-linearly

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 33

• NTSC or PAL video output is standard, but only one channel.
• Two accelerators must be used to generate stereo for a HMD. Provision for this
is made in the hardware and software.
• The prices include a SPARCstation 10 and two graphics accelerators.
• The 1000 series models are shown with a SPARCstation 10/30 configured with
32 Mb or main memory, and 424 Mb of disk, priced at $13,995.
• The 3000 series accelerators are shown with a SPARCstation model 10/41 with
64 Mb of memory, and 1 Gb of disk, priced at $23,245. The 10/41 is rated at
53.2 SPECint92, and 63.4 SPECfp92.
• The specifications were obtained with only one graphics accelerator. It may take
a faster SPARCstation host achieve full performance using two accelerators.
Multiprocessor SPARCstation 10s are available.
• Suffixes to the model numbers indicate the amount of texture memory. It ranges
from 256 Kb to a maximum of 4 Mb and is expandable.
• Available APIs include SunPHIGS and Sun’s XGL. E & S plans to support
OpenGL in the future.


Recently Kubota announced the Denali line of graphics accelerators, designed to interface
to Digital Equipment Corporation workstations based on the Alpha microprocessor
architecture. Combined workstation/graphics systems are named Kenai.

Picture Level Benchmark Results:

Processor Graphics head shuttle

3400 E25 83.54 26.03
P510 196.00 46.92
V620 233.55 45.65
3500 E25 84.12 28.69
P510 189.65 51.71
V620 237.51 57.28

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 34

Manufacturer’s specifications:

Processor Graphics Triangle Textured Base Price

Mesh Triangles US$
3400 E15 200K 100K $55,145
3400 E25 $63,145
3500 E25 $80,695
3400 P510 900K 400K $98,845
3500 P510 1M 400K $116,395
3400 V620 1M 600K $109,845
3500 V620 1.2M 600K $127,395

Test conditions:
• Triangle strips contain 50-pixel Gouraud-shaded triangles.
• Textured triangles, of size 50 pixels, are perspective corrected, and point

• NTSC and PAL video is made via an optional card at $3000. One channel.
• Two accelerators must be used to generate stereo for HMDs. Provision for this is
made in the hardware and software.
• Prices are for one Kenai workstation, two Denali accelerators, and two NTSC
video options.
• Processor for the 3400 is a 133 MHz Alpha benchmarking at 75 SPECint92, and
112 SPECfp92.
• Processor for the 3500 is a 150 MHz Alpha benchmarking at 84 SPECint92, and
128 SPECfp92.
• The specifications were generated with only one graphics accelerator.
• Dual 24-bit frame buffers.
• 24 bits for z.
• The graphics accelerator model number designates the series, E, P, and V,
followed by the number of transformation and frame buffer modules: For
example, P510 is a P series accelerator with 5 transformation modules (TEM)
and 10 frame buffer modules (FBM). Transformation and frame buffer modules
may be added for higher performance, up to a limit of 5 FBMs and 3 TEMs for
the E series, 10 FBMs and 5 TEMs for the P series, 20 FBMs and 6 TEMs for
the V series.
• Both immediate (GL) and retained (PHIGS) mode APIs are available. The GL is
provided by a third party vendor, Nth Graphics. Support for OpenGL is

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 35

4.6.4 Experimental

Pixel-Planes 5

The first full-size prototype system built by the graphics group of the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill was Pixel-Planes 4 [Poulton et al. 1987]. That system had a frame
buffer with a 1-bit processor for every pixel on the display. It served as the main graphics
engine at UNC for many years, and was used to drive several HMDs.

However, it became apparent that a processor for every pixel was not a good way to utilize
computing power when primitives typically covered only a small portion of the screen.
This led to the design and construction of Pixel-Planes 5 [Fuchs et al. 89], which is a much
more modular machine. A block diagram is shown in Figure 4.2.

Pixel-Planes 5 Graphics Multicomputer

Ring Network
5Gigabit/sec multi-token ring network
Graphics Processor Graphics carries control, object data, and pixel
Processor traffic. It is implemented as an
Powerful, math-oriented Graphics
Graphics "active backplane" in 100K ECL logic
processor based on Intel i860's. Processor
Processor running at 160 MHz, globally
The GPs traverse the graphics
Processor synchronized by a novel "salphasic"
database performing geometric
Processor clocking scheme.
and lighting calculations. A
system may have as few as 2 or
as many as 50 or more. Ring Host Workstation
Network Interface

128x128-processor SIMD Renderer
"computing surface" based on Renderer
custom, logic-enhanced memory Renderer Frame
chips. Renderer also contains Buffer
two other full custom chips, a
controller for the SIMD array and a
data "corner turner". Each Frame Buffers
Renderer can rasterize over 120K
Phong- shaded triangles per System can accept a variety of Frame Buffers and other external
second, and over 100K spheres interfaces. Currently, these include HiRes (1280x1024, 74Hz, 24bit)
per second. A system may contain and NTSC (640x512, 30Hz, 24bit). Applications are supported by a
from one to 25 or more renderers. Host Interface to a Sun4 and a HiPPI interface. A video frame grabber
is under construction.

Figure 4.2

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 36

Since system components are simply devices on the ring, there is much more flexibility to
design special purpose frame buffers. The original frame buffer was of 1280x1024 or
640x480 resolution at 72 Hz and was meant to drive HiRes CRTs. We subsequently built
NTSC frame buffers, packaged two to one card for driving HMDs. Currently we have a
design for a 180 Hz field-sequential color frame buffer to drive HMDs being developed at

As with other graphics machines, the performance of Pixel-Planes 5 is difficult to quantify.

We have demonstrated rendering rates of over 2 million Phong-shaded individual triangles
per second. However, a better basis for comparison is the PLB. Pixel-Planes 5 achieves a
verified score of 559 GPCmarks on the "head" benchmark.


Most parallel graphics architectures, such as that of Pixel-Planes 5, require communications

that scale with the number of primitives. This is not a major problem until the required
performance of a system outpaces the practical bandwidth of a communications network.
The property makes systems such as Pixel-Planes 5 inherently non-scalable. Beyond a
certain point, adding more processing power does not increase performance.

To provide an architecture that is scalable with respect to the number of primitives, one can
provide multiple communications paths for primitives. This is possible, but since primitives
can generate pixels on any part of a display, there must still be a way to allow a primitive to
influence any pixel. This is done by sorting pixels instead of primitives via a composition

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 37




Figure 4.3

The system shown in Figure 4.3 consists of four separate graphics accelerators with
geometry (G) and rasterization pipelines (R), each rendering a complete z-buffered image,
but only of a subset of the primitives. Each of these pipelines looks very much like an older
graphics system without much parallelism. The images produced by the individual
pipelines are composited by a combining network to generate the final image. The data
flowing down the tree contains depth, as well as color. The composition network performs
z-buffering to generate the final image. To add more performance, one need only add more
graphics processing nodes. The bandwidth of the composition network remains fixed and
is determined by the product of the frame buffer size, number of subsamples for
antialiasing, and the required frame rate. For ease of physical implementation, PixelFlow
will have a linear composition network instead of a tree.

Another bottleneck encountered when trying to increase rendering rate is the host and host
to image generator link. We expect to drive PixelFlow with a parallel host and parallel data
streams to the rendering modules. The software model will generate primitives in parallel.
We call this distributed immediate mode and have prototyped it on Pixel-Planes 5 by using
some GPs as host processor nodes.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 38

4.7 Special Requirements for VE

4.7.1 Input/Output

This is not much of a problem. Most commercial trackers interface via RS232, and one or
more RS232 interfaces are standard on most computers. Trackers that require a higher data
rate use more complex I/O interfaces, such as IEEE488. Usually these interfaces must be
accommodated by adding interface cards.

Output to non-graphical devices, such as those to generate audio, also tends to be at low
data rates. RS232 interfaces accommodate most of these needs.

4.7.2 Shared Virtual Worlds

Stereo is often used with head-mounted displays. That alone requires two channels of
video. We may also want to support two or more users wearing HMDs. The performance
demands on one image generator can grow drastically, though multiple channels are often
used in flight simulators. We support two persons wearing HMDs on Pixel-Planes 5, but
would find it difficult to sustain the pixel traffic necessary to add more HMDs on one

Another way to support shared virtual worlds is to use separate image generators attached
by a network. Changes in the dataset are transmitted over the network. This approach splits
the intensive rendering and pixel traffic, but limits the dynamics of the dataset to what can
be exchanged between machines. It seems better to use a tightly coupled parallel machine
with multiple image generation pipelines (a SGI Onyx, for example).

4.7.3 Potential z-buffering problems

Since the hither plane for work using HMDs is often very close to the user and objects can
be far away, a deep z-buffer may be necessary. Keep this in mind when choosing an image
generator. Twenty four bits should be adequate for most work.

4.7.4 Low latency

Latency is a very big problem for HMD systems. We can divide latency into that caused by
the tracking device, and that caused by the image generator. Unfortunately, latency and
throughput in an image generator are often at odds. One can use pipelining of successive
frames to increase throughput. We do that on the standard PHIGS system on Pixel-Planes
5. This, of course, increases latency. Reducing the latency by eliminating pipelining also
reduces the utilization of resources, and consequently the throughput.

Note that the minimum latency is normally determined by the scanout of the display.
Usually latency is measured back from the last scan line of the display. This fixes the
minimum latency of an NTSC display at one field time, 1/60 of a second.

4.7.5 Correction for optical distortion

The wide field of view optics used in HMDs tends to distort the images by a large amount
[Robinett & Rolland 92]. There are several ways to correct this. One is optical, but this
solution can increase the weight of a HMD to an unacceptable amount. Another way is to
correct by using analog circuitry in the scanning drivers for the display (if it is a CRT).
This may be difficult, especially if the distortion is a complex function of screen position.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 39

One can also use the computing power in the image generator to pre-distort the image so it
appears correct when viewed through the optics.

4.7.6 Video

Scan converter

A scan converter acts as a format converter for video. It accepts as input a video stream in
one format, and produces as output a video stream in a second format. For our purposes,
the input is HiRes video, such as used in graphics workstations, and the output is NTSC.
Scan converters are expensive, so are not a very practical way to generate video for HMDs.

Composite video

Some NTSC frame buffers generate video with three channels of color, one for each of
red, green, and blue. To use this video for typical HMDs, it must be converted to
composite video. Devices, called encoders, are available to perform this function. Some are
relatively inexpensive with prices in the low hundreds of US dollars. Others, of high
quality, can cost as much as $8000. We have found encoders priced under $1000 to be
adequate for the current HMDs.

4.7.7 Combining camera video and synthetic imagery

Chroma keyer

A chroma keyer combines two video streams in a controlled fashion. One video stream,
called the "key" is gated to the output by default. However, the key color is constantly
examined. If a specific color, called the "chroma key color" is detected, the second video
stream is inserted into the output, replacing the first.

Thus to selectively mix video, one can use the image generator's output as the key and
make the default background color the chroma key color. Camera video can be used as the
second video input to the keyer. The result is that any objects generated synthetically appear
superimposed on the image of the "real world."

This, of course, does not result in a correct "see-through" HMD, but it approaches one. As
with any see-through HMD, tracking and latency problems will be especially apparent and
noticeable[Bajura et al. 92].


If one could calculate the distance of objects imaged by the video camera, one could
combine the z information with that generated for the synthetic objects to compute visibility
for the complete scene, real and virtual. Unfortunately, there are difficult research problems
to be solved to compute the distance of objects, and the computational demands to compute
the visibility are high.

4.8 Further Reading

For information on the general subject of graphics, the following text is the standard
Foley, J. D., A. vanDam, S. K. Feiner, and J. F. Hughes, Computer Graphics:
Principles and Practice, Addison-Wesley, 1990.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 40

Another good text which provides good coverage for the field of rendering is:
Watt, A. and M. Watt, Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques, ACM Press,
New York, 1992.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 41

5. Detectors

5.1 General

As discussed in Section 2.1, a VE system may be interested in monitoring any number of

attributes associated with a user: head position, posture, finger movements, blood
pressure, etc. We will call any device used to monitor a user characteristic such as this a
detector. Although detectors for all of the user actions listed in Table 2.2 have been
implemented in some VE system, the most common action detected in current systems is
head motion.

5.2 Trackers

5.2.1 Principles of Tracking

Trackers are fundamentally sensors whose task is to detect position and/or orientation of an
object and make the information available to the rest of the VE system. The most common
function is to report the position and orientation of the user’s head. Hand tracking is also

For head or hand tracking, there are six types of motion that may be tracked:
• Translation in x, y, z
• Rotation about the x/y/z axes: Roll, pitch and yaw.

Because these motions are mutually orthogonal, there are thus six independent variables or
degrees of freedom (DOFs) associated with any asymmetrical 3D object. These six
numbers are the minimum required to completely specify the position and orientation of a
rigid object4. A particular tracker may monitor all six or some subset, depending on the
implementation. In addition, some trackers monitor only over a limited range of a
particular variable. For example, a tracker might detect roll only in the range ±90˚, or x, y,
and z only within a sphere of one meter in radius.


• Magnetic- a magnetic field emitted from a transmitter induces current in a receiver

according to distance and orientation.

• Optical- light from a fixed source or from an object is imaged by a camera device;
some number of sources and detectors is used to calculate the transformation to the

• Mechanical- measures position/orientation via a physical connection to object by

jointed linkages. The angles of the joints are used to derive the transformation to the

4 Since the hand is not a rigid object, some systems add additional degrees of freedom to account for the
joint angles for each finger, as discussed later.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 42

• Acoustic- ultrasonic frequency sound is bounced off object and either time-of-flight
or phase information is used to derive distance to a number of points on object, which
is then used to derive the transformation.

• Inertial- accelerometers and gyroscopes are used to detect changes in linear and
angular velocity, respectively. These devices are useful for predictive tracking when
coupled with other technologies, but are not currently used for full, 6-DOF tracking


• Update rate: How many measurements are made each second. This can limit how
often we can update our display of the VE. Low update rates lead to jerky,
unconvincing virtual worlds.

• Delay/Lag/Latency: How much time elapses from the moment a user moves until
the tracker data reflecting that movement is received by the host?

• Accuracy: This is the amount of error in the measurement. Usually given as a bound
on the magnitude of the error or as an average error amount. A tracker that has an
accuracy of 0.1” will report positions that are (in theory) ±0.1” from the actual

• Resolution: This is the smallest amount of the quantity being measured that the
instrument will detect. A movement smaller than the tracker’s resolution will not be
reflected in its output.

• Interference/Distortion: All trackers except for inertial systems are subject to either
interference (such as blocking of the line of sight) or distortions (such as field
distortions in magnetic trackers) which can reduce the accuracy or produce gross

• Absolute vs. Relative: Trackers may report absolute position/orientation information

or just send information on changes.

• Range: Working volume and angular coverage. Absolute trackers all have limits on
working volume; many systems have limited angular range as well.

• Size/Weight: How easy is the tracker to wear on the head or hand?

• Robustness: Is the tracker subject to gross errors when its operating environment is

• DOFs Measured: Some trackers measure only a subset of the six DOFs cited above.

• Safety: Does use of the tracker pose a long-term (or short-term) health risk?

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 43

5.2.2 Commercial and Research Systems Magnetic Trackers

Magnetic trackers have been made by Polhemus, Ascension, Honeywell, Rediffusion,

Zeiss, Ferranti, and the Israeli government. The two dominant players in the VE market at
present are Polhemus and Ascension.

Magnetic trackers typically consist of a control unit, some number of transmitters (or
sources) and some number of receivers (or sensors). The transmitter radiates a magnetic
field with is sensed by the receiver, whose measurements are used by the control unit to
derive the six DOFs for that receiver.

• No line-of-sight constraints (particularly well-suited for hand tracking)
• Impervious to acoustic interference
• Receivers are generally small and unobtrusive

• Distortion/Interference due to metallic objects
• Current systems are very accurate only in small volume
• Cable connection required


Principle of Operation: Alternating-current (AC) magnetic field. Transmitter contains

three orthogonal coils that emit a magnetic field when current is passed through them. The
receivers also contain three orthogonal coils in which current is induced by the changing
magnetic field of the transmitter. Current is supplied to one transmitter coil at a time, and
three readings are given by the receiver coils, leading to nine measurements for each
measurement cycle. These measurements are then processed in the control unit to compute
the 6-DOF solution. Because the AC field induces eddy currents in conductive metals,
tracker should be used in an environment free of metallic objects.


Principle of Operation: Direct-current magnetic field. Transmitter emits a series of short

DC pulses. After eddy currents in surrounding metallic objects have decayed,
measurements are taken at receivers. Background magnetism (such as the earth’s magnetic
field) is subtracted off of the measurements and transformation is calculated. Advantage to
this approach is that it is relatively insensitive to conductive metals and less sensitive to
ferromagnetic metals, which allows the tracker to be used closer to metal than AC trackers.

Specifications for Polhemus and Ascension

Characteristics in common:

• All trackers’ angular range is 360˚ about all axes

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 44

• All have RS-232 connections; the Polhemus Fastrak and the Ascension Flock both
support high-speed connections as well (IEEE-488 and IEEE-485, respectively)

• Range given is the maximum transmitter-receiver distance; i.e., how far you can get
from the transmitter. The working volume diameter is therefore roughly twice this

The table below is a condensation of the complete specs for each product and is thus only a
rough guide to each product’s characteristics. Consult the manufacturer’s information for
full specifications.

manu- name max # range max static resolution price price notes
facturer sensors (feet) update accuracy (xlate, rot) ($US) w/ two
rate (xlate, rot) sensors
Polhemus Fastrak 4 10’ 120 0.03” rms 0.0002” per $5,750 $6,250 a
Hz† 0.15˚ rms inch*
Polhemus Tracker 4 5’ 60 Hz† 0.1” rms 0.023” avg N/A N/A b
(discontinued) 0.5˚ rms 0.1˚
Polhemus Isotrak 1 3’ 58 Hz 0.25” rms 0.006”/inch N/A N/A c
(discontinued) 0.85˚ rms 0.35˚
Polhemus Isotrak II 2 5’ 60 Hz† 0.1” rms 0.0015 per $2,875 $3,375
0.75˚ rms inch*

Ascension Flock of 30 3’ 144 Hz 0.1” rms 0.03” $3,120 $5,740

Birds 0.5˚ rms avg 0.1˚ @12”
Ascension Flock w/ ext. 30 8’ 144 Hz 0.1” rms 0.03” $6,520 $8,965 d
range 0.5˚ rms avg 0.1˚ @12”

Notes from Specifications:

a- Resolution for Polhemus trackers is a function of distance. Resolution = (number
given above) * (number of inches from transmitter). Example: Fastrak at 30” has a
resolution of 0.0002*30 = 0.006”.
b- No longer in production. Replaced by the Fastrak.
c- Replaced by Isotrak II.
d- Each receiver/transmitter requires its own control unit, with the exception of the
ERT control unit, which can control two transmitters.
†Note on Number of Sensors: Polhemus trackers all share the property that tracking more
than one sensor reduces the update rate by one over the number of sensors tracked.
Tracking two sensors gives a 60 Hz update rate; three gives 40 Hz, etc. An exception to
this is that up to four Fastraks can be operated within the same volume at different
frequencies without multiplexing, but this requires four separate trackers. The Flock of
Birds does not time-slice in this fashion, so adding more sensors does not affect the update
rate unless the additional data for the other sensors bogs down the communications

Delay Measurements

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 45

Mark Mine at UNC did a comprehensive study of the delay in the trackers in use at UNC.
The following figures and text are excerpted (with permission) from [Mine 93]. A detailed
explanation of the measurement procedures is given in the technical report.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 46

Note: The delay numbers shown here reflect the trackers at UNC in one of many possible
configurations; the delay in systems at other sites may be higher or lower, depending on
the configuration used. In particular, discrepancies between manufacturer’s latency
numbers and the numbers given here may be due to the way the UNC system is set up.

Tracking System Delays








fastrak FOB 1 3 Space Bird 1 fastrak FOB 2 Optical
1 unit unit 1 unit unit 2 unit unit Ceiling
Tracking System

Figure 5.1: Tracker delay

1) Shaded area represents communication delays.
2) Flock of Birds not in optimum communication configuration- the IEEE-485
interface should reduce the communication delay depicted above
3) Fastrak timing with position and orientation filter on.

In tabular form the results are:

Tracking System Delay (ms)

Tracker Communication Total
Polhemus Fastrak - 1 Unit 10.65 0.3 10.95
Ascension Flock of Birds - 1 Unit 18.96 3.65 22.61
Polhemus 3SpaceTracker - 1 Unit 19.23 10.4 29.63
Ascension Bird - 1 Unit 49.15 12.5 61.65
Polhemus Fastrak - 2 Units 24.9 0.6 25.50
Ascension Flock of Birds - 2 Units 27.09 7.3 34.39
UNC Optical Ceiling 40.5 - 40.5

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 47

Recall that the total delay is the time between a change in the position/orientation of the
HMD and the receipt of the corresponding tracking data at the host computer. Optical Trackers

Although more optical trackers have been developed than any other technology type, they
are not in common use for general-purpose VE systems. Most of the commercial systems
are employed for military applications.


• Outside-In Trackers- Fixed sensors in the environment image a pattern of beacons

with known geometry mounted on the tracker; object’s position and orientation in the
environment is derived from these images. See Figure 5.2.

• Inside-Out Trackers- Sensors are mounted on the object to be tracked, where they
image some number of fixed beacons in the environment. The position and
orientation is derived from a similar set of measurements as in the outside-in system.
See Figure 5.3.

• Natural environment trackers- No beacons are used. Sensors are mounted on the
object to be tracked and the system derives the 6D information by imaging the
environment and looking at image shifts from one frame to the next. Multiple
sensors can be used to cover the six degrees of freedom. No complete
implementation of this concept has yet been done to our knowledge. Partial
implementations are described in [Bishop 84] and [Tanner 84].

Reproduced from [Bishop 84]

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 48

5.2 Outside-In Tracking

Drawing: Mark Ward

Figure 5.3. Inside-out tracking

• Can be very fast
• Accurate for small volume
• Immune to magnetic, acoustic interference/distortion

• Line-of-sight restriction
• Angular range is often restricted
• Interference due to other light sources
• Current inside-out implementations are cumbersome
• Difficult to track multiple objects in same volume

Commercial Optical Systems

In general, commercial systems tend to be small-working-volume, high-cost systems

suitable for military applications but not particularly well suited for general-purpose
immersive VE systems. In particular, many of these systems only track 2-3 degrees of
freedom (typically angular: yaw, pitch and possibly roll).

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 49

manufacturer product name DOFs working accuracy update rate cost ($US)
Northern Optotrack 3 1 m cube 0.1 mm 128 Hz $59,000
Digital 3000
GEC Ferranti GRD-1010 6 0.1”/0.6˚ 240 Hz $50,000
Selspot Selspot II 3 1 m cube 5 mm variable $44,00
Qualisys AB MacReflex 2 1 m cube 5 mm 50 Hz $18,000
Spatial RtPM 3 or 6 0.01” at 100’ 100 Hz $50-70,000

Note: Some of the trackers listed can be used in larger working volumes with a
proportionate decrease in accuracy.

UNC Ceiling Tracker

The ceiling tracker developed at UNC is an inside-out implementation. Four lateral-effect

photodiode sensors mounted on a HMD look out at a specially constructed ceiling
composed of tiles with infrared LEDs mounted in them (see Figure 5.3). The LEDs are
strobed in sequence, and their images on the sensor arrays are used to derive the position
and orientation of the HMD. The ceiling is presently 10 feet by 12 feet, which gives a large
tracker volume for walking around architectural and other large models.

The system has a linear resolution of 2 mm and an angular resolution of 0.2˚. The update
rate varies from 20 to 100 Hz depending on the number of LEDs visible. The delay also
varies, but is typically around two frames, or 30 msec.

A complete description is given in [Ward 92]. Mechanical Trackers

Mechanical trackers are in fairly wide use in many different application areas, from
stereotactic surgery to atomic research. The basic idea for a 6 DOF mechanical tracker is
that there must be at least six orthogonal joints, one for each degree of freedom, and the
joint angles must be measured accurately. These measurements, coupled with the
knowledge of the linkage geometry, allow for very accurate tracking.

• Accurate
• Can serve as counter-balance to hold display
• Can be used for force feedback
• No magnetic, line-of-sight, acoustic interference constraints

• Linkages can be intrusive, heavy, and have high inertia
• Difficult to track multiple objects in same volume
• Difficult to implement for large volume
• Central part of working volume is inaccessible for some trackers
• Hard to keep DOFs orthogonal- gymbal-lock problem

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 50

Shooting Star Technologies

The ADL-1 is a low-cost, low-latency mechanical tracker. It claims an update rate of 300
Hz, an accuracy of 0.2 inches in position and a resolution of 0.025." The working range is
a cylinder 1.5 feet high with a radius of 1.5 feet.

Fake Space

Fake Space’s tracker is typically sold with its display, as described in Section 3.2.6. Its
range is a cylinder of radius 2.5 feet and height of 2.5 feet, with a 1-foot excluded inner
core. Update rate is 60 Hz; latency is determined by RS-232 communication time.
Translational and rotational accuracy figures are not given; they quote the shaft encoders
for each joint at 4000 counts per 360 degrees. Acoustic Trackers

• Time of flight (TOF): Send sound from set of transmitters to set of receivers and
measure the elapsed times. These times plus the known geometry of the
transmitters/receivers is used to derive the position and orientation.

• Phase coherent (PC): Comparison of phases of emitted waves with phase of a

reference wave. Only gives relative change, so errors accumulate.

• No electro-magnetic fields
• Can be implemented fairly cheaply

• Limited range
• Subject to acoustic interference, changes in air density
• Line-of-sight restriction

Logitech 6-DOF Ultrasonic Head Tracker

• Cost: $1,000
• Accuracy: 2% of distance from source/ 0.1 deg orientation
• Working volume: 5’, 100˚ cone
• Lag: 30 msec
• Update rate: 50 Hz
• Restricted to line-of-sight

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 51

5.3 Other Detectors

Hand/finger action detection devices

• Exos Dextrous Hand Master- 20-DOF hand-motion sensing device measures joint
angles of hand precisely using Hall-effect sensors. Senses 3 bending DOFs per
finger, plus one side-to-side angle. Accuracy is better than 1˚ in most cases.
• Virtual Technologies (Virtex) CyberGlove- Uses foil strain-gauge technology to
measure finger joint angles
• VPL DataGlove- Uses fiber-optic sensors to measure joint angles; also
manufactured by Greenleaf Medical Systems of Palo Alto, CA.
• Mattel Power Glove- [Discontinued] Uses resistive sensors to measure joint angles
and ultrasonic sensors for hand tracking.

3D Mice
• Polhemus 3Ball- Polhemus tracker sensor (6 DOF) mounted in a billiard ball
equipped with a single push-button for initiating actions in VE. This is a commercial
version of the UNC 3D mouse cited in [Brooks 86].
• Ascension Bird 3-Button Mouse- Ascension Bird sensor (6 DOF) mounted in a 3-
button mouse housing.
• Logitech 3-D Mouse- 2/6 DOF ultrasonic tracker with 5 push buttons
• SimGraphics Flying Mouse- 2/6 DOF mouse using magnetic tracking with 3 push
• Gyration GyroPoint- 3 DOF mouse with 5 buttons. Uses gyroscopes to detect
changes in orientation.
• Digital Image Design Cricket- Prototype hand grip device can have tracker sensor
mounted inside; has tactile display vibration, pressure return at trigger and grip, and
directional thumb button that returns pressure and direction.

Speech Recognition

• Speaker-dependent/independent
• Vocabulary size
• Continuous speech vs. discrete words
• Grammar (restrictions on inputs to system)
• Effects of background noise
• Speaker enunciation
• Speech-to-text ↔ Text-to-speech

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 52

company product name speaker- discrete / vocabulary text to price
dependent / continuous size speech ($US)
independent (words) capability
Articulate Voice dependent discrete |200; 1000 no 1,295
Systems Navigator per file
Cherry VoiceScribe dependent discrete 1,000 option 3,600
Electrical 1000 Plus
Covox Voice Master dependent discrete 64 option 150
Dragon Dragon independent discrete 25,000 no 9,000
Systems Dictate 30K (adaptive)
Dragon Dragon dependent discrete 1,000 no 3,600
Systems Writer 1000
Kurzweil VoiceReport dependent discrete 5,000 option 26,500
Scott SIR Model independent discrete 160 no 1,495
Instruments 20
Speech DS200 independent continuous 40,000 option 33,900
systems speech
Texas TI Voice dependent continuous 50 yes 995
Instruments Card speech
Voice Introvoice-5 dependent discrete 250 option 495
Connexion PTVC-756 “ “ 250 yes 2,995
Verbex Verbex 5000 dependent continuous 80 yes 5,600
Voice Verbex 6000 “ “ 300 option 5,600
Systems Verbex 7000 “ “ 1980 yes 9,600
Voice TeleRec independent discrete 16 no 2,495
Control VR-4 “ “ 50 no 3,600
Voice VPC-1000 independent continuous 13 no 5,500
Voice Voicebox dependent discrete 500 no 395
Votan Voice Card dependent continuous 125 no 1,750

All systems claim accuracy of over 90%.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 53

Eye Tracking
• Skalar Medical IRIS- Uses differential reflection to cover 30x10˚ range with an
accuracy of 0.1˚.
• ISCAN- Uses video image-processing to measure eye movement; range is 25x20
and accuracy is 1˚.
• Applied Science Labs Model 4000 SU-HMO- Video image processing eye tracker;
range is 50x40; accuracy is 1˚.

Other Detectors
• ARRC/Airmuscle Datacq II- Input device to the ARRC/Airmuscle Teletact II.
Forces generated by gripping an object are measured and recorded with this device
for later display with the Teletact II glove.

• BioControl Systems Bio-signal Processing Unit- Uses dermal electrodes to track

muscle activity or brain waves. Has 8 independent channels.

• CM Research DTSS X/10- See entry in Section 3.4 for temperature sensing.

Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 54

6. Acknowledgments

Information on commercial systems came from the vendors themselves as well as from
summaries in [BBN 92], [Pimental & Teixeira 92]. We thank Andy Hamilton from
Division, John Toomey from Silicon Graphics, Rob Coleman from Evans and Sutherland,
and Jeff Unthank from Kubota for answering many questions.

Information on trackers came from vendors, cited references, and surveys by [Meyer et al.
92], [Bhatnagar 93], [Wang 90], and [Ferrin 91].

A description of VE research at UNC is given in [Holloway, Fuchs & Robinett 92].

Thanks to Fred Brooks for his comments, Linda Houseman for her help in gathering data
for these notes, and Sherry Palmer for editorial assistance.

The authors, of course, remain responsible for any errors in these notes.

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Virtual Environments: A Survey of the Technology 57

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