FAA Theory Notes
FAA Theory Notes
FAA Theory Notes
The primary objective is to know whether business has made a profit or suffered a loss after a certain
Nature of Transaction
With a cash transaction, the buyer pays for the goods or services immediately as they are received
or possibly in advance. Cash is directly involved in a cash transaction e.g., payment through bank or
payment through cash in hand.
With a credit transaction, the buyer doesn't have to pay for the goods or services on receipt but is
allowed some time. Cash is indirectly involved in a credit transaction. Payments and receipts are
postponed for somne future time (credit period) e.g. business buys goods for resale and payment is
made after one month.
Receivable Payable
(A person who owes money to (A person to whom business owes
business) money).
A company is a legal entity in its own right, and therefore the shareholders have only limited liability
for any losses a company makes.
Non-business entities
It is not just businesses that will need to have accounting information and prepare financial statements
also charities, clubs and government (or public sector) organisations need it.
A transaction is an exchange of goods or services between two persons or parties.
Every business buys and sells goods or services and gets paid for what it sells and has to pay for what it
buys. Many businesses have employees and have to pay for their work. All businesses incur expenses for
services they receive such as electricity, water, telephone services. They all are business transactions.
Thus, it is an event (measurable in terms of money) that changes the financial position of a business
entity e.g. sale / purchase of goods or services etc.
Only those events are considered in accounting which can be measured in monetary terms, as stated by
the Money Measurement Concept.
External Internal
(e.g. Purchase of furniture from (e.g. loss of furniture by fire,
Mr. A) decrease in value of a car due to
wear and tear etc).
Accounting isthe system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing,
verifying, and reporting the results.
Recording means that the transactions should be recorded as they occur to provide up to date
information to the management.
Summarizing means that the transactions for a period are summarized to provide information to the
concerned parties.
Any organization/business/individual that needs to keep track of their income, expenses, assets and
Any activity undertaken with the intention to make profit, but result can be profit or loss. Thus, it is an
organization which sells something or provides a service with the objective of earning profit.
It is a place where a group of people are working together to achieve a common goal.
A partnership is where a business is owned jointly by a number of partners (minimum 2). Somne, or all, of
them will be actively involved in the business. Partners share profits and losses in accordance with their
agreement. The partners and their business are legally the same entity and therefore the partners are
jointly and severaly liable for the losses of their business.
Ledger is a book of Account in which all different accounts are maintained.
Accounts (T-Accounts)
An account is a summarized record in which financial transactions of similar nature are recorded.
Note that profits made by a business are effectively a return for the sole trader on the moneythat they
initially invested. Any profits not taken out of the business as drawings are therefore in effect extra
Capital is a type of liability to the business, as the business theoretically owes this amount backto the
sole trader.
Drawings are reduction in the liability of business to the owner. Whatever the owner takes out of the
business for personal use, whether goods or cash, reduces the liability of the business towards owner, and
are thus called drawings.
Expenses are decrease in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or
depletion (decrease in value) of assets or occurrence of liabilities.
Expenses are cost of supply of goods or services i.e. cost of operating a business.
Types of Expenses
Capital Revenue
Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure is made when a business spends money either to:
Buy non-current assets for use in business and not for resale.
Add to the value of an existing non-current asset by improvement in its earning capacity (future
inflow of economic benefits).
They are mentioned as non-current assets in Statement of Financial Position.
Revenue expenditure
Revenue expenditures are expenses incurred either
In the ordinary course of the business i.e. operational expenses
To maintain the existing earning capacity of the business.
They are mentioned as Expenses in Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income.
Error in recording
If the capital expenditure or revenue expenditure is mistaken one for the other, then gross profit or net
profit figure (or both) will be incorrectly stated, as will the statement of financial position figures.
If capital expenditure is treated as revenue expenditure, then the assets and profits are understated and
vice versa.
Income means inflow of economic benefits (whether by sale for cash or on credit). The definition of
income covers both revenue and gains.
Revenue arises in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity and is referred to by a variety of
different names including sales and turnover.
The excess of income over expenditures is recognised as profit.
The excess of expenditures over income is recognised as loss.
Items which are purchased with the intention of resale are called purchases, whether these are on cash or
credit basis.
Goods (purchased for resale) that remain unsold at the end of an accounting year i.e. unsold "purchases"
are called Stock or Inventory.
The objective of financial statements to provide information about the financial position, financial
performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making decisions. The
two most commonly made financial statements for sole traders are:
Thus, the financial accounts should show only the activities of the business and not the personal activities
of its owner.
This concept states that every transaction has dual effects, which are equal and opposite.
When the dual effect is taken into account, the accounting equation will remain true.
Sales and profit
When a sale is made at a profit, one asset (inventory) is replaced by another (cash or a receivable).
The amounts however are not equal - the difference being profit.
In order for the accounting equation to hold true after this transaction has been recorded, the profit must
be reflected in capital.
Effects of Some Important Transaction on Accounting Equation
1. Owner puts money into business ($1oo0)
Cash $1,000 Capital $1,000
5. Sale of all the stock goods for $30o ($200 on credit; $100 on cash)
Cash ($8o0 +$100) + Building $600 + Capital $1000 + Profit $100 +
Inventoryo + Trade receivable $200 Loan $5oo + Trade payable
Ifa business makesa profit, its capital and net assets increase.
Ifa business makes a loss, its capital and net assets decrease.
Equation will always remain balanced because of dual efect of transactions but after every transaction
there is a change in financial position.
Source documernt
Financial Statements
Books of Prime
Iournal Entry
Traditionally one effect is referred to as the Debit (abbreviated to Dr) and the other as the Credit
(abbreviated to Cr).
There is a ledger account for each asset, liability, and income and expense item.
These individual ledger accounts are all held in the General ledger.
Amount Amount
Date Narrative Date Narrative
Returns Return
Cash receipts
Credit Credit Inwards Outwards Other
Sales Purchases (Sales (Purchase types
returns) Sreturns)
A non-current asset is an asset which is intended for continued use in a business -generally meaning over
more than one accounting period. They are used to generate income directly or indirectly for a business
and are not normaly liquid assets (i.e. not easily and quickly converted into cash without a significant loss
in value)
Non-current assets can be tangible or intangible. In this chapter, you will study the accounting of Tangible
Non-current assets only.
The rules for accounting for tangible non-current assets are provided by IAS 16 Property, Plant and
Equipment. As per IAS 16, the recognition criteria of property, plant and equipment is:
a) It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity and
b) The cost of the item can be measured reliably
The cost of a non-current asset according to IAS 16 includes all costs directly attributable to bringing the
asset to the location and condition necessary for it to operate normally.
It therefore includes:
The initial purchase price of the asset
Delivery costs
Non-refundable import taxes after deducting trade discounts and rebates
Installation and assembly costs
Testing costs (Before asset goes into commercial production)
Costs of site preparation
Professional fee
The Accruals Concept says that income and expenses should be included in the statement of profit or
loss account of the period in which they are earned or incurred, not when cash is paid or received.
Recording Expenditure and Income
Throughout the year, when an invoice for an expense incurred is paid, this is accounted for by:
Dr Expense
Cr Cash
At this stage, consideration is not given to the period to which the invoice or income relates.
Therefore if the following year's rent is paid in advance, for example, it is still recorded in the ledger
accounts this year even though it does not relate to the current accounting period.
An accrual arises where expenses of the busines, relating to the year, have been incurred but not yet paid
by the year end. In this case, it is necessary to record the extra expense relevant to the year and create a
corresponding statement of financial position liability. If no invoice has been received, the amount must
be estimated: (called an accrual):
Dr Expense accournt X
Cr Accrued Expense X
The credit entry creates a current liability in the statement of financial position - an accrual expense.
The debit entry ensures that the statement of profit or loss includes the expense relating to the whole year,
thus reducing profit in it.
Expense which has not been incurred but has been paid in advance.
A prepayment arises where some of the following year's expenses have been paid in the current year. In
this case, it is necessary to remove that part of the expense which is not relevant to this year and create a
corresponding statement of financial position asset (called a prepayment):
Dr Prepaid expense
Cr Expense account X
The debit entry creates a current asset in the statement of financial position - a prepayment.
The credit entry removes the expense relating to the following year from the current year's statement of
profit or loss, thus increasing the profit for the year.
Accrued income arises where income has been earned in the accounting period but has not yet been
received. In this case, it is necessary to record the extra income in the statement of profit or loss and
create a corresponding asset in the statement of financial position (called accrued income):
Dr Accrued income (SOFP) X
Cr Income (P&L) X
Pre-received income (also known as Deferred Income) arises where income has been received in the
accounting period but which relates to the next accounting period (not earned yet). In this case, it is
necessary to remove the income not relating to the year from the statement of profit or loss and create a
corresponding liability in the statement of financial position (called pre-received income):
Dr Income (P&L) X
Cr Pre-received Income (SOFP) X
Accrued Expenses are Current liabilities and Prepaid Expenses are Current assets.
If we have incurred an expense in this period which will not be paid for until the next period, we use an
accrual to match the particular expense against the revenue of this period.