Far Qe
Far Qe
Far Qe
The Social Security System provides for a The program aims to provide medical
replacement of income lost on account of the care residents of the country in an
aforementioned contingencies. The benefits evolutionary way within our economic means
under the program are as follows: sickness, and capability as a nation. It also aims to
maternity, disability, retirement and death provide our people with a viable means of
benefits. helping themselves pay for adequate medical
care. The Philippine health Insurance
Although the SSS was mandated primarily to Corporation of Philhealth is the mandated
give social security protection, it has also administrator of the Medicare program under
provided its members with loan programs the National Health Insurance Act of 1995.
from which the members can borrow for The benefits under the NHIP for a single
personal purposes. These loans may be used period of confinement are as follows: room
for the member’s or his dependents’ and board, medical expenses (drugs and
education; or for the purchase of stock medicines, laboratory charges), operating
room fees for surgical procedures, medical
and dental practitioners’ fee, surgeon’s fee, earnings for the month. The contribution
anesthesiologist’s fees and fees for surgical schedule for employed members can be found
family planning procedures. during the discussion of the payroll register.
Under the interest plan, the partner The service contributions and capital
who invested more capital is credited contributions of the partners are often not
(increased) for an interest on his capital and equal. If the service contributions are not
is ultimately debited (decreased) with a lesser equal, salary allowances can compensate for
share of the loss; in some cases, the result may the differences. Or, when capital
even be a net credit (increase). contributions are not equal, interest
allowances can make up for the unequal
By Allowing Salaries to Partners and investments. When both service and capital
the Balance in an Agreed Ratio contributions are unequal, the allocation of
profits or losses may include salary
The sharing agreement may provide allowances, interest on their capital balances,
for variations in compensating the personal bonus to the managing partner, and the
services contributed by partners. Even among balance to be divided in an agreed ratio.
partners who devote equal service time, one
partner’s superior experience and knowledge Note that the provisions for salaries
may command a greater share of the profit. and interest in the partnership agreement are
To acknowledge the harder working or more called allowances. These allowances are not
valuable partner, the profit-sharing plan may reported in the statement of recognized
provide for salary allowances. income and expense as salaries and interest
expense; they are merely means of allocating Offsetting.
profit to the partners. An entity shall not offset assets and
liabilities, income and expenses unless
FINANCIAL REPORTING required or permitted by an IFRS.
Purpose of Financial Statements
Financial statements are a structured Frequency of Reporting and
representation with the objective of providing Comparative Information.
information about the financial position, At least annually, an entity shall
financial performance and cash flows of an present with equal prominence each financial
entity that is useful to a wide range of users in statement in a complete set of financial
making economic decisions. Financial statements including comparative
statements also show the results of the information in respect of the previous period
management’s stewardship of the resources for all amounts reported in the current
entrusted to it. To meet the objective, period’s financial statements.
financial statements provide information
about an entity’s assets, liabilities, equity, Consistency of Presentation.
income and expenses, other changes in equity An entity shall retain the presentation
and cash flows. and classification of items in the financial
statements in successive periods unless an
Overall Considerations alternative would be more appropriate or an
Fair Presentation and Compliance IFRS requires a change in presentation.
with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs). The financial statements Identification of the Financial
shall present fairly the financial position, Statements.
financial performance and cash flows of the An entity shall clearly identify the
entity. Fair presentation requires the faithful financial statements and distinguish them
representation of the effects of transactions, from other information in the same published
other events and conditions in accordance document. International financial Reporting
with the definitions and recognition criteria Standard (IFRSs) apply only to the financial
for assets, liabilities, income and expenses set statements and not necessarily to other
out in the IASB’s new Conceptual Framework. information presented in an annual report, a
Under IAS no. 1 (revised 2007), entities are regulatory filing or another document.
required to make an explicit and unreserved
statement of compliance with IFRS in the An entity shall clearly identify each
notes. financial statement and the notes. An entity
shall display the following information
Going Concern. prominently:
Financial statements should be • Name of the reporting entity.
prepared on a going concern basis unless • Whether the financial statements are
management intends to liquidate the entity or of the individual entity or a group of
cease trading or has no realistic option but to entities;
do so. • The date of the end of the reporting
period or the period covered by the
Accrual Basis of Accounting. set of financial statements or notes;
An entity shall prepare its financial • The presentation currency;
statements, except for cash flow information, • And the level of rounding used in
using the accrual basis of accounting. presenting amounts in the financial
Materiality and Aggregation.
An entity shall present separately Complete Set of Financial Statements
each material class of similar items. Material Per revised International Accounting
items that are dissimilar in nature or function Standards (IAS) no. 1, Presentation of
should be separately disclosed. Financial Statements, a complete set of
financial statements comprises:
a. statement of financial position as at the
end of the period;
b. a statement of financial performance for j. Total financial performance.
the period;
c. a statement of changes in equity for the Statement of Changes in Equity
period; An entity shall present a statement of
d. a statement of cash flows for the period; changes in equity, showing in the statement:
e. notes, comprising a summary significant a. total financial performance for the period
accounting policies and other showing separately the total amounts
explanatory information; and attributable to owners of the parent and to
f. a statement of financial position as at the minority interests;
beginning of the earliest comparative b. for each component of equity, the effects of
period when an entity applies an retrospective restatement recognized in
accounting policy retrospectively or accordance with IAS no. 8 accounting
makes a retrospective restatement of policies, changes in accounting estimates
items in its financial statements, or when and errors;
it reclassifies items in its financial c. the amounts of transactions with owners
statements. in their capacity as owners, showing
separately contributions by and
Statement of Financial Performance distributions to owners; and
The form and content of the income d. for each component of equity, a
statement of the partnership resemble those reconciliation between the carrying
of the sole proprietorship with the exception amount at the beginning and the end of the
of the presentation of the division of profits or period, separately disclosing each change.
losses at the lower portion of the statement.
The components of equity referred to
The component of profits or loss may above include for example, each class of
be presented either as part of a single contributed equity, the accumulated balance
statement of comprehensive income or in an of each class of other comprehensive income
income statement, as permitted by paragraph and retained earnings (these are applicable to
81 of IAS no. 1 (revised 2007). When an corporations). The amount of dividends
income statement is presented, it is part of a recognized as distributions to owners during
complete set of financial statements and shall the period, and the related amount per share,
be displayed immediately before the shall be presented either in the statement of
statement of comprehensive income. changes in equity or in the notes.
As a minimum, the statement of financial
performance shall include line items that In the case of Aguilar and Porras, as
present the following amounts for the period: contrasted with a sole proprietorship, the
a. Revenue; number of capital and drawing accounts has
b. Finance costs; made the preparation of this statement all the
c. Share of profit or loss of associates and joint more useful. Changes in an entity’s equity
ventures accounted for using the equity between the beginning and the end of the
method; reporting period reflect the increase or
d. Tax expense; decrease in its net assets during the period.
e. A single amount comprising the total of:
f. The post-tax profit or loss of discontinued Statement of Financial Position
operations; and ii. The post-tax gain or loss After all the components of the
recognized on the measurement to fair value statement of financial performance along with
less costs to sell on the disposal of the assets the changes in partners’ equity for the period
or disposal group(s) constituting the have been properly presented, the
discontinued operations; preparation of the statement of financial
g. Profit or loss; position will present no major difficulty.
h. Each component of other financial
performance classified by nature (excluding Though some of the items are not as
amounts in (h) below); familiar yet, per revised international
i. Share of the other financial performance of accounting standards (IAS) no. 1 presentation
associates and joint ventures accounted for of financial statements, as a minimum, the
using the equity method; and face of the statement of financial position
shall include line items that present the An entity shall classified as asset as current
following amounts: when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
• it expects to realize the assets, intends
a. Property, plant and equipment; to sell or consume it, in its normal
b. Investment property; operating cycle; or
c. Intangible assets; • it holds the asset primarily for the
d. Financial assets (excluding amounts shown purpose of trading; or
under e, h and i); • it expects to realize the asset within 12
e. Investment accounted for using equity months after the end of the reporting
method. period; or
f. Biological assets; • the asset is cash or a cash equivalent
g. Inventories; as defined in IAS no.7
h. Trade and other receivables;
i. Cash and cash equivalents; All other assets are non-current. Operating
j. The total of assets classified as held for sale cycle is the time between the acquisition of
and assets included in disposal groups assets for processing and their realization in
classified as held for sale in accordance with cash or cash equivalents.
k. Trade and other payables; A liability should be classified as a current
l. Provisions; liability when it:
m. Financial liabilities (excluding amounts • is expected to be settled in the normal
shown under k and l); operating cycle; or
n. Liabilities and assets for current tax, as • is held primarily for the purpose of
defined in IAS 12; trading; or
o. Deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax • is due to be settled within 12 months
assets, as defined in IAS12; after the end of the reporting period;
p. Liabilities in disposal groups classified as held or
for sale in accordance with IFRS 5; • does not have an unconditional right
q. Minority interest, presented within equity; to defer settlement of the liability for
and at least 12 months after the reporting
r. Issued capital and reserves attributable to period.
equity holders of the parent.
All other liabilities should be classified as non-
IAS no.1 (revised 2007) does not current liabilities.
prescribe the order or format in which an
entity presents items. The above enumeration The statement of cash flows has been
(from Paragraph 54 of IAS no.1 revised 2007) discussed in an earlier chapter.
simply provides a list of items that are
sufficiently different in nature or function to Chapter 12
warrant a separate presentation in the Corporations: Basic Considerations
statement of financial position.
Note that an entity makes the judgment about A corporation is an artificial being
whether to present additional items created by operation of law, having the right
separately on the basis of an assessment of: of succession and the powers, attributes and
a. the nature and liquidity of assets; properties expressly authorized by law or
b. the function of assets within the entity; and incident to its existence (The Corporation
c. the amounts, nature and timing of liabilities. Code of the Philippines, sec. 2)
Dividends may take the form of cash, IFRIC 17 Distributions of Non- cash assets to
property or additional shares of stock of the owners was developed by the International
corporation. As a general rule, any form of Financial Reporting Interpretation
dividend declaration should be based on the Committee and issued by the International
total subscription of a shareholder and not Standards Board in November 2008. Its
merely on the shares already paid. effectivity date is July 1 2009.
Subscribers are considered shareholders from
the time their subscriptions are accepted by 2. Date of Record
the corporation and not from the time they are A list of shareholders entitled to the
issued stock certificates. declared dividends is prepared at the date of
record. If an investor buys a share of stock
after this date, he will not receive the
dividend. The share is said to be traded ex-
dividend. No entry is required on this date.
3. Date of Payment different from cash or property dividends
The corporation settles its liability on because share dividends do not transfer assets
this date. An entry is made debiting the to the shareholders. This type of dividend
dividend liability or shares distributable affects only the accounts within the
account and crediting cash, property shareholders’ equity. Share dividends
distributed or share capital. increase the total share capital and decrease
the retained earnings account. Because both
CASH DIVIDENDS of these are components of shareholders’
Majority of dividends distributed by equity, total shareholders’ equity in
corporations is paid in cash. In declaring cash unchanged.
dividends, a corporation must have both an
appropriate amount of retained earnings and From the shareholders’ point of view,
the necessary amount of cash. Some investors a share dividend does not change their
view that a large retained earnings balance percentage interest in the corporation
automatically permits generous dividend although total outstanding shares have
distributions. increased. The accounting entries depend
upon the size of the share dividend.
A corporation, however, may
successfully accumulate earnings and at the Small Share Dividends
same time not be sufficiently liquid to pay Small share dividends are dividends
large dividends. Many corporations, in which the additional shares issued are less
especially new firms in growth industries, than 20% of the previously outstanding
finance their expansion from assets generated shares. These share dividends are recorded by
through earnings and pay out small cash transferring from retained earnings to share
dividends or non at all. capital (ordinary shares and share premium
accounts) the fair market value of the
Dividends on par value shares are additional shares to be issued. In cases when
stated as a certain percentage of the par value. the fair market value is lower than the par or
As to no par value shares, the dividends are stated value, the par or stated value will be the
stated at a certain amount per share. When basis for recording.
the board of directors declares a cash
dividend, an entry is made debiting retained Retained Earnings (or the temporary
earnings and crediting cash dividends account, share dividends declared) is debited
payable. for the fair market value of the share
dividends. Shares distributable is credited for
Cash dividends payable are reported the par value of the shares to be distributed
as current liabilities in the statement of and share premium for the balance. If a
financial position. Note that cash dividends statement of financial position is prepared
decrease total assets and total shareholders’ between the declaration date and the
equity. distribution date of a share dividend, the
shares distributable account will be shown in
It is worthwhile to reiterate that with the shareholders’ equity immediately after the
ordinary shares account.
the exception of treasury shares, all issued
and fully paid shares, and all subscribed par
value shares are entitled to dividends when When the share is distributed, only
declared. The subscribed shares must be par the components of the shareholders’ equity
value shares. No-par value shares are changes; retained earnings decreased by
considered as legally issued only when fully P220,000 (P650,000 minus P430,000) and
paid. Unissued shares, subscribed no-par total share capital increased by P220,000
value shares and treasury shares are not (P1,420,000 minus P1,200,000). The total
entitled to dividends. shareholders’ equity did not change.
This statement is not required per revised
International Accounting Standard (IAS) no.
1. The required financial statements were
enumerated in an earlier chapter. A retained
earnings statement is normally divided into
two major sections:
• Appropriated. This section presents
the beginning balance of the retained
earnings appropriated account, any
additions or deductions during the
period, and ending balance.
• Unappropriated. This section shows
the beginning balance of the retained
earnings unappropriated account,
correction of prior period error, profit
or loss for the period, dividends,
transfers to and from the
appropriated and unappropriated
accounts, and the ending balance.