Center Imajinasi Matematis
Center Imajinasi Matematis
Center Imajinasi Matematis
7; 2017
ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: February 8, 2017 Accepted: March 12, 2017 Online Published: June 27, 2017
doi:10.5539/ies.v10n7p48 URL:
This research is a qualitative study that aimed to describe the stages of students mathematical imagination in
solving mathematical problems. There are three kinds of mathematical imagination in solving mathematical
problems, namely sensory mathematical imagination, creative mathematical imagination and recreative
mathematical imagination. Students can produce one kind of mathematical imagination or other kinds of
mathematical imagination. Problem sheet is used as a supporting instrument to find out the stages of students
mathematical imagination in solving problems. Three students are used as research subjects in whom students
were able to produce their mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problems. The results showed that
there are three stages of students mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problems, the first stage is
sensory mathematical imagination, the second stage is creative mathematical imagination, and the last stage is
recreative mathematical imagination.
Keywords: sensory mathematical imagination, creative mathematical imagination, recreative mathematical
1. Introduction
Research Nemirovsky and Ferrara (2008) on mathematical imagination shows that mathematical imagination
and cognition representative of students involves gestures activity (hand gesture, speech, and other activities of
sensory motor) on learning is very important in developing the creativity and innovation of students in solving
mathematical problems. Similarly the research that done by Swirski (2010), Samli (2011), Kotsopoulos and
Cordy (2009), Van Alphen (2011), they shows these studies support the involvement of imagination in the
learning process. Wilke (2010) and Chapman (2008) emphasize the importance of imagination in the learning
process and helping students in solving problems.
Imagination is not only the capacity to form the image, but the capacity to think in a certain way. Students should
be encouraged to think for themselves by emphasizing their imagination. Imagination can be a main focus in
effective learning (Wilke, 2010). In addition, the imagination has been implicated as the key to mathematical
creativity in generating and manipulating images (Abrahamson, 2006). In the process of mathematics learning or
mathematical problem solving, the ability to imagine has no limits and constraints (Carroll et al., 2010). Egan
and Steiner’s perspective claim that children between the ages of 5 to 14 years learn best through imagination,
because this is a natural mode and strongest when they are involved with knowledge (Van Alphen, 2011). Both
perspectives are stressed in order that involve student imagination ability in building knowledge or solve a
There are three types of students’ mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problems, namely sensory
mathematical imagination, creative mathematical imagination and recreative mathematical imagination (Wibowo
& As’ari, 2014). Sensory mathematical imagination can be seen through the emergence of students perception
based stimuli problem in the matter. Creative mathematical imagination manifested through the emergence of
relevant or irrelevant ideas in solving the problem. Recreative mathematical imagination manifested through the
emergence of generalizing the idea of solving mathematical problem. This study was to determine the stage of
students’ mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problems. So the aim of this study is to determine
stages of students’ mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problems.
48 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
2. Researcch Methodoloogy
This studyy is descriptivve qualitative research. Resppondents in thhis study were students of class VIII SM MPIT
Logaritmaa Kebumen, Ceentral Java, Inndonesia, whicch amounted too 12 students. Then, we takke three studen nts to
become ouur research subbject. Subjects were selectedd based on studdents ability too solve problem
ms in this study
y and
were able to appear maathematical im magination. Too see mathemaatical imaginaation that emeergence studen nts in
solving prroblem viewedd through a visual representtation of the sttudent in solving problem (Wibowo & As’ari,
The mainn instrument in i this study is the researrchers themsellves, because researchers w who plan, de
implementt, collect data, analyze the daata, draw concclusions and m
make a report (MMoleong, 2004). The researc chers
also used the test (probllem sheet) andd unstructured interviews to collect the daata. Problem ssheet consists of
o an
item the m
matter related too solving mathhematical probblems. Here prooblem sheet ussed in this studdy.
49 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
As confirm med why subjeect determines the length sidde of small squuare is 3 cm annd large squaree is 4 cm, subject is
not able too disclose the reason.
r This reeinforces the nootion that senssory mathemattical imaginatioon is closely liinked
to perceptiion of studentt. The basic off sensory imaggination is perrception, such as the experience of presen nce a
stimulus (C Currie and Raavenscroft, 20002). It is reinfoorcement by Feerrara (2006), said imagination in mathem matics
learning iss as student motoric
m and peerception mainn activity. To rreinforce this ccase, the reseaarcher conducted a
interview w with subject:
P : Whyy is 3 cm and 4 cm, instead oof 3 cm and 5 cm?
S1 : Sileent.
Subject is not able to dissclose the reasoons of choosinng the length side of square iis 3 cm and 4 ccm not others. This
indicates tthat the subjecct’s perceptionn determines tthe length sidee of square 3 cm and 4 cm m by looking at a the
relationshiip between thee total length (112 cm) with thhe length of eacch square.
Descriptioon in above shoows S1 is ablee to appear a seensory mathemmatical imaginnation in solvinng the problem
m, but
can not appear another tyype of mathem matical imaginaation. Structurre of sensory m
mathematical immagination proocess
of S1 can bbe illustrated in
i the diagram below.
50 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
Diagram 1. S
S1’s process off sensory mathhematical imaggination
51 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
Figure 2. S2’s draw beginninng square
Subject mooves his fingerrs to trace squuare image andd decides the leength of small square is 5 unnit, so the leng
gth of
all squaress is 20 unit. Nuumber that cann be crossed bbeside number 9 is number 5 (Figure 2 aboove). This idea a is a
subject peerception that appears due tto stimulus off the problem ms that can be regarded as a form of sen nsory
mathematiical imaginatioon.
Then subject said, “the total of right side and left side is equal represented 20: 3”. Subjectt analyzes the total
length of lleft square sidee and right squuare side is equual, so the length of one squuare in the righht side is 20: 3. But
it is becomming cognitivee disagreemennt on subject, because the rresult is in decimal form. T To further simp plify,
subject finnds another ideea that the soluution is not in ddecimal form.
Subject deecides the lenggth of small squuare is 6 unit, so that the totaal length of sm
mall square is 224 unit. This le
is equal too the total lengtth of large squuare, the result of the length of each large ssquare is 8 uniit derived from
m 24 :
3. Subjectt concludes that the length oof each side oof large squaree is 8 unit and 6 unit for ssmall square. It I the
representaation of subjectt can be seen bbelow:
From above, subject iss able to appeear relevant iddeas in solvinng the problem which is a form of cre eative
mathematiical imaginatioon. Wibowo and As’ari (22014) said creeative mathem matical imaginnation can be seen
through apppears of releevant or irreleevant ideas inn solving mathhematical probblems. Imaginnation of this type
appears ass a form of stuudent creativityy in solving thhe problems. CCreative imagiination is the eemergence of ideas
with unexpected ways in i solving prooblems (Curriee & Ravenscrooft, 2002). Eggan (2005) saidd that, through h the
imaginatioon the studentts can make m more extensivee and creative in their thinkking way. Apppearing of cre eative
mathematiical imaginatioon through divvergent thinkinng was by subjject. This opinnion is same ass Saiber and Tu urner
(2009), it ssaid divergent thinking can iinfluence the suubject imaginaation ability.
After findiing the length of square sidee is 6 unit and 8 unit, subjectt draws square as the matter by decided thaat the
Thus obtained the total length of small squuare is 36 unitt, the length eq
side lengthh of small squuare is 9 unit. T quals
with the tootal length of large square. RRetrieved the llength of one side of large ssquare is 36: 33, which is 12 unit.
The repressentation of subbject can be seeen below:
52 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
m 2. S2’s processs appear of seensory and creative mathemaatical imaginattion
53 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
Deciding a small
s square lengtth is 5 units Mmss pjg psg kc 5
Perception Psp
Obtained a small
s square lengtth is 5 units and tootal length is 20 unnits Dpr ppjg psg kc 5 & pjgg tl 20
Sensory matthematical imaginnation IMS
Total right side = total left sidde Ss knn tl = ss kr tl
Comma Ka
Draw a squaare as the matter Mgb psg spt sl
Deciding a small
s square lengtth is 9 units Mmss pjg psg kc 9
Total length is 36 units Pjg tll 36
Large squaree length is 12 unitts Pjg ppsg bs 12
Results Reprresentation in the image Rps hhs pd gb
Retrieved thhe length of small square is 9 units aand large square iss 12 units Dpr ppjg psg kc 9 & bs 12
Analyzing tootal length of righht side = left side Mgs pjg ss kn tl = kr tll
Relevant ideeas Id rlvv
Deciding a small
s square lengtth is 6 units Mmss pjg psg kc 6
Total length is 24 units Pjg tll 24
The length of
o large square sidde is 8 units Pjg ss psg bs 8
Result Repreesentation in the im
mage Rps hhs pd gb
Obtained thee length of small ssquare is 6 units annd large square is 8 units Dpr ppjg psg kc 6 & bs 8
Creative mathematical imaginnation IMK
Finding a few
w square length thhat is identical to tthe previous Mnm
m bbr pjg psg idn ddg sbl
Still having trouble to find squuare length as much as possible Ms kksl mnm pjg psg sbby
Finished Sls
This repreesentation is a form of sensory mathemattical imaginatiion on the subbject. These im maginations apppear
with stimuulus of the prooblems that infflicts to the peerception of suubject on side length of totaal square and width
square. Shhown in the piccture above thaat 10 cm and 112 cm was maade by subject,, and then the subject crossed out
width of squarre, subject searrches a length for each squarre with the outtlines
it. After deeciding the tottal length and w
from the tootal of length and
a width. Butt subject is still trouble to finnd the length oof square side tto be equal.
Subject knnows that the steps
s are less pprecise, so that subject crosseed number 10 ccm and 12 cm on the answerr (see
Figure 5 aabove) and replace it by otheer number. Thee method of deeciding the sidde length of sm mall square is 5 cm
in order too obtain a totall side length oof small squaree is 20 cm. Meeans that the leength side of llarge square is 20:3
54 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
to obtain the equal lenngth, so that the length sidde of large ssquare is 6.677 cm. This is evident from
m the
representaation of the subbject.
This repreesentation is a form of studdents’ creativee mathematicaal imagination.. Imagination is associated with
appearing of relevant ideeas that can heelp in solving tthe problem (W
Wibowo & Ass’ari, 2014). Reelevant idea he
ere is
the appearring of the lenngth side of sm
mall square 5 cm in order to obtain a total length of sqquare 20 cm. Thus
obtained thhe length side of small squarre is 5 cm and large square iss 6.67 cm.
“The resuults are much??” the authors said. “No” rreplied subjectt, then subjectt is reading thhe matter aga ain to
confirm thhe order of thee question. Subbject seeks sollutions again tto fill the lenggth side of howw many squaree that
fill imagess in the matter.. Subject then said “the lengtth side multipllied by two”, tthat is 5 cm x 2 = 10 cm and 6.67
cm x 2 = 113.34 cm. Reprresentations w were made by suubject looks liike the image bbelow.
Subject caan find anotherr solution that fills these imaages (10 cm aand 13.34 cm).. However, thiis solution doe es not
say that it fills the lengtth side of squaare as much ass possible. Whhen the author asked “can yoou find as muc ch as
possible?””, subject arguees “the importaant one is the llength side muultiplied by 2, multiplied by 2, and so on”. This
idea appeaars based on the student’s previous expeerience in solvving the probblem. The expperience makes the
student ennriches a percepption, so it buiild imaginativee image (Van A Alphen, 2011)). In Figure 7 aabove subject write
“multipliedd by 2 and soo on”, this reppresentation iss a form of recreative matheematical imaggination of stu udent.
Subject is able to generaalize the solutiion by double size the lengtth of each sidee, and then it w will obtain the
e new
length for each side. Whhen the subjecct is able to geeneralize it is a form of recrreative mathem matical imagination
produced bby the students (Wibowo & As’ari, 2014).. Currie & Ravvenscroft (2002) says, recreaative imaginatiion is
the abilityy to construct ideas
i from diffferent perspecctives of an exxperience. Genneralization is obtained baseed on
previous student experrience in solvving the probblem. Generallization is buuilt by subjecct through various
perspectivves resulting inn a general form
m that fill the ssolution.
matical imagination
From the ddescription aboove, S3 is cappable to producce sensory, creeative and recrreative mathem
to solving the problem. TheT structure pprocess of sennsory, creative and recreativee mathematicall imagination of
o S3
can be illuustrated in the diagram
d below
55 Internationnal Education Stuudies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
Diagram 3.
3 S3’s process of sensory, creative and recrreative mathem
matical imaginnation
56 International Education Studies Vol. 10, No. 7; 2017
The description in above indicates that the stage of students mathematical imagination in solving mathematical
problem consist of, the first is one stage of mathematical imagination, the second is two stage of mathematical
imagination, and the third is three stage of mathematical imagination. S1 can show sensory mathematical
imagination, but has not been able to show creative and recreative mathematical imagination. It can be said S1
only through one stage of mathematical imagination. Students who can show creative mathematical imagination,
they would show sensory mathematical imagination first. S2 is able to show creative mathematical imagination
by issuing sensory mathematical imagination first, but S2 has not been able to appear recreative mathematical
imagination. S2 through two stages of mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problem, they are
sensory and creative mathematical imagination. Similarly, students who can show recreative mathematical
imagination, they should show sensory and creative mathematical imagination first. S3 can show recreative
mathematical imagination by issuing sensory and creative mathematical imagination first. S3 through three
stages of mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problem, they are sensory, creative and recreative
mathematical imagination.
4. Conclusion
From the description in above, it can be concluded that the stage of mathematical imagination which through the
students in solving mathematical problems proceeded with showing sensory mathematical imagination (first
stage), then creative mathematical imagination (second stage) and then recreative mathematical imagination
(third stage). S1 is only through one stage of mathematical imagination in solving mathematical problems, which
is sensory mathematical imagination stage. S2 can be through two stages of mathematical imagination in solving
mathematical problems, they are sensory mathematical imagination and creative mathematical imagination.
Students who can show creative mathematical imagination (second stage), they would show sensory
mathematical imagination first (first stage). While S3 can be through three stages of mathematical imagination in
solving mathematical problems, sensory mathematical imagination at first, then creative mathematical
imagination, and recreative mathematical imagination in the end. Students who can show recreative
mathematical imagination, they would show sensory and creative mathematical imagination first. But it does not
work on other way, students can show sensory mathematical imagination but they can not necessarily issue a
creative and recreative mathematical imagination. That`s also students who can appear sensory and creative
mathematical imagination, but they can not necessarily issue a recreative mathematical imagination.
We thank the many colleagues who have given advice on this paper. We appreciate to educational institution
Logaritma Junior High School, the teachers and students who helped in this study. We also thank a few people
who have read and make suggestions for this paper.
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