Sequence learning.
Introduction Pre-test to introduce the lesson linking to Year 11 Statistics.
Lesson 1 Pre-test to set the tone of the unit Explain Types of Data with an investigation activity on Data
(Formative Assessment). collection using The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Teacher to introduce the lesson with Students to work in pairs to differentiate between
Terminology of main words to facilitate Categorical and Numerical data. Peer tutoring (Nawaz and
the topic. Rehnam, 2017).
Displaying Numerical and Categorical Investigation activity to inform students about Aboriginal Refer to Appendix A.1
Data welfare.
Lesson 2 Research and Investigation Indigenous In cooperating real-life issues to represent accurate graphs
Health and Welfare. and tables.
Using appropriate technology to Peer Tutoring. Formative Assessment. Instant feedback
provide graphs to demonstrate from teacher.
statistical awareness of Aboriginal Student self-assessment with group work.
health. Quality Teaching Framework “Substantive Communication”
(Ladwig and Gore 2003).
Calculates measures of central Excel spreadsheet and research in groups of 4 to Excel spreadsheets
tendency and spread investigate the effects of flattening the curve for Corona
Compare the suitability of different Virus.
Lesson 3 methods of data presentation in real Comparing the central of tendency for worst effected
world maths countries in comparison to Australia’s outbreak.
Research task on Corona virus Students will learn about frequency tables, cumulative
(Measures of tendency, mean, mode, frequency graphs and analysing stem and leaf plots.
medium and range) Formative assessment Red/Green card. Students hold an
index card (red and green circle). Teacher to ask prompting
questions and students indicate to green when
understanding is confident. They point to red when they
need more clarification.
Quartiles, deciles and percentiles, Students to explore Desmos with graphs. This will lead to Desmos
Range and Interquartile Range finding quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Students will
Lesson 4 Using software to draw graphs and find branch to Range and Interquartile of graphs.
Range and Interquartile more ICT activity will engage and improve their understanding of
accurately. this lesson.
Extension activity
Students to research and compare different types of
growth charts used in Australia and those of the World
Health Organization (WHO).
Exit slip (Formative assessment).
Variance of standard deviation Utilizing the idea of The Flipped classroom for this activity. Flipped classroom/Jigsaw
Lesson 5 Recap activity of Preliminary topic You tube links to reinforce Variance and standard activity
Discrete probability distribution. deviation. (Pre knowledge)
Students to complete tasks by Students can work in pairs to complete this activity.
calculating variance and standard Jigsaw activity to demonstrate understanding from
deviation with and without a readings through the Flipped classroom idea.
calculator. Students can present their solutions to the class.
Shape and modality of data sets The shape of a statistical distribution using a jeopardy Jeopardy game
(ICT activity) activity. Reinforcing negatively and positively skewed
Lesson 6 Create a maths jeopardy activity to graphs. And modality of a statistical distribution. Quality
facilitate the lesson on Shape and Teaching Framework “Higher –order thinking” (Ladwig and
modality of data sets. Teacher to have Gore 2003).
a discussion on bimodal and Exit Slip (West Virginia Department of Education n.d.)
multimodal with the students.
Analysing data sets Students to research online for misleading graphs. Collect Investigation task
Investigation activity Misleading the data and students to share with the class. Students to
Lesson 7 graphs. write a recount on why each one is misleading and how you
Students to research online. Compare could change it to give a better reading of the information.
and contrast what makes a graph Students will complete an activity assigned by the teacher
misleading especially in a real-life on Analysing data sets.
situation. Teacher to enforce Exit Slip. Formative assessment.
ambiguous graphs.
Describe, compare and interpret data Students are to conduct a survey among their friends. They Investigation task
Students to conduct a survey. can choose their own topic, such as sports they play,
Lesson 8 Lead to discussions why surveys are of subjects they study or movies they enjoy to watch. To
importance when comparing data sets. check the validity of their results, they are to take another
Focus question “Why do you think sample and do the same survey.
surveys give different results” Questions to consider. Are the new results the same? Can
you explain why?
Student investigation will enhance their understanding on
validity of data in the real world.
Quality Teaching Framework “Substantive Communication”
(Ladwig and Gore 2003).
Review of Statistical Analysis Students will participate in a choose your own adventure Refer to Appendix B.1
Students to engage with an online game created by your teacher. This game can either be
Lesson 9 activity. This will involve all the done individually or in pairs. In this game students will have
concepts taught to date the opportunity to choose answers depending on the
scenario given. Throughout these scenarios certain
questions will appear where students will need to answer
in order to complete the mission, which is to find the cure
for the corona virus. However, consequences will apply if
students get certain answers wrong. This is a creative and
exciting way to engage students in the lesson.
Effective formative assessment to answer higher-order