Module 3 and Module 5 (Q.B) - 13-11-24

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E Association’s
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Academic Year 2024-2025(Odd)

Module 3: Syllabus covered questions:

1) Discuss the phase-1: Pre audit phase, phase 2: Audit phase, phase 3 :Post audit BTL2
phase activities in DETAILED ENERGY AUDIT brief.
2) Write a short note on phase 1: Pre audit phase activities BTL1
3) Write a short note on phase 2: Audit phase activities BTL1
4) Discuss the identification of energy conservation opportunities in industries. BTL2
5) Explain the terms i) Bench marking ii) Energy performance iii) Production BTL2
factor w.r.t energy audit.
6) List the energy auditing instruments, discuss each one in brief. BTL1
7) What do you meant by energy profile? Draw one typical energy profile of BTL1
8) Explain the format of energy audit report in brief. BTL2
Module 5: Demand Side Management- Syllabus covered questions:

1) What do you meant by Demand Side Management? List the benefits of DSM BTL1
2) Explain the scope of Demand Side Management (DSM). BTL2
3) Explain the evolution of Demand Side Management (DSM). BTL2
4) Define the following terms w.r.t power plant economics i) Total connected load BTL1
ii) Daily load curve iii) Average load iv) Load Factor v) Maximum Demand
5) Explain the load management as a DSM strategy. BTL2
6) Justify “ High load factor decides the low generation cost of electricity” BTL5
7) Discuss the following DSM based load control techniques i)Direct Load control BTL2
technique ii) Local control technique iii) Distributed control technique
8) Write a short note on “tariff options of DSM”. BTL1
9) Give the classification of DSM based tariffs and discuss each one in brief. BTL1
8) Write a short note on “Time of Day” (TOD) tariff. BTL1
9) Write a short note on Energy Conservation Opportunities in i) agriculture sector ii) BTL1
industrial sector.
11) What do you meant by “building audit” and list the benefits of building audit. BTL1
12) List the energy conservation opportunities in existing buildings and discuss BTL1
each one in brief.
13) List the energy conservation opportunities in new buildings and discuss each BTL1
one in brief.
14) Write a short note on “water audit”. BTL1
15) Explain the DSM planning and implementation with suitable flow chart. BTL2

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