The Factories Act, 1965 - 230918 - 112659
The Factories Act, 1965 - 230918 - 112659
The Factories Act, 1965 - 230918 - 112659
September 1, 1965
An Act' to repeal and, with certain amendments, re-enact the Factories Act 1934
(XXI'of 1934).
Whereas it is expedient to repeal and, with certain amendments, re-
enact the Factories Act, 1934 (Act XXV of 1934) for regulating working
conditions in factories and for matters connected therewith.
1. Short title, extent and commencement.-- (I) This Act may be
called the Factories Act, 1965.
(2) It extends to the whole of Bangladesh.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
(2) In respect of all factories which come within the scope Of this
Act for the first time, the occupier, shall send a written notice to the
Chief Inspector containing particulars specified in sub-section (1) within
thirty days from the date of the commencement of this Act.
(5) During any period for which no person has been designated does
not manages the factory, any person found acting as Manager or if no
such person is found, the occupier himself shall be deemed to be the
Manager of the factory for the purposes of this Act.
10. Power of Inspector.- (1) For carrying out the purposes of this
Act, an Inspector may, within the local limits for which he is appointed-'
(a) enter with such assistants, being . persons in . the service of
Bangladesh or of any municipal or other local authority, as he thinks
fit, inspect and examine any place which is, or which he has, reason
to believe to be, used as a factory or capable of being declared to be
A factory under the provisions of section 3;
(b) require the production of.the registers, certificates, notices and
documents kept in pursuance of this Act, and inspect, examine and
copy any of them;
(c) make such examination and enquiry as may be necessary to
ascertain whether the provisions of this Act and other laws for the
time being in force relating to health and hygiene, in respect to a
factory and any person employed in a factory are complied with.
(d) require' any person ' whom he finds in a factory to give such
information as it is in his knowledge relating to the actual occupier
of the factory;
(e) examine, in respect of matters pertaining to this Act, every
person whom he finds in a factory, or whom he has reasonable cause
to be or to have been within the preceding two months employed in
a factory:
Provided that no person shall be required to answer any question or
to give any evidence tending to incrimin3te himself; and
64 The Factories Act. 1965
(t) require every person so examined to sign the record to answer
any question or to give any evidence tending to incriminate himself
(2) The occupier of every factory, his agents and servants, shall
furnish the means required by an Inspector as necessary for, an entry,
inspection, examination, enquiry, the taking of samples, or otherwise
for the exercise of his powers under this Act, in relation to that
(e) the dates on which the process required by clause (d) are carried
out shall be entered in the prescribed register.
(2) If, in view of the nature of the operations carried on in a' factory
'it. is not possible for the occupier to comply with all or any of the
provisions of sub-section (1), the Government may,, by an order exempt
66 The Factories Act, .1965
such factory , or class or description of factories from any of tbc
provisions of that sub-section and, specify alternative methods .. for
keeping the factory in a clean state.. . .
15. Dust and fume.- (1) In every factory in which, by reason of the
manufacturing process carried on, there is given off any dust or fume or
other impurity of such a nature and to such an extent as is likely to be
injurious or offensive to the workers employed therein, effective
measures shall be taken to prevent its accumulation in any work-room
and its inhalation by workers, and if any exhaust appliance is necessary
for this purpose, it shall be applied, as near as possible to the point of
origin of the dust, fume or other impurity, and such point shall be
enclosed so far as possible.
22. Precautions in case of fire.- (1) Every factory shall be
provided with such means of escape in case of fire as may be prescribed.
(3) In every factory the doors affording exit from, any room, shall
not be locked or fastened so that they can be easily and immediately
opened from inside while any. person is within the room,' and all such
doors, unless they are of the sliding type, shall be 'constructed to open
outwards or where the door is between two rooms, in the direction of
the nearest exit from the building and no such door shall be locked or
obstructed while work is being carried on in the room.
The Factories Act, 1965 71
(4). In every factory every window, door, or other exit affording
means of escape in case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinary
use, shall be distinctively marked in a language understood by the
majority of the workers and in red letters of adequate size or by some
other effective and clearly understood sign.
(7)' In every factory wherein more than ten workers are ordinarily
employed in any place above the ground floor, or explosive or highly
inflammable materials are used or stored, effective measures, shall be
taken to ensure that all the workers are familiar with the means of escape
in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be
followed in such case. . -.
26. Striking gear and devices for cutting off power- (1) In every
factory- '.
(a) suitable striking gear or Other efficient mechanical appliances
shall e provided and maintained and used to move drivi.ig belts to
and from fast and loose pulleys which form part of the trnsmission
machinery, and such gear or appliances shall be so constructed, placed ..-
and maintained to prevent, the belt from cropping back on the first
pulleys; :' : •
• • (b). driving belts when'not in use shall not be allowed to rest or ride
upon shafting in motion. ,
74 . The Factories Act. .1965
(2) In every factory suitable devices for. cutting off power in
emergencies from running. machinery shall be provided and maintained
in every work-room. . . ..
Provided that the Chief Inspector may permit the continued use of
a machine installed before the commencement of this Act which does
not comply with the requirements of this section on such condition for
ensuring safety. as he may think fit to impose.
(b) no such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working load
which shall be plainly marked thereon; and
(c) while any person is employed, or working on or near the wheel-
tract of a traveling crane in anyplace where he would be liable to be
liable to be struck by the crane effective measures shall be taken to
ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty feet of that
(3) The Chief Inspector may permit the continued use of a hoist or
lift installed in a factory before the commencement of this Act which
does not fully comply with the provisions of sub-section (1) upon such
conditions for ensuring safety as he may think fit to.impose:
(2) The speeds indicated in notices tinder sub-section (1) shall not be
33. Pressure plant.- (1) If in any factory any part of the plant or
machinery used in manufacturing process is operated at a, pressure above
atmospheric pressure ,effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the
safe working pressure of such part is not exceeded.
(2) The Government may make rules providing for the examination
and testing of any plant or machinery such as is referred to in sub-section
(I) and prescribing such other safety measures in relation thereto as may,
in its opinion, be necessary in any factory or class or description of
78 The Factories Act, 1965
34. Floors, stairs and means of access.- In ever factory-
(a) all floors, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound
construction and properly maintained and where it is necessary to
ensure safety, steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be provided
with substantial handrails; and - - -
(b) there shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be provided and
- maintained safe means of access to every place at which any person
is, at any time, required to work. -- -
35. Pits, sumps, opening in floors, etc. (1) In every factory, every -
fixed vessel, sump, tank, pit or opening in the ground or in a floor which,
by reason of its depth, situation, construction or contents, is or may be a
source of danger, shall be either securely covered or securely fenced.
(2) If it appears to the Inspector that , the use of any building or part
of a building or of any part of the ways, machinery or plant in a factory
involves imminent danger 'to. human life or safety, he may serve on the
Manager of the factory an. order in writing prohibiting its use until it has
been property repaired or altered.
(2) Nothing except the prescribed contents shall be kept in the boxes
and cupboards referred to in sub-section (1) and all such boxes and
cupboards shall be kept in chargof a responsible person who is trained
The Factories Act, 1965 83
in first-aid treatment and who shall always be available during the
working hours of the factory.
45. Canteens. (1) The Government may make rules requiring that,
in any specified factory wherein more than two hundred an4 fifty
workers are ordinarily employed, an adequate canteen shall be provided
for the use of workers.
46. Shelters, etc.- (1) In every factory wherein more than one
hundred workers are ordinarily employed, adequate and suitable shelters
or rest rooms, and a suitable lunch room with provision for drinking
water where workers can eat meals brought by them, shall be provided
and maintained for the use of the workers:
84 The Factories Act, 1965 -
Provided that any canteen maintained in accordance with the
provisions of section 45 shall be regarded as part of the requirements of
this sub-section:
Provided further that where lunch room exists, no workers shall eat
any food in the work room.
(2) The shelters, rest rooms or lunch rooms provided under sub-
section (1) shall be sufficiently lighted and ventilated and shall be
maintained ma cool and clean condition.
(3) The Government may--
(a) prescribe the standards in respect of construction,
accommodation, furniture and other equipment of shelters, rest
rooms and lunch rooms to be provided under thsi section;
(b) prescribe the type of shelter for persons, the nature of whose
work require them to be exposed to the sun and the elements
during the greater part of their work;
(c) by notification in the official Gazette exempt any . factory or class
or description of factories from the requirements of this section.
47. Rooms for children.- (1) in every factory, wherein more than
fifty women workers are ordinarily employed, there shall be provided and
maintained a suitable room or rooms for the use of children under the
age of six years of such women:
• Provided that the total hours of work of an adult worker shall not
exceed sixty hours in any week and on the average fifty-six hours per
week in any year.
(2) Where any worker in a ' factory are paid on a piece rate basis the
Government, in consultation with the employer concerned and the
representatives of the workers, may, for the purposes of this section fix
time rates as nearly as possible equivalent to the average rates of earnings
of those workers, and the rates so fixed shall be deemed, to be the
ordinary rates of wages of those workers.
(4) Where all the adult workers in a factory are notrequired to work
during the same periods, the manager of the factory shall classify them
into groups: according to the nature of their work, and indicate the
number of workers in each group.
(7) Where any group is to work on a system of shifts and the relays
are or are intended to be subject to predetermined periodical changes of
shifts, the manager of the factory shall draw up a scheme of shifts, where
under the periods during which any relay of the group may be required to
work on the relay which will be working at any time of the day shall be
know for any day.
(10) The Government, may make rules prescribing the form and the
manner in which it shall be maintained.
(2) The Government may make rules prescribing the from of the
register of adult workers, the manager in which it shall be maintained and
the period for which it shall be preserved.
(2) The 2 Government may make rules to exempt to such extent and
subject to such conditions as may be specified, the adult workers-
(a) engaged on urgent repairs, from the operation of provisions of
sections 50,51, 53., 54 and 55; .
(b) engaged in work of a preparatory or complimentary nature which
must necessarily be carried on outside the limits laid down for the
general working of the factory, from , the operation of the provisions
of section 50, 53, 54 and 55;'
(c) engaged in work which is necessarily so intermittent that the
intervals .during which they do not work while on duty ordinarily
92 The Factories Act, 1965
amount to more than the intervals for rest required under section 54,
from operation of provisions of sections 50, 53, 54, and 55;
(d) engaged in any work which for technica' reasons must be carried
on continuously throughout the day, from the operation of the
provisions of sections 50, 51, 54 and 55;
(è engaged in making or supplying articles of prime necessity which
must be made or supplied everyday from the operation of the
-provisions of section 51;
• (f) engaged in manufacturing process which cannot be carried on
• except during fixed seasons from the operation of the provision of
section 51;
(g) engaged in manufacturing process which cannot be carried on
except at times dependent on the irregular action of natural forces,
from the operation of the provisions of section 51 and 54;
(h) engaged in engine, rooms or boiler house or in attending to
power plant or transmission machinery from the operation of the
provisions of section 51; and
(i) engaged in the printing of newspapers, are held up on account of
• the breakdown of machinery from the operation of the provisions of
section 50, 53 and 55.
(3) Rules made under sub-section (2) providing for any exemption
may also provided for any consequential exemption subject to such
conditions, as may be imposed from the operations of the provisions of
Section 60.
(4) In making rules under this section, the . Government 'shall not
exceed except, in respect of clause (a) . of sub-section (2), the following.
limits of work inclusive of overtime-
(i) ten hours of work in any day;
(ii) twelve hours of overtime work in any week;
(ii) twelve hors of spread over, inclusive of intervals for rest or
meal in any one day:
(4) An order under sub-section (2) shall remain in force for such
periods not exceeding tow months from the date on which notice
thereof is given to the manager of the factory:
(2) The Government may. make rules providing for the exemption
from the above restrictions, to such extent and subject to such
conditions as may be specified therein, of women working in fish-curing
or fish canning factories where the employment of women beyond the
said hours in necessary to prevent damage to, or deterioration in, any raw
(3) Rules made- under sub-section (2) shall remain in force for such
period, not exceeding three years, as may be specified therein.
(7) Any fee payable for a certificate under this Section shall be paid
by the occupier and shall not be , recoverable from the young person or
his parents or guardian.
(3) A child shall be employed in only one of the relays which shall
not, except which the previous . permission in writing of the Chief
Inspector, be changed more frequently than once in a period of thirty
days. .
(2) The periods shown in the notice under sub-section (1) shall be
fixed beforehand in the manner laid down for adult workers in section 60
and shall be such that children working on those periods would not be
working in contravention Of section 70.
(4) The Government may rules prescribing the form of the notice
under sub-section (1) and the manner in which it shall be maintained.
(2) The Government may make rules prescribing the form of the
register of child workers, the manner in which it shall be maintained and
the period for which it shall be preserved.
78. Annual leave with wages.- (1) Every worker who . has
completed one year of continuous service in a factory, shall be allowed
during the subsequent period of twelve months' leave with wages for a
• number of days calculated at the rate of
(i) if an adult, one for every twenty-two days of work performed by
him during the previous period of twelve months;
(ii) if a child, one day for every fifteen days of work performed by
him during the previous period of twelve months.
(2) If a worker does not, in any such . period of twelve months, take
the leave to which he is entitled under sub-section (1), either in whole or
in part, any such leave not taken by him shall be added to the leave to be
allowed, to him under that sub-section in the succeeding period of twelve
Provided further that any leave applied for by a worker but refused
by the occupier or manager or \ 5 authorised officer for any reason shall
be added to the credit of such worker beyond the aforesaid limit.
(3) For the purpose of this section a worker shall be deemed to have
completed a period of continuous service in an establishment
notwithstanding any interruption in service during that period due to-
100 The Factories Act, 1965
(a) any holiday;
(b) any leave with wages;
(c) any leave with or without wages due to sickness or accident;
(d) any maternity leave not exceeding twelve weeks;
(e) any period of law-off arising due to failure, refusal or inability of
an employer on account of shortage of cola, power or raw material
or the accumulation of stock or the break-down of machinery or for
any other reason, to give employment to a worker whose name is
borne in the muster rolls of his factory; worker whose name is borne
in the muster rolls ofhis factory; .
( a strike which is not illegal or a lock-out which is not legal.
80. Casual leave and sick leave.- (1) Every worker shall be entitled
to casual leave with full wages for ten days in a year: .
(2) Every worker shall be entitled to fourteen days' sick leave on half
average wages in a year:
Provided that sick leave or casual leave admissible under this section
shall not be accumulated and carried forward to the succeeding year.
84. Power to make rules- (1) The Government may make rules to
cariy into effect the provisions of this Chapter.
(3) The Government may add to or subtract from the Schedule any
disease by notification it'i the official Gazette.
(2) The person appointed to hold an enquiry under this section shall
have all the powers of -a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure,
.1908, for the purposes of enforcing the attendance . of 'witnesses and
compelling the production of documents and material objects, and may
also, so far as may be 'necessary for the purpose of the enquiry, exercise
any of the pwersof , an Inspector under this Act; and every person
required by the person making the enquiry to furnish any information
shall be deemed ' to be legally bound so to do within the meaning of
section 176 of the Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860)..
104 The Factories Act; 1965
(3) The person holding an enquiry under this section shall make a
report to the
Government stating the cause of the accident or as the case may be,
disease, and any attendant circumstances, and adding thereto any
observations which he, or any of the assessors, may think fit to make.
(5) The Government may make, rules for regulating the procedure of
enquires under this section.
(2) Where the Inspector takes sample under , sub-section (1), he shall,
in the presence of the person informed under the sub-section unless such
person willfully absents himself, divide the sample into three portions
and effectively seal and suitably mark them shall permit such person to
add his own seal and mark thereon.
(2) The Chief' Inspector shall have, subject to the control of the
Government, power to isue orders to the owner of the premises in
respect of the carrying out of the provisions of sub-section (1).
(i) latrines, urinals and washing facilities in 'so far as the maintenance
of the common supply of water for these purposes is concerned;
(ii) fencing of machinery and p1nt belonging to the"ôwner and not
specifically entrusted to the custody or use of an occupier;
(iii) safe means of access to the floors or flats and maintenance and
cleanliness of staircases and common passages;
(iv) precaution in case of fire
(v) maintenance of hoists and lifts; and
(vi)maintenance of any other common facilities .provided in the
premises. .
(6) The Chief, Inspector: shall have, subject to the control of the
Government, the 'powers to ' issue orders to the owner of the premises
referred to in sub-section (5) in respect of the carrying out of the
provisions of section 45 or 47.
(8) The Chief Inspector, shall have, subjèct . to the control of the
Government, power to issue orders to the owner of the premised in
rcspet of carrying out the provisions of sub-section (7)
(9) In respect of subsections (5) and (7), while computing for the
purposes of any of the provisions of this Act the total number of
workers employed, .the whole of the premises shall be deemed to be a
single factory.
Provided that where any such firm, body or company gives
to the Inspector nominating one of its partners, members, directors or in
the case of a private company, shareholders who is a resident of
Bangladesh to be the occupier of the factory for the purposes of this
Chapter, such partner, member, director, or shareholder,. as the case may
be, shall so long as he is so resident, be deemed to be such occupier until
further notice cancelling his nomination is recerived by the Inspector or
until he ceases to be a .partner, member, director or shareholder.
(2) If, after the commission Of the offence has been proved, the
occupier or manager of the factory, as the case may be, proves to the
satisfaction of the Court that he has used due diligence to prevent to the
commission of the offence and that the said other person committed the
offence in question without his knowledge, ' consent or connivance, that
other person shall be punished for the offence as f he were the occupier
Or manager and the 'occupier or, manager shall be discharged from any
liability for the offence. . .• . . .
(3) If the order of the Court under sub-section (1) is not full
complied with during the aforesaid period, the, occupier or manager, as
the case, may be, shall, on the expiry of such period, be dee'nied to have
committed further offence, punishable with imprisonment for a .term
The Factories Act, 1965
. 111
which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to Taka
one hundred for every day after the expiry of the said period during
which the order has not been complied with, or with both.
(3) Subject to such rules as the Government may make in this behalf
and subject to such conditions as to partial compliance or the adoption
of temporary measures as the Appellate Authority may, in any case :think
it fit to impose, the Appellate Authority may, if it.thinks fit, suspend the
order appealed against pending the decision of the appeal.
(4) The Government may make rules for the purpose of this section
and such rules. may specify the classes of appeals which shall not be
heard with the aid of assessors.
114. Publication of rules.- (1) All rules madt this Act shall be
subject to the condition of previous publication of the draft thereof with
a notice specifying a date, not late than three months from the date of
114 The Factories Act, 1965
such publication on or after which the' draft will be taken into
(2) All such rules shall be published in the official Gazette and shall
come into force on the date of such publication.
(3) Rules made under this Act may provide that a contravention
thereof shall be punishable with , fine not exceeding Taka two hundred
and fifty.
(See Sections 90 and 91)
List of notifiable diseases
1. Lead poisoning, including poisoning by any preparation or
compound of lead or their sequelaé..
2. Lead tercthyl poisoning. .
3. Phosphorus poisoning or its sequélae.
4. Mercury poisoning or its sequelae.
5., Manganese poisoning or, its sequelae.
6. Arsenic poisoning or its sequelae.
7. Poisoning by Nitrous fumes.
• • 8. Carbon bi-sulphide poisoning. •
9. Bennzene poisoning including poisoning by any of its
• homologues, their nitro or amido derivatives or its sequeale.
io. Chrome ulceration or its sequalae
11. Anthrax. •
• 12. Silicosis. • • .
13. Poisoning by Halogens or Halogen derivatives of the
Hydrocarbons of the aliphatic series. •.
14. Pathological manifestations due to- •
(a) Radium or other radio-active substances.
(b) X-rays. • •
• 15. Primary ecluithalimatous cancer of the skin. ••
16. Toxic anaemia. •
The Fact ones Rules. 1979
3. Application for construction and extension of factory 119
4. Application for registration and licence ......... ...................... 120
5. Granting of licence .............................. .....................................i21
6. Amendment in Licence .......................121
7. Default in payment of renewal fee,................. ......................122
8. Loss' of licence ................................. ......................................... 122
9. Payment of fees.....................................................................122
10. Duties of Certifying Surgeons .............................................. 122
11.Lime-washing and p inting ................................................... 123
12.Record of cleanliness ............................................................ 124
13 Disposal of wastes and effluents ........................................ .124
14. Construction and maintenance of drains ........................... 124
• 15. Artificial humidification in cotton mills ................ .............. 124
16. Hygrometer........................................................................... • 125
• 17. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometer.................126
18. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer ..........126
116 The Factories Rules, 1979
19. Specifications of hygrometer....................................... 126
20. Maintenatice of thermometer ....................................... ..... 126
21. Affixing of hygrometers ......................................................127
22. Recording of reading on hygrometer................................ ...127
23. Introduction of steam of steam for humidification ......... .127
.24. Lighting of interior parts ............................... ......................... 128
25. Provisions for drinking water ..............................................1.28
.26. Cooling of water ................................................................. 129
27. Latrine accommodation ..................................................... 129
28. Design, situation, etc. of latrines ......................................128
29 Septic tank latrine ................................... ............................. 130
30. Reference to municipal and local authorities ........... ......... 131
31. Urinal accommodation ......................................................131
32. Urinals to conform to public health requirement ........... ..132
33. Whitewahing, colour-washing of latrines and urinals 132
34. Number and location spittoons........... .......................................... 132
.35.Type of spittoons shall be of either of the following types.
.36. Cleaning of spittoons............................................. ............... 132
37. Safety Precautions ............................... . ..................................... .133
38. Building and structures.........................................................133
39. Electrical and mechanical transport .............................. ....... 133
40. Machinery and plant ............... ....................................... ........133:
41. Precautions against electrical hazards .......... ...................... .133
42. Methods of work .................................................................. 1.34
43. Stocking and storing of materials etc............. .................................
.44. Work on or near machinery in motion ............................... 134
45. Employment of youlg persons on dangerous machinery 134
46. Lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackles ........... 135
47. Pressure plant .................... . 137
48. Excessive weights ..................140
49. Protection of eyes ............................141
50 Minimum dimension of manholes ...................................... 141
51. Means of escape in case of fire .........................................141
52 Fire fighting apparatus and water supply .......................... 142
53. Prohibition of smoking and naked lights .......................... 144
The Factories Rules. 1979 11.7
54. Washing facilities................................................................ 144
55. First-aid appliances............................................................... 146
56. Ambulance room................................................................. 147
57. Canteen................................................................................. 149
58. Dining hail............................................................................. 150
59. Equipment.......................................................................... 151
60. Prices to be charged........................................................... 151
61. Accounts........................................................................... 151
62. Managing Committee....................................................... 151
63. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms............................. 152
64. Creches........................................................................... 152
65. Wash-room.................................................................... 153
66. Supply of milk and refreshment.................................... 153
67. Clothes for creche staff.................................................
68. Compensatory holidays ........................ ... .............................. 153
69. Cash equivalent ....... ...................... ............................ .............. 154
70. Manner of calculating of ordiiary rate of wages, overtime slips
andmaster-roll .............................................................................154
71. Employment in two factories on the same day .................. 155
72. Notice of periods ofork for adults ................................... 155
73. Register of adult workers....................................................' 155
74. Notice of periods of work for children............................ 156
75. Register of children worker ...... .156
76. Exclusion of under-age children . .........................................156
77. Register of leave with wages................................................156
78. Leave Book...........................................................................157
79. Medical certificate...............................................................157
80. Notice of Inspector of lay-off or closure ................ ......... 157
118 The Factories Rules, 1979
81. Notice of leave with wages ................................................ . 158
82. Payment of wages if the worker dies.................................158
83. Dangerous operation ....................................................... .... 158
84. Reporting of accidents....................................................... 159
85. Minor accidents.................................................................... 159
86. Supplementary report.......................................................... 160
87. Site of fatal accideit............................................................. 160
88. Explosions, fire and accidents to plant............................. 160
89. Notice of occupational and poisoning disease................. 160
.90. Procedure in appeals .................................... ....................... 161
91. Display of extract of the Act and the rules....................162
92. Returns ..................................... ...................................... .....162
93. Number of welfare officers ................. . ............................... 162.
94. Duties of welfare officers .................................................... 163
95. Supply of information ..... ...................................................... 164
96. Creche Return .................................... ...................................... .164
97. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms ................................. .164
.98. Service of notice.......................................... ........
... .................164
99. Information required by the Inspector...............................164
100. Filing and preservation of Inspector's reports, letters, etc.
The Factories Rules, 1979 119
No. S.R.O. No 101-L/78/LSWVI/11 (4)1 78.-In exenise of the
powers conferred 4'y section 112 of the Factories Act, .1965 (Act IL' of 1965), and in
suppression , of the Factories Rules, 1953, the Government is pleased to make the
following rules, the same having been previously published as required by sub-section
(1) of section 114 of the saidAc4 namely. - .
\ . . . .
1. Short title.- These rules. may be called the Factories Rules, 1979
3. Application for construction and extension of factory: (1)
There shall not be any construction or extension of any factory unless
120 The Factories Rules, 1979
previous permission 'in writing is obtained from the Chief Inspector for
such construction or extension... .
Scale Offee payable for licence and
annual renewal oflicence by factories:
10. Duties of Certifying Surgeons.- (1) A Certifying Surgeon shall
fix such place and time as he thinks fit for the attendance of persons
wishing to obtain certificate of fitness. Notice of places and times so
fixed. shall be given to the Manager of the factory concerned..
(2) The Certifying Surgeon shall grant certificate of fitness in Form
No. 4. . .
(3) While preparing, a certificate of fitness which shall be deemed to
be a certificate of fitness under section 68 of the Act, the required
particulars shall be filled in on the certificate and the counterfoil, and' on
The 'Factories Rules, 1979 123
both shall be impressed the left thumb mark of the person to whom the
certificate is being granted. '.
(4) The Certifying Surgeon shall submit such report to the Chief
Inspector as the Chief Inspector may call for from time to time in
respect of any factory or class or description of factory determined by
(5) The Certifying Surgeon shall visit the factories to examine
persons engaged in dangerous occupations or processes at such intervals
as the Chief Inspector may specify in this behalf.
(6) The, Certifying Surgeon shall record the result of the
examination in each visit in a register, known as the Health Register, in
Form No. 5 maintained with the Manager.
(9) The Manager of the factory shall provide, for the purpose of any
medical examination which the Certifying Surgeon wishes to con ductat
the factory, a room which shall be properly cleaned and adequately
ventilated and lighted and furnished with a screen, table and chairs.
• .11. Lime-washing and painting- . In every factory, all inside walls.
and partitions, all ceilings or tops of rooms and all wall, sides and 'tops of
124 The .Factories Rules, 1979
• passages and staircases if painted or varnished and have smooth,
impervious surfaces, shall be washed with water once in everyfourten
months and, if necessary, by soap and brush.
Provided that clause (b) shall not apply when., the • difference
between the wet bulb temperature as indicated by the"hygrometer in
the department concerned and the wet bulb temperature taken with
a hygrometer outside in the shed is less than 3.5 degrees.
• . The Factories Rules, 1979 125 =
1•2, 3 .4.. 5 .6
.60.0 58.0 77.0 75.0 94.0 86.0
61.0. 59.0 78.0 76.0 95.0 . . 87.0
62.0. 60.0 79.0 77.0 96.0 87.0
63.0 61.0 80.0 . 78.0 9.7.0 88.0
64.0 62.0 81.0 79.0 98.0 .88.5
65.0 63.0 82.0 80.0 99.0 89.0
66.0 64.0 8.0 80.5 100.0 . 89.5
670 65.0 84.0 81.0 101.0 90.0
68.0 66.0 85.0 . 82.0 102.0 90.0.
69.0 .67.0 86.0 82.5 103.0 90.5
70.0 68.0 87.0 83.0 104.0. 90.5
71.0 .69.0 88.0 • 83.5 105.0 . 91.0
72.0 70.0 89.0 •• 84.0 106.0 91.0
73.0 '. 71.0 90.0 84.5 107.0 91.5..
74.0 72.0 91.0 . 85.0 .108.0 91.5
75.0 73.0. 92.0 85.0 109.0 92.0
76.0 .. 74.0 93.0 •• 86.0 110.0 92.0
25. Provisions for drinking water.- (1) In every factory . there shall
be provided and maintained at suitable points conveniently accessible to
all workers a supply of water fit'for drinking. The quantity supplied daily
shall be at least as many gallons as there are workers.
(2) The drinking water required to be supplied under sub-rule (1)
shall be contained in suitable vessels and shall be renewed at least daily.
All practicable steps shall be taken to preserve the water and vessels from
(3) Any open well or reservoir from which the drinking water is
derived shall be so situated and protected as not be liable to pollution by
any organic mater of other impurities.
(4) The are around any place where drinking water is supplied to the
workers shall be maintained iii a clean and drained condition..
(5) The Inspector may, by order in writing, require the Manager of
the factory to obtain a report from the Directorate of Health Services as
to whether the drinking water supplied to the workers is fit for drinking
or otherwise.
The Factories Rules-]979 129.
26. Cooling of water.- In every factory wherein, more than two
hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily employed, the drinking water
supplied to the workers' canteen, lunch room and rest room shall, from
the 1st of April to the 30th September,.in every year, be cooled by ice or
other effective method: .
provided that if ice is placed in the drinking water, the ice shall be
clean and wholesome;
Provided further that in the case of factories where provisions for
water-coolers have been made, the Chief Inspector may, by order in
writing, relax the provision of this rule.
(2) The number of workers in a factory for whom septic tank latrine
accommodation shall be deemed to be adequate shall be the maximum
number of daily users as approved by the Directorate of Health Services
under clause (a) of rule 29, or the number Of workers provided for on the
scale specified in sub-rule (1), whichever is less; and where the number so
calculated is less than the total number of workers employed, the
accommodation provided by way of septic tank latrines. shall not be
deemed to be sufficient within the meaning of section 20.
37 Safety precautions.-- Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-
section (1) of section 23, in regard to the fencing of machines, the further
precautions as may be directed by the Chief Inspector in writing shall
apply to the machines specified in such direction.
(5) All chains and lifting tackles, except a rope sling, shall Unless they
have been subjected to such other heat treatment as may be approved by
the Chief Inspector, be effectively annealed under the supervision of a
competent person at the followitig intervals:-
(i) all chains, slings, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels used in
connection with molten metal or molten slag or when they are made
of half inch bar or smaller, once at least every six months;
(ii) all other chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels in general use
Once at least in every twelve months:
Provided that chains and lifting tackle not in frequent use • shall,
subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector, be annealed only when
necessary particulars of such annealing shall be entered in the register
mentioned under sub-rule (4).
Provided that in respect of pressure vessels with thin walls, such as,
sizing cylinders made of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, periodic
hydraulic test may be dispensed with on the condition that the
requirements laid down in sub-rule (2) are fulfilled.
fire, so positioned that each person will have a reasonably free and
unobstructed passage from his work place to an
(2) No such exit shall be less than 32'-0" in width and less than 6'-6"
in height.
(3) In the case, of a factory building or pat of a factory building of
more than one story and in which not, less than 20 persons work at any
one time, there shall be provided at lest with one substaitiáI stairway'
permanently contracted either insider or outside the building and which
affords direct and unimpeded access to ground level.
(4) In the . case of factory building or part of a factory building in
which 20 or more persons work at any one time above the level of the
ground floor or wherein' explosive or highly inflammable material are
used or stored,, or which is situated below' ground level, ' the means of'
escape shall include at least two separate and substantial stairways
permanently constructed either inside or outside the building and which
..afford direct and unimpeded access to ground level. . .
(5) Every stairway in a 'factory which affords means of escape in case.
of fire shall be provided with a substantial handrail which, if the stairway
has open side shall be on that side, and if the stairway has two open
Sides, such handrail shall,be provided on both sides.
(6) In the case of a building constructed or converted for use as 'a
factory, after coming into force of these rules, 'the following additional
requirements shall apply:
(a) at least one of the 'stairways shall be of fire resisting materials;
(b) every hoistway or lift-way inside a factory building ,shall be
completely enclosed with fire-resisting materials and all means of
access to the hoist or lift shall be fitted with doors of fire-resisting
(c) no fire escape stair shall be constructed at an angle 'greater than'
45" from the horizontal;
(d), no ,part of a 'factory building shall be a at a , distance (along the
line of travel) of 150 more from any fire escape stair; and
'(e) no stairway shall be less than 45" in width..
(2) In factories having more than 1,000 sq. ft. floor area and where
fire may occur due to combustible materials other than inflammable
liquids, electrical equipment and ignitable metals, soda acid or equivalent
type of portable extinguishers at the rate of one for every 5,000 sq.if of
area spaced at not more than '100 ft. apart subject to a minimum of one
extinguisher shall be provided in addition to fire buckets required under
sub-rule (1). . . .
(3) In factories where fire may occur due to inflammable liquids or
groase or paint, the extinguishers to be provided at the scale laid down in
sub-rule (2) shall consist of foam, carbon tetrachloride, dry powder,
carbon dioxide, carbonate tetrachloride or equivalent type. . .
(4) In factories where fire may occur due to electrical equipment, the
cxtinguishers to be provided at the scale laid down in sub-rule (2) shall
consist of carbon dioxide, dry powder, carbon tetrachloride or equivalent
(5) In factories where fire may occur due to magnesium, aluminum
or zinc dust. or shavings or other ignitable metals, the use of liquids,
carbon dioxide or foam type extinguishers shall be prohibited and an.
ample supply of clean, fine dry sand, stone dust or other inert material
shall be kept ready for extinguishing such fires.
(6) Every type of portable fire extinguisher shall be kept mounted in
a position approved by the Inspector;
• Provided that where the Chief Inspector is of opinion that owing to
the adequate automatic fire fighting installations approved by any
recoginised fire association of fire insurance company provided in the
factory building or room, the provisions of this sub-rule may be relaxed,
he may issue a certificate in writing specifying the extent to which the
above requirements are relaxed in respect of that building or room.
144 The Factories Rules,:] 979
(7) Every portable fire extinguisher to be provided under sub-rule (2)
(a) conform to the appropriate standard specification;
(b) be kept charged .ready for use, properly mounted in a position
approved by the Inspector and accompained by maker's pointed
instructions for its use; and
(c) be examined, tested or discharged periodically in accordance's
with the maker's recommendation.
(8) Every factory shall keep. and maintain sufficient number of spare.
charges for each type of extinguisher provided in the factory with a•
maximum of 12 spare charges always in stock and readily available.
(9) Every worker of the factory should, as .far as possible, be trained
in the use of portable the..proper extinguishers subject to a'minimum of
at least one fourth of the numbers engaged spearately in each section of
the factory.
(10) Each factory shall have a trained officer who shall be
responsible for the proper maintenance and upkeep of all fire fighting
(11) The Manager of the factory shall prepare a detailed 'Fire Safety
Plan' for proper enforcement of fire safety rules and for actions to be
taken, in proper sequence, in the case of a fire in the factory.
54. Washing facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and properly
maintained in every factory for the use of the workers adequate and
suitable facilities for washing which shall include soap and nail, brushes or
other suitable means of cleaning and the facilities shall be conveniently
accessible and shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition.
The Factories Rules, 1979 145
• (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions
the washing facilities shall include-
(a) trough with tap or jets at intervals of not less than 2'0° or
(b) wash-basins with taps attached thereto, or
•c taps on stand-pipes, or
(d) showers .controlled by taps, or
(e) circular troughs of the fountain type:
Provided that the Inspector may, having regard to the need and
habits of the workers, fix the proportions in which the aforementioned
types of facilities shall be installed.
• (3) Every trough and basin shall have a smooth, impervious surface s
and shall be fitted with a waste-pipe and plug.
(4)The floor or ground under and in the immediate vicinity of every
trough, tap, wash-basin, stand pipe and shower shall be so laid or
furnished as to provide a smooth impervious surface and shall be
adequately drained.
(5) For persons whose work involves contract with -any injurious or
noxious substance, there shall be at least one tap for every 15 persons
and for persons whose work not involve contact the number of taps
shall be as following
(b) for factories, in which mechanical power is used and in which the,
number of persons employed exceeds ten but does not exceed fifty, each
first-aid box or cup-board shall contain the following equipments:-
(i) 12 small sterilized dressings,
(ii)6medium size sterilized dressings,
(iii)6 large size sterilized dresstngs
(iv) 6 large size sterilized burn dressings,
(v) 6 (1/2 oz.) packets of sterilized cotton wool. -
(vi) 12 (2 oz.) bottle containing a 2 per cent. Alcoholic solution
of iodine. .. .
(vii) 1 (2 oz.) bottle containing rectified spirit, .
(viii)I roll of adhesive plaster, -
(ix) tourniquet, . . . .
(x) I pair of scissors,
(xi) I copy of first-aid leaflet, and
The Factories Rules. 1979 .. 147
(xii) analgesic tablets, ointment for burns and suitable surgical
antiseptic solution;
(c) for factories employing more than fifty persons, each first-aid
box or cup-board shall contain the following requirements:-
(i) 24 small sterilized dressings,
(ii) 12 medium size sterilized dressings,
(iii) 12 large size sterilized dressings,
(iv) 12 large size sterilized burn dressings,
(v) 12 large size sterilized burn dressing,
(vi) 12 (1/20z.) packets of sterilized cotton wool,
(vi). tourniquet,
(vii) 1 I (4 oz.) bottle containing a 2 per cent, alcoholic solution
of iodine,
(viii)one pair of scissors,
(ix) 1 (4 zo.) bottle of rectified spirit,
(x) I copy of first-aid leaflet,
(xi) 12 (4" wide) roller bandages,
(xii) 12 (2" wide) rollerbandages,
(xiii)2 rolls of adhesive plaster,
(xiv)6 triangular bandages,
(xv) 2 packets of safety pins,
(xvi) a supply of suitable splints, and
(—ii) analgesic tablets, ointment for burins and suitable surgical
antiseptic solution:
58. Dining hall.- (1) The dining hall shall accommodate at least 30
percent.. of the workers working at a time:
Provided that, in any particular factory or in any particular class .of
factories, the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing in this Behalf,
alter percentage of workers to be accommodated.
(2) The floor area of the clinging hall, excluding the area occupied by
the service counter and any furniture except tables and chairs, shall be
not less, than 10 sq. ft. per worker to be accommodated as specified in
sub-rule (1). .
(3) . A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be
partitioned off and reserved for women workers in proportion to their
The Factories Rules, 1979 .. . 151
number. Washing places for women shall, be separate, and screened to
secure privacy.
(4) Sufficient tables with impervious tops, chairs or benches shall be
aailable for. the number of workers to be accommodated as specified in
sub-rule (1).
60. Prices to be charged.-- (1) Food, drink and other items served'
in the canteen shall be sold on a non-profit basis and the prices charged
shall be subject to the approvial of the Canteen Managing Committee.
(2) The Charges of foodstuff, beverages and any other item served in
the canteen shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen.
6.1.. Accounts.- (1) All .books of accounts, registers and any other
documents used in connection with the running of the canteen shall be
produced on demand to an Inspector.
(2) The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited, once in
every 12 months, by registered accountants and auditors. The balance
sheet prepared by the said auditors shall be submitted to the Canteen
Managing Committee not later than 2 months after the closing of the
audited accounts:
Provided that the accounts pertaining to the ' canteen in a
Government factory having its own Accounts Department, may be
audited by such Department. .. .
63. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms.- The shelters or rest
rooms and lunch rooms shall conform to such standard and size as the
Chief Inspector may direct and the Manager of the factory shall submit
for approval of the Chief Inspector plan and site plan, in duplicate, of
the building to be constructed or adapted.
66. Supply of milk and refreshment At least 2-1/2 lb. (one powa)
of pure milk shall be made available for each child on every day for the
children while in crèche. There shall be provided in addition an adequate
supply of wholesome refreshment.
68. Compensatory holidays.- (.1) Except in the case of workers
engaged in any work which, for technical reasons, must be allowed
under-sub-section (1) of Section 52, holidays shall be so spaced that not
more than two holidays are given in one week.
154 The Factories Rules, 1979
• (2) The Manager of the factory shall display, on or before the month
in which holidays are lost, a notice in respect of workers allowed
compensatory holidays during the month in which they are due or the
two subsequent months and of the days thereof, at the place at which
the notice of periods of work specified under section 60 is displayed, Any
subsequent change in the notice in respect of any compensatory holiday
shall be made not less than 5 days in advance of the date of that holiday.
(3) No worker shall be discharged or dismissed before he has been
given compensatory holiday to which he may be entitled and no such
holiday or holiday shall be reckoned as part of any period of notice
required to be given before discharge or dismissal.
(4) The Manger of the factory shall maintain a Register in Form No;
11. The register shall be preserved for a period of three years after the
last entry in its and shall be produced before the Inspector on demand.
77. Register of leave with wages.- (1) The Manger of every factory
shall keep an up-to-date register in Form No. 16 showing the particulars
of leave with wages:
Provided that if the Chief Inspector is of the opinion that any
muster-roll or register maintained as part of the routine of the factory, or
return made by the Manager, gives in respect or any or all of the workers
in the factory the particulars required for the enforcement of Chapter
VII of the Act, he may, by order in writing direct that such muster-roll or
The Factories Rules, .1979 157
register or return shall, to the corresponding extent, be maintained in
place of and be treated as the register or return required under this rule in
respect of that factory.
(2) The register of leave with wages shall be preserved for a period
of 3 years . after the last entry in it and shall be produced before the
Inspector on demand. .
78. Lave BoOk-. (1) The Manager shall provide each worker with a
book to be called Leave, Book in Form No. 17. The Leave Book shall be
the property of the worker and the Manger of the factory or his agent
shall not demand it except to make relevant entries therein whenever'
necessary and shall not for more than a week at a time. All entries
in the Leave Book shall be made in ink, shall be legible and shall be
maintained up'-to-date. .
(2) If a worker loses his Leave book the Manager of the factory shall,
provided him with another copy on payment of 25 poisha and sahil
complete in from his record. . . .
91. Display of extract of the Act and the rules.- The Manager or
occupier of a factory shall display such extracts of the Act and the rules
as the Chief inspector may direct in a conspicuous place orthe factory.
FORM NO1 . .
(see rule 3) .
1. Applicant's name..................................................................................
2. . Applicant's address............................................................................
3. Full name and postal address of the Factory ..............................
4. Situation of the Factory: .. .
District ........................... .Town or Village ........... ....... ...... Police-station
.........................................Nearest Railway . station, Steamer or launch
ghat.... ................................Bus stoppage...............................................
5. Particulars of plant to be install.........................................................
(a) . Carried on in the factory during the preceding twelve months (if
the factory was then, in existence)...........................................................
(b) To be carried on the factory during the next twelve months
The Factories Rules, 979 167
• Women
Girls H
Maximum number of workers (including contract labour employed
on any day during the previous twelve months) ............................
11. Amount of fee/ Renewal fee Taka ... ................. çraka ................... ) '•
paid in ................... Treasury /Bank on ....................(vide chalan No••
..enclosed) for the year ending 31st December, 20............
Subject to the provisions of the Factories Act, 1965 The licence shall
remain in force till 31st December, 20.........................
Valid for I Category Date of Late '. fee Signature
the-yo Renewal payment for and date
Renewal of the
- 2 3 4 6
The Factories Rules, 1979
See rule 10 (2)
Thumb Thumb
impression impression
Result of
11 12 13 . 14
The Factories Rules, 1979 171
See rules 12,33 and 57 (8) (b)
.. ....................................
Signature of Occupier
Name and address of the Factory .....................................
174 The Factories Rules, 1979
•. Form No. See rule 46(4)
Distinguishing . Reference No. of Date and name Remarks (giving
No. or mark and certificate of . test by whom carried brief particulars
description to and examination . - on of . defects and
identify . the .. . steps taken).
machine, chain,: .
lifting tackle or . . .
i . .j •13 14
FORM NO. 9. See rule 46 (4) .
4 5 6 7
• FORM Na 13
See rules 72 and 75
I Startiniz time I Stopping time Intervals for rest.
Signature of Manager
The Factories Rules, 1979 177
See rules 72 and 75
Name of Factory:
Registered No.................
Group No. Group No.
Nature of works Nature of works
Starting Stopping Intervals Starting Stopping Intervals
time time for rest time time for rest
Monday.. . . .
Si,gnaturr ofMona,ger
Signature ofManger
178 The Factories Rules, 1979
See rule 73
Name of Factory
Registered No.
The month of ...................................20
The period ........... 20 ........... to ......... 20
1. 2 3 .4 5 6
Serial Name. Nature of Group No Particulars R
No. work of transfer
from one
group to
See rule 75.
1 2 3 •. 4 5 6 7 8
Serial Name Name Nature Number Group Particulars Remarks.
No. of of of No. of transfer
parent work. certificate from one
or of group to
guardian ______ fitness. another
The Factories Rules, 1979 179
See rule 77
Period of leave
Annual Annual leave Casual leave. Sick leave.
leave No. of From No From No From.
Date of due on days of of
grant of the date days days.
2 3 4 5 .6 7 8
Signature Signature/
Leave due after adjustment. of L.T.I. of
Manager worker
Annual Casua Stick
leave I leave leave.
9 10 11 12 13
180 The Factories Rules, 1979
See. rule 78
Shall be the name as 'From 16' but shall be made Out separately for
each worker on a thick bound sheet