Naskah MC Bahasa Inggris
Naskah MC Bahasa Inggris
Naskah MC Bahasa Inggris
Opening :
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning ladies and gentleman.
Thank you to each and every one of you for being here today at this wonderful place.
I am Muhamad Haikal, it’s a greatest chance for me to be your MC in this very special occasion.
The Share and Care event with the theme “ One Day, One Care and Share”.
1. The Respectable, Ms. Lindawati S.E., M.Si. ( The Head Department of Management Program,
Faculty Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University)
2. The honourable, Mr. Purbo Jadmiko S.E., M.Sc. ( The Secretary of Department of Management
Program, Faculty Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University)
3. The honourable, Dr. Akmal, S.E., M.Si. ( The lecturer in the Faculty Economic and Business, Bung
Hatta University)
4. The honourable, Mr. Ahmad Putra S.E. ( The Alumni Management student class of 2019 of
Faculty Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University)
5. The honourable, Mr. Muhammad Rahyu Afani S.E. , M.Si. (The Alumni Management student
class of 2019 of Faculty Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University)
6. The honourable, Head of Student Representative Council Faculty Economic and Business, Bung
Hatta University, or representing
7. The honourable, Head of Student Executive Board Faculty Economic and Business, Bung Hatta
University, or representing
8. The honourable, All The Leaders of Student Associations of Faculty Economic and Bussiness,
Bung Hatta University, or representing
9. The honourable, Mutiara Hanum (Head of Management Student Association, Faculty Economic
and Bussiness of Bung Hatta University)
10. The honourable, Sindi Clowdia (Chief Committee of Share and Care Event Faculty Economic and
Business, Bung Hatta University)
11. The honourable, The Stering Comitee of Management Student Association, Faculty Economic
and Business, Bung Hatta University
12. The one we proud of, Management Student Association Comitee and Especially, the beloved
audience, our new Management student of Faculty economic and Bussiness University of Bung
First of all, lets say thanks to Allah SWT who has give us guidance, healthy, and mercy so we can
attend and participate in this special event without any obstacle.
Praise and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us to the path of light
from the darkness in this life.
Agenda :
Let's not waste the time, we're going to start this agenda.
1. Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an who will be recited by Andre. To
Andre, please.Thanks to Andre, Who has recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah Always gives
us Guidance and healthy. Amin.
2. The second agenda is Singing Indonesia Raya who will be lead by Ummi Habibah. We present to
you Ummi Habibah. ( the audience please, stand up.) (the audience please sit down)
3. The next Agenda is greeting speech by Chief Committee of Share and Care event, Management
Student Association, Faculty Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University would you please
welcome, Sindi Clowdia.
4. The next agenda is greeting speech by Head of Management Student Association, Faculty
Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University. To Mutiara Hanum time is yours.
5. The next agenda is greeting speech by Aditya Saputra, Head of Student Executive Board of
Faculty Economic and Business Bung Hatta University, we present, Aditya Saputra or
6. The next agenda is greeting speech and the opening ceremony by Head Department of
Management Program Faculty Economic and Business Bung Hatta University, Would please
welcome Ms. Lindawati S.E., M.Si.
7. The next agenda is The chorus Mars Mahasiswa, which will be present by the choir. To the Choir
the floor is yours.
8. The next agenda is reciting the prayer, who will be recited by Geovanny Tedmondya. To
Geovanny, we please.
9. The next agenda is our main event which will be hosted by moderator, we present to you, Gita
Mai Rani.
10. The next session is special performance by Afifah Windi and Agung Permana Putra. To Afifah and
Agung, time is yours.
11. The next agenda is entertaiment by Fini Aulia Rahmi, to Fini time is yours
12. The next agenda is Introducing session of The Management Student Association
- Program kerja yang pertama, Wawancara Perekrutan Komting yang diangkat oleh Divisi
Khusus dengan ketua pelaksana Fany Ayu Hasnah Amalia yang diadakan di Gedung 2
Fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis Universitas Bung Hatta.
- Program kerja selanjutnya, Management Humanity yaitu proker dari Divisi Humas dengan
ketua pelaksana Ahmad Restu Soekansa yang diadakan di Panti Asuhan Ashabil Rayan
- Proker selanjutnya adalah Bussiness Plan, Proker dari divisi Penalaran dengan ketua
pelaksana Kardandi Gusri yang diadadakan di Ruang Sidang Fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis
Universitas bung hatta.
- Program kerja selanjutnya, adalah Seminar Nasional, proker dari divisi Penalaran dengan
ketua pelaksana, Anisa Septa Dwi Flora yang bertempat di Gedung 6 Lantai 4 Universitas
Bung Hatta.
13. …
- Dan Angelita Sholeha sebagai Wakil Ketua Umum
- Dan Titin Sugiarti selaku Sekretaris Umum 2,
- Dan Yelfi Rahmadini selaku Bendahara Umum 2,
- Devisi selanjutnya yaitu Devisi Humas dengan Koordinator, Fadila Selvany dan sekretaris
devisi, Najmi Annisa serta anggota nya, Anjelly, Diana Putri, , Sindi Clowdia, Agiska Siti Farras
Novia Marga Lena dan Ahmad Restu Soekansa
- Terakhir, Divisi Minat Bakat, dengan koordinator Nia Ratnasari dan sekretaris devisi, Olivia
Salsabila dengan anggotanya, Nadia Aguwintia, Nindy Wulan Syafitri, Selvia Tujli Ermi, Viki
Saputra dan Aris Okta Rizal
14. ……
Closing :
Ladies and gentlemen, this is The series of Share and Care event Student Association of Management
Program, Faculty of Economic and Business, Bung Hatta University. Thank you very much to the
speakers, moderator, committee and participants who have attended and listened to the event from
beginning to end. I am master of ceremony, apologize for all the shortcomings and mistakes,
hopefully you all have pleasant day.
Thank You, and
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.