Master of Ceremony Guidance Bilingual PKM GT SSC by Heru

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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning ladies and gentlemen
In this great occasion, Im Heru Setiawan And Im Novita Ana Anggraini . We
are privileged to be your master of ceremonies.
Welcome to the great event presented by Semarang State University, that is
workshop PKMGT-AI (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tulis dan
Artikel Ilmiah) 2011.
Ladies and gentlemen
This is our honor that some distinguished guests have attended among us. Here
we are having :
The honorable, Vice of Dean Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Drs Edy
Soedjoko, M.Pd Good morning, Sir.
The honorable, Advisor of Scientific Paper Mathematic and Natural Science
Faculty, Drs. Moh. Asikin. M.Pd. Good morning Mom
The honorable , The chairman of the commitee, Miss Arnita cahya saputri. Good
Mari kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan
rahmat, hidayah serta inayahNya kepada kita semua, sehingga kita dapat
berkumpul dalam acara workshop PKMGT-AI 2013 dengan tema Bersama
Workhop PKM GT AI Semangat Berkarya Raih Prestasi dalam keadaan sehat
wal afiat.
Shalawat serta salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Nabi junjungan kita
Rasullullah Muhammad SAW, semoga kita semua bisa mendapatkan syafaatnya
kelak di yaumul akhir.
We have a lot agenda a head of us. We would like to inform the rundown agenda
of the opening ceremony.
1. Opening
2. Reading The Holy Quran
3. Singing the National Anthem
4. Speeches
5. Closing

Ladies and gentlemen
Now lets go to the first agenda, that is opening. Lets open this activity by say
Basmala together . Bismilahirrahmanirrahim.
Thank you, hopefully this activity would run smoothly.
The second is the recitation of holy Quran, that would be delivered by Mr.
Fatchun Naim. Floor is yours. Thank you to Mr. Yanuar
Acara selanjutnya adalah menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan kita Indonesia Raya yang
akan di pandu oleh... Para tamu undangan dimohon berdiri. Terimakasih
Acara selanjutnya adalah sambutan-sambutan. Sambutan yang pertama akan
disampaikan oleh ketua panitia , kepada saudara Arnita cahya Saputri, kami
persilakan. Terimakasih
The next speech would be delivered by the vice of Dean Mathematic and Natural
Science faculty, Drs Edy Soedjoko, M.Pd. Floor is yours. And please declare this
activity opened officially. Thank you
Sambutan selanjutnya akan disampaikan oleh Ibu Dra. Sri Mantini R.S,
M.Si.selaku pendamping SSC 2013. Kepada Ibu Mantini kami persilakan.
Acara yang terakhir adalah penutupan. Mari kita tutup upacara pembukaan ini
dengan bacaan hamdalah bersama-sama. Alhamdulillahirabbil alamin.
Well, Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the opening ceremony. If we had
make mistake, please appologise to you and please forgive us. Thank you so much
for your attention. Good morning
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Acara selanjutnya adalah acara inti, kepada tamu undangan yang terdapat agenda
lainya kami persilahkan untuk meninggalkan ruangan.

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