Env Prog and Sustain Energy - 2022 - Juel
Env Prog and Sustain Energy - 2022 - Juel
Env Prog and Sustain Energy - 2022 - Juel
DOI: 10.1002/ep.13928
Remediation and Treatment
chromium, heavy metal, Napier grass, phytoremediation, tannery sludge
1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N nature, these metals can persist in soil and water for a long time as
insoluble or bioavailable form and increase the possibility of leaching
In the tannery, solid wastes, for example, raw trimmings, limed flesh- from the dumping sites/contaminated soil to groundwater or nearby
ing, shaving dust, buffing dust, finished trimmings, and sludge from surface water.3–5 Also, cultivating crops in the sludge amended soil
effluent treatment plant (ETP) are common. The discharged wastewa- can lead to migrating metals into the food chain that can cause bio-
ter from the tannery produces a large amount of tannery sludge. Juel magnification.6 Such transformation of heavy metals into the food
et al reported that tannery sludge contains a high amount of chro- chain is a major threat for their high toxicity and indefinite persistence
mium (Cr) with some extent of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb). in the environment.7–9 Many researchers reported that soil pollution
Cr-rich tannery sludge management has become a great challenge for with heavy metals has considerably amplified the growing need to
Bangladesh as it is mostly dumped without any pretreatment. Shukla reduce pollution for getting fresh air, water, and food.10,11 Decontami-
et al reported that the application of tannery sludge for soil amend- nation of heavy metals from the ecosystem as well as soil, water, and
ment or cultivation would contribute to increased heavy metals con- air could make the environment healthy. In recent years, many cleans-
centration in soils. Because of their (heavy metals) non-biodegradable ing or decontamination processes for soil have been developed such
1 of 8 © 2022 American Institute of Chemical Engineers. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ep Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2022;41:e13928.
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JUEL ET AL. 2 of 8
as surface capping, solidification, chemical oxidation, soil vapor extrac- 2.3 | Analysis of plant
tion, electrokinetic extraction, and soil flushing12–14 but these pro-
cesses have some basic limitations such as cost, easiness of The cultivated plants were collected after the 16th and 20th weeks
application, and site-specific suitability.15 Hence, researchers/ for further analysis. The Napier grass was divided into its roots,
scientists are trying to find an eco-friendly process to decontaminate shoots, and leaves. They were brushed to remove visible dust particles
the heavy metals from the contaminated soil. and soil. Then, they were washed thoroughly with tap water to
Several researchers use phytoremediation to decontaminate the remove contaminants and finally rinsed with deionized water care-
soil2,16,17 due to its versatile benefits5,18 with the high potentiality of fully. The cleansed samples were chopped into small pieces and oven-
heavy metals accumulation.12,19–21 However, heavy metal accumulation dried at 80 C to stop the enzymatic reaction and stabilize the sample
in plants from contaminated soil varies and phytoremediation efficiency until constant weight. After drying, samples were ground with a labo-
depends on the diversity of plant species.3,22,23 Also, heavy metals ratory pulverizer machine (Fritsch, Pulverisette 14, Germany) and
tolerant and naturally growing plant species is an important factor sieved on 2 mm mesh, mixed homogenously, and stored for further
for the efficiency of phytoremediation.24 The Napier grass analysis.
(Pennisetum purpureum) has extraordinary morphological and bio-
logical properties, especially immense deep root system, resistance
and resilience to an extensive variety of unfavorable climatic and 2.4 | Digestion of plant sample
edaphic conditions.25 The Napier grass (P. purpureum) is easily
grown and available in several parts of Bangladesh. Digestion of plant samples was carried out following the APHA stan-
In this study, the heavy metal phytoextraction efficiency of dard method 3030.26 About 0.5 g of each ground sample (roots,
Napier grass (P. purpureum) from the contaminated tannery sludge shoots and leaves) was mixed with 5 ml nitric acid (65% HNO3) in a
was evaluated. Also, the temporal variation of the heavy metal uptake beaker. The mixture was placed on a hot plate and heated at 125 C.
efficiency on different parts of the plants was assessed. Additional HNO3 was added till forming brown fumes. The mixture
was cooled and 1–2 ml of hydrogen peroxide (30% H2O2) was added
and heating was continued until the digested residue was clear. Then,
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS the temperature was reduced to 80 C and continued heating until
near dryness. The residue was clear as the digestion was completed.
2.1 | Sampling Diluted nitric acid and deionized water were added at the ratio of 1:2
to dissolve digest residue and the samples were filtered and made up
Tannery sludge was sampled from the ETP dumping site near Apex to 25 ml. The filtrate was collected for metal quantification.
Tannery Ltd., Gazipur, Bangladesh. A clean polyethylene bag was used
to collect the sludge sample and brought to the laboratory for the
experiment. The garden soil was collected from the university campus 2.5 | Digestion of sludge sample
of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna,
Bangladesh. The collected sludge and garden soil were sun-dried for Digestion of tannery sludge sample was carried out following the
3 days to minimize the moisture content and prepared for the sowing USEPA standard method 3050B27 through acid digestion. About 2.0 g
of seeds. The seed of Napier grass was collected from the local seed ground tannery sludge sample was mixed with HNO3 (10 ml); placed
market of Khulna, Bangladesh. on a hot plate at 95 ± 5 C and refluxed for 10–15 min. After cooling,
5 ml HNO3 was added and refluxed for 30 min. Seldom, HNO3 was
added to remove the brown fume. After cooling, deionized water
2.2 | Sowing of Napier grass seeds (2 ml) and H2O2 (3 ml) were added. The mixture was allowed to warm
for the commencement of the peroxide reaction. The mixture was
Two different clean plastic buckets were prepared for the seed sow- cooled and additionally, 1 ml H2O2 was added and continued warming
ing of Napier grass. One was filled with only tannery sludge and the until the fizziness of the solution was found minimum. Finally, the
other was garden soil for comparing the growing tolerance of Napier mixture was heated to make the solution volume to 5 ml and allowed
grass. The buckets were placed in a well-ventilated place with avail- to cool. After cooling, the suspension was filtered through filter paper
able sunlight. Cow dung as compost was used in both buckets to (Whatman No.1) and made up to 100 ml. The filtrate was stored for
assist the plants' growth in a small amount with the interval of further analysis.
4 weeks (a total of four times). Proper care was made with sufficient
watering of the plants. The seeds were grown as plants with proper
care and the plant was taken for further assessments after the 16th 2.6 | Elemental analysis
and 20th weeks. During Napier grass cultivation, temperature of the
environment was 20–30 C. All other criteria and environments were The metals Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb in the acid digested aliquots of tannery
maintained the same for the two buckets. sludge and plants were quantified by flame atomic absorption
19447450, 2022, 6, Downloaded from https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ep.13928 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [21/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
3 of 8 JUEL ET AL.
spectroscopy (Shimadzu AA 7000). The instrument was calibrated by TABLE 1 Heavy metals comparison with standards
running three standards and blank. Three measurements of each sam- Metals Tannery Sludge DoE29 USEPA30 Unit
ple were carried out and the mean value was reported in this study
Cr 12685.5 ± 50.2 900 3000 mg/kg
with standard deviation. The limits of detection of the AAS for Cr, Zn,
Cu 371.6 ± 115 800 4300 mg/kg
and Cu were 0.001 mg/L and Pb was 0.01 mg/L, respectively.
Zn 265.3 ± 35 2500 7500 mg/kg
Pb 65.7 ± 4.5 900 840 mg/kg
The phytoextraction efficacy of heavy metals was calculated based on The initial amount of Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb in the tannery sludge were
the initial heavy metal amount in the tannery sludge and the accumu- 12,686, 371, 265, and 66 mg/kg, respectively which follows the following
lated amount of heavy metals in plants after 16 and 20 weeks. The order Cr > Cu > Zn > Pb. The Cr concentration was found to be 14 and
metal accumulation factor (A) of Napier grass was calculated according 4 times greater than the application and sludge management standards
to Wilson and Pyatta28 equation. recommended by the Department of Environment (DoE), Bangladesh,
and USEPA standards respectively. Other than Cr, concentrations of all
CTMP other studied metals were found to be below both DoE and USEPA per-
Accumulation factor ðAÞ ¼ 100 ð1Þ
missible limits (Table 1). In our result, it is revealed that TS is highly
housed with heavy metal Cr, which creates a serious obstacle to its
where A, CTMP and CTS represent the accumulation factor (%), amount proper utilization or proper management. Hence, decontamination or
of total metal accumulation in the plant, and metal concentration in immobilization of Cr in tannery sludge by phytoremediation may be a
tannery sludge, respectively. possible way of safe disposal or best-fit utilization strategy.
Translocation factor (TF) signifies how much the heavy metals translo- Table 2 depicts the growing tolerance of Napier grass which was tested
cate from the root part to shoot part of the same plants. It could be by harvesting in tannery sludge and garden soil into two different pots in
calculated as parallel. Napier grass was harvested in the tannery sludge for 16 weeks,
the length of the root, shoot and leaves were between 8–18 cm,
Concentration of metal in shoots of plants grown on tannery sludgeðmg=kgÞ 61–76 cm, and 13–38 cm, respectively. At 20 weeks, the length of the
TF ¼
Concentration of metal in roots of plants grown on tannery sludgeðmg=kgÞ
root, shoot, and leaves was between 8.5–22 cm, 91–113 cm, and
20–43 cm, respectively. In compliance with the growth rate of different
parts of the plants, the dry mass yield of Napier grass on 20 weeks
showed an average of three times more yield than 16 weeks plants for
both the garden soil and tannery sludge where the root, shoot, and leaves
3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION were found to be 3, 5 and 1 times more yield in the last 5 weeks
(16–20 weeks), respectively. This could be due to the maturity stages
3.1 | Characteristics of tannery sludge of plant parts on 20 weeks and showed the highest growth with signifi-
cant mass yield. In addition, the total dry mass yield of Napier grass
Table 1 depicts the metal content of tannery sludge. The pH value of grown on garden soil at 16 and 20 weeks were 258 and 945 g/m2
raw tannery sludge (TS) was 7.8 indicating slightly alkaline whereas whereas the grass grown on tannery sludge was calculated for 253 and
the favorable pH ranges for the best microbial activities in soil range 952 g/m2, respectively as depicted in Table 2. There was no substantial
from 6.6 to 7.3. The pH of tannery sludge after 20 weeks of cultiva- difference in the dry mass yield of Napier grass harvested in the garden
tion of Napier grass was reported at 7.2. This decrease in pH from 7.8 soil and tannery sludge in this study. Thus, Napier grass could be reg-
to 7.2 may be due to the extension of the treatment period which is arded as a well-tolerant plant, which could be grown on tannery sludge
designated as the “alkalizing” effect of TS. A similar result of pH to extract heavy metals.
decrease in TS was reported by Shukla et al. About 15% of organic
content (OC) was found in the collected tannery sludge whereas OC
of soil remains generally 1%–5% and most often soil contains 1%–2% 3.3 | Heavy metals accumulation in Napier grass
of organic matter.31 This high amount of OC helps in plant growth as
well as supplies nutrition to the plants.2 The electrical conductivity The mass fraction was used to calculate the metal uptake in the differ-
(EC) of the TS was noticed at 25 mS/cm, which signifies that there is a ent parts of the plant (root, shoot, and leaf). The Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb
huge amount of inorganic metals in the collected TS. accumulation in the plant on weeks 16 and 20 are shown in Table 3.
19447450, 2022, 6, Downloaded from https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ep.13928 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [21/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
JUEL ET AL. 4 of 8
TABLE 2 Dry mass (g/m2) yield comparison of Napier grass in tannery sludge and garden soil on weeks 16 and 20
16 week 20 week
The Cr uptake in the root from the tannery sludge on weeks 16 and for 16 weeks and 22, 30, 4 mg/kg for 20 weeks, respectively. It
20 were 422 and 685 mg/kg, respectively. On the other hand, Cr in denotes that 20 weeks of matured Napier grass can accumulate more
the shoot and leaves were reported at 413 and 94, mg/kg respectively metal in its different parts than 16 weeks of plants showing significant
at 16 weeks whereas at 20 weeks it was found 1112 and 101 mg/kg. remediation of metals from tannery sludge, which is in congruence
It is noticeable that Cr accumulation in the root and shoot was maxi- with Shukla et al.2
mum and substantially increased from 16 to 20 weeks signifying more
accumulation in matured plants. Further, it is evident from Table 3
that shoot is the part of Napier grass which accumulated the highest 3.4 | Estimation of decontamination efficacy
amount of Cr (413 and 1112 mg/kg on 16 and 20 weeks respectively)
from tannery sludge whereas leaves showed the minimum accumula- Table 4 shows the heavy metals decontamination efficacy of Napier grass
tion of Cr. Several researchers showed that the shoot part of plants cultivated on tannery sludge. The Cr removal efficiency from the tannery
can uptake more amounts of heavy metals than the other parts of the sludge on weeks 16 and 20 was 37% and 66%, respectively. It is obvious
plants.2 Other researchers also investigated the phytoremediation of that metal removal increased over time and reported a 29% increase in
heavy metals from sewage sludge and revealed similar results for the the last 4 weeks for Cr (Table 4). There was a moderate and insignificant
Napier grass Cr accumulation which is in congruence with this increase of Cu and Zn metal accumulation respectively at 16 and
study.32 20 weeks. On the other hand, Pb removal on weeks 16 and 20 was
In the case of Cu, accumulation behavior is completely reversed reported at 66% and 90%, respectively signifying a high degree of Pb
from Cr uptake. The root of Napier grass was found to be more accu- accumulation in 16–20 weeks (i.e., 24% increase in the last 4 weeks) and
mulator of Cu (e.g., 91 and 179 mg/kg for 16 and 20 weeks, respec- was the most accumulated metal (respect to percentage) by Napier grass
tively). In our result, the order of Cu accumulation in Napier grass from TS in the present study. Although, metals Cu, Zn, and Pb content in
cultivated on tannery sludge follows root > shoot > leaves. Although the tannery sludge were below the standard limit set by a different orga-
the initial amount of Cu (372 mg/kg) was much lower in concentration nization (Table 1) but accumulated in plants considerably higher. There-
than the amount of Cr (12,686 mg/kg) in the raw tannery sludge, fore, the Napier grass was found to be effective to accumulate heavy
uptake of Cu in Napier grass was noticeable. Zn accumulation showed metals especially Cr from the highly contaminated tannery sludge.
a similar trend as Cu indicating the highest concentration of 94 mg/kg Besides, Napier grass has a high biomass production capacity grown on
in the root parts of plants after 20 weeks. Although, the total concen- TS in 16 and 20 weeks shown in Table 2, which signifies that Napier can
tration of Zn in TS did not exceed sludge application and management grow in such hardy medium like tannery sludge and could be an excellent
standards set by DoE and USEPA, obviously amount of Zn accumula- option for metal remediation. Pilon-Smits33 reported that the selection of
tion in different parts of plants (e.g., roots, shoots, and leaves) in this plants with high biomass production and good phytoremediation capacity
study will enhance the suitability of Napier grass cultivation on highly leads to an ideal technique for phytoremediation where the plant can
Zn contaminated sludge for further use. Accumulation of Pb in roots, grow adequately hardy and in a competitive climate. Eapen and
shoots, and leaves of Napier grass also shows the same trend found D0 Souza34 reported some essential factors to be considered during
for metal Cr in this study, and the concentration was 17, 16, 1 mg/kg selecting the plant for phytoremediation. Danhet al25 observed the
19447450, 2022, 6, Downloaded from https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ep.13928 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [21/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
5 of 8 JUEL ET AL.
TABLE 5 Comparison of metal accumulation in Napier grass with the previous studies
phytoremediation capability of Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) for parts of plants. Several researchers pointed out that heavy metal accumu-
different metal series as Zn > Pb > Cu > Cr. In this study, the lation in harvestable parts of plants showed a significant phytoextraction
phytoremediation capability of the Napier grass series was Cr > capability as the harvesting of the roots of the plant is not practical.15,37
Zn > Cu > Pb and the uptake capacity of different parts of the On the other hand, plants with TF values less than the unit are considered
plant was shoot > root > leaves. As the TS contain a very high phytostabilizing plant.38 From the calculated results, the TF value of Zn
amount of Cr, therefore, Napier grass is more suitable for (0.558) and Cu (0.270) in 20 weeks shows the phytostabilizing effect.
phytoremediation of tannery sludge dumping sites. However, Therefore, it is beneficial to grow Napier grass for the phytostabilization
heavy metal uptake by the different parts of the Indian mustard of heavy metals in the contaminated sludge, which will reduce the envi-
plant was reported in root > shoot > leaves and for Marigold ronmental threat caused by the re-deposition of dead vegetation.39 How-
root > leaves > shoot and heavy metals uptake of the Indian mus- ever, the order of metal translocation in this study follows
tard and Marigold plant were Zn > Cr > Cu > Pb and Zn > Cr > Cr > Pb > Zn > Cu.
Pb > Cu, respectively.
A comparison of metal accumulation by Napier grass in different
contaminated sites throughout the world was made and is shown in 3.6 | Linking of the metal amount in soil and plant
Table 5. Among the different contaminated sites, Napier grass culti-
vated on tannery sludge showed a higher amount of metal accumula- In this research, the Pearson correlation coefficient among Cr, Cu, Zn,
tion (Table 5). This implies that Napier grass could be one of the and Pb was studied for showing the strong and poor relationships
potential phytoremediation agents of tannery sludge. between metal accumulations in Napier grass as depicted in Table 7.
A significant positive correlation was found in the metal Cr with Pb
and Cu with Zn, which denotes that the element Cr and Pb and Cu
3.5 | Estimation of TF and Zn accumulate in the same manner. Strong correlation revealed a
high amount of these metal accumulation in the plants computing the
TFs greater than unity signify an efficient translocation of metals from Napier grass as a promising phytoremediation plant leading to be used
root to shoots of a plant. Results from Table 6 indicate that the TF value as a biomass fuel which is in congruence with the other studies.3,32,40
of Cr and Pb were reported as more than unity and was 1.623 and 1.339, The relationship was significant at p < 0.05. All other correlation was
respectively. It implies that Napier grass has a higher translocation ability found insignificant and the p-value was more than 0.05 for the rest of
of Cr and Pb, which may be considered a potential plant for the the correlations. Such relationships revealed that Napier grass has
phytoextraction of heavy metals, especially Cr. Also, the shoot is the har- strong heavy metal accumulating effects on the ecological polluted
vestable part of Napier that could be an ideal phytoextracting plant as it soil; it is a favorable plant to smile in biomonitoring of heavy metal
translocates more amounts of metals (e.g., Cr and Pb) to the harvestable ions, which can be used as biomass fuel.3,32,40
19447450, 2022, 6, Downloaded from https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ep.13928 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [21/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
JUEL ET AL. 6 of 8
Bioconcentration factor (BCF) Translocation factor (TF) This study reveals the phytoextraction capabilities of Napier grass
on raw tannery sludge. Napier grass was able to grow on the tannery
Metals 16 week 20 week 16 week 20 week
sludge and accumulated a very significant amount of heavy metals
Cr 0.073 0.150 0.977 1.623
especially Cr in various parts of the plants. Cr and Pb metal showed
Cu 0.358 0.702 0.287 0.270
a higher percentage of accumulation in the plants and shoot was the
Zn 0.557 0.858 0.438 0.558 most gathered part compared to root and leaf. The growth tolerance
Pb 0.530 0.875 0.929 1.339 of Napier grass on tannery sludge was outstanding compared with
garden soil and the dry mass yield was also very satisfactory in this
research. A total of 20 weeks of harvesting was able to accumulate
more than 66% Cr (8426 mg/kg) in the plants; certifying them as
T A B L E 7 Pearson correlation coefficient between metals in TS
promising plants for Cr removal from tannery sludge. Considerably,
and Napier grass shoot
a higher accumulation of metal was reported at 20 weeks than at
Metals Cr Cu Zn Pb
16 weeks. On the other hand, TF indicated that Cr and Pb could
Cr - translocate much in the shoot from root parts of plants leading to
Cu 0.3420 - making them suitable for biomass fuel. Further, leaves of the Napier
Zn 0.1414 0.8687* - grass can be fed to the animals owing to less accumulation of heavy
Pb 0.9660* 0.4463 0.1745 - metals in it. However, this plant could be an eco-friendly and best-
fit phytoremediation plant to its growth tolerance, metal remedia-
*Signifies the strong positive correlation at p < 0.05.
tion capacity, translocation of metals from roots, commonly cultivat-
ing, and availability in Bangladesh. Finally, highly Cr contaminated
3.7 | Post management of the metals accumulated tannery sludge can be decontaminated with Napier grass and could
in Napier grass be an efficient option before another use of tannery sludge.
The utilization of metals accumulated in Napier grass and its metal AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
separation could be explored in different ways. Researchers have Md. Ariful Islam Juel: Conceptualization (equal); investigation (equal);
established several probable and potential methods including chemi- methodology (equal); writing – original draft (equal). Md. Ashikur
cal and bio-based removal of heavy metals from metal contaminated Rahaman Noyon: Formal analysis (equal); methodology (equal); writ-
sludge, adsorbents, and biomass. Production of bioethanol from ing – original draft (equal). Al Mizan: Validation (equal); writing –
heavy metal loaded Napier grass has been carried out for its safe review and editing (equal). Md. Abul Hashem: Resources (equal);
post management.3 In addition, the Napier grass has been utilized supervision (equal); writing – review and editing (equal). Md. Golam
further for biogas production in biotechnological applications, Azam: Data curation (equal); writing – review and editing (equal).
energy production, reduction of biomass volume by composting, and
use of biomass earlier.41–43 Nevertheless, the use of organic and CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
inorganic acids for chemical leaching has been trialed and got prior- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ity due to its higher efficiency to separate the metals where metals
are dissolved and/or ionized in their hydroxide or other forms.44,45 DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
Other methods conceptualized by the researchers include electrodi- The datasets used and/or analyzed during this study are available
alysis, precipitation, thermal treatment, coagulation, co-precipita- from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
tion, electrodeposition, and biosorption where biosorption has been
reported as the environment-friendly approach for metals removal OR CID
from sludges. For this study, recycling of the accumulated Md. Ashikur Rahaman Noyon https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4866-
metals in Napier grass might be possible through the newly devel- 0932
oped sequential separation method of complex leaching with Md. Abul Hashem https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2340-1475
HNO3 where Napier grass will be dissolved to make a solution.44,46
According to the method, an online biosorption could be carried RE FE RE NCE S
out using sorbent modified by diethylenetriamine (EDTA) as it was 1. Juel MAI, Mizan A, Ahmed T. Sustainable use of tannery sludge in
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