10 Ganjil - Materi Hapalan Hadis Adab Keseharian Muslim en
10 Ganjil - Materi Hapalan Hadis Adab Keseharian Muslim en
10 Ganjil - Materi Hapalan Hadis Adab Keseharian Muslim en
ﺿ ُﺛﱠﻡﺍْﺿَﻁِﺟْﻊَﻋَﻠﻰِﱢ،ﻼﺓ
ْﺷﻘَﻙ َِ ﺻ ﺿﺄﻭُﺿﻭَﺀَﱠ
ﻙﻟِﻠ ُْ َﺟَﻌَﻙَﻓَﺗﱠَﻭ َ َِﺫﺍ ﺃََْﺗﯾ ﺇ
"When you come to your bed, perform ablution as for prayer, then lie down on your right
،ِﻣَﻥﺍﻟﱢﺭ َﺟﺎِﻝ ِﺑﺎﻟﱢﻧ َﺳﺎ ِﺀ ْﯾَِﻠﮫَﻭَﱠﺳﻠَﻡﻋ ﺍْﻟ ُﻣَﺗ َﺷﱢﺑ َﻥِﮭﯾ ُ ﱠ ِﷲ
ﱠﷲ َﺭُﺳﻭُﻝ ﻟَﻌَﻥ
"The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed men who
resemble women and women who resemble men."
،َُْﺑﯾ َﻧ َﻣﺎَﺭُﺟٌﻝَﯾْﻣِﺷﻲِﺑَﻁِﺭﯾٍﻕَﻭَﺟَﺩُﻏْﺻَﻥَﺷْﻭٍﻙَﻋَﻠﻰﱠﺍﻟﻁِﺭﯾِﻕﻓَﺄﱠَﺧَﺭﻩ
َﱠﷲ ُﮫَﻟ َﻓ ﻔ
َُﻐﺭ َﮫﻟ
ُ ﻓَﺷﻛَﺭ
"When a man was walking, he suddenly found a thorny branch blocking the way. Then
he removed it. So Allah thanked him and forgave his sins."
Hadith 9 - The manners of asking permission when entering someone else's house
َ َِﺇَﺫﺍْﺗﺳَﺄَﺫَﻥََﺃﺣﺩُﻛْﺛﻡ
"If one of you has asked for permission three times, but is not granted
permission, then go back"