Understanding an English menu depends not only on knowledge of particular dishes, but also on
familiarity with cooking techniques. The key to these ways of preparing food is the cooker itself.
Contrary to many students’ expectations, the cooker is not the person who prepares the food - that
is the cook - but the machine used to supply heat.
Most cookers have four hot-plates, usually situated on the top surface. Other names for hot-plates
are gas or electric rings. These are used for boiling, steaming, poaching, frying and for
making chips. Below the hot-plates, you normally find the grill which delivers heat from above.
Grilled bacon and toasted bread are commonly eaten for breakfast in Britain. Below the grill, is a
chamber called the oven which is used for roasting and baking. A roast potato is peeled
and cooked in oil, while a baked potato remains in its jacket.
Some words on the menu assume more than one process. For example, a mashed potato is
created first by boiling and then by mashing - crushing the boiled potato with a fork. Butter is
usually added to give the final product a smoother texture.
Discussion questions:
2. Which age-group in your country eats most fast and convenience food?
What could be done to encourage these people to eat more fresh food?
3. Should the law limit the number of fast food restaurants in our towns?
5. Do you think you can get all the nourishment you need from a vegetarian
diet? Would you be happy to eat a vegetarian diet for a week?
7. Should countries try to grow all their own food or is it better to depend
on trade to meet your food needs?
8. Many people in Britain eat too much sugar, butter and salt. How healthy
are eating habits (a) generally in your country (b) in your own family?