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6A Food science

1 Match food items a–f with descriptions 1–6.

1 dairy products 2 nuts 3 poultry
4 processed food 5 processed meat 6 wholegrain

a sausages b cheese c brown rice

d chicken e biscuits f almonds

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

additives ​calcium ​calories ​carbohydrate ​cholesterol ​
fibre ​mineral ​preservatives ​protein ​vitamin

1 We put in our food to make it last for a longer period of time.

2 We use to express how much energy is in our food.
3 Foods like fruit and whole grains have a lot of , which helps with digestion.
4 You can get from eggs, meat and nuts.
5 Iron is an example of a in our food.
6 Pasta, bread and rice are all high in .
7 Tomatoes and strawberries are a good source of C.
8 Manufacturers often put in our food to make the flavours stronger or the colours brighter.
9 Too much from unhealthy fats can be very bad for you.
10 helps us to make our bones stronger.

3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Complete the healthy eating plan for one day. Then compare your plan
with another pair’s ideas. Make suggestions about how they could make their plan healthier.

Your plan looks really delicious, but I don’t think the afternoon snack is very
healthy. Crisps are high in fat, additives and salt. How about an apple?

Today’s Healthy Eating Plan

Breakfast Afternoon snack

Mid-morning snack Supper

Lunch Drinks

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press

  6A Food science
Aims: To review and practise vocabulary for food and
health, and for nutrition.
Time: 10–15 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each student

Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to work
individually to do the matching exercise. Students can
then compare their answers in pairs. You may want to
pre-teach almond.
• Check answers with the class.
1 b  ​2 f  ​3 d  ​4 e  ​5 a  ​6 c

Exercise 2
• Students use the correct words to complete the
sentences. Remind them to read the whole sentence
first and think about the meaning before they do the
gap fill.
• Check answers with the class.
1 preservatives  ​2 calories  ​3 fibre  ​4 protein  ​
5 mineral  ​6 carbohydrate  ​7 vitamin  ​8 additives  ​
9 cholesterol  ​10 Calcium

Exercise 3
• Students work in pairs to devise their own healthy
eating plan. Tell them to use what they have learned
in the lesson about healthy food and a balanced diet.
They should then find another pair of students and
compare their plans, suggesting healthier foods where
necessary. Ask one or two pairs of students to read out
their healthy eating plans and encourage the rest of
the class to comment on them and suggest how they
could be improved.

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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