Yamuna Clensing 2010
Yamuna Clensing 2010
Yamuna Clensing 2010
We all know how important it is to get boilers and cars serviced
regularly. Sewage treatment plants are like any other machine, they
are much more likely to be trouble free if they are serviced on a
regular basis. At Binder we have cost-effective, regular servicing
available to help your treatment plant stay running smoothly for many
years. We ensure that your treatment plant maintains the effluent
quality required.
Binder operates a large fleet of tankers that are available for emptying
domestic septic tanks, sewage treatment plants and cesspools.
We feel that everyone can help to do their little bit for the environment
in general, not just for the treatment and disposal of sewage but in the
whole area of waste management and product consumption. That is
why we believe it is important for homes and businesses to know
about recycling and the "three R's".
Source: Yamunotri
Length: 1,370 km
Coverage: Uttranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Delhi
Tributaries: Chambal, Betwa, Sind & Ken
Himalayan Segment From origin to Tajewala Barrage
Tajewala Barrage to Wazirabad (224
Upper Segment
Barrage kms)
Delhi Segment Wazirabad Barrage to Okhla Barrage (22 kms)
Eutriphicated (490
Okhla Barrage to Chambal Confluence
Segment kms)
Chambal Confluence to Ganga (468
Diluted Segment
Confluence kms)
smaller tributaries. On the basis of area, the catchment basin of
Yamuna amounts to 40.2% of the Ganga Basin and 10.7% of the total
land mass of the country.
Yamuna, a major tributary to the holy river Ganga, is itself one of the
holiest rivers of India and is used by millions as a source for drinking
water besides for bathing and irrigation. In recent years, however, it
has become grossly polluted due to various causes affecting human
health and bio-diversity of the eco-system.
Sewerage Component :
o Interception & Diversion Works including Intermediate
Pumping Stations
o Main Pumping Station & Rising-Mains
o Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
The entire Yamuna River right from its origin to confluence with the
Ganga & its tributaries are subject to human activities, which directly
or indirectly affect the water quality. The pollution potential in the
catchment area depends on various human activities and is
categorized into two groups:Point sources of pollution & Non Point
sources of pollution.
Domestic Pollution
Sewage is discharged into the river without any treatment from the
cities located along the banks of river and its tributaries. This affects
aquatic life and depletes oxygen level resulting into bad odours and
turbidity. The river water does not remain suitable due to pollution, for
uses like drinking, outdoor bathing, propagation of aquatic life,
irrigation and industrial purposes.
Industrial Pollution
Industrial pollution affects water quality in many ways i.e., dissolved
oxygen, temperature & pH etc. Some industrial effluents cause
toxicity. Large and medium industrial units - 22 in Haryana, 42 in Delhi
and 17 in Uttar Pradesh have been identified as directly discharging
and polluting the river Yamuna under the Action Plan area. These
industries include paper, sugar, chemical, leather, distillery and
pharmaceuticals etc. These industries are contemplated to adopt
adequate pollution control measures under the existing environment
laws to ensure that treated effluent confirming the prescribed
standards should only be discharged into the river.
The important non point pollution sources contributing to river Yamuna
are: Agricultural pollution sources & Pollution due to in stream uses of
Agricultural Pollution
Cattle wading
various activities especially for wading in the river water. This activity
affects the water quality through many ways. The faucal matter of the
cattle contributed during wading directly increase the BOD and
Coliforms load of the river water. The cattle wading also contribute
various pathogens in the water, which may cause skin and other
diseases, not only to the other animals but sometimes also to the
human beings using river water directly or indirectly. The vigorous
movement and activities of cattle in the river disturbs the riverbed,
where organic matter and other pollutants are settled in form of
sludge. Due to cattle movements, the settled sludge disturbs and
again mixed with the water deteriorating its quality.
Open defecation
River Yamuna basin is heavily populated with rural and urban centres
where the sanitary facilities are either not existing or not developed.
Therefore, a large part of the population uses river catchment for the
open defecation. This activity thus contributes pathogenic and organic
contaminants in the river catchment, which are washed down to river
stream during rains or sudden release of water from the upstream
dams. Dumping of dead animals, human dead bodies in the river also
affect the water quality of the river.
Clothes washing
Measures of Cleaning River Water
In order to control the water pollution and improve the water quality of
river yamuna, some alternative measures are being taken up.
river, and sometimes partly burnt bodies are thrown into it.
This is due to the fact that the poor are not able to afford the
required quantity of wood for cremation. The firewood
requirement is high per dead body. Therefore, provision of
improved wood crematoria & electric crematoria have been
made under YAP schemes. These will ensure complete
burning of the bodies, saving the river from pollution due to
dead bodies and consume less wood thereby saving trees.
Suggestions made by the company to the Government
towards cleaning of the river:
Build a sense of ownership and participation by the public to
protect the river Yamuna
Develop an integrated approach where there is coordinated
action by all stake holders, NGO, citizen representations, and
academia. Make policies and regulations more effective
Do part By Part revival of the river.
Consider diverting the route of the river for cleaning purposes, a
method which has been successfully deployed in Haridwar.