Pollution Study of River Yamuna: The Delhi Story: Keshav Sharma

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Pollution Study of River Yamuna: The Delhi Story

Keshav Sharma
School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Abstract: Water pollution may be defined as the presence of one or more contaminants or combinations thereof in such quantities and
of such durations in the water tend to be injurious to human, animal or plant life,(aquatic life) or property, or which unreasonably
interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property. In easier words, it is the contamination of water bodies like lakes, rivers,
ponds, seas, oceans and even groundwater. This is due to discharge of environmental pollutants or effluents into water bodies without
treatment. Water pollution affects the entire biosphere, including not only the individual species but also their natural biological
communities. It results in the death of much of the aquatic life residing inside the contaminated water body. It also leads to various
diseases like cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, malaria, dengue, chickingunia, etc. and even fatal in some cases if that water is consumed
without treatment.

Keywords: Water pollution, Delhi Segment, Yamuna, Treatment, Aquatic life, Tajewala Barrage, Confluence, Tributary, BOD, COD, DO

1. Introduction Eutrophicated Segmentand the Diluted Segment are the

respective five segments
River Yamuna or Jamuna is the longest and second largest
tributary of river Ganga in northern India. It originates from A. The Himalayan Segment
Yamunotri glacier at a height of 6,387 metres (20,955 feet) The Himalayan Segment, covering 172 kilometres(107
on the south western slopes of Banderpooch peaks in the miles), lies between the YamunotriGlacier (Uttarakhand)
uppermost region of the lower Himalayas in the state of and Tajewala/Hathnikund Barrage (Haryana). The water
Uttarakhand. Having a total length of 1,376 kilometres (855 quality is best in this region with optimum levels of BOD (0-
miles) and drainage area/system of 3,66,223 square 3 mg/L), COD, TDS and DO (6-10 mg/L)& more or less no
kilometers (1,41,399 square miles), it is the longest river of pollutants. This segment is highly enriched with its scenic
India that doesn‟t meets the sea. It merges with the River beauty, exotic flora and fauna species. Four of its tributaries,
Ganga at the TriveniSangam in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) , Rishi Ganga Kunta, Hanuman Ganga, Tons (largest) and
making it a huge confluence. Giri have already join the main river in this region.

The river Yamuna crosses the following states-Uttarakhand, B. The Upper Segment
Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh From the upper segment, at Tajewala Barrage, the downfall
with its banks situated in cities like Yamunotri, Paonta of the river starts. The upper segment covers a region of 224
Sahib, Yamunanagar, New Delhi, Mathura, Agra, Auraiya, kilometers (139.2 miles) between the Tajewala Barrage and
Ettawah and Allahabd. The river affects the lives of around Wazirabad Barrage(Delhi). At Tajewala barrage, the river
5.7 crores(57 million) Indians on a daily basis as it provides gets diverted into 2 halves- The Eastern Yamuna
its water not only for drinking but for other consumption Canal(EYC) and the Western Yamuna Canal(WYC).
needs(including washing, irrigation, livestock,etc.), energy Generally no river water is allowed to pass between this
needs(providing surface water for thermal power plants, downstream region of the barrage in order to fulfill the water
water for industrial processes & also money needs(tourism demands of the Yamunanagar district and its surrounding
activities). districts (mainly during summer). Whatever the water that
flows between Tajewala Barrage and Wazirabad barrage
The annual flow rate of the river is 10,000 m3 out of which comprise of industrial, domestic and agricultural effluents
4,500 m3 is daily consumed. The river suffices the (not or partially treated). The BOD (1-3 mg/L) , COD and
demanding needs of water for not only the states it passes DO(10-7 mg/L) fall under their respective permissible
through but also for the states of Rajasthan and Madhya limits.
Pradesh. With the continuous rise in water pollution and
increasing demands, will this river will be able to survive in C. The Delhi Segment
the next 2-3 decades. This research paper explores the After crossing the Wazirabad Barrage, finally the Yamuna
reasons for this pollution and tries to find technical and basic River enters Delhi. It travels for 22 kilometres(13.7 miles)
methods of treatment to bring it back from being a sewer. through the northwest, north, northeast, east and south Delhi
The main pollution segment i.e., Delhi segment is the thing regions. It finally leaves Delhi at the Okhla Barrage. 70
majorly focused on. percent of Delhi‟s water needs are sufficed because of
Yamuna (only after treatment) which is claimed as polluted
2. Segments by several agencies as the BOD(3-25 mg/L), COD and
DO(7-1 mg/L) values of the riverwater are seriously bad.
Yamuna is divided into five segments depending on several This is as a result of the discharge of seventeen sewage
hydrological and ecological parameters. The Himalayan drains into the river, The NAJAFGARH DRAIN being the
Segment, the Upper Segment, the Delhi Segment, the biggest one. This segment is declared as the most polluted

Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20177336 1718
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
segment and due to this region the United Nations has Sewage Total Sewage(L) Sewage Treated(L)
declared the river “dead” Generated
Daily 2871 million 1478
D. The Eutrophicated Segment TDS Quantity (mg/L) Permissible Limit(mg/L)
This segment lies between the Okhla Barrage and the 1000-10,000 100
Chambal Confluence covering a spectacular are of 490 BOD Quantity (mg/L) Permissible LIMIT(mg/L)
15-30 3
kilometres(304.5 miles), the largest of all. Soon after leaving
COD Quantity (mg/L) Permissible Limit(mg/L)
Delhi, Yamuna meets its tributary Hindon (a whole rain fed
3-155 1-50
river, originating in the ShivalikHimalaya of length 400 Coliform Level Quantity (mg/L) Permissible Limit(mg/L)
kilometres) at Faridabad-Ballabhgarh border. The river then 11.8 Crore per 100 5000 per 100 ml of water
is sidetracked to the Agra Canalfor irrigation purposes. The ml of water
quality of water in this segment continues to remain bad(as DO Quantity (mg/L) Permissible Limit(mg/L)
flow is decreased due to Mathura Gokul Barrage) but less 0 4
when compared to Delhi segment due to treatment plants set Required Total Required Available Quantity (curses)
up in this segment. Drinking Water (curses)
BOD: 18-6 mg/L , DO: 1-12 mg/L 1480 1221
Forest Cover Existing (%) Required (%)
E. The Diluted Segment 24.2 33
Yamuna River after receiving water through other important
tributaries(Chambal, Banas, Sind, Betwa, Dhasan& Ken) The technical terms as mentioned in the table are explained
joins the river Ganga and the underground Saraswati at in detail as:
Prayag (Allahabad) after traversing about 950 kilometres.
This segments‟ total length is 468 kilometers(291 miles). a) Total Dissolved Salts
The pollution level is under permissible limits as shown Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of mobile
below charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved
in a given volume of water, expressed in units of mg per unit
BOD: 13-1 mg/L, DO: 11-7 mg/L volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million
(ppm). TDS is a measure of the combined content of all
inorganicand organicsubstances contained in a liquid in
molecular, ionized or micro-granular (colloidal sol)
suspended form.

Principal sources for TDS in receiving waters are

agricultural and residential runoff, leaching of soil
contamination and point source water pollution discharge
from industrial or sewage treatment plants.

The most familiar chemical constituents are calcium,

phosphates, nitrates, sodium, potassium and chloride.

The chemicals may be cations, anions, molecules or

agglomerations on the order of one thousand or fewer
molecules so long as a soluble micro-granuleis formed.

b) Biological Oxygen Demand

Biological oxygen demand(BOD) is the amount of dissolved
oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a
waterbody to breakdown organic material present in a given
water sample at certain temperature over a specific time
period. It is expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed
per litre of sample for the biologically oxidizable impurities
during 5 days of incubation at 20° C and is often used as a
robust surrogate to determine the degree of biodegradable
3. The Delhi Yamuna Water Statement organic pollution in water.

The Delhi Segment is the poorest segment of all in the entire c) Chemical Oxygen Demand
journey of Yamuna which contributes in making the river Chemical oxygen demand (COD) testis commonly used to
“the second most polluted river of India”. This can be seen inhonestly measure the amount of organic compounds in
from the following table prepared by the Yamuna Action water. Itis expressed in mg/L. The basis for the COD test is
Plan: that nearly all organic compounds can be completely
oxidized to carbondioxide with a strong oxidizing agent
under acidic conditions. The amount of O2 requisite
oxidizing an organic compound toCO2,NH3&H2O.

Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20177336 1719
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
The COD is determined by refluxing the sample in the a) Industrial Effluent
attendance of excess K2Cr2O7, (as an oxidizing agent). The river is called “mailee” (dirty in hindi) as the colour of
H2SO4 is used to acidify the solution, and Ag2SO4 is added the river is black. The river is stagnant for over 9 months. It
as a catalyst to speed the oxidation of low-molecular-weight is more of an industrial drain as most of the effluents
fatty acids. untreated are dumped in the river by the industrial units..

Mercuricsul fate, (HgSO4), is added to complex any Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) had estimated that
chloride that is present, thus prevent the precipitation of the there were approximately 359 industrial units, which directly
Ag+ catalyst as AgCl. After refluxing for 30min, the solution or indirectly discharge their effluents in Yamuna. A report of
is cooled to room temperature, and the excess Cr2O7 2-is CPCB indicates that there were about 42 industrial units in
determined by aback titration, by means of ferrous Delhi directly polluting the Yamuna.
ammonium sulphate (titrant) & ferroin (indicator).
b) Domestic Waste Water
Since it is difficult to completely remove all traces of According to a CPCB survey, Delhi contributes 23 percent
organic matter from the reagents, a blank titration must be of the total wastewater generated by Class I cities (cities
performed. The difference in the amount of FAS needed to with more than 100,000 people). More shockingly, this is 47
titrate the blank and the sample is proportional to COD per cent of the waste generated by 101 Class I cities and 122
Class II cities (Population: 50,000-99,999) in the Ganga
COD of water (mg/L) = ( 𝐴 − 𝐵 ∗ 𝑀 ∗ 8 ∗ 1000)/Volume basin.
of Sample
The untreated domestic wastewater is dumped in the
Where: Yamuna, which has ammonia in it, increases its
A = FAS used for Blank (mL) concentration. The water becomes untreatable when the
B = FAS used for sample (mL) (content of unreacted ammonia concentration reaches to 0.4 mg/L or more. In
dichromate) Delhi often during summer(March to June), the ammonia
M = Molarity of FAS(M) content in Yamuna River goes above the permissible limit

d) Coliform Level c) Pollution From Agriculture

It is used to determine the level of coliform bacteria present A lot of agricultural activities are done along the banks of
in the water bodywhich indicatesof fecal contamination, the river in Delhi. Crops that are grown along the banks of
which isn‟t directly dangerous but displays the presence of the river are radish, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, tomato,
pathogens. A fecal coliform is a facultative anaerobic, rod- etc. Agriculture, directly or indirectly, pollutes the river
shaped, gram-negative, non-sporulating bacterium. Coliform through ground and surface water runoff of agricultural land
bacteria generally initiate in the intestines of warm-blooded through monsoon & non-monsoon rains & seepage of
animals. Fecal coliforms growin the presence of bile salts or irrigation water,which consists of artificial fertilizer
analogous surface agents, are oxidize negative, and produce residues, insecticides, herbicides, pesticides and farmyard
acid and gas from lactosewithin 48 hours at 44 ± 0.5°C. waste(livestock excreta)
It gravely pollutes the quality of the surface water (here river
water) as there is anelevated risk of injurious diseases like d) Solid Waste
dysentery, cholera, typhoid, ear infections, hepatitis A and Dumping of solid waste and garbage is one of the major
waterborne gastroenteritis. Tests for the bacteria are cheap, problems in Yamuna River. As per the above table, TDS in
reliable and rapid (1-day incubation) for people. In addition Yamuna is 1000-10,000 mg/L while the permissible limit is
it reduces DO, increases BOD, cost of treatment shoots up 100 mg/L. The main reason behind this is the high density of
& affects the aquatic life the population living in the city and the dumping of
untreated water and solid waste into the river. Solid waste
e) Dissolved Oxygen are generally composed of human fecal matter, cow dung,
Number of molecules of O2 dissolved in one Liter of water – generated from various authorized and unauthorized dairy
Expressed as mg/L (ppm).It is one of the best indicators to colonies located in Delhi NCR are being discharged
understand the health of the water body and life sustaining untreated into river Yamuna and are considered as one of the
ability. Most life supporting water systems –4-6 mg/L of major non-point source of pollution. . In other words, every
DO. Factors affecting DO levels are: flush a Delhite does directly gets discharged in the Yamuna
1) Water temperature without any treatment.
2) Organic waste
3) Aquatic plant populations e) Other Sources
4) Water flow There are many other reasons of pollution of Yamuna river
5) Altitude (atm. Pressure) water. In India, rivers are believed to be Goddesses but the
6) Human activities Indian folk only pollute their goddesssuch as on holy and
religious occasions every year,(including Ganpati Visarjan,
4. The Pollutants Chhatth Puja, Diwali, Kojaagar,etc.) thousands of peoples
take a dip in the Yamuna and leave behind worship
The pollution is on a high scale and increasing day by day as materials, polythene bags, clay idols, human excreta,
per the table above. Some of the common pollutants in the account books and floral offerings in the river water, which
Delhi segment are: increases the suspended materials in the water. The
Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20177336 1720
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
superstitious mindset of the peoples has contributed and still As per the report of Delhi Jal Board(DJB) in 2010, the
contributing and escalating the Yamuna River Pollution. treatment plants aren‟t fully used up to their capacities.
Also, some machines used are very old. DJB should make
Due to non-availability of proper sanitation facilities to all, plans making the system more efficient by using the plants
some people uses river catchment areas for defecation, to their optimum capacity, build new plants, develop or
which causes pathogenic and organic contamination in the import new treatment technology. Along with that, smaller
river. This increase the coliform level in the river and lead units can be set up along the 17 drains to reduce the
to not only pollution but increase in water-borne diseases. discharge near the spot only specially the Najafgarh Drain,
which passes from North-west to North delhi.

b) Checking on Agricultural and Industrial Waste

Different bodies like the Ministry of Water and Sanitation,
Government of Delhi should adopt some measures to check
on the increasing pollution by industries and agriculture
fields. Proper disposal techniques should be thought of and

c) Laws and Legislation

As per the new law policy of the Government of Delhi,
headed under Chief Minister Mr. ArvindhKejriwal, barriers
and embankments have been placed or imposed on bridges
Peoples have the habit of dumping unburnt bodies of human and banks along Yamuna to reduce the dumping of waste
beings and animals into the river. According to superstition directly into the river. Special fines and penalties have been
(mostly Hindu religion and other religions), bodies of those decided and implemented for such activities. Along with that
who die from certain diseases (asthma, tuberculosis, leprosy, on auspicious occasions like Ganesh Visarjan, Chatth Puja,
snake bite, poisoning etc.) and those of newborn babies, Diwali, etc special provisions are made to prevent the river
unmarried persons and holy men are consigned to the river. from pollution as now only biodegradable effigies can be
But poor people were also dumping bodies into the rivers to dumped in the river. Policemen and guards are kept on duty
save on costly wood cremation. to check this and other unwanted activites.

Along with this, the Central Government has set a special

drive to clean Yamuna and other rivers. This is regarding the
waterway policy introduced by Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Minister
of roads and transportation, in the year 2016 with the first
one being between Delhi and Agra.

d) Afforestation
As per the Delhi Master Plan 2021, to develop a world-class
city, by Delhi Development Authority, the cleanliness of
Yamuna is important. Funds are raised for new projects to
be undertaken for the protection of the rivers such as
afforestation, tourism and recreational activities.

e) Awareness Through Mass Media

Along with that a separate Mission „Nirmal Yamuna‟
(NYM)has been initiated under which plans to make
Yamuna clean and healthy by 2019. Under this, a program
me named “YAMUNA AARTI” is organized every evening
at QudsiaGhat to aware people about Yamuna‟s importance
and lost treasures and making them realized about the river.
5. Strategies and Policies to Reduce Pollution No diyas, garlands are allowed to be dumped in the river at
the time of AARTI which is not the case in GANGA AARTI
a) Proper Management and Treatment Procedures in Varanasi, Haridwar and Rishikesh. This is done to reduce
Delhi has 17 drains discharging all the sewage directly into the floating waste in the river.
the river. Delhi has 6 Water treatment plants around its
territory with different capacities as: The government has also taken help from different NGOs
for spreading awareness among people and raising funds.
Water Treatment Plant Capacity(MGD) Fund are also provided under the Swatchch Bharat Mission(
Chandrawal(Northeast Delhi) 103 SWA, a Central Government initiative for a clean and
Wazirabad(North Delhi) 132
healthy India)
Haiderpur I & II(Northwest & South Delhi) 225
Nangloi I & II(South & West Delhi) 40
Bhagirathi(East Delhi) 105
Special toilets are decided to be built under SWA and NYM
Sonia Vihar(East Delhi) 140 so as to prevent defection in the river.
Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20177336 1721
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
[7] Wikipedia Engineering Chemistry, by Jain & Jain

6. Conclusion
The pollution study of Yamuna shows us the truth about
how it has been neglected over the years. Delhi, the capital
of the country, boasts to be a developed or a high-tech city
but we have seen the horrible conditions of Yamuna there by
the water analysis. The various reasons have been discussed
above and the various measures and policies have also been
mentioned. But nothing is going to change if we don‟t
change. The blame game can no longer be played &
individual steps need to be taken for the good future of
Yamuna. If Yamuna has a good future, then our future
generations will have a good& prosperous one or Yamuna
will become a page in a history book forever.

[1] YAMUNA RIVER SYSTEM,http://india-
[2] YAMUNARIVER,https://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/r
[3] A RIVER ABOUT TO DIE by Anil Kumar

Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20177336 1722

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