2004 309 BSP80 v9

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Agrément Certificate 2004/309

Copyright © Agrément South

Africa, April 2004 Subject:
BSP 80 Bridge Deck
The master copy of this Expansion Joint
document appears on the
http://www.agrement.co.za Certificate holder:
DSC-Zendon cc
Validity P O Box 6221 DUNSWART 1508
Users of any Agrément Telephone: 011 894 1129 Fax: 011 894 2612
certificate should check its e-mail: [email protected]
status: all currently valid
certificates are listed on the
website. In addition, check
whether the certificate is Active
or Inactive.
The certificate holder is in
possession of a confirmation
certificate attesting to his

Quick guide
Description and use
The BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint is a single gland and
Contents page 4 claw bridge deck expansion joint. The joint is manufactured in
Preamble page 5 South Africa under licence from BSP (Pty) Ltd.
Conditions of The joint is intended for use in concrete bridge structures in all
certification page 6 climatic regions of South Africa and in all types of corrosive
Assessment page 8
This certificate and Agrément South Africa’s assessment set
Technical out in detail in Part 2 Table 1, apply only to BSP 80 bridge
description page 12 deck expansion joints manufactured and installed by DSC-
Zendon cc or one of its licensees as described and illustrated
in this certificate, and where the terms and conditions of
certification are adhered to.

P O Box 395 Pretoria 0001

Telephone 012 841 3708
Fax 012 841 2539
e-mail [email protected]
Figure 1: Typical Section through BSP 80 Bridge Deck Expansion Joint
(New installation or joint replacement)

Figure 2: Definition of movement range and

angle of skew

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Criteria for application of the BSP 80 bridge deck
expansion joint

The BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint is suitable for use

Movement range - combination of where:
contraction and expansion in the
direction of movement. • the movement range is not greater than 80 mm, and
• skew angles of joints are not greater than 45 degrees.

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General conditions

Scope of assessment
Table 1: Assessment


General description
Joint installation procedure (new installations)
Joint installation procedure (existing joint

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This certificate is issued by Agrément South Africa in terms of
the powers granted to it by the Minister of Public Works. This
• has been granted after a technical appraisal of the
performance of BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joints for
the uses covered by the certificate
• is independent of any patent rights that may or may not
subsist in the subject of the certificate
• does not relieve the certificate holder of the obligation to
obtain the prior approval of the appropriate roads
authority for the use of the subject.
Agrément South Africa considers that the quality and
performance of BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joints will be
satisfactory provided that the requirements stipulated in this
certificate are adhered to. However, Agrément South Africa
does not on behalf of itself, or the State, or any of its
employees or agents, guarantee such quality or performance.
Where required, guarantees for the product must be agreed
between the client and the certificate holder.
Responsibility for the proper exercise of the quality-
management system and compliance with the requirements of
this certificate resides with the certificate holder.
No action for damages, or any other claim whatsoever, lies
against Agrément South Africa, its members, the State or any
of its employees should the said components and materials
fail to comply with the standard set out in the certificate issued
by Agrément South Africa.
Interested parties who are in any doubt about any detail or
variation should contact Agrément South Africa.
The validity of this certificate is reviewed every three years.
The certificate shall remain valid as long as Agrément South
Africa is satisfied that:
• the certificate holder complies with the general and
specific conditions of certification and the technical
requirements stipulated in the certificate
• the performance-in-use of the subject is acceptable
• any changes in relevant legislation, regulations, standards
or Agrément performance criteria have not invalidated
the technical assessment which formed the basis of
Agrément South Africa reserves the right to withdraw the
certificate at any time, should reasonable cause exist.
Notices affecting the validity of this certificate will be published
on Agrément South Africa’s website and in the Government

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This certificate covers only BSP 80 bridge deck expansion

joints that comply strictly with:
• drawings DZ1 and DZ3 (dated 01/07/04)
• DSC-Zendon’s specifications and quality system
• the requirements of this certificate
and which are manufactured and installed by:
• the certificate holder, or
• a licensee appointed and trained by the certificate holder
Licensee – any person or and registered as such with Agrément South Africa.
company appointed and trained
This certificate does not apply to any other product marketed,
by the certificate holder and
registered with Agrément South manufactured or installed by DSC-Zendon cc, or any other
Africa to manufacture and/or entity.
install BSP 80 bridge deck Any person needing to check on details of construction must
expansion joints in accordance refer to the documentation listed above, which is available
with the certificate and authorised from the certificate holder.
by him to claim compliance with
the certificate. It is the certificate A change to any one aspect of the BSP 80 bridge deck
holder’s responsibility to ensure expansion joint could result in changes in the performance of
that a licensee carries out the installed joints. For this reason, no change may be made to
works in compliance with this BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joints unless any such change
certificate and in accordance with is approved in writing by Agrément South Africa before it is
the approved quality system. implemented.

General conditions
The validity of this certificate is subject to the continued
participation of the certificate holder in Agrément South
Africa’s post-certification quality-assurance scheme.
An identification plate having a minimum size of 65 mm by
100 mm, as illustrated below, must be attached to the bridge
Agrément South Africa’s logo as shown in the lower part of
the plate is to be printed on all DSC-Zendon’s BSP 80 bridge
deck expansion joint promotional material.

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• must be requested by the certificate holder prior to
implementing changes to materials or the method of
• will be required by Agrément South Africa if there are
changes to Agrément criteria or if deemed necessary for
any other reason.

This certificate may be withdrawn if the certificate holder or a

registered licensee fails to comply with these requirements.
On behalf of the Board of Agrément South Africa

21 April 2004

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Scope of assessment
The assessment is based on guidelines for the evaluation of
Guidelines. Steyn, Silbernagl and
Nordengen. Guideline document bridge deck joints adopted by Agrément South Africa, as
for evaluation of bridge deck applicable to modular bridge deck expansion joints with
joints. CSIR Transportek, May manufactured metal claws and single glands. The joint has
2001 been assessed as an integral part of a concrete bridge deck
structure and road surface, as described and illustrated in this
certificate. Aspects of the bridge deck or road surface affected
by the installation or performance of this joint, where
applicable, have also been assessed.

In the opinion of Agrément South Africa, when the BSP 80
bridge deck expansion joints are manufactured and installed
by DSC-Zendon or one of their licensees in accordance with
DSC-Zendon’s drawings DZ1 and DZ3 (dated 01/07/04), its
specifications and quality manual, they are suitable for the
uses specified.
Agrément South Africa’s comments on the properties of
materials used and the various aspects of performance of the
BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint are set out in Table 1
below. Each aspect of performance was assessed by experts
in that field.

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Table 1: Assessment

Aspect of assessment Opinion of Explanatory notes

Agrément South
Maintenance plan Satisfactory DSC-Zendon’s inspection plan for
BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joints is
satisfactory; the specified inspection
interval of two years is considered
Movement range Satisfactory BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joints
have been assessed as fit-for-purpose
for applications where:
• the movement range in the direction
of movement of the bridge structure
is not greater than 80 mm
• skew angles of joints are not greater
than 45 degrees.
Vertical movements at the joints are not
considered critical but a maximum of
5 mm over a distance of 100 mm is
Strength Satisfactory BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joints
have been designed to meet the British
Department of Transport’s Departmental
Standard BD 33/88R loading
requirements. These requirements are
comparable to the Austrian RVS
requirements adopted by Agrément
South Africa and are as follows:
• Vertical: 140 kN
• Horizontal: 42 kN
acting over a width of 500 mm. Loads
are inclusive of a dynamic factor.

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Table 1: Assessment (continued)

Aspect of assessment Opinion of Explanatory notes

Agrément South
Fatigue Satisfactory Calculations, testing carried out
overseas and current in-service
performance of BSP 80 joints in South
Africa indicate that fatigue behaviour of
the various components will be fit-for-
purpose over the joint’s service life. Of
critical importance to satisfactory fatigue
resistance of the joint is the proper
welding of the claws to the fish plate
Design for fatigue complies with the
requirements of BS5400 analysis
Part 10. An additional horizontal load
equal to 20% of the vertical load has
been applied for the fatigue analysis.
Results are as follows:
Number of millions of vehicles Fatigue life (years)
(>30kN) per lane per year
2,0 30
1,5 40
1,0 >50
0,5 >50
Durability and Satisfactory Based on a knowledge of the materials
environmental used in the joint manufacture and the in-
resistance service performance of joints, the useful
service life of BSP 80 bridge deck
expansion joints, is assessed as being
not less than 10 years.

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Table 1: Assessment (continued)

Aspect of assessment Opinion of Explanatory notes

Agrément South
Water-tightness Satisfactory When manufactured and installed as
specified, joints will be within acceptable
In the workshop, a 10% NaCl solution
having a 30 mm head must be applied
over a selected portion of joint for a
period of 8 hours. Vulcanised sections
of the seal must be included in the
section of seal being tested. The seal is
to be deformed, both along and across
the joint, to 20 % more than the design
On site the complete installation must
be flushed for half-an-hour and each
end of the joint ponded for a length of
1 m, with a head of 150 mm for 2 hours.
In both tests no moisture may appear on
the underside of the seal.
Quality management Satisfactory The quality system is based on SANS
9001 and, if properly applied to the
manufacture and installation of BSP 80
SANS 9001 Quality management systems bridge deck expansion joints will ensure
– Requirements
that the quality will be consistently
Skid resistance Satisfactory Given the wood float finish applied to
the cast-in-situ concrete nosings and
the narrow width of the joint, skid
resistance is not deemed to be an issue
for concern.
Practicality of Satisfactory Observations of installations in progress
installation indicate that, given adequate training of
staff, the presence of suitable
supervisory staff and suitable
equipment, and adherence to
established quality procedures, joints
can be readily and successfully

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General description
The BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint is a single gland and
claw joint, which may be installed in new structures or used to
replace damaged joints in rehabilitation projects.
The joint is intended for use in all climatic regions of South
Africa and in all types of corrosive environment where:
Movement range - combination of • the movement range is not greater than 80 mm
contraction and expansion in the • skew angles of joints are not greater than 45 degrees.
direction of movement.

The joint is manufactured in South Africa under licence from
BSP (Pty) Ltd.
Pre-cut 12 mm thick steel anchor plates, as shown below, are
welded to the manufactured claw and longitudinal plate/s or
bars at 200 mm centres.

All steel used to manufacture components of the joint meets

the requirements of Grade 300W steel to SANS 1431.
SANS 1431 Weldable structural
Joints are manufactured in lengths to suit available
transportation, handling and project requirements. Where
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short lengths of joint are to be joined on site, depending on
project specifications, they may be either site-welded or
bolted together by means of connecting plates welded to the
ends of metal claws. Where necessary, joints may be trimmed
on site to suit as-built dimensions.
The gland, a detail of which is shown below and which is
installed in the joint only once the joint has been cast into
position, is manufactured from extruded 100% EPDM-based
vulcanised rubber. The EPDM, with one exception, meets the
requirements of ASTM D5973. The exception is the oil swell
requirement which may be relaxed to 100%.

Figure 4: Detail of gland

Steel plates (cover plates) for covering the expansion joint

gap at bridge parapets and across sidewalks (including
kerbs), where specified, are manufactured from Grade 300W
steel to SANS1431. Mechanical anchors used to secure cover
plates are 50 mm long M12 "drop-in" anchors complete with
stainless steel washers. Screws and washers are
manufactured from Grade 316 stainless steel.
The manufactured joint and cover plates are hot-dip
galvanised, after the completion of welding, slotting and
SANS 121 Hot dip galvanized drilling, in accordance with the requirements of SANS 121
coatings on fabricated iron and with a galvanised coating of not less than 105 microns.
steel articles - Specifications and Areas of galvanised surfaces which have been damaged, and
test methods which do not have at least 40 mm of concrete cover once
nosings have been cast, must be repaired. Repairs are
carried out by abrasive cleaning of the areas affected, and
applying two coats of a proprietary brand zinc-rich galvanising
repair coating (Galvaroid, Spanjaard Cold Zinc spray or
similar) in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Joint installation procedure (new installations)

Joint installation follows the asphalt surfacing of the
carriageway over the bridge deck and abutment. Surfacing
follows the temporary filling of the expansion gap and the joint
recess with suitable material.
Saw cuts are made through the asphalt surfacing along the
edges of the joint recess and all temporary filling material is
removed using pneumatic or hydro-demolishing techniques.
Care is taken to ensure that the joint gap is clean and free of
any material which may cause impediment to the movement
of the structure. Surfaces of the joint recess are scabbled to
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remove all laitance. Saw cuts are also made in parapet and
end-block faces to facilitate the formation of recesses to
accommodate the edge beam (nosings) at the ends of joints.
Once the recess has been prepared the reinforcement which
projects into the joint recess is straightened and checked.
Should there be inadequate reinforcement found, additional
reinforcement is provided either by drilling and epoxy
grouting, or by tying in loops. Where additional reinforcement
is to be installed by drilling and epoxy grouting, bars are pre-
bent where possible prior to placing in drilled holes. Epoxy
grout is applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Further bending of the reinforcement, if
required, is only carried out once the epoxy grout has
achieved sufficient strength, so as to prevent damage to the
The recess and reinforcement are cleaned, where necessary,
to ensure that no contaminants are present which could
encourage corrosion or affect the concrete bond to the
The expansion joint components are bolted to joint hangers to
form joint assemblies. Care is taken to ensure that the
expansion joint gap is set to the correct pre-determined
The joint assembly is carefully installed in the joint recess,
suspended from the joint hangers. Where necessary, joint
assemblies are bolted or welded together, as specified, to
form continuous lengths.
Longitudinal reinforcement is placed as specified, and the
previously straightened reinforcement is re-bent to form
stirrups. The use of cutting torches or other heating
equipment to facilitate bending is avoided. Attention is paid to
ensuring specified concrete cover. Where reinforcement is
cut, heated, bent, and possibly welded during installation,
affected areas are treated with two coats of zinc-rich paint as
referred to above.

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In order to prevent concrete from entering the expansion gap
during the casting of the concrete nosings, a compressible
vertical former is installed between both halves of the joint,
which extends down into the expansion gap between the deck
and the abutment.

Prior to the casting of the nosings, the joint is checked for the
• joint alignment (both vertical and horizontal), gap setting
and joining
• the amount, placing and fixing of, and concrete cover to
the reinforcement
• shuttering and blockouts.
Where specified a new-to-old epoxy resin bonding agent is
applied to the exposed concrete surface of the joint recess in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Concrete having a characteristic strength of 40 MPa at 28
days, with an aggregate size of 19 mm or 13 mm, is carefully
placed in the joint recess and compacted. Concrete work
must be carried out in accordance with a relevant nationally
recognised specification.

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Once the concrete has attained its initial set the hangers are
removed and the surface of the concrete nosing is given a
wood-float finish.
Concrete is cured by means of an acrylic emulsion curing
compound applied in two coats, the first coat being applied
within 30 minutes of the concrete surface being finished, and
the second approximately 15 minutes thereafter.
The concrete nosings must not be subjected to any vehicular
loads until the concrete has attained a minimum strength of
30 MPa. Should it be necessary for joints to be subjected to
traffic, plates must be fitted over the joints to protect the
concrete until the required strength has been attained. Due
cognisance must be taken of safety requirements when
making use of plates.

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Once the concrete nosings have attained the minimum
required strength (30 MPa), and protecting metal plates,
where installed, have been removed, preparations can be
made for the installation of the EPDM gland. These
preparations consist of the following:
• the removal of expansion-gap forming material
• the cleaning of gland-anchorage recesses in the metal
• the lubrication of the ‘anchor zone’, using a liquid-
detergent solution. The use of diesel, paraffin or similar
hydrocarbon-based oil or grease as a lubricant is not
• the application of a silicone or similar sealant to the gland-
anchorage recess at positions where site jointing has
been carried out. Sealant is applied over a short length of
the recess on each side of the joint to ensure water-
tightness of the joint.
A continuous length of gland is then installed in the recesses
of the metal claws.
Finally, balustrades, paveways, medians etc. are finished and
cover plates fitted, as specified.

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Permissible movement range of joint

Figure 5: Detail at traffic lanes and shoulders

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Joint installation procedure (existing joint
The existing cover plates, where provided, are removed and
the presence and depth of existing reinforcement in the
confines of the proposed new concrete nosings is established.
The asphalt surfacing and the concrete under it is saw-cut
each side of the joint to form the edge of the proposed joint
recess. The existing concrete is broken out between the saw
cuts to the specified depth to accommodate the new joint.
Care is taken during cutting and removal of concrete not to
damage the existing reinforcement, structural members,
services and/or service ducts.
The expansion gap is cleared of all jointing material and
debris over the full width and depth of the bridge deck.
Where the existing reinforcement that has been exposed in
the joint recess is less than that specified, additional
reinforcement must be provided, as specified.
All other aspects of the joint installation are as for a new
installation, as described above.

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