2004 309 BSP80 v9
2004 309 BSP80 v9
2004 309 BSP80 v9
Quick guide
Description and use
The BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint is a single gland and
Contents page 4 claw bridge deck expansion joint. The joint is manufactured in
Preamble page 5 South Africa under licence from BSP (Pty) Ltd.
Conditions of The joint is intended for use in concrete bridge structures in all
certification page 6 climatic regions of South Africa and in all types of corrosive
Assessment page 8
This certificate and Agrément South Africa’s assessment set
Technical out in detail in Part 2 Table 1, apply only to BSP 80 bridge
description page 12 deck expansion joints manufactured and installed by DSC-
Zendon cc or one of its licensees as described and illustrated
in this certificate, and where the terms and conditions of
certification are adhered to.
Scope of assessment
Table 1: Assessment
General conditions
The validity of this certificate is subject to the continued
participation of the certificate holder in Agrément South
Africa’s post-certification quality-assurance scheme.
An identification plate having a minimum size of 65 mm by
100 mm, as illustrated below, must be attached to the bridge
Agrément South Africa’s logo as shown in the lower part of
the plate is to be printed on all DSC-Zendon’s BSP 80 bridge
deck expansion joint promotional material.
21 April 2004
Scope of assessment
The assessment is based on guidelines for the evaluation of
Guidelines. Steyn, Silbernagl and
Nordengen. Guideline document bridge deck joints adopted by Agrément South Africa, as
for evaluation of bridge deck applicable to modular bridge deck expansion joints with
joints. CSIR Transportek, May manufactured metal claws and single glands. The joint has
2001 been assessed as an integral part of a concrete bridge deck
structure and road surface, as described and illustrated in this
certificate. Aspects of the bridge deck or road surface affected
by the installation or performance of this joint, where
applicable, have also been assessed.
In the opinion of Agrément South Africa, when the BSP 80
bridge deck expansion joints are manufactured and installed
by DSC-Zendon or one of their licensees in accordance with
DSC-Zendon’s drawings DZ1 and DZ3 (dated 01/07/04), its
specifications and quality manual, they are suitable for the
uses specified.
Agrément South Africa’s comments on the properties of
materials used and the various aspects of performance of the
BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint are set out in Table 1
below. Each aspect of performance was assessed by experts
in that field.
General description
The BSP 80 bridge deck expansion joint is a single gland and
claw joint, which may be installed in new structures or used to
replace damaged joints in rehabilitation projects.
The joint is intended for use in all climatic regions of South
Africa and in all types of corrosive environment where:
Movement range - combination of • the movement range is not greater than 80 mm
contraction and expansion in the • skew angles of joints are not greater than 45 degrees.
direction of movement.
The joint is manufactured in South Africa under licence from
BSP (Pty) Ltd.
Pre-cut 12 mm thick steel anchor plates, as shown below, are
welded to the manufactured claw and longitudinal plate/s or
bars at 200 mm centres.
Prior to the casting of the nosings, the joint is checked for the
• joint alignment (both vertical and horizontal), gap setting
and joining
• the amount, placing and fixing of, and concrete cover to
the reinforcement
• shuttering and blockouts.
Where specified a new-to-old epoxy resin bonding agent is
applied to the exposed concrete surface of the joint recess in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Concrete having a characteristic strength of 40 MPa at 28
days, with an aggregate size of 19 mm or 13 mm, is carefully
placed in the joint recess and compacted. Concrete work
must be carried out in accordance with a relevant nationally
recognised specification.