Protect Application or System software
Protect Application or System software
Protect Application or System software
This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
Modifying default user settings to conform security policy
Modifying previously created user settings to update security policy
Ensuring legal notices displayed at logon
Accessing information service
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Document and report client requirements
Meet client requirements in line with organizational requirements.
User access control (UAC) is defined as the capacity of an organization and its systems to
allow or deny a user or an object access to its systems and resources. A user can be restricted
from accessing a program, database or file. An object in this definition represents passive
entities such as a system or a process. Systems and processes under the UAC are also restricted
from accessing other processes and programs.
User Account Control (UAC) helps prevent malware from damaging a PC and helps
organizations deploy a better-managed desktop. With UAC, apps and tasks always run in the
security context of a non-administrator account, unless an administrator specifically authorizes
administrator-level access to the system. UAC can block the automatic installation of
unauthorized apps and prevent inadvertent changes to system settings.
UAC allows all users to log on to their computers using a standard user account. Processes
launched using a standard user token may perform tasks using access rights granted to a
standard user. For instance, Windows Explorer automatically inherits standard user level
permissions. Additionally, any apps that are started using Windows Explorer (for example, by
double-clicking a shortcut) also run with the standard set of user permissions. Many apps,
including those that are included with the operating system itself, are designed to work properly
in this way.
Other apps, especially those that were not specifically designed with security settings in mind,
often require additional permissions to run successfully. These types of apps are referred to as
legacy apps. Additionally, actions such as installing new software and making configuration
changes to the Windows Firewall, require more permissions than what is available to a standard
user account.
When an app needs to run with more than standard user rights, UAC allows users to run apps
with their administrator token (with administrative groups and privileges) instead of their
default, standard user access token. Users continue to operate in the standard user security
context, while enabling certain apps to run with elevated privileges, if needed.
1.1.2. Components of User Access Control
The UAC comprises three main components. Each of these components are governed by a set of
UAC policies forming management policy. The three components are:
Identification and authentication are two processes that determine who or what, if at
all, has access to any of the systems and resources. Without proper identification and
authorization, policies dictate that absolutely no access to the system or resource is
granted. Without a valid passport, unique to an individual, the visa is not granted.
Authorization determines what an authorized user or object can access and the scope of
that access. As a non-immigrant you can shop at any mall or store but you do not have
right to access the free national health care system as a national would.
Accountability identifies and establishes exactly what the user or the process did within
the system once access was granted.
1.2. User Access Control Policies
These policies detail the specifics which are used in enforcing the restrictions by the user access
controls on the systems.
A. Identification Policies
1. User access—users must reveal their identity to the system. This means that the user needs to
tell the system who he/she is. This is done by using a username.
2. Object access—the system must identify the object requesting access to the system using a
matching identifier previously stored within its database. Identification is achieved by the use of
identifiers such as computer names, MAC addresses, IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, or Process
Identification (PI) numbers.
Required identification policies must:
uniquely identify the user or object. The identifying parameter must be unique to that
individual or process alone. There cannot be two people with the same username, e.g.
''jackie27,'' existing on the system.
not identify the users based on the relative importance (designation) with respect to the
not be a commonly used or shared account name such as ''user'', ''process'', ''admin'',
''sysadmin'' or ''root.''
Each app that requires the administrator access token must prompt for consent. The one
exception is the relationship that exists between parent and child processes. Child processes
inherit the user's access token from the parent process. Both the parent and child processes,
however, must have the same integrity level. Windows protects processes by marking their
integrity levels. Integrity levels are measurements of trust. A "high" integrity application is one
that performs tasks that modify system data, such as a disk partitioning application, while a
"low" integrity application is one that performs tasks that could potentially compromise the
operating system, such as a Web browser. Apps with lower integrity levels cannot modify data in
applications with higher integrity levels. When a standard user attempts to run an app that
The following shows how the logon process for an administrator differs from the logon process
for a standard user.
By default, standard users and administrators access resources and run apps in the security
context of standard users. When a user logs on to a computer, the system creates an access token
for that user. The access token contains information about the level of access that the user is
granted, including specific security identifiers (SIDs) and Windows privileges.
When an administrator logs on, two separate access tokens are created for the user: a standard
user access token and an administrator access token. The standard user access token contains the
same user-specific information as the administrator access token, but the administrative
Windows privileges and SIDs are removed. The standard user access token is used to start apps
that do not perform administrative tasks (standard user apps). The standard user access token is
then used to display the desktop (explorer.exe). Explorer.exe is the parent process from which all
other user-initiated processes inherit their access token. As a result, all apps run as a standard
user unless a user provides consent or credentials to approve an app to use a full administrative
access token.
The credential prompt is presented when a standard user attempts to perform a task that requires
a user's administrative access token. Administrators can also be required to provide their
credentials by setting the User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for
administrators in Admin Approval Modepolicy setting value to prompt for credentials.
The UAC elevation prompts are color-coded to be app-specific, enabling for immediate
identification of an application's potential security risk. When an app attempts to run with an
administrator's full access token, Windows 10 or Windows 11 first analyzes the executable file to
determine its publisher. Apps are first separated into three categories based on the file's
publisher: Windows 10 or Windows 11, publisher verified (signed), and publisher not verified
(unsigned). The following diagram illustrates how Windows determines which color elevation
prompt to present to the user.
1. Type UAC in the search field on your taskbar. (If the search field isn't visible, right-click
the Start button and choose Search.)
2. Click Change User Account Control settings in the search results.
3. Then do one of the following:
o To turn UAC off, drag the slider down to Never notify and click OK.
o To turn UAC on, drag the slider up to the desired level of security and click OK.
4. You may be prompted to confirm your selection or enter an administrator password.
5. Reboot your computer for the change to take effect.
Always notify.
The UAC prompt is shown when apps try to install software or make changes to your
computer and when you try to change Windows settings. The Desktop is dimmed when a
UAC prompt is shown.
This is the default setting for UAC. UAC prompts aren’t shown when you try to make
changes to Windows settings. The Desktop is dimmed when a UAC prompt is shown.
Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (do not dim my
UAC prompts are not shown when you try to make changes to Windows settings, but the
Desktop isn’t dimmed when a UAC prompt is shown.
Never notify.
Desktop apps in Windows 10 don’t run with administrator permissions and consequently can’t
make automatic changes to an operating system. When a desktop app wants to make system
changes (such as modifications that affect other user accounts, modifications of system files and
folders, or installation of new software), Windows 10 issues what’s called a UAC confirmation
dialog box, where users can confirm whether they want those changes to be made.
If the user clicks No, the changes won’t be made. If the user clicks Yes, the app receives
administrator permissions and makes the system changes it’s programmed to make.
Local Policies. These policies apply to a computer and include the following types of
policy settings:
o Audit Policy. Specify security settings that control the logging of security events
into the Security log on the computer, and specifies what types of security events
to log (success, failure, or both).
o User Rights Assignment. Specify the users or groups that have sign-in rights or
privileges on a device
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. Specify settings to protect the device on
your network by using a stateful firewall that allows you to determine which network
traffic is permitted to pass between your device and the network.
Network List Manager Policies. Specify settings that you can use to configure different
aspects of how networks are listed and displayed on one device or on many devices.
Software Restriction Policies. Specify settings to identify software and to control its
ability to run on your local device, organizational unit, domain, or site.
Application Control Policies. Specify settings to control which users or groups can run
particular applications in your organization based on unique identities of files.
Advanced Audit Policy Configuration. Specify settings that control the logging of
security events into the security log on the device. The settings under Advanced Audit
Policy Configuration provide finer control over which activities to monitor as opposed to
the Audit Policy settings under Local Policies.
1.7. Using appropriate utilities to check strength of passwords and its complexity rules
1.7.1. Best Practices for Password Strength
Before you use password strength checkers, you need to understand a critical aspect of identity
and access management: password best practices. After all, what good is a password validation
tool if you don’t know how to compose a strong password?
Critically, most password strength checkers judge credentials based on two key factors: strength
and complexity. The longer the password, the more time a cracking program requires to uncover
it. A password of twelve characters proves far more secure than a password of eight characters.
Therefore, your enterprise should mandate minimum passwords of at least ten characters and
allow for longer ones.
As for complexity, most users know the general requirements: include letters both upper and
lower case, numbers, and punctuation. However, most identity and password experts recommend
not using sequences in your passwords; hackers’ cracking programs can identify patterns easily
Often, this proves easier said than done; many employees feel overwhelmed by the number of
passwords they must remember to perform their jobs. Regardless, employees should never repeat
passwords in either their professional or personal lives. More importantly, they should never
cross-use their credentials.
The more a password appears across the web, the more likely it ends up in hackers’ hands
through other breaches. With these, hackers can conduct largely successful credential stuffing
Don’t Allow The Sharing of Passwords
This remains a persistent problem across enterprises of all sizes. Employees can and will share
their passwords with others; often they do so to facilitate business processes and efficiencies. Of
course, this leads to more insider threats and a loss of control over users’ access. Put severe
penalties in place for sharing passwords.
Additionally, forbid employees from writing down their passwords, either on physical paper or
in document applications. That almost always leads to significant issues in the long term.
Don’t Incorporate Personal Information into Your Passwords
Stereotypically, birthdays often end up in users’ passwords. However, this precept extends
further than that. Social media research and other kinds of open personal information allow
hackers to conduct significant research on their targets with minimal effort. Obviously, this
allows them to inflict subtler social engineering and phishing attacks.
Less obviously, hackers can use this information to guess users’ passwords. Usually, users create
passwords they can remember easily which means drawing on their interests.
Remember Password Expiration Policies Don’t Work
Although many cybersecurity and identity management providers only now recognize the futility
of password expiration policies. In fact, they can actually cloud your identity security protocols,
as it creates more long term confusion.
All of the precepts described above apply equally to privileged users and regular ones. In fact,
they may apply more to the former; hackers tend to target privileged access credentials more
than regular ones because of the network power they wield.
At the same time, privileged users are subject to the same identity foibles as their regular
1.7.2. Password Strength Checkers and Validation Tools
Of course, you should only use password strength checkers which you can trust. Obviously, a
trustworthy validation tool should never store your passwords in any capacity; they should only
process your passwords in the browser. Again, you should never input your password into sites
you don’t trust.
Another important note is that almost all of these password strength checkers and validation tools
call themselves educational tools; they provide non-binding advice and exist primarily to help
users understand what they need to improve their passwords.
Therefore, you should use these password strength checkers as intended—to demonstrate why
typical passwords don’t suffice in modern identity management. Provide them to your employees
to help them determine how best to write strong passwords and push them away from weaker
ones. Additionally, you can use them to help you formulate your own password policies.
We cultivated a clear list of password vaults we believe to be secure. However, you should do
your own evaluation of these sites to ensure your users’ credentials’ safety.
The Comparitech Password Strength Test provides a strong baseline for other password strength
checkers. For example, the test can demonstrate how long hackers need to crack the inputted
Much like the password checker above, the My1Login Password automatically hashes the
password inputted; this helps establish trust with the validation tool. Also, it too gives an
estimate on the time needed to crack the password.
However, My1Login offers much more conservative timeframe estimates. A super complex
password labeled as 13 sextillion years to crack only requires hackers two years to crack,
according to this tool. If anything, this could be a sobering reminder of the relative security of
C. Thycotic Password Strength Checker
The Thycotic Password Strength Checker can also recognize the most common passwords and
warns against them. Further, it can identify dictionary words, recognizes repeated patterns of
characters, and suggest ways to improve password strength.
D. LastPass: How Secure Is My Password?
From one of the most prominent of password managers, we wanted to include LastPass to
emphasize the potential of password management. Such tools when paired with other identity
and access management solutions can help employees deal with the myriad password demands
of their day-to-day business processes.
1.8. Identify Security Gaps
1.8.1. Authenticating Users
In addition, Windows can authenticate users with the local user database.
Smart Card
Windows 10 also supports authentication using a smart card. The smart card, which is about the
size of a credit card, contains a chip with a certificate that uniquely identifies the user. So long as
a user doesn’t give the smart card to someone else, inserting the smartcard into a computer
sufficiently proves the user’s identity. Typically, users also need to type a password or PIN to
prove that they aren’t using someone else’s smart card. When you combine two forms of
authentication (such as both typing a password and providing a smart card), it’s called
multifactor authentication. Multifactor authentication is much more secure than single-factor
Biometrics is another popular form of authentication. Although a password proves your identity
by testing “something you know” and a smart card tests “something you have,” biometrics test
“something you are” by examining a unique feature of your physiology. Today the most
common biometric authentication mechanisms are fingerprint readers (now built into many
mobile computers) and retinal scanners.
Biometrics is the most secure and reliable authentication method because you cannot lose or
forget your authentication. However, it’s also the least commonly used. Reliable biometric
Destructive software isreferred toasmalware (malicious software) and the term includes viruses,
worms, logicbombs,rootkits, Trojan horses, adware, key stroke loggers and spyware.
Malware is software designed to in filtrate a computer system without the owner's informed
consent; hostile, intrusive, or annoying software.
Data-stealing malware isa threat that divests victims of personal or proprietary information
with the intent of monetizing stolen data through direct use or distribution. This type of
malware includes key loggers, screens crapers, spyware, adware, backdoors and bots.
Malware's most common path way from criminals or malicious developers to users is through
the Internet: primarily by email and the Worldwide Web.
The target of malicious software can be a single computer and its operating system a network
or an application.
2.1.2. The Common Types of Destructive Software
History of Viruses
One of the most recognized terms in the world of cyber security is computer virus. Like any
dangerous biological virus brings alarm to a scientist, the term computer virus brings fear to the
administrators or users of any computer system. Viruses are never a pleasure. So where did
viruses come from? Where and when did they start? How did they grow to become as menacing
as they are today?
Replicating Automata is a mechanism that has the ability of self-multiplication. Its birth came
from mathematical and intellectual curiosity and not from malicious intent. This thought was
initiated in the 1940s and subsequently published in a 1966 paper by mathematician John von
Neumann. In this paper, he documented the possibilities of developing a piece of code that could
copy itself, infect its host just like a biological virus, and cause any number of threats to the host
In 1971, Bob Thomas of BBN created the very first virus, the Creeper Program. It was the first
actual test of the Replicating Automata concept to see whether it was possible. He was successful
and it worked. On each new host it infiltrated, it replicated itself, infected the hard drive, and
tried to remove itself from its previous host.
The History of Computer viruses has had a parallel history with the boom of the Internet, and as
more people are using the World Wide Web to stay connected, threats and security risks are on
the rise. E-mal attachments, visiting suspicious websites and downloading free software all pose
various risks depending on the security level of the computer. Norton antivirus programs can
Macro Virus
These types of virus are written specifically to infect Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel
PowerPoint, etc.) A Word document can contain a Macro Virus. You usually need to open a
document in a Microsoft Office application before the virus can do any harm.
Electronic Mail (Email) Virus
Email can be used to transmit any of the above types of virus by copying and emailing itself to
every address in the victim’s email address book, usually within an email attachment. Each time
a recipient opens the infected attachment, the virus harvests that victim’s email address book and
repeats its propagation process.
2.2. Virus Infection, Removal and Prevention
2.2.1. Virus Infection
The most common way that a virus gets on your computer is by an email attachment. If you open
the attachment, and your anti-virus program doesn't detect it, then that is enough to infect your
computer. Some people go so far as NOT opening attachments at all, but simply deleting the
entire message as soon as it comes in. While this approach will greatly reduce your chances of
All of these symptoms may be caused by viruses, worms, or Trojan horses; however, it’s not the
only thing that may be causing some of the individual symptoms. Some of the symptoms may be
because of faulty hardware or software. Or, they may be caused by overburdening the processes
(running too many programs at once) or the disk space (too many files on the computer). Or, an
older computer just may be wearing down with age, and/or not keeping up with newer software
and operating system.
2.2.3. Preventing viruses
There are several steps a person can take to make sure these symptoms do not appear on their
computer. These include:
Modify behavior – Most cybercriminals depend upon the ignorance of novice computer
users to perpetrate their crimes. Become educated on how cyber attacks can happen.
Never open an e-mail from an unfamiliar sender, and never forward on any chain-type e-
mails. Never give away login and password information, even if it seems to be coming
from a reliable source. And if a claim on a Web site sounds too good to be true, it
probably is – and is probably hiding a cybercriminal.
Use reputable antivirus software – As mentioned before, even the best antivirus
software programs are fallible. However, they’re still the best method of preventing
malware attacks. They’re also hand if malware does pass through, especially if it comes
with removal and backup systems.
Keep computers update – Make sure that all software, especially operating system
software and your preferred Internet browser, contain the most up-to-date patches and
updates. These are usually published to keep computers safe from the latest known
Having a multi-point plan that involves various layers of protection is the best way to stave off
attacks of viruses and other forms of malware.
1. Norton 360 – Best antivirus for individual PC and Mac users. Delivers well-regarded
internet security that can include ID theft protection with LifeLock.
2. TotalAV – Best antivirus for web browsing protection. Actively scans for suspicious
websites and monitors for criminal use of your private information.
3. Intego Antivirus – Best web protection for Mac users. The company is a rarity,
focusing its services and builds primarily on OSX and iOS devices.
4. McAfee Total Protection – Offers well-respected protection for individuals or families.
5. VIPRE Antivirus – Consistently scores above more well-known brands in independent
testing lab analyses.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus regularly scans your device to help keep it safe. We try to do this
while you’re not using your device so it doesn’t interfere with your work. You can also schedule
Microsoft Defender Antivirus to scan at a time and frequency that you choose.
1. In the search box on your taskbar, enter Task Scheduler and open the app.
2. In the left pane, expand Task Scheduler Library>Microsoft>Windows, and then scroll
down and select the Windows Defender folder.
5. Specify how often you want scans to run and when you’d like them to start.
Spam is not an acronym for a computer threat, although some have been proposed (stupid
pointless annoying malware, for instance). The inspiration for using the term “spam” to describe
mass unwanted messages is a Monty Python skit in which the actors declare that everyone must
eat the food Spam, whether they want it or not. Similarly, everyone with an email address must
unfortunately be bothered by spam messages, whether we like it or not.
3.2. Types of spam
Spammers use many forms of communication to bulk-send their unwanted messages. Some of
these are marketing messages peddling unsolicited goods. Other types of spam messages can
spread malware, trick you into divulging personal information, or scare you into thinking you
need to pay to get out of trouble.
Email spam filters catch many of these types of messages, and phone carriers often warn you of a
“spam risk” from unknown callers. Whether via email, text, phone, or social media, some spam
messages do get through, and you want to be able to recognize them and avoid these threats.
Below are several types of spam to look out for.
A. Phishing emails
Phishing emails are a type of spam cybercriminals send to many people, hoping to “hook” a few
people. Phishing emails trick victims into giving up sensitive information like website logins or
credit card information.
Adam Kujawa, Director of Malwarebytes Labs, says of phishing emails: “Phishing is the
simplest kind of cyberattack and, at the same time, the most dangerous and effective. That is
because it attacks the most vulnerable and powerful computer on the planet: the human mind.”
B. Email spoofing
Spoofed emails mimic, or spoof, an email from a legitimate sender, and ask you to take some
sort of action. Well-executed spoofs will contain familiar branding and content, often from a
In a tech support scam, the spam message indicates that you have a technical problem and you
should contact tech support by calling the phone number or clicking a link in the message. Like
email spoofing, these types of spam often say they are from a large technology company like
Microsoft or a cybersecurity company like Malwarebytes.
If you think you have a technical issue or malware on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you
should always go to the official website of the company you want to call for tech support to find
the legitimate contact information. Remote tech support often involves remote access to your
computer to help you, and you don’t want to accidentally give that access to a tech support
C. Current event scams
Hot topics in the news can be used in spam messages to get your attention. In 2020 when the
world was facing the Covid-19 pandemic and there was an increase in work-from-home jobs,
some scammers sent spam messages promising remote jobs that paid in Bitcoin. During the same
year, another popular spam topic was related to offering financial relief for small businesses, but
the scammers ultimately asked for bank account details. News headlines can be catchy, but
beware of them in regards to potential spam messages.
D. Advance-fee scams
This type of spam is likely familiar to anyone who has been using email since the 90s or 2000s.
Sometimes called “Nigerian prince” emails as that was the purported message sender for many
years, this type of spam promises a financial reward if you first provide a cash advance. The
sender typically indicates that this cash advance is some sort of processing fee or earnest money
to unlock the larger sum, but once you pay, they disappear. To make it more personal, a similar
Short for “malware spam” or “malicious spam,” is a spam message that delivers malware to your
device. Unsuspecting readers who click on a link or open an email attachment end up with some
type of malware including ransomware, Trojans, bots, info-stealers, crypto miners, spyware, and
keyloggers. A common delivery method is to include malicious scripts in an attachment of a
familiar type like a Word document, PDF file, or PowerPoint presentation. Once the attachment
is opened, the scripts run and retrieve the malware payload.
F. Spam calls and spam texts
Have you ever received a robocall? That’s call spam. A text message from an unknown sender
urging you to click an unknown link? That’s referred to as text message spam or “smishing,” a
combination of SMS and phishing.
If you’re receiving spam calls and texts on your Android or iPhone, most major carriers give you
an option to report spam. Blocking numbers is another way to combat mobile spam. In the US,
you can add your phone number to the National Do Not Call Registry to try to cut down on the
amount of unwanted sales calls you receive, but you should still be alert to scammers who ignore
the list.
3.3. How can I stop spam?
While it may not be possible to avoid spam altogether, there are steps you can take to help
protect yourself against falling for a scam or getting phished from a spam message:
Learn to spot phishing
All of us can fall victim to phishing attacks. We may be in a rush and click a malicious link
without realizing. If a new type of phishing attack comes out, we may not readily recognize it.
To protect yourself, learn to check for some key signs that a spam message isn’t just annoying—
it’s a phishing attempt:
1. Sender’s email address: If an email from a company is legitimate, the sender’s email
address should match the domain for the company they claim to represent. Sometimes
Email providers have gotten pretty good at filtering out spam, but when messages make it
through to your inbox, you can report them. This is true for spam calls and text messages, as
many carriers give you the ability to report spam as well. You can also choose to block the
sender, often in the same step as reporting the message.
Reporting spam can help your email provider or phone service carrier get better at detecting
spam. If legitimate emails get sent to your spam filter, you can report that they should not be
marked as spam, and that also provides useful information on what should not be filtered.
Another helpful step is to add senders you want to hear from to your contacts list proactively.
Use two factor-authentication (2FA)
With two-factor or multi-factor authentication, even if your username and password are
compromised via a phishing attack, cybercriminals won’t be able to get around the additional
authentication requirements tied to your account. Additional authentication factors include secret
questions or verification codes sent to your phone via text message.
Install cybersecurity
In the event that you click a bad link or download malware sent to you via spam, good
cybersecurity software will recognize the malware and shut it down before it can do any damage
to your system or network. With products for home and business, Malwarebytes has got you
covered wherever technology takes you.
A spam filter is a program used to detect unsolicited, unwanted and virus-infected emails and
prevent those messages from getting to a user's inbox. Like other types of filtering programs, a
spam filter looks for specific criteria on which to base its judgments.
Internet service providers (ISPs), free online email services and businesses use email spam
filtering tools to minimize the risk of distributing spam. For example, one of the simplest and
earliest versions of spam filtering, like the one that was used by Microsoft's Hotmail, was set to
watch out for particular words in the subject lines of messages. An email was excluded from the
user's inbox whenever the filter recognized one of the specified words.
This method is not especially effective and often omits perfectly legitimate messages, called
false positives, while letting actual spam messages through.
More sophisticated programs, such as Bayesian filters and other heuristic filters, identify spam
messages by recognizing suspicious word patterns or word frequency. They do this by learning
the user's preferences based on the emails marked as spam. The spam software then creates rules
and applies them to future emails that target the user's inbox.
For example, whenever users mark emails from a specific sender as spam, the Bayesian filter
recognizes the pattern and automatically moves future emails from that sender to the spam
ISPs apply spam filters to both inbound and outbound emails. However, small to medium
enterprises usually focus on inbound filters to protect their network. There are also many
different spam filtering solutions available. They can be hosted in the cloud, hosted on servers or
integrated into email software, such as Microsoft Outlook.
There are many different types of spam filters. The most frequently used filters include the
Blocklist filters. Blocklist filters block spam emails from senders that have been added to
a comprehensive spammers list. Blocklist filters are updated frequently to keep up with
spammers who change their email addresses relatively quickly. However, if spammers
switch their email domain, the email might be able to trick the system and penetrate the
filter until it is identified once again as spam.
Enterprises often create their own blocklist filter to protect their business interests. For
example, they can block headhunters who seek to poach their top talent for the benefit of
other companies, including direct competitors. They can also block emails deemed to
waste their employees' time, e.g., emails with special offers.
Content filters. Content filters examine the contents of each email and use that
information to decide whether it is spam or not. These filters tend to work because spam
email content is often predictable, offering deals, promoting explicit content or targeting
basic human feelings, such as desire and fear. Those types of spammers tend to use target
words, like special offer or discount, several times, which may trigger the filter. Some
An acceptable spam report rate is a metric set for how many of a company's marketing or status
emails are reported as spam, also known as "junk mail," or unsolicited bulk messages sent
through email.
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Read and interpreting written notices and instruction
Follow routine written instruction in sequence
Give feedback