Saep 302
Saep 302
Saep 302
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Applicable Documents................................... 2
3 Instructions..................................................... 3
4 Responsibilities.............................................. 5
5 Definitions...................................................... 8
1 Scope
This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP) establishes a standard procedure for
obtaining a Waiver to Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs).
The waiver is submitted electronically through SAP e-Waiver Process. See SAEP-301
for the definition and additional information about MSAER documents.
1.1 The scope of an approved e-Waiver Request is limited to the facility, project,
and MSAER. Extending the scope of an approved e-Waiver Request to cover
additional facilities, projects, or requirements in MSAERs shall be accomplished
by submittal of a new SAP e-Waiver Request, and its subsequent approval.
1.4 Generalized "blanket" requests for a project to be exempt from all MSAERs are
not covered by this procedure. Such requests must be jointly approved by the
Chief Engineer, Engineering Services, and an equivalent management level
position in the Proponent organization.
2 Applicable Documents
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-302
Issue Date: 12 October 2005 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 1 July 2007 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
3 Instructions
3.2.2 The waiver request justification shall include a discussion of the impact
of approving the deviation. Document and support cost benefits or
penalties by addressing the following items, as applicable:
• Decrease in facility safety or reliability
• Increase in acquisition cost or life-cycle cost
• Lengthening of overall project schedule
• Adverse environmental impact.
3.2.3 The waiver request shall always identify and analyze other alternatives to
waiving the mandatory requirements.
Commentary Note:
If the following information is missing and not supplied within 3 days, the
waiver request will be returned to the Originator:
• if complete justification, as described above, is not provided
• if it does not have sufficient technical information required for
evaluation processing
• if it is not signed by the appropriate signature authority
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-302
Issue Date: 12 October 2005 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 1 July 2007 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
mandatory requirement has already taken place and the e-WR is "After-the-
Fact", the approval of an e-WR shall be elevated to the Originator's Department
Manager, and may not be delegated to a lower position.
After initiating an e-Waiver Request, the Originator shall review the e-WR with
the Proponent and request approval. If the Proponent approves, he shall sign the
e-WR. If he recommends rejection, he shall attach an explanation and return it
to the Originator. If he requires further technical evaluation prior to making a
decision, he shall attach an explanation of specific factors or concerns that are to
be included in the "Analysis of Request".
The Responsible Department Manager will assign the task of review and
analysis of the e-Waiver Request through normal department work procedures.
3.6.1 If the review determines that the e-Waiver Request is not required, due
to misinterpretation or misapplication of a MSAER, it shall be returned
to the Originator with an explanation note by the Responsible
Department Manager.
3.6.2 If the review and analysis determines that the e-Waiver Request is not
supported and should be rejected, it shall be returned to the Originator
with an explanation of the rejection by the Responsible Department
Manager. See paragraph 3.8 for additional instructions.
3.6.3 If the review and analysis determines that the e-Waiver Request should
be supported and approved, then the analysis shall be documented. If the
Proponent has identified specific factors or concerns, these shall also be
included in the analysis documentation. If there are conditions
associated with the approval of the e-Waiver Request, insert them.
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-302
Issue Date: 12 October 2005 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 1 July 2007 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
3.8.2 If the Originator disagrees with the rejection decision, he must submit an
appeal for reconsideration to the Responsible Department Manager. The
Responsible Department and Proponent Managers will attempt to resolve
the issue. The final authority to approve or reject shall rest with them,
and may not be delegated to a lower position.
4 Responsibilities
4.1 Originator
• Initiate an e-Waiver Request through SAP, including all supporting
documentation to explain why waiving approved mandatory requirements is
the best course of action available to the Company.
• Forward to Other Organizations, as appropriate, that need to participate in
the review and evaluation process.
• Request approval of the e-waiver request from the Proponent. If the
Proponent does not want to approve without additional information, obtain
the Proponent's review requirements.
• Prepare responses to questions or requests for additional information from
reviewing authorities.
• Where justified, submit an appeal of rejected e-Waiver Requests to the
Responsible Department Manager.
• Upon receipt of an approved e-Waiver, if it has Conditions of Approval
(COA) associated, an estimated date of compliance with or completion of
these COA's will need to be returned to CSD's Waiver Processing Desk. A
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-302
Issue Date: 12 October 2005 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 1 July 2007 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
Page 6 of 8
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-302
Issue Date: 12 October 2005 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 1 July 2007 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
The managers of these organizations, after appropriate review, shall concur with
the approval or recommend rejection.
Page 7 of 8
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-302
Issue Date: 12 October 2005 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 1 July 2007 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
5 Definitions
After-the-Fact: If deviation from the mandatory requirement has already taken place,
the approval of an e-Waiver Request shall be elevated to the Originator's Department
Manager. Approval of "After-the-fact" e-WR can not be delegated to a lower position.
Other Organization: Any other organization with a special interest or expertise in the
subject dealt with by the e-Waiver Request.
Standards Coordination (SC): The group who is responsible for the receipt, record
keeping, and tracking of all e-Waiver Requests, regardless of the Responsible
Revision Summary
30 June 2002 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with editorial changes.
26 February 2003 Minor revisions.
31 January 2005 Editorial revision to convert the waiver process from paper-based to SAP e-Waiver
12 October 2005 Editorial revision to add the definition of "After-the-Fact" in Section 5.
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