Acid Base and Salt-1
Acid Base and Salt-1
Acid Base and Salt-1
Acid :-
1. Acid are sour in tase.
2. Turn blue litmess paper to red.
3. Acid dissolve in water to produce +ve iron.
Ex – vinegar, HCl, H2SO4
Chemical properties of Acid :-
Acid + metal carbonate salt + CO2 + H2O
HCl + Na2CO3 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
Base :-
Acid + metal Hydrogen carbonate salt + CO2 + H2O
HCl + NaHCO3 NaCl + CO2 + H2O
Acid + metallic oxide salt water
2HCl + CHO CaCl2 + H2O
Acid + metal salt + H2(g)
2HCl + Zn ZnCl2 + H2(g)
Uses of Acid :-
1. Citric acid Lemon, orange (C6H8O7)
2. Lactic acid sour mix (C3H6O3)
3. Butyric acid Rancid Butter (C4H8O2)
4. Tarteric acid Tamarind (C4H6O6)
5. Acetic acid Vinegar (CH3COOH)
6. Mallic acid Apple/grapes/chenies.
7. Tannic acid Tea (C76H52O46)
8. Stearic acid Fats (C18H36O2)
9. Oxalic acid Tomato, wood sorrel (C2H2O4)
10. Carbonic acid Soda water, aerated drink.
11. Boric acid It is used for eye wash. (H3BO3)
12. Formic acid Red ant (HCOOH)
13. Uric acid It is present of urine of mammal. (C5H4N4O3)
Indicator properties of an acid :-
Indicator Colour changes
(a) Blue litmess paper Turns red.
(b) Methyl orange From orange to Pink.
(c) Phenolphthalein Remain colourless.
-: Uses of Some Important Acid :-
HCl Hydrochloric Acid :-
1. It is used in digestion, and also viewed the bacteria from the stomack.
2. This acid is used as a reagent in the laboratory.
3. It is used in the preparation of dye, colour, manufacturing of of Aquaregia. (HNO3 +
HCl) (1 : 3)
H2SO4 :- (i) It is known as king of Acid.
(ii) This acid is used in purolium exploration and also used in manufacturing of
various drugs, colour.
(iii) It is used is lead storage batteries.
HNO3 Nitric Acid :-
This acid is used in photography and also used in manufacturing of medicine,
drugs and fertilizer.
Acetic acid CH3COOH :-
This acid is used as a solvent.
It is used in the preparation of venegan.
It is used as a preparation of acetone. (C3H6O)
It is found in animal & plant protein acid used to form protein. This is a chemical that
helps new cells in the brain send and receive information from other cells. It may be
twelve in improving memory. Boost the immune system detox body.
Concept of Base :-
Base is a substance which is better in taste.
Turn red litmes paper turn into blue.
It gives OH- hydroxyl Ion in Aqueous solution.
Oxides and Hydroxide of metals are bases.
Water soluble base are called alkali. Eg – NaOH, KOH etc.
-: Indicator Properties :-
Indicator Colour
Methyl orange (yellow)
Phenol Pthalin (pink)
Strength of bases :- Strong bases, Wear bases
Strong bases :- NaOH, KOH
Wear bases :- NH4OH, Fe(OH)3
Acidity of a base :- The removable of OH- Ion from a base is called acidity of a base.
Acidity of NaOH 1 Acidity of KOH 1
Acidity of Ca(OH)2 2
Neutralisation reaction :- Acid and bases react with each other to produce salt and
Acid + Base Salt + H2O
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
Salt :- Salt is obtained when hydrogen of acids is replaced by the metal.
Ex – NaCl, KCl, Na2SO4, CaCO3.
Neutral Salt :- Strong acid + Strong base Neutral Salt
Acidic Salt :- Strong acid + Wear base Acidic Salt
Basic Salt :- Strong base + Wear acid Basic Salt
(Uses of bases/Alkali)
Uses of NaOH :-
Manufacturing of soap.
Purification of petrolium.
Production of cloth paper.
Manufacturing of drugs, cleaning of houses.
Uses of KOH :-
It is used as a reagent in the laboratory.
It is used in the production of soft soap.
It is used as a observer of gases like CO2 and SO2 etc.
Uses of Mg(OH)2 :-
It is used in removing of acidity from human body.
It is used in the form of antidote.
It is used in sugar industries.
Bleaching powder :- CaOCl2
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 CaOCl2 + H2O
Used for bleaching cotton and liner in textile industry.
Used as oxidising agent in chemical industries.
Disinfectant of drinking water.
Baking Soda (NaHCO3) :-
NaCl + H2O + CO2 + NH3 NH4Cl + NaHCO3.
It is mild non corrosive basic salt.
Used as a soda acid fire extingnisher.
It is used for making baking powder.
Used for cake baking, Fast cooking and also used for cooking crispy fritters.
Washing Soda :- Na2CO3.10H2O
2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2.
Na2CO3 + H2O Na2CO3 . 10H2O.
Used in making glass, soap and paper.
Used in manufacturing sodium compound like borax – Na2B4O7.
Used as a cleaning agent in domestic purpose.
Used as remove permanent hardness of water.
Water of crystalisation :- It is a fix no of water molecules present in formula unit of
CuSO4.5H2O Copper Sulfate.
Na2CO3.10H2O Washing Soda.
CaSO4.2H2O Hypsum.
FeSO4.7H2O Green vilrol.
ZnSO4.7H2O White vilrol.
COSO4.7H2O Red vilrol.
Oil of vilrol spirit of vilrol H2SO4.
Sweet oil g Di ethyl ether
CH3 – CH2 – O – CH2 – CH3.