Katrin Mattern Et Al. (2009)
Katrin Mattern Et Al. (2009)
Katrin Mattern Et Al. (2009)
Article in Pediatric physical therapy: the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association · December 2009
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e3181bf53d9 · Source: PubMed
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Intensive home-based treadmill training and walking attainment in young children with cerebral palsy View project
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Purpose: To examine whether an intensive, short-term locomotor treadmill training program helps children
with cerebral palsy (CP) younger than 4 years of age improve their gross motor skills related to ambulation,
walking speed, and endurance. Methods: Six children with cerebral palsy, ages 2.5 to 3.9 years, participated in
treadmill training 3 times per week for 1-hour sessions consisting of 2 individualized treadmill walks, for 4
weeks, and were tested before and after the intervention and at a 1-month follow-up. The outcome measures
included the Gross Motor Function Measure-66, the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, a timed 10-m walk
test, and a 6-minute walk test. Results: Significant differences were found in the Gross Motor Function Measure-66
Dimensions D and E, the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Mobility Scales, over-ground walking speed,
and walking distance. Conclusions: The results of this study provide preliminary evidence that children with CP
younger than 4 years of age can improve their gross motor function, walking speed, and walking endurance after
intensive locomotor treadmill training. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2009;21:308 –319) Key words: activities of daily living,
age factors, cerebral palsy/therapy, child/preschool, exercise therapy, gait, human movement system, physical
therapy modalities/instrumentation, treatment outcome, walking
Characteristics of Participants at Entry into Study
Pediatric Physical Therapy Intensive Treadmill Training for Young Children with CP 309
Study Design and Outcome Measures The test was performed 2 consecutive times with a short
The intervention consisted of 12 treadmill training break between, and the faster time achieved was re-
sessions that were offered 3 times per week for a total of 4 ported. The children subsequently rested until resting
weeks, with 1 or 2 days of rest between sessions. The train- heart rate (HR) returned to pretest values, and then they
ing sessions consisted of 2 sets of treadmill walking with a proceeded to the 6-minute walk test.
small break between sets. The children were encouraged to Six-Minute Walk Test: This test is a reliable and valid
walk for as long as possible and as fast as possible during measure to assess walking endurance in children with
CP.25 The children were encouraged to walk at a self-
each set. All children were assessed at baseline within 10
selected walking speed but were discouraged from run-
days of the start of the intervention period. The post-
ning and were allowed to vary their pace or rest as
assessment was conducted within 7 days after completion
needed. The total walking distance in meters was mea-
of the intervention period, and a 1-month follow-up was con-
sured with a tape measure.
ducted 1 month after the post-assessment. All dimensions
Treadmill Walk: The third method of measuring walk-
of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and 3 do-
ing ability was done by measuring the total distance and the
mains of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
speed walked on the treadmill during the 3 testing periods.
(PEDI) (Mobility-Functional Skills, Mobility-Caregiver
A pediatric weight-support harness system with a hydrau-
Assistance, and Self-Help-Caregiver Assistance) were used
lic lifting mechanism (LiteGait Walkable 100) was placed
as tests of gross motor function. Additionally, performance
over a treadmill with adjustable speed (GaitKeeper
on the timed 10-m walk test, the 6-minute walk test, a
18WST). The subjects were fitted into the harness and
treadmill walk test, and standing balance on 2 feet was mea-
lowered onto the treadmill and were encouraged to take as
sured. The walking tests were conducted at a local facility in
much weight as possible on their legs without buckling.
Davis, California, by the same Pediatric Certified Specialist
The percentage of weight support was calculated by weigh-
(PCS) to ensure the same conditions for each child. All chil- ing the children while in the harness and calculating the per-
dren used their customary lower extremity orthotics during centage in relation to their full body weight. All the children
the walking sessions. Four children wore bilateral lower ex- held on to an adjustable handle bar during the treadmill train-
tremity orthotics and shoes, and 2 children walked only in ing. The children received assistance with hand placement if
shoes (Table 1). they could not maintain their grasp during walking. The chil-
Tests of Gross Motor Function. GMFM: This a stan- dren were given 1 initial training session on the treadmill to
dardized clinical instrument, which is designed to evaluate determine optimal walking speed and harness support. The
changes in gross motor function in children with CP. The optimal walking speed was determined to be the speed at
GMFM has been shown to have high validity and reliabil- which the children were able to take continuous steps with-
ity.21 The GMFM-66 item version was used in this study. out dragging their feet for more than 5 seconds. The treadmill
All the GMFM dimensions (Dimension A: lying and roll- distance and the walking speed were measured at the first
ing; Dimension B: sitting; Dimension C: crawling and intervention training session and the last intervention train-
kneeling; Dimension D: standing; Dimension E: walking, ing session and at the 1-month follow-up.
running, and jumping) were measured in this study. The Balance. Children who were able to stand indepen-
children were videotaped in their homes during all 3 as- dently were asked to stand on both feet as long as pos-
sessments by a PCS with 22 years of pediatric experience. sible, without stepping or external support. Two consec-
The videotapes were analyzed, and the children were as- utive trials were given, and the longer of the 2 trials was
sessed for GMFM levels by a different blinded PCS with 9 recorded in seconds.
years of pediatric experience. Intervention Protocol. The training sessions were
PEDI: This is an instrument that provides a clinical scheduled 3 days per week for 4 weeks, with 1 or 2 rest days
assessment of a child’s current functional performance or after each training day. The intervention lasted for 1 hour per
status.22 The PEDI is designed to evaluate 3 domains: self- day. Five children completed all training sessions, and 1 child
care, mobility, and social function. These domains are eval- missed 2 training sessions because of respiratory illness. All
uated through parent interviews, direct observations, and children participated in their regularly scheduled physical
testing of the functional abilities of the children. The PEDI therapy sessions during the duration of the study. None of the
includes caregiver assistance scales for each domain. The children received additional treadmill training during the
Mobility-Functional Skills domain and the Caregiver As- study period. All children were allowed to engage in their
sistance domains for Mobility and Self-Help were used in normal everyday activities, including walking.
this study. PEDI administration was done in the children’s The starting treadmill speed was determined during
homes by the same PCS who videotaped the children for the initial training session and was increased as quickly as
the GMFM.23 possible throughout the sessions. The speed was increased
Walking Tests. Timed 10-Meter Walk Test: This is a when the children could move their feet independently,
valid and reliable measure to assess walking speed in children with verbal cues or minimal manual cues at the pelvis with-
with CP.24 It can be used to assess self-selected walking speed out dragging their feet for more than 5 seconds. The chil-
or maximum walking speed. The children walked as fast dren walked on the treadmill for as many minutes as pos-
as possible without running and were timed for 10 m. sible to the point of fatigue. During all treadmill walking,
Pediatric Physical Therapy Intensive Treadmill Training for Young Children with CP 311
1-month follow-up
GMFM Dimension E percent score
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 1. Individual GMFM Scores for Dimensions D and E. Subject 2 had scores of 0 for pre-intervention Dimension D and for pre-intervention,
post-intervention, and 1-month follow-up for Dimension E. Means were statistically different between pre-intervention and post-intervention
for Dimensions D and E.
when getting stuck, but all 3 children were able to self- improved by intensive treadmill training in children
propel their gait trainers, which they had previously been with CP. In this study, young children of ages 2.5 to 3.9
unable to do. years with various types of CP and different functional
levels were able to make significant improvements in
Balance their walking ability, as measured by walking distance
Because of their young age and the functional level of and gait speed. They also showed improvement in func-
the children, standing balance on 1 foot could not be at- tional gross motor skills related to standing and walking.
tained by any of the children. Therefore, standing balance These changes, in general, were greater in children with
on 2 feet was used as a measure of balance, which could higher GMFCS levels compared to children with lower
only be attained by 2 of the children. Both the children GMFCS levels at study onset. Additionally, no adverse
approximately doubled their standing balance time from effects such as excessive fatigue or harness discomfort
pre-intervention to post-intervention and continued to from the intensive LTT training program used in this
show gains at the 1-month follow-up. study were observed.
Five of the 6 children were able to improve in their
DISCUSSION functional standing skills as measured by Dimension D
The findings of this study add to the body of knowl- and were able to maintain those skills at the 1-month
edge that functional standing and walking skills can be follow-up. The child who did not show any changes in
1-month follow-up
care giver assist mobility standard score
care giver assist self-help standard score
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 2. Individual PEDI Standard Scores for Functional Skills Mobility Scale, Caregiver Assistance Mobility Scale, and Caregiver Assistance
Self-Help Scale. Means were statistically different for the Functional Skills Mobility Scale between pre-intervention and 1-month follow-up
and for the Caregiver Assistance Mobility Scale between pre-intervention and post-intervention, and between pre-intervention and
1-month follow-up.
Dimension D was ambulatory with a walker at the onset improve in this dimension. This child, who was nonambu-
of the study but had a diagnosis of chronic lung disease latory GMFCS level IV, and dependent in all gravity-de-
causing him to miss 2 training sessions because of respira- pendent positions, had to use partial weight support on the
tory illness. This child did, however, make improvements treadmill throughout the entire study, and had strong
in his functional walking skills as measured by Dimension lower extremity spasticity. Schindl et al11 found that after a
E of the GMFM. An additional 4 children showed improve- 3-month intensive treadmill-training program a decrease
ment in Dimension E. One child with spastic CP did not in assistance was required for ambulation in 3 of 6 children
Pediatric Physical Therapy Intensive Treadmill Training for Young Children with CP 313
1-month follow-up
distance walked in 6 min (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 3. Individual scores for the 10-m walk test (A) and 6-minute walk test (B). Subjects 1, 2, and 3 were not able to complete the 10-m walk
test and the 6-minute walk test for some of the conditions. Means were statistically different for the 10-m walk test between pre-
intervention and 1-month follow-up and for the 6-minute walk test between pre-intervention and 1-month follow-up.
ages 6 to 18 years with spastic tetraparesis who were pre- in this study who were nonambulatory and who com-
viously nonambulatory. This suggests that improvements pletely relied on their caregivers’ ability to provide mobility
in gross motor skills related to ambulation might necessi- because none of the children had access to independent
tate a prolonged intensive treadmill training program for power mobility devices. Although these 3 children used
children with lower GMFCS levels and higher levels of gait trainers, they required maximum assistance for ambu-
spasticity. lation and were usually in adaptive strollers or carried by
In an effort to assess the children’s functioning in so- their parents during community outings. It might be de-
cietal roles according to the International Classification of batable whether the significant results in the caregiver por-
Functioning, Disability, and Health Model of the World tion of the Mobility Scale represented increased participa-
Health Organization,27 we used the PEDI Caregiver Assis- tion in societal roles in these children, but it clearly
tance Scale.22 Caregiver assistance is an important factor reflected a decreased burden on caregivers. Indeed, the
that contributes to a child’s ability to participate in society PEDI is a reliable and valid assessment tool that reflects
at this young age. Parents and guardians play a central role caregivers’ perceptions of the performance of their child
in the child’s ability to fulfill social roles at this age and are and is sensitive to change over time.29
often the sole providers of support during outings in the The primary emphasis of this study was to enable
community.28 This was particularly true for the 3 children young children with CP to take independent steps on the
0.3 ⫾ 0.2
This invariably led to more mistakes during LTT, and a
chance for the children to self-correct before outside
correction was provided. Although the children received
0.3 ⫾ 0.2
kept to a minimum, and the children were not corrected
regarding step height or step length. This is in contrast
to other studies in which facilitation was provided at the
hips, knees, and feet by 1, 2, and, in some instances, 3
therapists.11,14,15,17,19 Furthermore, the amount of weight
0.1 ⫾ 0.0
support was decreased, and the treadmill speed was in-
creased as quickly as possible throughout the interven-
tion period. Three of 4 children who required weight
support at study onset no longer required weight sup-
152.0 ⫾ 143.9* 122.2 ⫾ 87.1†
Pediatric Physical Therapy Intensive Treadmill Training for Young Children with CP 315
with CP as a consequence of locomotor training. Three walking speeds of 0.86 to 0.99 m/sec, whereas mean self-
children with GMFCS levels I and II were able to complete selected walking speed increases to 1.12 and 1.16 m/sec by
the timed 10-m walk test and the 6-minute walk test as part kindergarten age and school age, respectively.36,37 The chil-
of the pretest. By the posttest, 1 additional child at dren in our study who were ambulatory showed self-se-
GMFCS level III was able to complete the 10-m walk test by lected walking speeds of 0.14, 0.55, and 0.59 m/sec by the
independently moving his gait trainer. At the 1-month 1-month follow-up, which is still considerably slower than
follow-up, 2 additional children at GMFCS level IV were those of peers with typical development. However, their
able to walk 10 m with their gait trainers. However, the 3 maximum walking speeds by the 1-month follow-up were
children who used gait trainers for locomotion continued 0.24, 0.86, and 1.34 m/sec, indicating that, with effort,
to need assistance for steering and were able to move their these children could temporarily keep up with their
gait trainers only on level, smooth ground. Although these peers.38
gains were only functional in an optimal environment There were significant improvements in the distance
without barriers, they were reported as major improve- walked during the 6-minute walk test between preassess-
ments by these young children’s parents. Similar results ment and 1-month follow-up in our study. The lack of
have been found after a 4-month LTT intervention proto- significance between preassessment and postassessment
col in 4 toddlers ages 1.7 to 2.3 years.19 However, these (immediately after the intervention period) might indicate
toddlers were younger than the subjects in our study, and that a period longer than 4 weeks is necessary to make
the intervention period spanned a 4-month period, indicat- significant physiological changes in endurance in young
ing that maturation may have been responsible for some of children with CP. These results are similar to those of 2
the positive changes. Although some degree of maturation other studies that did not find significant improvements in
cannot be ruled out in the 2-month period between pre- the 6- or 10-minute walk test after a 6-week LTT interven-
intervention assessment and 1-month follow-up, the great- tion that was offered 2 times per week to children with CP
est gains in our study were made immediately after the aged 5 to 14 years.12,14 These findings indicate that pro-
4-week intervention period, probably indicating that the longed, more intensive LTT programs might be necessary
children improved because of intervention rather than to make physiological changes in endurance.
maturation. Moreover, we cannot discount the role of con- An additional interesting finding was the significant cor-
tinued practice after the intervention period, which may relation (r ⫽ 0.98; p ⫽ 0.004) between self- selected walking
have played an important role in the improvements seen at speed in the 6-minute walk test and walking speed on the
the 1-month follow-up. treadmill. We determined treadmill walking speed based on
Our self-selected walking speed was calculated from the children’s ability to step without dragging their feet for
the 6-minute walk test, and all our subjects showed im- more than 5 seconds. This indicates that the criterion for
provements attributable to the LTT. These improvements selecting treadmill speed in this study was a good reflection of
in self-selected walking speed were similar to those found the child’s self-selected over-ground walking speed. This find-
by Provost et al,12 who reported significant improvements ing suggests that a reliable, clinical estimate of a child’s gait
in self-selected walking speed in children who were ambu- speed could be made by observing the ability to advance the
latory ages 5 to 18 years after 6 weeks of LTT. However, in legs on the treadmill without dragging the feet for more than
2 other studies on school-age children,14,16 improvements 5 seconds. This might prove a useful approach for practitio-
in self-selected walking speed did not reach statistical sig- ners when selecting treadmill walking speed for children with
nificance. The 3 children in our study who were ambula- CP (Table 3).
tory with supporting devices at study onset made relatively
larger gains than did those who were nonambulatory. LIMITATIONS
Their ages were 2.5, 3.1, and 3.9 years. Children who de- A limitation of this study is the lack of a control group
velop typically in this age range achieve self-selected mean for this convenience sample of children with CP. Because
Comparison of Walking Speed Across Tests (m/sec)
Treadmill Walk 6-Minute Walk Test at Self-Selected Walk 10-m Walk Test at Maximum Walk
Speed (m/sec) Speed (m/sec) Speed (m/sec)
1-Month 1-Month 1-Month
Subject Pre-intervention Post-intervention Follow-up Pre-intervention Post-intervention Follow-up Pre-intervention Post-intervention Follow-up
1 0.09 0.18 0.18 Unable Unable Unable Unable Unable 0.15
2 0.04 0.13 0.13 Unable Unable 0.05 Unable Unable 0.05
3 0.04 0.13 0.13 Unable 0.03 0.18 Unable 0.1 0.75
4 0.13 0.45 0.45 0.22 0.46 0.59 0.6 0.8 1.34
5 0.09 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.15 0.14 0.1 0.3 0.24
6 0.09 0.45 0.45 0.33 0.54 0.55 0.4 0.7 0.86
Mean treadmill walking speeds were significantly different between pre-intervention and post-intervention and between pre-intervention and
1-month follow-up.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Intensive Treadmill Training for Young Children with CP 317
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